Basic Three, Unit 6: Emotions: Giving and Asking For Advice

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Basic Three, Unit 6: Emotions

Giving and asking for advice

Learning Objective

To ask for and to give advice, and to tell stories

using new expressions.
Focus on the words in orange.

A: Oh, no. I lost my brother at the

B: Why don't you call your mother?
A: She's going to get angry.
Let’s start

B: We should post pictures of him. Maybe,

someone will find him.

What do you recommend doing about this

Make recommendations using the expressions

Maybe, you should …
You shouldn't ...
1. I can't sleep at night. Why don’t you …
Let’s Speak: Activity 1

2. My dog wakes me up at 4 a.m. every day. If I were you, I would …

3. Maria´s boss is very demanding and crazy. You have to …
4. The traffic in my city is horrible. I always arrive
5. My friends have bad grades and they are going to
fail First Discoveries again!
Listen to a problem and give advice and recommendations. Add extra
information (minimum 5 ideas)
A: I want to pass my English exam at university. A: I don't like to dance at parties.
B: _________________________________ B: If I were you, I would take dance lessons.
____________________________________ This is a good idea because then you can
Let’s Speak: Activity 1

____________________________________ dance at parties and have fun...


Expressions Problems
Maybe, you should … I failed First Discoveries.
You shouldn't ... I am always late for work.
Why don’t you … I want to lose weight but I love junk
If I were you, I would … food.
You have to …
Let’s Speak: Activity 1
Use the expressions to complete the story.

_________________ (1) I almost fail a course? I

Let’s Speak: Activity 2

had a difficult month, and I almost didn't pass it. a. Second,

____ (2), I had a lot of work. ____ (3), I lost a lot b. Suddenly,
of money. On the day of the exam, I couldn’t find c. Finally,
my computer charger, so I thought I was going to d. Did I tell you about the time
fail. _____ (4) , my brother arrived and gave me e. First,
his computer. I was very happy. _____ (5), I
relaxed and slept a lot.
Use the expressions and tell a short story. To Start
Did I tell you about the time...
One time,
Once upon a time,
First, second, third,
Let’s Speak: Activity 2

"Did I tell you about the time … ? ... After that,

All of a sudden,
To finish,
To conclude,
Let’s Speak: Activity 2
Select what is true for you.

1. Now I can ask for and give advice using new expressions.
a. I can do it.
b. I am in progress.
c. I need more practice.
Let’s think!

2. Now I can use expressions to tell stories.

a. I can do it.
b. I am in progress.
c. I need more practice.

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