A Research Paper Presented To The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for
Practical Research II


November 2019

The Problem and Its Background

This chapter presents the Introduction, Background of the study, Setting of

the study, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, Hypotheses,

Significance of the study, Statement of the problem, Scope and Delimitation,

and the Definition of terms used.


Everybody born in this world, through their lives, experiences happiness

and laughter but also they can encounter problems and suffering, it cannot be

avoided. The struggles of being a student might be a hindrance to success as

time goes by. Like receiving academic achievement, which might include issues

such as learning difficulties or disabilities, underachievement, lack of attention

from teachers, and bullying, affect a number of students throughout their

academic careers, from elementary school to college. Academic concerns may

influence a student’s performance in the classroom negatively, but also they are

likely to have a significant effect on other areas of life, often placing undue stress

on a child and interfering with home, work, and play dimensions.

The struggles of receiving academic achievement in the new normal

modality play a big role in society. It allows everyone to know what issues or

concerns every student has. It is also a way to have a better understanding of the

adjustment of the student to the new normal modality or learning. Students can
contribute to improving and strengthening society, by coping with those struggles

and being the best version of themselves to receive academic achievement as

the new normal modality goes by.

The researchers became interested in this kind of topic because they want

to know how the students will be able to cope with those struggles by making it

their motivation to receive an academic achievement. The curiosity of the

researchers on how to gain it now in this new normal set up. In addition to that,

most of the students nowadays have their scholarship, and receiving

achievement is their only way to maintain high grades and the consistency of

being an achiever.


In 2010, then-Senator Benigno Aquino III expressed his desire to

implement the K-12 basic education cycle to increase the number of years

of compulsory education to thirteen years. According to him, this will "give

everyone an equal chance to succeed" and "have quality education and

profitable jobs". After further consultations and studies, the government

under President Aquino formally adopted the K-6-4-2 basic education

system--one year of kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four

years of junior high school education and two years of senior high school

education. Kindergarten was formally made compulsory by virtue of the

Kindergarten Education Act of 2012, while the further twelve years were
officially put into law by virtue of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.

Although DepEd has already implemented the K-12 Program since SY

2011-2012, it was still enacted into law to guarantee its continuity in the

succeeding years. (“History of Education in the Philippines”, 2020)

After the implementation of K-12, the students began to achieve a grade as

highly as they wanted. But with today's new normal learning, it is a big question

to the students on how they will still be able to receive academic achievement for

their road to success. The education before was easy because they have full

access to learning unlike today that everything is being done by the use of


The crisis is exacerbating pre-existing education disparities by reducing the

opportunities for many of the most vulnerable children, youth, and adults – those

living in poor or rural areas, girls, refugees, persons with disabilities and forcibly

displaced persons – to continue their learning. Learning losses also threaten to

extend beyond this generation and erase decades of progress, not least in

support of girls and young women’s educational access and retention. Some

23.8 million additional children and youth (from pre-primary to tertiary) may drop

out or not have access to school next year due to the struggles in the new normal


According Marshall Thomas, every student deserves a fair shot at success.

This requires teachers to grade all students objectively. As simple as it sounds,

objective grading can be difficult to implement. Grade students individually and

only on their academic performance. Group work is useful in teaching students to

collaborate and work together, but remember to evaluate students as individual

learners. Create group assignments that allow you to see and assess individual

student contributions. Avoid using grades as a means to punish bad behavior or

reward good behavior. There are other ways to deal with behavioral issues, but

grades should focus on mastery of the subject and not conduct in the classroom.

Computer-assisted instruction is changing the pedagogical landscape as an

increasing number of students are seeking online education. Colleges and

universities are now touting the efficiencies of Web-based education and are

rapidly implementing online classes to meet student needs worldwide. One study

reported “increases in the number of online courses given by universities have

been quite dramatic over the last couple of years” (Lundberg et al., 2008). Think

tanks are also disseminating statistics on Web-based instruction. “In 2010, the

Sloan Consortium found a 17% increase in online students from the years

before, beating the 12% increase from the previous year” (Keramidas, 2012).

Contrary to popular belief, online education is not a new phenomenon. The

first correspondence and distance learning educational programs were initiated in

the mid-1800s by the University of London. This model of educational learning

was dependent on the postal service and therefore wasn't seen in American until

the later Nineteenth century. It was in 1873 when what is considered the first

official correspondence educational program was established in Boston,

Massachusetts known as the “Society to Encourage Home Studies.” Since then,

non-traditional study has grown into what it is today considered a more viable
online instructional modality. Technological advancement indubitably helped

improve the speed and accessibility of distance learning courses; now students

worldwide could attend classes from the comfort of their own homes. (Paul and

Jefferson, 2019).

According to Comparative Analysis of Student, research show that despite

their basic similarities, there are many differences between the two modalities.

Traditionally, classroom instruction is known to be teacher-centered and requires

passive learning by the student, while online instruction is often student-centered

and requires active learning. In addition, teacher-centered, or passive learning,

the instructor usually controls classroom dynamics. The teacher lectures and

comments, while students listen, take notes, and ask questions.

In student-centered, or active learning, the students usually determine

classroom dynamics as they independently analyze the information, construct

questions, and ask the instructor for clarification. In this scenario, the teacher, not

the student, is listening, formulating, and responding (Salcedo, 2010).

This precise comparative analysis is a great help for the education sectors

to know about productivity. As both of the modes have their pros and cons for the


This study will be conducted at Arellano University Andres Bonifacio

Campus, In the Municipality of Pasig which is a 1st class highly urbanized

city in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a

population of 755,300 people.

That was sometime July 1946, when Mr. Florentino P. Cayco Sr., the great

educator, Founder and first President of Arellano University expanded his

constituency by establishing Arellano University Andres Bonifacio High School, in

Pasig City. Then located in the heart of the City known as Dr. Pilapil, it was

named Arellano Junior College offering courses for commerce, education,

secretarial and high school. While it was a moment of recovery from the

devastation of war the time also promised the emancipation of the mind from the

same tragedy by building hope and affirming glory; education brought the answer

to that need. 

The school prospered fast under a succession of several administrators:

Dean Lorenza O. de Jesus and Mr. Vicente Lavides. It was inevitable. And

sooner than was expected there was the need to shift to another location to give

way to its improvement needs and adapt to the public it serves. Relocating to

Caniogan it was re-named Pasig High School, and was housed in what was then

called Lily Apartments right in front of a public school, and offered courses for

college, high school and elementary, a little later to be exclusively for secondary

school students only. It was under the direction and supervision of a certain Ms.

Fermina Kagahastian for a time and Mr. Isidro Figuracion. Rapid developments
were also changing the City: there were more roads and bridges and better

transportation. It meant both an opportunity and a challenge for the Institution.

Theoretical Framework

As to Bruner's Theory on Constructivism, it encompasses the idea of

learning as an active process wherein those learning was able to form new ideas

based on what their current knowledge is as well as their past knowledge. The

learner, often a child, will take pieces of their past knowledge and experiences

and organize them to make sense of what they know, then base further concepts

and solve additional problems based upon a combination of what they already

processed and what they think should be processed next.

Therefore, the teacher resources used should be focused on that of

encouragement, aiding and allowing the student to uncover the main principles

on their own. Communication between the learner and teacher is the key

concept. Socratic learning is suggested as the best method of communication in

this theoretical framework, as it allows the teacher to actively note any study

skills the learner verbalizes, their progression, their frustrations, and form a rubric

of their current learning state based on the dialogue.

Bruner’s Theory on Constructivism can be a big help to the

researcher’s study as it suggests that the teachers be explicit regarding

organization, help the learner to focus on the larger task at hand as well as the

goals, instead of getting caught on minor details or frustrations. They are

encouraged to praise the efforts put out by the learners while reminding them,

helping them focus on relevant items, and encouraging them to practice and

rehearse what they have learned. Thus, this could be a barrier on receiving

academic achievement if it is not conducted according to the process of the


Input Process Output

Demographic Profile Observation Effect of the challenges
to students
- Gender - Research made
- Age questionnaires - Identified the
(Google Survey) different
- Year Level
- Analysis of data struggles and
Common Struggles of gathered in order challenges arise
Students in Online to determine the on online
Learning possible struggles learning.
that students might - Determined the
Online Learning History
face to get high factors that affect
Strategies to meet grades. the student’s
excellence - Statistical analysis performance in
- Percentage school works
- Weighted mean - Give possible
solutions on how
to conquer
struggles that
arise through
online learning.

FIGURE 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1: It is a process of system analysis for describing the structure of

struggles in receiving academic achievement in the new normal modality. It

shows the things that are being used to be variables for the struggles of receiving

academic achievements. The figure also shows the methodology on how the

study is being conducted. Lastly, the assumption of the researcher for the

possible outcome of the study.


This study aimed to understand the struggles being faced by the students in

this new normal modality, since learning modalities refers to the sensory

channels or pathways through which individuals give, receive, and store

information. Perception, memory, and sensation comprise the concept of

modality. Particularly, this research assumes to answer the following:

1. What kind of struggles do the students face?

2. How does the student adjust to the new normal modality?

3. How does the individual maintain good academic performance despite of

being a child who does household chores and being a student at the same time?


The following hypotheses have been formulated by the researchers in

attempt to solve the research questions.

1) There is no significant relationship between the teacher’s profile and

their teaching competencies in the new modal online classes.

2) There is no significant relationship between the students’ profile and their

comprehension skills in in the new modal online classes.

3) There is no significant relationship between the teacher’s profile and the

students’ academic performance.

4) There is no significant relationship between the students’ profile and their

academic performance.

5) There is no significant relationship between the teaching competencies

of the teacher and the students’ academic performance.


The researchers deemed that the study is a useful contribution to the

following sectors and cohorts:

This research give significance in addressing what are the struggles of the

students who are in new normal modality to receive their academic

achievements. The results of this study may help the following:

Teachers. To provide understanding and awareness about the struggles

of the students on receiving academic achievements and how they will be able to

approach a student who are part of this new normal modality.

Students. To give them awareness on the status of their classmate and

ways on how they will help their co-students who are struggling with their


Future Researchers. To provide insights and perspectives that may

contribute to the other research that may concern with the struggles that are

being faced by the students who are part of this new normal modality.
Parents. To inform them on the struggles their child is facing concerning

this new normal modality and to give them way on how they will help their child

on his/her academics.

Students who are struggling to the new normal modality. To help

them fully understand their situation and on how they will be able to cope up with

those struggles concerning this new normal modality.


This study focuses on the grade 12 Arellano University HUMSS Students

who we're previously achievers as well as the aspiring students who are

determined to be one, even though humanity is facing a pandemic each and

every one has to adjust in this new learning modality which is the online classes.

This involves a survey for the students. The selection of respondents is limited

since there are lots of HUMSS students at Arellano University.

This research is designed to have thorough knowledge on how the

students struggle by the possible means of the following: Financial Crisis, poor

signal/ unstable network, being unfocused, house hold chores and many more.

This may hinder students upon receiving an academic achievement.

The study has potential limitations. The effect estimates in the model are

based on interventional and prospective observational studies. For online

teaching and learning, such as student learning challenges. Several potential

limitations are also found in online learning by the student. Therefore, the subject
biases only in the academic achievements of grade 12 HUMSS strand in

Arellano University.


The following terms are operationally and contextually defined based on

the study.

Adequate satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.

Affirming state as a fact assert strongly and publicity.

Bruner’s Theory a major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that

learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts

based upon their current/past knowledge

Catastrophe an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering;

a disaster

Compulsory required by law or a rule, obligatory

Computer-assisted technology - Instruction (CAI) is defined as the use

of computers and software applications to teach concepts or skills.

Disparities a great difference economic disparities between different regions

of the country.

Disseminating spread (something, especially information) widely.

Dynamics the forces or properties which stimulate growth, development, or

change within a system or process.

Enacted make (a bill or other proposal) law.

Exacerbating make (A problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Explicit stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

Modality In linguistics and philosophy, modality is the phenomenon whereby

language is used to discuss possible situations.

Municipality municipality Is a political subdivision of a state within which a

municipal corporation has been established to provide general local government

for a specific population concentration in a defined area,

Online learning is when you take courses online instead of in a physical


Pedagogical relating to teaching.

Refugees a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to

escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

Significant sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention;


Socratic learning A pedagogical technique in which a teacher does not give

information directly but instead asks a series of questions, with the result that the

student comes either to the desired knowledge by answering the questions or to

a deeper awareness of the limits of knowledge.

Tenured faculty Tenure grants a professor permanent employment at their

university and protects them from being fired without cause.

Traditional learning takes place in a classroom setting. Traditional

learning takes place in a classroom setting. There is a trainer who moderates

and regulates the flow of information and knowledge.

Virtue behavior showing high moral standards.

Vulnerable susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.

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