Context & Interested Party Analysis RIO

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines various risks, opportunities, interested parties and their requirements, and methods for an construction project. It identifies issues related to workers, clients, stakeholders, authorities and the environment.

Some of the main risks identified include low water pressure, project completion period, workers issues, involved clients and consultants, and potential health and safety or environmental incidents. Some opportunities mentioned include reducing air pollution.

Interested parties identified include subcontractors, workers, clients, stakeholders, authorities such as MBPJ and DOE. Their main requirements include things like safe working conditions, keeping them informed of progress, and complying with relevant regulations.



Context & Interested Parties

Updated on : 16 July 2019

4.1 4.1 4.2a 4.2b 6.1 6.1 4.2c 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.4
Ref. Priority Relevance Power Interested Party
External Issues Internal Issues Interested Party Risk / Opportunity Action to Address Criteria & Methods IMS Scope Applicability IMS Scope Exclusion(s) IMS Processes Effectiveness
(1 to 4) (1 to 4) (P x R) Requirements

Limited working area / space Requirements documented by

to have logistic planning with Monthly Business Ops Meeting Order/Quote Fulfilment
for staff,subcontractor the contract
1 Low water pressure Current subcontractor and staff 4 4 16 Risk proper planning & tracking Manage closely Customer process None Customer feedback and no complaint from worker
( drawing , document and Kept satisfied
information Increase repeat orders satisfaction
material sample strorage area ) Kept informed

Defined procurement frequency to provide proper

Authority approval for night zero notice regarding of working
2 Project completion period Subcontractor and its workers 3 4 12 and quantity risk documentation as requested by Following Yes None Procurement & Supply
work - MBPJ and BOMBA limit
On-time payment authority

Good benefits package/fair Pay

Safe and healthy environment To push subcontractor to Monthly Business Ops Meeting
Slow progress at site due not
Keep informed monitor their workers Auditing Checking validity CIDB green card
3 Workers issues - , their CIDB enough works with valid Client will chase for progress 3 3 9 Risk Yes None Human Resources
Working time arrangements completed with all CIDB Appraisals before entering project site
Substitution of hazardous requirement Employee feedback

Provide information on storage

Information on hazardous
locations of hazardous
materials on site, and
materials, data regarding
information on internal
composition of fuels, oils and
Incompetent Client to provide emergency response client must be more experience
Site cannot confirm detail other hazardous materials Facilities, Operations,
4 the latest and current Involved client and consultant 3 2 6 capabilities relating to the Risk to confirm details before issued Yes None Consultant Meeting
during construction stages Emergency Response
information environment and OHS to site
Hazard and aspect assessment
Access requirements and
Worker and contractor training
emergency procedures
and competence

To have proper planning on

Complaint on pollution (water,
Lack of competency to schedule waste must handle by To comply with schedule waste provide training for the staff or Zero NCR during yearly EIA
5 soil,) due to improper handling Client, Stakeholder, DOE 2 2 4 Risk Yes None HSE Training
handling schedule waste competent person requirement employee especially for item audit
schedule waste
under regulation.
HSE Training, Emergency
Conduct or sent the sfaff to the To have contigency plan when
To proper control the incident response procedure,
Poor on handling chemical chemical spillage training, incident occur involve with Zero spillage recorded at
6 NIL Client, Stakeholder, DOE 2 1 2 Opportunity and improvemnet on chemical Yes None Materials Handling Loading
involve with chemical spillage chemical awareness training, chemical, Trained chemical project site
handling and Unloading Materials
comply with EQA requirement spillage handlers,

Excessive smoke produce from Frequent maintenance for every

Complaint regarding Client, stakeholder, worker, Minimize air pollution, conduct Controlling Emissions of Zero public and DOE compliant
7 berbending 1 1 1 Risk To concern on air pollution machinery especially operate by Yes None
environmental (air) DOE air monitoring Odours, Gases & Fumes. regarding of air pollution
machine/Machinery using fuel.

Provide information on storage

Information on hazardous
locations of hazardous
materials on site, and
materials, data regarding
Potential health and safety information on internal
Fire services and local composition of fuels, oils and
incident within our premises emergency response Zero accident recorded in Accident
Potential incident or threat emergency response agencies To comply with safety other hazardous materials Facilities, Operations,
8 1 1 1 capabilities relating to the Risk Yes None Investigation report, and Zero
external to our premises requirements Emergency Response
Potential environmental environment and OHS cases in yearly NADOPOD
Workers and contractors Hazard and aspect assessment
incident within our premises
Access requirements and
Worker and contractor training
emergency procedures
and competence
4.1 4.1 4.2a 4.2b 6.1 6.1 4.2c 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.4
Ref. Priority Relevance Power Interested Party
External Issues Internal Issues Interested Party Risk / Opportunity Action to Address Criteria & Methods IMS Scope Applicability IMS Scope Exclusion(s) IMS Processes Effectiveness
(1 to 4) (1 to 4) (P x R) Requirements

Provide flagman to ensure

To follow authority requirement Zero accident recorded and
public safety due to incoming To comply with safety traffic under control, appoint HSSE Inspection checklist and
9 site safety to workers Authority / JKKP 4 4 16 and regulation OSHA 1994 , Risk Yes None public/authority compliant
lorry at main road requirements competent traffic management performance review
FMA 1967 and CIDB ACT 420 regarding traffic issues
To comply with Temporary
Checkpoint to totally secure
Incoming new worker infected Poor implementation of SOP to Malaysian National Security Measure for Reducing The
10 4 3 12 Follow MCO SOP Risk entrance for new worker and No None declaration form Zero infected worker at project site
by COVID 19 control pandemic Council / Ministry of Health Impact of Coronavirus Disease
daily incoming staff
2019 (COVID-19) Act 2020

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30 0
4.1 4.1 4.2a 4.2b 6.1 6.1 4.2c 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.4
Ref. Priority Relevance Power Interested Party
External Issues Internal Issues Interested Party Risk / Opportunity Action to Address Criteria & Methods IMS Scope Applicability IMS Scope Exclusion(s) IMS Processes Effectiveness
(1 to 4) (1 to 4) (P x R) Requirements

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4.1 4.1 4.2a 4.2b 6.1 6.1 4.2c 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.4
Ref. Priority Relevance Power Interested Party
External Issues Internal Issues Interested Party Risk / Opportunity Action to Address Criteria & Methods IMS Scope Applicability IMS Scope Exclusion(s) IMS Processes Effectiveness
(1 to 4) (1 to 4) (P x R) Requirements

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74 0
4.1 4.1 4.2a 4.2b 6.1 6.1 4.2c 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.4
Ref. Priority Relevance Power Interested Party
External Issues Internal Issues Interested Party Risk / Opportunity Action to Address Criteria & Methods IMS Scope Applicability IMS Scope Exclusion(s) IMS Processes Effectiveness
(1 to 4) (1 to 4) (P x R) Requirements

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4.1 4.1 4.2a 4.2b 6.1 6.1 4.2c 4.3 4.3 4.4 5.4
Ref. Priority Relevance Power Interested Party
External Issues Internal Issues Interested Party Risk / Opportunity Action to Address Criteria & Methods IMS Scope Applicability IMS Scope Exclusion(s) IMS Processes Effectiveness
(1 to 4) (1 to 4) (P x R) Requirements

97 0

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100 0
Interested Parties Scoring Matrix

Priority of Interested Party (Effects on decisions)

Power (Effects of influence) = Priority x Relevance
No Minor Some Major
importance importance importance importance

Not relevant 1 2 3 4

Relevance of
Minor relevance 2 4 6 8
Interested Party
(Effects on
Influential 3 6 9 12

Significantly relevant 4 8 12 16

Power of Interested Party (Effects on decisions)

Description Strategy Objectives

1 to 3 Low relevance with low importance Detect opportunities from growing interest

Low relevance with high

4 to 6 Keep satisfied Build interest, monitor for changes

7 to 11 High relevance with low importance Maintain interest, monitor for changes

High relevance with high Manage

12 to 16 Maintain support, monitor for changes
importance closely

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