Setting Up A Simple IDOC-to-IDOC Scenario On SAP PO 7.5 - SAP Blogs
Setting Up A Simple IDOC-to-IDOC Scenario On SAP PO 7.5 - SAP Blogs
Setting Up A Simple IDOC-to-IDOC Scenario On SAP PO 7.5 - SAP Blogs
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Although I considered myself a fairly experienced SAP PI/PO developer in the past, I wasn’t really able to work
with the integration solution from SAP for the last couple of years. Back then it was still called SAP Process
Integration (PI), the go-to version was 7.1 and maybe the most important di erence, there was still an ABAP
stack present! Now that I started freelancing and setting my rst steps towards entrepreneurship I came across
an assignment in which SAP PI experience was required. What looked like a great opportunity to me for a rst
assignment as a freelancer soon turned out to be a reality check.
After the intake with my rst potential client in which they explained the architectural features of their system
landscape to-be I soon realized my acquired PI 7.1 knowledge in the past wasn’t really going to make the cut
with the JAVA stack only, 7.5 version of what is now called SAP Process Orchestration (PO). I could have easily
walked away from the situation with an “I don’t think my skillset matches the requirements of this assignment”
excuse, but I decided to take on the challenge and eventually discovered that my PI 7.1 knowledge wasn’t really
useless at all 😉
My client is migrating his current SAP R/3 system to a brand new on-premise S/4HANA environment. If you
haven’t been able to work with a S/4HANA environment, believe me, it’s a Ferrari compared to the traditional
SAP ERP on-premise solution. Anyway, enough on S/4HANA. With this migration there is a requirement to
transfer master data of employees from the current (old) SAP HCM environment to the new S/4HANA
environment through SAP PO. Also, after the initial load of all employees from SAP HCM, every change in the
selected infotypes of an employee in SAP HCM, should also trigger a change in S/4HANA. 1/30
7/22/2020 Setting up a simple IDOC-to-IDOC scenario on SAP PO 7.5 | SAP Blogs
Proposed Solution
Because of limited time given for this interface (and my limited experience with PO 7.5) we decided to go with a
relatively easy to build IDOC-to-IDOC interface using the IDOC_AAE adapter of SAP PO. This gave me the
opportunity to break in my hands-on experience with PO 7.5 while not worrying too much about the fast
approaching go-live date. An initial load of employees will be triggered through transaction PFAL, while changes
in their respective infotypes will be triggered through change pointers.
Go to transaction SM59 and create a new TCP/IP connection of type T in your source system. 2/30
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I named the RFC destination (PD1) after the system name of the PO system. Make sure you use the PROGRAM
ID “PD_RI” later on in your “inboundRA” resource adapter of PO. Select the option “Registered Server Program”
and choose the Gateway Host and Service on which you want to register the PD_RI Program ID. I chose the Host
and Service name of the HCM source system here because I couldn’t get it to work with the Gateway Host and
Service of the PO system (somehow recommended by SAP). 3/30
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Now that your connection between the source system and SAP PO is set, let’s look into the con guration on the
SAP PO side: 4/30
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Filter out the “inboundRA” resource adapter and select the “Properties” tab.
As you can see, the “PD_R1” ProgramID corresponds with the value used in the RFC destination we created in
the previous section. Also, you need to use the same Gateway Service and Gateway Host here as you did in the
before mentioned RFC destination. Also notice the “XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION” destination which will
come in use later in this blog. The property “MaxReaderThreadCount” is usually set to 0 by default. SAP
recommends setting a value between 5 and 10 for this scenario. You might experience some di culties
restarting the inboundRA after setting this property. A restart of the JAVA instance helped me out in this case.
I set the “Local” property to “false” since the Program ID is registered on the Gateway Host and Service of the
sender system. You will have to set this particular property to “true” if you use the PO Gateway Host and Service
to register your Program ID.
Let’s take a look at the before mentioned “XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION” destination in PO. From the SAP
Netweaver Administrator page browse to Con guration->Infrastructure->Destinations and look up the RFC
destination. 5/30
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Make sure this destination points to the sender system from which you’re going to send the IDOCs. Also, make
sure you enter the right user with su cient authorization on the “Logon Data” tab. 6/30
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Now that the connections between the sender system and SAP PO are set up, you’ll need to set up the
connection between SAP PO and the target system. In my case this is the new S/4HANA system. Like the
XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION you’ll need to set this one up in the “Destinations” section of the SAP
Netweaver Administrator:
Make sure the RFC destination created points to the target system for the IDOCs and give the technical user
used on the “Logon Data” tab su cient authorization for the destination system.
Now that we have con gured all required connections between sender system, SAP PO, and target system it’s
time to set up all required objects in the Enterprise Service Repository and the Integration Directory of SAP PO. 7/30
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Make sure to create two software component versions (SWCV) one for each system and import the required
IDOC from each system into the SWCV of each corresponding system. Importing IDOCs is accomplished by
right-clicking on your SWCV and selecting the importing option: 8/30
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The user used for importing objects into the SWCV needs su cient authorization for importing objects.
Warning: Importing standard IDOCs like HRMD_A05 might take a while or even cause JAVA HEAP errors
because of the massive size of the IDOC. Make sure you’ll have enough memory available locally (adjust the two
JAVA les for the ESR and IB downloaded when starting the ESR and IB) or server side (ask your Basis
Now that we have imported the IDOCs from both the sender system and the target system we are ready to
develop a message mapping and subsequently an operation mapping in the ESR. Since I’m using a standard
IDOC and this is somewhat of a 1-on-1 mapping, not a whole lot is required here. Like the SWCV’s created for
both the source system and destination system, I also created a SWCV for the SAP PO system called
“Integration”: 9/30
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I use the SWCV for the SAP PO system for ordering all mapping objects neatly under separate namespaces.
The rst object required, the message mapping is pretty straightforward. You’ll need the IDOCs uploaded from
both systems and add them to the message mapping:
Add the IDOC from the sender system as data type on the left and the IDOC from the target system as data type
on the right. Use the “Map selected elds and substructures if names are identical” button to breeze through the
eld mapping.
Now add an operation mapping to the same namespace and use the IDOC from the target system as source
message and from the target system as target message. Use the above created message mapping as mapping 10/30
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This way no data types or message types are required for the scenario. These are all the objects you need from
the ESR! Easy isn’t?
Integration Directory
Now, the objects you’ll need to develop in the integration directory (ID) are pretty straightforward also. You’ll
need a sender and receiver communication channel and an integrated con guration. That’s about it. Let’s look
into the sender channel. Create a communication channel for the sender system which you should have de ned
in the ID as a business system. Make it a “Sender” channel and select adapter type “IDoc_AAE” as adapter of
choice: 11/30
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Select the default option for RFC parameters and leave the rest as-is (unless your scenario needs speci c
adjustments o course).
Create a receiver channel for the target system underneath the business system you have de ned for the target
system. Again, select the “IDoc_AAE” adapter, leave the RFC parameters on “Default” and use the RFC
destination you have created for the target system in the destinations section for RFC Client Parameters: 12/30
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Now that you have created both communication channels you’ll have to create an integrated con guration. I
wasn’t familiar with this object until now since it wasn’t available in PI 7.1, but in my opinion it neatly organizes
all objects involved in your scenario in one….well…con guration. This is what my ID looks like so far: 13/30
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You’ll need pretty much all the objects you have developed so far in the integrated con guration. Use your
sender communication channel on the “Inbound Processing” tab:
On the “Receiver Interfaces” tab select your operation mapping for this scenario as the intended receiver
interface. Here you can also add lters under the “Condition” column:
Use your receiver communication channel on the “Outbound Processing” tab and leave the rest as-is: 15/30
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That’s about it for the integrated scenario object in the ID. Now that everything is in place on the sender, PO and
target side, let’s dive into con guring the IDOC settings on both ends of the scenario.
Through transaction WE21 create an new IDOC port of type “Transactional RFC” and use the RFC destination
created (PD1) in the “Setting up the connections” of this blog: 16/30
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After you created the dedicated IDOC port create a new logical system for the target system (if one doesn’t
exist yet) through BD54:
The client already had logical system BVG_IDOC in place for dedicated IDOC communication, but in your case
you might have to create a new one.
Create a partner pro le of type logical system with WE20 and make it point to the logical system we have just
created: 17/30
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Add the relevant message type (HRMD_A05) in the outbound parameters and con gure as displayed below: 18/30
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port you have created at the beginning of this part and point to the relevant IDOC type. Make sure you use an
authorized user on the “Post Processing” tab. 19/30
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In order to register the changes made in the selected infotypes you’ll need to create a distribution model
through BD64. Create a new model view with the “Create Model View” button and give it a technical name
suitable for your scenario. Add a message type to your new model view:
Use the logical system of the source as sender and the (new) logical system of the target as receiver. Select the
relevant message type also. Your new model will (kinda) look like this:
As you can see a lter is active that lters out the infotypes needed for my scenario. I added this lter so that
every change made in the selected infotypes will trigger an IDOC and thus changes the infotypes of the target
system equally. Underneath are the infotypes needed in my scenario. O course you can add or delete infotypes
to suit your own scenario: 20/30
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You can either select one employee (as depicted) or select all employees (this might take a while). Make sure to
use the correct receiver and message type.
Subsequent changes in the selected infotypes of employees through (for example) PA30 only trigger IDOCs
after you run BD21 (or report RBDMIDOC) for the relevant message type: 22/30
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In order to receive the generated IDOCs from the sender system your target system needs some con guration
too. Create a partner pro le of type “Logical System” through WE20 and point to the logical system created for
the sender system. If no logical system for the sender present, create one through BD54:
Make sure to add the relevant message type as an inbound parameter and subsequently con gure the
parameter: 23/30
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Now that everything is in place for sending and receiving IDOCs through SAP PO, let’s take a short look on the
monitoring options.
You can click on the outbound IDOC to see its content on the sender system.
Whenever an IDOC is not present in the WE02 monitor, you might want to check out SM58 and look for RFC
errors on the sender side: 24/30
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Monitoring IDOCs on SAP PO is achieved through the “Con guration and Monitoring home” link on the
startpage of SAP PO. Go to tab Monitoring->Adapter Engine->IDOC Adapter Monitor to check up on IDOCs that
are passing through SAP PO:
O course, there are plenty more monitoring options available (message monitoring, communication channel
monitoring), but I’ll stick to the IDOC monitoring for now.
Since this is my rst blog and rst hands-on experience with the JAVA stack only SAP PO 7.5 feel free to leave
suggestions or even corrections on this walkthrough. In no way I’ve had the intention to create the perfect,
complete blog J just wanted to share my experiences and leave you with a walkthrough that might come in
handy when confronted with the same business scenario!
Cheers! 25/30
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8 Comments 26/30
7/22/2020 Setting up a simple IDOC-to-IDOC scenario on SAP PO 7.5 | SAP Blogs
Former Member
Could you let us know about any signi cant di erence in the steps or processes to be noted between 7.4 and
Arivarasu S
I’m not sure about the di erence since I haven’t been able to work with 7.4 so I can’t really help you with that.
Former Member
Hi Aris,
I would like to report an Idoc from my HCM to a third system, do i need a DT and MT?
Best regards
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7/22/2020 Setting up a simple IDOC-to-IDOC scenario on SAP PO 7.5 | SAP Blogs
Former Member
Thanks for the great work, I’m facing an error “IDoc_AAE sender communication channel is not found”, the error
log in SM58 is kind the same as you’ve posted “Commit fault: ASJ.ejb.005043 (Failed in component:”
Here’s what I did, I recreated everything in ES Repository and ID, even the business systems in SLD, the RFC
destination in NWA were maintained and can ping successfully, the connection to PO box in sender system
through SM59 was ok.
MaxReaderThreadCount 10
GatewayService sapgw01
GatewayServer <po host FQDN>
Local true(also tried false)
In PO NWA, the RFC XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION was pointing to backend sender system and the
connection was ok too.
I’ve also checked SAP note 2419326 – IDoc_AAE sender communication channel is not found, the resolution
“When you try to send CREMAS.CREMAS01 IDocs the interface used for the Sender Communication
Component must be CREMAS.CREMAS01 with the interface namespace “urn:sap-
com:document:sap:idoc:messages”. This is mandatory and applies for all IDoc types. This is a standard
behavior and can’t be changed. ”
but I couldn’t gure it out how to x the problem as I’m kind of new to PO. Could you please provide some
information about how you overcome this issue?
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7/22/2020 Setting up a simple IDOC-to-IDOC scenario on SAP PO 7.5 | SAP Blogs
Manoj K
Check the logs in NWA , you will be having more descriptive error which will help to resolve the issue.
Former Member
Hi Manoj,
Thanks for the reply, the error was actually discovered in NWA Log Viewer, the content was almost exactly the
same as mentioned in note 2419326, I even did a XPI Inspector catch the XI channel, the result looks like this:
I just can’t gure it out what’s the cause of this problem, as the interface namesapce for sender in ICO is
con gured for IDoc and can’t be changed, the channel status is ok in pimon as well.
Manoj K
Cross check your ICO if it matches the exact details being sent from ECC: 29/30
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