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PSCAD: SVC Simulation For Transient Stability Improvement.: Augustin Mpanda - ESIEE, Fabrice Foucher - CEDRAT

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PSCAD : SVC simulation for transient stability

Augustin Mpanda - ESIEE, Fabrice Foucher - CEDRAT .

n response to the complexity
and the increase of constraints
required by the electric 1a 1b
networks, fast actuators systems
called FACTS have been developed
in order to ensure the reliability and
flexibility of these networks. One
of these compensation devices, a
reactive power static compensator
(SVC), is studied in this article.
This study is carried out through
numerical simulations performed
with PSCAD/EMTDC software. Voltage control loop including multiple run
It demonstrates the interest component for the improvement of PI regulator
PWM switching and GTO
of such a simulation tool for
teaching and researching.
Figure1a: Regulation loop for the network voltage and Figure 1b: PWM under- PSCAD/
Introduction parameter optimization of PI regulator. EMTDC.

The speed of devices for power

quality improvement (FACTS), of a step down transformer, so the regulator gain in our case) and
which was made possible by the that the network and convertor to choose the optimal combination
evolution of power electronics voltages are in phase. In practice, of values according to the criterion
components, allows for the solving in order to ensure the necessary defined during the configuration
of problems such as voltage stabil- energy exchange (active power) (see figure 2).
ity, transient improvement, oscilla- between the network and the The component is configured
compensator and to reduce the by indicating the number and
tions damping and improvement of
switching losses of the convertor,
the lines performance.
these voltages are not in phase.
Therefore, their simulation is a
Thus, when the converter
great challenge to electrical engi-
voltage leads the network's, the
neering professionals.
active power is transferred from
The PSCAD software, that has got
the compensator towards the
such systems in its own library,
network. The capacitor element
is particularly efficient in this do-
is discharged and therefore the
voltage across the compensator
This article refers to the simulation
decreases and vice versa.
of a SVC (STATCOM) device, used
This phase shift will be used in the
to improve the transient stability
control system to allow the power
of a high power electric generator.
transfer from the compensator
The results of this case study will
towards the network (positive
emphasize the performances of Figure 2a: Multiple-run configuration.
phase shift), in case of over-
the device and the capabilities of
voltage, and the power transfer
the software.
from the network towards the
compensator, in the case of under-
SVC Configuration and voltage. Such a control system
operating principle designed by means of this software
is shown in figure 1a. Figure 1b
There are several variants of a SVC shows the implementation of the
device. The basic configuration switches command (PWM).
consists in a voltage forced At the bottom of figure 1a the
switching convertor, associated component named «multiple run»
to an energy storage component. of the library PSCAD/EMTDC is
The configurations depend on shown. This component is used to
the convertor topology (number optimize the choice of parameters
of levels), the switching control of the PI regulator of the control
(generally PWM or FFS) and the system. This component allows
element of energy storage (a the user to carry out several Figure 2b: PI parameters optimisation.
capacitor in the STATCOM model). simulations by modifying
This device is connected to the dynamically the values of some
parameters (the time constant and (continued on page 7)
high voltage network by means

Number 42 - April 2003 - CEDRAT - CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES - MAGSOFT Corp.


PSCAD : SVC simulation for transient stability

improvement. (continue)
Augustin Mpanda - ESIEE, Fabrice Foucher - CEDRAT .

the variation range of variables

to optimize and by defining
the selection criterion. Then, FAULT
the program runs a simulation
of all possible combinations of
predetermined values and at the STATCOM
end it re-runs the simulation that
corresponds to the optimization AC System
criterion (in our case this is
the minimal error between
the controlled voltage and the
reference). These values are also
GENERATOR 3- Winding Transformer
saved in a simulation report file.

Application example Figure 3: Network modelled with PSCAD/EMTDC.

In order to illustrate the efficiency
of the device and some capabilities
of the software, an example has has been illustrated by means
been simulated with PSCAD/ of the PSCAD/EMTDC software.
EMTDC. The simulated network Due to the elements available in
consists in a generator connected its library, and to its graphical
to an infinite power network by interface, which facilitates the
means of two interconnection lines software understanding, this
in parallel (figure 3). To study the software is a tool enabling to
stability of the generator, a three- manage and access new and
phases short-circuit close enough complex technologies in different
to the generator was simulated. domains.
To evaluate the effect of the Its possible coupling with Matlab/
compensation system, the Simulink gives it high power for
critical time interval of this fault scientific computation, and other
is defined as the maximum time functions related to the treatment,
interval of a short-circuit that can presentation and results post-
be supported by the generator processing.
without losing the synchronism if Figure 5: Interconnection line-current.
there is no compensator. Then, the
compensator is connected to the
network in order to see its effect
on the value of this critical time time interval of about 90 ms
interval. (figure 6).
Figure 4 shows a comparison
between the speed of the generator
Simulation results with and without the STATCOM
For a three-phases short-circuit compensator and it demonstrates
that appeared after 10 seconds the speed of this compensation
from the simulation start time, device. Figure 5 shows the
the critical time interval for the currents of the interconnection line
simulated case was 478 ms. with and without the compensator.
Several compensation STATCOM This figure also illustrates the
devices of different power levels importance of the STATCOM
have been simulated and the use operation. It can be noticed that the
of a STATCOM of 250 MVA allowed current peaks in the fault moment
for an improvement of the critical are very high and they can be
dangerous for some components
of the network, especially for the
protection elements. The presence
of STATCOM reduces these values
to a large extent.
Figure 6: Simulation parameters, maximal
critical time interval (566ms).
A reactive power static compensator
for the improvement of the high
Figure 4: Generator speed with and voltage network stability has been
without STATCOM. simulated and its effectiveness

Number 42 - April 2003 - CEDRAT - CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES - MAGSOFT Corp.


we on

r ics

e n
n d ls
Wi ode
CEDRAT partner of 2003 EWEC
European Wind Energy Conference
16 - 19 Juin 2003, Madrid, Espagne
ula ork

s i mN e t w


New version PSCAD V4

presented at Ewec 2003
Stand C25 (see article page 5)
For any information
contact M. Lionel GRAND

Number 42 - April 2003 - CEDRAT - CEDRAT TECHNOLOGIES - MAGSOFT Corp.

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