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International Journal of Manpower

What motivates employees according to over 40 years of motivation surveys

Carolyn Wiley,
Article information:
To cite this document:
Carolyn Wiley, (1997) "What motivates employees according to over 40 years of motivation surveys", International Journal of
Manpower, Vol. 18 Issue: 3,pp. 263-280, doi: 10.1108/01437729710169373
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What motivates
What motivates employees employees
according to over 40 years of
motivation surveys
Carolyn Wiley
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA Received July 1995
Revised December 1995

Theoretical background
The relationship between people and their work has long attracted psychologists
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and other behavioural scientists. Psychologists’ interests, dating back to the early
years of the twentieth century, reflect the development of the industrial
psychology and vocational guidance disciplines. Their work dealt with measure-
ment of aptitudes and abilities to improve the job-person fit. The study of
motivation now forms an integral part of both industrial and vocational
psychology. However, in both fields, concepts like need, motive, goal, incentive
and attitude are appearing with greater frequency than are the concepts of
aptitude, ability and skill (Vroom, 1995, p. 4).
Three assumptions guide contemporary research on human motivation:
(1) Motivation is inferred from a systematic analysis of how personal, task and
environmental characteristics influence behaviour and job performance.
(2) Motivation is not a fixed trait. It refers to a dynamic internal state result-
ing from the influence of personal and situational factors. As such, motiva-
tion may change with changes in personal, social or other factors.
(3) Motivation affects behaviour, rather than performance (Nicholson, 1995:
p. 330-1). Initiatives designed to enhance job performance by increasing
employee motivation may not be successful if there is a weak link
between job performance and an employee’s efforts.
Early management theories, such as Frederick W. Taylor’s Scientific Manage-
ment Theory suggested using financial compensation to impel motivation and
job performance. Personality and learning theories in psychology during the
early 1900s led to the development of motivational programmes to enhance
performance by creating organizational conditions that matched need
satisfaction with on-task efforts. Research on the determinants of choice, from
the 1940s through the 1960s, led to the development of predictive models of
workplace behaviours, including turnover (Nicholson, 1995, p. 332).
The rise of behaviourism, emphasized B.F. Skinner’s Operant Learning and
Reinforcement Theory as a means of altering workplace behaviour. Behaviour
modification techniques were then developed to enhance job performance. And
job redesign was used to strengthen employee motivation by creating work International Journal of Manpower,
Vol. 18 No. 3, 1997, pp. 263-280.
environments that promoted a sense of achievement, the perception of © MCB University Press, 0143-7720
International competence, and autonomy. The past two decades have seen tremendous growth
Journal of in the use of goal setting and management by objectives (MBO) programmes.
Manpower Thus, modern approaches to motivation may be organized into three related
clusters (Kanfer, 1992):
• personality-based views;
264 • cognitive choice/decision approaches, and
• goal/self-regulation perspectives.
Goal/self-regulation frameworks of work motivation emphasize the factors that
influence goal striving which focuses on the relationship between goals and
work behaviour (Locke and Latham, 1990). The idea is that goal setting
produces high performance. The basic premiss of goal setting theory is that an
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employee’s conscious intentions (goals) are primary determinants of task-

related motivation since goals direct their thoughts and actions (Locke, 1968).
Results of goal/self-regulation research indicate two critical preconditions of a
positive goal-performance relationship: acceptance of the goal assignment and
provisions for performance feedback. More recently, cybernetic control (Lord
and Kernan, 1989), resource allocation (Kanfer and Ackerman, 1989), and social-
cognitive theories (e.g. Bandura, 1986) have been used to examine more closely
how particular attributes of a goal, a person and a situation influence goal
striving and performance (Nicholson, 1995, p. 334). These findings suggest that
task demands, self-efficacy, goal commitment, and task orientation are
important determinants of the effectiveness of goal setting methods (Nicholson,
1995, p. 334).
Cognitive choice/decision approaches of work motivation emphasize two
determinants of choice and action: expectations; and subjective valuations of
the consequences associated with each alternative. These expectancy value
(EV) theories are intended to predict an individual’s choices or decisions. More
integrative frameworks have been developed. They incorporate the classic
assumptions of EV theories in a broader framework of decision making that
includes individual differences in personality and other motivational processes,
including self-regulation (Nicholson, 1995, p. 332).
Personality-based perspectives of work motivation provide the main support
of the research reported here. Personality-based views emphasize the influence
of enduring personal characteristics as they affect goal choice and striving. One
type of personality-based work motivation perspective concerns models based
on broad theories of personality, such as Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Theory. Workplace behaviour is posited to be determined by a person’s current
need state in certain universal need categories. A second type of personality
perspective considers the influence of a small set of psychological motives on
behaviour and performance. This perspective focuses on the role of individual
differences in the strength of achievement motives (e.g. Clayton Aldefer’s ERG
theory, discussed below). Individuals with a high need for achievement are more
likely to want and/or select challenging tasks. Other motive theories did not
stress individual differences, but rather emphasized the conditions that arouse
the motive and its influence on behaviour. For instance, in the Equity Theory – What motivates
primarily from J. Stacey Adams’ work – the arousal of the justice motive occurs employees
when an employee perceives an imbalance in his/her inputs and outcomes
relative to others’ (Bowditch and Buono, 1997, p. 89 and 103; Nicholson, 1995: p.
333). Subsequently, the employee may engage in behaviours to reduce the
perceived inequity.
While these personality-based theories do not necessarily predict motivation or 265
behaviour, they can provide a basic understanding of what energizes (motivates)
individuals. The main strength of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory is the iden-
tification of individual needs for the purpose of motivating behaviour. By appeal-
ing to an employee’s unfulfilled needs, managers may influence performance.
Alderfer’s ERG Theory is one attempt to modify Maslow’s hierarchy by
reducing the number of need categories. Alderfer found only three levels of need:
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(1) existence or survival (E);

(2) relatedness (R), dealing with social interaction and the external facets of
esteem (recognition and status from others); and
(3) growth (G), focusing on the desire to achieve and develop a person’s
potential and the internal facets of ego fulfilment (success and autonomy).
David McClelland’s Socially Acquired Needs Theory proposes that people are
influenced by a need for achievement, power, or affiliation and that the strength
of that particular need will vary according to the situation. Studies have found
that employees with a high need for achievement will set higher goals than will
those with lower achievement needs.
Another research-based theory is Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory.
Herzberg’s research suggested that motivation is composed of two largely
unrelated dimensions:
(1) job-related factors which can prevent dissatisfaction, but do not promote
employees’ growth and development (hygiene); and
(2) job-related factors that encourage growth (motivators).
While there has been some support for Herzberg’s thesis, most empirical
studies refute predictions based on this theory. Needs for salary, recognition and
responsibility, for example, have been shown to operate both as motivators and
as hygiene factors (Maidani, 1991).
In general, the theories mentioned here continue to provide the foundation for
a significant amount of organization and management development and
training, including work redesign and career development. These work
motivation theories are a part of the broad field of human motivation study and
have direct implications for individual workplace behaviour. Moreover, they may
be applied to a variety of management practices aimed at motivating employees.

What motivates employees?

At some point during their lives, virtually every person works. Working is so
commonplace that the question, “What motivates people to work?”, is seldom
International asked. We are much more likely to wonder why people climb mountains or
Journal of commit suicide than to question the motivational basis of their work (Vroom,
Manpower 1995, pp. 34-5). This article attempts to address this matter by asking
employees “What factors motivate you in your jobs?” Their responses are
18,3 particularly applicable to the content motivation theories discussed in the
previous section.
266 Exploring the attitudes that employees hold concerning factors that
motivate them to work is important to creating an environment that fosters
employee motivation. By the 1930s, employee attitude surveys were being used
frequently in business to assess employee morale (Schneider, Ashworth, Higgs
and Carr, 1996, p. 695). In 1949, Bellows reported that employee attitude surveys
constituted a useful means for comparing the effectiveness of supervision and
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as diagnostics for supervisory training. They still are a direct approach to

finding out what employees perceive as job-related motivational factors. With
the results of surveys presented here, an organization is likely to gain
information that can be used by managers to improve employee motivation
(Kovach, 1980, p. 57) and employee performance.
Past studies focusing on this topic have noted what employees say motivates
them to do their best work. These studies date back to the 1940s and sought
primarily answers to the question, “Why do workers work?” If a company
knows what drives employees to work, it is in a better position to stimulate
them to perform well (Kovach, 1987, p. 58).
In most instances, employee performance is determined by three things:
(1) ability;
(2) the work environment; and
(3) motivation (Griffin, 1990, p. 437).
If an employee lacks ability, appropriate training can be employed. If there is an
environmental problem, altering the environment to promote higher perfor-
mance is the key. However, if motivation is the problem, the solution is more
complex and more challenging. For motivational problems, the best source of
information is the employee. Employees must be asked on a regular basis what
sparks and sustains their desire to work. Their responses may lead the
employer to redesign jobs, increase pay, change the working environment, or
give more credit for work done. The key is, however, that managers avoid the
assumption that what motivates them, motivates their employees as well
(Wessler, 1984, p. 29).

Over 40 years of surveys

For many years researchers administered employee surveys in order to address
the challenge of employee motivation. One of the first surveys was conducted in
1946 (Hersey and Blanchard, 1969, p. 35). It was done by the Labour Relations
Institute of New York and reported in Foreman Facts. The subjects included
industrial employees. Similar surveys were administered in 1980 (Kovach, What motivates
1980), in 1986 (Kovach, 1987), and in 1992 (reported here). employees
In 1946, industrial employees were asked to rank ten “job reward” factors in
terms of personal preference. At the top of the list (see Table I) was (full)
appreciation of work done. At the bottom of the list was (tactful) discipline. In
1980, 200 employees ranked the same ten items presented in the 1946 survey. At
the top of the list for employees was interesting work; at the bottom of the list 267
was tactful discipline. In 1986, Kovach (1987) conducted a similar study of 1,000
industrial employees. The list was headed again by interesting work and ended
with sympathetic help with personal problems. The present study highlights
the importance of good wages. It also confirms the lack of interest in sympa-
thetic help with personal problems.
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Years Most important Least important

1946 Appreciation Discipline

1980 Interesting work Discipline Table I.
The most and
1986 Interesting work Personal problems least important
1992 Good wages Personal problems motivational factors

In addition to comparing the employees’ factor rankings, the 1986 survey

analysed the employees’ responses by subgroups (e.g. age and income). The
underlying assumption was that the motivational potency of the factors might
vary according to gender, age, income level, job type and/or organizational level
(Kovach, 1987, p. 60).
The present study also was designed to explore the factors that motivate
employees in their jobs. It used similar subcategories as those used in Kovach’s
1986 survey. Table II indicates the subgroups and the number of respondents for
each (i.e. the valid cases in each subgroup). Table III presents comparisons of
employee responses from the 1946, 1980, 1986 and 1992 surveys. Table IV
presents subgroup rankings based on the means and makes it possible for the
rankings for each subgroup to be compared. Finally, Table V provides a summary
of the subgroups reporting higher positive significant differences concerning how
important each factor is in motivating them to do their best work.

A list of ten factors developed in the 1946 survey was used to construct a “fac-
tors that motivate me” survey in 1992. During 1992 approximately 550 surveys
were administered to persons employed in industries such as retailing, services,
manufacturing, insurance, utilities, health care and government agencies. Of
that number, approximately 460 were usable, including part-time (n = 133) and
full-time (n = 326) employees.
International Subgroups Number of respondents
Journal of
Manpower Gender
18,3 Male 164
Female 296
268 Age
<26 85
26-34 86
35-44 66
45-54 55
55> 20
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Employment status
Part-time 133
Full-time 326
Annual income
<$14,999 80
$15,000-24,999 130
$25,000-34,999 43
$35,000-49,999 38
$50,000> 14
Occupational category
Clerical 94
Plant/service 69
Sales 22
Table II. Professional 39
Descriptions of
subgroups and the Technical 27
number of respondents Managerial 72

Factors 1946 1980 1986 1992

Full appreciation of work done 1 2 2 2

Feeling of being in on things 2 3 3 9
Sympathetic help with personal problems 3 9 10 10
Job security 4 4 4 3
Good wages 5 5 5 1
Interesting work 6 1 1 5
Promotion and growth in the
Table III. organization 7 6 6 4
Comparisons of Personal or company loyalty to employees 8 8 8 6
employee responses in
1946, 1986 and 1992 Good working conditions 9 7 7 7
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Status Gender Age Income Occupation

Factors FT PT M F <26 26-34 35-44 45-54 55> 1 2 3 4 5 C1 Pl S Pr T M

Good working
conditions 7 6* 8 7* 7 7 7 7 8 7* 7 9* 8 8 7 6 7 6 8 8
Feeling of “being
in on things” 9 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 7 4 8 92 8 8 7 7**
discipline 8 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 10 8 9 7 9 10 9 9 9 9
Appreciation for
work done 2 3 5 2* 3 5 2 2 1 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 2 4 2 2
Personal loyalty
to employees 6 7** 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 7 6 6
Good wages 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
Promotion and
growth in the
organization 4 4 2 4 2 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3
understanding of, or
help, with personal
problems 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10* 9** 10** 10 9 10 8** 10 10** 10 10**
Job security 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 5 4 4 2 5 5 3 5
Interesting work 5 2* 4 51 4 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 2 2 5* 7* 4* 2* 5 4*
Notes * p < 0.01
** p < 0.052
Status: FT = full-time; PT = part-time
Gender: = M = male; F = female
Income groups: 1 = < $14,999; 2 = $15,000-24,999; 3 = $25,000-34,999; 4 = $35,000-49,999; 5 = $50,000>
Occupations: Cl = Clerical; Pl = Plant; S = Sales; Pr = Professional; T = Technical; M = Managerial

subgroups (1992)
ranked by
motivate me” survey,
The “factors that
What motivates

Table IV.
International Subgroups reporting higher positive significance for a factor’s importance
Journal of Employment Occupational
Manpower Factors status Gender Age Income category
Full appreciation of
work done Women
270 Feelings of “being in
on things” Managers
Sympathetic help with ≤$14,999 Plant workers
personal problems $15,000-24,999
Job security
Good wages
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Interesting work Part-timers Men Professionals

Promotion and growth
Table V. in the organization
Summary information: Personal or company
subgroups reporting loyalty to employees Full-timers
higher positive Good working
significant preferences conditions Part-timers Women ≤$14,999
for each job factor Tactful discipline

The respondents were asked to rank the survey’s ten factors according to how
important each is in motivating them, as employees, to do their best work.
The most important item was to be ranked 1 and the least important factor
was to be assigned the number 10. All items had to be ranked and no rank
could be used more than once. The respondents also were asked to indicate
• gender;
• current age range;
• employment status;
• annual income; and
• occupational category to facilitate other comparisons.
These demographic data comprised the subgroups.
After data were collected on all the factors, descriptive statistics were
obtained. Based on the means for each factor under each subgroup, the relative
factor rankings were determined. Where the array of means ranged from 3.24 to
8.66, 3.24 was assigned a rank of 1, and 8.66 was assigned a rank of 10. Table IV
presents the rankings for each factor under each of the subgroups. Tests of
significance were conducted where appropriate on the subgroups of full-time
employees. Such analyses revealed whether there were significant differences in
the factor means in each subgroup.
Comparisons of the 1946, 1980, 1986 and 1992 research surveys What motivates
on what motivates employees employees
The workers surveyed in 1946 came from an environment different from that of
workers today. By 1946, America had come out of a depression and had just gone
through a relatively labour-intensive war (Kovach, 1987, p. 59). In the years after
the Second World War, the information revolution transformed industries; and
the computer industry took on the role that the automobile industry had in the 271
1920s (Chandler, 1992, p. 12).
The leaders in the computer industry were similar to those of earlier
industries, but with one striking difference. Most of them were not, as they had
been in the past, entrepreneurs. Instead, they were managerial enterprises –
hierarchies of lower, middle and top salaried managerial decision makers
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(Chandler, 1992, p. 12). Over these years the industries and economies changed,
and so did the workers’ values. By 1980 and 1986, after almost 40 years of
relative prosperity, workers had experienced a significant rise in their living
standards (Dawson and Dawson, 1991, p. 296; Kovach, 1987, p. 59). By the 1990s,
after the acquisitions and mergers of the previous three decades in response to
intensified competition (Chandler, 1992, pp. 26-7), it is not surprising that the
importance placed on various motivational factors had changed (see Table III).
In 1946, the top motivator selected by employees revealed their need to be
appreciated for work done, whereas in 1980 and 1986 the top concern was
interesting work. By the 1980s, the focus was on changing the job to make it
more interesting. A national random sample of 845 jobholders by the non-profit
Public Agenda Foundation confirms this. Its findings indicate an impressive
shift in attitudes towards work, from work as a means of survival to work as a
means of enhancing self-development and self-expression (Goddard, 1989, p. 7).
The importance of interesting work is also supported by Herzberg’s Motivation-
Hygiene Theory. His theory posits that employees are motivated by their own
inherent need to succeed at a challenging task. The manager’s job, then, is to
provide opportunities for people to be motivated to achieve. Herzberg’s survey
of US workers clearly indicates that about 80 per cent of the factors in satisfying
job opportunities come from the intrinsic elements of the job such as achieve-
ment, recognition, and the work itself (Herzberg, 1987, p. 29, 30, 32).
The second most important item for employees in 1980 and 1986 was full appre-
ciation for work done. Employees are motivated by feedback and recognition for
the work they do. Herein lies the problem. Most employers think they know how to
express appreciation for a job well done. Yet, research shows that employers
seldom acknowledge appreciation for employees’ work; and, when they do, it is
done poorly. More than 80 per cent of supervisors claim they frequently express
appreciation to their subordinates, while less than 20 per cent of the employees
report that their supervisors express appreciation more than occasionally. The
three important principles to remember when expressing appreciation are to
describe the desired behaviour in specific terms, to explain why the behaviour was
helpful and actually to express thanks (Cherrington, 1992, pp. 52-3).
International A careful look at the overall employee rankings for 1980 and 1986 implies
Journal of that organizations were doing an adequate job of satisfying the basic needs of
Manpower their workers. However, they were not doing such a good job of satisfying their
ego or self-fulfilment needs (Kovach, 1987, p. 59). Thus, the employees ranked
18,3 factors such as interesting work and full appreciation for work done at the top
of the list, and good wages and job security near the middle.
272 The current survey reflects the opposite. It mirrors the increasing stagnation
that employees feel as industry battles to survive in a recession and in the midst
of global competition. Clearly the 1990s will provide a significant advantage to
those companies which are able to resolve the paradox between organizational
size and speed in the marketplace (Devanna and Tichy, 1990, pp. 455-6). In
addition, the labour cost-cutting strategies of the 1980s left workers very
sceptical about satisfying their basic needs, such as wages and job security.
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They have not recovered from the prevailing activities of that period – hostile
takeovers, global competition, organizational transformations and downsizing.
That environment placed many workers in a position of insecurity and
uncertainty. In such times, the basic needs may resurface as the most important
factors (see Table III). Therefore, good wages and job security head the list of
motivational factors for employees in the 1990s.
Sandwiched between good wages and job security is the employees’ concern
about being appreciated for work done. People need to have feedback
concerning their work and they need to feel competent. According to the
ranking of the motivation factors in this survey, employees may consider good
wages to be solid feedback concerning their work as well as a reward for their
ability or competence. Rewards, such as wages, that reflect ability may lead to
greater intrinsic motivation (Rosenfield et al., 1980). This indicates that it is not
necessarily the reward itself that determines how people respond, but rather the
type of feedback implied by the reward. Thus, extrinsic rewards such as good
pay can increase intrinsic motivation if they are perceived as providing
information about competence (Wiersma, 1992, p. 102).
Regardless, the respondents to the 1992 survey were more concerned about
the extrinsic rewards. Good wages was chosen as the top motivational factor for
employees surveyed during those years. Developing more effective incentive
programmes may be part of the solution for those employees (Denton, 1991,
p. 46). In Japan, workers receive about 25 per cent of their total pay in the form
of flexible bonuses. In the USA, the average is still only 1 per cent (Denton, 1991,
p. 46). However, recent survey reports indicate that US workers would like to
have more work incentives. In a survey of 689 US workers, from managers and
professionals to technicians, artists, salespeople, labourers and clericals, 95 per
cent of them rank a cash bonus as a meaningful incentive (Lovio-George, 1992,
p. 113).
So far we have looked at the collective responses from the 1992 survey. It is
important also to analyse the responses by subgroups (e.g. age, gender, organiza-
tion level and earnings) to determine if there are variations in the larger respon-
dent group (Kovach, 1980, p. 58). Not all demographic groups of people place the
same importance on each of the ten factors. Individuals at different organization What motivates
levels, with different earning power, may have different motivational values. employees
Hence what motivates individuals at one level of the organization may not
motivate those at another level. This necessitates differentiating by income level
and other demographic factors when analysing attitudes for motivational
purposes (Kovach, 1980, p. 57).
The 1992 survey results according to subgroups
Employment status
When the responses are analysed according to employment status, significant
differences are found (see Tables IV and V). A non-parametric test of significance
showed that the two groups (full-timers and part-timers) were significantly
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different in the motivational value placed on working conditions, personal loyalty

to employees, and interesting work. Part-timers placed considerably more empha-
sis on interesting work and more value on good working conditions. The full-
timers placed more value on personal loyalty to employees as a motivational
factor. Each of these variations was significant at least at the p < 0.05 level.

When the responses of men and women were analysed, significant differences
were found in their motivational preferences (see Table IV). A non-parametric
test of significance revealed that the means – and resulting rankings – of males
and females were statistically different at the p < 0.01 level for working
conditions, appreciation for work done, and interesting work. Women placed
greater importance on appreciation for work done. They also placed more
importance on good working conditions. The males, on the other hand, placed
more emphasis on interesting work.

Age group
Five age groups were analysed (under 26; 26-34; 35-44; 45-54; and 55 and over)
using a one-way ANOVA. The analysis of this subset showed that no two
groups were significantly different at the p < 0.05 level. The rankings of the
motivational factors were very similar among this subgroup. For example, all
ages, except the 55 and over age group, decided on good wages as their first
choice. Since this difference is not significant, we can generally conclude that
good pay is an important motivator regardless of age.

When the responses were analysed by annual income, significant differences
were found in the motivational preferences of employees (see Table IV). The
income groups were:
• Group 1: <$14,999;
• Group 2: $15,000-24,999;
• Group 3: $25,000-34,999;
International • Group 4: $35,000-49,999; and
Journal of • Group 5: $50,000>.
Manpower A one-way ANOVA revealed that the means and resulting rankings among the
18,3 different income levels were statistically different at the p < 0.01 and 0.05 levels
for working conditions and sympathetic understanding of personal problems,
274 respectively.
Two groups, the lower income group (group 1) and the middle-incomers
(group 3), differed significantly in the values placed on good physical working
conditions. The middle-incomers considered working conditions to be less
important than did the lower income group.
The middle-incomers (group 3) also were significantly different in the
motivational value placed on “sympathetic understanding of personal problems”.
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While the means for group 1, group 2 and group 3 resulted in similar rankings,
analysis of the group means revealed significant differences at the p < 0.05 level.
According to the means, those with lower incomes (e.g. group 1’s mean of 7.61 and
group 2’s mean of 7.77) placed more value on understanding of personal problems
than did those in the middle income group (group 3’s mean was 8.74) .

A comparison of the six occupational groups (see Table IV) showed significant
differences on three factors: the feeling of being in on things; interesting work; and
a sympathetic understanding of personal problems. The occupational groups
included clericals, plant workers, salespersons, professionals, technicians, and
Compared to the plant workers, the managers placed considerably more
importance on the feeling of being in on things. Interesting work was another
variable for which there were significant differences between the groups. First,
the means of the clericals and professionals were significantly different. The
professionals valued interesting work much more highly than did the clerical
workers. Second, the means of plant employees and four others in the subgroup
(professionals, sales, managers and clericals) were significantly different. The
plant workers placed less value on interesting work than did the other four
Sympathetic help with personal problems was the last variable, which
resulted in significant differences among the occupational categories. The two
pairs of groups with significantly different means were professionals and plant
employees, and managers and plant employees. The plant employees placed
significantly more motivational value on help with personal problems than did
the professionals and managers. According to the professionals’ and managers’
means and resulting rankings, this variable was the least important in getting
them to do their best work.

Recommendations for management

The most striking result of the current survey is the clear indication of money
and job security as motivators. Today, the economic circumstances of
employees are very different from those of earlier years. More than ever before, What motivates
the standard of living and the employment future of the US worker is in employees
jeopardy. Therefore, regardless of employment status, gender, age, income or
occupational category, employees seem to be of one accord. They want what
they feel is slipping away from them and what they seem to be getting less and
less of from their companies: money and job security.
Because employees overall expressed the importance of pay as a motivator, 275
an effective compensation programme is critical. The primary motivating factor
that an effective compensation programme provides is the psychological effect
on the individual. It is not the material value of the reward, but the boost in self-
esteem that public recognition associated with monetary compensation affords
(Dawson and Dawson, 1990, p. 80). This also holds true with the matter of job
security. Security encompasses more than the employees’ financial needs: it
Downloaded by University of Manchester At 05:38 11 April 2017 (PT)

relates to their physical, emotional and familial wellbeing (Leibman and

Weinstein, 1990, p. 50). Often, job security is associated with job loss. However,
the population of insecure employees is larger than that of those who lose their
jobs. Insecurity is an intrarole transition engendered by changes in a person’s
assumptions about self, the organization and the environment. It is not an event
having a clear temporal onset and ending. Job insecurity includes concerns over
the loss of a job (employment insecurity) as well as concerns about changing job
content (Hartley et al., 1991).
In the early 1980s, organizational downsizing came into prominence.
Between one-third to one-half of all medium-size to large firms in the USA and
Western Europe downsized during the 1980s and 1990s. More than 70 per cent
of senior managers in downsized companies said that morale, trust and
productivity suffered after downsizing, and many other managers indicated
that productivity deteriorated after downsizing (Cameron, et al., 1993).
Ultimately, downsizing highlights the extent to which job security and
productivity are intimately interwoven. Organizational downsizing has had a
negative effect on job security and productivity. Job security which affects the
employees’ economic and psychological wellbeing must be properly
incorporated into the company’s compensation programme. This can
contribute positively to overall employee morale and productivity.
Clearly, employees need reassurances about job security, salary raises,
promotions and the health and stability of their company. However, they place
high value also on full appreciation for work done. Articles on “how to
motivate” employees seem to substantiate this. Several articles indicate the
importance of raising employees’ personal and professional self-esteem by
recognizing their contributions (Dawson and Dawson, 1990, p. 79; Levesque
1987, p. 37). One survey revealed that 27 percent of workers would quit their
jobs to move to a company known for giving praise and recognition (WSJ, 1989).
Blanchard and Johnson (1982) popularized a technique for giving feedback and
praise through their best-selling book The One-Minute Manager. The need to
feel appreciated is deeply ingrained in all employees. Being appreciated
through praise helps employees develop a positive self-concept and it meets
International their needs for esteem, self-actualization, growth and achievement (Lussier,
Journal of 1997, p. 377). Therefore, employers should show appreciation and give
employees credit for their work. Praise for a job well done is probably the most
Manpower powerful, yet least costly and most underused, motivation tool.
18,3 In most organizations recognition is reserved on the positive side for only a
very small minority of super-achievers and on the negative end, for the problem
276 employees. But, the average workers are frequently overlooked. In fact, these
workers’ efforts – on which the daily operation of the entire business truly
depends – often go unrecognized. Managers must realize that recognition or
appreciation for work done can have positive motivational effects for all
employees (Levesque, 1987, p. 36) and that all employees should be recognized
for the work they do.
Appreciation for work done may be manifested in the company’s growth and
Downloaded by University of Manchester At 05:38 11 April 2017 (PT)

development opportunities. These opportunities can be supported by flexible

scheduling, a promotion-from-within policy, and recognition and rewards for
workers’ improvements and contributions. Flexible work scheduling allows
workers the freedom to pursue more training or an advanced degree. A
commitment to filling positions from inside the organization provides oppor-
tunities for cross-training or promotions. Moreover, recognition and rewards for
workers’ contributions strengthen a company’s reputation for caring about its
employees’ professional development (Dawson and Dawson, 1990, p. 80).

Motivation is the number one problem facing business today (Watson, 1994,
p. 4). Over the past 40 years there have been numerous surveys on what
motivates employees to do their best work. In order to attain to high levels of
performance, employers depend on their employees to perform at levels that
positively affect the bottom line. Thus, they must understand what motivates
them. Such an understanding is essential to improving productivity and,
ultimately, to ensuring the success of the company. For this reason, employee
surveys may be used to gain insight to employees’ job motivation preferences.
Often the strongest potential motivators are the things employees value, but
lack. If managers adequately and regularly administer such surveys, and
appropriately consider their results, companies and employees would gain a
great deal. Perhaps companies would gain a competitive advantage through
motivated, productive employees and the employees would gain the work-
related rewards they value.
The respondents to this survey ranked as the top five factors that motivate
them in their jobs:
(1) good wages;
(2) full appreciation for work done;
(3) job security;
(4) promotion and growth in the organization; and
(5) interesting work.
These factors reflect the current state of affairs in terms of employee needs and What motivates
imply that reward systems and job redesign strategies – to name a few – may be employees
used to reinforce and to motivate employees to exhibit productive behaviours.
While controversy persists, pay or good wages is generally valued by all
employees, regardless of gender, occupation, age, income or employment status.
Since the 1946 study, good wages continues to be ranked among the top five
factors that motivate people in their jobs. Its value may best be understood in 277
terms of the different needs employees have. With respect to the Hierarchy of
Needs Theory, pay is an important reward because it may satisfy several of the
needs in the hierarchy. It provides employees with the means to purchase items
which satisfy their physiological needs, and it enables them to meet their esteem
needs, since it is one measure of relative worth (Thornburg, 1992, p. 58-61).
Recognition of a job well done or full appreciation for work done is often among
Downloaded by University of Manchester At 05:38 11 April 2017 (PT)

the top motivators of employee performance (Koch, 1990, p. 72-3; Stuart, 1992, p.
102), and involves feedback. Positive feedback follows the principles advocated in
Reinforcement Theory, which states that behaviour is contingent on reinforcement.
Examples of positive reinforcement in this context may include workplace visits
by top executives to high-performance employees, personal handwritten notes of
thanks accompanying paychecks, and telephone calls by top executives to
employees at home (Knippen and Green, 1990, p. 4; Steele, 1992, p. 96-9).
As a result of workforce reductions becoming commonplace in this country,
job security is of increasing importance to employees. Employees’ reactions to
the lack of job security varies. Individuals may experience severe psychological
reactions to job loss and/or the threat of job loss. Low self-esteem, low self-
confidence, social isolation, anxiety and powerlessness are examples of possible
psychological reactions. These reactions extend beyond actual job losers to
their partners and other family members. They also affect the organization. For
example, not only is work commitment weakened by job insecurity, but,
organizational effectiveness can deteriorate as well. Thus, outcomes of job
insecurity are usually negative. To counteract such outcomes, companies often
use reward strategies. Compensation strategies (i.e. severance packages and
early retirement incentives), career development schemes, and outplacement
techniques may accompany workforce reduction efforts. These are intended to
arouse positive psychological states that encourage and sustain productive,
rather than destructive, behaviour.
Promotion and growth in the organization and interesting work are
longstanding factors that motivate people to do their best work. According to
Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory, the most successful method of
motivating is to build challenge and opportunity for achievement into the job
itself. Moreover, McClelland’s Socially Acquired Needs theory suggests that
people with high achievement needs are motivated by challenging tasks with
clearly attainable objectives, timely feedback and more responsibility for
innovative assignments. Thus, both factors (promotion and growth in the
organization and interesting work) often are addressed through job redesign.
The aim of job redesign is to enrich a job so that the employee is more motivated
to do the work. Job redesign tenets may be found in contemporary management
International strategies, including employee involvement and empowerment. Workers who
Journal of are more involved in their jobs display more work commitment and experience
lower turnover (Jauch and Sekaran, 1978).
Manpower Workers who are more involved in job-related decisions and communica-
18,3 tions, receive reinforcement that they are competent in their jobs, and they
respond by showing greater involvement and motivation (Sekaran, 1989,
278 p. 349). With regard to empowerment, several factors must be present before
employees can feel empowered. They must believe that their work is being
performed competently and that their work is having a positive impact on the
company. Also, it is important for employees to feel that they control their own
actions (Thomas and Velthouse, 1990, p. 672-3).
Finally, this article investigated employees’ attitudes concerning their
preferences among ten “job reward” factors. The results here are supported by
Downloaded by University of Manchester At 05:38 11 April 2017 (PT)

numerous other research studies indicating that monetary compensation,

recognition, job security, upward mobility potential, individual growth and a
sense of accomplishment are all important and enduring factors in a worker’s
analysis of the motivational facets of a job (Dubinsky et al., 1993, pp. 29-31;
Efraty and Wolfe, 1988, p. 105). In addition, the employees’ responses to this
present survey correspond to content theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs Theory and the Reinforcement Theory. According to the content theories,
managers must consider employees’ needs to provide the appropriate
motivation strategies. According to Reinforcement Theory, managers must
understand the relationship between behaviours and their consequences in
order to arrange contingencies that reinforce or discourage desirable or
undesirable behaviours, respectively.
The results reveal also that the job-related factors that motivate employees
change over time and may vary significantly across subgroups. Over more than
40 years since the first survey, employees’ responses to the same ten factors
have changed. Moreover, the motivational value placed on each factor may vary
according to employment status, gender, income and occupation.
Additional research should be done to gain a continuous view of what
motivates people to do their best work. The ability to motivate subordinates is
critical to every manager’s job. Demographic changes in the workplace, as well
as technological advances and globalization, only accentuate the need to
continue to determine what motivates people to perform well. A motivated
workforce can make powerful contributions to the profits of a firm. Thus,
managers would do well to review this and other articles that examine
employees’ job-related motivation preferences.

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