AFM To MAF Conversion
AFM To MAF Conversion
AFM To MAF Conversion
The photo below shows a Bosch air flow meter from a BMW E30 M3 on the left compared to
the MAF 3.5 sensor on the right that is used to replace it in the Split Second MAF Kit. Note that
the air flow meter has lots of sharp edges and protrusions that can impede air flow. The MAF
sensor has a smooth opening and much larger cross section.
When an engine is modified by changing the air flow meter to an MAF sensor, there are a
number of technical issues that must be addressed. The main challenge is to adjust the response
(output voltage vs. air flow) of the MAF sensor to match the original air flow meter. Other
issues include slowing down the rate of change of the MAF signal to match the response time of
the slower air flow meter. Since the MAF sensor measures mass air flow, its reading is very
sensitive to changes in air density. Air density changes dramatically with elevation which causes
greater changes to the MAF reading than that of an air flow meter. This requires elevation
compensation in the calibration circuitry. All of these technical issues are addressed in the
laptop programmable PSC1-004 which is the heart of the Split Second MAF conversion system.
Since the MAF sensor samples air flow at a point in the air stream, it is also more susceptible to
turbulent air flow. This requires care in the way that the MAF sensor is installed in the intake.
Air flow meters utilize the best technology that was available when they first came into use in
the early days of electronic fuel injection. They produce a varying voltage that is proportional to
air flow. Air flow pushes on a spring-loaded door inside the air flow meter. The door is pushed
open further as air flow increases. The position of the door is measured by a metallic wiper
moving along a resistive element. In effect the air flow meter acts like a potentiometer
producing an output voltage dependent on the angular position of the door and the supply
voltage. The photo below shows the view under the hood of an air flow meter.
Since air flow meters are mechanical devices, they are prone to fail over time. The contacts can
oxidize, corrode or simply wear out with use. You can see a pair of grooves etched into the
resistive element on this AFM which has been in use for several years. When this happens, the
output voltage can completely drop out at certain load points. This inevitably leads to drivability
problems. On older cars, air flow meter problems can cause flat spots, stutters, lack of power
and failure to pass emission testing.
Air flow meters come in several different forms and produce a variety of output voltages. The
earliest ones were designed to operate directly from the +12 V battery voltage on the car and
produce an output over the range of 0 to 9 V. Later units were designed to operate from a
regulated 5 V reference provided by the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and produce a 0-5 V
output. There are other variants that produce a 5 to 0 V output where the voltage decreases as
the flow increases.
Split Second offers different calibrators for each of these types of air flow meters. The PSC1-
004 is used for 0-5 V systems. The PSC1-005 is used on 5-0 V (inverted) systems and the PSC1-
009 is for 0-9 V systems.
Here is a procedure that you can follow to determine which type of air flow meter you have.
MAF Sensors
In contrast to air flow meters, MAF sensors utilize solid state circuitry and a sophisticated
technique to measure the mass of air flow into the engine. This technique is based on a heated
wire or film. The heated element is cooled by air flow. The amount of current required to
overcome the cooling and maintain a constant temperature is directly proportional to mass air
flow. The circuitry inside the MAF sensor turns this current into a precisely calibrated voltage
The amount of fuel required by the engine is directly related to mass air flow. The direct
measurement of mass air flow provides an effective way to control fuel injection over changes
such as temperature, air density, elevation change and aging of engine components.
The photo below shows the circuitry inside an MAF sensor. It utilizes surface mount and custom
integrated circuit technology to produce a very accurate and reliable air flow measurement.
There are a few things to be careful of when using MAF sensors. Avoid dropping the sensor or
exposing it to shock. Avoid excessive oil on rechargeable air filters. The oil can coat and
degrade the sensor element. CRC MAF sensor cleaner can be used to clean the element. Avoid
generic electrical cleaners.
MAF sensors operate from the +12 V battery voltage. They have internal regulation that insures
that the measurement is accurate as battery voltage changes. Most MAF sensors used in
automotive applications have an output signal range of 0-5 V, 0-5 mA or 0-10 kHz. The sensors
used in Split Second MAF kits produce a nominal 0-5 V output signal.
The sensors used in Split Second MAF kits use a sampling tube. This allows the sensing element
which is exposed to a small portion of the cross section to measure total air flow. This works as
long as the air flow is smooth. If the air flow is turbulent, the flow measurement will be
inconsistent. This can lead to serious drivability problems. For this reason, MAF sensors work
best when mounted to an air box or fed by a minimum of 9 inches of tubing. This assures
smooth air flow through the sensor. It is best to avoid mounting a cone filter right at the inlet to
the MAF sensor.
The photos below compare the stock AFM installed on an E30 M3 on the left with the MAF 4.0
sensor installed on the right.
In addition to the larger diameter of the MAF sensor you can see the much larger diameter of the
elbow connecting the MAF sensor outlet to the plenum. While you are opening up the cross
section at the MAF sensor you should also look at other places to make improvements. Many
manufacturers put a small diameter tube on the inlet to the air box. This is done to minimize
intake noise. This tube can be replaced with a larger diameter tube to open up the inlet to the air
Always install the calibration electronics in a location that is relatively cool and dry. Popular
locations are behind the dashboard or in the glove box. The ground wire for the calibrator should
be connected to the ground for the air flow meter. Make sure that the +12 V source used to
power the calibrator holds at full voltage during cranking. Many accessory circuits drop out
during cranking to provide maximum current to the starter motor. If the power to the calibrator
falls off during cranking, the engine will be hard to start.
Most air flow meters have a built in air temperature sensor. Split Second calibrators have a grey
wire that can be used to provide a fixed air temperature reading. Cold start and run during
warm-up can be improved by running a dedicated air temperature sensor. The Split Second
IAT1 is available for this purpose.
The AFM signal shown in red rises rapidly as flow increases from zero. This makes the AFM
very sensitive to small changes in flow at light load. As air flow increases, it pushes harder
against the spring-loaded door and opens it wider. When the air flow is high enough, the door is
pushed all the way open and the signal tops out at its maximum value. That maximum value is at
4.8 V in the example above.
The MAF sensor signal shown in blue has less curvature than the AFM signal. As air flow
increases the output voltage increases at a lower rate compared to the AFM. Even though MAF
sensors may be specified with a 0-5 V output they are capable of generating voltages higher than
5 V with sufficient air flow.
Adjusting the MAF signal to look like the AFM signal involves applying a series of offsets to the
MAF reading. The magnitude of the offset is represented as the height of the arrow shown on
the graph above. In a calibrator like the PSC1-004, the offset is applied according to cell values
in a map table. The voltage from the MAF sensor is broken up into 50 segments in the table.
This provides the resolution needed to fine tune the fuel curve over the entire load range of the
At zero flow, both sensors output zero volts. No offset is required to match the signals at zero.
As the flow increases, an increasing offset must be added to the MAF sensor signal to match the
AFM signal. At the mid-load area, the offset reaches a maximum. The offset decreases beyond
that point. When the MAF sensor signal reaches the AFM signal at its 4.8 V maximum, the
offset value returns to zero. Above 4.8 V an offset is subtracted from the MAF signal to hold it
to a maximum of 4.8V. The calibrated signal must be restricted to the voltage range of the stock
All engines that have an O2 sensor are able to operate in closed loop mode. In this mode the
ECU fine-tunes the fuel mixture as you drive. Most vehicles that have an air flow meter have a
narrowband O2 sensor. The narrowband O2 sensor is highly accurate at 14.7:1 which is known
as the stoichiometric air fuel ratio (AFR). This AFR is targeted for the best compromise between
fuel economy, performance and emissions. Stoichiometric AFR is essential to the proper
operation of catalytic converters.
In closed loop mode, the ECU uses the reading from the O2 sensor to measure the fuel mixture.
This information is used to adjust the injector pulse-width to maintain stoichiometric AFR. This
AFR is targeted during idle, cruise and moderate acceleration. The base fuel, or nominal injector
pulse-width is set according to air flow, RPM and environmental factors. The base fuel is
modified according to O2 sensor feedback through a process called adaptation. Adaptation
occurs both in real time and based on history. Historical adaptation data is stored in volatile
memory that can be cleared by disconnecting the battery on the vehicle for 10 minutes.
A large part of the tuning process involves achieving stoichiometric operation over the light-load
range. This is the range where we spend most of the time in during daily driving. Tuning this
region is essential to achieving good drivability.
ECUs that use narrowband O2 sensors need to be able to switch off the closed loop process to
achieve enrichment. When the closed loop mode is switched of, the engine is operating in open
loop. In open loop, the ECU no longer uses the O2 sensor to fine-tune the fuel mixture. Under
high load conditions, the engine computer targets a richer mixture than 14.7:1 to safely support
the combustion process. An AFR of 12.5:1 is typical for high load conditions.
The single most important tuning tool is the wideband lambda meter. Particularly when mounted
in a bung located in the pre-cat location, the wideband lambda meter will provide a highly
accurate measurement of air fuel ratio. If is it not possible to locate the sensor in the pre-cat
location, you can used a tailpipe clamp. The tailpipe method will usually match the pre-cat
location reading within a variance of 0.3 AFR.
Split Second MAF kits come with the ARM1 air fuel ratio meter. It operates from the stock
narrowband sensor. The main purpose of the ARM1 is to monitor the fuel mixture during daily
driving. Once you become used to how it reads, the ARM1 can be an effective warning that the
tune has changed. The ARM1 can also be an effective tuning tool.
Narrowband oxygen sensors are highly accurate near the stoichiometric point. The entire closed
loop region of operation is tuned for stoichiometric operation. That means that the ARM1 can be
used for most of the tuning that needs to be done. The ARM1 can also be used to tune for the
richer mixtures required at high loads. The tuner has to be aware that the ARM1 will provide an
approximation to the actual air fuel ratio when the AFR is significantly richer or leaner than
14.7:1. If the ARM1 is used to tune the high load region, it is a good idea to verify the tune for
the correct air fuel ratio with a wideband meter.
In order to use the OBDI diagnostic port you will need to use a manufacturer specific diagnostic
tool. Many of these tools are made by manufacturers that serve the automotive aftermarket.
These tools are commonly used by independent shops that do service and repairs. Most scan
tools will show adaptation as a multiplier. A value of 1.00 is neutral. Numbers greater than 1.00
indicate that the ECU is adding fuel (increasing injector pulse width). Numbers less than 1.00
indicate that the ECU is subtracting fuel.
Tuning Basics
Once the MAF conversion is installed we can turn our attention to tuning. Even if a chassis dyno
is available, it is best to get the tune as close as possible on the street before dyno tuning. If a
base map is available for the application, it is best to start there. If no base map is available, you
will have to start from scratch. Before you start the tuning process, clear any adaptation that may
be stored in the ECU. Remove the power to the ECU by either disconnecting the battery or
unplugging the ECU for 10 minutes.
If a scan tool is available for the vehicle, it will provide the best information for tuning the closed
loop region. Tune the engine for neutral adaptation with the O2 sensor connected. If a scan tool
is not available the closed loop region will have to be tuned according to AFR. If you tune
according to AFR you will have to unplug the stock O2 sensor before tuning. Either way you
will be tuning the idle, cruise and moderate acceleration load ranges for 14.7:1 air fuel ratio.
The PSC1 family calibrators use the R4 engine management software. Be sure to familiarize
yourself with the software before using it. A data sheet and app note are available that provide a
good introduction to the software. While tuning it is a good idea to save the calibration file
periodically so you have a way of going back to a previous tune. The R4 software has no save-as
function. Save the file by closing it. The file will automatically save in its current state.
Continue tuning by creating a new file and doing a read-data-from-ECU to put the current
calibration into the new file. You can use the notes section on the R4 main screen to make notes
about the conditions for a specific tune. For example, if you have an adjustable fuel pressure
regulator, it is a good idea to note the fuel pressure used with that file.
The process of tuning the fuel curve is one of coming up with a series of calibration values that
will provide the desired fuel. In the R4 program these calibration values are known as cell
values. These cell values are organized on a table that resembles an Excel spreadsheet. Columns
represent the MAF voltage. The voltage increment between columns is 0.1 V so there are 50
columns covering the 0-5 V range. Rows represent RPM. The RPM increment between rows is
500 RPM so there are 16 rows to represent the 0-8,000 RPM range.
Since the main thing we are tuning is voltage vs. flow, it is best to disregard RPM at the
beginning of the tuning process. We do this by using the same cell value for all cells in a given
column. This simplifies the tuning process from finding 800 cell values down to finding 50
The R4 software does not allow tuning in real time. The procedure for tuning is to evaluate how
the engine is running, make changes to the map table, turn off the engine, write the calibration
file, restart the engine and reevaluate how the engine is running.
Street Tuning
Once you have a map that is close enough to get the engine to start, you can begin tuning. Make
sure the engine is completely warmed up. Adjust the columns in the idle region which is usually
between 0.8 and 1.2 V for 14.7:1 AFR. After the idle is set, free rev the engine to move over a
few columns in the map table. Adjust the columns just above idle for 14.7:1 AFR.
Once you get the car to start, idle and free rev, you are ready for some street tuning. It is best to
do this with two people. Have one person drive the car. The driver can vary the throttle to move
the active cell (shown as a blue highlight) into the desired column. The other person can watch
the fuel mixture and make map table changes. Be careful to avoid running the engine lean under
load. Work your way up in load gradually. If you set one column for 14.7:1 and another column
that is five columns over to 14.7:1, you can fill in the intermediate columns using the autofill
Since you must have the key-on and engine off in order to write a file, the easy way to tune is to
check the tune at several different load points and make changes to several columns before
writing a revised file. With a little bit of experience you will be able to predict how much you
need to adjust the cell values to get the desired change in AFR. Tuning will be a process of
driving the car at various throttle positions and adjusting several different columns in the table.
Conduct you street tuning session on an open road with no traffic around. Get the vehicle into a
light load cruise condition like third gear and a 30 mph constant speed. The blue highlight will
be in the light load region somewhere around 1.5 V. Evaluate the tune. If you are tuning by
AFR and you are getting a lean reading of 16.0:1 for example, you need to increase the cell
values in that region of the table to make the mixture richer. Since tuning does not occur in real
time, the AFR will not change yet. Move up the table by a few columns say to 1.8 V by having
the driver apply a little bit of throttle. Evaluate the tune at that load and make appropriate
changes. Continue moving up on the table and making changes. When you get to about half
throttle, pull the car off the road to a safe location and write the revised file. Repeat the process
until you have the entire load range up to ½ throttle set to 14.7:1 AFR.
The entire load range up to roughly 2/3 throttle is set to 14.7:1. The higher load region is tuned
for a richer mixture in the 12.5:1 range. The point where enrichment begins can be determined
by watching the fuel enrichment number on the scan tool or by monitoring the voltage coming
from the WOT switch on the throttle position sensor.
Complete the tune by adjusting the entire open loop region for the target rich AFR. Note that
you need to keep the calibrated MAF sensor signal within the signal range of the stock AFM.
This is typically around 4.8 V. The fuel mixture will go lean if you exceed that voltage.
As you get closer to the optimum tune in the part-throttle region, you will feel the engine become
more smooth and responsive. This is the part of street tuning that will affect how the vehicle
feels in everyday driving. Pay close attention to flat spots that you feel as the vehicle
accelerates. Note the AFR and location in the map table to identify place where you can fine
tune the map for consistent AFR and smooth acceleration.
If you tune the engine in open loop with the O2 sensor disconnected, be sure to plug in the O2
sensor when you are done. Spend some time driving around with the sensor connected. Allow
the ECU to adapt to the O2 sensor readings. Make sure that the engine settles into a stable state
of tune. If you have the ARM1 connected, you should observe a smooth dither pattern. The
display should sweep back and forth spending an equal amount of time high and low. The dither
pattern should remain smooth and go back and forth faster and faster as throttle position
increases from a light load cruise to the point of enrichment at 2/3 throttle. The tune isn’t right if
at some point during acceleration the display favors one side or sticks rich or lean.
The screen shots below show an R4 fuel map from an actual calibration file used for MAF
conversion. Note that the cell values are the same throughout entire columns. The neutral value
in the table is 10.0. A value of 11.0 adds 0.25 V to the signal. A value of 14.0 adds one volt to
the signal. The mathematical expression for the offset is:
This image shows the light load end of the load range. Note that the cell values start out at 10.0
in the 0 V column. This assures that with zero volts in you get zero volts out. As the voltage
increases, the cell values increase to produce the curvature needed to produce the required signal.
The cell values have a plateau at 11.5 in the 0.9, 1.0 and 1.1 V columns. This produces a stable
idle. The cell value of 11.5 adds 0.375 V to the reading.
Dyno Tuning
Only dyno tune the engine after you have done a complete street tune. Use the dyno to flatten
out the fuel curve over the RPM range at WOT. Use the data recording feature to correlate what
is happening in the R4 program with the results on the dyno. Click start record at the beginning
of the dyno pull and stop record at the end. All recordings are saved in the R4 file by time and
date. You can use RPM to relate the location in the map table with the measured AFR on the
dyno. This will direct you to where you need to make changes to the map table.
During a dyno pull, it is common for the trace to stay within a narrow range of columns at high
RPM increases. This makes it necessary to change cell values by row in the high load region of
the table rather than by column as we do in the rest of the table.
The dyno graph below is for a 2.5L BMW E30 M3 with 284/276 cams and optimized exhaust.
The chart shows the difference in running a stock AFM compared to the MAF 4.0 sensor. The
MAF conversion picked up 14 horsepower. More importantly it shifted the horsepower and
torque curves up over the entire RPM range.
Note that the baseline run in blue is lean with the AFR near 14.0:1 for most of the run. In
addition to making more horsepower and torque, the run with the MAF conversion shown in red
is much richer and close to the 12.5:1 target AFR.