CSTP 3 Farhat 12 01 2020

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1st semester: yellow

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive
knowledge of subject subject matter and the relationship between inter-relationships of knowledge of subject
matter, related academic academic language to essential subject matter concepts, academic matter concepts, current
3.1 Demonstrating language, and academic identify connections concepts, academic content standards, and issues, academic
knowledge of subject content standards. between academic language, and academic academic language in language, and research to
matter academic content standards and content standards. ways that ensure clear make relevant
content standards instruction. connections and connections to standards
relevance to students. during instruction and
extend student learning.

With the 7/8 graders I do The academic language Academic language is

find myself reteaching the used during instruction is incorporated into the
prerequisites to a certain carefully selected, based lesson in an appropriate
lesson more often than on the lesson topic of manner in which it
usual. This happens course. If I see that connects to the academic
because a lot of our students are unfamiliar content standards. The
students do arrive with with certain words or use of the required
learning gaps. This has of phrases, I do explain the academic language is
course extended the definition of the word to promoted throughout the
lesson more than the time students and I make them classroom, in which
allotted in terms of write it down in their students have to be able
planning, but when notebook. One technique to appropriately use such
provided with the needed that helps students relate language in the right
prerequisites the and further comprehend manner in order to help
students do respond the introduced academic them not only
better and show that they language is when I relate comprehend, but also to
are at or near meeting the it to a real world be able to explain certain
content standard. The use phenomena. This helps subject matter at hand>
of academic language students not only further (12/1/2020).
during instruction is done comprehend the
religiously, even through academic language, but
interactions outside the also leaves them with a
classroom with the mental picture relating to
students. This I feel the real world, which in
provides the students return helps them
with the chance to use understand the academic
learned vocabulary which content in the classroom.
in turn helps them (4-30-2020)
become comfortable with
their use during class. I
am working towards
examining concepts with
the students in order to
improve their skills.

Has basic knowledge of Adapts instruction in

student stages of Expands knowledge of response to knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
development while student development and student development and range of students knowledge of students to
becoming aware of implements learning proficiencies to meet development into guide all students to
differences in students’ activities in single lessons students’ diverse learning instructional decisions to develop proficiencies,
understanding of subject or sequence of lessons needs. Ensures ensure student understand subject
matter. that addresses students’ understanding of subject understanding of the matter including related
proficiencies and support matter including related subject matter including academic language.
understanding of subject academic language. related academic
3.2 Applying Teaches subject-specific matter including related language. Engages student at all
knowledge of vocabulary following academic language. levels of vocabulary,
student development curriculum guidelines. Provides explicit teaching academic language, and
and proficiencies to Provides explicit teaching Provides explicit teaching of specific academic proficiencies in self-
ensure student of essential content of essential vocabulary, language, text structures, directed goal setting,
understanding of vocabulary and idioms, key words with grammatical, and stylistic monitoring, and
subject matter associated academic multiple meanings, and language features to improvement. Guides all
language in single lessons academic language in ensure equitable access students in using analysis
or sequence of lessons. ways that engage to subject matter strategies that provides
Explains academic students in accessing understanding for the equitable access and deep
language, formats, and subject matter text or range of student language understanding of subject
vocabulary to support learning activities. levels and abilities. matter.
student access to subject
matter when confusions
are identified.

There are differences One technique I have

between the middle started using is providing
school and high school students with a short 3-4
students in terms of the word vocab sheet/ppt
types of activities that I slide at the beginning of
do assign. The 7/8th every lesson in order to
graders do get assigned a provide students with the
fill in the blank meaning of those words. I
assignment for then proceed and relating
homework before the these words to a real life
beginning of every phenomena as previously
section in order to get stated, now that I have
familiar with the the students’ attention I
vocabulary words that we do relay it back into the
will be learning about for lesson an used their new
the chapter. As for the understanding of these
highschool students a words in order to help
different approach is them comprehend and
taken, as I have to take a meet the learning
more proactive approach objective. ( 4-30-2020)
by modeling the use of
required vocabulary Taking into consideration
words.In both cases, I do student development, I
try to connect the lesson do plan a sequence of
to their previous different activities which
experiences in and out of tackle the learning
school. This connection is objective from different
vital so we can be able to angles in order to
catch the student interest improve the student
and have them fully comprehension of the
engaged. (9/29/19) topic. As many of the
students do lack the
ability to maintain focus
for extended periods of
time. Instead of providing
students with one big
activity, students are in
return provided with
smaller activities that are
broken down in order to
meet the same learning
objective of a larger
activity. (12/01/2020)
Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive
curriculum as provided curriculum and considers curriculum and student curriculum and resources knowledge of curriculum
by site and district to adjustments in single readiness to organize and to organize and adjust and related resources to
support student lessons or sequence of adjust the curriculum to instruction within and flexibly and effectively
3.3 Organizing understanding of the lessons to support ensure student across subject matter to organize and adjust
curriculum to subject matter. understanding of subject understanding. extend student instruction.
facilitate student matter. understanding.
understanding of the Ensures student
subject matter comprehension and
facilitates student
articulation about what
they do and do not
The curriculum is This is where knowledge
something I try to of student readiness
rearrange when needed comes in handy.
in order to ensure a Adjusting the sequence of
proper sequence of the curriculum is
lessons for the students. something I do often
This is done by making especially after getting to
sure that if one topic know my students and
requires the their different levels. This
understanding of another in return makes it easier
topic, then the other topic on the students to build
is covered first to ensure on their previously
complete understanding acquired information. (4-
of both topics. For 30-2020)
example, there have been
times where I have come Using knowledge and
to discover that my information on student
students have no prior levels and readiness, the
knowledge of the basics planning and sequencing
of a certain topic, in this of the curriculum gets
case I have put that taken into account based
lesson on hold and went on that. Students have
ahead and taught the many different levels, so
requirements in order to scaffolding and
be able to continue with differentiation takes a
the current lesson. role while planning as
(9/29/19) well. (12/01/2020)
Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate to repertoire of instructional
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure subject matter to meet strategies to develop
3.4 Utilizing curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding of students’ diverse enthusiasm, meta-
instructional lessons to increase academic language learning, to ensure cognitive abilities, and
strategies that are student understanding of appropriate to subject student understanding of support and challenge the
appropriate to the academic language matter and that academic language, and full range of student
subject matter appropriate to subject addresses students’ guide students in towards a deep
matter. diverse learning needs. understanding knowledge of subject
connections within and matter.
across subject matter.
Additional instructional One of the most helpful Instructional strategies
strategies used do strategies to me has been such as scaffolding, the
depend on the lesson or checking for integration of polling
task, for some topics I do understanding. Constant during class, and the
upload a video checks for understanding ability of students to ask
reexplaining the topic to helps me in different direct questions without
the google classroom ways. First it provides me being embarrassed to ask
page to ensure the with a particular part of in front of their
students get another the lesson that students classmates. These
chance in case they are struggling with if they strategies and others
missed something during are struggling. It also have helped the students
the lesson. I do assign helps me identify in understanding the
classwork in which the different needs for subject matter and how
students have to use the different students. Not all certain topics are
required academic students struggle with connected to each other,
language in their own vocabulary just like not even if they may be in
words were they have to all students struggle in different chapters or
come up with their own math. This in return lessons. (12/01/2020)
examples. I do provide provides me with direct
students with the cheat feedback from the
sheet to keep on them of students which allows me
different academic to adjust in order to meet
language needed to be their diverse learning
used in class, as well as needs. (4-30-2020)
having a word wall with
the definition in the
classroom with some of
the main required
academic language in a
science classroom.

3.5 Using and Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Integrates a wide range of Engages students in
adapting resources, instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate adapted resources, identifying and adapting
technologies, and resources, and resources, and instructional materials, technologies, and resources, technologies,
standards-aligned technologies for specific technologies to make resources, and instructional materials to and standards-aligned
instructional lessons to make subject subject matter accessible technologies for concept meet identified student instructional materials to
materials including matter accessible to to students. and skill development in needs and make subject extend student
adopted materials, to students. subject matter. Resources matter accessible to understanding and
make subject matter Explores how to make reflect the diversity of the students. critical thinking about
accessible to all Identifies technological technological resources classroom and support subject matter.
students resource needs. available to all students. differentiated learning of Assists student with
subject matter. equitable access to Ensures that student are
materials, resources, and able to obtain equitable
Guides students to use technologies. Seeks access to a wide range of
available print, electronic, outside resources and technologies through
and online subject matter support. ongoing links to outside
resources based on resources and support.
individual needs.
Different instructional Students get to use their
materials are used during textbook, chromebook,
every lesson. Materials virtual labs, packets that I
used are textbook, there provide, and different
is the classwork in terms online resources like
of a worksheet, a khan academy, brain pop
webquest, and a writing etc. in order to meet their
part of the lesson where individual needs.
students usually have to Students are encouraged
discuss their learnings or to use technology and to
findings depending on the be more familiar with is
type of writing in the classroom.
assignment. Students Unfortunately cell phones
have their chromebooks are not part of that
with them in which they equation. (4-30-2020)
not only have access to I try to always use
the google classroom for strategies or
my class, but also the accommodation in the
mcgraw-hill website classroom in order to
which includes their keep student engagement
books, and the virtual high. One of the strategies
labs which they have I use is I like to give
access to. Students are students a variety of
also provided with access options in order to give
to brain pop for my class. them an opportunity to
(9/29/19) gauge their interest in the
topic and to be able to
comprehend the
academic language in a
way which allows them to
use it on topic/subject
matter in which they are
interested. (12/01/2020)
Is aware of students’ Seeks additional information Identifies language Integrates knowledge of Engages English learners in
primary language and describing elements of proficiencies and English English language assessment of their progress
English language culture and language learner strengths in the development, English in English language
proficiencies based on proficiencies in listening, study of language and learners’ strengths and development and in meeting
available assessment data. speaking, reading, and content. Differentiates assessed needs into English content standards. Supports
writing. Uses multiple instruction using one or language and content students to establish and
measures for assessing more components of English instruction. monitor language and
3.6 Addressing the English learners’ language development to content goals.
needs of English performance to identify gaps support English learners.
learners and student in English language
with special needs to Provides adapted materials development. Creates and implements Develops and adapts Is resourceful and flexible in
provide equitable to help English learners scaffolds to support instruction to provide a wide the design, adjustment, and
access to the content access content. Attempts to scaffold content standards-based instruction range of scaffolded support elimination of scaffolds
using visuals, models, and using literacy strategies, for language and content for based on English learners’
graphic organizers. SDAIE, and content level the range of English proficiencies, knowledge,
English language learners. and skills in the content.
development in order for
students to improve
language proficiencies and
understand content.
While I do look at the English learners'
provided testing scores of strengths are something I
ELs and my special needs like to identify at the
students. One thing I do beginning of the year
routinely is speak to the after a short period of
English teacher about the time has passed with the
English learners and their assistance of the english
levels as well as the sped teacher. Once I have that
instructor about my sped student’s strengths and
students. I do also try and weakness I start building
measure my English from there. Els also get to
Learners through writing use google translate in
assignments, speaking in the class (depending on
class and reading, I do level) in order to assist
find it hard to sometimes with certain words.
classify who's an EL Reading is also
because on record there emphasized in order to
is a very small percentage improve their reading,
of ELs while the work along with reading
provided shows comprehension
otherwise. I do provide assignments that do
visuals for every lesson assist the students with
which has been very developing their skills.
helpful, especially with (4-30-2020)
my non English speaking Different scaffolds are
student in 9th grade. I do used in order to help
look into the files of my students further their
special needs students as understanding of the
well to see what are their academic language.
strength and weaknesses Students are provided
which has been extremely with the required
helpful because it allows academic language at the
for me to plan my lesson beginning of the lesson, in
including the return students have to
accommodations needed define those words as we
for the students. go in the lesson, of course
(9/29/19) I provide them with the
definitions. This along
with other
accommodations for
english learners are
provided Students are
also asked to use such
language in order to show
that they comprehend the
academic language being
provided. (12/01/2020)

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