FAA Ac91-61-Gforces

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of Tdnspoftation
Federal Aviation
Circulcir -

subject: A HAZARD IN AEROBATICS: Date: AcNo: 91-61

EFFECTS OF G-FORCESON PILOTS Initiated by: AFO- 800 ; Change:
AAM-500; AAC-100

1. PURPOSE. Because acrobatic flying subjects pilots to gravitational

effects (G's) that can impair their ability to safely operate the aircraft,
pilots who engage in aerobatics, or those who would take up such activity,
should understand G's and some of their physiological effects. This
circular provides background information on G's, their effect on the human
body 3 and their role in safe flying. Suggestions are offered for avoiding
problems caused by accelerations encountered in acrobatic maneuvers.

2. BACKGROUND. Acrobatic flying demands the best of both aircraft and

pilot. The aircraft must be highly maneuverable, yet tolerant of G-loads.
The pilot must possess skill and physiological stamina. He or she must be
daring, yet mindful of the aircraft's limitations as well as his or her
own. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular No. 91-48,
*‘Acrobatics-Precision Flying with a Purpose,” dated June 29, 1977, discusses
some of the airworthiness and operational aspects of aerobatics, but does
not consider biomedical factors. The most important of these biomedical
factors is the pilot's response to accelerations (or G-loading). The major
physiological effects of G-loading vary from reduced vision to loss of
consciousness. The pilot who understands these effects will be better able
to cope with them so that he or she can continue the sport of acrobatic

3. HISTORICAL CONSIDERATIONS. Aerobatics is said to have started in 1905

when Daniel J. Maloney at Santa Clara, California, in a glider descending
from a tethered balloon, did a “side-somersault,” probably a roll. Later,
another pilot, in the same glider, performed both left and right
"side-somersaults." A number of unintentional and deliberate maneuvers were
performed in the early years of powered flight but the star performer was
the Frenchman, Peguod. In 1913, Peguod jumped from his aircraft in the
first demonstration of the use of a newly designed parachute; as he
descended, he watched the unpiloted Bleriot go through a number of bizarre
maneuvers that he thought might be repeated by a competent pilot. Later,
Peguod astonished onlookers with such maneuvers as vertical S's, inside
loops, inverted half-loops with rolls, etc. Contrary to the comment in a
leading flying publication of the day that “Peguod-ing is not to become
fashionable in the French Army,” acrobatic flying became an essential part
of combat flying in World War I.
,-LC 51-61 Z/28/84

a. During th’e early yeasrs of aerobatics, no physiological effects of

G-loading were reported, probably because aircraft power and speed were
limited. Perhaps the first reported disturbance due to G's occurred in
1918, when the pilot of a Sopwith Triplane noted that the sky appeared to be
gray (grayout) just before he fainted during a tight turn at 4.5 G’s, In
1327, Jimmy Doolittle, as part of his graduate studies in aeronautical
engineering at t-he Massachusetts Institute ,,of Technology, mounted a .
recording accelerometer in a Fokker PW aircraft and logged G’s during ’
aerobat ic maneuvers. He reported that in a sustained 4.7 G condition (power
spiral) he began to lose his sight and, for a short time, everything went
black. He retained all faculties except sight and had no difficulty in
righting the airplane.

b. With increased military use of aircraft, there was an increased

interest in the effects of G’s on pilots. U.S. Navy pilots experienced
diminished vision, and sometines lost consciousness, during pullouts from
dive-bombing runs. A need to study the effects of acceleration under
controlled conditions led to the development of large centrifuges in which
human subjects could be exposed to G’s while they attempted to perform
certain flying tasks. The development of higher performance aircraft
encouraged the development of strategies for combating the effects of
G-forces. Nowadays, anti-G suits and muscle tensing or grunting procedures
(M-l, L-l maneuvers), etc., are used to protect the pilots and crews from
these effects.

c. Four tat t ical reasons, military aircraft have evolved toward highly
maneuverable machines controlled by well-trained pilots who are well
equipped for high acceleration. Civilian aviation, for the most part, has
not developed along these lines. The inconveniences and hazards of
acceleration are of little importance to civilian pilots, except those who
engage in aerobatics.

4 G’S AND THEIR PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS. A G may be thought of as the force

0; “pull” of gravity upon a body. On the earth, this pull causes the body
to have a certain weight. When an elevator, car, or airplane accelerates,
slows down, or changes direction, objects and occupants appear to move, be
thrown, or centrifuged (they experience an acceleration) in the opposite
direction. These changes, occurring in speeding up (acceleration) or
slowing down (deceleration), may be referred to as G’s. For example,
consider a pullup from a dive as illustrated in Figure 1. The amount of G
experienced by the pilot depends on how vigorously the pilot pulls back on
the controls and how readily the aircraft responds. Assume, however, that
the pilot r’pulls*f +4G’s; if the pilot were on scales, he or she would appear
to weigh four times his or her usual weight. The G’s in this case’are
designated with a positive (+) number because of their direction. Now,
imagine a pushover at the start of a dive (Figure 2). The aircraft changes
direction in such a way that the pilot tends to be thrown upward and
outward, The pilot may have the sensation of weightlessness; indeed, if the
pilot were on scales, he or she would weigh less. The notation used would
be in negative (-) numbers because of the direction of the acceleration in
relation to the axes of the body.

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Figure 1. G's Acting on Pilot in Pullup From Dive

Figure 2. G's Acting on Pilot in Pushover

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a. One notational system for describing G's is based on reference to

the direction of accelerations to the axes of the pilot as he sits in the
cockpit (Figure 3). Fore and aft accelerations (Gx), and lateral
accelerations (Gy) have little effect on our physiology and can be tolerated
better than can head-to-foot accelerations (+Gz); and the reverse,
foot-to-head G's (-Gz).

Figure 3. Notational System For G's Acting On Pilot

b. The main effects of Gz accelerations are upon the blood in blood

vessels. The +Gz effects encountered in the pullout of a dive (Figure 1)
will impel the fluid columns of blood toward the lower portions of the body;
the output of blood from the heart will thus be reduced and so will the
blood supply to the eyes and brain, which require a steady blood supply for
normal functioning. Diminished blood flow and the consequently diminished
oxygen supply to the head can lead to disturbances of vision, inability to
coordinate muscular activity, and unconsciousness.


a. Positive Gz Effects. The +Gz induced effects may be described as


(1) Grayout. There is graying of vision caused by diminished flow

of blood to the eyes. Although there is no associated physical impairment,
this condition should serve as a warning of a significant impairment of
blood flow to the head.

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(2) Blackout. Vision is completely lost. This condition results

when the oxygen supply to the light-sensitive retinal cells is severely
reduced. Contrary to other common usages of the term, consciousness is
maintained. In blackout, some mental activity and muscle function remains,
thus the occurrence of blackout warns of seriously reduced blood flow to the
head and of a high risk of loss of consciousness. Note: In some centrifuge
studies, 50 percent of the pilots had simultaneous blackout and loss of
consciousness. Therefore, a pilot cannot rely on blackout to precede loss
of consciousness.

(3) Loss of Consciousness. When the blood flow through the brain is
reduced to a certain level, the pilot will lose consciousness. He or she
may have jerking, convulsive movements; these have been seen in many
subjects of centrifuge studies and in some pilots during actual flight. The
pilot will slump in his or her seat. Possibly, the pilot will fall against
the controls, causing the aircraft to enter flight configurations from which
it cannot recover even if consciousness is regained. In centrifuge studies,
many pilots lost (and regained) consciousness without realizing they had
done so.

(4) How long does induced unconsciousness last? In a series of

studies of pilots in centrifuges, the pilots were unconscious for an average
of 15 seconds. Following this, there was an additional 5- to 150second
interval of disorientation. Thus, if there is loss of consciousness due to
+Gz forces, there will be a 200 to 300second (or longer) period during.which
the pilot is not in control of his or her aircraft.

b. Negative Gz Effects. Negative Gz is encountered when acceleration

is in a foot-to-head direction, such as might be obtained during inverted
f Light, or during an outside loop or pushover maneuver (see Figure 2).
Blood is then pushed toward the head, and the amount of blood returning from
the head is diminished, so the blood tends to stagnate, particularly in the
head. Under mild conditions of -Gz forces, the pilot will feel congestion,
as when standing on his or her head. Engorgement of blood vessels causes a
reddening or flushing of the facial skin. Blood vessels in the eyes will
become dilated. Some persons may experience a headache. A condition termed
"redout" may occur. This may be due in part to congestion but may also
occur when the lower eyelid, reacting to -Gz, rises to cover the pupil, so
that one sees light through the eyelid.

(1) Little is known about the effects of high -Gz on humans because
-Gz accelerations have caused considerable discomfort in those studied.
Acrobatic pilots have reported small hemorrhages in the eyes and skin.
Harold Krier, an accomplished acrobatic pilot, wrote that if he got a pain
in the top of his head while pulling -G's, he eased off on the controls to
reduce the G-loading.

(2) The blood vessels in the brain tolerate mild -Gz stresses well,
but the increased blood pressure in the chest and neck causes a slowing of
the heart in virtually all subjects. In a few individuals, there is such a
marked slowing of the heart that there are intervals of several seconds
between beats. In some people, the heart may beat irregularly after -Gz

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AC 91-61. 2128184

exposure. The slowing of the heart and irregularities of beats can add to
the stagnation of blood in the brain. Thus, it appears that the greatest
threat from -Gz is the loss of consciousness from the slowing of the heart,
irregularities of the heartbeats, and stagnation of blood in the head.


Figure 4. Major Changes Brought On By Positive

And Negative G, Accelerations


activity takes place without imposing any ill effects on pilots.
G incapacitation may be a serious matter in some military aviation 1
activities, but is it of concern in civil acrobatic flying? The following
illustrative cases suggest that it is.

a. Case I. A 320year-old pilot was practicing for an airshow. His

observer on the ground watched the aircraft complete a Cuban 8 maneuver,
make an uncontrolled'descent, and crash. The pilot died. Because of the
aircraft's movements and since no mechanical problems were found, the
accident investigators suspected that the pilot had become incapacitated.
An autopsy and toxicological tests showed no condition that might have
contributed to incapacitation. However, the medical history indicated the’
pilot had a chronic heart condition. He had occasionally passed out when
his heart underwent a change to very rapid beating. It was ruled that the
most probable cause of the accident was the pilot's underlying heart
condition, which had made him more susceptible to the G's of acrobatic
maneuvers. He had lost consciousness and control of the aircraft.

6 Par 5
2128184 AC 91-61

b. Case II. A pilot who survived an episode of unconsciousness in

flight reported the incident. As he practiced normal inverted turns, the
nose of the aircraft began to drop and outside reference was lost. He
applied forward stick pressure, producing 2.1 to 2.3 negative G’s, In his
last conscious act he reduced power (to idle). He thought he had lost
consciousness for 3 to 4 seconds. Regaining consciousness, he found a nose
high attitude and the G-meter needles were pointing to postive 9 and
negative 2.4. Later inspection of the aircraft revealed that most of the
metal ribs near the front spar of both wings were deformed and one wing spar
brace was bent. Medical records revealed no condition that might have led
to loss of consciousness. Had the pilot not regained consciousness in time
to control the aircraft, the stated cause of the accident may well have
been, *‘exceeded design stress limits of the aircraft.”

c. Case III. During a practice flight, an experienced acrobatic pilot

completed a series of 18 maneuvers and, after a short rest, began his “free”
sequence of 23 maneuvers under the watchful eye of his ground observer, a
judge of acrobatic flying. After the49th maneuver, a three-quarter outside
loop followed by 2-l/2 rolls from inverted to upright, the aircraft flew
straight and level for a short time, departed from the practice box in a
450 nosedown attitude, and crashed. The pilot was killed., He had not
responded to a radio call made just before impact. The events suggest that
the pilot had become incapacitated. Post-mortem examination did not reveal
preexisting disease that could be related to the accident.

d. Case IV. In a discussion of G-induced loss of consciousness in

civil pilots, Art Scholl, an outstanding acrobatic pilot told of a relevant
episode. On the day of the incident he was not feeling well. He attempted
a vertical 8 “the hard way,” an outside loop on the top and an inside loop
on the bottom. He completed the top loop and was pulling out of the bottom
loop when he imagined he heard the sound of a clock alarm and he had the
vague thought that there was some urgency in “getting up,” that there was
something important to do. When he became fully conscious, the aircraft was
flying inverted about a mile away from the practice box. This was his only
experience of unconsciousness during an acrobatic maneuver.

e. Other cases could be cited. Because of inadequate investigating and

reporting systems, we do not know how frequently G-induced loss of
consciousness causes civil acrobatic accidents. Each year, however, there
are a number of well-documented incidents in which military students or
instructors experience loss of consciousness during maneuvers at 3 to 5 +Gz,
a level of acceleration frequently encountered in civil acrobatic maneuvers.

7. TOLERANCE TO G’S . 0 Because of the number of factors involved, it is

difficult to predict how much acceleration a certain individual can
withstand. Tolerant e is related to the rate of onset of acceleration and to
the duration of expo Isure. Individual tolerance depends on factors such as
the height of the pe rson, age, elasticity of the blood vessels, training,
the responses of the heart and blood vessels, and on health. Because of the
many variables invol ved, the centrifuge data in the following table are
useful only as an es timate of the average civilian pilot’s tolerance to +Gz

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AC 91-61

(little is known of tolerance t o -Gz > These data were collected from 1,000
Naval aviation pilots and aviat ion p Ie;sonnel and apply to rates of onset of
about +lG per second - a rate that well may be encountered in civil
aeroba t ic maneuver so

Table 1. - Thresholds in Relation to +Gz Tolerance

Average Standard
Symptom Threshold Deviation Range

Grayou t 4.1G + 0.7G 2.2 to 7.1G

Blackout 4.7G -+ 0.8G 2.7 to 7.8G

Unconsciousness 5.4G + 0.9G 3.0 t0 8.4~

a. Note that at an onset rate of 1G per second, the G values in Table 1
could just as well be expressed in seconds. Thus, the "average" pilot
accelerating at 1G per second could expect to have grayout at 4.1 seconds,
blackout at 4.7 seconds, and unconsciousness at 5.4 seconds. More sensitive
pilots, however, might have grayout, blackout, and unconsciousness at 2.2,
2.7, and 3.0 seconds. If the rate of onset were greater, then symptoms of
grayout, blackout, and loss of consciousness would occur sooner.

b. A major outcome of these centrifuge studies was the demonstration of

significant var.iations among subjects. The act of piloting an aircraft can
raise the acceleration tolerance; thus, the results of .some centrifuge
studies during which the subject was passive may not apply directly to
flight. This increased tolerance is not so great, however, that the
acrobatic pilot should consider himself or herself immune to

c. Tolerance of -Gz (foot-to-head) has not been studied intensively.

About -1Gz produces an unpleasant congestion of blood in the face and head;
-2 to -3Gz causes severe congestion of the face, throbbing headache,
progressively blurring, graying, or occasionally reddening of vision. After
exposure to -Gz, there may be tiny hemorrhages in the skin and eyes and the
eyelids may bt: swollen. Minus 5Gz for 5 seconds is probably the upper limit
of tolerance; this level has seldom been achieved by volunteer subjects.
Unlike military flying in which -Gz does not present much of a problem,
acrobatic flying may demand that a pilot spend over half of his or her air
time in inverted flight, pulling -Gz.

d. One little-known, but important, aspect of tolerance to G's is the

effect of rapid changes from +Gz to -Gz, or vice versa. Because aerobatics
induce such rapid changes, tolerance to changes could be highly
significant. It is known, for example, that when one is subjected to -Gz,
blood-pressure receptors in the head and chest respond to the increased
pressure and cause a reflex slowing of the heart (Figure 4). A rapid change
to +Gz (for example, when the pilot executes a half-roll during a maneuver)
would suddenly drop blood pressure in these receptors and there would be a
rapid speeding up of the heart to maintain pressure; but because the reflex

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system requires some time to sense the need, the heart could be delayed in
responding to this demand and blood flow to the brain might suddenly
decrease, Because of the sudden transition, and possible delay in response
of the heart, a vertical 8 with an outside loop on top (-Gz) and an inside
loop on the bottom (+Gz) may be one of the most threatening of acrobatic
maneuvers (Figure 5). An inability of the cardiovascular system to react to
the rapid change from -Gz to +Gz was probably the basis for the loss of
consciousness reported in Case IV, Paragraph 6.d.

e. Obviously, some persons can withstand greater G’s than others. Even
experienced military pilots in a simulated aerial combat maneuver using
anti-G procedures (M-l, L-l maneuvers) could remain conscious only about 6
to 7 seconds. Everyone has a iimit. Seasoned aerobat ic piiots may
represent a selected group because persons with less physiological
resistance probably drop out of aerobatics before reaching the highest
levels of performance. The acrobatic pilot will realize the potential
hazards of G's and will seek to find the level of acceleration he or she can
safely endure.

8 G'S IN AEROBATICS. The ordinary accelerometer in an acrobatic aircraft

"pegs out*' at a maximum and a minimum value and gives no indication of the
duration of the G's, so that the accelerometer record has little
significance as a record of physiological stress. National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) data show that a range of +8Gz to -6Gz (the
limit of the accelerometer) can occur during acrobatic competition, but such
values lack the time element. In one study both G's and time were recorded
during four competitive sequences or airshows. The pilot experienced
negative G's about half of the total time spent in the performance.

a. Approximately 10 percent of the time he was pulling +ZGz or more

with spikes to +5.4Gi, and about 10 percent of the time he pulled -3Gz or
more with spikes to -5.2Gz. In an "obligatory" outside 360-degree turn the
pilot experienced -2Gz or more for 32 seconds.

b l The horizontal rolling 3600degree turn produced rapid and repeated G

oscillations. In 28 seconds the pilot experienced 6 major G excursions:
-3.4, +2.3, -3.5, +2.0, -4.0, and +2.3. The first transition from negative
to positive G's was 5.7G's in 2seconds, or approximately 2,9G's/second.

c. The outside-inside vertical 8 as depicted,in Figure 5 was probably

the most physiologically demanding; the pilot experienced a maximum of
-5.2G's in the upper outside loop and 5 seconds later pulled +5.0 G's in the
lower inside loop. This amounted to 10.2 G's in 5 seconds, or over 2G's per
second for 5 seconds. Even G-tolerant pilots may have changes in vision or
possibly loss of consciousness in this maneuver (Case IV, paragraph 6.d.)

d. During several maneuvers the rate of onset equaled or exceeded 1G

per second, and in some maneuvers,the rate of onset and duration of the G's
were at levels that have been found to cause unconsciousness in some
subjects in centrifuge studies.

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AC 91-61 2128184



- - -10.8 -I.” I FAVlhk


-..-- OF BRAIN
-- -------a




Figure 5. Negative and positive C’s recorded second-by-second

during the outside (upper loop)-inside (lower loop)
vertical 8 maneuver. The major physiological consequences
are indicated at their respective positions in the maneuver.
The rapid change from negative to positive is particularly
stressful. (See Case IV, Paragraph 6. d).

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2/28/84 AC 91-61

9. AVOIDING G INCAPACXTATION. Any type of flying involves some degree of

risk. The prudent pilot is familiar with the risks involved and acquires
the knowledge and skills necessary for reducing these risks to a minimum.
The pilot is also aware of his or her own limitations and can make accurate
judgments of his or her ability to withstand the stresses of flight. As
noted here, the susceptibility to acceleration is an especially important
limitation of the acrobatic pilot, and to recognize anti understand this
limitation is important to safe acrobatic flying. Listed below are some
suggestions for minimizing the hazards of acceleration in this type of

a. If you are just beginning in aerobatics, fly with an instructor.

Take advantage of the instructor's experience and knowledge.

b. Ask the instructcr to familiarize you with the ".feel" of various

maneuvers, not only the rapid executions expertly done, but the hesitant,
sluggish ones you will be doing in your early practice. Remember that the
rate of onset of acceleration is an important factor that you must learn to

c. If you experience dimming cr graying of vision during flight,

realize that this represents diminished blood flow through the eyes and that
you may be close to your tolerance limit. Ease off on the controls to
reduce the G-load.

d . If you experience incapacitation cr have any lingering symptoms as a

result of aerobatics, consult a knowledgeable flight surgeon before you
resume flying. Some people may be unusually susceptible to G-loading. If
you are one of these, you need to know about it; you may not be so lucky the
next time.

e. Frequent exposure to G-stress may “tune” the human system, making it .

less sensitive to higher G-loads. If you have not flown aerobatics for some
time, begin with the simpler, less stressful maneuvers when you take it up

f.Physical conditioning does not seem to increase tolerance to

G-loads; marathon running lowers tolerance. On the other hand, a well-tuned
cardiovascular system seems to recover more rapidly from many different
kinds of stress. Keep in shape.

g*Be especially mindful of your current physical condition. Do you

really "feel" like aerobatics today? If you don't feel well, wait until you
do. Consult a physician if you have any doubts about your health.

h. Be careful of what, and how, you eat. Adequate exercise and diet
help to maintain your blood sugar at normal levels. A low level of blood
sugar can make you very sensitive to G-loading. Remember that after a high
carbohydrate meal (e.g., pancakes and syrup, or candy bars), the blood sugar
will fall in about an hour, sometimes quicker, so avoid such meals. Eat
well-balanced, light meals before. flying. A large meal could cause pooling
of the blood in the digestive tract and decrease G-tolerance by reducing the
amcunt of blood available to the general circulation.

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AC 91-61 2/28/84
i. Be aware that if you are accustomed to flying in a coastal region
and then undertake the same aerobatics at a region of higher altitude, such
as Denver, Colorado, ycu will have a lowered tolerance to G's, The oxygen
content of the blood is lowered by exposure to the higher altitude, and the
oxygen supply to the brain mignt be reduced to critical levels during +Gz

j. Remember that anything that reduces blood volume or cardiovascular

response may reduce G-tolerance. Dehydration, excessive sweating, severe
sunburn, low blood pressure, prolonged standing or sitting, hypoxia,
infection (even minor illnesses), and medications all lower G-tolerance.
Alcohol and hangovers will reduce your ability to perform acrobatic
maneuvers. Make sure you are as fit as your aircraft.

k. Become acquainted with some of the tricks used by military pilots to

reduce the effects of acceleration. For example, some of the circulatory
effects of +Gz can be counteracted by the M-l maneuver. This is done by
pulling the head down between the shoulders, tensing muscles (especially
abdominal and chest muscles), partially closing the glottis and exhaling
slowly in a straining, grunting manner over a long period. Do not hold your
breath. The M-l maneuver or a variation, the L-l maneuver (similar to the
M-l maneuver except one attempts to exhale against a closed glottis while
tensing all peripheral muscles), can increase blood flow through the brain
and raise your tolerance to +Gz. There is no method to counter the effects
of -Gz .

10. CONCLUDING REMARKS. Acrobatic flying is a beautiful coordination of

pilot and air-craft. It requires a well-engineered aircraft and a
highly-skilled pilot. piany pilots believe the restricting factors in
aerobatics to be the load limits of the aircraft. For the exceptional pilot
this may be so, but for some it is the ability of the pilot to withstand the
accelerations of the maneuvers. The truly skilled pilot will know his or
her limitations, will train to extend them, and will avoid conditions that
lower tolerance and jeopardize safety.


a. Additional and more detailed information on G effects in aerobatics

is available in the following reports:

(1) G Effe c t s on the Pilot During Aerobatics, S. R. Mohler, M.D.,


(2) G Incapacitation in Aerohatic Pilots: A Flight Hazard, W. R.

Kirkham, M.D., Ph.D., S. M. Wicks, and D. L. Lowrey, FAA-AM-82-13.

b. The reports are available to the public through the National

Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal
Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

-2s~~) cm&
D. C. Beaudette
Acting Director of Flight Operations

12 Par 9

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