A General Approach For Porosity Estimation Using Artificial Neural Network Method: A Case Study From Kansas Gas Field

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A general approach for porosity estimation

using artificial neural network method:

a case study from Kansas gas field

1 Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 247667 Roorkee,

2 Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcilar
Campus, 34320 Istanbul, Turkey ([email protected])
3 Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcilar
Campus, 34320 Istanbul, Turkey
* Corresponding author

Received: February 19, 2015; Revised: May 9, 2015; Accepted: August 4, 2015


This study aims to design a back-propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) to

estimate the reliable porosity values from the well log data taken from Kansas gas field in
the USA. In order to estimate the porosity, a neural network approach is applied, which
uses as input sonic, density and resistivity log data, which are known to affect the
porosity. This network easily sets up a relationship between the input data and the output
parameters without having prior knowledge of petrophysical properties, such as pore-
fluid type or matrix material type. The results obtained from the empirical relationship
are compared with those from the neural network and a good correlation is observed.
Thus, the ANN technique could be used to predict the porosity from other well log data.

K e y w o r d s : porosity estimation, artificial neural network, well log data, Kansas gas


Porosity, which is one of the most important parameters for reservoir characterization,
is defined as the fraction of the total volume of a rock that is not occupied by the solid
constituents. High-precision estimation of porosity is one of the challenging tasks for the
oil industries.
In order to reliably characterize petroleum reservoirs, lithofacies have to be correctly
determined. In general, lithofacies can be identified by making direct observation of the
underground cores which are small rock samples retrieved from the borehole at selected
depths of the reservoir rocks.. Well data give precise information on reservoir properties
at specific field locations with high vertical resolution. On the other hand, drilling along
with the coring itself is a very expensive process, therefore a lower cost method, which

130 Stud. Geophys. Geod., 60 (2016), 130140, DOI: 10.1007/s11200-015-0820-2

© 2015 Inst. Geophys. CAS, Prague
Porosity estimation using artificial neural network method

provides the same accuracy, is desirable. Several studies have been conducted to estimate
the porosity by making use of electrical logs (Hearst, 2000; Al-Qahtani, 2000; Helle et.
al., 2001). Characterizing a reservoir is a very complex task due to its inherent
heterogeneity. Distinct geological ages, depositional environments and different
characteristics of rocks can be given as causes of this heterogeneity (Arabani, 2002). This
heterogeneous structure makes it difficult to explicitly quantify a spatial relationship
among variable reservoir characteristics because of its nonlinear nature.
The integration of well-log and seismic data is an essential process for reservoir
characterization. This fact has been well documented in the literature, see Gastaldi et al.
(1997), Russell et al. (1997), Hampson et al. (2001). Some techniques such as map-based
geostatistical methods and multi-attribute transforms have been used for porosity
estimation, see Pramanik et al. (2004). Using genetic algorithms is another approach that
was also applied to this task, see Dorrington and Link (2004).
Computer based intelligence methods like the artificial neural networks, genetic
algorithms, etc., easily handle these nonlinearity problems in an efficient way (Ouenes,
2000; Nikravesh and Aminzadeh, 2001; Nikravesh et al., 2003; Aminian et. al., 2005;
Kaydani et. al., 2012). These computational methods are able to provide more reliable
values of reservoir properties because these methods are independent of the inherent
uncertainties present in the borehole (Nikravesh et. al., 2003).
Neural networks have been successfully used to estimate porosity and permeability
form well logs, see Bhatt and Helle (2002) and Helle et al. (2001). Russell (2004), has
examined the relationship between seismic attributes and reservoir parameters such as
porosity. He also discussed the application of the probabilistic neural network to porosity
classification. He showed the disadvantage of linear methods, which is that they can solve
only linear problems, whereas the disadvantage of the multi-layer perceptron approach is
that the final answer is dependent of this initial guess of the weights. As with linear
methods, the solution to the weights does not depend on an initial guess, but, unlike linear
methods, the basis function approach can solve nonlinear problems. The advantage of
using smooth regression to estimate the effective porosity by combining seismic attributes
and well log data over other techniques is that it will be able to tell us how well we can
predict the porosity using any model that is likely to be operating. It can delineate the
complex non-linear relationships if there are any. Similar to any other statistical and
mathematical models, ANN models have also some disadvantages. Having a large number
of input variables is one of the most common problems for their development because
they are not engineered to eliminate superfluous inputs. It is critical to devise a systematic
features election scheme that provides guidance on choosing the most representative
features for estimation of petrophysical parameters (Iturrarán-Viveros and Parra, 2014).
In this study, we applied a well known method which is called back-propagation
artificial neural network (BP-ANN) to estimate the reliable porosity values from the well
log data taken from the well in Finney county of Kansas gas field (Fig. 1) located in USA.
The porosities were computed using combined neutron-density empirical relationship
from real neutron ( N ) and density (  B ) log data. Then, these porosities were validated
by ANN technique applied to a set of well-log data (sonic, density and resistivity log).

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Fig. 1. Location of the study area and simplified geological map of Finney County (from Kansas
Geological Survey, http://www.kgs.ku.edu/General/Geology/County/def/finney.html).


Porosity is affected by numerous parameters inside the borehole including fluid type
and rock matrix, therefore exact calculation for the porosity using electrical logs is quite
difficult. Normally it is obtained either using the wireline log data or through coring of the
samples, which are time consuming and costly methods. Porosity is usually measured by
using density logs and sonic logs but those are not direct measurements as well.
2.1. Sonic log
The propagation speed of a wave in the formation is calculated using the time spent to
travel through the certain thicknesses of the formation and it is known as the sonic log
(Fig. 2a). Porosity determined by using sonic log is given as

132 Stud. Geophys. Geod., 60 (2016)

Porosity estimation using artificial neural network method

tm  t
s  , (1)
tm  t f

where s is the sonic porosity, tm is the transit time of the wave inside the rock matrix,
t is the transit time of the wave inside the rock material and t f is the transit time of
the wave inside the pore fluid of the borehole (Wyllie et. al., 1956).
2.2. Density log
The density-porosity values can be determined from the density log data (RHOB)
(Fig. 2b) as (Serra, 1984a).
m  
d  , (2)
m   f

where d is the density-porosity,  m is the matrix density,  is the bulk density and  f
is the fluid density.
2.3. Resistivity log
A single log cannot resolve the petrophysical properties of the formation by itself.
Instead, combinations of different logs are used (Helle et. al., 2001). Resistivity logs
which are the best indicators of the pore fluids are used for supporting the other logs in oil
wells (Fig. 2c). Using resistivity log, porosity is determined from
Ro a
 , (3)
Rw m
where  is the porosity, Ro is the resistivity of the formation in clean porous aquifer, Rw
is the resistivity of the interstitial water, a is the coefficient between 0.6 and 2.0 depending
on the lithology, and m is the cementation factor which varies between 1 and 3 according
to the type of sediment, the shape of pore, the type of porosity and the extent to the degree
of compactation (Serra, 1984b).
2.4. Combined density-neutron porosity
The combination of density and neutron logs (Fig. 3) is commonly used to determine
porosity which is free from the lithology influences to a great extent. Each of the
individual log records an apparent porosity that is true only when the zone lithology
matches. Limestone-equivalent porosity is a good choice for both the neutron and the
density logs, because the calcite has properties that functions as an intermediate between
the dolomite and the quartz. And the effects of the dolomite and the quartz tend to be
cancelled out by averaging the apparent neutron- and density-porosities of a zone
  n
 d . (4)

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Fig. 2. a) Sonic log, b) density log, c) resistivity log from the studied well shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 3. a) Density-porosity log, b) neutron-porosity hydrogen index (HI) log, and c) combined
porosity log from the studied well shown in Fig. 1.

Equation (4) is the combination of the density- and neutron-porosity used in this study.
In the above equation, is the calculated porosity, d is the density-porosity and n is
the neutron-porosity.


The study area in Kansas gas field is shown in Fig. 1. The rocks which are found in
Finney County are all sedimentary originated and their history ranges from the Upper

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Porosity estimation using artificial neural network method

Cretaceous ages to the recent times. The oldest rocks on the surface layer in this area
belong to the Upper Cretaceous ages and they comprise some parts of the Greenhorn
limestone, Carlile shale, and the Niobrara formation. The Tertiary deposits of silt, sand,
and gravel (Ogallala formation) that overlie the Cretaceous beds along most of the Finney
County can be observed only on some parts of the Arkansas valley, along the Pawnee
valley and, on the northern uplands of the Pawnee valley. Clay is seen above the
Cretaceous beds in the northwestern and the southern Finney County.
Information about the unexposed rocks that lie beneath the Finney County has been
obtained from the test holes that are drilled during the course of the investigation, from the
logs of oil and gas testing wells, and from the exposures of these rocks in the nearby
areas. They include shales and sandstones from the Cretaceous ages which lie under the
Greenhorn limestone all over this area. Besides, they also include Paleozoic limestones
and shales with lesser amounts of sandstone, gypsum, anhydrite, and salt that are found
beneath the Cretaceous deposits (Latta, 1944).


In machine learning, artificial neural networks (ANN) are branches of the statistical
learning algorithms inspired by the biological neural networks (the central nervous
systems of animals, in particular the brain) and they are used to estimate or approximate
nonlinear functions that depend on a large number of inputs which are generally unknown.
The artificial neural networks are generally presented as systems of interconnected
“neurons” which can compute values from inputs, and which are capable of machine
learning and pattern recognition as a result of their adaptive nature. Learning of the neural
network can be accomplished by making use of the supervised or unsupervised
algorithms. The supervised training requires a set of known input-output data patterns (or
training patterns), while the latter requires only the input patterns (Wong and Nikravesh,
2001). Neural networks are increasingly popular in geophysics. Since they are universal
approximators, these tools can approximate any continuous function with an arbitrary
precision. Hence, they are accepted to have important contributions in finding solutions in
various geophysical applications (Baan, 2000).
4.1. Supervised networks and feed forward networks
Supervised neural networks are trained to produce the essential outputs in response to
the sample inputs, making them particularly well-suited in the modeling and the
controlling of a dynamic system, in the classification of the noisy data and in the
prediction of the future events. In this study, feed forward neural network is used.
Feed forward networks have one-way connections from the input to the output layers.
They are most commonly used for the prediction, the recognition of the pattern, and the
nonlinear function fitting.
In this study, a three layered neural network model is used; the input layer, the hidden
layer and the output layer (Fig. 4).
For a general neural network the input set is given as
X   x1 , x2 ,  , xn  , (5)

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Fig. 4. The neural network design used in this study.

where x1, x2, …, xn are input units. Functionally each input unit xi is first weighed and
then multiplied with the weight function wi and then summed up. Thus, the net input in
the input layer is given by (Tanner, 1995)
net   xi wi . (6)
i 1

Then, activation function or transfer function is determined. A sigmoid function is

used as the activation function in this study. However, it is required to add the bias value 
before the computation of activation function (Taner, 1995) which serves as a threshold
for the activation function and therefore the output will be given by
Oj  , (7)
 net j   j 
1  exp   
 0
 
where 0 is the sigmoid shaping factor. For higher values of 0 , sigmoid will have a low
slop but for the lower values, it will be steep.
The back-propagation technique for error is used which is a type of supervised method
in estimating the problems of ANN. The difference between the measured and the
estimated results should be below a determined level.

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Porosity estimation using artificial neural network method

Fig. 5. Performance of the neural network. MSE: mean square error. The best validation
performance is 0.00010196 at epoch 10.

Fig. 6. Regression fit between the empirically derived combined porosity and the porosity
determined using the artificial neural network (ANN).

In this study, some parts of the input data are used in training (70%), some are used in
testing (15%) and the rest are used in validating. For the purpose of training, the ‘trainlm’
network function of MATLAB is used which updates the weight and bias values in
accordance with the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization. The network validation (15%) is
performed simultaneously with the network training in each course and when the
validation data error begins to rise, the training stops. The mean square error (MSE) curve
in terms of the number of the training courses (epochs) for training the data shows that the
network has arrived to the best learning and the lowest error after ten iterations (Fig. 5).
The correlation in both the training and testing stages is R2 > 0.97. According to these
results, the efficiency of the artificial neural network in the estimation of the porosity is
very high.

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ANN process requires three steps; the training, the testing and the validation of the
network. In the training step, the network tries to acquire knowledge (information) from
the given data set and it establishes a relationship between the input data set and the
output parameter. After the training process, the network is tested by other data sets and
finally, it is tested by the validation step in order to check the reliability of the process.
The neural network is in the process of training until it reaches global minimum error
value between the empirically derived porosities and the ANN porosities and is given as
the MSE. If Yi are the combined density-neutron porosity values and Yi  are the ANN
calculated porosity values, then the MSE of n such predictions is given as (Wackerly and
Scheaffer, 2008)

1 n 2
 Yi  Yi  . (8)
i 1

This error is then propagated backwards to adjust itself to the weights and the biases of the
network. When the training stage stops after MSE reaches its global minimum value, then
the final weight and bias values is stored and can be applied for other wells.
The performance of the well is shown in the Fig. 5, which indicates that global
minimum of the error is found at tenth epoch (iteration).
The regression fit between the empirically derived combined porosity and the porosity
obtained from the artificial neural network is also shown in the Fig. 6. Since this
correlation is very high (R2 > 0.97), the same results can also be used to determine the
porosity in the other wells in case the lithology does not change.
Figure 7 shows that the match between empirically derived combined porosity and the
ANN porosity is nearly perfect at all depths. Thus, we believe that well-log data can be
used in the ANN method to estimate porosities. Cross validation such as a blind test can
better validate the ANN technique if porosity values are available.


The porosity generated from the combined density and neutron log data is compared
with the one generated from the neural network approach. The high degree of the
correlation between the observed porosity and the ANN derived porosity demonstrate the
potential of the ANN method for the reservoir characterization problems. The neural net
approach does not require an underlying mathematical model or an assumption of linearity
among the variables. Its limitation is the amount of effort required to select the
representative collection of training data, which is common for all models with real data.
This method requires minimum of the computing time which saves time and money spent
on the core sampling without any prior knowledge of matrix material or pore-fluid. Neural
network designed in the study can be used to reliably estimate the porosity values in other
wells of the field in case the lithology does not change and real well log data is not

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Porosity estimation using artificial neural network method

Fig. 7. a) Empirical derived combined porosity and b) ANN porosity of the studied well shown in
Fig. 1.

Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Dr. G. Randy Keller and anonymous reviewers for
their constructive comments in the preparation of the final form of the paper.

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