Casework Relationship 224 PDF

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Casework Relationship

Soc Wk 224

• To help the client meet a basic need, usually

psychological in nature, or to solve a problem
involving the person’s social functioning;

• Creating an atmosphere in which the client

feel free to engage effectively in the study,
diagnosis and treatment.

• Maximizing the potentials of the clients.

Nature of the Casework Relationship

1. An art /science of human relationship

2. Used to mobilize capacities of individuals and

resources in the community

3. Help the client have a better adjustment

4. CW help a person meet a problem, feel a problem

and receive a service

5. Mobilization of dormant capacities in the individual

or mobilization of appropriate community resources
Essence of the Casework Relationship

1. CW deals intimately with people

2. Knowledge of human nature and of the individual

is important

3. CW relationship is interpersonal relationship.

Material things are important but relationship
gives more satisfaction.

4. CW relationship is the dynamic interaction of

attitude and emotions between CW and the client
adjustment to the environment and self
Difference of Casework Relationship

1. It is temporary

2. Emotional component is not so deep and penetrating

3. Equality and mutuality is absent (Casework is giving

help- client is recipient)

4. In Casework - client does not only cooperate but help


5. Casework is directed to environmental changes and

personality problems on the conscious level


• client’s displacement on the worker of the particular feelings and attitudes

he may have experienced earlier in life in relationship with the members of
his family, such as his father and/or mother or significant others

• client responds to and relates to the worker in the manner that he used to
react to that familiar figure

• reaction is generally at the unconscious level


• relationship reactions which the worker may project on the client

• reaction is unconscious and not reality-based

• feelings and attitudes displaced are like emotionally biased and prejudiced

• The state of what is actual, what is, and what

is true

• It is only when the client and worker hold

realistic and objective perceptions of existing
conditions as well as each others’ roles and
responsibilities in their relationship structure
that the relationship will hold long enough to
attain its objectives

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