Rosario Vda. de Singson vs. de Lim 74 Phil 109 1943

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1G.R. No.

L-48627             February 19, 1943

4JOSEFINA F. VDA. DE LIM, oppositor-appellee,
5EMILIA FLORENTINO, ET AL., oppositors-appellees,
6EVARISTO SINGSON, ET AL., oppositors-appellants.

7M.H. de Joya and Evaristo Singson for appellants.

8Teofilo Mendoza and Vicente Paz for appellees.


10Don Vicente Singson Pablo, a lawyer of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, died on April 15, 1938, without any descendant or ascendant, his nearest surviving
11relatives being his widow Doña Rosalia Rosario, four brothers, and four nieces, the children of a deceased sister. He left a will which was duly
12probated, clause 8 of which reads as follows:

13Octavo. — Orderno y mando que todos mis bienes no dispuestos de otro modo en este testamento, se distribuiran en partes iguales a todos los
14que tienen derecho a ello.

15The widow, as administratrix, presented a project of partition in which the properties not disposed of in the will were adjudicated to the four
16brothers and the four nieces of the deceased "in the proportion provided in paragraph 8 of the will." The brothers, appellants herein, objected to
17the project of partition insofar as it includes the nieces of the deceased, on the ground that under clause 8 of the will, in relation to article 751 of
18the Civil Code, they were not entitled to any share. The nieces also objected to the project of partition, alleging that certain other specified
19properties had been omitted therefrom, which formed part of the properties not disposed of and which under clause 8 of the will "should be
20distributed in equal parts to all who are entitled thereto." The trial court sustained the contention of the nieces (appellees herein) and ordered the
21administratrix "to amend the project of partition so as to include therein the said properties and that all of those not disposed of in the will be
22adjudicated in equal parts to the brothers and nieces of the deceased."

23The only question raised in this appeal is the interpretation of clause 8 of the will above quoted. Said clause provides that "all of my properties
24not disposed of otherwise in this testament shall be distributed in equal parts to all who are entitled thereto." In this connection appellants invoke
25article 751 of the Civil Code, which provides that "a disposition made in general terms in favor of the testator's relatives shall be understood as
26made in favor of those nearest in degree."

27The trial court noted that the testator, who was a lawyer, did not use the word "relatives" in the clause in question. We do not need to decide here
28whether, had the testator used the word "relatives," the nieces would be excluded. The authorities differ on the interpretation of article 751.
29Some hold that under said article the nephews and nieces inherit by representation together with the brothers and sisters of the testator, as in
30legal succession; while others. Manresa among them, hold that said article excludes nephews and nieces when brothers and sisters survive. We
31think the testator, by referring to "all who are entitled thereto," instead of referring to his "relatives," precisely meant to avoid the uncertainty of
32the interpretation of article 751 and to indicate his wish that the residue of his estate be distributed in equal parts to all who would have been
33entitled to inherit from him had he dies intestate.

34The order appealed from is affirmed, with costs. So ordered.

35Yulo, C.J., Moran, Paras and Bocobo, JJ., concur.


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