Lithium's Emerging Role in The Treatment of Refractory Major Depressive Episodes: Augmentation of Antidepressants

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Neuropsychobiology 2010;62:36–42 Published online: May 7, 2010

DOI: 10.1159/000314308

Lithium’s Emerging Role in the Treatment

of Refractory Major Depressive Episodes:
Augmentation of Antidepressants
Michael Bauer a, b Mazda Adli b, c Tom Bschor a, b, d Maximilian Pilhatsch a
Andrea Pfennig a, b Johanna Sasse a, b Rita Schmid e Ute Lewitzka a, b
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische
Universität Dresden, Dresden, b The International Group for the Study of Lithium-Treated Patients, IGSLI,
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charité Campus Mitte, and
Department of Psychiatry, Schlosspark-Clinic, Berlin, and e Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
University Medical Center Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany

Key Words needed-to-treat of 5. The meta-analysis revealed a mean re-

Lithium ⴢ Augmentation treatment strategies ⴢ sponse rate of 41.2% in the lithium group and 14.4% in the
Antidepressants ⴢ Treatment-resistant depression placebo group. One placebo-controlled trial in the continu-
ation treatment phase showed that responders to acute-
phase lithium augmentation should be maintained on the
Abstract lithium-antidepressant combination for at least 12 months
Background: The late onset of therapeutic response and a to prevent early relapses. Preliminary studies to assess ge-
relatively large proportion of nonresponders to antidepres- netic influences on response probability to lithium augmen-
sants remain major concerns in clinical practice. Therefore, tation have suggested a predictive role of the –50T/C single
there is a critical need for effective medication strategies nucleotide polymorphism of the GSK3␤ gene. Conclusion:
that augment treatment with antidepressants. Methods: To Augmentation of antidepressants with lithium is currently
review the available evidence on the use of lithium as an the best-evidenced augmentation therapy in the treatment
augmentation strategy to treat depressive episodes. Re- of depressed patients who do not respond to antidepres-
sults: More than 30 open-label studies and 10 placebo-con- sants. Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
trolled double-blind trials have demonstrated substantial
efficacy of lithium augmentation in the acute treatment of
depressive episodes. Most of these studies were performed
in unipolar depression and included all major classes of an- History of Lithium in Depression
tidepressants, however mostly tricyclics. A meta-analysis in-
cluding 10 randomized placebo-controlled trials has provid- Since the discovery of lithium in modern psychiatry
ed evidence that lithium augmentation has a statistically sig- in 1949, lithium has been mainly considered as a prophy-
nificant effect on the response rate compared to placebo lactic treatment for bipolar disorders and an acute treat-
with an odds ratio of 3.11, which corresponds to a number- ment of mania. Less attention has been given to lithium

© 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel Michael Bauer, MD, PhD

0302–282X/10/0621–0036$26.00/0 Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Technische Universität Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 74, DE–01307 Dresden (Germany)
E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: Tel. +49 351 458 2772, Fax +49 351 458 4324 E-Mail michael.bauer @
and its potential value to treat and prevent acute depres- Of these strategies, lithium augmentation therapy is
sive episodes in unipolar depression [1, 2]. As early as in among the best-studied ones [6]. Lithium salts have been
the 1960s and 70s, the antidepressant effect of lithium used to augment the efficacy of antidepressant medica-
was investigated by numerous studies. Although there is tions for more than 25 years. The first study to test this
quite some evidence from these studies for an antidepres- hypothesis in patients with major depression was per-
sive efficacy, lithium has never been used broadly as an formed by de Montigny et al. [7]. They reported a dra-
antidepressant medication in unipolar and bipolar de- matic response within 48 h to the addition of lithium in
pressed patients in clinical practice. The maintenance 8 patients who had not responded to at least 3 weeks of
properties of lithium were investigated since the late treatment with tricyclic antidepressants. The efficacy of
1950s in both bipolar and unipolar affective illness. Many the combination and rapidity of response has led many
of these studies which focused on bipolar disease also had clinical research groups to pursue study of this treatment
substantial data on the prophylactic effects of lithium in intervention. Subsequent randomized controlled trials
preventing the recurrence of unipolar depression. A re- have confirmed de Montigny’s initial findings from 1981
cent comprehensive review of these studies shows that with more than 30 open-label and comparator studies
lithium prevents the recurrence of unipolar depression including more than 500 depressed patients being pub-
[1]. However, despite these findings the evidence failed to lished [8]. In these studies, the duration of antidepres-
convince practitioners to use lithium to treat acute and sant before treatment ranged between 3 and 7 weeks with
prophylactic depressive disorders. This might be due to a mean of 4.5 weeks; the subsequent lithium augmenta-
its relatively narrow therapeutic range of application and tion therapy lasted between 2 days and 14 weeks with a
the necessity with lithium treatment to monitor lithium mean duration of about 30 days. The antidepressants
serum level regularly. The focus of this article is on an- used in the trials included agents from different groups;
other effective application of lithium in the treatment of among them were selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
depressive disorders that emerged since the 1980s: lithi- (SSRIs), tri- and tetracyclic antidepressants, and mono-
um augmentation of antidepressants. amine oxidase inhibitors. The dosages of the antidepres-
sants used were not reported in all trials. The dosages of
lithium carbonate ranged between 300 and 1,500 mg/
Augmentation Therapy in Depression day. The response rates ranged widely between 100 and
23.5% with a median of 56%; 10 of 17 open-label studies
Although there are many drugs available for the treat- found response rates to lithium augmentation of 50% or
ment of major depression, the overall treatment outcome more.
of depressed patients is usually far from optimal. Regard- A recent meta-analysis addressing the question pooled
less of the initial choice of antidepressant, about 30–50% 10 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials
of patients with a major depressive episode will not re- and included 269 mostly unipolar depressed patients [9].
spond sufficiently to adequately performed first-line Lithium dosage, duration of treatment and other charac-
treatment [3]. Numerous treatment strategies have been teristics of the studies are detailed in table 1. Lithium had
described for use in antidepressant nonresponder and a significant positive effect versus placebo with an odds
treatment-resistant depression [4, 5]. Augmentation ratio of 3.11, which corresponds to a number-needed-to-
treatment strategies involve adding a second drug other treat of 5. Table 1 shows the odds ratio for subjects re-
than an antidepressant to the treatment regimen when no sponding to the treatment in each study by year of publi-
response or only partial response has been achieved, with cation.
the goal of enhancing treatment. Augmentation agents However, 5 of the studies pooled did not show a sig-
include lithium, thyroid hormones, atypical neurolep- nificant difference. Reasons for the negative findings may
tics, anticonvulsants, stimulants and buspirone. One ad- be low power [10–12], use of insufficient lithium doses
vantage of augmentation is that it eliminates the period [13], too short a duration of treatment [10, 12], and con-
of transition between 1 antidepressant to another and cerns about the efficacy of lithium augmentation with
builds on the partial response. Consequently, when they noradrenergic antidepressants [14, 15]. Previous studies
work, augmentation strategies can have a rapid effect. had demonstrated that only doses of lithium carbonate
Secondly, augmentation is of benefit for patients who higher than 600 mg/day and a duration of 7 days were
have had some response and may be reluctant to risk los- useful in augmenting therapies [16].
ing that improvement [3].

Lithium Augmentation Neuropsychobiology 2010;62:36–42 37

Table 1. Results of randomized, placebo-controlled lithium augmentation studies in depression

Study Subjects Antidepressant Lithium dosage (serum level) and Fixed effects: Response criteria;
duration odds ratioa (95% CI) response rates

Heninger et al. 14 UP, 1 BP various TCAs lithium carbonate 900–1,200 mg/day 23.57 (1.00–556.08) decrease of 2 or more
[47], 1983 12 F, 3 M and tetracyclics (0.5–1.1 mEq/l) points on SCRS;
mean age 50 years 12 days lithium: 62.5%
placebo: 0%
Kantor et al. 7 UP various TCAs lithium carbonate 900 mg/day 3.00 (0.09–102.05) ≥40% decrease in
[10], 1986 sex nr 48 h HAM-D score;
mean age nr lithium: 25%
placebo: 0%
Zusky et al. 16 UP various TCAs lithium carbonate 300 mg/day first 1.80 (0.21–15.41) final HAM-D score ≤7;
[11], 1988 13 F, 3 M and MAOIs week, 900 mg/day second week lithium: 38%
mean age 45 years 14 days placebo: 25%
Schöpf et al. 18 UP, 9 BP various lithium carbonate 600–800 mg/day 27.00 (1.35–541.57) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
[30], 1989 19 F, 8 M antidepressants (0.6–0.8 mEq/l) lithium: 50%
mean age 54 years 7 days placebo: 0%
Browne et al. 14 UP, 3 BP various TCAs lithium carbonate 900 mg/day 3.00 (0.35–25.87) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
[12], 1990 10 F, 7 M and tetracyclics 48 h lithium: 43%
mean age 42 years placebo: 20%
Stein and 34 UP various TCAs lithium carbonate 250 mg/day or 0.50 (0.08–3.19) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
Bernadt 27 F, 7 M 750 mg/day lithium (250 mg): 18%
[13], 1993 mean age 47 years 21 days lithium (750 mg): 44%
placebo: 22%
Joffe et al. 33 UP various TCAs lithium carbonate 900 mg/day 4.88 (1.01–23.57) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
[21], 1993 18 F, 15 M (>0.55 mEq/l) lithium: 52%
mean age 37 years 14 days placebo: 18.7%
Katona et al. 61, polarity nr SSRI and TCA lithium 800 mg/day (0.6–1 mmol/l) 3.21 (1.09–9.48) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
[48], 1995 35 F, 26 M 42 days lithium: 53%
mean age 40 years placebo: 25%
Baumann et al. 23 UP, 1 BP SSRI lithium carbonate 800 mg/day 9.00 (1.27–63.89) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
[49], 1996 17 F, 7 M (citalopram) (0.5–0.8 mmol/l) lithium: 58%
mean age 41 years 7 days placebo: 14%
Nierenberg et al. 35 UP TCA lithium carbonate 900 mg/day 0.58 (0.08–4.01) ≥50% decrease in HAM-D;
[14], 2003 16 F, 19 M (nortriptyline) lithium: 12.5%
mean age 38 years placebo: 20%

UP = Unipolar; BP = bipolar; F = female; M = male; nr = not reported; MAOI = monoamine oxidase inhibitor; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant; HAM-
D = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; SCRS = Short Clinical Rating Scale; CI = confidence interval.
All studies: odds ratio 3.11 (1.80–5.37); data from meta-analysis.

Since the first meta-analysis [16], only 1 placebo-con- view, arguments for a true augmentation effect derive
trolled study has been published [14]. As noted on the from a controlled clinical trial showing that the antide-
original meta-analysis published in 1999 [16], a new neg- pressant effects of lithium addition were significantly
ative study would have to include more than 2,500 pa- higher in amitriptyline-pretreated depression patients,
tients per group to change the results of this pooling. compared with placebo-pretreated patients, who showed
However, it remains to be examined whether the response no improvement after a 3-week treatment [17]. In sum-
to lithium augmentation represents true augmentation mary, a randomized, double-blind study is warranted
resulting from synergistic effects or whether the response which investigates the effects of lithium alone and com-
is simply owing to the antidepressant effect of lithium it- pares them with the effects of lithium in combination
self. Experimental studies supporting the former possi- with an antidepressant.
bility will be reviewed below. From the clinical point of

38 Neuropsychobiology 2010;62:36–42 Bauer /Adli /Bschor /Pilhatsch /Pfennig /

Sasse /Schmid /Lewitzka
Comparator Studies of Lithium Augmentation weeks, respectively, without any apparent changes in life
stresses. In a second, naturalistic discontinuation study
Rarely have two augmentation strategies been com- in an elderly group of patients with major depressive dis-
pared with each other under similar conditions, thus the order, about half of the patients relapsed following dis-
relative magnitude of their effects is largely unknown. continuation of lithium augmentation [28]. In a recent
Among the comparators were electroconvulsive therapy review article [29], it was concluded that there is a sig-
[18], monoamine oxidase inhibitors [19, 20], thyroid hor- nificant risk of relapse in elderly patients whose lithium
mone [21], carbamazepine [22, 23], and high-dose SSRIs augmentation therapy for unipolar depression is discon-
or tricyclic augmentation in SSRI users [24]. In these tinued.
studies, there has been no dramatic difference between
lithium augmentation and any other strategy, although
the varied quality of some studies – for example problems Predictors of Response and Practical Use of Lithium
with trial duration, use of subtherapeutic doses of lithium Augmentation
and low power – should preclude drawing definite con-
clusions. A series of studies have investigated clinical and bio-
logical factors in lithium augmentation trials to allow
outcome prediction [17, 30–33]. Age and gender have con-
Continuation Phase and Discontinuation Studies sistently been found not to be associated with response.
Some studies have observed that bipolar patients respond
One randomized controlled trial has examined the ef- better than unipolar patients [34], but this has not been
ficacy of lithium augmentation in the continuation treat- confirmed by others, likely because most patients en-
ment phase of unipolar major depressive disorder [25]. rolled in the augmentation studies suffered from unipo-
Twenty-nine patients with a refractory major depressive lar depression [35]. An analysis of 71 depressed patients
episode, single or recurrent, who had responded to acute refractory to treatment with a tricyclic antidepressant
lithium augmentation therapy during an open-label 6- demonstrated that patients with a more severe depressive
week study were randomized after a 2- to 4-week stabili- syndrome were more likely to respond to lithium aug-
zation period to a double-blind continuation treatment mentation [33].
for another 4 months with either lithium (n = 14) or pla- During the past decade, we have administered lithium
cebo (n = 15). The antidepressant was continued at the augmentation in a fast titrating regimen in adults without
same dosage throughout the study. Seven of the 15 pa- major adverse events in depressed in- and outpatients. In
tients on placebo suffered from a relapse (5 depressive adults (age up to 55 years; in elderly patients slower), lith-
and 2 with a first manic episode) in the double-blind ium carbonate is started on a daily dose of 450 mg (equiv-
study phase, while no patients from the lithium group alent to approximately 12 mmol/day), and the dose is in-
relapsed. Even more patients relapsed during the subse- creased to 900 mg on the second day. This scheme leads
quent open-label 6-month phase after lithium was with- to lithium serum levels of 0.5–0.7 mmol/l in most pa-
drawn in the group previously receiving lithium [26]. It tients. The first dose adjustment can be performed after
was concluded that patients who respond to lithium aug- achieving a steady state, typically 5 days after the last
mentation should be maintained on lithium augmenta- change in dosing. Treatment of about 4 weeks allows as-
tion for a minimum of 12 months or even longer [26]. sessment of the patient’s response.
The effects of gradual discontinuation of lithium aug-
mentation therapy were assessed in a randomized, pla-
cebo-controlled discontinuation study in 12 elderly pa- Mechanisms of Lithium Augmentation
tients who had responded to lithium augmentation dur-
ing their most recent refractory unipolar depressive The underlying mechanisms of action involved in the
episode [27]. Patients were randomized to receive contin- potentiatory effect of lithium is still unclear and several
ued lithium augmentation or matching placebo; 2 of 6 hypotheses have been suggested such as activity and
patients in the lithium maintenance group had a recur- modulation on serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission and
rence of depression at 61 and 96 weeks, respectively, im- endocrine systems [36–38]. Initially, de Montigny and
mediately after a stressful life event. Similarly, 2 of 6 pa- colleagues [17, 39] postulated that a pharmacodynamic
tients had a recurrence in the placebo group at 7 and 92 action mediated via the serotonergic systems may ac-

Lithium Augmentation Neuropsychobiology 2010;62:36–42 39

count for the synergistic effect of lithium when added to previously been shown to be associated with response to
a tricyclic antidepressant. From animal studies there is lithium prophylaxis in bipolar disorder [46]. Similarly,
robust evidence that lithium augmentation increases 5- carriers of the C allele of the –50T/C SNP showed a sig-
HT neurotransmission, possibly through a synergistic nificantly better response to lithium augmentation (haz-
action of lithium and the antidepressant on brain 5-HT ard ratio = 2.70, p = 0.007) with a mean remission rate of
pathways. Using microdialysis techniques in animals, 56.2% after 4 weeks compared to 31% in patients with the
addition of lithium to chronic citalopram therapy further TT genotype [45]. These results suggest a predictive role
elevated basal levels of 5-HT in the rat ventral hippocam- of the –50T/C SNP of the GSK3␤ gene for response to
pus [40]. Further evidence for a ‘true’ augmentation effect lithium augmentation treatment in depressed patients
derived from animal studies showed that, in contrast to who do not respond sufficiently to monotherapy with an
lithium alone, the addition of lithium to antidepressant antidepressant. However, these promising data require
treatment with the SSRI, citalopram potentiated presyn- confirmation in larger samples to be applicable in clinical
aptic serotonergic function in rats [41]. Specifically, some routine care. Also, the functional relevance of the GSK3␤
authors suggested that the effect of lithium on 5-HT neu- –50T/C SNP needs to be further investigated.
rotransmission could be linked to a partial agonist activ-
ity on 5-HT1B autoreceptors or to a modulatory activity
on these receptors [38]. In a recent series of experiments, Conclusion
the effects of lithium were investigated in a battery of
standard behavioral tests (e.g. Porsolt’s forced swim test, Augmentation of antidepressants with lithium is the
open-field test) that are considered animal models of de- best-evidenced augmentation therapy in the treatment of
pression. In these studies, behavior was robustly affected depressed patients who do not respond to standard anti-
dose dependently by chronic lithium treatment [42, 43] depressants. The evidence reviewed here supports the
suggesting lithium’s genuine antidepressant properties. recommendation of lithium augmentation as a first-line
Remarkably, these lithium-sensitive behaviors were also therapy for nonresponding and refractory depressed pa-
observed in mice lacking one copy of the gene encoding tients [3, 4, 6]. In depressed patients who respond to lith-
GSK3␤, a well-established direct target of lithium [42]. ium augmentation, effective lithium doses should be con-
Pharmacogenetic approaches to assess genetic influ- tinued in combination with the antidepressant for at least
ences on response probability to lithium augmentation 12 months after remission, in those patients with recur-
have also revealed some promising results. In a pilot rent depression even longer [25]. Unfortunately, this ef-
study, the 5-HT transporter gene-linked polymorphic re- fective and generally well-tolerated strategy is widely un-
gion (5-HTTLPR) allele variant’s effect on lithium aug- derutilized in clinical practice.
mentation was analyzed in 50 antidepressant-nonrespon-
sive patients [44]. Patients homozygous for the s allele of
the 5-HTTLPR had a more favorable response compared
with those heterozygous (hazard ratio = 6.9; p = 0.005) or References 1 Davis JM: Lithium maintenance of unipolar
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42 Neuropsychobiology 2010;62:36–42 Bauer /Adli /Bschor /Pilhatsch /Pfennig /

Sasse /Schmid /Lewitzka
Copyright: S. Karger AG, Basel 2010. Reproduced with the permission of S. Karger AG, Basel. Further
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