Density Log Dexter Tanabe 20000241

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Density logging is a well logging tool that can provide a continuous record of a formation's
bulk density along the length of a borehole. In geology, bulk density is a function of the
density of the minerals forming a rock (i.e. matrix) and the fluid enclosed in the pore spaces.

The measurement of formation density is an essential component in accurate reservoir

evaluation, helping the petrophysicist to determine the porosity of the rock and to estimate
total reserves. Porosity represents the amount of space available within the rock matrix for
fluids, and defines how much total volume of fluid is present in a reservoir. Without this
information, and a determination of which type of fluid is present (oil, water or gas), a
petrophysicist would be unable to estimate the reserves of hydrocarbon that exist in the
reservoir. Moreover, azimuthal borehole images based on density help the geologist to
understand the reservoir structure.
Data that can be obtained from density logs has valuable information about the reservoir such
 Formation Evaluation – Make critical porosity measurements and distinguish between
liquid and gas, all during drilling operations when the borehole is in its best condition.
 Reservoir Structure and Well Placement – Density images can help determine the
positions and orientations of formation boundaries and fault planes, helping the operator
to understand the size and shape of the reservoir and to place the well optimally within it.
 Wellbore Stability – Ultrasonic measurements help determine the borehole geometry in
real time, providing an early indication of stress-related borehole breakout, allowing the
operator to apply timely mitigating techniques to maintain borehole integrity. (1)
Density logs are primarily used as porosity logs. Other uses include: identification of minerals
in evaporite deposits, detection of gas, determination of hydrocarbon density, evaluation of
shaly sands and complex lithologies, determination of oil-shale yield, calculation of
overburden pressure and rock mechanical properties.

Density logging tools contain a radioactive source which is applied to the borehole wall in a
shielded sidewall skid. This source emits medium-energy gamma rays into the formations.
These gamma rays may be thought of as high-velocity particles that collide with the electrons
in the formation. At each collision a gamma ray loses some, but not all, of its energy to the
electron, and then continues with diminished energy. This type of interaction is known as
Compton scattering. The scattered gamma rays reaching the detector, at a fixed distance from
the source, are counted as an indication of formation density. (2)

1. At low energy levels, below about 100 keV or 0.1 MeV, the gamma-ray photon, incident
on an atom, will produce a photoelectron (Figure 8-2). The interaction depends on the number
of electrons-atom or the atomic number (Z). The atomic number reflects the chemical
composition of the atom and thus the photoelectron effect is a lithology indicator.

2. At higher energy levels, from 0.075 to 2 MeV, the interaction is predominately by

Compton scattering (Figure 8-3), the ejection of a Compton recoil electron and an “incident”
gamma ray of slightly lower energy. Incident gamma-ray attrition is directly proportional to
the number of electrons per unit volume or the formation electron density.

3. Above 2 MeV the interaction is by pair production. However, this is uncommon as the
conventional gamma-ray logging sources have energy levels considerably less than 2 MeV.
Density tool is one of the most important instruments used to evaluate formations which
measures formation density and directly ties to formation porosity.
The density tool measures the electron density, by emitting gamma ray from radioactive
source and returning to two detectors • The amount of Gamma rays that return depend on the
number of electrons present, electron density is related to bulk density of mineral or rock • In
most cases environmental correction for Density log is not significant, field log density can be
readily used for interpretation. (4)

A. SlimXtreme Litho-Density photoelectric density tool by SCHLUMBERGER

SlimXtreme Litho-Density* photoelectric density tool, a three-detector mandrel tool, can be

combined with a powered caliper, or for temperatures and pressures above 400°F and 20,000
psi, with a passive caliper employing a bowspring.

The tool measures formation density and photoelectric effect using full spectral data from the
three-detector array. The formation bulk density is measured using an extended three-detector
spine-and-rib algorithm.

Its depth of investigation and vertical resolution are the same as in traditional pad tools. The
tool is rated to 30,000-psi pressure and to 500ºF for 5 hr continuous logging. The tool
diameter is 3 in., and the minimum hole size that can be logged with this tool is 37⁄8 in. (5)


Density is derived with a semi-logarithmic transform. If no appropriate tool specific
chart is available the High Low porosity technique as described for the neutron log is
used. Here, high count rate = low density = high porosity. Semi-log crossplots of
count rate versus core density or core porosity will calibrate the method. These tools
have a single detector and are not compensated for borehole effects. Slim hole
versions were widely used in strat holes and in mineral exploration projects. Charts
for some specific tools can be found in the literature, such as the one shown below.

The uncompensated density log produces a single log curve scaled in counts per
second. Some tools were run with a gamma ray log. (6)

Counts per second to density transform for a Schlumberger PGT-A density tool. Each tool iteration and each
service company requires a specific chart. Density varies with hole size, mud weight, and mud cake thickness.


The borehole compensated formation density logging tool emits gamma rays from a
chemical source at the bottom of the tool The gamma rays enter the surrounding
rocks where some are absorbed. Some gamma rays survive to reach scintillation
counters mounted about 18 and 24 inches above the source. The number of gamma
rays arriving at the far detector is inversely proportional to the electron density of the
rock, which in turn is proportional to the actual rock density. Data from the closer
detector is used to correct for borehole effects.

The tool is pressed against one side of the borehole by a back-up arm that also serves
to measure a diameter of the borehole. Two detectors at fixed spacings from the
source are shown. The source is well-shielded from the two detectors and only
scattered gamma radiation is detected. The intensity of the scattered radiation will be
dominated by the density variations along the path from source to detector.

If there is no stand-off (of mud or mudcake) between the tool face and the formation,
and if the tool is properly calibrated, then the apparent density from both detectors
will be the same and equal to the true formation density. If they are different, there
must be mud between the tool face and the rock.
If there is some standoff, a correction to the density from the long spaced detector can
be generated from the difference between the apparent density seen by the far and the
near detectors. The actual correction function can be determined empirically by
placing the density device in a number of formations to measure the apparent
long-spaced and short-spaced densities for various thicknesses of mudcake of a
variety of densities. (6)


The litho density logging tool and the log display look very similar to the older
version, except for the addition of one new log curve, the photo electric effect (PE or
PEF). The energy of the returning gamma rays is a function of the PEF of the rock,
which is indicative of mineralogy. To measure PEF, the detectors were changed to
measure both gamma ray count rates for the density measurement and also the gamma
ray energy levels for the PEF measurement.

Most modern two-detector density devices use multiple energy windows to derive
the density, the photoelectric factor, and the correction curve. In one three-detector
wireline version, the combination of multiple detectors and multiple energy windows
produce on the order of a dozen counting rate measurements at each depth. Each
counting rate can be described by a forward model relating the rate to the five
important parameters of density logging: formation density, formation photoelectric
factor, mudcake density, mudcake photoelectric factor, and the thickness of the


Some areas are heavily stressed and stress release during drilling causes oval
boreholes or large breakouts in the maximum stress axis of the borehole. The skid and
backup arm of the density log often end up in this axis so we end up logging the bad
side of the borehole. Another strong-arm caliper set at 90 degrees to the density
caliper forces the density skid into the good side of the borehole, resulting in better
log quality.
An alternative was called the dual density log. There were literally two density tools
coupled together, one above the other at 90 degrees so that while one tool was facing
the bad side of the borehole, the other was facing the good side. Thus two
independent density logs were run simultaneously. (6)


Cased hole formation density logs make accurate formation density
measurements in cased wells. A chemical gamma ray source and three-detector
measurement system are used to make measurements in a wide range of casing and
borehole sizes. The density measurement made by the three detector system is
corrected for casing and cement thickness.

The density data are used to calculate porosity and determine the lithology. The
combination of density and neutron data is used to indicate the presence of gas.

■ Porosity determination
■ Lithology analysis and identification of minerals
■ Gas detection
■ Hydrocarbon density determination
■ Shaly sand interpretation
■ Rock mechanical properties calculations
■ Determination of overburden pressure
■ Synthetic seismogram for correlation with seismic
Density is proportional to porosity, shale content, and matrix rock type, just as for the
sonic log. Both are also affected by the fluid in the formation and both must be run in
a liquid filled borehole, although the liquid does not have to conduct electricity.
The density log can be presented in units of density, that is, grams per cc or
Kilograms per cubic meter. Some log presentations portray the density data as its
equivalent porosity, translated with a particular lithology assumption. Some show
both density and density porosity, as in the image above. (6)

The scales are usually called Sandstone or Limestone scales to reflect the assumption
that was made to create them. Dolomite scales also exist on a few logs. The
relationships are:
1: PHID = (DENS - KD6) / (KD7 - KD6)
2: DENS = PHID * KD7 + (1 - PHID) * KD6

KD6 = 2.65 for Sandstone scale (English)
KD6 = 2.71 for Limestone scale (English)
KD6 = 2.87 for Dolomite scale (English)
KD6 = 2650 for Sandstone scale (Metric)
KD6 = 2710 for Limestone scale (Metric)
KD6 = 2870 for Dolomite scale (Metric)
KD7 = 1.00 for English units
KD7 = 1000 for Metric units
Logging while drilling (LWD) offers many alternatives that can be displayed as
an image log. The example at right is a density image log. Low density values are
shaded dark and can be interpreted as porosity or shale. A gamma ray log run with the
drill string helps distinguish between these alternatives. White colours represent low
porosity or tight rocks.

The LWD density tool is a focused source and detector set, similar in concept to
an open hole density logging tool. As it rotates, it scans the borehole wall to form the
image. Data is stored in memory downhole, while only the composite density curve is
sent uphole, where it is displayed in standard well log format along with any other
LWD curves available in the tool string.

A. Determination of Porosity
The porosity  of a formation can be obtained from the bulk density if the mean density of the
rock matrix and that of the fluids it contains are known.
The bulk density b of a formation can be written as a linear contribution of the density of the
rock matrix ma and the fluid density f , with each present is proportions (1- ) and ,
respectively :
b    ma    f

When solved for porosity, we get

If the formation is hydrocarbon-bearing the fluid density can be calculated by

SXO = the saturation of the mud filtrate in the invaded zone
mf = the density of the mud filtrate
hc = the density of the hydrocarbon
f = the fluid density.

B. Acoustic Impedance
Density from the formation density log is often combined with acoustic velocity from the
sonic log to calculate acoustic impedance down a well. The acoustic impedance can be used
to create synthetic seismograms to help the interpretation of seismic data.

C. Identification of Lithology
When used alone, the density log is not a good tool for identifying most lithologies. This
is because most rocks have a wide range of densities resulting from their varied mineralogical
compositions and their variable porosities. For example, shales have bulk densities ranging
from 1.8 to 2.8 g/cm3 and have variable clay mineral densities. Sandstones, limestones and
dolomites all have bulk density ranges that overlap each other and that of shales.
D. Identification of Evaporites
Evaporites are often found in a very pure state, and have clearly defined densities. If
evaporites are recognized within a log sequence, their type may be determined directly and
unambiguously from the formation density log bulk density value. Table 13.1 gives data for
some commoner evaporites.

E. Shale Compaction, Age, and Unconformities

Shale undergoes progressive compaction and increasing
density with depth of burial and age.
Occasionally, if the formation density data is plotted on a
sufficiently small depth scale, the
compaction trend may be noted by a steady but small rate of
increase of density with depth.

If, within a given shale interval, there is a sudden change of

density, the most likely explanation is that the formations
above and below the change have been deposited in a
completely different environment. The change is therefore an
indication of a possible unconformity.

F. Overpressure
Fluid overpressure works against any compaction trend caused
by the overburden pressure. Hence, it is likely that
overpressured zones will retain a greater porosity than
normally pressured zones.
If a normal compaction or no compaction is observed in a
shale over some depth interval, and
below it the bulk density begins to decrease (or the derived
porosity begins to increase) without change in lithology, it is
likely that one has entered a zone of overpressured fluids. In
this zone the overpressured fluids keep the porosity open,
stopping any compaction trend and
reversing it.
Recognition of shale compaction
and overpressure in shale sequences
using the formation density log.

G. Recognition of Accessory Mineralogies

Thin bands of anomalously high or low density within a single lithology, or a change in the
character of the density log within a single lithology indicates that there are additional mineral
Examples of this may be:

Thin bands of siderite in shales Thin density peaks

Thin bands of carbonate nodules in shales or sandstones Thin density peaks
Thin bands of carbonate in shales or sandstones Thin density peaks
Thin bands of heavy or radioactive placer minerals Thin density peaks
Dispersed micas in sandstones Increased densities in affected zone

Mineralogies and lithologies that lower the density locally if present in thin bands include
lignite, coal, anthracite or increased organic matter in a shale.
Mineralogies and lithologies that increase the density locally if present in thin bands include
pyrite, siderite, basalt and gneiss.
H. Fracture Recognition
The density tool records the bulk density of the formation. The porosity derived from this will
include all pores and fractures whether they are connected or not.
The sonic tool can also be used to measure the porosity of the formation. However, the sonic
tool is not sensitive to fracture porosity.
Hence, the difference between the porosities derived from these two measurements can be
used as an indicator of the extent of fracturing in a reservoir interval.

The direct relationship between electron number density and bulk density indicates that
no calibration is necessary. However, hydrogen is anomalous, and its presence perturbs the
direct relationship. For this reason the formation density tools are calibrated.

The primary calibrations are made by inserting the tool into a block of pure limestone
saturated with fresh water of accurately known density.

Secondary (check) calibrations are made in the wireline tool workshop by inserting the
tool into large blocks of aluminium, sulphur and magnesium of known density. Sleeves of
varying thickness are put around the tool to simulate mudcake thickness to check the
operation of the automatic mudcake compensation process. A portable radiation source is
used at the wellsite to check the responses of the two detectors before and after the tool has
been run.

The density in some formations such as anhydrite, sylvite and halite must be corrected,
as do readings in gas-bearing formations. The figure (left) shows the corrections that need to
be made.Corrections also need to be made if the borehole is larger than 10 inches in diameter.
The correction curve for one tool is given on the figure(right).

The formation density log is recorded in tracks 2 and 3 of the standard API log presentation
on a linear scale. The scale is in g/cm3, and usually spans 1.95 to 2.95 g/cm3 as this is the
normal range for rocks.

The automatic compensation (correction) for mudcake is often shown in either track 2 or
track 3 on a linear scale.
If the correction curve is greater than 0.15 g/cm3 , the data in the main curve will not
be very reliable.
As the formation density tool is a log that is commonly used to calculate porosity, a
pseudo-porosity that has been calculated from the density data may be shown together with
the bulk density curve and
correction curve. This is a pseudo-porosity curve because it will assume a matrix and fluid
density to be constant throughout the logged interval. Matrix densities of 2.65 g/cm3
(for quartz) and fluid densities of 1.1 g/cm3 (for salt water) are often used.

C. Depth of Investigation
The depth of investigation of the tool is very shallow. For Schlumberger’s FDC tool 90%
of the response comes from the first 13 cm (5 inches) from the borehole wall for a 35%
porosity sandstone (which has low density compared with most reservoir rocks). In higher
density rocks the depth of investigation is even less, and a value of about 10 cm (4 inches) can
be taken as an average value for reservoir rocks.
The shallow depth of investigation of the tool makes it sensitive to borehole quality, and
it is therefore necessary to interpret the formation density log together with the caliper log to
ensure that the measured values is not an artifact of bad hole quality.

D. Borehole Quality
The log is run eccentred in the borehole, and therefore is prone to caving and rough
borehole walls where the detectors or the source may not be pressed against the borehole wall.
In this case the readings will be erroneous due to radiation leakage along the borehole
between the detectors and bad measurement geometry. The sensitivity to bad hole quality is
exacerbated by the shallow depth of investigation that the tool has.
The formation density log should, therefore be run with a caliper tool, and the caliper
reading should be used to judge the likely quality of the formation density log data.

E. Mud Type
Drilling muds with high density or that absorb gamma rays efficiently, such as barite
filled muds, will effect the detector readings.
Compensated by spine and ribs correction.

2. Formation Evaluation Handbook. Heriot-Watt Univerity. Chapter 5
6. Crain’s Petrophysical Handcook. Retrieved from
7. Dr. Paul Glover.Petrophysics Msc Course Notes. Chapter 13- Formation Density Log

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