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Examen ORAL CURSO DE INGLES (Basic Three, Unit 6: Emotions Giving and asking for


Ficha de Estudio: Expresiones para Dar Consejos y Contar Historias


Aprender a utilizar expresiones para dar consejos y recomendaciones, así como para
contar historias de manera estructurada.

Parte 1: Expresiones para Dar Consejos

1. Frases para dar consejos:

o Maybe, you should…
o You shouldn’t…
o Why don’t you…
o If I were you, I would…
o You have to…
2. Ejemplos de problemas y cómo usar las expresiones:
o Problema: I can't sleep at night.
 Maybe, you should try a relaxation technique before bed.
 You shouldn’t drink coffee in the evening.
 Why don’t you read a book to relax?
 If I were you, I would create a bedtime routine.
 You have to make sure your room is quiet and dark.
o Problema: My dog wakes me up at 4 a.m. every day.
 Maybe, you should take your dog for a walk before bed.
 You shouldn’t ignore the dog’s needs.
 Why don’t you try feeding the dog later in the evening?
 If I were you, I would consult a vet for advice.
 You have to be consistent with your dog’s routine.

 Problema: The traffic in my city is horrible. I always arrive late.

o Maybe, you should leave your house earlier.
o You shouldn’t rely solely on your car.
o Why don’t you try using public transportation?
o If I were you, I would find alternative routes.
o You have to plan your commute ahead of time.
 Problema: Maria's boss is very demanding and crazy.
o Maybe, you should talk to HR about your concerns.
o You shouldn’t let the stress affect your health.
o Why don’t you keep a record of unreasonable demands?
o If I were you, I would set boundaries with your boss.
o You have to prioritize your mental well-being.
Parte 2: Contar Historias

1. Estructura de una historia:

o Inicio:
 Did I tell you about the time…
 One time,
 Once upon a time,
o Desarrollo:
 First, second, third,
 Later,
 After that,
 Then,
o Clímax:
 Suddenly,
 All of a sudden,
o Final:
 To finish,
 To conclude,
 Finally,
2. Ejemplo de historia:
o Inicio: Once upon a time, there was a student named Ana.
o Desarrollo: First, she decided to study hard for her English exam.
Second, she attended extra classes. Later, she practiced speaking with
friends. After that, she took mock exams.
o Clímax: Suddenly, the day of the exam arrived.
o Final: Finally, Ana passed her exam with flying colors. To conclude, her
hard work paid off.

Parte 3: Práctica

1. Dar consejos:
o Problema: I failed First Discoveries.
 Maybe, you should review your notes regularly.
 You shouldn’t get discouraged.
 Why don’t you join a study group?
 If I were you, I would ask for help from the teacher.
 You have to stay organized and focused.
o Problema: I want to lose weight, but I love junk food.
 Maybe, you should find healthier snacks that you enjoy.
 You shouldn’t eat junk food every day.
 Why don’t you start a meal plan?
 If I were you, I would exercise regularly.
 You have to be mindful of your diet.
2. Contar una historia:
o Inicio: Did I tell you about the time I got lost in a new city?
o Desarrollo: First, I went out for a walk without my phone. Second, I
took a wrong turn. Later, I realized I didn’t recognize any landmarks.
After that, I started to panic.
o Clímax: All of a sudden, I saw a familiar café.
o Final: To finish, I went inside and asked for directions. Finally, I found
my way back to the hotel.

Evaluación Personal

1. Ahora puedo pedir y dar consejos usando nuevas expresiones:

o a. I can do it.
o b. I am in progress.
o c. I need more practice.
2. Ahora puedo usar expresiones para contar historias:
o a. I can do it.
o b. I am in progress.
o c. I need more practice.


Ejemplo de Historia Completa:


Did I tell you about the time I tried a new hobby? It all started when I stumbled upon a
fascinating video about pottery.


First, I bought all the necessary materials, including clay, a pottery wheel, and various
tools. Second, I watched tutorial videos online to learn the basic techniques. Later, I
started practicing every day, shaping different pots and bowls. After that, I noticed I was
getting better with each session, and my confidence grew.


All of a sudden, I was asked to showcase my work at a local event. This was both
exciting and nerve-wracking, as I had never presented my creations to a wider audience


To conclude, I felt proud of my progress and the positive feedback I received from the
attendees. Finally, I decided to continue pursuing the hobby, enrolling in advanced
pottery classes to further hone my skills.
Ejemplo de Historia:


Did I tell you about the time I decided to start jogging in the mornings? It was the
beginning of my senior year in high school.


First, I bought a pair of good running shoes and some comfortable workout clothes.
Second, I set my alarm for 6 a.m. every day. Later, I started jogging around the park
near my house. After that, I began to notice a significant improvement in my energy
levels and mood throughout the day.


All of a sudden, during one of my morning runs, I met a friendly girl named Sarah who
was also a senior at my school. We started jogging together and quickly became friends.
One day, she invited me to join the school's track team, something I had never
considered before.


To conclude, I felt grateful for the new friendship and the positive changes in my life.
Finally, I decided to join the track team, which not only improved my fitness but also
helped me gain more confidence and make new friends.

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