Cj1W-Tc Temperature Control Units: Operation Manual

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Temperature Control Units
Operation Manual
Produced June 2001
OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator
and only for the purposes described in this manual.
The following conventions are used to indicate and classify precautions in this manual. Always heed
the information provided with them. Failure to heed precautions can result in injury to people or dam-
age to property.

!DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

!WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

!Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury, or property damage.

OMRON Product References

All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. The word “Unit” is also capitalized when it refers to
an OMRON product, regardless of whether or not it appears in the proper name of the product.
The abbreviation “Ch,” which appears in some displays and on some OMRON products, often means
“word” and is abbreviated “Wd” in documentation in this sense.
The abbreviation “PC” means Programmable Controller and is not used as an abbreviation for anything

Visual Aids
The following headings appear in the left column of the manual to help you locate different types of
Note Indicates information of particular interest for efficient and convenient opera-
tion of the product.

1,2,3... 1. Indicates lists of one sort or another, such as procedures, checklists, etc.

 OMRON, 2001
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or
by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is con-
stantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility
for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in
this publication.

PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
1 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
2 General Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
3 Safety Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
4 Operating Environment Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
5 Application Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
6 Conformance to EC Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

Features and System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1-1 Introduction and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-2 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1-3 Comparison to C200H Temperature Control Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Specifications and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2-2 Application Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2-3 Part Names and Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2-5 Data Exchange with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2-6 Data Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Settings Required for Temperature Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3-1 Setting the Input Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3-2 Selecting the Temperature Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-3 Setting the Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-4 Selecting the Control Operation (Forward/Reverse). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3-5 Selecting PID Control or ON/OFF Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3-6 Setting the Control Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3-7 Setting the Set Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-8 Using ON/OFF Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-9 Setting the PID Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3-10 Using the Alarm Output Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3-11 Using the Heater Burnout Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3-12 Starting and Stopping Temperature Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3-13 Precautions for Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Optional Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4-1 Shifting the Input Value (Input Compensation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4-2 Recovering from Sensor Not Connected Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4-3 Application without a Cycle Refresh with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Error and Alarm Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5-1 Error and Alarm Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5-2 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

A Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
B Sample Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

About this Manual:
This manual describes the installation and operation of the CJ1W-TC @@@ Temperature Control Units
and includes the sections described on the following page.
Please read this manual and all related manuals listed in the following table carefully and be sure you
understand the information provided before attempting to install or operate the MC Unit. Be sure to
read the precautions provided in the following section.
Name Cat. No. Contents
SYSMAC CJ Series W396 Describes the application methods for the CJ-
CJ1W-TC @@@ series Temperature Control Units.
Temperature Control Units (This manual)
Operation Manual
SYSMAC CJ Series W393 Provides an outlines of and describes the
CJ1G-CPU @@ design, installation, maintenance, and other
Programmable Controllers basic operations for the CJ-series PCs.
Operation Manual
SYSMAC CS/CJ Series W394 This manual describes programming and other
CS1G/H-CPU @@ -EV1 methods to use the functions of the CS/CJ-
CJ1G-CPU @@ series PCs.
Programmable Controllers
Programming Manual
SYSMAC CS/CJ-series W341 Provides information on how to program and
CQM1H-PRO01-E, C200H-PRO27-E, operate CS/CJ-series PCs using a Program-
CQM1-PRO01-E ming Console.
Programming Consoles
Operation Manual
SYSMAC CS/CJ-series W342 Describes the C-series (Host Link) and FINS
CS1G/H-CPU @@-EV1, CJ1G-CPU @@, communications commands used with CS/CJ-
CS1W-SCB21/41, CS1W-SCU21, series PCs.
Communications Commands
Reference Manual
SYSMAC WS02-CXP @@-E W361 Provide information on how to use the CX-Pro-
CX-Programmer grammer, a programming device that supports
User Manual the CS/CJ-series PCs, and the CX-Net con-
SYSMAC WS02-CXP @@-E W362 tained within CX-Programmer.
User Manual
SYSMAC CS/CJ-series W336 Describes the use of Serial Communications
CS1W-SCB21/41, CS1W-SCU21, Unit and Boards to perform serial communica-
CJ1W-SCU41 tions with external devices, including the usage
Serial Communications Boards and of standard system protocols for OMRON prod-
Serial Communications Units ucts.
Operation Manual
SYSMAC WS02-PSTC1-E W344 Describes the use of the CX-Protocol to create
CX-Protocol protocol macros as communications sequences
Operation Manual to communicate with external devices.

!WARNING Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in per-
sonal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section
in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and
related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.

About this Manual, Continued

Precautions provides general precautions for using the Temperature Control Unit, Programmable
Controller, and related devices.
Section 1 describes the features of the Temperature Control Unit and its basic system configuration.
Section 2 describes the functions and specifications of the Temperature Control Unit, including techni-
cal specifications, Unit parts, wiring, and data allocations.
Section 3 explains the various settings required for temperature control.
Section 4 explains how to use the input compensation value.
Section 5 provides information on troubleshooting and error processing.
The Appendices provide Unit dimensions and sample programming.

This section provides general precautions for using the Temperature Control Unit, Programmable Controller, and related
The information contained in this section is important for the safe and reliable application of the Temperature
Control Unit. You must read this section and understand the information contained before attempting to set up or
operate a Temperature Control Unit and PC system.

1 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

2 General Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
3 Safety Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
4 Operating Environment Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
5 Application Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
6 Conformance to EC Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

Intended Audience 1

1 Intended Audience
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have
knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
• Personnel in charge of installing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
• Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities.

2 General Precautions
The user must operate the product according to the performance specifica-
tions described in the operation manuals.
Before using the product under conditions which are not described in the
manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems,
aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amuse-
ment machines, safety equipment, and other systems, machines, and equip-
ment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used
improperly, consult your OMRON representative.
Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product are
sufficient for the systems, machines, and equipment, and be sure to provide
the systems, machines, and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides information for installing and operating OMRON Tem-
perature Control Units. Be sure to read this manual before operation and keep
this manual close at hand for reference during operation.

!WARNING It is extremely important that a PC and all PC Units be used for the specified
purpose and under the specified conditions, especially in applications that can
directly or indirectly affect human life. You must consult with your OMRON
representative before applying a PC system to the above mentioned applica-

3 Safety Precautions
!WARNING Do not attempt to take any Unit apart while the power is being supplied. Doing
so may result in electric shock.

!WARNING Do not touch any of the terminals or terminal blocks while the power is being
supplied. Doing so may result in electric shock.

!WARNING Provide safety measures in external circuits (i.e., not in the Programmable
Controller), including the following items, to ensure safety in the system if an
abnormality occurs due to malfunction of the PC or another external factor
affecting the PC operation. Not doing so may result in serious accidents.

• Emergency stop circuits, interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety
measures must be provided in external control circuits.
• The PC will turn OFF all outputs when its self-diagnosis function detects
any error or when a severe failure alarm (FALS) instruction is executed.
As a countermeasure for such errors, external safety measures must be
provided to ensure safety in the system.
• The PC outputs may remain ON or OFF due to deposition or burning of
the output relays or destruction of the output transistors. As a counter-

Operating Environment Precautions 4

measure for such problems, external safety measures must be provided

to ensure safety in the system.
• When the 24-V DC output (service power supply to the PC) is overloaded
or short-circuited, the voltage may drop and result in the outputs being
turned OFF. As a countermeasure for such problems, external safety
measures must be provided to ensure safety in the system.

!Caution Confirm safety before transferring data files stored in the file memory (Mem-
ory Card or EM file memory) to the I/O area (CIO) of the CPU Unit using a
Programming Device. Otherwise, the devices connected to the output unit
may malfunction regardless of the operation mode of the CPU Unit.

!Caution Execute online edit only after confirming that no adverse effects will be
caused by extending the cycle time. Otherwise, the input signals may not be

!Caution Do not touch the Power Supply Unit while power is being supplied or immedi-
ately after power is turned OFF. Doing so may result in electric shock.

!Caution Confirm safety at the destination node before transferring a program to

another node or changing contents of the I/O memory area. Doing either of
these without confirming safety may result in injury.

!Caution Tighten the screws on the terminal block of the AC Power Supply Unit to the
torque specified in the operation manual. The loose screws may result in
burning or malfunction.

!Caution To provide for safe operation even in the event that the Temperature Control
Unit malfunctions, provide safety measures to prevent abnormal temperature
rise in a separate system outside the PC system. If proper safety measures
are not taken, serious accidents could result from Unit failure resulting in loss
of control.

!Caution At least approximately 4 seconds are required for control or heater burnout
outputs to be made from the Temperature Control Unit after power is turned
ON to the PC. When using the Temperature Control Unit in an external
sequence circuit, allow for this time delay in the system design.

!Caution Do not turn OFF the power supply while data is being written to the EEPROM
in the Temperature Control Unit. Confirm that the Save Completed Flag turns
ON after the data write operation has been completed before turning OFF the
power supply. If power is turned OFF during a write operation, the data saved
in the EEPROM may be destroyed.

4 Operating Environment Precautions

!Caution Do not operate the control system in the following locations:

• Locations subject to direct sunlight.

• Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified
in the specifications.

Application Precautions 5

• Locations subject to condensation as the result of severe changes in tem-

• Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases.
• Locations subject to dust (especially iron dust) or salts.
• Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, or chemicals.
• Locations subject to shock or vibration.

!Caution Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing systems in

the following locations:

• Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise.

• Locations subject to strong electromagnetic fields.
• Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity.
• Locations close to power supplies.

!Caution The operating environment of the PC System can have a large effect on the
longevity and reliability of the system. Improper operating environments can
lead to malfunction, failure, and other unforeseeable problems with the PC
System. Be sure that the operating environment is within the specified condi-
tions at installation and remains within the specified conditions during the life
of the system.

5 Application Precautions
!WARNING Always heed these precautions. Failure to abide by the following precautions
could lead to serious or possibly fatal injury.

• Always connect to a ground of 100 Ω or less when installing the Units. Not
connecting to a ground of 100 Ω or less may result in electric shock.
• Always turn OFF the power supply to the PC before attempting any of the
following. Not turning OFF the power supply may result in malfunction or
electric shock.
• Mounting or dismounting Power Supply Units, I/O Units, CPU Units, or
any other Units.
• Assembling the Units.
• Setting DIP switches or rotary switches.
• Connecting cables or wiring the system.
• Connecting or disconnecting the connectors.

!Caution Failure to abide by the following precautions could lead to faulty operation of
the PC or the system, or could damage the PC or PC Units. Always heed
these precautions.

• Do not attempt to take any Units apart, to repair any Units, or to modify
any Units in any way.
• Always turn ON power to the PC before turning ON power to the I/O cir-
cuits. If the PC power supply is turned ON after the I/O power supply, cor-
rect operation may not be possible for a period of time.

Application Precautions 5

• Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the

event that outputs from Output Units remain ON as a result of internal cir-
cuit failures, which can occur in relays, transistors, and other elements.
• Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the
event of incorrect, missing, or abnormal signals caused by broken signal
lines, momentary power interruptions, or other causes.
• Interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety measures in external cir-
cuits (i.e., not in the Programmable Controller) must be provided by the
• Do not turn OFF the power supply to the PC when data is being trans-
• If the I/O Hold Bit is turned ON, the outputs from the PC will not be turned
OFF and will maintain their previous status when the PC is switched from
RUN or MONITOR mode to PROGRAM mode. Make sure that the exter-
nal loads will not produce dangerous conditions when this occurs. (When
operation stops for a fatal error, including those produced with the
FALS(007) instruction, all outputs from Output Unit will be turned OFF
and only the internal output status will be maintained.)
• Always use the power supply voltages specified in the operation manuals.
An incorrect voltage may result in malfunction or burning.
• Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the
rated voltage and frequency is supplied. Be particularly careful in places
where the power supply is unstable. An incorrect power supply may result
in malfunction.
• Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-cir-
cuiting in external wiring. Insufficient safety measures against short-cir-
cuiting may result in burning.
• Always be sure that the power supply voltage and loads are within specifi-
cations and ratings.
• Disconnect the functional ground terminal when performing withstand
voltage tests. Not disconnecting the functional ground terminal may result
in burning.
• Install the Units properly as specified in the operation manuals. Improper
installation of the Units may result in malfunction.
• Be sure that all the terminal screws, and cable connector screws are tight-
ened to the torque specified in the relevant manuals. Incorrect tightening
torque may result in malfunction.
• Leave the label attached to the Unit when wiring. Removing the label may
result in malfunction if foreign matter enters the Unit.
• Remove the label after the completion of wiring to ensure proper heat dis-
sipation. Leaving the label attached may result in malfunction.
• Use crimp terminals for wiring. Do not connect bare stranded wires
directly to terminals. Connection of bare stranded wires may result in
• Wire all connections correctly as specified in this manual.
• Check the polarity before wiring terminals.
• Double-check all wiring and switch settings before turning ON the power
supply. Incorrect wiring may result in burning.
• Mount Units only after checking terminal blocks and connectors com-

Application Precautions 5

• Be sure that the terminal blocks, Memory Units, expansion cables, and
other items with locking devices are properly locked into place. Improper
locking may result in malfunction.
• Check the user program for proper execution before actually running it on
the Unit. Not checking the program may result in an unexpected opera-
• Confirm that no adverse effect will occur in the system before attempting
any of the following. Not doing so may result in an unexpected operation.
• Changing the operating mode of the PC.
• Force-setting/force-resetting any bit in memory.
• Changing the present value of any word or any set value in memory.
• Do not pull on the cables or bend the cables beyond their natural limit.
Doing either of these may break the cables.
• Do not place objects on top of the cables or other wiring lines. Doing so
may break the cables.
• When replacing parts, be sure to confirm that the rating of a new part is
correct. Not doing so may result in malfunction or burning.
• Before touching a Unit, be sure to first touch a grounded metallic object in
order to discharge any static build-up. Not doing so may result in malfunc-
tion or damage.
• When transporting or storing circuit boards, cover them in antistatic mate-
rial to protect them from static electricity and maintain the proper storage
• When transporting Units, pack them in the packing boxes designed for
them. Do not subject to excessive shock or vibration, or drop them, during
• Store the Unit between -20 and 75 °C and 10% to 90% humidity (with no
icing or condensation).
• Do not drop the Unit or allow it to fall during installation.
• Always use the specified wiring material when connecting the Unit.
Terminal block on the Temperature Control Unit: AWG22 to AWG18 (0.32
to 8.2 mm2).
• When not using temperature input terminals, connect between 100 and
200 Ω between terminals A and B, as well as B and B’ for platinum resis-
tance thermometer and short the input terminals for thermocouples. Do
not connect anything to terminals that are not being used.
• To prevent blocking heat distribution, do not block the exterior of the Tem-
perature Control Unit with other object or block the ventilation holes on
the Unit.
• Be sure that the rated voltage is reached within 2 seconds of turning ON
the power supply.
• Set the parameters of the Temperature Control Unit so that they are
appropriate for the system being controlled. Inappropriate settings can
lead to unexpected operation, which in turn can damage the product or
cause accidents.
• Turn ON the power supply to the load (e.g., heater) at the same time or
before turn ON the power supply to the Temperature Control Unit. Opti-
mum control may not be achieved if power is turned ON in the wrong
• Warm up the Unit for at least 30 minutes to ensure accurate operation.
The indicated temperature error will be larger if the Unit is not warmed up.

Conformance to EC Directives 6

• Do not use the Unit in locations where it will be subject to direct radiant
head from a heater.
• Always use round crimp terminals on the AC power terminals of the
Power Supply Unit. Never connect twisted wires to the terminals.
• Do not install the Unit in locations subject to excessive noise. Noise can
cause malfunctions.
• Wire signal lines in separate ducts from high-voltage or power supply
• Abide by all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations when disposing
of the Unit.
• Confirm that ratings are correct before replacing any part.

6 Conformance to EC Directives
6-1 Applicable Directives
• EMC Directives
• Low Voltage Directive

6-2 Concepts
EMC Directives
OMRON devices that comply with EC Directives also conform to the related
EMC standards so that they can be more easily built into other devices or the
overall machine. The actual products have been checked for conformity to
EMC standards (see the following note). Whether the products conform to the
standards in the system used by the customer, however, must be checked by
the customer.
EMC-related performance of the OMRON devices that comply with EC Direc-
tives will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of
the equipment or control panel on which the OMRON devices are installed.
The customer must, therefore, perform the final check to confirm that devices
and the overall machine conform to EMC standards.
Note Applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards for the CS-series
and CJ-series PCs are as follows:
EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility): EN61000-6-2
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN50081-2
(Radiated emission: 10-m regulations)
Low Voltage Directive
Always ensure that devices operating at voltages of 50 to 1,000 V AC and 75
to 1,500 V DC meet the required safety standards for the PC (EN61131-2).

6-3 Conformance to EC Directives

The CS/CJ-series PCs comply with EC Directives. To ensure that the machine
or device in which the CS/CJ-series PC is used complies with EC Directives,
the PC must be installed as follows:
1,2,3... 1. The CS/CJ-series PC must be installed within a control panel.
2. You must use reinforced insulation or double insulation for the DC power
supplies used for the communications power supply and I/O power sup-

Conformance to EC Directives 6

3. CS/CJ-series PCs complying with EC Directives also conform to the Com-

mon Emission Standard (EN50081-2). Radiated emission characteristics
(10-m regulations) may vary depending on the configuration of the control
panel used, other devices connected to the control panel, wiring, and other
conditions. You must therefore confirm that the overall machine or equip-
ment complies with EC Directives.

6-4 Relay Output Noise Reduction Methods

The CS/CJ-series PCs conforms to the Common Emission Standards
(EN50081-2) of the EMC Directives. However, noise generated by relay out-
put switching may not satisfy these Standards. In such a case, a surge sup-
pressor must be connected to the load side or other appropriate
countermeasures must be provided external to the PC.
Countermeasures taken to satisfy the standards vary depending on the
devices on the load side, wiring, configuration of machines, etc. Following are
examples of countermeasures for reducing the generated noise.

(Refer to EN50081-2 for more details.)
Countermeasures are not required if the frequency of load switching for the
whole system with the PC included is less than 5 times per minute.
Countermeasures are required if the frequency of load switching for the whole
system with the PC included is 5 times or more per minute.

Countermeasure Examples
When switching an inductive load, connect an surge protector, diodes, etc., in
parallel with the load or contact as shown below.
Circuit Current Characteristic Required element
CR method Yes Yes If the load is a relay or solenoid, there is The capacitance of the capacitor must
a time lag between the moment the cir- be 1 to 0.5 µF per contact current of
cuit is opened and the moment the load 1 A and resistance of the resistor must
C is reset. be 0.5 to 1 Ω per contact voltage of 1 V.

Power If the supply voltage is 24 or 48 V, insert These values, however, vary with the

supply load and the characteristics of the

the surge protector in parallel with the
load. If the supply voltage is 100 to relay. Decide these values from experi-
200 V, insert the surge protector ments, and take into consideration that
between the contacts. the capacitance suppresses spark dis-
charge when the contacts are sepa-
rated and the resistance limits the
current that flows into the load when
the circuit is closed again.
The dielectric strength of the capacitor
must be 200 to 300 V. If the circuit is an
AC circuit, use a capacitor with no

Conformance to EC Directives 6

Circuit Current Characteristic Required element


Diode method No Yes The diode connected in parallel with The reversed dielectric strength value
the load changes energy accumulated of the diode must be at least 10 times
by the coil into a current, which then as large as the circuit voltage value.

flows into the coil so that the current will The forward current of the diode must
be converted into Joule heat by the be the same as or larger than the load

Power resistance of the inductive load. current.

This time lag, between the moment the The reversed dielectric strength value
circuit is opened and the moment the of the diode may be two to three times
load is reset, caused by this method is larger than the supply voltage if the
longer than that caused by the CR surge protector is applied to electronic
method. circuits with low circuit voltages.
Varistor method Yes Yes The varistor method prevents the impo- ---
sition of high voltage between the con-
tacts by using the constant voltage
characteristic of the varistor. There is

time lag between the moment the cir-


cuit is opened and the moment the load
supply is reset.
If the supply voltage is 24 or 48 V, insert
the varistor in parallel with the load. If
the supply voltage is 100 to 200 V,
insert the varistor between the con-

When switching a load with a high inrush current such as an incandescent

lamp, suppress the inrush current as shown below.
Countermeasure 1 Countermeasure 2


Providing a dark current of Providing a limiting resistor

approx. one-third of the rated
value through an incandescent

Features and System Configuration

This section describes the features of the Temperature Control Unit and its basic system configuration.

1-1 Introduction and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1-1-1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1-1-2 Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1-2 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1-2-1 Basic System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1-2-2 Mounting the Unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1-3 Comparison to C200H Temperature Control Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Introduction and Features Section 1-1

1-1 Introduction and Features

1-1-1 Introduction
The CJ1W-TC @@@
Temperature Control Units are Special I/O Units that
receive inputs directly from thermocouple or platinum resistance thermome-
ters, perform PID control with two degrees of freedom, and output results
through open collector outputs.
There are two main types of Unit: One provides four control loops and the
other provides two control loops with a heater burnout detection function.
Each of these has one model that is compatible with thermocouples (R, S, K,
J, T, B, or L) and another model that is compatible with platinum resistance
thermometers (JPt100 or Pt100). Both NPN outputs and PNP outputs are
Autotuning of the PID control is also possible.

Available Units
I/O type Output type
NPN outputs PNP outputs
Four control loops Thermocouple CJ1W-TC001 CJ1W-TC002
Platinum resistance thermometer CJ1W-TC101 CJ1W-TC102
Two control loops Thermocouple CJ1W-TC003 CJ1W-TC004
(with heater burnout detection function) Platinum resistance thermometer CJ1W-TC103 CJ1W-TC104

Temperature Ranges
Item Thermocouple Platinum resistance
K(CA) K(CA) J(IC) J(IC) T(CC) L L R S B Pt100 JPt100 ---
1800 1700 1700
Usable temperature range (°C)


Settings 2 to 9 are not allowed.

1000 850 850
800 650.0
600 500.0
400.0 400.0 400.0
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
-200 −100 −100
−200 −200.0 −200.0 −200.0

Input Type Set- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 to 9

Minimum Units 1°C 0.1°C 1°C 0.1°C 0.1°C 1°C 0.1°C 1°C 1°C 1°C 0.1°C 0.1°C ---

K (CA): Chromel-alumel R: Platinum 13% Rhodium-Platinum

J (IC): Iron-constantan S: Platinum 10% Rhodium-Platinum
T (CC): Copper-constantan B: Platinum 30% Rhodium-Platinum 6% Rhodium
L: Iron-constantan

Introduction and Features Section 1-1

Word Allocation Data is exchanged between the CPU Unit and the Temperature Control Unit
through the PC’s memory areas. A part of the CIO Area (the Special I/O Unit
Area) and part of the DM Area are reserved for the Special I/O Units.
The Temperature Control Unit requires 20 words in the CIO Area and 100
words in the DM Area. (The unit number set on the front of the Unit deter-
mines which words are actually allocated to the Unit.)

1-1-2 Features
Use ON/OFF Control or The Temperature Control Unit can perform basic ON/OFF control as well as
PID Control with 2 or 4 PID control of two or four control loops. The PID control function has two
Control Loops degrees of freedom and an autotuning function that can be used to autotune
the PID value.
Connect Temperature Temperature sensors can be connected directly to the Temperature Control
Sensors Directly Unit (two or four inputs). There are two models that support thermocouples
(R, S, K, J, T, B, and L thermocouples) and two models that support platinum
resistance thermometers.
500-ms Sampling Cycle PID control is performed with a sampling cycle of 500 ms, regardless of the
CPU Unit’s cycle time.
Unrestricted CPU Unit There are no restrictions on the CPU Unit’s cycle time.
Cycle Time
RUN/STOP Control from Commands can be sent from the CPU Unit to switch the Temperature Control
CPU Unit Unit’s PID control between RUN and STOP.
Independent Operation in A switch on the front of the Unit (pin 1 of the DIP switch) selects whether the
PROGRAM Mode Temperature Control Unit will continue operation or stop when the CPU Unit is
in PROGRAM mode.
Terminal Block Both inputs and outputs are connected through a terminal block.
Store and Display Data in A switch on the front of the Unit (pin 3 of the DIP switch) selects whether the
BCD or Hexadecimal Temperature Control Unit’s data is handled as 4-digit BCD or binary (i.e., 4-
digit hexadecimal.) This switch setting controls both the display format and the
storage format in the memory areas (CIO and DM Areas) used to exchange
data between the CPU Unit and Temperature Control Unit.
Example Data storage/display format
Sensor input Binary (4-digit hexadecimal) 4-digit BCD
K: −200 to 1,300°C FF38 to FFFF to 0514 F200 to 1300
(−200 to −1 to 1,300) (−200 to 1,300)

Select ON/OFF Control or A switch on the front of the Unit (pin 6 of the DIP switch) selects whether the
PID Control Temperature Control Unit operates with ON/OFF control or PID control with 2
degrees of freedom.
Note The setting on pin 6 sets the control method for all of the Unit’s control loops.
The factory setting is PID control.
Control Methods • ON/OFF Control
With ON/OFF control, the control output will be ON when the PV is below
the SV. The control output will be OFF when the PV is at or above the SV.
(This control method is used when the Unit is set for reverse operation.)
• PID Control with Two Degrees of Freedom
In earlier versions of PID control, the same controller section controlled
both the response to the SV and the response to disturbances. The weak-

Introduction and Features Section 1-1

ness in this design was that both responses could not be satisfied at the
same time.
1. If the disturbance response were emphasized (i.e., P and I were re-
duced and D was increased), the SV response would oscillate and
2. If the SV response were emphasized (i.e., P and I were increased and
D was reduced), the disturbance response would be delayed.
To overcome these problems, PID control with two degrees of freedom was
used for this Temperature Control Unit to take advantage of the strengths
of PID control and improve both disturbance and target response as shown
in 3, below.

■ Earlier PID Control Method

1 2

The disturbance response is good, but The SV response is good, but the
the SV response is delayed. disturbance response is not.

■ PID Control with Two Degrees of Freedom


Both the SV response and disturbance

response are good.

■ Autotuning (AT) Function

The Temperature Control Unit is equipped with an autotuning (AT) function
that uses the “limit-cycle method” to calculate the optimum PID constant for
the controlled system. (The SV cannot be written for a loop if the loop is being
Hunting period


AT starts. AT stops.

Introduction and Features Section 1-1

Note The “limit-cycle method” uses ON/OFF operation to cause hunting around the
SV, measures the amplitude and hunting period, and calculates the optimum
PID constants.
Control Operation The Temperature Control Unit’s control can be set to reverse operation or for-
(Forward and Reverse) ward operation with pins 4 and 5 of the Unit’s DIP switch. The factory setting is
for reverse operation (heating).
One forward/reverse setting controls the operation of loops 1 and 3, and the
other forward/reverse setting controls the operation of loops 2 and 4.
With forward operation (cooling), the manipulated variable is increased as the
PV increases. With reverse operation (heating), the manipulated variable is
increased as the PV decreases.
Manipulated variable Manipulated variable

100% 100%

0% 0%

Low SV High Low SV High

temperature temperature temperature temperature

Forward operation Reverse operation

For example, when heating control is being performed and the present tem-
perature (PV) is lower than the target temperature (SP), the manipulated vari-
able is increased as the difference between the PV and SP increases.
Consequently, heating control uses “reverse operation” and cooling control
uses “forward operation.”
Input Compensation This function adjusts the PV by adding an input compensation value to the
Function temperature measured by the sensor.
If you have an application where you want to control and display the tempera-
ture at a point that is offset from the sensor’s measurement point, use this
function to control the temperature at a value near the desired point.
Heater Burnout Detection When a Two-loop Temperature Control Unit is being used, a Current Trans-
(Single-phase Operation former (CT) can be connected to each loop to detect a heater burnout.
Two Internal Alarms for There are two internal alarms per loop. Alarms can be output to the allocated
Each Loop areas in the CPU Unit’s memory areas and any one of the following 9 alarm
modes can be used:
Upper and lower-limit alarm, upper-limit alarm, lower-limit alarm, upper and
lower-limit alarm with standby sequence, upper-limit alarm with standby
sequence, lower-limit alarm with standby sequence, absolute-value upper-
limit alarm, and absolute-value lower-limit alarm
Store Settings in EEPROM Various Temperature Control Unit settings, such as the alarm SVs and PID
constants, can be stored in the Unit’s EEPROM using a control bit in the CPU
Unit’s allocated memory area.
Also, it is possible to set the Temperature Control Unit so that the settings
stored in EEPROM are automatically written to the appropriate area in the
CPU Unit when the power is turned ON or the Unit is restarted. This automatic
transfer function is controlled by a switch (pin 8 of the DIP switch) on the front
of the Temperature Control Unit.

System Configuration Section 1-2

Once the settings have been stored in the Temperature Control Unit and the
Unit is set for automatic transfer, the Unit will always start with those settings
whether the power has been turned OFF or not. (The settings can be changed
after startup if necessary.)
To simplify Temperature Control Unit operation, pin 8 on the DIP switch can be
turned ON to enable operation by merely turning ON the power supply and
setting Operation Data (the SP). All other settings can be used at their default
values. (Refer to 2-6-1 Settings for the default settings.)

1-2 System Configuration

1-2-1 Basic System Configuration
The following diagram shows a basic system with a CJ1W-TC001 Tempera-
ture Control Unit (4 control loops, thermocouple inputs, and NPN outputs) and
a CJ1W-TC103 Temperature Control Unit (2 control loops with heater burnout
detection, platinum resistance thermometer inputs, and NPN outputs).
Four-loop Unit, CJ1W-TC103
NPN outputs Two-loop Unit, platinum resistance
thermometer, NPN outputs

Power supply
for outputs
(24 VDC)
Control output
1 kW
Temperature Sensor Current 200 VAC
Thermocouple or platinum
resistance thermometer

E54-CT1 or E54-CT3

Note 1. An OMRON E54-CT1 or E54-CT3 Current Transformer must be used as

the Current Transformer (CT). Do not use any other Current Transformer.
2. Turn ON the Stop Bit for the loop to stop temperature control. If PID control
is being used and the heater is turned OFF using an operation switch input
to the heater, PID control performance will be adversely affected.

1-2-2 Mounting the Unit

The CJ1W-TC @@@
Temperature Control Units are CJ-series Special I/O
Units, so they can be mounted in a CJ-series CPU Rack or Expansion Rack.

System Configuration Section 1-2

The number of Units that can be mounted in a CPU Rack or Expansion Rack
depends on the capacity of the Rack’s Power Supply Unit and the current con-
sumption of the other Units in the Rack.
The following table shows the maximum number of CJ1W-TC Tempera-@@@
ture Control Units that can be mounted in a Rack if the Temperature Control
Units are the only Units being used in the Rack.
Power Supply Unit CJ1W-TC @@@
CJ1W-PA205R 10 Units

Note I/O words are allocated to the Special I/O Units based on the unique unit num-
ber set on the front of each Unit.

Installation Procedure Use the following procedure to install the Temperature Control Unit. The PC
must be removed from the DIN Track in order to connect a Temperature Con-
trol Unit.

1,2,3... 1. Align the Units and connect them together so that the connectors join
smoothly and completely.
Openings for hooks

2. Slide the yellow latches on the top and bottom of the Unit until you hear the
latches click and lock the Units together.
Slide latches back until they lock.
(The latches will click when they lock.)

Lock latch

3. Install an End Cover on the rightmost Unit.

Precautions The Unit’s functions may not be completely operational if the latches are not
locked securely.

System Configuration Section 1-2

An End Cover is provided with the CPU Unit. Always install this End Cover on
the rightmost Unit in the PC. The CJ-series PC will not operate properly if the
End Cover is not installed.

Handling Precautions • Always turn OFF the PC’s power supply before connecting or disconnect-
ing wiring to the Unit.
• To avoid problems with noise, route the I/O wiring in a separate duct or
conduit that does not carry any high-voltage lines or power lines.
• Leave the protective label in place during wiring to prevent stray wire
strands from falling into the Unit during wiring. After wiring is completed,
remove the protective label so that air can flow through the Unit and pro-
vide proper cooling.
Remove the protective label
after wiring is completed.


No. 1


Precautions on The terminal block can be removed by pressing down on the lever at the bot-
Removable Terminal tom of the terminal block. Always confirm that this lever is up in the locked
Blocks position before starting operation.

System Configuration Section 1-2

!Caution A cold-junction compensator is attached to the terminal block for Temperature

Control Units with thermocouples. The accuracy ratings are given for the Tem-
perature Control Unit used in a set with the cold-junction compensator. Always
use the Unit and terminal block in a set. There are labels with serial numbers
attached to the terminal blocks and Units to help keep track of the sets. When
returning a thermocouple-type Temperature Control Unit for repair, always
return the Unit and the terminal block (with the cold-junction compensator) as
a set.


No. 1


Comparison to C200H Temperature Control Units Section 1-3

1-3 Comparison to C200H Temperature Control Units

Item CJ-series Temperature Control Units C200H Temperature Control Units
Model number CJ1W-TC00 /10 @ @ C200H-TC00 /10 @ @
Unit type CJ-series Special I/O Unit C200H Special I/O Unit
Compatible PCs CJ-series PCs CS-series, C200HX/HG/HE, C200HS,
and C200H PCs
Number of control loops 2 loops (with heater burnout detection) 2 loops
or 4 loops
Allocated I/O words 20 words (6 output and 14 input) 10 words (3 output and 7 input)
Control inputs Thermocouple (R, S, K, J, T, B, or L) or Thermocouple (R, S, K, J, T, E, B, N, L,
platinum resistance thermometers or U) or platinum resistance thermome-
(JPt100 or Pt100) ters (JPt100 or Pt100)
Control modes PID control or ON/OFF control
(PID control features two degrees of freedom and autotuning.)
Control outputs @ @
CJ1W-TC 01/ 03: C200H-TC 01:@
Open collector NPN outputs (pulse), Open collector NPN outputs (pulse),
external 24-VDC power supply external 24-VDC power supply
@ @
CJ1W-TC 02/ 04: C200H-TC 02:@
Open collector PNP outputs (pulse), Voltage outputs (pulse), 12-VDC outputs
external 24-VDC power supply C200H-TC 03:@
Current outputs (linear), 4 to 20 mA DC
Setting accuracy, Thermocouple ±0.3% or ±1°C (whichever is larger) ± 1 ±0.5% or ±2°C (whichever is larger) ± 1
indicator accuracy input digit max. digit max.
Platinum resis- ±0.3% or ±0.8°C (whichever is larger) ± ±0.5% or ±1°C (whichever is larger) ± 1
tance ther- 1 digit max. digit max.
mometer input
Storage/display data format for data BCD or binary (selectable) BCD only
exchanged with CPU Unit
RUN/STOP control Supported (Controlled from the CPU Unit through a bit allocated in the Special I/O
Unit area.)
Operation when CPU Unit is in PRO- The Temperature Control Unit can be set to continue operating or stop operating
GRAM mode when the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode. (Selectable)
Auto/Manual switch for operational Not supported.
Autotuning (AT) of PID constant Can be started and stopped from the Can be started and stopped from the
CPU Unit through bits allocated in the CPU Unit through bits allocated in the I/
Special I/O Unit area. O Unit area or from the Data Setting
Sampling period 500 ms
Input compensation value −99.9 to 999.9 °C or °F
Data setting banks None 8 banks max.
Output wiring method Terminal block Connector
Data Setting Console Not supported (Cannot be used.) Supported (Can be used.)
Heater Burnout Detection Yes (Two-loop Units only) Yes
CT heater detection current 0.0 to 50.0 A 0.0 to 5.0 A
SV write memory EEPROM (100,000 writes) or RAM
Effect on the CPU Unit’s cycle time 0.4 ms 2.6 ms
CPU Unit’s required cycle time Unrestricted Restricted (8 ms minimum cycle time)
Dimensions 90 × 31 × 65 mm (H × W × D) 130 × 34.5 ×120.5 mm (H × W × D)

Specifications and Functions

This section describes the functions and specifications of the Temperature Control Unit, including technical specifications,
Unit parts, wiring, and data allocations.

2-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2-1-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2-1-2 Input Function Block Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2-1-3 Input Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2-2 Application Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2-2-1 Example Operating Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2-3 Part Names and Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2-3-1 Part Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2-3-2 Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2-3-3 Unit Number Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2-3-4 DIP Switch Setting Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2-3-5 Setting the Input Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2-4 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2-4-1 Terminal Wiring Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2-4-2 Output Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2-4-3 I/O Wiring Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2-5 Data Exchange with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2-5-1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2-5-2 Data Exchange Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2-5-3 Memory in the Temperature Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2-5-4 Operation Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2-5-5 Initialization Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2-5-6 Operating Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2-6 Data Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2-6-1 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2-6-2 Monitored Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Specifications Section 2-1

2-1 Specifications
2-1-1 Specifications
Item Specification
Unit classification CJ-series Special I/O Unit
Compatible CJ-series CPU Rack or CJ-series Expansion Rack
Max. number of 10 Units/Rack max. (CPU Rack or Expansion Rack)
CPU Unit data Special I/O Unit 20 words/Unit for CPU Unit to Tem- • Set point (SP)
areas for data Area (960 words) constant data perature Control • Operating commands
storage/ CIO 2000 to exchange (6 output Unit • RUN/STOP control
exchange CIO 2959 words and 14 input
words) • Start/Stop AT
• Write commands
• Heater burnout current setting
Temperature Control • Process value (PV)
Unit to CPU Unit • Set point (SP)
• Status
• Heater current monitor
DM words allocated 10 words/Unit trans- CPU Unit to Tem- • Alarm mode
to Special I/O Units ferred when power perature Control • Alarm hysteresis
(9,600 words) is turned ON or Unit Unit
D20000 to D29599 is restarted
90 words/Unit for Two-way transfer • Alarm value
regular data between CPU Unit • Input compensation value
exchange and Temperature • Control period
Control Unit
• Sensitivity
• Proportional band
• Integral time
• Derivative time
• Output monitor
Insulation resis- 20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC) between the following points:
tance • Output terminals/NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit)
• Input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit)
• Input terminals and output terminals
• External DC terminals (inputs, outputs, and NC) and the FG plate
• Between input terminals (sensor and CT inputs)
• Between the I/O terminals and NC terminals
Dielectric 2,000 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min., detected current: 1 mA
strength • Between the output terminals/NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit)
1,000 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min., detected current: 1 mA
• Input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit)
• Input terminals and output terminals
• External DC terminals (inputs, outputs, and NC) and the FG plate
500 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min., detected current: 1 mA
• Between input terminals (sensor and CT inputs)
• Between the I/O terminals and NC terminals
Internal current 250 mA max., 5 VDC
Other Other general specifications conform to the CJ-series general specifications.

Specifications Section 2-1

Item Specification
Dimensions 31 × 90 × 65 mm (W × H × D)
Weight 150 g max.

Item Specification
Model number CJ1W-TC00 @ CJ1W-TC10 @
Temperature sensor Thermocouple: Types R, S, K, J, T, L, and B Platinum resistance thermometer: Types Pt100
and JPt100
Number of loops There are two types of Unit available: Four-loop Units and Two-loop Unit with heater burnout
detection. (See note 1.)
Control output and NPN or PNP outputs, both with short-circuit protection (See note 1.)
heater burnout alarm Externally supplied power supply voltage: 24 VDC +10%/-15%
output Maximum switching capacity: 100 mA (per output)
Leakage current: 0.3 mA max.
Residual voltage: 3 V max.
Temperature control ON/OFF control or PID control with two degrees of freedom (Set with pin 6 on the Unit’s DIP
method switch.)
Control operation Forward or reverse operation (Set with pins 4 and 5 on the Unit’s DIP switch.)
RUN/STOP control Supported (Controlled from the CPU Unit through bits allocated in the Special I/O Unit area.)
Operation with CPU The Temperature Control Unit can be set to continue operating or stop operating when the CPU
Unit in PROGRAM Unit is in PROGRAM mode. (Set with pin 1 on the Unit’s DIP switch.)
Auto/Manual switch None
for operational out-
Autotuning (AT) of Supported (Controlled from the CPU Unit through bits allocated in the Special I/O Unit area.)
PID constant
Indication accuracy Centigrade: ±0.3% PV or ±1°C (whichever is Centigrade: ±0.3% PV or ±0.8°C (whichever is
larger) ± 1 digit max. larger) ± 1 digit max.
Farenheit: ±0.3% PV or ±2°F (whichever is Farenheit: ±0.3% PV or ±1.6°F (whichever is
larger) ± 1 digit max. larger) ± 1 digit max.
• The accuracy will be ±2°C ± 1 digit max. when
using an L-type thermocouple or using a K or
T-type thermocouple below −100°C.
• The accuracy will be ±3°C ± 1 digit max. when
using an R or S-type thermocouple below
• The B-type thermocouples may not be accu-
rate below 400°C. (See note 2.)
Sensitivity (when 0.0 to 999.9 °C or °F (0.1 °C or °F units)
using ON/OFF con-
Proportional band 0.1 to 999.9 °C or °F (0.1 °C or °F units)
Integral (reset) time 0 to 9,999 s (one-second units)
Derivative (rate) time 0 to 9,999 s (one-second units)
Control period 1 to 99 s (one-second units)
Sampling period 500 ms (4 loops)
Output refresh 500 ms (4 loops)
Display refresh 500 ms (4 loops)
Input compensation −99.9 to 999.9 °C or °F (0.1 °C or °F units)
Alarm output setting −999 to 9,999 °C or °F (1 °C or °F units)
range The setting range will be −99.9 to 999.9 °C or °F (0.1 °C or °F units) when using a platinum resis-
tance thermometer or using a K or J-type thermocouple in decimal-point mode.

Specifications Section 2-1

Item Specification
External terminal Removable terminal block with 18 points (M3 screws)
Effect on the CPU 0.4 ms
Unit’s cycle time

Note 1. The last three digits of the model number indicate the Unit’s features:
CJ1W-TC @ 0 @
Output type 1: NPN outputs, four-loop control outputs
2: PNP outputs, four-loop control outputs
3: NPN outputs, two-loop control outputs and heater
burnout alarm outputs
4: PNP outputs, two-loop control outputs and heater
burnout alarm outputs

Always 0.
Input type 0: Thermocouple input
1: Platinum resistance thermometer input

2. Indication accuracy of thermocouples

• Accuracy ratings are given for the Temperature Control Unit used in a
set with a cold-junction compensator (on the terminal block). Always
use the Unit and terminal block in a set. There are labels with serial
numbers attached to the terminal blocks and Units to help keep track
of the sets.
• When returning a thermocouple-type Temperature Control Unit for re-
pair, always return the Unit and the terminal block (with the cold-junc-
tion compensator) as a set.

Heater Burnout (HB)

Alarm Item Specification
Maximum heater current Single-phase AC, 50 A
Indication accuracy of input cur- ±5% of full scale ± 1 digit max.
Heater burnout alarm setting 0.1 to 49.9 A (0.1 A units)
range The heater burnout detection function will not
operate if the set value is set to 0.0 A or 50.0 A.
(When the SV is 0.0 A, the heather burnout alarm
will be OFF. When the SV is 50.0 A, the heater
burnout alarm will be ON.)
Min. detectable ON time 200 ms
(See note.)

Note If the control output is ON for less than 200 ms, the heater burnout detection
function will not operate and heater current measurement will not be per-

Current Transformer
(CT) Ratings Item E54-CT1 E54-CT3
Max. continuous heater current 50 A 120 A (See note 1.)
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC (1 min.)
Vibration resistance 50 Hz, 98 m/s2
Weight Approx. 11.5 g Approx. 50 g
Accessories None Contacts (2)
Plugs (2)

Specifications Section 2-1

Note 1. The maximum continuous heater current that can be detected at a CJ1W-
TC @@@ Temperature Control Unit is 50 A.
2. Do not use any Current Transformer (CT) other than the OMRON E54-CT1
or E54-CT3 Current Transformer.

2-1-2 Input Function Block Diagrams

Four-loop Units
CPU Unit
Temperature Control Unit

Special I/O
Controller °C BCD Unit Area
°F Binary
Loop 1 ON/OFF control

PID control
Temperature Alarm 1
Input 1 input
Forward/ Alarm 2
Control reverse
Control output switching
output 1

Loop 2
Input 2
Same as 1.
output 2
Loop 3
Input 3
Same as 1.
output 3
Loop 4
Input 4
Same as 1.
output 4

Two-loop Units with

Heater Burnout Alarm
Temperature Control Unit CPU Unit

Special I/O
Controller °C BCD Unit Area

°F Binary
Loop 1 ON/OFF control

PID control
Input 1 Temperature Alarm 1

Control Forward/
Control reverse Alarm 2
output 1 output switching
CT CT input
input 1
Heater Heater
burnout alarm
output 1
Loop 2
Input 2
Same as 1.
output 1
CT input 2
HB alarm
output 2

Specifications Section 2-1

2-1-3 Input Specifications

A switch on the front of the Unit (pin 3 of the DIP switch) selects whether the
Temperature Control Unit’s data is stored and indicated as 4-digit BCD or
binary (i.e., 4-digit hexadecimal). Pin 2 of the DIP switch selects whether the
temperature is indicated in °C or °F.
The indicated range will be within ±20°C or ±20°F of the setting ranges shown
in the following table. (See note 1.)

Thermocouple Input
Setting Ranges
No. Thermocouple type Range in °C Range in °F
Binary (4-digit Hex) 4-digit BCD Binary (4-digit Hex) 4-digit BCD
0 K: −200 to 1,300°C FF38 to FFFF to 0514 F200 to 1300 FED4 to FFFF to 08FC F300 to 2300
(−300 to 2,300°F) (−200 to −1 to 1,300) (−200 to 1,300) (−300 to −1 to 2,300) (−300 to 2,300)
1 K: 0.0 to 500°C 0000 to 1388 0000 to 5000 0000 to 2328 0000 to 9000
(0.0 to 900.0°F) (0.0 to 500.0) (0.0 to 500.0) (0.0 to 900.0) (0.0 to 900.0)
2 J: −100 to 850°C FF9C to FFFF to 0352 F100 to 0850 FF9C to FFFF to 05DC F100 to 1500
(−100 to 1,500°F) (−100 to −1 to 850) (−100 to 850) (−100 to −1 to 1,500) (−100 to 1,500)
3 J: 0.0 to 400°C 0000 to 0FA0 0000 to 4000 0000 to 1D4C 0000 to 7500
(0.0 to 750.0°F) (0.0 to 400.0) (0.0 to 400.0) (0.0 to 750.0) (0.0 to 750.0)
4 T: −200.0 to 400.0°C F830 to FFFF to 0FA0 F999 to 4000 F448 to FFFF to 1B58 F999 to 7000
(−300.0 to 700.0°F) (−200.0 to −0.1 to 400.0) (−99.9 to 400.0) (−300.0 to −0.1 to 700.0) (−99.9 to 700.0)
See note 3. See note 3.
5 L: −100 to 850°C FF9C to FFFF to 0352 F100 to 0850 FF9C to FFFF to 05DC F100 to 1500
(−100 to 1,500°F) (−100 to −1 to 850) (−100 to 850) (−100 to −1 to 1,500) (−100 to 1,500)
6 L: 0.0 to 40 °C 0000 to 0FA0 0000 to 4000 0000 to 1D4C 0000 to 7500
(0.0 to 750.0°F) (0.0 to 400.0) (0.0 to 400.0) (0.0 to 750.0) (0.0 to 750.0)
7 R: 0 to 1,700°C 0000 to 06A4 0000 to 1700 0000 to 0BB8 0000 to 3000
(0 to 3,000 °F) (0 to 1,700) (0.0 to 1,700) (0 to 3,000) (0.0 to 3,000)
8 S: 0 to 1,700°C 0000 to 06A4 0000 to 1700 0000 to 0BB8 0000 to 3000
(0 to 3,000 °F) (0 to 1,700) (0.0 to 1,700) (0 to 3,000) (0.0 to 3,000)
9 B: 100 to 1,800°C 0064 to 0708 0100 to 1800 012C to 0C80 0300 to 3200
(300 to 3,200 °F) (100 to 1,800) (100 to 1,800) (300 to 3,200) (300 to 3,200)
See note 2.

Platinum Resistance
Thermometer Input
Setting Ranges
No. Thermocouple type Range in °C Range in °F
Binary (4-digit Hex) 4-digit BCD Binary (4-digit Hex) 4-digit BCD
0 Pt100: F830 to FFFF to 1964 F999 to 6500 F448 to FFFF to 2EE0 F999 to 9999
−200.0 to 650.0°C (−200.0 to −0.1 to 650.0) (−99.9 to 650.0) (−300.0 to −0.1 to (−99.9 to 999.9)
(−300.0 to 1,200.0 °F) See note 3. 1,200.0) See note 3.
1 JPt100: F830 to FFFF to 1964 F999 to 6500 F448 to FFFF to 2EE0 F999 to 9999
−200.0 to 650.0°C (−200.0 to −0.1 to 650.0) (−99.9 to 650.0) (−300.0 to −0.1 to (−99.9 to 999.9)
(−300.0 to 1,200.0 °F) See note 3. 1,200.0) See note 3.
2 to --- Settings 2 through 9 are not allowed. Settings 2 through 9 are not allowed.

Note 1. If the allowed indication range is exceeded, a sensor error will occur, the
corresponding Sensor Error Flag will be turned ON, and the PV will contain
the data “CCCC.” When a sensor error occurs, that control loop’s control
output will be turned OFF. The alarm function will operate because the PV
indicates an abnormally high temperature.

Specifications Section 2-1

2. The lower-limit indication for B-type thermocouples is 0°C or 0°F.

3. When the data format is BCD, the indicated temperature will remain fixed
at the lower limit value or upper limit value when the temperature exceeds
the allowed indication range but does not exceed the setting range.
When the display units are 0.1°C or 0.1°F, the display’s lower limit value is
−99.9 and the upper limit value is 999.9.
4. When the input type setting switch has been changed, the SV and input
compensation values will change as follows:
• If the SV exceeds the setting range, it will be fixed at the lower limit or
upper limit of the setting range.
• The position of the decimal point will change if necessary.
For example, when the temperature range is changed by changing the in-
put type setting switch from 0 (K-type thermocouple with a temperature
range of −200 to 1,300°C) to 1 (K-type thermocouple with a temperature
range of 0.0 to 500.0°C), an SV of 200°C would be changed to 20.0°C.

Application Procedure Section 2-2

2-2 Application Procedure

The procedure for installing and setting up the Temperature Control Unit is
illustrated below.

Set unit number. • Set the unit number on the front panel of the Tempera-
ture Control Unit.

Set the input type. • Set the Input Type Switch on the front panel of the Tem-
perature Control Unit.

Set the functions of the • Set the function switches on the front panel of the Tem-
Temperature Control Unit. perature Control Unit.
Forward/reverse operation
Control method: ON/OFF control or PID control
°C or °F selection
Data format: BCD or 16-bit binary
Wire the Unit.

Turn ON the power • Switch settings on the front panel are read only when the
supply to the PC. power supply is turned ON.

Create I/O tables.

Make initial settings in the words • Set the alarm mode and alarm hysteresis.
allocated to the Unit in the Special I/O
Unit Area inside the DM Area. • Or turn the Special I/O Unit Restart Bit ON and then back
OFF again.

Cycle the power supply to • The initialization settings in the words allocated in the
the PC. DM Area are read only then the power supply is turned
ON or the Unit is reset.

Program the operation for the • Use the MOV (021) or XFER(070) instruction to read and
Unit in the ladder program. write process values and set points, as well as Operating
Parameters (control cycles or PID constants) or Opera-
tion Data (RUN/STOP control or starting/stopping auto-

Application Procedure Section 2-2

2-2-1 Example Operating Procedure

The following settings are used in this example for a Four-loop Temperature
Control Unit.
Input type: Thermocouple
Input: K thermocouple (0.0 to 500.0 °C)
Data format: BCD
The operating procedure through reading the process value for each loop is
given in this section.

CJ1W-TC001 CPU Unit

K thermocouple
(0.0 to 500.0 °C)
Loop 1

Ladder program
Loop 2

Loop 3 D00102

Loop 4 D00103

Unit number: 1

1,2,3... 1. Set the Unit number referring to 2-3-3 Unit Number Switches.
If the unit number is set to 1, CIO 2010 to CIO 2029 and D20100 to D20199
will be allocated to the Unit as a Special I/O Unit.

2. Set the input type referring to 2-3-5 Setting the Input Type. Set the switch
on the front panel of the Unit to 1 for a K thermocouple (0.0 to 500.0 °C).

3. Set the Unit’s functions referring to 2-3-4 DIP Switch Setting Functions. Be
sure that pin 2 is OFF to select centigrade and that pin 3 is OFF to select
1 2 34 5 67 8

Application Procedure Section 2-2

4. Mount and wire the Unit, referring to 1-2-2 Mounting the Unit.
5. Turn ON the power supply to the PC.

Creating I/O Tables There two different methods that can be used to create I/O tables with the CJ-
series PCs. Refer to the CJ Series CJ1G-CPU @@
Programmable Controllers
Operation Manual (W393) for details.
Automation Creation The PC can be set to automatically create I/O tables at startup. If this is done,
the user does not need to create the I/O tables.
Use-set I/O Tables After turning ON the PC, create the I/O tables. The key sequence for creating
I/O tables from a Programming Console is shown below.
FUN Shift CH/*DM
9 7 1 3
0 or 1

Program In this example, the process value (PV) output to the words allocated in the
CIO Area to the Temperature Control Unit as a Special I/O Unit are stored in
memory for four loops. The words n+3, n+4, n+13, and n+14 will contain the
PV and are CIO 2013, CIO 2014, CIO 2023, and CIO 2024 in this example.

Input type Loop PV address (n = CIO Storage addresses

2010) (See note 1.) (See note 2.)
K thermocouple 1 n+3 = CIO 2013 D00100
(0.0 to 500.0 °C) 2 n+4 = CIO 2014 D00101
3 n+13 = CIO 2023 D00102
4 n+14 = CIO 2024 D00103

Note 1. Determined by the unit number that is set for the Temperature Control Unit
as a Special I/O Unit. (Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number Switches.)
2. Set as desired in programming.
3. Sensor Error Flags are allocated to bit 14 of n+8, n+9, n+18, and n+19.
(Refer to Four-loop Units on page 33.)

Part Names and Functions Section 2-3

CIO 201814
Sensor Error Flag for Loop 1
CIO 201914 D00100
Sensor Error Flag for Loop 2
CIO 202814 D00101
Sensor Error Flag for Loop 3

CIO 202914 D00102
Sensor Error Flag for Loop 4

2-3 Part Names and Functions

2-3-1 Part Names
Status Output Indicators

Unit Number
Switches 7 8

5 6

0 1

2 3

7 8 Block
5 6

0 1

2 3

DIP Switch

7 8
5 6

0 1

2 3

Input Type
Switch DIN Track
Mounting Pin
Terminal Block
Sliding Latch Lock Lever Sliding Latch

2-3-2 Indicators
Status Indicators The Status Indicators indicate the operating status of the Temperature Control
Unit, as explained in the following table.
Indicator Name Color Status Meaning
RUN RUN Indicator Green Lit Normal operating status
Not lit Temperature control is stopped.
ERC Temperature Control Red Lit An error occurred in the Temperature Control Unit itself,
Unit Error such as a Sensor Error or Initialization Error.
Not lit Normal operating status

Part Names and Functions Section 2-3

Indicator Name Color Status Meaning

ERH CPU Unit Error Red Lit An error occurred in the CPU Unit.
Not lit Normal operating status

Output Indicators The Output Indicators light to indicate when the corresponding Temperature
Control Unit output is ON.

2-3-3 Unit Number Switches

The CPU Unit and the Temperature Control Unit exchange data through the
parts of the CPU Unit’s CIO and DM Areas that are reserved for Special I/O
Units. The Temperature Control Unit’s unit setting determines which words
are allocated.

Switch Unit Words allocated in Special I/O Words allocated in Special I/O
setting number Unit Area in CIO Area Unit Area in DM Area
0 0 CIO 2000 to CIO 2019 D20000 to D20099
1 1 CIO 2010 to CIO 2029 D20100 to D20199
2 2 CIO 2020 to CIO 2039 D20200 to D20299
3 3 CIO 2030 to CIO 2049 D20300 to D20399
4 4 CIO 2040 to CIO 2059 D20400 to D20499
5 5 CIO 2050 to CIO 2069 D20500 to D20599
6 6 CIO 2060 to CIO 2079 D20600 to D20699
7 7 CIO 2070 to CIO 2089 D20700 to D20799
8 8 CIO 2080 to CIO 2099 D20800 to D20899
9 9 CIO 2090 to CIO 2109 D20900 to D20999
: : : :
n n CIO 2000 + (n x 10) to D20000 + (n x 100) to
CIO 2000 + (n x 10) + 19 D20000 + (n x 100) + 99
: : : :
94 94 CIO 2940 to CIO 2959 D29400 to D29499

The Temperature Control Unit occupies 20 words in the Special I/O Unit Area,
so do not set the same unit number or the next unit number on another Spe-
cial I/O Unit. Since the Temperature Control Unit occupies the words for two
unit numbers, the maximum unit number allowed is 94 (unlike most other Spe-
cial I/O Units that can be set to unit number 95.)
Note If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a “UNIT
No. DPL ERR” error (in the Programming Console) will be generated (A40113
will turn ON) and the PC will not operate.

Part Names and Functions Section 2-3

2-3-4 DIP Switch Setting Functions


1 2 34 5 67 8
ON is to the right.
Pin Function ON OFF Factory
1 Operation when CPU Unit is in Continue Stop OFF
2 Temperature units (°C/°F) °F °C
3 Data format 16-bit binary 4-digit BCD
4 Control operation (loops 1 and 3) Forward Reverse
(cooling) (heating)
5 Control operation (loops 2 and 4) Forward Reverse
(cooling) (heating)
6 Control method ON/OFF control PID control
7 Initialize settings in EEPROM Initialize Do not initialize
8 Transfer settings in EEPROM Transfer Do not transfer ON

Operation in PROGRAM The following table shows how the Temperature Control Unit will operate
mode (Pin 1) when the CPU Unit’s operating mode is changed.
Temperature Control Unit Operation of Temperature Control Unit when CPU
settings Unit’s operating mode is changed
Pin 1 Stop Bit From RUN or MONITOR From PROGRAM
OFF (Stop) Run Stop operation Continue operation
Stop Stop operation Stop operation
ON (Continue) Run Continue operation Continue operation
Stop Stop operation Stop operation

Temperature Units (Pin 2) Select either °C display (centigrade) or °F display (farenheit). When °F is
selected, the temperature is converted using the following equation:
°F = (°C × 1.8) + 32
Data Format (Pin 3) Pin 3 selects whether the data exchanged between the Temperature Control
Unit and CPU Unit is handled as 4-digit BCD or binary (i.e., 4-digit hexadeci-
mal.) This switch setting controls the data format for the various settings such
as SPs, PVs, alarm settings in both the CIO and DM Areas.
Pin 3 setting Data format Example
(SP: −200 to 1,300°C)
ON Binary (4-digit Hexadecimal) FF38 to FFFF to 0514
(-200 to -1 to 1,300)
OFF 4-digit BCD F200 to 1300
(-200 to 1,300)

Note If BCD format is selected, it isn’t necessary to convert the data (Binary to BCD
conversion) in the program when displaying the actual temperature so the lad-
der program load can be reduced. However, parts of some temperature
ranges cannot be displayed in BCD so it will be necessary to use the binary
format in those cases.

Part Names and Functions Section 2-3

Control Operation for Pin 4 selects forward (cooling) operation (ON) or reverse (heating) operation
Loops 1 and 3 (Pin 4) (OFF) for control loops 1 and 3.
Control Operation for Pin 5 selects either forward (cooling) operation (ON) or reverse (heating)
Loops 2 and 4 (Pin 5) operation (OFF) for control loops 2 and 4.
Control Method (Pin 6) Pin 6 selects either ON/OFF control (ON) or PID control (OFF).
• If ON/OFF control is being used, the width of the hysteresis loop (hys-
teresis) can be set to adjust the control sensitivity.
• If PID control (PID control with two degrees of freedom) is being used,
the PID constants can be set automatically with the autotuning func-
Initialize EEPROM If pin 7 is ON, the settings in EEPROM will be initialized to their factory
Settings (Pin 7) defaults when the Temperature Control Unit is turned ON or restarted. (Initial-
ize EEPROM only when a Hardware Check Error has occurred. Refer to 5-1-3
Alarms Detected by the Temperature Control Unit for details.)
Transfer EEPROM If pin 8 is ON, the settings in the Temperature Control Unit’s EEPROM will be
Settings (Pin 8) transferred to the corresponding words in the CPU Unit’s DM Area when the
Temperature Control Unit is turned ON or restarted. Turn ON pin 8 if you want
the Temperature Control Unit to operate with settings stored in EEPROM.
The settings in the Temperature Control Unit’s RAM can be saved to
EEPROM by turning ON the corresponding loop’s Save Bit. Refer to 2-5-3
Memory in the Temperature Control Unit for details on the settings.

2-3-5 Setting the Input Type

Temperature Control Units
Input type Type Temperature ranges
setting Centigrade Farenheit
0 K −200 to 1,300°C −300 to 2,300°F
1 K 0.0 to 500.0°C 0.0 to 900.0°F
2 J −100 to 850°C −100 to 1,500°F
3 J 0.0 to 400.0°C 0.0 to 750.0°F
4 T −200.0 to 400.0°C −300.0 to 700.0°F
5 L −100 to 850°C −100 to 1,500°F
6 L 0.0 to 400.0 °C 0.0 to 750.0°F
7 R 0 to 1,700°C 0 to 3,000 °F
8 S 0 to 1,700°C 0 to 3,000 °F
9 B 100 to 1,800°C 300 to 3,200 °F

Platinum Resistance
Temperature Control Units Input type Type Temperature ranges
setting Centigrade Farenheit
0 Pt100 −200.0 to 650.0°C −300.0 to 1,200.0°F
1 JPt100 −200.0 to 650.0°C −300.0 to 1,200.0°F
2 to 9 Do not set 2 through 9.

Wiring Section 2-4

2-4 Wiring
2-4-1 Terminal Wiring Examples
Temperature Control CJ1W-TC001 CJ1W-TC002
Units (4 loops, NPN outputs) (4 loops, PNP outputs)
Input 2 − B1 Input 2 − B1 Input 1 −
A1 Input 1 − Input 2 + B2
Input 2 + B2 A2 Input 1 + A2 Input 1 +
Cold-junction comp. B3 Cold-junction comp. B3
Cold-junction comp. B4 A3 N.C. Cold-junction comp. B4 A3 N.C.
A4 N.C. A4 N.C.
Input 4 − B5 Input 4 − B5 Input 3 −
A5 Input 3 − B6
Input 4 + B6 A6 Input 3 + Input 4 + A6 Input 3 +
Output 2 B7 Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1
A7 Output 1 Output 4 B8
Output 4 B8 A8 Output 3 A8 Output 3
0 V COM (−) B9 A9 24 V 0V B9 A9 24 V COM (+)

CJ1W-TC003 CJ1W-TC004
(2 loops, NPN outputs, HB alarm) (2 loops, PNP outputs, HB alarm)
Input 2 − B1 A1 Input 1 − Input 2 − B1 A1 Input 1 −
Input 2 + B2 A2 Input 1 + Input 2 + B2 A2 Input 1 +
Cold-junction comp. B3 Cold-junction comp. B3
Cold-junction comp. B4 A3 N.C. Cold-junction comp. B4 A3 N.C.
A4 N.C. A4 N.C.
CT input 2 B5 A5 CT input 1 CT input 2 B5 A5 CT input 1
CT input 2 B6 A6 CT input 1 CT input 2 B6 A6 CT input 1
Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1 Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1
HB output 2 B8 A8 HB output 1 HB output 2 B8 A8 HB output 1
0 V COM ( −) B9 A9 24 V 0V B9 A9 24 V COM (+)

Note Do not connect any wiring to the N.C. terminals.

Platinum Resistance
Thermometer CJ1W-TC101 CJ1W-TC102
Temperature Control (4 loops, NPN outputs) (4 loops, PNP outputs)
Units Input 2 B’ B1 A1 Input 1 B’ Input 2 B’ B1 A1 Input 1 B’
Input 2 B B2 A2 Input 1 B Input 2 B B2 A2 Input 1 B
Input 2 A B3 A3 Input 1 A Input 2 A B3 A3 Input 1 A
Input 4 B’ B4 A4 Input 3 B’ Input 4 B’ B4 A4 Input 3 B’
Input 4 B B5 A5 Input 3 B Input 4 B B5 A5 Input 3 B
Input 4 A B6 A6 Input 3 A Input 4 A B6 A6 Input 3 A
Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1 Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1
Output 4 B8 A8 Output 3 Output 4 B8 A8 Output 3
0 V COM ( −) B9 A9 24 V 0 V COM ( −) B9 A9 24 V COM (+)

CJ1W-TC103 CJ1W-TC104
(2 loops, NPN outputs, HB alarm) (2 loops, PNP outputs, HB alarm)
Input 2 B’ B1 A1 Input 1 B’ Input 2 B’ B1 A1 Input 1 B’
Input 2 B B2 A2 Input 1 B Input 2 B B2 A2 Input 1 B
Input 2 A B3 A3 Input 1 A Input 2 A B3 A3 Input 1 A
N.C. B4 A4 N.C. N.C. B4 A4 N.C.
CT input 2 B5 A5 CT input 1 CT input 2 B5 A5 CT input 1
CT input 2 B6 A6 CT input 1 CT input 2 B6 A6 CT input 1
Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1 Output 2 B7 A7 Output 1
HB output 2 B8 A8 HB output 1 HB output 2 B8 A8 HB output 1
0 V COM ( −) B9 A9 24 V 0V B9 A9 24 V COM (+)

Note Do not connect any wiring to the N.C. terminals.

Wiring Section 2-4

2-4-2 Output Circuits

The following diagrams show the internal output circuits.

Output Circuits
NPN Outputs
(CJ1W-TC 01 and
CJ1W-TC 03)
24 V

Internal circuits
Output Indicator

NPN Outputs
(CJ1W-TC 02 and
CJ1W-TC 04)
Internal circuits


Output Indicator

Wiring Section 2-4

2-4-3 I/O Wiring Examples

Temperature Control Units
CJ1W-TC001 CJ1W-TC002 CJ1W-TC003 CJ1W-TC004
(4 loops, NPN outputs) (4 loops, PNP outputs) (2 loops, HB alarm, NPN (2 loops, HB alarm, PNP
outputs) outputs)

CJ1W-TC001 CJ1W-TC002 CJ1W-TC003 CJ1W-TC004

Loop 2 Loop 2 Loop 2

Loop 2
Loop 1 Loop 1 Loop 1 Loop 1
Cold- Cold- Cold-
junction Cold-
junction junction junction

Loop 4 Loop 4
Loop 3 Loop 3

• Do not touch or remove the cold-junction compensator.

• Use the type of sensor selected on the Input Type Switch.
• The Temperature Control Unit and Terminal Block are a matched set, so
use the Temperature Control Unit and Terminal Block with matching serial
• Do not connect anything to the N.C. terminals. (The N.C. terminals cannot
even be used as junction terminals.)
• Do not connect any Current Transformer to the CT input terminals other
than an OMRON E54-CT1 or E54-CT3.

Wiring Section 2-4

Platinum Resistance
Temperature Control Units

CJ1W-TC101 CJ1W-TC102 CJ1W-TC103 CJ1W-TC104

(4 loops, NPN outputs) (4 loops, PNP outputs) (2 loops, HB alarm, NPN (2 loops, HB alarm, PNP
outputs) outputs)

CJ1W-TC101 CJ1W-TC102 CJ1W-TC103 CJ1W-TC104

Loop 2

Loop 2

Loop 2

Loop 2
Loop 1

Loop 1

Loop 1

Loop 1
Loop 4

Loop 4
Loop 3

Loop 3

Note 1. Use the type of sensor selected on the Input Type Switch.
2. Do not connect anything to the N.C. terminals. (The N.C. terminals cannot
even be used as junction terminals.)
3. Do not connect any Current Transformer to the CT input terminals other
than an OMRON E54-CT1 or E54-CT3.
4. Always attach crimp terminals to the wiring that connects to the terminal
block and tighten the terminal screws securely. The terminal screws are
M3 screws and need to be tightened to a torque of 0.5 N⋅m.
5. Use wire that is AWG 22 to AWG 18.


Fork terminal Round terminal

6.0 mm max. 6.0 mm max.

6. Observe the following precautions when wiring to minimize noise and op-
timize the Temperature Control Unit’s operation.
• Use twisted-pair shielded wire for the output wiring.
• Keep the I/O lines away from power lines including AC power supply
lines and high-power lines. Do not run the I/O lines in the same duct or
conduit as power lines.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

• Noise from the power supply line may be superimposed on I/O signals
if equipment that generates high frequency noise is used nearby or the
Temperature Control Unit’s power line is shared with electrical welding
equipment or discharging equipment. In this case, install a noise filter
at the power supply inputs.

2-5 Data Exchange with the CPU Unit

2-5-1 Overview
The Temperature Control Unit exchanges the following data with the CPU
• Operation Data
• Initialization Data
• Operating Parameters
Data exchange between the CPU Unit and the Temperature Control Unit is
performed through the words allocated to the Temperature Control Unit as a
Special I/O Unit in the CIO and DM Areas of the CPU Unit. The Operation
Data is in the Special I/O Unit Area in the CIO Area and the Initialization Data
and Operating Parameters are in the Special I/O Unit Area in the DM Area.
CJ-series CPU Unit Temperature Control Unit
CIO Area Operation Data
n = 2000 + unit No. x 10 Loop 1 PV Continuously
20 words Loop 2 PV exchanges basic
I/O refresh
n + 19 = Etc. data with CPU Unit
2000 + unit No. x 10 + 19

DM Area Initialization Data

m = D20000 + unit No. x 100 Alarm Mode Exchanges the alarm
10 Etc. mode, alarm hysteresis,
words m+9= Power ON and
D20000 + unit No. x 100 +9 etc.
100 Operating Parameters
m + 10 = Alarm 1 SV
words D20000 + unit No. x 100 + 10 Continuously
90 Etc. exchanges operating
words m + 99 = parameters.
D20000 + unit No. x 100 + 99 I/O refresh

As shown in the above diagram, Special I/O Unit Areas are allocated for the
three types of data in the CIO and DM Areas according to the unit number set
for the Temperature Control Unit as a Special I/O Unit.
Operation Data The basic data used to operate the Temperature Control Unit is exchanged
with the CPU Unit as Operation Data during the CPU Unit’s I/O refresh period.
Operation Data includes the Process Values, Set Points, Stop Bits, Start AT
Bits, Stop AT Bits, and other data.
Initialization Data The data used to initialize the Temperature Control Unit is exchanged with the
CPU Unit as Initialization Data when the PC is turned ON or the Temperature
Control Unit is restarted. Initialization Data includes the Alarm Modes, Alarm
Hysteresis, and other data.
Operating Parameters The parameters that control Temperature Control Unit operation are
exchanged with the CPU Unit as Operating Parameters during the CPU Unit’s
I/O refresh period. Operating Parameters include the Alarm SVs, Control
Cycles, Proportional Bands, Integral Times, and other parameters.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

2-5-2 Data Exchange Settings

Data Format The format used to store data during data exchange between the CPU Unit
and Temperature Control Unit in the words allocated to the Temperature Con-
trol Unit in the CIO and DM Areas must be set in advance. The data format is
set using pin 3 on the DIP switch for function settings. It can be set to either 4-
digit BCD or 16-bit binary (4-digit hexadecimal). The same format is used for
user-set and system-set data and for the Special I/O Areas in both the CIO
and DM Area.
Pin 3 Data storage format
ON 16-bit binary
OFF (default) 4-digit BCD

Unit Number The words allocated to the Temperature Control Unit in the CIO and DM
Areas are determined by the unit number set for the Temperature Control Unit
as a Special I/O Unit.

Switch Unit Words allocated in Special I/O Words allocated in Special I/O
setting number Unit Area in CIO Area Unit Area in DM Area
0 0 CIO 2000 to CIO 2019 D20000 to D20099
1 1 CIO 2010 to CIO 2029 D20100 to D20199
2 2 CIO 2020 to CIO 2039 D20200 to D20299
3 3 CIO 2030 to CIO 2049 D20300 to D20399
4 4 CIO 2040 to CIO 2059 D20400 to D20499
5 5 CIO 2050 to CIO 2069 D20500 to D20599
6 6 CIO 2060 to CIO 2079 D20600 to D20699
7 7 CIO 2070 to CIO 2089 D20700 to D20799
8 8 CIO 2080 to CIO 2099 D20800 to D20899
9 9 CIO 2090 to CIO 2109 D20900 to D20999
: : : :
n n CIO 2000 + (n x 10) to D20000 + (n x 100) to
CIO 2000 + (n x 10) + 19 D20000 + (n x 100) + 99
: : : :
94 94 CIO 2940 to CIO 2959 D29400 to D29499

Note 1. If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, an
“UNIT No. DPL ERR” error (in the Programming Console) will be generat-
ed (A40113 will turn ON) and the PC will not operate.
2. Each Temperature Control Unit is allocated the words for two unit numbers.
Do not use assign the unit number after one assigned to a Temperature
Control Unit to any other Unit. For example, if unit number 5 is allocated to
a Temperature Control Unit, the words for both unit number 5 and 6 will be
allocated to it, and unit number 6 must not be assigned to any other Unit.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Special I/O Unit To restart the Unit after changing the contents of the DM Area or correcting an
Restart Bits error, turn ON the power to the PC again or turn the Special I/O Unit Restart
Bit ON and then OFF again.
Special I/O Unit Function
Area word
A50200 Unit No. 0 Restart Bit Restarts the Unit when turned
A50201 Unit No. 1 Restart Bit ON and then OFF again.
~ ~
A50215 Unit No. 15 Restart Bit
A50300 Unit No. 16 Restart Bit
~ ~
A50715 Unit No. 95 Restart Bit

Note If the error is not corrected by restarting the Unit or turning the Special I/O
Unit Restart Bit ON and then OFF again, refer to SECTION 5 Error and Alarm

2-5-3 Memory in the Temperature Control Unit

The Temperature Control Unit has two types of memory: RAM and EEPROM.
As shown in the following table and illustration, data for the Temperature Con-
trol Unit is written from the words allocated in the CPU Unit to the RAM in the
Temperature Control Unit. Some of this data can be written from the RAM to
EEPROM by turning ON a Save Bit.
If pin 8 on the DIP switch is ON, the data stored in the EEPROM will automat-
ically be transferred to the DM Area in the CPU Unit when power is turned ON
or the Temperature Control Unit is restarted, enabling operation with the data
stored in the EEPROM.
Memory allocations in CPU Main settings Transfer from Transfer from RAM Transfer from
Unit CPU Unit areas to EEPROM EEPROM in
to RAM in Temperature Control
Temperature Unit to CPU Unit areas
Control Unit
CIO Area Operation Data Set Point I/O refresh period Not transferred.
Heater Burnout
DM Area Initialization Data Alarm Mode Power ON or Unit Not transferred.
Alarm Hysteresis restart
Operating Param- Alarm SV I/O refresh period When Save Bit in When power is turned
eters Input Compensa- Special I/O Unit ON or the Unit is
tion Area is turned ON. restarted with pin 8 on
Control Period the DIP switch turned
Sensitivity ON.
Proportional Band I/O refresh period
Integral Time as long as PID
Derivative Time Constants
Changed Flag is
OFF (See note.)

Note 1. The PID constants resulting from autotuning are automatically written to
RAM at the end of autotuning.
2. The EEPROM has a life of 100,000 writes.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Temperature Control
Unit backup area
Temperature Control Unit
CPU Unit
Operation I/O refresh
Data Power ON
Initialization or restart
Data Save Bit EPROM
Operating I/O refresh turned ON

At power ON or restart if
pin 8 of DIP switch is ON.

2-5-4 Operation Data

Operation Data is exchanged between the words allocated to the Temperature
Control Unit in the Special I/O Unit Area in the CIO Area of the CPU Unit and
the Temperature Control Unit. The Operation Data includes the Process Val-
ues, Set Points, Stop Bits, Start AT Bits, Stop AT Bits, and other basic data.
Operation data is exchanged each cycle time during the I/O refresh period.
Input data is transferred from the Temperature Control Unit to the CPU Unit
and output data is transferred from the CPU Unit to the Temperature Control
CJ-series CPU Unit Temperature Control Unit
Special I/O Unit Area in CIO Area
Allocated words
Unit 0 Operation Data
CIO 2000 to CIO 2019
Unit 1 CIO 2010 to CIO 2029 CIO n Output data for loops
Unit 2 CIO 2020 to CIO 2039 to 1 and 2 (output
CIO n + 2 refresh)
Unit 3 CIO 2030 to CIO 2049
Unit 4 CIO 2040 to CIO 2059 Input data for loops 1
CIO n + 3
Unit 5 CIO 2050 to CIO 2069 to and 2 (input refresh)
Input data is
Unit 6 CIO 2060 to CIO 2079 transferred from the CIO n + 9
Unit 7 CIO 2070 to CIO 2089 Temperature Control CIO n + 10 Output data for loops 3
Unit 8 CIO 2080 to CIO 2099 Unit to the CPU Unit to and 4 (output refresh)
Unit 9 and output data is CIO n + 12 (See note 1.)
CIO 2090 to CIO 2109 transferred from the
: : CPU Unit to the CIO n + 13 Input data for loops 3
Unit n Temperature Control to and 4 (input refresh)
CIO 2000 + (n x 10) to Unit each cycle.
CIO 2000 + (n x 10) + 19 CIO n + 19 (See note 1.)
Unit 94
CIO 2940 to CIO 2959 n = 2000 + (10 x unit number)

Note 1. For Two-loop Temperature Control Units, the read and write values for the
heater burnout alarm are transferred.
2. The Special I/O Unit Area words that are allocated to the Temperature
Control Unit in the CIO Area are determined by the setting of the unit num-
ber switch on the front panel of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number
Switches for details on the method used to set the unit number switch.
3. If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, an
“UNIT No. DPL ERR” error (in the Programming Console) will be generat-
ed (A40113 will turn ON) and the PC will not operate.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Operation Data The following tables show the specific applications of the bits and words in the
Contents Operation Data.

Four-loop Units
I/O Word Bit
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Out- n Loop 1 Set Point (SP)
n+1 Loop 2 SP
n+2 Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 1 Loop 2 0 0 0 0 Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 1 Loop 2
Save Save Change Change 0 Stop 0 Stop Stop AT Start AT Stop AT Start AT
Con- Con-
stants stants
Input n+3 Loop 1 PV
n+4 Loop 2 PV
n+5 Loop 1 SP
n+6 Loop 2 SP
n+7 Loop 1 Decimal Point Loop 2 Decimal Point Loop 1 Setting Error Number Loop 2 Setting Error Number
n+8 Loop 1 Status
Save Sensor 0 Fatal Stand- PID Setting Stop 0 0 0 Control AT 0 AL1 AL2
Com- Error Control by Con- Error Output
pleted Error stants
n+9 Loop 2 Status
Save Sensor 0 Fatal Stand- PID Setting Stop 0 0 0 Control AT 0 AL1 AL2
Com- Error Control by Con- Error Output
pleted Error stants
Out- n+10 Loop 3 SP
n+11 Loop 4 SP
n+12 Loop 3 Loop 4 Loop 3 Loop 4 0 0 0 0 Loop 3 Loop 4 Loop 3 Loop 4
Save Save Change Change 0 Stop 0 Stop Stop AT Start AT Stop AT Start AT
Con- Con-
stants stants
Input n+13 Loop 3 PV
n+14 Loop 4 PV
n+15 Loop 3 SP
n+16 Loop 4 SP
n+17 Loop 3 Decimal Point Loop 4 Decimal Point Loop 3 Setting Error Number Loop 4 Setting Error Number
n+18 Loop 3 Status
Save Sensor 0 Fatal Stand- PID Setting Stop 0 0 0 Control AT 0 AL1 AL2
Com- Error Control by Con- Error Output
pleted Error stants
n+19 Loop 4 Status
Save Sensor 0 Fatal Stand- PID Setting Stop 0 0 0 Control AT 0 AL1 AL2
Com- Error Control by Con- Error Output
pleted Error stants

n = 2000 + (10 x unit number)

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Two-loop Units
I/O Word Bit
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Out- n Loop 1 Set Point (SP)
n+1 Loop 2 SP
n+2 Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 1 Loop 2 0 0 0 0 Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 1 Loop 2
Save Save Change Change 0 Stop 0 Stop Stop AT Start AT Stop AT Start AT
Con- Con-
stants stants
Input n+3 Loop 1 PV
n+4 Loop 2 PV
n+5 Loop 1 SP
n+6 Loop 2 SP
n+7 Loop 1 Decimal Point Loop 2 Decimal Point Loop 1 Setting Error Number Loop 2 Setting Error Number
n+8 Loop 1 Status
Save Sensor CT Fatal Stand- PID Setting Stop 0 0 0 Control AT HB AL1 AL2
Com- Error Over- Control by Con- Error Output
pleted flow Error stants
n+9 Loop 2 Status
Save Sensor CT Fatal Stand- PID Setting Stop 0 0 0 Control AT HB AL1 AL2
Com- Error Over- Control by Con- Error Output
pleted flow Error stants
Out- n+10 Heater Burnout Set Value for Loop 1
n+11 Heater Burnout Set Value for Loop 2
n+12 Not used.
Input n+13 Heater Current for Loop 1
n+14 Heater Current for Loop 2
n+15 Heater Burnout Set Value for Loop 1
n+16 Heater Burnout Set Value for Loop 2
n+17 Not used.
n+18 Not used.
n+19 Not used.

n = 2000 + (10 x unit number)

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Operation Data Details on the Operation Data are provided in the following table. Refer to 2-6
Details Data Ranges for the ranges of data that can be used.

Four-loop Units
I/O Address Loop Name Function
Word Bits
Outputs n 00 to 15 Loop 1 Set Point Set the Set Point for the loop as 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
(CPU Unit n+1 00 to 15 Loop 2 Set Point For negative BCD values, set the most significant digit to F.
to Tem-
perature The values set here are transferred to RAM.
Control n+2 15 Loop 1 Save Bit Operating Parameters are written from RAM to EEPROM in the
Unit) 14 Loop 2 Save Bit Temperature Control Unit when a Save Bit is turned ON. Refer
to 2-6 Data Ranges for a list of the specific parameters that are
DO NOT turn OFF the power supply when data is being written
from RAM to EEPROM. Confirm that the Save Completed Flag
has turned ON before turning OFF the power supply.
13 Loop 1 Change PID When a Change PID Constants Bit is turned ON, the corre-
Constants Bit sponding PID Constants Calculated Flag will turn OFF and the
12 Loop 2 Change PID PID constants stored as Operating PID Constants will be
Constants Bit retransferred to the Temperature Control Unit.
08 to 11 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.
7 --- --- Leave set to 0.
6 Loop 1 Stop Bit Turn OFF the Stop Bit to perform temperature control for loop 1
and turn it ON to stop temperature control for loop 1.
The Stop Bit will not function if pin 1 on the DIP switch is OFF
and the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.
5 --- --- Leave set to 0.
4 Loop 2 Stop Bit Turn OFF the Stop Bit to perform temperature control for loop 2
and turn it ON to stop temperature control for loop 2.
The Stop Bit will not function if pin 1 on the DIP switch is OFF
and the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.
3 Loop 1 Stop AT Bit Turn ON the Stop AT Bit to stop autotuning for loop 1. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if autotuning is not being per-
2 Loop 1 Start AT Bit Turn ON the Start AT Bit to start autotuning for loop 1. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if the Stop AT Bit for loop 1 is
1 Loop 2 Stop AT Bit Turn ON the Stop AT Bit to stop autotuning for loop 2. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if autotuning is not being per-
0 Loop 2 Start AT Bit Turn ON the Start AT Bit to start autotuning for loop 2. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if the Stop AT Bit for loop 2 is

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Inputs n+3 00 to 15 Loop 1 Process Value The current process value is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits
(Tempera- n+4 00 to 15 Loop 2 Process Value binary.
ture Con- For negative BCD values, the most significant digit will be F.
trol Unit to
CPU Unit) A sensor error will occur if the specified range is exceeded, the
Sensor Error Flag will turn ON, and the process value will be
n+5 00 to 15 Loop 1 Set Point The current set point is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits binary.
n+6 00 to 15 Loop 2 Set Point For negative BCD values, the most significant digit will be F.

n+7 12 to 15 Loop 1 Decimal Point The use of a decimal places is specified for the process value
08 to 11 Loop 2 Decimal Point and set point.
0: No decimal places
1: One decimal place
04 to 07 Loop 1 Setting Error The number of the setting in which a setting error exists is
Number stored in hexadecimal. Refer to 5-1 Error and Alarm Processing
00 to 03 Loop 2 Setting Error for details.
n+8 15 Loop 1 Save Com- The Save Completed Flag turns ON when writing data from
pleted Flag RAM to EEPROM has been completed. The write is started by
turning ON bit 15 of CIO (n+2), the Save Bit. The Save Com-
pleted Flag turns OFF when the Save Bit turns ON. (It is also
OFF immediately after power is turned ON.)
14 Sensor Error The Sensor Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Flag A sensor is not connected.
The connection to sensor is broken.
A temperature exceeding the specified temperature range has
been input.
13 --- Leave set to 0.
12 Fatal Control The Fatal Control Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Error Flag Cold-junction compensator error, CPU Unit WDT error
11 Standby Flag The Standby Flag turns ON when the Temperature Control Unit
is waiting for I/O refreshing after power is turned ON or the Unit
is restarted.
10 PID Con- The PID Constants Calculated Flag turns ON when the PID
stants Calcu- constants calculated for autotuning have been updated.
lated Flag When this flag is ON, the PID constants in the Operating
Parameters Output Area have not been output to the Tempera-
ture Control Unit. When this flag is OFF, the PID constants in
the Operating Parameters Output Area have been output to the
Temperature Control Unit.
09 Setting Error The Setting Error Flag turns ON when there is a setting error in
Flag the settings in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit.
08 Stop Flag When the Stop Flag is OFF, the Temperature Control Unit is
controlling temperature. When it is ON, the Temperature Control
Unit is not controller temperature.
05 to 07 --- Leave set to all zeros.
04 Control Out- The Control Output Flag is ON when the control output is ON.
put Flag
03 AT Flag The AT Flag is ON when autotuning is being performed. The AT
Flag is OFF when autotuning is not being performed.
02 --- Leave set to 0.
01 AL1 Flag The AL1/AL2 Flag is ON when the temperature is within the
00 AL2 Flag alarm range set for the input value. The flag is OFF when the
temperature is not within the alarm range set for the input value.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Inputs n+9 15 Loop 2 Save Com- The Save Completed Flag turns ON when writing data from
(Tempera- pleted Flag RAM to EEPROM has been completed. The write is started by
ture Con- turning ON bit 14 of CIO (n+2), the Save Bit. The Save Com-
trol Unit to pleted Flag turns OFF when the Save Bit turns ON. (It is also
CPU Unit) OFF immediately after power is turned ON.)
14 Sensor Error The Sensor Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Flag A sensor is not connected.
The connection to sensor is broken.
A temperature exceeding the specified temperature range has
been input.
13 --- Leave set to 0.
12 Fatal Control The Fatal Control Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Error Flag Cold-junction compensator error, CPU Unit WDT error
11 Standby Flag The Standby Flag turns ON when the Temperature Control Unit
is waiting for I/O refreshing after power is turned ON or the Unit
is restarted.
10 PID Con- The PID Constants Calculated Flag turns ON when the PID
stants Calcu- constants calculated for autotuning have been updated.
lated Flag When this flag is ON, the PID constants in the Operating
Parameters Output Area have not been output to the Tempera-
ture Control Unit. When this flag is OFF, the PID constants in
the Operating Parameters Output Area have been output to the
Temperature Control Unit.
09 Setting Error The Setting Error Flag turns ON when there is a setting error in
Flag the settings in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit.
08 Stop Flag When the Stop Flag is OFF, the Temperature Control Unit is
controlling temperature. When it is ON, the Temperature Control
Unit is not controller temperature.
05 to 07 --- Leave set to all zeros.
04 Control Out- The Control Output Flag is ON when the control output is ON.
put Flag
03 AT Flag The AT Flag is ON when autotuning is being performed. The AT
Flag is OFF when autotuning is not being performed.
02 --- Leave set to 0.
01 AL1 Flag The AL1/AL2 Flag is ON when the temperature is within the
00 AL2 Flag alarm range set for the input value. The flag is OFF when the
temperature is not within the alarm range set for the input value.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Outputs n+10 00 to 15 Loop 3 Set Point Set the Set Point for the loop as 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
(CPU Unit n+11 00 to 15 Loop 4 Set Point For negative BCD values, set the most significant digit to F.
to Tem-
perature The values set here are transferred to RAM.
Control n+12 15 Loop 3 Save Bit Operating Parameters are written from RAM to EEPROM in the
Unit) 14 Loop 4 Save Bit Temperature Control Unit when a Save Bit is turned ON. Refer
to 2-6 Data Ranges for a list of the specific parameters that are
DO NOT turn OFF the power supply when data is being written
from RAM to EEPROM. Confirm that the Save Completed Flag
has turned ON before turning OFF the power supply.
13 Loop 3 Change PID When a Change PID Constants Bit is turned ON, the corre-
Constants Bit sponding PID Constants Calculated Flag will turn OFF and the
12 Loop 4 Change PID PID constants stored as Operating Parameters will be retrans-
Constants Bit ferred to the Temperature Control Unit.
08 to 11 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.
7 --- --- Leave set to 0.
6 Loop 3 Stop Bit Turn OFF the Stop Bit to perform temperature control for loop 3
and turn it ON to stop temperature control for loop 3.
The Stop Bit will not function if pin 1 on the DIP switch is OFF
and the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.
5 --- --- Leave set to 0.
4 Loop 4 Stop Bit Turn OFF the Stop Bit to perform temperature control for loop 4
and turn it ON to stop temperature control for loop 4.
The Stop Bit will not function if pin 1 on the DIP switch is OFF
and the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.
3 Loop 3 Stop AT Bit Turn ON the Stop AT Bit to stop autotuning for loop 3. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if autotuning is not being per-
2 Loop 3 Start AT Bit Turn ON the Start AT Bit to start autotuning for loop 3. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if the Stop AT Bit for loop 3 is
1 Loop 4 Stop AT Bit Turn ON the Stop AT Bit to stop autotuning for loop 4. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if autotuning is not being per-
0 Loop 4 Start AT Bit Turn ON the Start AT Bit to start autotuning for loop 4. The sta-
tus of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if the Stop AT Bit for loop 4 is

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Inputs n+13 00 to 15 Loop 3 Process Value The current process value is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits
(Tempera- n+14 00 to 15 Loop 4 Process Value binary.
ture Con- For negative BCD values, the most significant digit will be F.
trol Unit to
CPU Unit) A sensor error will occur if the specified range is exceeded, the
Sensor Error Flag will turn ON, and the process value will be
n+15 00 to 15 Loop 3 Set Point The current set point is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits binary.
n+16 00 to 15 Loop 4 Set Point For negative BCD values, the most significant digit will be F.

n+17 12 to 15 Loop 3 Decimal Point The use of a decimal places is specified for the process value
08 to 11 Loop 4 Decimal Point and set point.
0: No decimal places
1: One decimal place
04 to 07 Loop 3 Setting Error The number of the setting in which a setting error exists is
Number stored in hexadecimal. Refer to 5-1 Error and Alarm Processing
00 to 03 Loop 4 Setting Error for details.
n+18 15 Loop 3 Save Com- The Save Completed Flag turns ON when writing data from
pleted Flag RAM to EEPROM has been completed. The write is started by
turning ON bit 15 of CIO (n+2), the Save Bit. The Save Com-
pleted Flag turns OFF when the Save Bit turns ON. (It is OFF
immediately after power is turned ON.)
14 Sensor Error The Sensor Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Flag A sensor is not connected.
The connection to sensor is broken.
A temperature exceeding the specified temperature range has
been input.
13 --- Leave set to 0.
12 Fatal Control The Fatal Control Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Error Flag Cold-junction compensator error, CPU Unit WDT error
11 Standby Flag The Standby Flag turns ON when the Temperature Control Unit
is waiting for I/O refreshing after power is turned ON or the Unit
is restarted.
10 PID Con- The PID Constants Calculated Flag turns ON when the PID
stants Calcu- constants calculated for autotuning have been updated.
lated Flag When this flag is ON, the PID constants in the Operating
Parameters Output Area have not been output to the Tempera-
ture Control Unit. When this flag is OFF, the PID constants in
the Operating Parameters Output Area have been output to the
Temperature Control Unit.
09 Setting Error The Setting Error Flag turns ON when there is a setting error in
Flag the settings in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit.
08 Stop Flag When the Stop Flag is OFF, the Temperature Control Unit is
controlling temperature. When it is ON, the Temperature Control
Unit is not controller temperature.
05 to 07 --- Leave set to all zeros.
04 Control Out- The Control Output Flag is ON when the control output is ON.
put Flag
03 AT Flag The AT Flag is ON when autotuning is being performed. The AT
Flag is OFF when autotuning is not being performed.
02 --- Leave set to 0.
01 AL1 Flag The AL1/AL2 Flag is ON when the temperature is within the
00 AL2 Flag alarm range set for the input value. The flag is OFF when the
temperature is not within the alarm range set for the input value.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Inputs n+19 15 Loop 4 Save Com- The Save Completed Flag turns ON when writing data from
(Tempera- pleted Flag RAM to EEPROM has been completed. The write is started by
ture Con- turning ON bit 14 of CIO (n+12), the Save Bit. The Save Com-
trol Unit to pleted Flag turns OFF when the Save Bit turns ON. (It is OFF
CPU Unit) immediately after power is turned ON.)
14 Sensor Error The Sensor Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Flag A sensor is not connected.
The connection to sensor is broken.
A temperature exceeding the specified temperature range has
been input.
13 --- Leave set to 0.
12 Fatal Control The Fatal Control Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Error Flag Cold-junction compensator error, CPU Unit WDT error
11 Standby Flag The Standby Flag turns ON when the Temperature Control Unit
is waiting for I/O refreshing after power is turned ON or the Unit
is restarted.
10 PID Con- The PID Constants Calculated Flag turns ON when the PID
stants Calcu- constants calculated for autotuning have been updated.
lated Flag When this flag is ON, the PID constants in the Operating
Parameters Output Area have not been output to the Tempera-
ture Control Unit. When this flag is OFF, the PID constants in
the Operating Parameters Output Area have been output to the
Temperature Control Unit.
09 Setting Error The Setting Error Flag turns ON when there is a setting error in
Flag the settings in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit.
08 Stop Flag When the Stop Flag is OFF, the Temperature Control Unit is
controlling temperature. When it is ON, the Temperature Control
Unit is not controller temperature.
05 to 07 --- Leave set to all zeros.
04 Control Out- The Control Output Flag is ON when the control output is ON.
put Flag
03 AT Flag The AT Flag is ON when autotuning is being performed. The AT
Flag is OFF when autotuning is not being performed.
02 --- Leave set to 0.
01 AL1 Flag The AL1/AL2 Flag is ON when the temperature is within the
00 AL2 Flag alarm range set for the input value. The flag is OFF when the
temperature is not within the alarm range set for the input value.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Two-loop Units
I/O Address Loop Name Function
Word Bits
Outputs n 00 to 15 Loop 1 Set Point Set the Set Point for the loop as 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
(CPU Unit n+1 00 to 15 Loop 2 Set Point For negative BCD values, set the most significant digit to F.
to Tem-
perature The values set here are transferred to RAM.
Control n+2 15 Loop 1 Save Bit Operating Parameters are written from RAM to EEPROM in the
Unit) 14 Loop 2 Save Bit Temperature Control Unit when a Save Bit is turned ON. Refer to
2-6 Data Ranges for a list of the specific parameters that are writ-
DO NOT turn OFF the power supply when data is being written
from RAM to EEPROM. Confirm that the Save Completed Flag
has turned ON before turning OFF the power supply.
13 Loop 1 Change PID When a Change PID Constants Bit is turned ON, the correspond-
Constants Bit ing PID Constants Calculated Flag will turn OFF and the PID con-
12 Loop 2 Change PID stants stored as Operating Parameters will be retransferred to the
Constants Bit Temperature Control Unit.
08 to 11 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.
7 --- --- Leave set to 0.
6 Loop 1 Stop Bit Turn OFF the Stop Bit to perform temperature control for loop 1
and turn it ON to stop temperature control for loop 1.
The Stop Bit will not function if pin 1 on the DIP switch is OFF and
the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.
5 --- --- Leave set to 0.
4 Loop 2 Stop Bit Turn OFF the Stop Bit to perform temperature control for loop 2
and turn it ON to stop temperature control for loop 2.
The Stop Bit will not function if pin 1 on the DIP switch is OFF and
the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.
3 Loop 1 Stop AT Bit Turn ON the Stop AT Bit to stop autotuning for loop 1. The status of
the Stop AT Bit is ignored if autotuning is not being performed.
2 Loop 1 Start AT Bit Turn ON the Start AT Bit to start autotuning for loop 1. The status
of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if the Stop AT Bit for loop 1 is ON.
1 Loop 2 Stop AT Bit Turn ON the Stop AT Bit to stop autotuning for loop 2. The status of
the Stop AT Bit is ignored if autotuning is not being performed.
0 Loop 2 Start AT Bit Turn ON the Start AT Bit to start autotuning for loop 2. The status
of the Stop AT Bit is ignored if the Stop AT Bit for loop 2 is ON.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Inputs n+3 00 to 15 Loop 1 Process Value The current process value is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits
(Tempera- n+4 00 to 15 Loop 2 Process Value binary.
ture Con- For negative BCD values, the most significant digit will be F.
trol Unit to
CPU Unit) A sensor error will occur if the specified range is exceeded, the
Sensor Error Flag will turn ON, and the process value will be
n+5 00 to 15 Loop 1 Set Point The current set point is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits binary.
n+6 00 to 15 Loop 2 Set Point For negative BCD values, the most significant digit will be F.

n+7 12 to 15 Loop 1 Decimal Point The use of a decimal places is specified for the process value and
08 to 11 Loop 2 Decimal Point set point.
0: No decimal places
1: One decimal place
04 to 07 Loop 1 Setting Error The number of the setting in which a setting error exists is stored
Number in hexadecimal. Refer to 5-1 Error and Alarm Processing for
00 to 03 Loop 2 Setting Error details.
n+8 15 Loop 1 Save Com- The Save Completed Flag turns ON when writing data from RAM
pleted Flag to EEPROM has been completed. The write is started by turning
ON bit 15 of CIO (n+2), the Save Bit. The Save Completed Flag
turns OFF when the Save Bit turns ON. (It is OFF immediately
after power is turned ON.)
14 Sensor Error The Sensor Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Flag A sensor is not connected.
The connection to sensor is broken.
A temperature exceeding the specified temperature range has
been input.
13 CT Overflow The CT Overflow Flag turns ON if the heater current detected by
Flag the CT (Current Transformer) exceeds 55.0 A.
12 Fatal Control The Fatal Control Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Error Flag Cold-junction compensator error, CPU Unit WDT error
11 Standby Flag The Standby Flag turns ON when the Temperature Control Unit is
waiting for I/O refreshing after power is turned ON or the Unit is
10 PID Con- The PID Constants Calculated Flag turns ON when the PID con-
stants Calcu- stants calculated for autotuning have been updated.
lated Flag When this flag is ON, the PID constants in the Operating Parame-
ters Output Area have not been output to the Temperature Control
Unit. When this flag is OFF, the PID constants in the Operating
Parameters Output Area have been output to the Temperature
Control Unit.
09 Setting Error The Setting Error Flag turns ON when there is a setting error in the
Flag settings in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit.
08 Stop Flag When the Stop Flag is OFF, the Temperature Control Unit is con-
trolling temperature. When it is ON, the Temperature Control Unit
is not controller temperature.
05 to 07 --- Leave set to all zeros.
04 Control Out- The Control Output Flag is ON when the control output is ON.
put Flag
03 AT Flag The AT Flag is ON when autotuning is being performed. The AT
Flag is OFF when autotuning is not being performed.
02 HB Flag The HB (heater burnout) Flag turns ON if the detected heater cur-
rent reaches or exceeds the value set as the Heater Burnout Cur-

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Inputs n+8 01 Loop 1 AL1 Flag The AL1/AL2 Flag is ON when the temperature is within the alarm
(Tempera- 00 AL2 Flag range set for the input value. The flag is OFF when the tempera-
ture Con- ture is not within the alarm range set for the input value.
trol Unit to n+9 15 Loop 2 Save Com- The Save Completed Flag turns ON when writing data from RAM
CPU Unit) pleted Flag to EEPROM has been completed. The write is started by turning
ON bit 14 of CIO (n+2), the Save Bit. The Save Completed Flag
turns OFF when the Save Bit turns ON. (It is OFF immediately
after power is turned ON.)
14 Sensor Error The Sensor Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Flag A sensor is not connected.
The connection to sensor is broken.
A temperature exceeding the specified temperature range has
been input.
13 CT Overflow The CT Overflow Flag turns ON if the heater current detected by
Flag the CT (Current Transformer) exceeds 55.0 A.
12 Fatal Control The Fatal Control Error Flag turns ON for the following:
Error Flag Cold-junction compensator error, CPU Unit WDT error
11 Standby Flag The Standby Flag turns ON when the Temperature Control Unit is
waiting for I/O refreshing after power is turned ON or the Unit is
10 PID Con- The PID Constants Calculated Flag turns ON when the PID con-
stants Calcu- stants calculated for autotuning have been updated.
lated Flag When this flag is ON, the PID constants in the Operating Parame-
ters Output Area have not been output to the Temperature Control
Unit. When this flag is OFF, the PID constants in the Operating
Parameters Output Area have been output to the Temperature
Control Unit.
09 Setting Error The Setting Error Flag turns ON when there is a setting error in the
Flag settings in the I/O memory of the CPU Unit.
08 Stop Flag When the Stop Flag is OFF, the Temperature Control Unit is con-
trolling temperature. When it is ON, the Temperature Control Unit
is not controller temperature.
05 to 07 --- Leave set to all zeros.
04 Control Out- The Control Output Flag is ON when the control output is ON.
put Flag
03 AT Flag The AT Flag is ON when autotuning is being performed. The AT
Flag is OFF when autotuning is not being performed.
02 HB Flag The HB (heater burnout) Flag turns ON if the detected heater cur-
rent reaches or exceeds the value set as the Heater Burnout Cur-
01 AL1 Flag The AL1/AL2 Flag is ON when the temperature is within the alarm
00 AL2 Flag range set for the input value. The flag is OFF when the tempera-
ture is not within the alarm range set for the input value.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

I/O Address Loop Name Function

Word Bits
Outputs n+10 00 to 15 Loop 1 Heater Burn- Set the heater burnout current in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits binary.
(CPU Unit out Current If the value is set to 0.0, heater burnouts will not be detected.
to Tem- n+11 00 to 15 Loop 2 Heater Burn-
perature If the value is set to 50.0, the heater burnout output will always be
out Current ON. (This can be used to test wiring.)
Unit) n+12 00 to 15 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.
n+13 00 to 15 Loop 1 Heater Cur- The current heater current is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-bits
rent binary.
n+14 00 to 15 Loop 2 Heater Cur- If the measured heater current exceeds 55.0 A, the CT Overflow
rent Flag will turn ON and the heater current will be stored as CCCC.
n+15 00 to 15 Loop 1 Heater Burn- The current heater burnout current is stored in 4-digits BCD or 16-
out Current bits binary.
n+16 00 to 15 Loop 2 Heater Burn-
out Current
n+17 00 to 15 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.
n+18 00 to 15 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.
n+19 00 to 15 --- --- Leave set to all zeros.

2-5-5 Initialization Data

The Temperature Control Unit is initialized by the transfer of data settings from
the DM Area words that are allocated to the Temperature Control Unit as a
Special I/O Unit. If you are using the temperature alarm function, the alarm
mode setting and alarm hysteresis setting must be written to the appropriate
DM words.
Settings in these DM words are read only when the power is turned ON or the
Temperature Control Unit is restarted. Always turn the power ON or restart the
Temperature Control Unit after changing any of these settings.
SYSMAC CJ-series CPU Unit Temperature Control Unit

Allocated DM addresses
Initialization Data
Unit 0 D20000 to D20099
D (m) Alarm mode settings
Unit 1 D20100 to D20199 for loops 1 and 2
Unit 2 D20200 to D20299 Alarm mode settings
Unit 3 D20300 to D20399 D (m+1)
for loops 3 and 4
Unit 4 D20400 to D20499 D (m+2) Alarm hysteresis
Unit 5 D20500 to D20599 settings for loops 1
Automatically :
Unit 6 D20600 to D20699 transferred for each through 4
D (m+9)
Unit 7 D20700 to D20799 unit number when the
Unit 8 D20800 to D20899 power is turned ON or
the Unit is restarted. m = 20000 + (100 x unit number)
Unit 9 D20900 to D20999
Unit n D20000 + n × 100 to
D20000 + n × 100 + 99
Unit 94 D29400 to D29499

Note 1. Loops 3 and 4 are applicable to Temperature Control Units with four control
loops only. If a Temperature Control Unit with two control loops is being
used, the alarm mode and alarm hysteresis settings for loops 3 and 4 will
not be used and will be ineffective even if they are set.
2. The Special I/O Unit Area words that are allocated to the Temperature
Control Unit in the DM Area are determined by the setting of the unit num-
ber switch on the front panel of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number
Switches for details on the method used to set the unit number switch.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

3. If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a
“UNIT No. DPL ERR” error (in the Programming Console) will be generat-
ed (A40113 will turn ON) and the PC will not operate.

Initialization Data The following table shows the specific applications of the bits and words in the
Contents Initialization Data.
DM word Bit
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
D (m+0) Loop 1 Loop 2
Alarm 1 mode Alarm 2 mode Alarm 1 mode Alarm 2 mode
3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 22 21 20
D (m+1) Loop 3 (See note 1.) Loop 4 (See note 1.)
Alarm 1 mode Alarm 2 mode Alarm 1 mode Alarm 2 mode
3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 22 21 20
D (m+2) Loop 1: Alarm 1 hysteresis
D (m+3) Loop 1: Alarm 2 hysteresis
D (m+4) Loop 2: Alarm 1 hysteresis
D (m+5) Loop 2: Alarm 2 hysteresis
D (m+6) Loop 3: Alarm 1 hysteresis (See note 1.)
D (m+7) Loop 3: Alarm 2 hysteresis (See note 1.)
D (m+8) Loop 4: Alarm 1 hysteresis (See note 1.)
D (m+9) Loop 4: Alarm 2 hysteresis (See note 1.)

Note 1. Loops 3 and 4 are applicable to Temperature Control Units with four control
loops only. If a Temperature Control Unit with two control loops is being
used, the alarm mode and alarm hysteresis settings for loops 3 and 4 will
not be used and will be ineffective even if they are set.
2. The alarm modes can be set to “FF” to disable the alarms for the corre-
sponding loop. In this case, the loop’s control operation will stop and the
ERC Indicator will not light to indicate alarms.
For example, write “FFFF” to D (m+1) to disable loops 3 and 4.
Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

Initialization Data The following table provides details of the Initialization Data settings. For more
Details details, refer to 2-6 Data Ranges. These words are output from the CPU Unit
to the Temperature Control Unit.
DM address Loop Setting Units
Word Bits
D (m+0) 12 to 15 Loop 1 Alarm 1 mode Set each loop’s alarm modes in BCD (0 to 9), as follows:
08 to 11 Alarm 2 mode 0: No alarm
04 to 07 Loop 2 Alarm 1 mode 1: Upper and lower-limit alarm
2: Upper-limit alarm
00 to 03 Alarm 2 mode 3: Lower-limit alarm
D (m+1) 12 to 15 Loop 3 Alarm 1 mode 4: Upper and lower-limit range alarm
08 to 11 Alarm 2 mode 5: Upper and lower-limit alarm with standby sequence
6: Upper-limit alarm with standby sequence
04 to 07 Loop 4 Alarm 1 mode 7: Lower-limit alarm with standby sequence
00 to 03 Alarm 2 mode 8: Absolute-value upper-limit alarm
9: Absolute-value lower-limit alarm
The values written here are written to RAM.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

DM address Loop Setting Units

Word Bits
D (m+2) 00 to 15 Loop 1 Alarm 1 hysteresis Set each alarm’s hysteresis in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary, accord-
D (m+3) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis ing to the Data Format set on the Temperature Control Unit’s DIP
D (m+4) 00 to 15 Loop 2 Alarm 1 hysteresis
The values written here are written to RAM.
D (m+5) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis
D (m+6) 00 to 15 Loop 3 Alarm 1 hysteresis
D (m+7) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis
D (m+8) 00 to 15 Loop 4 Alarm 1 hysteresis
D (m+9) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis

Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

2-5-6 Operating Parameters

The Temperature Control Unit’s Operating Parameters are set in the DM
words allocated to the Temperature Control Unit as a Special I/O Unit. Operat-
ing Parameters include the Alarm SVs, Control Periods, Proportional Bands,
Integral Times, and other parameters.
Operating Parameters are exchanged each cycle during the I/O refresh
period. Input data is transferred from the Temperature Control Unit to the CPU
Unit and output data is transferred from the CPU Unit to the Temperature Con-
trol Unit.
SYSMAC CJ-series CPU Unit Temperature Control Unit

Allocated DM addresses
Operating Parameters
Unit 0 D20000 to D20099
Unit 1 D20100 to D20199 D (m+10) Output data for loops 1
to and 2 (output refresh)
Unit 2 D20200 to D20299 D (m+29)
Unit 3 D20300 to D20399
Unit 4 D20400 to D20499 D (m+30) Input data for loops 1
Unit 5 D20500 to D20599 to and 2 (input refresh)
Input data is D (m+49)
Unit 6 D20600 to D20699 transferred from the
Unit 7 D20700 to D20799 Temperature Control D (m+50) Output data for loops 3
Unit 8 D20800 to D20899 Unit to the CPU Unit to and 4 (output refresh)
and output data is D (m+69)
Unit 9 D20900 to D20999 transferred from the (See note 1.)
: CPU Unit to the D (m+70) Input data for loops 3
D20000 + n × 100 to Temperature Control to and 4 (input refresh)
Unit n
D20000 + n × 100 + 99 Unit each cycle during D (m+89) (See note 1.)
Unit 94 D29400 to D29499
m = 20000 + (100 x unit number)

Note 1. Loops 3 and 4 are applicable to Temperature Control Units with four control
loops only. If a Temperature Control Unit with two control loops is being
used, the settings for loops 3 and 4 will not be used and will be ineffective
even if they are set.
2. The Special I/O Unit Area words that are allocated to the Temperature
Control Unit in the DM Area are determined by the setting of the unit num-
ber switch on the front panel of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number
Switches for details on the method used to set the unit number switch.
3. If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a
“UNIT No. DPL ERR” error (in the Programming Console) will be generat-
ed (A40113 will turn ON) and the PC will not operate.

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Operating Parameters The following tables show the specific applications of the bits and words in the
Contents Operating Parameters.
I/O DM word Loop Setting I/O DM word Loop Setting
Output D (m+10) Loop 1 Alarm 1 SV Output D (m+50) Loop 3 Alarm 1 SV
(CPU D (m+11) Alarm 2 SV (CPU D (m+51) (See Alarm 2 SV
to Tem- D (m+12) Input Compensation Value to Tem- D (m+52) note.) Input Compensation Value
pera- pera-
ture D (m+13) Control Period ture D (m+53) Control Period
Con- D (m+14) Control Sensitivity Con- D (m+54) Control Sensitivity
trol trol
D (m+15) Proportional Band D (m+55) Proportional Band
Unit) Unit)
D (m+16) Integral Time D (m+56) Integral Time
D (m+17) Derivative Time D (m+57) Derivative Time
D (m+18) (Not allocated.) D (m+58) (Not allocated.)
D (m+19) (Not allocated.) D (m+59) (Not allocated.)
D (m+20) Loop 2 Alarm 1 SV D (m+60) Loop 4 Alarm 1 SV
D (m+21) Alarm 2 SV D (m+61) (See Alarm 2 SV
D (m+22) Input Compensation Value D (m+62) note.) Input Compensation Value
D (m+23) Control Period D (m+63) Control Period
D (m+24) Control Sensitivity D (m+64) Control Sensitivity
D (m+25) Proportional Band D (m+65) Proportional Band
D (m+26) Integral Time D (m+66) Integral Time
D (m+27) Derivative Time D (m+67) Derivative Time
D (m+28) (Not allocated.) D (m+68) (Not allocated.)
D (m+29) (Not allocated.) D (m+69) (Not allocated.)
Input D (m+30) Loop 1 Alarm 1 SV Input D (m+70) Loop 3 Alarm 1 SV
(Tem- D (m+31) Alarm 2 SV (Tem- D (m+71) (See Alarm 2 SV
pera- D (m+32) Input Compensation Value pera- D (m+72) note.) Input Compensation Value
ture ture
Con- D (m+33) Control Period Con- D (m+73) Control Period
trol D (m+34) Control Sensitivity trol D (m+74) Control Sensitivity
Unit to Unit to
D (m+35) Proportional Band D (m+75) Proportional Band
D (m+36) Integral Time D (m+76) Integral Time
D (m+37) Derivative Time D (m+77) Derivative Time
D (m+38) Manipulated variable monitor D (m+78) Manipulated variable monitor
D (m+39) (Not allocated.) D (m+79) (Not allocated.)
D (m+40) Loop 2 Alarm 1 SV D (m+80) Loop 4 Alarm 1 SV
D (m+41) Alarm 2 SV D (m+81) (See Alarm 2 SV
D (m+42) Input Compensation Value D (m+82) note.) Input Compensation Value
D (m+43) Control Period D (m+83) Control Period
D (m+44) Control Sensitivity D (m+84) Control Sensitivity
D (m+45) Proportional Band D (m+85) Proportional Band
D (m+46) Integral Time D (m+86) Integral Time
D (m+47) Derivative Time D (m+87) Derivative Time
D (m+48) Manipulated variable monitor D (m+88) Manipulated variable monitor
D (m+49) (Not allocated.) D (m+89) (Not allocated.)

Note Loops 3 and 4 are applicable to Temperature Control Units with four control
loops only. If a Temperature Control Unit with two control loops is being used,
the settings for loops 3 and 4 will not be used and will be ineffective even if
they are set.
Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

Data Exchange with the CPU Unit Section 2-5

Operating Parameters The following table provides details of the Initialization Data settings. For more
Details details, refer to 2-6 Data Ranges.
I/O DM word Loop Setting Description
Output D (m+10) Loop 1 Alarm 1 SV Set in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
(CPU D (m+11) Alarm 2 SV The values written here are written to RAM.
to Tem- When the BCD data format is being used, the most signifi-
pera- cant digit indicates the sign. (F represents the “−” sign.)
ture D (m+12) Input Compensation Value Set in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
Con- The values written here are written to RAM.
trol When the BCD data format is being used, the most signifi-
Unit) cant digit indicates the sign. (F represents the “−” sign.)
D (m+13) Control Period Set in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
The values written here are written to RAM.
D (m+14) Control Sensitivity Set in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
The values written here are written to RAM.
This setting is valid with ON/OFF control only.
D (m+15) Proportional Band Set in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
D (m+16) Integral Time The values written here are not written to RAM while the PID
Constants Calculated Flag is ON.
D (m+17) Derivative Time The values written here are written to RAM.
These settings are valid with PID control only
D (m+18) --- Always set to 0000.
D (m+19) --- Always set to 0000.
D (m+20) Loop 2 Same as the settings for These settings are the same as the settings for loop 1.
to loop 1. (See the description for D (m+10) through D (m+19).)
D (m+29)
D (m+50) Loop 3 Same as the settings for These settings are valid in Temperature Control Units with
to loop 1. four control loops and are the same as the settings for loop
D (m+59) 1.
(See the description for D (m+10) through D (m+19).)
D (m+60) Loop 4 Same as the settings for These settings are valid in Temperature Control Units with
to loop 1. four control loops and are the same as the settings for loop
D (m+69) 1.
(See the description for D (m+10) through D (m+19).)
Input D (m+30) Loop 1 Alarm 1 SV The Temperature Control Unit returns the values that are
(Tem- D (m+31) Alarm 2 SV actually being used for temperature control. Use these val-
pera- ues to monitor operation.
D (m+32) Input Compensation Value
Con- D (m+33) Control Period
trol D (m+34) Control Sensitivity
Unit to
D (m+35) Proportional Band
D (m+36) Integral Time
D (m+37) Derivative Time
D (m+38) Manipulated variable mon- Output in 4-digit BCD or 16-bit binary.
itor When ON/OFF control is being used, this value will be 100%
for ON and 0% for OFF.
D (m+39) --- Always set to 0000.
D (m+40) Loop 2 Same as the settings for These values are the same as the ones for loop 1.
to loop 1. (See the description for D (m+30) through D (m+39).)
D (m+49)
D (m+70) Loop 3 Same as the settings for These values are valid in Temperature Control Units with
to loop 1. four control loops and are the same as the ones for loop 1.
D (m+79) (See the description for D (m+30) through D (m+39).)
D (m+80) Loop 4 Same as the settings for These values are valid in Temperature Control Units with
to loop 1. four control loops and are the same as the ones for loop 1.
D (m+89) (See the description for D (m+30) through D (m+39).)

Data Ranges Section 2-6

Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

2-6 Data Ranges

• Starting CIO word: n = 2000 + (10 × unit number)
• Starting DM word: m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

2-6-1 Settings
Allocated word(s) Setting BCD range Binary range Units Default Memory protection
Loop 1: n SP (set point) Depends on the Input Type setting. °C or 0 or 0.0 RAM
Loop 2: n+1 Refer to 2-1-3 Input Specifications °F (Protect the contents
Loop 3: n+10 for details. of memory in the CPU
Loop 4: n+11 Unit.)
Two-loop Temperature Heater Burn- 0000 to 0500 0000 to 01F4 A 0.0
Control Units only: out Current
Loop 1: n+10 (See note 4.)
Loop 2: n+11
Loops 1 and 2: D (m+0) Alarm Mode 0000 to 9999 0000 to 9999 --- 0 RAM
Loops 3 and 4: D (m+1) 0: No alarm (Protect the contents
1: Upper and lower-limit alarm of memory in the CPU
2: Upper-limit alarm Unit.)
3: Lower-limit alarm
4: Upper and lower-limit range
5: Upper and lower-limit alarm with
standby sequence
6: Upper-limit alarm with standby
7: Lower-limit alarm with standby
8: Absolute-value upper-limit alarm
9: Absolute-value lower-limit alarm
Loop 1: D (m+2), D (m+3) Alarm hyster- 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F °C or 0.0
Loop 2: D (m+4), D (m+5) esis °F
Loop 3: D (m+6), D (m+7)
Loop 4: D (m+8), D (m+9)
Loop 1: D (m+10) Alarm 1 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28 °C or 0 or 0.0 The Temperature
Loop 2: D (m+20) °F Control Unit’s settings
Loop 3: D (m+50) are written to RAM.
Loop 4: D (m+60) When the Save Bit is
Loop 1: D (m+11) Alarm 2 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28 °C or 0 or 0.0 turned ON, the set-
Loop 2: D (m+21) °F tings are written to
Loop 3: D (m+51) EEPROM. (See notes
Loop 4: D (m+61) 2 and 3.)
Loop 1: D (m+12) Input Com- F999 to 9999 FC19 to 270F °C or 0 or 0.0 If DIP switch pin 8 is
Loop 2: D (m+22) pensation °F ON, the settings are
Loop 3: D (m+52) Value automatically trans-
Loop 4: D (m+62) ferred from EEPROM
to the CPU Unit when
the power is turned
ON or the Tempera-
ture Control Unit is

Data Ranges Section 2-6

Allocated word(s) Setting BCD range Binary range Units Default Memory protection
Loop 1: D (m+13) Control 0001 to 0099 0001 to 0063 Sec- 20 The Temperature
Loop 2: D (m+23) Period onds Control Unit’s settings
Loop 3: D (m+53) are written to RAM.
Loop 4: D (m+63) When the Save Bit is
Loop 1: D (m+14) Control Sen- 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F °C or 0.8 turned ON, the set-
Loop 2: D (m+24) sitivity °F tings are written to
Loop 3: D (m+54) EEPROM. (See notes
Loop 4: D (m+64) 2 and 3.)
Loop 1: D (m+15) Proportional 0001 to 9999 0001 to 270F °C or 8.0 If DIP switch pin 8 is
Loop 2: D (m+25) Band °F ON, the settings are
Loop 3: D (m+55) automatically trans-
Loop 4: D (m+65) ferred from EEPROM
to the CPU Unit when
Loop 1: D (m+16) Integral Time 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F Sec- 233 the power is turned
Loop 2: D (m+26) onds ON or the Tempera-
Loop 3: D (m+56) ture Control Unit is
Loop 4: D (m+66) restarted.
Loop 1: D (m+17) Derivative 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F Sec- 40
Loop 2: D (m+27) Time onds
Loop 3: D (m+57)
Loop 4: D (m+67)

Note 1. If a setting is out-of-range, the Setting Error Flag will be turned ON and the
incorrect setting will be identified by the Setting Error Number. (The incor-
rect setting will be invalid and the Temperature Control Unit will operate
with the previous setting.)
2. When a loop’s Save Bit is turned ON, that loop’s settings will be saved to
the Temperature Control Unit’s EEPROM.
3. Do not write the settings to EEPROM more than 100,000 times.
4. The Heater Burnout Detection function will be disabled if the Heater Burn-
out Current is set to 0.0 A or 50.0 A. The HB Alarm Output will be OFF
when the HB Current is set to 0.0 A; it will be ON when the HB Current is
set to 50.0 A.

2-6-2 Monitored Values

Allocated word Setting BCD range Binary range Units Initial Memory
value protection
Loop 1: n+3 PV (Process Value) Depend on the input type. Refer to °C or °F --- ---
Loop 2: n+4 (Indicates the present 2-1-3 Input Specifications.
Loop 3: n+13 temperature.)
Loop 4: n+14
Two-loop Tempera- Heater Current Monitor 0000 to 0550 0000 to 0226 A --- ---
ture Control Units (See note 2.) (See note 2.)
Loop 1: n+13
Loop 2: n+14
Loop 1: D (m+18) Manipulated Variable 0000 to 1000 0000 to 03E8 % ---
Loop 2: D (m+28) Monitor
Loop 3: D (m+78) (See note 1.)
Loop 4: D (m+88)

Note 1. The Manipulated Variable Monitor indicates the manipulated variable that
is presently being output.
When ON/OFF control is being used, this value will be 100% for ON and
0% for OFF.
2. If the heater current exceeds 55.0 A, the monitor value will indicate CCCC.

Settings Required for Temperature Control

This section explains the various settings required for temperature control.

3-1 Setting the Input Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3-1-1 Setting the Input Type Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3-2 Selecting the Temperature Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-2-1 Temperature Unit Setting (Pin 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-3 Setting the Data Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-3-1 Setting the Data Format (Pin 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3-4 Selecting the Control Operation (Forward/Reverse). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3-4-1 Forward (Cooling)/Reverse (Heating) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3-4-2 Setting the Control Operation (Pins 4 and 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3-5 Selecting PID Control or ON/OFF Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3-5-1 Setting the Control Method (Pin 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3-6 Setting the Control Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3-6-1 Control Period Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3-7 Setting the Set Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-7-1 Setting the SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-8 Using ON/OFF Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-8-1 ON/OFF Control Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3-8-2 Required Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3-9 Setting the PID Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3-9-1 Setting PID Constants with Autotuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3-9-2 Setting PID Constants Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3-9-3 Example PID Control Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3-10 Using the Alarm Output Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3-10-1 Setting the Alarm Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3-10-2 Setting the Alarm Hysteresis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3-10-3 Setting the Alarm SVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3-10-4 Example Alarm Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3-10-5 Summary of Alarm Output Function Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3-11 Using the Heater Burnout Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3-11-1 Heater Burnout Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3-11-2 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3-11-3 Determining the Heater Burnout Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3-11-4 Example Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3-12 Starting and Stopping Temperature Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3-12-1 Run/Stop Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3-13 Precautions for Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Setting the Input Type Section 3-1

3-1 Setting the Input Type

Set the input type of the temperature sensor being used. There are two types
of Temperature Control Units available: One accepts thermocouple inputs and
the other accepts platinum resistance thermometer inputs. Both types have
an “INPUT TYPE” rotary switch on the front of the Unit to set the input type.
Set the Input Type Switch to the correct setting for sensor and temperature
range being used.
The input type setting applies to all of the Unit’s control loops. It is not possible
to set different input types for the different control loops.

3-1-1 Setting the Input Type Switch

Set the input type with the rotary switch on the front of the Unit. If this setting
is changed, the new setting will not become effective until the power is turned
ON or the Unit is restarted.

The diagram above shows the input type set for a K-type thermocouple with a
temperature range of 0.0 to 500.0°C.

Input Type Settings

Thermocouple Input
Sensor Type Input type Temperature ranges
setting Centigrade Farenheit
Thermocouple K 0 −200 to 1,300°C −300 to 2,300°F
1 0.0 to 500.0°C 0.0 to 900.0°F
J 2 −100 to 850°C −100 to 1,500°F
3 0.0 to 400.0°C 0.0 to 750.0°F
T 4 −200.0 to 400.0°C −300.0 to 700.0°F
L 5 −100 to 850°C −100 to 1,500°F
6 0.0 to 400.0 °C 0.0 to 750.0°F
R 7 0 to 1,700°C 0 to 3,000 °F
S 8 0 to 1,700°C 0 to 3,000 °F
B 9 100 to 1,800°C 300 to 3,200 °F

The factory setting is 0.

Platinum Resistance
Thermometer Input Types
Sensor Type Input type Temperature ranges
setting Centigrade Farenheit
Platinum Pt100 0 −200.0 to 650.0°C −300.0 to 1,200.0°F
resistance JPt100 1 −200.0 to 650.0°C −300.0 to 1,200.0°F
---- 2 to 9 Do not set 2 through 9.

Selecting the Temperature Units Section 3-2

3-2 Selecting the Temperature Units

The Temperature Control Unit can operate in °C or °F. Select the desired tem-
perature units with pin 2 of the DIP switch on the front of the Unit.
The temperature unit setting applies to all of the Unit’s control loops. It is not
possible to set different temperature unit settings for the control loops.

3-2-1 Temperature Unit Setting (Pin 2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin 2

Temperature unit Setting


The factory setting is OFF (°C), as shown by the shading in the diagram above.
If this setting is changed, the new setting will not become effective until the
power is turned ON or the Unit is restarted.

3-3 Setting the Data Format

A switch on the front of the Unit (pin 3 of the DIP switch) selects whether the
Temperature Control Unit’s data is handled as 4-digit BCD or binary (i.e., 4-digit
hexadecimal.) This switch setting controls the data format for both user-set and
system-set data stored in the words allocated in the memory areas (CIO and
DM Areas) used to exchange data between the CPU Unit and Temperature
Control Unit.

3-3-1 Setting the Data Format (Pin 3)

Selecting Binary
Pin 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Data format Setting

4-digit BCD OFF

Binary ON

The factory setting is OFF (4-digit BCD), as shown by the shading in the dia-
gram above.
If this setting is changed, the new setting will not become effective until the
power is turned ON or the Unit is restarted.

Selecting the Control Operation (Forward/Reverse) Section 3-4

3-4 Selecting the Control Operation (Forward/Reverse)

3-4-1 Forward (Cooling)/Reverse (Heating)
With forward operation (cooling), the manipulated variable is increased as the
PV increases. With reverse operation (heating), the manipulated variable is
increased as the PV decreases.
Manipulated variable Manipulated variable

100% 100%

0% 0%

Low SV High Low SV High

temperature temperature temperature temperature

Forward operation Reverse operation

For example, when heating control is being performed and the present tem-
perature (PV) is lower than the set point (SP), the manipulated variable is
increased proportionally as the difference between the PV and SP increases.
Consequently, heating control uses “reverse operation” and cooling control
uses “forward operation.”
Set reverse operation or forward operation with pins 4 and 5 of the Unit’s DIP
switch. Pin 4 controls the operation of loops 1 and 3; pin 5 controls the opera-
tion of loops 2 and 4.

3-4-2 Setting the Control Operation (Pins 4 and 5)

Example Setting If pin 4 is turned OFF and pin 5 is turned ON, loops 1 and 3 will be set for
reverse operation (heating) and loops 2 and 4 will be set for forward operation
The following diagram shows pins 4 and 5 set to their factory settings (OFF),
which sets reverse operation (heating) for all loops.
If this setting is changed during operation, the new setting will not become
effective until the power is turned ON or the Unit is restarted.

Pins 4 and 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Control Operation Setting

Reverse OFF
Forward ON

Selecting PID Control or ON/OFF Control Section 3-5

3-5 Selecting PID Control or ON/OFF Control

A switch on the front of the Unit (pin 6 of the DIP switch) selects whether the
Temperature Control Unit uses ON/OFF control or PID control with 2 degrees
of freedom.
The control method setting applies to all of the Unit’s control loops. It is not
possible to set different control method settings for the control loops.
If the control method setting is changed during operation, the new setting will
not become effective until the power is turned OFF and ON again.

Pin 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Control method Setting

PID control OFF
ON/OFF control ON

The factory setting is OFF (PID control), as shown in the diagram above.

3-5-1 Setting the Control Method (Pin 6)

PID Control with Two With PID control, it is necessary to set the proportional band (P), integral time
Degrees of Freedom (I), and derivative time (D). These settings can be made automatically with
autotuning or manually. Refer to 3-9 Setting the PID Constants for more
details on the PID constants.
ON/OFF Control With ON/OFF control, the control output will be ON when the PV is below the
SV. The control output will be OFF when the PV is at or above the SV. (This is
the operation when the Unit is set for reverse operation. This operation will
work in the opposite way for forward operation.)

3-6 Setting the Control Period

• This setting determines the output period (control period) for PID control.
System control will improve with a shorter control period, but if you are
using relays for heater control, we recommend setting a control period of
at least 20 s to increase the relay’s lifetime. If necessary, the control
period can be adjusted during trial operation.
• Set the control period in the corresponding word of the Operating Param-
eters in the DM words allocated to the Unit. (See the following table.) A
standard setting is 2 s, but the default setting is 20 s.
• Each control loop has a separate control period setting.

3-6-1 Control Period Settings

Setting the Loop 1 To set the control period for loop 1 to 2 s, set word DM (m+13) to 0002. The
Control Period to 2 s control periods are set in seconds and the default setting is 20 s.
DM word Setting Setting ranges
BCD Binary
D (m+13) Loop 1 control period 0001 to 0099 0001 to 0063
D (m+23) Loop 2 control period 0001 to 0099 0001 to 0063
D (m+53) Loop 3 control period 0001 to 0099 0001 to 0063
D (m+63) Loop 4 control period 0001 to 0099 0001 to 0063

Setting the Set Point Section 3-7

Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

3-7 Setting the Set Point

3-7-1 Setting the SP
Set the set point (SP) in the corresponding word of the Operation Data in the
CIO words allocated to the Unit. (See the following table.)
When setting the set point, use the data format set with pin 3 of the DIP switch
on the front of the Unit. The temperature units are set on pin 2 of the DIP
switch and the default setting is 0 s or 0.0 s.
CIO word Setting Setting ranges
BCD Binary
CIO (n) Loop 1 SP (set point) The setting ranges depend on the input type
CIO (n+1) Loop 2 SP (set point) set with the Input Type Switch on the front of
the Unit. Refer to 2-3-5 Setting the Input Type.
CIO (n+10) Loop 3 SP (set point)
CIO (n+11) Loop 4 SP (set point)

Example To change the loop 1 set point from 0 to 200°C, write a value of 0200 to CIO
word n if the Unit’s data format is set to BCD or write a value of 00C8 to CIO
word n if the Unit’s data format is set to binary.
Note Changing the set point is not enough to start temperature control, it is also
necessary for the Stop Bit for that loop to be OFF. See 3-12 Starting and Stop-
ping Temperature Control for details.
Starting CIO Area Word The starting CIO Area word (n) for a Special I/O Unit is:
n = 2000 + (10 × unit number)

3-8 Using ON/OFF Control

With ON/OFF control, you set a set point in advance. During reverse opera-
tion, the Temperature Controller will turn OFF the control output when the set
point is reached. When the control output goes OFF, the system temperature
will begin to drop and the control output will be turned ON again when the sys-
tem temperature falls below the set point. This ON/OFF operation is repeated
around the set point.
The control sensitivity setting determines how far the system temperature has
to fall below the set point before the control output is turned ON again. Also,
the control operation setting determines whether the Unit operates with for-
ward operation (cooling) or reverse operation (heating). With forward opera-
tion, the manipulated variable increases as the PV increases; with reverse
operation, the manipulated variable decreases as the PV increases.

3-8-1 ON/OFF Control Operation

Pin 6 of the DIP switch on the front of the Unit selects whether the Tempera-
ture Control Unit uses ON/OFF control or PID control with 2 degrees of free-
dom. The Unit will use PID control if pin 6 is OFF; it will use ON/OFF control if
pin 6 is ON. The factory setting is PID control.
Control Sensitivity In ON/OFF control, the ON and OFF switching creates a stable hysteresis
loop. The width of the hysteresis loop is called the control sensitivity.

Setting the PID Constants Section 3-9

Control sensitivity (heating)


Set point

3-8-2 Required Settings

The control method, set point, and control sensitivity must be set to use ON/
OFF control.

Example Settings In this example, ON/OFF control is used for loop 1. The set point is 200°C and
the control sensitivity is 2°C.
• Turn ON pin 6 of the DIP switch on the front of the Unit. (The new setting
will be read when the power is turned ON.)
• Set the loop 1 SP to 0200 in CIO word n. See 3-7 Setting the Set Point for
• Set the loop 1 control sensitivity to 2°C in DM word m+14. (Set D (m+14)
to 0020 if the Unit is set for BCD data; set D (m+14) to 0014 if the Unit is
set for binary data.)
The control sensitivity is set in °C or °F and the default setting is 0.8°.
DM word Setting Setting ranges
BCD Binary
D (m+14) Loop 1 control sensitivity 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+24) Loop 2 control sensitivity 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+54) Loop 3 control sensitivity 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+64) Loop 4 control sensitivity 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F

Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

3-9 Setting the PID Constants

3-9-1 Setting PID Constants with Autotuning
The autotuning (AT) function can be used to automatically calculate the opti-
mal PID constants for the set point during operation. This Temperature Con-
trol Unit uses the limit cycle method, which determines the controlled system’s
characteristics by forcibly changing the manipulated variable.

Using the Autotuning

Starting Autotuning • To start autotuning, turn the Start AT Bit from OFF to ON. The Start AT Bit
is in the Special I/O Unit Area words allocated to the Temperature Control
Unit in the CIO Area.
• When autotuning is completed, you must replace the current PID con-
stants with the calculated PID constants in order for the Unit to operate
with the calculated PID constants. The Unit stores the calculated PID con-
stants in the input area of the Operating Parameters in the DM words allo-
cated to the Unit and turns ON the PID Constants Calculated Flag at the

Setting the PID Constants Section 3-9

same time. Use this flag as an input condition in the CPU Unit’s ladder
program and transfer the PID constants from the Operating Parameters’
input area to the word in the output area where the PID constants are
After the PID constants have been transferred, turn the Change PID Con-
stants Bit from OFF to ON. Toggling this control bit causes the Tempera-
ture Controller’s PID constants to be refreshed with the new PID constants
in the output area.
Note Autotuning cannot be started if the Unit is stopped or using ON/OFF control
Stopping Autotuning • To stop autotuning, turn the Stop AT Bit from OFF to ON. The Stop AT Bit
is in the Special I/O Unit Area words allocated to the Temperature Control
Unit in the CIO Area.
• Only the Stop Bit and Stop AT Bit settings can be changed while autotun-
ing is being executed. Settings changed during autotuning will be enabled
when autotuning is completed.
• If the Stop Bit is turned ON while autotuning is being executed, autotuning
will be interrupted and operation will stop. Autotuning will not restart when
operation is restarted with the Stop Bit.

3-9-2 Setting PID Constants Manually

The PID constants can be set manually by setting the desired values for the
proportional band (P), integral time (I), and derivative time (D) in the corre-
sponding words of the Operating Parameters in the DM words allocated to the

Note 1. When you already know the system’s control characteristics, set the PID
constants directly to adjust the control characteristics. Set the three PID
constants: The proportional band (P), integral time (I), and derivative time
2. The Unit will operate with basic proportional operation if the integral time
(I) and derivative time (D) are set to 0. If the default settings are used, the
proportional band will produce a manipulated variable of 0.0% at the set

3-9-3 Example PID Control Application

Procedure In this example, autotuning is executed for loop 1 and loop 1 operates using
PID control with two degrees of freedom.

1,2,3... 1. Start autotuning by turning ON the Loop 1 Start AT Bit (bit 02 of CIO (n+2)).
2. When autotuning is completed, the calculated PID constants are stored in
the input area of the Operating Parameters in the DM words allocated to
the Unit. (The calculated PID constants are transferred from Temperature
Control Unit to CPU Unit.) At the same time, the PID Constants Calculated
Flag (bit 10 of CIO (n+8)) is turned ON.
Use the PID Constants Calculated Flag as an input condition in the ladder
program and copy the calculated PID constants to the output area of the
DM words allocated to the Unit.
3. After the PID constants have been transferred to the output area by the lad-
der program, turn ON the Change PID Constants Bit (bit 13 of CIO (n+2)).
The PID constants in the output area will be read by the Temperature Con-
trol Unit.

Setting the PID Constants Section 3-9

The PID Constants Calculated Flag will be turned OFF automatically when
you turn ON the Change PID Constants Bit.
Refer to Appendix B Sample Programs for an example ladder program that
performs the steps outlined above.
Timing Chart
Start AT Bit

AT in progress
The PID constants haven’t
been refreshed from the
Automatic CPU Unit if this bit is ON.
Set to 1 by the system completed.
PID Constants after calculations are
Calculated Flag completed.
(System-controlled.) 0 When this bit goes
ON, the PID Con-
stants Calculated
1 Flag is unlatched
Change PID and goes OFF.
Constants Bit
(User-controlled.) 0

PID Constants in the

input words of DM The PID constants in the Contains the PID The PID constants in the output
Area (CJ1W-TC@@@ output area of DM are the constants calculated by area of DM are the same (the
to CPU Unit transfer.) same. autotuning. calculated PID constants.)

Use the PID Constants Calculated Flag as an

input condition to trigger the transfer of the
calculated PID constants from the input words
in DM Area to the output words in DM Area.

PID Constants in output

words of DM Area (CPU PID constants (user PID constants automatically calculated by autotuning
Unit to CJ1W-TC@@@ Output area data read to the Nothing is read to the Output area data read to the
transfer) CJ1W-TC@@@ Unit’s RAM by Unit’s RAM during this CJ1W-TC@@@ Unit’s RAM by
I/O refreshing. interval. I/O refreshing.

Effects of Changes to the The following tables show the effects on the PV when each PID constant is
PID Constants changed (increased or decreased.)
• Changing P (The Proportional Band)
Increasing P It will take longer to reach the
set point (SP), but the process
value (PV) will not overshoot.

Decreasing P SP The PV will overshoot and there

will be hunting, but the PV will
reach the SP quickly.

• Changing I (The Integral Time)

Increasing I SP Increases the time required to
reach the SP, but reduces hunt-
ing, overshooting, and under-

Decreasing I SP Overshooting and undershoot-

ing will occur.
Hunting will occur.
The PV will rise quickly.

Using the Alarm Output Function Section 3-10

• Changing D (The Derivative Time)

Increasing D SP
Overshooting, undershooting,
and the set time are reduced,
but hunting will occur from small
changes in the system itself.

Decreasing D Overshooting and undershoot-

ing are increased. It takes time
to return to the SP.

3-10 Using the Alarm Output Function

This section explains the alarm modes, standby sequence, and alarm values.

3-10-1 Setting the Alarm Mode

There are two alarm outputs for each loop and any of the following nine alarm
modes can be selected for each alarm’s operation.
To use the alarm output function, set the corresponding alarm mode setting in
the Initialization Data words allocated in the DM Area to the Temperature Con-
trol Unit.
Note If the alarm mode setting is changed, the new setting will not become effective
until the power is turned ON again or the Unit is restarted. Always turn the
power supply OFF and ON again or restart the Unit after changing the alarm

Alarm Modes In the following diagrams, the “X” indicates the alarm SV. The initial value is
Setting Alarm mode Alarm output function
Alarm SV (X) is positive Alarm SV (X) is negative
0 No alarm Output OFF
1 Upper and lower-limit alarm X X Always ON

2 Upper-limit alarm X X

3 Lower-limit alarm X X

4 Upper and lower-limit range XX Always OFF

alarm ON

5 Upper and lower-limit alarm X X Always OFF

with standby sequence ON

6 Upper-limit alarm with standby X X

sequence ON ON

Using the Alarm Output Function Section 3-10

Setting Alarm mode Alarm output function

Alarm SV (X) is positive Alarm SV (X) is negative
7 Lower-limit alarm with standby X X
sequence ON ON

8 Absolute-value upper-limit X X
alarm ON ON
0 0

9 Absolute-value lower-limit X X
alarm ON ON
0 0

3-10-2 Setting the Alarm Hysteresis

The hysteresis setting controls the ON/OFF switching of the alarm output, as
shown in the following diagram. This setting can be changed in the Initializa-
tion Data words allocated in the DM Area to the Temperature Control Unit.
Upper-limit Lower-limit
alarm alarm
Alarm hysteresis Alarm hysteresis



Alarm SV Alarm SV

The alarm hysteresis can be set independently for each loop’s alarms (alarm
1 and alarm 2) in the Initialization Data Area allocated to the Unit. The standard
setting is 0.2 s.
Note If the alarm hysteresis settings are changed, the new settings will not become
effective until the power is turned ON again or the Unit is restarted. Always
turn the power supply OFF and ON again or restart the Unit after changing
these settings.

3-10-3 Setting the Alarm SVs

The alarm SVs are indicated by “X” in the Alarm Modes table on page 60. Set
the alarm SVs in the corresponding words in the output area of the DM Area
words allocated to the Unit. (See 3-10-5 Summary of Alarm Output Function
Settings for the actual DM addresses of these words.)

■ About the Standby Sequence

The “standby sequence” disables the alarm output during Unit initialization,
i.e., until the PV leaves the alarm range. The alarm output will function the
next time the PV enters the alarm range.
For example with the standard “lower-limit alarm” mode, the PV is usually
lower than the set point when the power is turned ON, so the PV is within the
alarm range and the alarm output goes ON immediately. If Lower-limit Alarm
with Standby Sequence Mode is selected, the alarm will not be output until
after the PV rises above the alarm SP, leaves the alarm range, and then falls
below the alarm SP again.

Using the Alarm Output Function Section 3-10

■ Restarting the Standby Sequence

The standby sequence will be cleared once the PV leaves the alarm range,
but the standby sequence will restart (reset) in the following situations:
• At the start of operation (when power is turned ON or the Unit is restarted)
• When the alarm SV, input calculated values, or set point is changed
• When the Output OFF Bit turns OFF
■ Summary of Alarm Operation
The following timing chart shows the operation of alarms with a standby
sequence. In this example, the alarm mode is Upper and Lower-limit Alarm
with Standby Sequence.
Alarm mode: Upper and Lower-limit Alarm with Standby Sequence

Alarm SV
Alarm goes OFF
by hysteresis

Alarm goes OFF
by hysteresis

Alarm SV
(lower) Output disabled by
standby sequence
Alarm output

3-10-4 Example Alarm Settings

Alarm Mode and The alarm mode and alarm hysteresis for loops 1 and 2 are set as shown in
Alarm Hysteresis the following table.
Loop Alarm Alarm mode Hysteresis
Loop 1 Alarm 1 3: Lower-limit alarm 2.0°C
Alarm 2 2: Upper-limit alarm 0.5°C
Loop 2 Alarm 1 1: Upper and lower-limit alarm 1.0°C
Alarm 2 8: Absolute-value lower-limit alarm 2.0°C

1,2,3... 1. DM Area word m contains the loop 1 alarm mode and loop 2 alarm mode.
Set D (m) to 3218.
2. DM Area words m+2 through m+5 contain the alarm hysteresis settings for
loop 1 and loop 2. Set the appropriate values for the hysteresis based on
the data format (BCD or binary) set for the Unit.
3. To enable the new settings, restart the Unit or turn the power OFF and then
ON again.

Loop 2, Alarm 1 SV DM Area word m+20 contains the loop 2 alarm 1 SV. To set this alarm SV to
20°C, set this word to 0020 if the data format is BCD or 0014 if the data format
is binary.

Using the Heater Burnout Alarm Section 3-11

3-10-5 Summary of Alarm Output Function Settings

DM address Loop Setting Data format Units Initial
Word Bits BCD Binary value
D (m+0) 12 to 15 Loop 1 Alarm 1 mode 0 to 9 --- --- 0000
08 to 11 Alarm 2 mode 0 to 9 ---
04 to 07 Loop 2 Alarm 1 mode 0 to 9 ---
00 to 03 Alarm 2 mode 0 to 9 ---
D (m+1) 12 to 15 Loop 3 Alarm 1 mode 0 to 9 --- --- 0000
08 to 11 Alarm 2 mode 0 to 9 ---
04 to 07 Loop 4 Alarm 1 mode 0 to 9 ---
00 to 03 Alarm 2 mode 0 to 9 ---
D (m+2) 00 to 15 Loop 1 Alarm 1 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F °C or °F 0.0
D (m+3) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+4) 00 to 15 Loop 2 Alarm 1 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+5) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+6) 00 to 15 Loop 3 Alarm 1 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+7) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+8) 00 to 15 Loop 4 Alarm 1 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+9) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 hysteresis 0000 to 9999 0000 to 270F
D (m+10) 00 to 15 Loop 1 Alarm 1 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28 °C or °F 0 or 0.0
D (m+11) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28
D (m+20) 00 to 15 Loop 2 Alarm 1 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28 °C or °F 0 or 0.0
D (m+21) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28
D (m+50) 00 to 15 Loop 3 Alarm 1 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28 °C or °F 0 or 0.0
D (m+51) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28
D (m+60) 00 to 15 Loop 4 Alarm 1 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28 °C or °F 0 or 0.0
D (m+61) 00 to 15 Alarm 2 SV F999 to 9999 C3D8 to 3C28

Starting DM Area Word The starting DM Area word (m) for a Special I/O Unit is calculated as follows:
m = 20000 + (100 × unit number)

3-11 Using the Heater Burnout Alarm

3-11-1 Heater Burnout Detection
• Follow this procedure to detect heater burnout (an open heating wire).
To the CT terminals

Heater wire

1,2,3... 1. Pass the heater wire through the hole in the Current Transformer (CT). Re-
fer to Current Transformer (CT) Ratings on page 14 and Appendix A Di-
mensions for details on the Current Transformer’s specifications, model
numbers, and dimensions.
2. When current flows through the heater wire, it induces an AC current in the
Current Transformer (CT) that is proportional to the current in the heater

Using the Heater Burnout Alarm Section 3-11

wire. The current flowing through the heater can be determined from the
current induced in the CT.
3. The current will drop if there is a heater burnout and the heater burnout
alarm (HB output) will be turned ON if the current falls below the preset
heater burnout current.
4. The HB output is a latched output. To release the latch (i.e., turn OFF the
HB output), either set the heater burnout current to 0.0, turn the power OFF
and ON again, or restart the Temperature Control Unit.

Note 1. Do not use any CT other than the OMRON E54-CT1 or E54-CT3 Current
2. Set the desired heater burnout detection current in the Heater Burnout
Current word. The value in the Heater Current Monitor word can be used
to check the CT’s current.
3. Set the heater burnout current to 0.0 if you are not using the heater burnout
detection function.
4. The heater burnout current is set independently for each loop.

3-11-2 Operating Conditions

• Connect the CT and pass the heater wire through the CT in advance.
• Turn ON the heater’s power supply before the Temperature Control Unit or
turn ON both at the same time. The heater burnout alarm will be output if
the heater’s power supply is turned ON after the Temperature Control
• Temperature control will continue even if a heater burnout is detected, so
that the Unit can continue controlling heaters that have not burned out.
• Heater burnout detection will operate when the control output has been
ON continuously for more than 200 ms.
• Sometimes the heater’s rated current does not match the current that
actually flows through the heater. Use the heater current monitor to check
the current during actual use.
• Heater burnout detection will be unstable if there is only a small difference
between the normal current and heater burnout current. For stable opera-
tion, set a minimum difference of 1.0 A with heaters drawing less than
10.0 A or a minimum difference of 2.5 A with heaters drawing more than
10.0 A
• The heater burnout detection function cannot be used if the heater is
being controlled with the position control method or cycle control method.
Also, the heater burnout detection function cannot be used with three-
phase heaters.
Note To detect heater burnout in a three-phase heater, use a K2CU-F @@A-@GS
(with gate input terminals). Refer to the catalog for more details.

Using the Heater Burnout Alarm Section 3-11

3-11-3 Determining the Heater Burnout Current

• Use the following equation to calculate the average of the normal current
and the current with a heater burnout:
Current in normal operation + current after heater burnout
SV =

• If more than one heater is connected through the CT, set the heater burn-
out current to the current induced when the heater with the smallest cur-
rent consumption is burned out. If the heaters all consume the same
current, set the heater burnout current to the current induced when one of
the heaters is burned out.
• The difference between the normal current and the heater burnout current
must meet the following minimum levels:
Heaters drawing less than 10.0 A:
Normal current − current with heater burnout ≥ 1.0 A
(Operation will be unstable with a difference less than 1.0 A.)
Heaters drawing 10.0 A or more:
Normal current − current with heater burnout ≥ 2.5 A
(Operation will be unstable with a difference less than 2.5 A.)
• The setting range for the heater burnout current is 0.1 to 49.9 A. Heater
burnout will not be detected if the heater burnout current is set to 0.0 or
50.0 A. The heater burnout alarm will be OFF if the heater burnout current
is set to 0.0; it will be ON if the heater burnout current is set to 50.0.
• The total heater current during normal operation must not exceed 50.0 A.

3-11-4 Example Applications

Control output Example 1:
In this example, a single 1-kW 200-VAC
heater is controlled through OUT1.
1 kW
200 VAC Normal current = = 5 A (< 10 A)
Current when control output is OFF = 0 A
SV = = 2.5 A
Normal current - control-OFF current = 5 - 0 A = 5 A
(Operation will be stable with difference ≥ 1.0 A.)

Control output Example 2:

In this example, three 1-kW 200-VAC
heaters are controlled through OUT2.

1 kW × 3 1,000 × 3
200 VAC Normal current = = 15 A (≥ 10 A)
CT 1,000 × 2
Current with 1 burnout = = 10 A
15 + 10
SV = = 12.5 A
Normal current - control-OFF current = 15 - 10 A = 5 A
(Operation will be stable with difference ≥ 2.5 A.)

Starting and Stopping Temperature Control Section 3-12

3-12 Starting and Stopping Temperature Control

3-12-1 Run/Stop Control
To start temperature control for a loop that has been stopped, turn OFF the
corresponding Stop Bit in the output area of the CIO Area words allocated to
the Temperature Control Unit. To stop temperature control for the loop, turn
ON the Stop Bit.
• The initial setting of the Stop Bits is OFF (running).
• There is a separate Stop Bit for each loop.
Starting Loop 1 and To start control in loop 1 and stop control in loop 2, turn OFF the Loop 1 Stop
Stopping Loop 2 Bit (bit 06 of CIO word n+2) and turn ON the Loop 2 Stop Bit (bit 04 of CIO
word n+2).
Bit CIO word
CIO n+2 CIO n+12
15 Loop 1 Save Bit Loop 3 Save Bit
14 Loop 2 Save Bit Loop 4 Save Bit
13 Loop 1 Change PID Constants Loop 3 Change PID Constants
Bit Bit
12 Loop 2 Change PID Constants Loop 4 Change PID Constants
Bit Bit
11 0 0
10 0 0
09 0 0
08 0 0
07 Loop 1 0 Loop 3 0
06 Stop Bit Stop Bit
05 Loop 2 0 Loop 4 0
04 Stop Bit Stop Bit
03 Loop 1 Stop AT Bit Loop 3 Stop AT Bit
02 Start AT Bit Start AT Bit
01 Loop 2 Stop AT Bit Loop 4 Stop AT Bit
00 Start AT Bit Start AT Bit

3-13 Precautions for Operation

When the IOM Hold Bit is ON, consider the status of external loads because
the output bits will not be cleared when the PC is switched to PROGRAM
mode from RUN or MONITOR mode.

!Caution It takes approximately 4 seconds for outputs from the Temperature Control
Unit (control outputs and heater burnout alarm output) to go ON after the PC
is turned ON. This delay must be taken into account if the Temperature Con-
trol Unit is being incorporated in an external sequence circuit.

Optional Settings

This section explains how to use the input compensation value.

4-1 Shifting the Input Value (Input Compensation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4-2 Recovering from Sensor Not Connected Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4-3 Application without a Cycle Refresh with the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Shifting the Input Value (Input Compensation) Section 4-1

4-1 Shifting the Input Value (Input Compensation)

• The input value is shifted by the “input compensation value” for all points
in the sensor’s range. For example, if the input compensation value is set
to 1.2°C and the original process value is 200°C, the value after compen-
sation will be 201.2°C.

limit After
Input tion
100% FS

• The initial setting of the input compensation value is 0.0 for all loops.
Example Application
1,2,3... 1. In the following diagram, the temperature sensor is some distance from the
workpiece that is being controlled and the reading from the temperature
sensor must be adjusted to reflect the actual temperature at the workpiece.
(The reading from thermometer (B) shows the true temperature at the
workpiece (C).)
2. The input compensation value is just the difference between the work-
piece’s temperature (B) and the Temperature Control Unit’s reading (A).
Figure 2 shows the process values before and after compensation.
Input Compensation Value = Workpiece’s temp. (B) - Unit’s reading (A)
3. After setting the input compensation value, compare the temperature dis-
played on the Unit (A) with the temperature indicated by thermometer (B).
The input compensation value is correct if the two readings are approxi-
mately equal.
(D) Temperature sensor


100 (C) Workpiece temp.

System Configuration

Unit’s temperature (A) Temperature

reading (A) Control Unit
Temperature after After compensation
compensation (e.g., 120°C)
Input compensation value (e.g., 10°C)
Temperature before
compensation (e.g., 110 °C) Before compensation

Lower limit input

compensation value
(e.g., 10°C)
Thermometer reading (B)
SP region
(e.g., 120 °C)
Adjusted Temperature Readings

Recovering from Sensor Not Connected Errors Section 4-2

4-2 Recovering from Sensor Not Connected Errors

If a sensor is not connected for any loop, a sensor error will occur and the
ERC indicator on the front panel of the Unit will light. When necessary, the
control and alarm functions for any loop can be disabled. The following status
will result.
• The ERC indicator will not light to indicate sensor errors for the loop.
(Refer to ERC Indicator Lit and RUN Indicator Lit on page 73.)
• Control will not be performed for the loop.
• Alarms will not be given for the loop.
• Temperatures will not be input for the loop.
To disable both the control and alarm functions for one or more loops, set the
alarm modes 1 and 2 both to F Hex for each loop to be disabled in the Initial-
ization Data in the DM Area as shown in the following table.
DM Area Bits
address 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
D (m) Loop 1 Loop 2
Alarm mode 1 Alarm mode 2 Alarm mode 1 Alarm mode 2
D (m+1) Loop 3 Loop 4
Alarm mode 1 Alarm mode 2 Alarm mode 1 Alarm mode 2

Example: Set bits 00 to 07 to FF Hex of D (m) to disable loop 2

Note The above settings are designed to be used to prevent the ERC indicator from
lighting as a result of a sensor error caused by not connecting a sensor for a
loop. If it is necessary to disable only the control function for a loop while leav-
ing the alarm function enabled, set the alarm modes for the loop and then turn
ON the Stop Bit for the same loop.

4-3 Application without a Cycle Refresh with the CPU Unit

Cyclic refreshing of the Temperature Control can be disabled in the cyclic
refresh settings for Special I/O Units in the PC Setup in the CPU Unit for the
following reasons:
• To shorten the CPU Unit cycle time
• To refresh Operation Data or Operating Parameters using interrupt tasks
or other processing from the ladder program in the CPU Unit.
If cyclic refreshing of Special I/O Units is disabled in the PC Setup, refresh I/O
for the Unit at least once every 11 seconds using the I/O REFRESH instruc-
tion (IORF), being sure to take into consideration the increase in the cycle
time when IORF is executed.
If the I/O data for the Temperature Control Unit is not refreshed at least every
11 seconds, a CPU Unit monitor error will occur in the Temperature Control
Unit (the ERH and RUN indicators will be lit). Control from the Temperature
Control Unit will continue even if a CPU Unit monitor error occurs.

Error and Alarm Processing

This section provides information on troubleshooting and error processing.

5-1 Error and Alarm Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5-1-1 Identifying Errors with the LED Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5-1-2 Error Processing Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5-1-3 Alarms Detected by the Temperature Control Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5-1-4 Errors Originating in the CPU Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5-1-5 Special I/O Unit Restart Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5-2 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5-2-1 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Measurement Errors . . . . . . . . . 77
5-2-2 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Temperature Control Errors. . . . 79
5-2-3 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Output Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5-2-4 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: HB Alarm Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Error and Alarm Processing Section 5-1

5-1 Error and Alarm Processing

5-1-1 Identifying Errors with the LED Indicators
The ERC Indicator or ERH Indicator will light if an alarm or error occurs in the
Temperature Control Unit.
(Front of Temperature Control Unit)


Indicator Name Color Status Meaning

RUN RUN Indicator Green Lit The Temperature Control Unit is operating normally.
Not lit The Temperature Control Unit is stopped.
ERC Temperature Control Red Lit An error occurred in the Temperature Control Unit itself.
Unit Error Not lit There is no error in the Temperature Control Unit.
ERH CPU Unit Error Red Lit An error occurred in the CPU Unit.
Not lit There is no error in the CPU Unit.

5-1-2 Error Processing Flowchart

Use the following flowchart to identify the error when an error has occurred in
the Temperature Control Unit.

Error occurred.

An alarm occurred while the Unit

was operating.
Yes Is the RUN Indicator lit?
Is the ERC Indicator lit?
Refer to 5-1-3 Alarms Detected by
the Temperature Control Unit.

No No
Confirm that the Unit’s Initialization
Data is correct.

Refer to 5-1-3 Alarms Detected by

the Temperature Control Unit.

An error occurred in the CPU Unit.

Yes Yes
Is the ERH Indicator lit? Is the RUN Indicator lit?
Refer to 5-1-4 Errors Originating in
the CPU Unit.

No No
Confirm that the Unit’s unit number
setting is correct.

Refer to 5-1-4 Errors Originating in

the CPU Unit.

Refer to 5-2 Troubleshooting.

Error and Alarm Processing Section 5-1

5-1-3 Alarms Detected by the Temperature Control Unit

The ERC Indicator will light when an alarm occurs that is detected by the
Temperature Control Unit itself. The corresponding error flag will be turned
ON in the Unit’s Special I/O Unit Area. A separate CIO word is allocated to
each loop, as shown in the following table.
Bit CIO word
n+8 n+9 n+18 n+19
15 Save Completed Save Completed Save Completed Save Completed
14 Sensor Error Sensor Error Sensor Error Sensor Error
13 CT Overflow CT Overflow 0 0
12 Fatal Control Error Fatal Control Error Fatal Control Error Fatal Control Error
11 Standby Standby Standby Standby
10 PID Constants PID Constants PID Constants PID Constants
Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated
09 Loop 1 Setting Error Loop 2 Setting Error Loop 3 Setting Error Loop 4 Setting Error
08 status Stop status Stop status Stop status Stop
07 0 0 0 0
06 0 0 0 0
05 0 0 0 0
04 Control Output Control Output Control Output Control Output
02 HB HB 0 0
01 AL1 AL1 AL1 AL1
00 AL2 AL2 AL2 AL2

ERC Indicator Lit and RUN Indicator Lit

ERH Not lit

These alarms indicate that an incorrect operation was performed while the Unit
was operating normally. These alarms are cleared automatically when the
cause of the alarm is corrected.
If pin 1 of the Temperature Control Unit’s DIP Switch is OFF (stop operation
when CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode), the RUN Indicator will be OFF when
the CPU Unit is in PROGRAM mode.I
Bit Alarm name Cause Control status Processing
Bit 14 Sensor Error An input error has Control operation continues. Check the corresponding loop for incor-
occurred. (Output OFF.) rect input wiring, short circuit, and incor-
Alarm operates as if the tem- rect input type setting.
perature is out of range.
Bit 13 CT Overflow The heater current Control operation continues. The corresponding loop’s heater current
is above 55.0 A. value will be correct when the current is
within range.
Bit 09 Setting Error There is an error in The incorrect setting will be Check the corresponding loop’s “Setting
a setting. ignored and operation will Error Number” in CIO (n+7) or
continue with the settings CIO (n+17). Correct the indicated setting.
retained in the Unit.
Bit 02 Heater Burnout A heater circuit has Control operation continues. Check the corresponding loop’s heater
burned out. and repair the heater where the burnout

Error and Alarm Processing Section 5-1

Starting CIO Area Word The starting CIO Area word (n) for a Special I/O Unit is:
n = 2000 + (10 × unit number)

■ Setting Error Numbers

Setting error Setting name Priority

0 No incorrect settings -
1 Alarm mode 1 1
2 Alarm mode 2 2
3 Alarm 1 hysteresis 3
4 Alarm 2 hysteresis 4
5 Set point 5
6 Alarm 1 SV 6
7 Alarm 2 SV 7
8 Input compensation value 8
9 Control period 9
A Control sensitivity 10
B Proportional band 11
C Integral time 12
D Derivative time 13
E Heater burnout current 14
F Not allocated. 15

When there are errors in two or more settings, the setting error number with
the highest priority will be stored.

ERC Indicator Lit and RUN Indicator Not Lit

ERH Not lit

These alarms indicate that there is an error in the Unit’s Initialization Data.
When one of these alarms occurs, correct the cause of the alarm and then
clear the alarm by turning the power ON again or turning ON and OFF the Tem-
perature Control Unit’s Restart Bit.
Error Cause Control status Processing
Hardware Check An error occurred in the Control operation Turn the power ON again or restart the Unit.
Error Unit’s peripheral hardware. will stop. If the error is in EEPROM, turn ON pin 7 of the
Unit’s DIP Switch to initialize the settings.
If these steps do not clear the error, repair or
replace the Unit.
Temperature Control An error occurred in the Control operation Check the connections at the cold-junction com-
Stopped Error cold-junction compensator. will stop. pensator on the terminal block and turn the
power ON again or restart the Unit.
DM Setting Error There is an error in the Ini- Control operation Check the location of the error in word n+7 or
(Initialization Data) tialization Data settings. will stop. n+17, correct the initialization data (alarm mode
or alarm hysteresis), and then turn the power ON
again or restart the Unit.

Error and Alarm Processing Section 5-1

5-1-4 Errors Originating in the CPU Unit

The ERH Indicator will light when the Temperature Control Unit cannot oper-
ate normally because I/O refreshing is not being performed properly with Spe-
cial I/O Units. An error in the CPU Unit or I/O bus can interfere with I/O

ERH Indicator Lit and RUN Indicator Lit


ERH Not lit

The ERH and RUN Indicators will both be lit when I/O refreshing is not being
performed properly. Refer to the CJ-series PCs Operation Manual for details.
Error Cause Control status Processing
CPU Unit Monitor A response was not Control operation Check the I/O refreshing interval.
Error returned from the CPU Unit will continue.
within the fixed interval.

ERH Indicator Lit and RUN Indicator Not Lit


ERH Not lit

If a WDT (watchdog timer) error occurred in the CPU Unit because the Tem-
perature Control Unit’s unit number was set incorrectly or there was an error in
the I/O bus, the ERH Indicator will light since I/O refreshing will not be per-
formed properly with the Temperature Control Unit.
Error Cause Control status Processing
Unit Number Dupli- The Temperature Control Unit’s unit number is Control operation Correct the unit number set-
cation Error duplicated on another Special I/O Unit or is not will stop. tings. Turn the power ON
within the allowed range (00 to 94). again or restart the Unit.
(The Temperature Control Unit occupies 20
words in the Special I/O Unit Area, so it is also
possible that these allocated words overlap.)
Special I/O Unit An installed Special I/O Unit does not match
Setup Error the Special I/O Unit registered in the I/O table.
I/O Bus Error An error occurred in the transfer of data Check that the sliding latches
between the CPU Unit and another Unit. connect all of the Units
CPU Unit WDT Error An error occurred in the CPU Unit securely and the End Cover is
locked. Turn the power ON
again or restart the Unit.

5-1-5 Special I/O Unit Restart Bits

After changing the contents of DM settings or eliminating the cause of an
error, the Unit must be restarted by turning the PC’s power ON again or tog-
gling (OFF→ON→OFF) the corresponding Special I/O Unit Restart Bit.

Troubleshooting Section 5-2

Special I/O Unit Restart Bits

Bit Function Remarks

A50200 Unit 0 Restart Bit The corresponding Special I/O Unit will
A50201 Unit 1 Restart Bit restart when its Restart Bit is turned ON and
: :
: :
A50215 Unit 15 Restart Bit
A50300 Unit 16 Restart Bit
: :
: :
A50714 Unit 94 Restart Bit

Note When an error cannot be cleared by turning ON the PC or toggling the Unit’s
Special I/O Unit Restart Bit, refer to 5-1 Error and Alarm Processing for details
on correcting the cause of the error.

5-2 Troubleshooting
If some problem develops with the Temperature Control Unit, use the following
procedure to isolate and correct the problem.

Check LED Indicators. Check the Temperature Controller Unit’s operating status with the
LED Indicators.
Follow the procedures described in 5-1 Error and Alarm Processing
to isolate and correct any problems indicated by the LED Indicators.

Check the switch settings and wiring.

Check switch settings
and wiring. • Power Supply
1. Is the power supply ON?
2. Is the voltage at the terminals within the allowed range?
• Switches
Are the switch settings correct for the system you are using?
• Wiring
1. Is the terminal block wiring correct?
2. Is the polarity correct (not reversed)?
3. Are any power lines disconnected?
4. Are any of the systems wires and cables broken or shorted?

Troubleshoot from If the system checks did not reveal the source of the problem, try to
symptoms. isolate the problem from the symptoms using the tables on the
following pages.

Troubleshooting Section 5-2

5-2-1 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Measurement Errors

Incorrect Measurement or No Measurement
Step Possible Cause Remedy
Connection The temperature sensor is connected to the wrong Wire temperature sensor correctly.
terminals or polarity is reversed.
The temperature sensor connected to the Temper- Replace the temperature sensor with one that is com-
ature Control Unit is not compatible with the Unit. patible with the Temperature Control Unit.
The temperature sensor wires are broken, short- Replace the temperature sensor with a good one.
circuited, or damaged.
No temperature sensor is connected. Connect a temperature sensor.
The compensating conductor being used is not • Directly connect a thermocouple with long lead wires.
compatible with the thermocouple. • Use a compensating conductor that is compatible
with the thermocouple.
Some equipment is connected between the ther- The equipment used for connections must be made
mocouple and Temperature Control Unit that uses specifically for use with thermocouples.
metal different than the metal in the compensating
conductor or thermocouple.
The terminal screws are loose so there is poor Tighten the terminal screws.
contact between the wires and terminals.
The thermocouple’s lead wires or the compensat- • Use thicker compensating conductors.
ing conductors are too long, so the resistance in • Change the wiring location to reduce the length of the
the wires is affecting operation. wiring.
The conductors between the temperature sensor Use conductors with the same resistance for the A, B,
and the Temperature Control Unit’s terminals and B’ terminals.
have three different conductive resistances.
Installation Noise from electric equipment around the Temper- • Move the Temperature Control Unit away from the
ature Control Unit is affecting operation. equipment that is generating the noise.
• Install surge protectors or noise filters on the equip-
ment that is generating the noise.
The temperature sensor’s leads run close to • Separate the temperature sensor’s leads from the
power lines, so noise is being induced from the power lines.
power lines. • Run the temperature sensor’s leads in a conduit or
duct separate from the one carrying the power lines.
• Do not run the temperature sensor’s leads parallel to
the power lines.
• Reduce the length of the temperature sensor’s leads.
• Use shielded wire for the temperature sensor’s leads.
The temperature sensor is installed too far from Install the temperature sensor in a protective tube
the point being controlled, so the response to tem- closer to the point being controlled.
perature changes is delayed.
The ambient temperature where the Temperature Install the Temperature Control Unit in a location with an
Control Unit is installed exceeds the Unit’s ratings. ambient temperature between 0 and 55°C.
Wireless equipment is being used near the Tem- Shield the Temperature Control Unit.
perature Control Unit.
The temperature around the Temperature Control Move the Temperature Control Unit to a location where
Unit is not uniform because of heat-generating it won’t be affected by heat-generating equipment.
equipment near the Unit.
There is a draft (breeze) on the Temperature Con- Eliminate or block the draft.
trol Unit’s terminal block.
Settings The Input Type setting is incorrect. Set the Input Type correctly.
The Temperature Units setting is incorrect. Set the Temperature Units correctly.
The measured temperature appears to be shifted Set the Input Compensation Value to 0.0.
because of the Input Compensation Value setting.
The Data Format setting is incorrect. Check the Data Format set on pin 2 of the DIP switch
The host’s ladder program is incorrect. and correct the ladder program if necessary.

Troubleshooting Section 5-2

Step Possible Cause Remedy

Usage There is a thermocouple input and the input termi- Connect a thermocouple.
nals are shorted.
The temperature sensor was replaced or switch Turn the power OFF and then ON again.
settings were changed while the power was ON.

Here is a simple method to check the temperature sensor inputs:

With a resistance-thermometer Unit, connect a 100-Ω resistor to the A-B
temperature sensor input terminals and short the B-B terminals. The Tem-
perature Control Unit is operating normally if the measured temperature is
at the 0.0°C or 32.0°F level.
With a thermocouple Unit, short the temperature sensor input terminals.
The Temperature Control Unit is operating normally if the measured tem-
perature is the temperature in the vicinity of the terminal block.

Troubleshooting Section 5-2

5-2-2 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Temperature Control Errors

Temperature Does Not Rise
Step Possible Cause Remedy
Connection The measured temperature is incorrect. Refer to 5-2-1 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Mea-
surement Errors for troubleshooting directions.
There is no load connected to the control output Connect a load.
The load’s polarity is reversed or the load is wired Wire the load correctly.
to the wrong terminals.
The terminal screws are loose so there is poor Tighten the terminal screws.
contact between the wires and terminals.
The heater’s power supply is not ON. Turn ON the heater’s power supply.
The heater circuit is burned out or damaged. Replace the heater with a good one.
The heater’s heat output is insufficient. • Replace the heater with one that has a higher output.
• When using two or more heaters, check whether one
is burned out. Replace if necessary.
An overheating protection device is operating. Increase the overheating protection device’s tempera-
ture setting so it is higher than the Temperature Control-
ler Unit’s set point.
Settings The forward operation/reverse operation setting is Correct the setting.
The PID constant settings are not correct. • Perform autotuning.
• Make the correct PID constant settings manually.
Temperature control has not been started. Start temperature control.
A cooling fan is operating. Turn OFF the cooling fan.

Measured Temperature Higher than Control Temperature

Step Possible Cause Remedy
Connection The measured temperature is incorrect. Refer to 5-2-1 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Mea-
surement Errors for troubleshooting directions.
The load is connected to the wrong control loop, Wire the load correctly.
so the heater is being controlled by another loop’s
control output.
The contacts are fused in the relay operated by Replace the relay with a good one.
the control output.
There is a short circuit in the relay operated by the Replace the relay with a good one.
control output.
Current is flowing to the heater because of leak- Connect a bleeder resistor to prevent operation due to
age current through the relay operated by the con- the leakage current.
trol output.
Settings The forward operation/reverse operation setting is Correct the setting.
The PID constant settings are not correct. • Perform autotuning.
• When autotuning is completed, refresh the PID con-
stants properly so that the Unit operates with the cal-
culated PID constants.
• Make the correct PID constant settings manually.
Usage There is excessive overshooting. Refer to Excessive Overshooting or Undershooting on
page 80 for troubleshooting directions.

Troubleshooting Section 5-2

Excessive Overshooting or Undershooting

Step Possible Cause Remedy
Connection The measured temperature is incorrect. Refer to 5-2-1 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Mea-
surement Errors for troubleshooting directions.
A general-purpose temperature sensor is being Change to a sheathed sensor.
used in a system with a very fast heating
Settings The proportional band is narrow because PID • Increase the P constant to a level that produces an
constant P is too small. acceptable response delay.
• Perform autotuning.
The integral time is short because PID constant I • Increase the I constant to a level that produces an
is too small. acceptable response delay.
• Perform autotuning.
The derivative time is short because PID constant • Increase the D constant to a level that produces
D is too small. acceptable stability.
• Perform autotuning.
ON/OFF control is being used. Use P (proportional) control or PID control.
A long control period has been set in a system Reduce the control period.
with a very fast heating response.
Autotuning was performed, but the Temperature Refresh the Temperature Control Unit’s PID constants
Control Unit’s PID constants were not refreshed with the calculated PID constants. Refer to 3-9 Setting
with the calculated PID constants. the PID Constants for details.

Excessive Hunting
The same connection and settings problems can cause overshooting, under-
shooting, and hunting. Refer to Excessive Overshooting or Undershooting on
page 80 for details on possible connection and settings problems.
Step Possible Cause Remedy
Usage The heater’s output is too large for the controlled Use a heater that is suitable for the controlled system.
Something disturbs the system periodically and Arrange the controlled system to minimize external dis-
changes it’s heating requirement. turbances.
Autotuning is in progress. The hunting will stop when autotuning is completed.

Troubleshooting Section 5-2

5-2-3 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Output Errors

No Control Output or No Alarm Output
Step Possible Cause Remedy
Connection The measured temperature is incorrect. Refer to 5-2-1 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: Mea-
surement Errors for troubleshooting directions.
The load’s polarity is reversed or the load is wired Wire the load correctly.
to the wrong terminals.
The connected load exceeds the output ratings. • Use a load within the output’s ratings.
• Repair the load if it is malfunctioning.
A load power supply is not connected to the tran- Provide a power supply that is suitable for the output
sistor output. ratings and load.
The polarity is reversed to the transistor output’s Wire the power supply correctly.
load power supply.
Settings Temperature control has not been started. Turn OFF the Stop Bit.
The wrong loop number is specified. Make settings for the correct loop number.
The loop is disabled. (Alarm mode 1 and alarm Set an alarm mode. Refer to 2-5-5 Initialization Data for
mode 2 are set to FF.) details.
The set point is incorrect. Set the correct set point.
The alarm mode is set to 0 (no alarm). Set the correct alarm mode.
An alarm with a standby sequence has been set. Set an alarm mode without a standby sequence.
A deviation alarm or absolute value alarm has Set the correct alarm mode.
been set incorrectly.

5-2-4 Troubleshooting from Symptoms: HB Alarm Errors

Heater Burnout Not Detected
Step Possible Cause Remedy
Connection A Current Transformer (CT) is not connected. Connect a CT.
The CT is connected to the wrong channel. Input the CT correctly.
The heater is being operating with another output, Change the wiring to control output that corresponds to
i.e., one from an Output Unit. the CT input.
The connected CT is not an OMRON E54-CT1 or CTs other than the OMRON E54-CT1 and E54-CT3
E54-CT3. cannot be used. Connect an E54-CT1 or E54-CT3.
Settings Temperature control has not been started. Start temperature control.
The control output’s ON time is less than 200 ms. The heater burnout alarm will operate when the control
output’s ON time is longer than 200 ms.
The heater’s power supply was turned ON after Start temperature control after the heater’s power sup-
temperature control was started. ply has been turned ON.
The heater burnout current is set to 0.0 or 50.0 A. Set the appropriate heater burnout current between 0.1
and 49.9 A
The heater burnout current is based on the Take an actual measurement of the heater’s current to
heater’s rated current. determine the appropriate heater burnout current.
The heater burnout current from the actual mea- Consider the voltage range of the heater’s power supply
surement is not appropriate. and current measurement error. Set the heater burnout
current again.
Usage The heater current exceeds 50.0 A. Use a heater current of 50.0 A or less.
The heater current is DC. The heater burnout alarm cannot be used with a DC
A pure metallic heater is being used. Take an actual measurement of the heater’s current to
determine the appropriate heater burnout current.

Appendix A

All dimensions are in mm.

CJ1W-TC @@@


7 8
5 6

0 1

2 3

7 8
5 6

0 1

2 3

7 8
5 6

0 1

2 3

Current Transformer (Sold Separately)

E54-CT1 E54-CT3
21 2.36 dia.
2.8 30

12 dia.
5.8 dia.


3 Two M3
Two 3.5 dia. holes Depth 4


Appendix B
Sample Programs

Reading the Process Value

This program reads each loop’s process value (PV) data and stores the data in a DM Area word (D00100 to
D00103 for loops 1 to 4). Each loop’s input value is read by the MOV Instruction when the loop’s Sensor Error
Flag is OFF.

Example Unit Settings

• Unit: CJ1W-TC001 Temperature Control Unit
• Unit number: 00
Note The unit number switches are on the front of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number Switches for details.

Example Program
The Sensor Error Flags are in bit 14 of CIO (n+8), CIO (n+9), CIO (n+18), and CIO (n+19).
CIO 200814 (Loop 1 Sensor Error Flag)

CIO 200914 (Loop 2 Sensor Error Flag) D00100

CIO 201814 (Loop 3 Sensor Error Flag)

CIO 201914 (Loop 4 Sensor Error Flag)

Sample Programs Appendix B

Writing the Set Point

This program writes the set point (SP) for loop 1.

Example Unit Settings

• Unit: CJ1W-TC001 Temperature Control Unit
• Unit number: 00
Note The unit number switches are on the front of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number Switches for details.

Example Program
The Setting Error Flag for loop 1 is bit 09 of CIO (n+8).
Execution condition

Loop 1 Setting Error Flag
200809 Reset condition
Error Flag

Sample Programs Appendix B

Performing Autotuning and Refreshing the PID Constants

This program performs autotuning for loop 1 and refreshes the Temperature Control Unit’s PID constants with
the calculated PID constants.

Example Unit Settings

• Unit: CJ1W-TC001 Temperature Control Unit
• Unit number: 00
Note The unit number switches are on the front of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number Switches for details.

Example Program
condition Loop 1 AT Flag Loop 1 Start AT Bit
(Starts AT) CIO 200803 (See note 1.) CIO 200202 (See note 2.)

Loop 1 AT Flag
CIO 200803 (See note 1.)
AT in Progress
Indicator Flag

Loop 1 PID Constants Calculated Flag

CIO 200810 (See notes 1 and 3.)

Loop 1 Change PID

Constants Bit
CIO 200213

(See notes 2 and 3.)

SET Save
(See note 4.)

Loop 1 Save Completed Flag

CIO 200815 (See notes 1 and 4.)
(See note 4.)

Note 1. The Loop 1 AT Flag is bit 03 of CIO (n+8), the Loop 1 PID Constants Calculated Flag is bit 10 of
CIO (n+8), and the Loop 1 Save Completed Flag is bit 15 or CIO (n+8).
2. The Loop 1 Start AT Bit is bit 02 of CIO (n+2) and the Loop 1 Change PID Constants Bit is bit 13 of
CIO (n+2).
3. The PID Constants Calculated Flag will go OFF when the Change PID Constants Bit is turned ON.
4. If pin 8 of the DIP Switch is set to ON so that the settings in the Unit’s EEPROM are transferred to the
CPU Unit during initialization, always turn ON the loop’s Save Bit to save the new settings to Temper-
ature Control Unit’s EEPROM.

Sample Programs Appendix B

Converting Data from Signed Binary to Signed BCD

This program converts binary setting/monitor values from signed binary (4 digits) to signed BCD (8 digits).
• When the most significant bit (leftmost bit) in a word is 1, that word is treated as 2’s complement binary
• With signed BCD, the leftmost digit indicates the sign (0 for +, F for -) and the remaining 7 digits contain the
BCD value.

Example Unit Settings

• Unit: CJ1W-TC001 Temperature Control Unit
• Unit number: 00 (See note 1.)
• Data format: 16-bit binary (See note 2.)
Note 1. The unit number switches are on the front of the Unit. Refer to 2-3-3 Unit Number Switches for details.
2. Turn ON pin 3 of the DIP switch to select the binary data format.

Example Program
CIO 2003 (Loop 1 PV) CIO 0201 (Result) CIO 0201 (Result)

2 words
2003 16-bit binary data

#0000 Clears the highest
word to 0000.

ANDW(034) If the leftmost bit of the binary data

#8000 is 1 (negative data), this program
section takes the complement of
D00000 the data and writes F000 to the
leftmost result word.
NEG(060) If the leftmost bit is
D00000 1, add 1 and
reverse bit status.

MOV(021) If the leftmost bit is

1, transfer F000 to
the highest word.

Converts to BCD. This instruction converts the 16-bit
binary data to BCD.

Outputs signed
#0002 BCD data to This instruction outputs the signed
CIO 0200 and BCD data to CIO 0200 and
D00000 CIO 0201.
CIO 0201.


precautions, xiv

EC Directives, xvii
Analog Output Unit, 32, 45, 46

operating environment
precautions, xiii

applications, xiv
operating environment, xiii
Programming Console
Analog Output Unit, 32, 45, 46

Special I/O Unit Restart Bits
Analog Output Unit, 31

Analog Output Unit, 32, 45, 46

Revision History

A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.

Cat. No. W396-E1-1

Revision code

The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code Date Revised content
1 June 2001 Original production


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