Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 (a) Explain differential and cumulative method of particle size analysis, Define an ideal 07
screen and blindness in screen.
(b) Discuss principles of cake filtration. Differentiate between constant pressure and 07
constant rate filtration.
Q.2 (a) List out types of solid mixers and discuss Ribbon Blender in detail. 07
(b) A silty soil containing 14% moisture was mixed in a large Muller mixer with 10.0 07
weight percent of a tracer consisting of dextrose and picric acid. After 3 minutes of
mixing, 12 random samples were taken from the mix and analyzed calorimetrically for
tracer materials. The measured concentrations in the samples were, in weight percent
tracer, 10.24, 9.30, 7.94,10.24, 11.08,10.03, 11.91, 9.72, 9.20, 10.76, 10.97 and 10.55.
Calculate the mixing index.
(b) With the help of flow diagram explain open-circuit and closed-circuit grinding 07
Q.3 (a) Explain principles of froth floatation with the detail description of a froth floatation 07
(b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and working of a toothed roller 07
crusher and write the important equations for roll crusher.
Q.3 (a) State and explain the different laws of size reduction with the importance of the work 07
index in the size reduction.
(b) Classify the size reduction equipments according to their usage and give examples in 07
each category.
Q.4 (a) Explain the fluidization regimes with neat sketch and its applications in chemical 07
(b) Draw neat sketch of an agitated vessel and label the important parts. What are the 07
various methods for prevention of swirling in an agitated vessel?
Q.4 (a) What are the various equipment used for storage of solids? Discuss them with neat 07
sketches and explain the technical problems during storage .
(b) Describe batch sedimentation process with a graph. Describe a continuous gravity 07
Q.5 (a) Write a brief note on importance of Mechanical Operations in Chemical Industry. 07
(b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the construction and working of a cyclone 07
Q.5 (a) Define agitation and mixing. Enlist different types of flow pattern induced in an 07
Agitated vessel (liquid).
(b) What are the different types of conveyers? Explain in detail the belt conveyer in brief 07
with its industrial applications.