Second Quarter Periodic Test 2022 2023

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Name:____________________________________ Grade and Section:______________________ Score:_______________

2022-2023 Second Periodical Test in Science Grade 7

DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Choose and write the LETTER with WORDS OR GROUP OF WORDS of
the correct answer on your answer sheet.

__________1. The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the different parts of the body. To which
organ system does the heart belong?
A. Circulatory C. Excretory
B. Digestive D. Reproductive
__________2. Cancer starts from cells that start to grow uncontrollably fast. They destroy tissues and organs. What
does this say about the effects of diseased cells on the higher levels of organization in an organism?
A. Cancer involves only certain kinds of cells and does not affect any other kind of cell.
B. Diseased cells affect only the next higher levels of organization that they make up – the tissues.
C. Diseased cells damage the higher levels of organization they make up: tissues, organs, organ systems, and
eventually, the whole organism.
D. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of an organism.
__________3. Each part of an organ system plays a specific function. Which of the following structures does not
match its function?
A. Eyes : Sight C. Heart : Circulation
B. Kidneys : Respiration D. Stomach : Digestion
__________4. Some plants bear flowers during the summer season. How are flowers different from the reproductive
organs of animals?
A. Flowers have male and female parts; animals have either male or female parts.
B. Flowers need pollinators like bees to reproduce; animals do not.
C. Flowers are shed from time to time; nothing is shed from animals.
D. There is no difference between flowers and the reproductive organs of animals.
__________5. The organ systems of plants consist of the root and shoot systems. Why is it important for these organ
systems to work together?
A. To grow and survive
B. To avoid pests and other animals
C. To survive floods and strong winds
D. To survive droughts and earthquakes
__________6. At which smallest level of organization in an organism can the characteristics of life be carried out?
A. Organ system C. Tissue
B. Organ D. Cell
__________7. Which is the correct sequence – from biggest to smallest – of the levels of organization in an organism?
A. Cell Organ Organ System Tissue
B. Organ Organ System Tissue Cell
C. Tissue Cell Organ Organ System
D. Organ System Organ Tissue Cell
__________8. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
A. eyepiece and mirror
B. eyepiece and objectives
C. objectives and mirror
D. objectives and diaphragm
__________9. Which part of the microscope makes possible the changing of the objectives?
A. Revolving Nosepiece C. Coarse Focus
B. Fine Focus D. Pivot point
__________10. Which of the following can be observed using the light microscope?
A. acacia bark C. piece of stone
B. five peso coin D. tip of gumamela leaf
__________11. If the chloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?
A. protect the cell
B. make food for the cell
C. excrete waste materials
D. give instruction for cell to reproduce
__________12. In a Biology class, students were asked to use a microscope to distinguish between a plant and animal
cells. A student noticed difference between the vacuoles in plant and animal cells. How do the vacuoles in plant
cells differ from the vacuoles in animal cells?
A. Plant cell vacuoles are usually larger
B. Plant cell vacuoles are usually smaller
C. Plant cells are rarely contain vacuoles
D. Plant cells usually contain more vacuoles

A Biology student was observing unidentified cells. She obtained the following data:
Cell Cell X Cell Y
Cytoplasm ☺ ☺
Chloroplast ☻ ☺
☺ ☺
Cell membrane
Nucleus ☺ ☺
Centrioles ☺ ☻
Cell Wall ☻ ☺

13. Which is a plant cell? Explain your answer.

14. Which is an animal cell? Explain your answer.
15. It is the part of this cell which plays a role during cell division.____________

16. Which of the following plant cell parts is not found in onion cells?
A. chloroplast C. vacuole
B. cell wall D. mitochondrion
__________17. The green alga, Caulerpa, and mushrooms both have some characteristics similar to plants. What are
these characteristics common to both that are also found in plants?
I Green color for food making A. I and II
II Stem-like parts B. II and III
III Spores C. I and III
IV Fruit-like parts D. II and IV
__________18. Just like many living things, fungi have certain needs to survive. What are these needs?
I Food A. I and II
II Air and water B. II and III
III Sunlight and soil C. I and III
IV Water D. II and IV
__________19. Fungi get their food by ______________ organic material.
A. Decomposing C. Drinking
B. Eating D. Growing
__________20. Which is not an example of a fungus?
A. Ginger B. Mold C. Mushroom D. Yeast
__________21. Fungi cannot make their own food. What is the effect of their food getting activities?
A. Decomposition of living things
B. Production of starch
C. Trapping of solar energy
D. Release of oxygen
__________22. What characteristic differentiates fungi, algae and bacteria from the plants studied in Grades 3-6 aside
from their small size?
A. They do not have true roots, true leaves, true stems, fruits and flowers.
B. Most do not make their own food unlike plants.
C. They are at the base of the food chain while animals are at the top.
D. They cause diseases while plants and animals have many uses.
__________23. Which of the following structures are NOT involved in asexual reproduction?
A. Gametes C. Stem
B. Tuber D. Root
For number 24-28. Construct a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences of sexual and asexual

__________29. A gamete unites with gamete to form a zygote. Which process is taking place?
A. Pollination C. Asexual reproduction
B. Fertilization D. Vegetative reproduction
__________30. In sexual reproduction, what is the source of the genetic material in a zygote?
A. An egg cell only
B. A sperm cell only
C. A pollen and a sperm cell
D. An egg cell and a sperm cell
__________31. During fission, a single cell bacteria can copy its DNA and divide into how many identical cells?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
__________32. Which species can produce offspring that are genetically different from their parents?
A. A species that has few variations
B. A species that reproduces asexually
C. A species that reproduces sexually
D. A species that competes with a similar species
__________33. A plant needs water, radiant energy, minerals, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to live. This statement
shows that an organism depends on which of the following?
A. Abiotic components C. Climate
B. Biotic components D. Minerals
__________34. Which of the following represents an abiotic component of the environment?
A. Sprouting mongo seeds C. Grass on mountain slopes
B. Dugong nursing its young D. Flowing lava
__________35. While exploring a cave, a group of scientists encountered many abiotic and biotic factors. Which of the
factors is biotic?
A. Bacteria C. Minerals
B. Limestone D. Waterfall
__________36. Setting up an aquarium that represents a mini ecosystem has to have which of the following
A. Fish and water only
B. Water, sand, soil, and light only
C. Populations of fish, snails, and plants only
D. Communities of different species of organisms, water, sand, soil, and sunlight
__________37. A glass container chiefly enclosed for growing and displaying plants and small animals.
A. Aquarium B. Terrarium C. Shark Tank D. Dish garden
__________38. Which of the following is the correct food chain?
A. Grass →grasshopper→ maya bird→hawk
B. Grass →grasshopper→snake→frog→ hawk
C. Grass → mouse →snake→ hawk
D. Grass →mouse→ crocodile
__________39. Using the food web, what will happen to the chicken if the corn plant dies?
A. The chicken will increase in population.
B. The chicken will feed on the hawk.
C. The chicken will feed on the rat.
D. The chicken will eventually die.
__________40. Which of the following describes parasitism?
A. Barnacle sticking on the shell of an oyster
B. Fern plant growing on a trunk of a tree
C. An orchid living on a truck of a mahogany tree
D. An insect larva staying on the leaves of a plant
________41. Which of the following ecological relationships is demonstrated by a fungus doing harm on the corn plant?
A. Competition C. Parasitism
B. Mutualism D. Predation
__________42. Bees and flower is an example of _________________________.
A. Competition C. Parasitism
B. Mutualism D. Predation
__________43. Given the following organism: corn , mouse, owl, bacteria, whih of the following is well constructed food chain?
A. owl bacteria corn mouse
B. corn mouse owl bacteria
C. bacteria owl mouse corn
D. corn mouse owl bacteria
__________44. Which of the following relationships exhibits mutualism?
A. algae – fungi C. rice bird - hawk
B. rat – cat D. worm - human
__________45. Which of the following is an abiotic factor that may affect the population of an organism?
A. extreme temperature
B. food availability
C. parasite
D. predator
__________46. Which of the following ecological relationships is demonstrated by a python crushing a piglet and swallowing it
A. Competition C. Parasitism
B. Mutualism D. Predation
__________47. In a given environment, which of the following refers to a population?
A. Any organisms that live together and eat in one place.
B. Several numbers of organisms living in the same place.
C. Different organisms live together in the same place and in the same time.
D. Group of organisms of the same kind living in the same place and at the same time.
_________48. Why are plants considered as producers?
A. Plants produce fruits that can be eaten by animals
B. Plants produce root crops that supply carbohydrates to animals.
C. Plants provide vegetable for animals and human consumption.
D. Plants convert energy from the Sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (food).
49-50. How should an ecosystem below be used to protect its biotic components? Choose the best answer from the given
__________49. Coral reef
A. Promote it is an ecotourism destination
B. Collect corals as souvenir items for tourists
C. Collect coral fishes and sell them to pet shops
D. Filter it for drinking
__________50. Rainforest
A. Cut the big trees into log
B. Advertise it as a camping site
C. Get only minor forest products
D. Use the water for irrigation

Prepared by: Checked By:

Grade 7 Science Teachers EDLYN I. MAGSINO

Master Teacher I

Noted: Approved:


Head Teacher III Principal IV

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. CELL Y Reason: no centrioles but with chloroplasts and cell wall
14. CELL X Reason: no chloroplasts and cell wall but with centrioles
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. A
20. A
21. A
22. A
23. A


-Quick -Slow

29. B
30. D
31. B 41. C
32. C 42. B
33. A 43. D
34. D 44. A
35. A 45. A
36. D 46. D
37. B 47. D
38. A 48. D
39. D 49. A
40. D 50. C

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