Distancing and Covid-19 N Jones Et Al 25 Aug 2020

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BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m3223 on 25 August 2020. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
1 Nuffield Department of Primary Care Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in
Health Sciences, University of Oxford,
UK covid-19?
2 St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK
Rigid safe distancing rules are an oversimplification based on outdated science and experiences of
3 Somerville College, University of
past viruses, argue Nicholas R Jones and colleagues
Oxford, Oxford, UK

4 St John’s College, University of

Nicholas R Jones, Zeshan U Qureshi, 2 Robert J Temple, 3 Jessica P J Larwood, 4 Trisha Greenhalgh, 1
Oxford, Oxford, UK Lydia Bourouiba5
5 Fluid Dynamics of Disease Physical distancing is an important part of measures normality in some aspects of social and economic
Transmission Laboratory, to control covid-19, but exactly how far away and for life.
Massachusetts Institute of
how long contact is safe in different contexts is
Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
unclear. Rules that stipulate a single specific physical Origins of 2 metre rule
Correspondence to: L. Bourouiba distance (1 or 2 metres) between individuals to reduce The study of how droplets are emitted during speech
[email protected]
transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing or more forcefully when coughing or sneezing began
Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m3223
covid-19, are based on an outdated, dichotomous in the 19th century, with scientists typically collecting
Published: 25 August 2020
notion of respiratory droplet size. This overlooks the samples on glass or agar plates.3 In 1897, for example,
physics of respiratory emissions, where droplets of Flugge proposed a 1-2 m safe distance based on the
all sizes are trapped and moved by the exhaled moist distance over which sampled visible droplets
and hot turbulent gas cloud that keeps them contained pathogens.4 In the 1940s, visual
concentrated as it carries them over metres in a few documentation of these emissions became possible
seconds.1 2 After the cloud slows sufficiently, with close-up still imaging of sneezing, coughing, or
ventilation, specific patterns of airflow, and type of talking (fig 1).5 A study in 1948 of haemolytic
activity become important. Viral load of the emitter, streptococci spread found 65% of the 48 participants
duration of exposure, and susceptibility of an produced large droplets only, fewer than 10% of
individual to infection are also important. which travelled as far as 5½ feet (1.7 m).6 However,
in 10% of participants, haemolytic streptococci were
Instead of single, fixed physical distance rules, we
collected 9½ feet (2.9 m) away. Despite limitations
propose graded recommendations that better reflect
in the accuracy of these early study designs,
the multiple factors that combine to determine risk.
especially for longer ranges, the observation of large
This would provide greater protection in the highest
droplets falling close to a host reinforced and further
risk settings but also greater freedom in lower risk
entrenched the assumed scientific basis of the 1-2 m
settings, potentially enabling a return towards
distancing rule.2

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BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m3223 on 25 August 2020. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 1 | Short range still imaging of stages of sneezing, revealing the liquid droplets from the 1942 Jennison experiment.5 Reproduced with permission

Yet eight of the 10 studies in a recent systematic review showed 1-2 m in a concentrated packet through coughs or sneezes.2 In recent
horizontal projection of respiratory droplets beyond 2 m for particles related viral outbreaks, such as SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV, and Avian
up to 60 μm.7 In one study, droplet spread was detected over 6-8 m flu, multiple studies reported suspected spread beyond 2 m.9 10
(fig 2).2 8 These results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 could spread beyond

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BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m3223 on 25 August 2020. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 2 | Long range video imaging over 8 m of the multiphase turbulent cloud (gas cloud containing liquid droplets of all sizes) from natural human violent emission such as
a sneeze, revealing a range of the cloud, and its droplet concentrated payload, of up to 7-8 m. Reproduced with permission from Bourouiba2

Droplet size, droplet spread Airborne particle spread of SARS-CoV-2

The 1-2 m rule is based on a longstanding framework which Diseases that can be transmitted by airborne particles, such as
dichotomises respiratory droplets into two sizes, large and small. measles and varicella, can travel much further, and in concentrated
The size of a droplet is thought to determine how far it will travel clouds, than those transmitted by large droplets, which drop from
from the infected person. According to studies by Wells, emitted clouds more quickly. They can therefore expose others rapidly and
large droplets fall through the air more quickly than they evaporate at greater distance2 13 and may need different public health
and land within a 1-2 metre range.11 Small droplets (later called measures, including extended physical distancing. Laboratory
aerosols or airborne droplets), typically invisible to the naked eye, studies also suggest SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and MERS-CoV viral
evaporate more quickly than they fall. Without airflow, they cannot particles are stable in airborne samples, with SARS-CoV-2 persistent
move far, remaining in the exhaler’s vicinity. With airflow they can for longest (up to 16 hours).14 15
spread along greater distances.
In a literature search for studies using air sampling techniques to
While conceptually useful up to a point, this dichotomy framework detect viral particles surrounding covid-19 patients, we found nine
overlooks contemporary science about respiratory exhalations.12 studies in hospital and two in community settings. Seven of the
Droplets exist across a continuum of sizes. Contextual factors such hospital studies reported at least one airborne sample tested positive
as exhaled air and ambient airflow are extremely important in for SARS-CoV-2, though the proportion of positive samples across
determining how far droplets of all sizes travel. Without exhaled studies ranged between 2% and 64%.16 -22 Only two reported positive
airflow, the largest droplets would travel furthest (1-2 m), while the results in relation to distance from an infected patient (one at 2 m18
small ones would encounter high resistance (drag) and stay close and another at ≥4 m in the corridor17). Of the two hospital studies
to the source. When accounting for the exhaled airflow, clouds of that did not find SARS-CoV-2 particles in air samples,23 24 one
small droplets can travel beyond 2 m in the air, and even large collected positive swab samples from ventilation units in the
droplets have enhanced range.1 2 patient’s room, which is consistent with airborne droplet spread.23
Neither community study reported positive air samples, although
one collected specimens up to 17 days after covid-19 carriers had
left the room25 and the other did not report time of sampling since

the bmj | BMJ 2020;370:m3223 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.m3223 3


cleaning or sampling distance from the infected person.26 These Few studies have examined how airflow patterns influence viral

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m3223 on 25 August 2020. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
negative studies thus fall substantially short of proving that airborne transmission; most studies report (if anything) only average indoor
spread does not occur. ventilation rates. Neglecting variation in localised air flow within
a space oversimplifies and underestimates risk modelling. In
Only two of the airborne sampling studies directly measured whether
homogeneous flow, patterns are known to emerge in occupied
SARS-CoV-2 in the samples remained infectious, rather than just
indoor spaces that depend on air conditioning, ventilation system
analysing for the presence of viral RNA.18 21 No viable virus was
or location, occupancy of the space, air recirculation, and filtration.
found in either, though one found signs of viral ability to replicate.18
Of note, no study found viable virus on surface swabs. Though it is widely assumed that duration of exposure to a person
with covid-19 influences transmission risk (studies of contact
These studies were small, observational, and heterogeneous in
tracing, for example, consider thresholds of 5-15 minutes beyond
terms of setting, participants, sample collection, and handling
which risk increases33 34), we are not aware of studies that quantified
methods. They were prone to recall bias (few people can accurately
this variable.
recall how close they came to others when asked to remember some
time later). Overall, these studies seem to support the possibility of Distance and transmission risk
airborne spread of SARS-CoV-2, but they do not confirm that there
The UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)
is a risk of disease transmission.
estimates that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission at 1 m could be
Force of emission, ventilation, exposure time 2-10 times higher than at 2 m.35 A systematic review commissioned
by the World Health Organization attempted to analyse physical
Breathing out, singing, coughing, and sneezing generate warm,
distancing measures in relation to coronavirus transmission.36
moist, high momentum gas clouds of exhaled air containing
Physical distancing of <1 m was reported to result in a transmission
respiratory droplets. This moves the droplets faster than typical
risk of 12.8%, compared with 2.6% at distances ≥1 m, supporting
background air ventilation flows, keeps them concentrated, and
physical distancing rules of 1 m or more. The review’s limitations
can extend their range up to 7-8 m within a few seconds.1 2 8
should be noted. Not all distances were explicit in the original
These findings from fluid dynamic studies help explain why at one studies; some were estimated by the review authors. Different
choir practice in the US, a symptomatic person infected at least 32 distances were used to categorise social contact in different studies
other singers, with 20 further probable cases, despite physical (1.8 m was considered close in one study but distant in another, for
distancing.27 Other indoor case clusters have been reported within example), yet these were pooled within the same analysis. The
fitness gyms, boxing matches, call centres, and churches, where summary relied heavily on data from the SARS-CoV-1 and MERS
people might sing, pant, or talk loudly.28 -30 Interestingly, there outbreaks and only partially accounted for environmental
have been few reports of outbreaks on aeroplanes,31 which may confounders.
reflect current low volume of passengers, lack of contact tracing,
or relatively low risk because speaking is limited. Although More nuanced model
publication bias is likely (events linked to outbreaks are more likely Environmental influences are complex and are likely to be mutually
to be reported than events where no outbreak occurred), well reinforcing. This is shown, for example, in meat packing plants,
documented stories of outbreaks demand a scientific explanation. where outbreaks have been attributed to the combination of high
The heavy panting from jogging and other sports produces violent levels of worker contagion, poor ventilation, cramped working
exhalations with higher momentum than tidal breathing, closer to conditions, background noise (which leads to shouting), and low
coughs in some instances. This increases the distance reached by compliance with mask wearing.37 Similar compound risk situations
the droplets trapped within the exhaled cloud and supports might occur in other crowded, noisy, indoor environments, such
additional distancing during vigorous exercise.2 However, as pubs or live music venues.
respiratory droplets tend to be more quickly diluted in well aerated Physical distancing rules would be most effective if they reflected
outdoor settings, reducing transmission risk (a preprint from Japan graded levels of risk. Figure 3 presents a guide to how transmission
reports an 18.7-fold higher risk of transmission in indoor risk may vary with setting, occupancy level, contact time, and
environments than outdoors).28 whether face coverings are worn. These estimates apply when
Specific airflow patterns, and not just average ventilation and air everyone is asymptomatic. In the highest risk situations (indoor
changes, within buildings are also important in determining risk environments with poor ventilation, high levels of occupancy,
of exposure and transmission. A case report from an outbreak at a prolonged contact time, and no face coverings, such as a crowded
restaurant in China described 10 people within three families bar or night club) physical distancing beyond 2 m and minimising
infected over one hour, at distances of up to 4.6 m and without occupancy time should be considered. Less stringent distancing is
direct physical contact. The pattern of transmission was consistent likely to be adequate in low risk scenarios. People with symptoms
with the transient indoor localised ventilation airflow pattern.32 (who should in any case be self-isolating) tend to have high viral
load and more frequent violent respiratory exhalations.

4 the bmj | BMJ 2020;370:m3223 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.m3223


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj.m3223 on 25 August 2020. Downloaded from http://www.bmj.com/ on 24 September 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 3 | Risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from asymptomatic people in different settings and for different occupation times, venting, and crowding levels (ignoring variation
in susceptibility and viral shedding rates). Face covering refers to those for the general population and not high grade respirators. The grades are indicative of qualitative
relative risk and do not represent a quantitative measure. Other factors not presented in these tables may also need to be taken into account when considering transmission
risk, including viral load of an infected person and people’s susceptibility to infection. Coughing or sneezing, even if these are due to irritation or allergies while asymptomatic,
would exacerbate risk of exposure across an indoor space, regardless of ventilation

The levels of risk in fig 3 are relative not absolute, especially in Physical distancing should be seen as only one part of a wider public
relation to thresholds of time and occupancy, and they do not health approach to containing the covid-19 pandemic. It needs to
include additional factors such as individuals’ susceptibility to be implemented alongside combined strategies of
infection, shedding level from an infected person, indoor airflow people-air-surface-space management, including hand hygiene,
patterns, and where someone is placed in relation to the infected cleaning, occupancy and indoor space and air managements, and
person. Humidity may also be important, but this is yet to be appropriate protective equipment, such as masks, for the setting.
rigorously established.
Key messages
Further work is needed to extend our guide to develop specific
solutions to classes of indoor environments occupied at various Current rules on safe physical distancing are based on outdated science
usage levels. Urgent research is needed to examine three areas of Distribution of viral particles is affected by numerous factors, including
uncertainty: the cut-off duration of exposures in relation to the air flow
indoor condition, occupancy, and level of viral shedding (5-15 Evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 may travel more than 2 m through
minute current ad-hoc rules), which does not seem to be supported activities such as coughing and shouting
by evidence; the detailed study of airflow patterns with respect to Rules on distancing should reflect the multiple factors that affect risk,
the infected source and its competition with average venting; and including ventilation, occupancy, and exposure time
the patterns and properties of respiratory emissions and droplet
infectivity within them during various physical activities. Contributors and sources: This article was adapted from a rapid review undertaken as part of the
Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service (https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/what-is-the-evidence-to-support-
the-2-metre-social-distancing-rule-to-reduce-covid-19-transmission/); all authors contributed to its
development and approved the final manuscript.

the bmj | BMJ 2020;370:m3223 | doi: 10.1136/bmj.m3223 5


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