K Bank Healthcare Plus Prospectus

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We, at USGI always endeavor to bring the best of Insurance products and services to our esteemed
customers. In order to cater to the needs of the customers of Karnataka Bank, we have designed the “K
Bank Health Care Plus” in association with Karnataka Bank.
The K Bank Health Care Plus is a complete health Insurance Plan that covers you, your spouse and two
dependent children and dependant parents and unlike any other regular policy, wherein a family has to
take individual policies for each member, this unique family floater gives you the flexibility of taking
one policy that covers the entire family under a single sum insured.
The Policy takes care of the hospitalization expenses, subject to maximum Sum Insured, in respect of
the following eventualities:
a. Sudden illness
b. An accident
c. Any surgery that is required in respect of any disease.
1. Who can take the Policy?
The scheme provides for Mediclaim Insurance cover, which is available to all the customers of K Bank
maintaining a S.B. or C.D account with them including NRI customers. However, the cover is available
for treatment in hospitals in India only.
2. Eligibility
All account holders of Karnataka Bank within the age band of 18 to 65 years are eligible to take the
 The enrollment age under the policy is from 5 years to 65 years. Persons above 65 years of age, can
be covered, if there has been a continuous cover under any Health Insurance Policy taken from any
Indian Insurance Company without any break in insurance
 An individual may cover himself/ herself and his/ her spouse, dependent children under Plan A of
the Policy and himself/herself, his/her spouse, dependent children and dependent parents under Plan
B of the policy.
 The maximum age under till which dependent male child can be covered is 21 years of age and
dependent female child can be covered is 25 years or till she marries, whichever is earlier.
Dependent children below 3 months can be covered with at least one parent under the Policy.
 The Company would require submission of Medical Reports for ECG and Blood Sugar (Fasting+
PP) when the Insured Person is above 50 years. This requirement will only be for fresh Proposals,
when the Sum Insured is enhanced at the time of renewal or when there is break in insurance for
more than 15 days. 50% of such medical examination costs shall be reimbursed by us, if the
proposal is accepted.
 The maximum renewal age under the Policy is 80 years. We shall, however, provide you with an
option to migrate to a substitute product if you have reached maximum renewable age under the
policy. The same option of migrating to substitute health product shall be available to your children
when they reach their maximum renewal age under the Policy. All due credits for the continuous
number of years for which you/your children have been covered under the Policy without break
shall provided under the substitute product.
3. What is covered under the Policy?
1. Basic Coverage
The Policy covers reimbursement of Hospitalization expenses for illness/ diseases contracted or injury
sustained by the Insured Person. In the event of any claim becoming admissible under Policy, the
company will pay to the Hospital/ Nursing Home/ Insured person but not exceeding Sum Insured



selected for the family as stated in the Schedule and subject to terms and conditions of the Policy,
during the Period of Insurance for the following expenses:
A. Room, Boarding expenses as charged by the Hospital/ Nursing Home
B. Nursing expenses
C. Fees paid to Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialists
D. Anaesthetist, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, Surgical appliances, Medicines & Drugs,
Diagnostic Material and X-ray, Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Cost of Pacemaker,
Artificial Limbs. Expenses on hospitalization incurred anywhere in India are covered.
Expenses on hospitalization in Bhutan and Nepal are also covered but Cashless service is not available.
Claim settlement will be only in Indian Currency.
2. Duration of Hospitalization
Expenses on hospitalization for a minimum period of 24 hours are admissible. However, this time limit
is not applied to specific treatments, i.e. Dialysis, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Eye Surgery,
Lithotripsy (Kidney stone removal), D&C, Tonsillectomy taken in the Hospital/ Nursing Home and
where in the insured is discharged on the same day, such treatment will be considered to have been
taken under hospitalization benefit. This condition will also not apply in case of stay in Hospital for
less than 24 hours provided (a) the treatment is such that it necessitates hospitalization and the
procedure involves specialized infrastructural facilities available in hospitals (b) due to technological
advances hospitalization is required for less than 24 hours only.
3. Pre Hospitalization
Medical expenses incurred during period up to 30 days prior to hospitalization on disease/ illness/
injury sustained which forms part of illness for which there is valid claim under the Policy will be
considered as part of the claim subject to availability of Sum Insured.
4. Post Hospitalization
Relevant medical expenses incurred during period up to 60 days after hospitalization on disease/
illness/ injury sustained which forms part of illness for which there is valid claim under the Policy will
be considered as part of the claim subject to availability of Sum Insured.
5. Other Benefits under the Policy
A. Maternity Expenses
 This Benefit is admissible only if the expenses are incurred in a Hospital / Nursing Home as an in-
patient in India, arising from or traceable to pregnancy, childbirth including normal caesarean
 A waiting period of 9 months is applicable for payment of any claim relating to normal delivery or
caesarean section or abdominal operation for extra uterine pregnancy. The waiting period may be
relaxed only in case of delivery, miscarriage or abortion induced by accident or other medical
emergency. Baby Care Expenses are payable, for treatment given to the new born child in the
hospital as an inpatient for a maximum period of 90 days from the date of its birth and forms the
part of Sum Insured.
 Claim in respect of delivery for only first two children and/or operations associated therewith will
be considered in respect of any one Insured Person covered under the Policy or any renewal
thereof. Those Insured Persons who are already having two or more living children will not be
eligible for this benefit.
 Expenses incurred in connection with voluntary medical termination of pregnancy except natural
or accidental termination of pregnancy during the first 12 weeks from the date of conception are
not covered.



 Pre-natal and post natal expenses incurred only as an inpatient in a Hospital/ Nursing Home only
are covered.
 Expenses payable under Maternity Expenses benefit shall form part of Sum Insured under the
 The reimbursement under Maternity benefit is limited to actual expenses subject to a maximum of
5% of the Sum Insured.

B. Ambulance Charges
The charges incurred for emergency transport of the patient from place of accident/ illness to the
hospital where treatment is taken or incurred for transport of the patient by the hospital where the
patient is taken to another hospital for treatment/ diagnostic tests etc. The overall limit under the Policy
shall be Rs.1000/- per Policy Period. This forms part of Sum Insured under the Policy.
C. Hospital Cash to Parents
In case of Hospitalization of Children up to Age 12 years Cash allowance of Rs.100/- per day subject to
a maximum of Rs.1000/- will be given to account holder, in respect of valid claim is there under the
Policy. The overall limit under the Policy shall be Rs.1000/- per Policy period and forms part of Sum
Insured under the Policy.
D. Cost of Health check up
The insured shall be entitled for reimbursement of cost of health check-up once at the end of block of
every four Policy years (under this scheme) provided there are no claims reported during the block.
The cost so reimbursable shall not exceed 1% of the amount of average Sum Insured during the block
of four Claim Free years. This Provision is applicable only in respect of continuous Insurance without
any break.
E. Funeral Expenses
In case of death of any of the insured persons following hospitalization with valid claim under the
Policy, Funeral expenses of Rs.1000/- will be paid under the Policy. This amount will be over and
above Sum Insured under the Policy.
6. Third Party Administrator (TPA).
Third Party Administrator who is duly licensed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority, and is engaged for the provision of cashless Health Services at the hospitals on their
network. The details of the engaged TPA, Network Providers and Diagnostic centres can be found at
our website www.universalsompo.com
Extensions under the Policy
Optional Extension Personal Accident Cover:
 On payment of additional Premium, Policy can be extended to cover the Account holder, spouse
and two dependent children against Death due to Accident. This Cover is not available for Parents
of account holders.
 Accident anywhere in the world is covered. However, claim settlement will be only in Indian
 The amount payable under the cover is as per the table below subject to maximum of Sum Insured
selected for the family as stated in the Schedule during the Period of Insurance, which shall be
same as Sum Insured for the Health cover.
In case of Death of account 100% of the SI In case of Death of spouse 50% of SI
In case of Children above 12 20% of the SI In case of Death of Children below 10% of SI
years of age 12 years of age



1. Additional Benefits under the Policy

i. Tax benefit: Only the Medical Premium Component (excluding Service Tax thereon) is eligible
for rebate under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
ii. Sum Insured: Choice of Sum Insured ranges from Rs 1,00,000 to Rs 5,00,000 in multiples of Rs
iii. Portability: An individual can migrate from an existing health insurance (including family floater
policy) by us or any of the Indian Insurer to this Policy issued by Us and we shall provide credit
earned towards pre-existing diseases and other time bound exclusions as per provisions given in
the IRDA vide circular IRDA/HLT/MISC/CIR/209/09/2011 and subsequently be based on
prevailing instructions from IRDA.
iv. Free Look Period: We shall give You a Free Look Period at the inception of the Policy and
1. You will be allowed a period of at least 15 days from the date of receipt of the Policy to review
the terms and conditions of the Policy and to return the same if not acceptable.
2. If You have not made any claim during the Free Look period, You shall be entitled to
a) A refund of the premium paid less any expenses incurred by Us on Your medical
examination and the stamp duty charges or;
b) where the risk has already commenced and the option of return of the Policy is exercised by
You, a deduction towards the proportionate risk premium for period on cover or;
c) Where only a part of the risk has commenced, such proportionate risk premium
commensurate with the risk covered during such period
2. Conditions under the Policy
Co-payment: 20% co-pay shall be applicable on each and every claim of Insured above 55 years of
Cancellation: We may cancel this Policy by sending 15 days notice in writing by recorded delivery to
You at Your last known address, However this clause shall not be exercised except on grounds of
fraud, moral hazard, misrepresentation, or suppression of any material fact either at the time of taking
the Policy or any time during the currency of the Policy. You will then be entitled to a pro-rata refund
of premium for the unexpired Period of this Policy from the date of cancellation, which We are liable to
pay on demand.
You may cancel this Policy by sending a written notice to Us. We shall retain premium for the Period
We were on risk which will be calculated based on following Short Period table and the balance will be
refunded to You subject to the condition that no claim has been preferred on Us :
Expired Period Premium Retained
Up to 1 month 25% of the Annual Premium
Above 1 month and up to 3 months 50% of the Annual Premium
Above 3 months and up to 6 months 75% of the Annual Premium
Above 6 months 100% of the Annual Premium
Renewal of the Policy
a. Your Policy shall ordinarily be renewable till 80 years of age except on grounds of fraud, moral
hazard or misrepresentation or non‐cooperation by You/ any of the Insured Persons
b. The Renewal of a Policy sought by You shall not be denied arbitrarily. If denied, We shall provide
You with cogent reasons for such denial of Renewal.
c. We shall not deny the Renewal of the Policy on the ground that You had made a claim or claims in
the previous or earlier years, except for the optional benefit covers where the coverage under the
benefits viz. Personal Accident shall terminate following payment



d. We shall provide for a mechanism to condone a delay in Renewal up to 30 days from the due date of
Renewal without deeming such condonation as a Break in Policy. However coverage shall not be
available for such period.
e. If You move into a higher age band, the premium will increase at the next Renewal. However, this
Policy will not be subject to any alteration in premium rates generally introduced until the next
f. If the Policy is not renewed within the Grace Period then We may agree to issue a fresh Policy
subject to Our underwriting criteria and no continuing benefits shall be available from the expired
g. All premiums are payable in advance of any cover under this Policy being provided.
h. The basic premium applicable under the Policy may be revised at a later stage subject to approval
from IRDA.
i. We shall provide You with a substitute product if You have reached maximum renewable age under
the Policy and suitable credits (continuity benefits) for all the previous policy years that You have
been covered shall be provided to You if the Policy has been maintained without break.
Policy Term: The term of your policy shall be 12 months from the date of commencement of risk.
Policy premium: The premium under the Policy shall be payable in advance every year in a single
Sum Insured Enhancement: The Sum Insured under the Policy can be enhanced only at renewal
subject to Our underwriter’s approval.
Substitute Product: In case We may decide to withdraw this product under which this Policy is issued
to You or where the children have reached maximum eligibility age or where the maximum renewable
age under the Policy has been reached, We shall provide You with an option to buy a substitute health
insurance Policy from Us.
You will be given the Portability credit based on the number of years of continuous and uninterrupted
insurance cover under this Policy towards the waiting periods in the new substitute health insurance
Policy issued by Us.
Three Month Notice: We shall give You notice in the event We may decide to revise, modify or
withdraw the product. Such notice shall be given to You at least three months prior the date when such
modification or revision or withdrawal comes into effect. We also promise You that
i. In case of modification or revision, the notice given to You shall detail the reasons for such
revision or modification, in particular the reason for an increase in premium (if any) and the
quantum of such increase.
ii. The product shall be withdrawn only after due approval from the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority. However, if You do not respond to Our intimation in case of such
withdrawal, the Policy shall be withdrawn on the Renewal date and We shall provide You with an
option to migrate to a substitute product offered by Us, subject to portability conditions.
3. What is not covered under the Policy? (Major Exclusions under the Policy)
30 days Waiting Period
A waiting period of 30 days will apply to all claims unless:
i. You have been insured under this Policy continuously and without any break in the previous Policy
Year, or
ii. You were insured continuously and without interruption for at least 1 year under any other Indian
insurer’s individual health insurance Policy for the reimbursement of medical costs for inpatient
treatment in a Hospital, and You establish to Our satisfaction that You were unaware of and had not
taken any advice or medication for such Illness or treatment.



iii. If You renew with Us or transfer from any other insurer and increase the Sum Insured (other than as
a result of the application of Cumulative Bonus upon Renewal with Us, then this exclusion shall
only apply in relation to the amount by which the Sum Insured has been increased.
Pre-existing diseases
Pre-existing diseases will not be covered until 48 months of continuous coverage have elapsed, since
inception of the first Policy with Us; but:
1. If You are presently covered and have been continuously covered without any break under:
i) an individual health insurance plan with an Indian insurer for the reimbursement of medical
costs for inpatient treatment in a Hospital,
ii) any other similar health insurance plan from Us, then, Pre-existing diseases exclusion of the
Policy stands deleted and shall be replaced entirely with the following:
i) The waiting period for all Pre-existing diseases shall be reduced by the number of Your
continuous preceding years of coverage under the previous health insurance Policy;
ii) If the proposed Sum Insured for You is more than the Sum Insured applicable under the
previous health insurance Policy (other than as a result of the application of Cumulative
Bonus), then the reduced waiting period shall only apply to the extent of the Sum Insured
under the previous health insurance Policy.
1. Hospitalization expense incurred in the first year of operation of the insurance cover on treatment of
the following Diseases :
 Cataract
 Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
 Myomectomy, Hysterectomy
 Hernia, Hydrocele
 Fistula in anus, Piles
 Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism
 Joint replacement unless due to accident
 Sinusitis and related disorders
 Stone in the urinary and biliary systems
 Dilatation and Curettage
 Skin and all internal tumors/cysts/nodules/polyps of any kind, including breast lumps unless
malignant, adenoids and hemorrhoids
 Dialysis required for rental failure
 Surgery on tonsils and sinuses
 Gastric and duodenal ulcers
However, a waiting period of 1 year will not apply if You were insured continuously and without
interruption for at least 1 year under any Our or other Indian insurer’s individual health insurance
Policy for the reimbursement of medical costs for inpatient treatment in a Hospital.
NB: The reduction in the waiting period specified above shall be applied subject to the following:
i) We will only apply the reduction of the waiting period if We have received the database and
claim history from the previous Indian insurance Company (if applicable);
ii) We are under no obligation to insure all Insured Persons or to insure all Insured Persons on the
proposed terms, or on the same terms as the previous health insurance Policy even if You have
submitted to Us all documentation
iii) We shall consider only completed years of coverage for waiver of waiting periods.



1. Injury or Diseases directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war, invasion,
act of foreign enemy, war like operation (whether war be declared or not).
2. Circumcision unless necessary for the treatment of a Disease not otherwise excluded or required as a
result of accidental bodily injury; vaccination, inoculation, cosmetic or aesthetic treatment of any
description(including any complications arising thereof), plastic surgery except those relating to
treatment of Injury or Disease .
3. Cost of spectacles and contact lens or hearing aids.
4. Dental treatment or surgery of any kind.
5. Convalescence, general debility, run down condition or rest cure, congenital external disease or
defects or anomalies, sterility, venereal disease, intentional self-injury and use of intoxicating
6. Any expense on treatment related to HIV, AIDS Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Viruses types III
(III-LB-III) or Lymphadinopathy Associated viruses (LAV) or the Mutant derivatives or
Variations Deficiency Syndrome and all related medical condition.
7. Expenses on Diagnostic, X-Ray, or Laboratory examinations unless related to the treatment of
Disease or Injury falling within ambit of Hospitalisation or Domiciliary Hospitalisation claim.
8. Voluntary medical termination of pregnancy during first 12 weeks from the date of conception and
expenses on treatment of any infertility, sub fertility or assisted conception treatment.
9. Injury or Diseases directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons/material.
10. Any expense on treatment of Insured Person as outpatient in a Hospital.
11. Any expense on Naturopathy, non-allopathic treatment and/or any treatments not approved by
Indian Medical council Any expense related to Disease/Injury suffered whilst engaged in
adventurous sports like hand gliding, mountaineering, rock climbing, sky diving, professional or
amateur racing, parachuting, skiing, ice skating, ballooning, river rafting, polo playing, horse racing
or sports of similar nature.
12. External medical equipment of any kind used at home as post hospitalisation care like wheelchairs,
crutches, instruments used in treatment of sleep apnea syndrome (C.P.A.P) or continuous peritoneal
ambulatory dialysis (C.P.A.D) and oxygen concentrator for bronchial asthmatic condition, etc.
13. Any expense under Domiciliary Hospitalisation
14. Pre and post natal expenses are excluded unless incurred as inpatient in a hospital
15. War, riots, strike, terrorism acts, nuclear weapon induced treatment
4. Claims Procedure
A) Reimbursement Claims Process:
Upon happening of any injury / Disease which may give rise to a claim under this Policy
 You shall give Us a notice to Our call centre immediately and also intimate in writing to Our
Policy issuing office but not later than 7 days from the date of Hospitalisation. A written statement
of the claim will be required and a Claim Form will be completed and the claim must be filed
within 30 days from the date of discharge from the Hospital or completion of treatment.
 You must give all original or copies of bills, receipts, certificates, post-mortem report in the event
of death, information and evidences from the attending Medical Practitioner / Hospital / Chemist /
Laboratory as required by Us. On receipt of intimation from You regarding a claim under the
Policy, We are entitled to carry out examination and obtain information on any alleged Injury or
Disease requiring Hospitalisation if and when We may reasonably require.
B) Cashless Claims:



Cashless Service: You can avail cashless hospitalisation facility at any hospital in the network of the
TPA. We will provide a Cashless Service by making payment to the extent of Our liability direct to the
Hospital as long as We are given notice that the Insured Person wishes to avail Cashless Service
accompanied by full particulars at least 48 hours before any planned treatment or Hospitalisation or
within 24 hours after the treatment or Hospitalisation in the case of an emergency (namely a sudden,
urgent, unexpected occurrence or event, bodily alteration or occasion requiring immediate medical
In case if You want to avail cashless facility in any of the network hospital you shall follow the process
as mentioned below.
 Carry the Health Card/ copy of E-cards.
 Obtain Pre Authorization form from the hospital counter.
 Fill up the form and submit it at the hospital counter.
 Ensure that hospital faxes the pre authorization form to TPA or you can fax the form to TPA
 Once the form has been faxed, TPA will send the authorization to the Hospital.
 Once cash less approval is received, patient need not pay the bill to the hospital for covered
medical expenses
Claim Processing
1. We shall settle claim(s) as per Policy terms and conditions, including its rejection, within thirty days
of the receipt of the last necessary claim document
2. We shall have no liability under this Policy, once the Sum Insured (Maximum Limit of Indemnity)
with respect to any of the Sections, is exhausted by You or Your Insured Family Member.
3. All admissible claims under this Policy shall be paid by Us within 7 working days from date of
acceptance of such a claim. In case of delay in the payment, We shall be liable to pay interest at a rate
which is 2% above bank rate prevalent at the beginning of the financial year in which claim is
reviewed by Us.
4. We shall condone delay on merit for delayed claims where the delay is proved to be beyond Your
Claim Disclaimer
In the unfortunate event of any loss or damage to the insured property resulting into a claim on this
policy, please intimate the mishap IMMEDIATELY to our Call Centre at Toll Free Numbers 1800-
200-5142 or on chargeable numbers at +91-22-39635200 or email at
[email protected]. Please note that no delay should be allowed to occur in
notifying a claim on the policy as the same may prejudice liability.
Plan A - Health Section Coverage for Self, Spouse, 2 dependent children
Sum Insured 0-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-70 71-80 > 80
1,00,000 1767 1944 2120 2297 2651 3181 3357 3693
1,50,000 2587 2846 3104 3363 3881 4657 4915 5407
2,00,000 3328 3661 3994 4326 4992 5990 6323 6955
2,50,000 3985 4384 4782 5181 5978 7173 7572 8329
3,00,000 4643 5107 5572 6036 6965 8357 8822 9704
3,50,000 5217 5739 6260 6782 7826 9391 9912 10903
4,00,000 5792 6371 6950 7530 8688 10426 11005 12106
4,50,000 6369 7006 7643 8280 9554 11464 12101 13311
5,00,000 6943 7637 8332 9026 10415 12497 13192 14511



Plan B - Health Section Coverage for Self, Spouse, 2 dependent children,2 Dependent parents
Sum Insured 0-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-70 71-80 > 80
1,00,000 2986 3285 3583 3882 4479 5375 5673 6240
1,50,000 4373 4810 5248 5685 6560 7871 8309 9140
2,00,000 5622 6184 6746 7309 8433 10120 10682 11750
2,50,000 6733 7406 8080 8753 10100 12119 12793 14072
3,00,000 7844 8628 9413 10197 11766 14119 14904 16394
3,50,000 8816 9698 10579 11461 13224 15869 16750 18425
4,00,000 9786 10765 11743 12722 14679 17615 18593 20452
4,50,000 10761 11837 12913 13989 16142 19370 20446 22491
5,00,000 11731 12904 14077 15250 17597 21116 22289 24518
a) Above Premium is calculated on basis of age of the Proposer
b) Rates are excluding all taxes, cess and duties as applicable
c) Premium paid is eligible for Tax deduction under 80 D of IT Tax Act, 1961 (Tax
benefits are subject to change as per tax laws)
d) All premium rates are annual rates in Rs.
Premium for PA Death benefit Plan A and Plan B
Sum 1,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 2,50,000 3,00,000 3,50,000 4,00,0004,50,000 5,00,000
PA 46 69 93 116 139 162 185 208 231
a) PA cover is not available for parents
b) Rates are excluding all taxes, cess and duties as applicable
c) All premium rates are annual rates in Rs.
**Tax Benefits are subject to change as per change in Tax Laws.
For all your service requests e-mail us at [email protected]
Statutory Warning: No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an
inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk
relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole part of the commission payable or any
rebate of the premium shown on the policy nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a
policy accept any rebate, except such rebates as may be allowed in accordance with the published
prospectuses or tables of the Insurer. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of
this section shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Five Hundred Rupees
Please note: The prospectus contains only an indication of cover offered, for complete details on terms,
conditions, coverages and exclusions please get in touch with us or our agent and read policy wordings
carefully before concluding a sale. Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation. Universal Sompo
General Insurance Co. Ltd., Express IT Park, Plot No EL 94, T.T.C. Industrial Area, M.I.D.C.,
Mahape, Navi Mumbai-400710, Toll Free Numbers: 1800-200-5142



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