EAPP - Module4.Quarter 1 - Week 6

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Course Code:

Course Title: English For Academic and Professional Purposes

Course Type: Applied
Pre-requisite: N/A
Co-requisite: N/A
Quarter: 1st Course
Topic: Facts, Opinions, and Incorrect Information
Quarter 1 Week 6 - Module 4


Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning, which is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned
. 6. Enjoy studying!


Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in the
Before Anything Else - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
Throwback! - This section will measure what learning/s and skills that you understand from
the previous lesson.
Firming Up! - This section provides the discussion of the lesson to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
Try Me! - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other competencies.
This can be done with or without a partner depending on the nature of the activity.
Things to Ponder - This section summarize/s the concepts and applications of the lessons.
Comprehension Check - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
Checkpoint! - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module
Wait, there’s more! - In this portion, an extended activity will be given for retention and

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Facts, Opinions, and Incorrect Information

This module is intended to show you the meaning and

differences of facts, opinions and incorrect information. Not just in writing, but
in English language and also the different languages, these three are major
factors in considering the effectiveness, authenticity and beauty of a text or a
conversation. But, insufficient knowledge about these can lead to a chaotic
communication process.


After studying and understanding this module you will be able to:
1. determine the definition of Facts, Opinions and Incorrect Information;
2. compare and contrast these three using a Venn diagram;
3.understand difference of these concepts applied to real life situations;
4.value the essence of determining Facts, Opinions and Incorrect Information.


Direction: Try to identify whethere the statement is A. Fact, B. Opinion, and C.

Incorrect Information.

________1. I think you are not getting my point.

________2. The Philippines is also called Pearl of the Orient Seas.

________3. Japan is called Land of the Morning Calm.

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________4. In my opinion, the biology laboratory must be nest to the Chemistry


________5. Earth is the third planet closest to the sun.


Directions: Write the usage and importance of the following. A rubric is

given for the checking of answers:

Author’s Author’s Author’s

Purpose Tone Point of

Usage: Usage: Usage:

Importance: Importance: Importance:

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Rubric per box, per category:

Relevance- 2 points
Accuracy – 2 points
Grammar and Mechanics – 1 point
Total points: 30 points


Facts, Opinions, and Incorrect Information

For better understanding and comprehension of either text or discourse,

it is vital to decipher the definition and differences of these three.


 Fact
A fact is objective. It is not influenced by personal feelings or
judgement. It is something that is existence, concrete or not, supported
with different proofs, evidences, theories and concepts.

For Example:

 The Philippines is called the Pearl of the Orient Seas.

 Korea is also hailed as Land of the Morning Calm.
 The Earth is the third closest planet to sun.

Observe that these statements are considered as factual and true. These
statements are not subject into anybody’s thinking, and will only be changed

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unless there is a declaration by a higher authority, or based on studies and

 Opinion
An opinion is subjective. It is biased or on influenced by personal
beliefs or feelings. This may vary from a person to another, specially
people with boundaries such as culture, geographical location, beliefs
and others.

These are easily identified as cue words could be visible such as, in my
opinion, in my point of view, I think and others.

For Example:

 I think, the earth is square.

 In my view, she is a liar.
 Instagram is the best application, ever!

Observe that these statements are just opinions f the speaker/writer.

These statements are subject into anybody’s thinking, and will only be changed
depending on different circumstances. Opinion can only be true to oneself.

An opinion is not the opposite of a fact. The opposite of fact is incorrect


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 Incorrect Information

From the title itself, incorrect information is an erroneous detail or

statement. It should be corrected or it can cause misunderstanding and
disbelief. Nowadays, incorrect information is rampant in our society, specially
in different social media platforms.

It can be checked or corrected with different trusted sources, agencies

and organizations, authorities and others.

For Example:

 The Philippines is located in the North pole of the earth.

- This statement contains an incorrect information, because the
Philippines is not found in the North pole of the earth, but in the
mid equatorial part. You can check this via globe, a map, in
almanac and in some trusted sites in the internet.

 Japan is called land of the morning calm.

- Korea is called land of the morning calm, not Japan.


Direction: Try to identify whethere the statement is A.Opinion, B. Incorrect

Information, and C. Fact

________1. I think you are not getting my point.

________2. Mathematics is the best subject.

________3. The Philippines is also called Pearl of the Orient Seas.

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________4. Quantum Physics is my favorite because it is the easiest.

________5. Tagalog is the national language of the Philippines.

________6. The best part of exploring the Maldives is swimming in the crystal

clear beaches.

________7. Japan is called Land of the Morning Calm.

________8. In my opinion, the biology laboratory must be nest to the Chemistry


________9. Earth is the third planet closest to the sun.

________10. Bitcoin is the fast growing and the most expensive cryptocurrency


A fact is an objective and bias – free statement, based on reliable

resources, authorities, experiments, universal truths and others.

An opinion is subjective. It depends upon the point of view of the

person, his beliefs and others.

Incorrect Information is the opposite of a fact. It contains

erroneous details that can cause misunderstanding and other

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Directions: Write EAPP if the statement is a FACT; your SURNAME if Opinion;

and IF for incorrect information.

_______1. I think, the origin of the 5s method is Japan.

_______2. The next National Election will be on 2022.

_______3. Shine is about keeping the area neat and clean.

_______4. I think, the 5s system is just for the companies and offices.

_______5. One of the core values of CI – tech is Harmonious Relationship.

_______6. I like doing the 5s method.

_______7. The 5s system includes Sort, Sustain, Straighten, Standardize and


_______8. The industry - based 5’s has been recently modified, adding the 6th

which means safety.

_______9. For me, the LGBTQ+ community is divided when it comes to the idea

of restroom separation.

_______10. In the 5s method, you do not need to place items in the correct area,

and to keep the workplace clean.

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Direction: Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the three topics that
you studied in this module.

1 2

5 6


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Label of Circles:
1. Characteristics of Facts
2. Characteristics of Opinions
3. Characteristics of Incorrect Information
4. Similarities of Facts and Opinions
5. Similarities of Facts and Incorrect Information
6. Similarities of Opinions and Incorrect Information
7. Similarities of the Three

This will be checked based on the following rubric:

Rubric per circle:

Relevance- 2 points
Accuracy – 2 points
Grammar and Mechanics – 1 point

Total points: 5 per circle

Grand Total: 35 points


Direction: Write a fact, an opinion and a statement with incorrect information

about the following given topics:

1. Corona Virus


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2. Philippines


3. Family


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Contemplative Learning Sheet

Name: _______________________________Grade and Strand: _____________

Quarter 1 – Week 6 – Module 4:Facts, Opinions, and

Incorrect Information
Directions: Write a reflective statement about your learnings from this
module. You may express your answers in a more critical and creative
presentation of your great learning. Have fun and enjoy!

A. What I
like the
most about
the lesson?

B. What I need
to improve in
the lesson?

C. What I
want to learn
connected to
the lesson?

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