Supreme Court: Manuel S. Paradela For Complainant

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Republic of the Philippines



A.M. No. P-88-255 March 3, 1992


KALUBIRAN, complainants

Manuel S. Paradela for complainant.


In a verified letter-complaint Manuel U. del Rosario, et al. charged Deputy Sheriff Jose Bascar, Jr. of
the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC), Branch 4. Cebu City for "Gross Ignorance of the Law,
Levying Properties Unreasonably and Unnecessarily Levying Properties with Malice and Abuse of
Authority and Gross/Wilful Violation of Law."

This case originated from a complaint filed with the then Human Settlements Regulatory
Commission, Region VII, Cebu City in HSRC Case No. REM-0006-210685, entitled "Angel Veloso,
et al. vs. Esperanza del Rosario, et al." for violation of P.D. No. 957, otherwise known as the
Subdivision and Condominium Buyer's Protective Decree.

A decision was rendered of the Aforesaid case on June 10, 1986. the dispositive portion of which

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations respondents Esperanza Del

Rosario, Manuel del Rosario, Adelaida Kalubiran and Nicolas Kalubiran are hereby
ORDERED, — jointly and severally —

1. to apply for and secure a Certificate of Registration from this Commission within
two (2) months from receipt hereof;

2. to accept installment payments from complainants with interest at the legal rate of
twelve per cent (12%) per annum and to execute a Deed of Sale over subject lots
once full payment of the Unpaid balance of the purchase price is effected;

3. to register the Contract of Sale executed on March 1. 1974 (Annex "A") with the
Office of the Register of Deeds of Cebu City within one (1) month from receipt

4. to pay a fine of P2,000.00 for failure to secure a certificate of registration and a

license to sell from this Commission within one (1) month from receipt hereof;

5. to develop the subdivision open space, parks and playgrounds as advertised

within six (6) months from receipt hereof; and
6. to complete development of subdivision roads and underground drainage facilities
up to lot lines within six (6) months from receipt hereof. (pp. 24-25, Records)

Complainants alleged that respondent, Deputy Sheriff is grossly ignorant of the law in implementing
the writ of execution of the dispositive portion of the aforecited cost which orders specific
performance and hence, is governed by Section 9 of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. They said that
under this Section, no levy of personal or real properties is required but through gross ignorance,
respondent executed the writ pursuant to Section 15 of Rule 39 and proceeded to levy on execution
three (3) parcels of land having a total market value of P1,236,600.00 of, Miradel Development
Corporation wherein Esperanza del Rosario has alleged shares, interests and participation, in order
to satisfy the judgment involving specific performance. Complainants alleged further that the levy on
execution involved registered lands and hence, must be in accordance with Section 71, R.A. 496
which requires that levy on execution of registered lands must contain a reference to the number of
the Certificate of Title of the land to be affected and the volume and page in the registry book where
the certificate is registered.

It is contended by the complainants that respondent is grossly ignorant of the law considering that
the dispositive portion of the decision is for specific performance and the fine of P2,000.00 is not
payable to the prevailing parties but to the Commission. Complainants asserted that the levy on the
three (3) parcels of land belonging to the Miradel Corporation with a value of more than 1 million
pesos is excessive considering that, apparently, the levy is for the payment of the fine of P2,000.00
and the implementation of the writ was tainted with malice and abuse of authority because he could
have just levied on the personal properties of the herein complainants which could satisfy the
alleged judgment and costs.

Pursuant of a Resolution of this Court dated November 23, 1988 respondent filed his comment an
the complaint (pp. 31-37, Rollo). Respondent contended that the levy was not made to satisfy the
fine of two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) but to protect the rights of the prevailing parties considering
that complainants refused to comply with the decretal portion of the decision. He stated that the lots
he levied upon which are portions of the lots in controversy covered by TCT Nos. 55606 and 55607
are vacant and there was malice and bad faith in the transfer of the lots in question to Miradel
Development Corporation wherein complainant Esperanza del Rosario is the treasurer.

In the resolution of this Court dated December 5, 1990, this case was referred to Executive Judge;
Regional Trial Court, Cebu City for investigation, report and recommendation. Executive Judge
Godardo A. Jacinto in his report dated October 16, 1991, came up with the, following findings and

It was on 8 September, 1988 that respondent Bascar, accompanied by Angel

Veloso's lawyer, went to herein complainant [Manuel del Rosario's residence and
office in order to serve the writs.] Manuel del Rosario is one of the respondents in the
HSRC case and the attorney-in-fact of therein co-respondent Esperanza del Rosario.
Upon being requested to comply with the dispositive portion of the judgment,
complainant Manuel del Rosario informed respondent Bascar that the lots subject of
the HSRC case were no longer available. Thereupon, respondent Bascar went to the
Office of the HSRC to check on the titles of the lots, after which he went to the
Register of Deeds to look into the status of the lots and their titles. There he
discovered that the lots subject of the HSRC case which were previously covered by
TCT Nos. 55606 and 55607 had already been consolidated and then subdivided into
sublots. Respondent Bascar then made a levy on three (3) of the derivative lots
whose combined area would more or less approximate the area of the lots subject of
the HSRC judgment. These lots happen to be registered in the name of Miradel
Development Corporation.

On 12 September, 1988 respondent Bascar made a Return of the writ (Exh. 8-1), in
which he gave an account of the steps he took in implementing the writ. He further
explained why he levied three (3) lots that were registered in the name of the
Corporation. His act of levying on the .Corporation's lots led to the present
administrative case filed by Manuel del Rosario and his co-respondents in the HSRC
case. . . .

Findings and Recommendations:

Respondent Bascar admitted in his testimony that he erred in levying on the lots of
Miradel Development Corporation, but as soon as his attention was invited to such
mistake, he filed a Notice of Withdrawal of said levy with the Register of Deeds (Exh.
11). When he was asked why he chose to levy on the three (3) lots that were
registered in the name of the Miradel Development Corporation, respondent Bascar
explained that it was his honest belief that the said entity was a family corporation of
the del Rosarios who were the judgment obligors in the HSRC case. He further
stated that his purpose was to preserve the lots subject, of the HSRC case so that
they could not be disposed of in avoidance of the judgment in favor of the Velosos.
Respondent Bascar also testified that his purpose in levying on the lots was not to
satisfy the line of P2,000.00 but only to protect the interests of the prevailing parties
in the HSRC case by securing the lots against possibly disposition to other persons.
In the perception of the undersigned; respondent Bascar acted in good faith and
further, the alleged malice and abuse of authority which the complainants claimed to
have visited his acts have not been established. It is important to note that Miradel
Development Corporation whose lots were erroneously levied had not complained
against respondent Bascar. And there is no showing, that the Corporation suffered
any damage or prejudice by reason of respondent's act of levying on its lots which
was later on rectified by hip withdrawal or lifting of the notice of levy (Exh. 11).

The allegation in the complaint that respondent Bascar did not observe the
prescribed procedure for execution and that his act of levying on Miradel
Development Corporation's lots worth over a million pesos to satisfy a fine of only
P2,000.00 was unnecessary, unreasonable and abusive is not quite tenable. As
amply explained by respondent Bascar, his purpose in levying on the three (3) lots
was to keep them from being disposed of. He felt it was important to do it since the
judgment ordered therein respondents to accept installment payments from the
Veloso spouses and to execute the corresponding document of sale as soon as the
lots were paid in full. Certainly, the favorable judgment for the Veloso spouses would
be frustrated if in the meantime subject lots were transferred to others. According to
respondent the lots subject of the contract of sale between the Veloso spouses and
the del Rosarios were covered by TCT Nos. 55606 and 55607 and in the Register of
Deeds he was informed that the lots had been consolidated and then subdivided and
sold to other persons. In levying on the throe (3) lots of the Corporation, respondent
Bascar honestly believed that said lots were derived from those that bad been sold
on installment in favor of Angel Veloso and unless these were secured from further
disposition the judgment in favor of the latter could no longer be executed.
Respondent Bascar might have been wrong in. his belief and conclusion, but he
cannot be faulted for having done so under the circumstances of the case. It is
noteworthy that complainant Manuel del Rosario exhibited an uncooperative if not
antagonistic attitude as he made no attempt to conceal his intention not to abide by
the HSRC judgment. In fact, as admitted by complainant Manuel del Rosario he filed
a petition for certiorari against the HSRC, et al. praying to have its judgment Annulled
(Exh. 1), which action was dismissed by Branch 10 of the RTC of Cebu (Exh. 2). Not
satisfied, he filed a complaint for the same purpose, before Branch 12 of the same
Court (Exh. 3 ), which also dismissed it (Exh. 4). From there, complainants went up
to the Court of Appeals in a Petition for certiorari that was dismissed by said Court
(Exh. 5). A similar complaint filed by complainants' questioning the HSRC judgment
was filed before Branch 24 of the RTC of Cebu but it was likewise dismissed (Exh.
6). Finally, even as the herein complainants were ordered under the final judgment of
the HSRC to accept installment payments for the lots from Angel Veloso (par. 2. Exh.
9), complainant Manuel del Rosario refused to receive such payment, and in his
letter of refusal (Exh. 9) he made it clear that he did not recognize the HSRC
judgment (tsn, pp. 8-9, July 12, 1991). And not only that. Complainants also did not
pay the fine as ordered by the HSRC. As hinted earlier, respondent Bascar's
unsolicited act of digging into the papers of incorporation of the Miradel Development
Corporation and in proceeding to levy on its lots may have been in reaction to
complainant Manuel del Rosario's seeming disregard for the final judgment of the
HSRC which it his his (Bascar's), duty to enforce. Certainly, such an act does not
amount to gross ignorance of the law, negligence and abuse of authority.

It is then respectfully recommended that respondent Jose T. Bascar be merely

admonished and warned to be more prudent or discreet in the performance of his

Cebu City, Philippines, October, 1991. (pp. 2-4, report).

We disagree. The Court does not subscribe to more admonition of respondent deputy sheriff as
recommended by the investigating Judge His unjustifiable acts demand sanction. Respondent acted
with gross ignorance of the law in making an unreasonable and unnecessary levy in the process of
enforcing the writ of execution of a decision ordering specific performance and payment of a fine of
P2,000.00. He deviated from what was decreed in the writ by making an unnecessary levy on
execution of three lots allegedly forming part of the lots in controversy which were already sold to the
Miradel Development Corporation by the complainants.

The manner in which respondent conducted the levy leaves no room for doubt that he was unmindful
of the rule that in the exercise of his ministerial duty of enforcing writs, it was incumbent upon him to
ensure that only that portion of a decision decreed in the dispositive part should be the subject of
execution, no more, no less. He made no effort to limit the levy to the amount called for in the writ.

Respondent had no reason to make a levy of three parcels of land belonging to Miradel
Development Corporation after having found that Esperanza del Rosario, one of the respondents in
the HSRC case, was treasurer thereof on the pretext of protecting the prevailing parties whom he
claims could eventually lose the lots by reason of the sale thereof by complainants to the said
corporation. "It should be recalled that a purely ministerial act or duty is one which an officer or
tribunal performs in a given state of facts, on a prescribed manner-in obedience to the mandate of
legal authority, without regard to, the exercise of his own judgments, upon the propriety or
impropriety of the act done (Lamb v. Phipps, 22 Phils. 456). Discretion, on the other hand, is a
faculty conferred upon court or official by which he may decide the question either way and still be
right (Asuncion v. De Yriarte, 28, Phil. 67)."   There is no doubt that respondent acted beyond the

bounds of his duty by allocating unto himself the power of the Court to pierce the "veil of corporate"
entity and improvidently assuming that since complainant Esperanza del Rosario is the treasurer of
the Miradel Development Corporation, they are one and the same. It is well-settled doctrine both in
law and equity that as a legal entity, a corporation has a personality distinct and separate from its
individual stockholders or members. The mere fact that one is president of a corporation does not
render the property he owns or possesses the property of the corporation, since the president, as
individual, and the corporation are separate entities (Cruz v. Dalisay, 152 SCRA 483). More
importantly, it was not incumbent upon him as sheriff to determine for himself the means how to
safeguard the rights of the prevailing party in a case for specific performance. All that he was called
upon to do in such instance his to serve the writ of execution with a certified copy of the judgment
requiring specific performance upon the party/parties against whom the same was rendered and in
case of failure to abide, it is at the prevailing party's instance not the sheriff's that the aid of' the court
may be sought.

There was failure, however, to establish with certainty that the actuation of respondent deputy sheriff
was attended with malice and was done so as to prejudice a third party. As the respondent
explained, he wanted to protect the interest of the prevailing parties over the lots in controversy.
Though he erroneously made the levy, the same cannot be looked upon with malicious intent
although effected unreasonably. The withdrawal of notice of levy on execution dated, June 9, 1989,
filed by the respondent sheriff to rectify his error shows his lack of malice and serves to mitigate his

This Court had said before, and reiterates it here, as it has done in other cases that the conduct and
behavior of every one connected with an office charged with the dispensation of justice, from the
presiding justice to the lowest clerk, should be circumscribed with the heavy burden of responsibility.
His conduct, at all times, must not only be characterized by propriety and decorum but above all else
be above suspicion.   Respondent's actuations in enforcing the Writ of Execution in HSRC Case No.

REM-0006-210685 did not live up to this strict standard.

ACCORDINGLY, a fine of P5,000.00 is hereby imposed on respondent Deputy Sheriff Jose Bascar,
Jr., Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 4, Cebu City, for conduct prejudicial to the best interest of
the service, payable within thirty (30) days from notice. Respondent s hereby warned that a
repetition of the same or of any act calling for disciplinary action, will be dealt with more severely.


Narvasa, C.J., Cruz and Griño-Aquino, JJ., concur.

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