Weekend Seshhh: Engineering Edition Session 3: Plane and Solid Geometry

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Weekend Seshhh: Engineering Edition Session 3: Plane and Solid Geometry

General directions. Solve each item carefully, then shade the circle corresponding to the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet. Use Mongol No. 2 only for shading.
1. The number of diagonals of a regular polygon is 65. Find the perimeter of the polygon if its
apothem measures 8 inches.

2. The measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is 144°. Find the apothem if one side of the
polygon measures 5 cm.
3. Find the number of sides of each of the two polygons if the total number of sides of the polygons
is 15, and the sum of diagonals of the polygons is 36.

4. A regular hexagon A has the midpoints of its edges joined to form a smaller hexagon B. This
process is repeated by joining the midpoints of the edges of hexagon B to get a third hexagon C.
What is the ratio of the area of hexagon C to the area of hexagon A?
5. If ABCDE is a regular pentagon and diagonals EB and AC intersect at F , then what is the degree
measure of ∠EF C?

6. Find the altitude and the area of an equilateral triangle whose side is 8 cm long.
7. One side of an isosceles triangle whose perimeter is 42 units measures 10 units. Find the area of
the triangle.
8. Find the area of an equilateral triangle if its altitude is 5 cm.

9. The base of an isosceles triangle and the altitude drawn from one of the congruent sides are equal
to 18 cm and 15 cm, respectively. Find the lengths of the sides of the triangle.
10. Two altitudes of an isosceles triangle are equal to 20 cm and 30 cm. Determine the possible measure
of the base angles of the triangle.

11. In a right triangle, the bisector of the right angle divides the hypotenuse in the ratio of 3 : 5.
Determine the measures of the acute angles of the triangle.
12. The plane area shown in the figure consist of an isosceles trapezoid (non-parallel sides equal) and
a segment of a circle. If the non-parallel sides are tangent to the segment at points A and B, find
the area of the composite figure.

13. Each of the four circles shown in the figure is tangent to the other three. If the radius of each of
the smaller circle is a, find the area of the largest circle.

14. Find the area of the rectilinear figure shown, if it is the difference between two isosceles trapezoids
whose corresponding sides are parallel.

Engr. Henry T. Amado 1

Weekend Seshhh: Engineering Edition Session 3: Plane and Solid Geometry

15. Determine the area of a rectangle whose diagonal is 24 cm and the angle between the diagonals is

16. Find the height of a parallelogram with sides 10 and 20 inches long, and an included angle of 35°.
Also, calculate the area of the figure.
17. The area of an isosceles trapezoid is 246 m2 . If the height and the length of one of its congruent
sides measures 6 m and 10 m, respectively, find the lengths of the two bases.

18. The circle has a radius of 9 cm. What is the length of arc AB?

19. An equilateral triangle is circumscribed about a circle of radius 10 3 cm. What is the perimeter
of the triangle?
20. The circle has a radius of 10 cm. Each of points D and E is on the midpoint of the radius. Find
the area of the shaded region.

21. Find the area of the portion of the semi-circle shown in the figure which is outside of the inscribed

22. Two perpendicular chords divide a circle with a radius of 13 cm into four parts. If the perpendicular
distances of both chords are 5 cm each from the center of the circle, find the area of the smallest

Engr. Henry T. Amado 2

Weekend Seshhh: Engineering Edition Session 3: Plane and Solid Geometry

23. Determine the area of the segment of a circle if the length of the chord is 15 inches and located 5
inches from the center of the circle.
24. Three circles with center A, B, and C are externally tangent to each other as shown in the figure.
←→ ←→
Lines EG and DG are tangent to circle C at points F and D and intersect at point G. If each
←→ ←→
circle has a diameter of 6 inches, find the length of DG and the area enclosed by lines F G and DG
and arc F D.

25. A circle has an area equal to 25π cm2 . Its diameter AB coincides with one of the sides of 4ACB in
which the vertex C lies on the circle. If the triangle has an area equal to 11 cm2 , find its perimeter.
26. The diagram is formed from 6 identical close-packed circles. If the height of the figure is 2 feet,
find the radius of each circle in inches.

27. Find the area of a cyclic quadrilateral whose two sides measure 4 and 5 units, and whose√diagonal
coincides with a diameter of the circle. Suppose the radius of the corresponding circle is 2 3 units.

28. In a circle with a diameter of 12 inches, a regular five-pointed star is inscribed. What is the area
of that part not included in the star?
29. The composite area shown consists of a semicircle and a region bounded by line BC and two
congruent arcs AB and AC with radii 12 inches and central angle of 60° each. Find the area of
the figure.

30. A flower vase, in the form of a hexagonal prism, is to be filled with 512 cubic inches of water. Find
the height of the water if the wet portion of the flower vase and its volume are numerically equal.

31. The volume of a regular triangular prism is 90 3 cm3 . If the radius of the inscribed sphere in the
prism is 3 cm, find the altitude of the prism.
32. In a rectangular parallelepiped, the length and width of the base are 12 in. and 9 in., respectively.
Find the volume of the solid if the length of the diagonal of the solid is 25 inches.
33. The size of a brick is 25 cm × 12 cm × 55 cm and its density is 1800 kg/cm . How many trips
must a 3-ton dumper carry out to transport 15,000 bricks to a construction site? (Hint: 1 metric
ton is equivalent to 1,000 kg.)

Engr. Henry T. Amado 3

Weekend Seshhh: Engineering Edition Session 3: Plane and Solid Geometry

34. A metal hollow bar whose cross-section and dimensions are shown below weighs 8000 kg/m and
measures 200 m in length. Determine the mass of the metal bar with a square hole section.

35. The area of the diagonal section of a cube is equal to 36 2. Determine the measures of the edge
and diagonal of the cube.
36. A rectangular container, with height of 24 inches, contains 44.9 gal of water when it is full. A stick
is placed diagonally from one corner of the upper base as shown. If BC = 10 inches, AC = 25
inches, and B is a point indicating the water level, find the height and volume of the liquid in the
container. (Hint: 1 gal = 231 cubic inches)

37. A cylindrical oiler can contain 848 g of machine oil. The height of the oiler is 12 cm. Find the
radius of the oiler if the density of oil is equal to 900 kg/m3 .
38. A cylindrical vessel of radius 6 cm and an altitude of 70 cm is half-filled with water. What is the
increase in water level if three balls, each with a radius of 5 cm, is placed in the vessel?
39. For the solid shown. Use the prismatoid formula to find the volume if the radius is 4 feet.

40. In the solid shown below each face angle at A and B is 90°, AB = 9’, vertex E lies in the plane
CAD, and edges DE and AC are parallel. Find the volume of the solid.

Engr. Henry T. Amado 4

Weekend Seshhh: Engineering Edition Session 3: Plane and Solid Geometry

41. A pyramid V ABCD is cut from a cube of edge 12 inches, as shown in the figure. The vertex V is
the midpoint of an upper edge of the cube. Compute the lateral surface of the pyramid.

42. Two vertical conical tanks (both inverted) have their vertices connected by a short horizontal pipe.
One tank, initially full of water has an altitude of 6 feet and a diameter of base 7 feet. The other
tank, initially empty, has an altitude of 9 feet and a diameter of base 8 feet. If the water is allowed
to flow through the connecting pipe, find the level to which the water will ultimately rise in the
empty tank. (Neglect the water in the pipe).

43. The solid consists of a right circular cylinder of diameter d and altitude h, surmounted by a cone
of diameter d and altitude h2 . Write a formula for the volume.
44. Three spheres, each of radius 4 cm, are placed on a plane such that each sphere is tangent to the
other two spheres. A fourth sphere of the same radius is placed on top of them. Find the distance
from the plane to the maximum point on the fourth sphere.

45. Two balls, one 6 cm in diameter and the other 4 cm in diameter, are placed in a cylindrical jar 9
cm in diameter, as shown in the figure. Find the volume of water necessary to cover them.

Engr. Henry T. Amado 5

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