Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Subject Code:2150501 Date:24/11/2016
Subject Name:Mass Transfer Operation - I
Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.3 (a) Explain the concept of penetration theory and state its assumptions. 03
(b) Derive the relation for steady state equimolar counter diffusion for gases. 04
(b) Discuss the analogy among Heat, momentum and mass transfer. 07
Q.3 (a) Write a short note on loading and flooding. 03
(b) In a mass transfer apparatus operating at 1 atmosphere the individual mass 04
transfer coefficient have the following values kx = 22 kg mol/m2.h, ky = 1.07
kg mol/m2.h. The equilibrium compositions of the gaseous and liquid phases
are characterized by Henry’s law p* = 0.08 × 106 X mm Hg. Determine i) the
overall mass transfer coefficients, ii) How many times the diffusion resistance
of liquid phase differs from that of gas phase?
(c) Explain schematically the working of tray tower and its associated problems. 07
Q.4 (a) Define Conning, weeping and dumping. 03
(b) State and explain the characteristics of packing. 04
(c) Compare tray tower and packed tower in terms of its advantages and 07
Q.4 (a) Write a short note on heap leaching. 03
(b) Differentiate between ideal and non-ideal solutions with suitable example. 04
Also state the characteristics of ideal solution.
(c) 1000 m3/h of a gas mixture containing 10 mole% solute and rest inert enters 07
the absorber at 300 k temperature and 106.658 kPa pressure. 90% of the
original solute is removed. Solute free water used for absorption contains 5
mole% solute when it leaves the tower at the bottom. Calculate the solvent
molar flow rate to tower.
Q.5 (a) Derive the mixture rule. 03
(b) Discuss the criteria for solvent selection in extraction 04
(c) A solution containing 5% acetaldehyde and 95% toluene is to be extracted 07
with water in five stage crosscurrent extraction unit to extract acetaldehyde.
Toluene and water are essentially insoluble. If 25 kg of water each time are
used per 100 kg of feed, calculate the amount of acetaldehyde extracted and
final concentration of exit solution. The equilibrium relationship is given as:
Y = 2.20 X where Y = kg acetaldehyde/kg water
And X = kg acetaldehyde/kg toluene
Q.5 (a) Explain the working of Shank’s system in detail with schematic diagram. 03
(b) State and discuss the various techniques for achieving super saturation with 04
suitable example
(c) Explain the working of Oslo krystal evaporative crystallizer 07