Second Quarterly Scienceotas

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I. DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it before each number.

___ 1. It is a remnant or trace of a plant, an animal or other organism.

A. Fossil B. Bacteria C.Virus D. Cell
___ 2. It consists of various groups of organisms and the physical components in a particular environment in
which particular organisms interact?
A. Biosphere B. Ecosystems C. Community D. Population
___ 3. These are group of organisms living in a particular environment.
A. Biosphere B. Ecosystems C. Community D. Population
___ 4. It is a living thing in a population.
A. Organ B. Organ System C. Organelles D. Organism
___ 5. These are group of tissues and other structures that perform a specific function.
A. Organ B. Organ System C. Organelles D. Organism
___ 6. It is the fundamental unit of life.
A. Cell B. Atom C. Molecule D. Tissue
___ 7. It is the building block of matter.
A. Cell B. Atom C. Molecule D. Tissue
___ 8. It is the branch of Biology that studies heredity and variation.
A. Zoology B. Genetics C. Anatomy D. Botany
___ 9. Which of the following field of Science is known as the study of life?
A. Anatomy B. Chemistry C. Biology D. Physics
___ 10. Which of the following experiments on the evolution of life states that vital forces or organic matter can
create organisms from inanimate object??
A. Redi’s Experiment B. Needham’s Test C. Spontaneous Generation D. Pasteur’s Test
___ 11. Which of the following is considered as the first living organism on Earth?
A. Virus B. Homo Sapiens C. Mammals D. Bacteria
___ 12. Which of the following branch of Biology deals with the study of plants?
A. Zoology B. Genetics C. Anatomy D. Botany
___ 13. He is the biologist who first viewed the cells of the cork plant using the microscope he built?
A. Matthias Jacob Schleiden C. Rudolf Virchow
B. Theodor Schawann D. Robert Hooke
___ 14. It is a green pigment that lends its green color to the plant.
A. Stomata B. Synthesis C. Chloropyll D. Glucose
___ 15. It is the process by which plants produce food and energy by converting light energy into chemical
energy of sugars and other organic compounds.
A. Cellular Respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Light Cycle D. Glucose
___ 16. It is the process by which the chemical energy of food molecules is released and partially captured for
the production of ATP.
A. Cellular Respiration B. Photosynthesis C. Light Cycle D. Glucose
___ 17. It occurs in the cytosol or outside the mitochondria.
A. Pyruvate B. Aerobic Respiration C. Oxidation D. Glycolysis
___ 18. These are scientists who collect, identify, and study pieces of evidence about earlier life-forms.
A. Geologists B. Botanist C. Paleontologists D. Zoologists
___ 19. It is the removal of wastes produced by cellular activities.
A. Reproduction B. Excretion C.Respeiration D. Regulation
___ 20. It is the process by which an organism produces its own kind.
A. Reproduction B. Excretion C.Respeiration D. Regulation
___ 21. It is the set of life-sustaining chemical changes that occur within the cells of all organisms.
A. Metabolism B. Respiration C. Digestion D. Anabolism
___ 22. The substance that the animal’s body uses for growth, maintenance, and repair.
A. Hormones B. Nutrients C. Metabolism D. Acid
___ 23. It is the process by which ingested food is broken down into simple substances that can be absorbed by
the body.
A. Circulation B. Respiration C. Digestion D. Excretion
___ 24. In vertebrates, it is the main transport system.
A. Respiratory system B. Digestive System C. Nervous System D. Circulatory System
___ 25. It is the process by which the body achieves this environment.
A. Homeostasis B. Conduction C. Radiation D. Thermoregulation
II. DIRECTIONS: Identify the following statement. Choose the correct answer inside the box. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number.

Pollination Stigma Filament Rceptacle Zygote Budding

Fertilization Pollen Sepals Petals Gamete

______________ 26. The male and female sex cells of a plant.

______________ 27. It is known as the single cell.
______________ 28. The flowers brightly colored parts that play an important role in helping the plant to
______________ 29. The part of the plant to which the flower is attached.
______________ 30. Leaflike parts that enclose and protect flower in the stamen.
______________ 31. Stalk that supports anther where the pollen produced.
______________ 32. Tiny grains containing the sperm that is necessary for sexual reproduction.
______________ 33. Sticky part that catches the pollen grains coming from the stamen.
______________ 34. The process by which the sperm and egg cells unite.
______________ 35. The transfer of the pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same plant.

III. DIRECTIONS: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.

Column A Column B
___ 36. The part of the plant that supports the leaves and flowers. A. Roots
___ 37. It is vital to plant life because they turn sunlight into stored B. Consumers
energy through photosynthesis. C. Producers
___ 38. The plant cells where photosynthesis takes place. D. Stem
___ 39. The process of growing plants in the absence of soil as a E. Leaves
medium and using water-based environment instead. F. Chloroplasts
___ 40. During day time, they open up to take in as much air as G. Hydroculture
possible and they close at night to retain water and gases in the H. Glycolysis
leaf. I. Minerals
___ 41. The arrangement of the veins in a leaf. J. Stomata
___ 42. Inorganic substances found in rocks and soil. K. Leaf Venation
___ 43They are producers because they can make their own food
through photosynthesis.
___ 44. Particularly people and animals, depend on plants for food
oxygen, and energy.
___ 45. Absorb water and other nutrients crucial to the plant’s growth
and food for the plant.

IV. DIRECTIONS: Write T if the statement is true. If false, change the word that makes the statement
false. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____46. Immunity is the ability of the body to resist and fight infection.
_____ 47. Hormones are special chemicals that the body produces through its endocrine.
_____ 48. HIV is a disease that impairs a cell-mediated immune response and normal immune response
allowing opportunistic infection to enter the body.
_____ 49. Robert Hooke theorized that all species descended from a common ancestor over time.
_____ 50. George- Louis Leclerc is a naturalist, noted that although different places have the same
environment, they also had similar but unique wildlife.

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