Roman Numerals Class 5 Math

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Questions on SVEN Class A) wie XS la ee eek es ea) \ SCC nen Ts eee ens eka Shortcuts (| Sa SU cs Teas eee eo Secret eee eee cn / py Coa ee Cae 0 cua Us ee) e Oe eon eee CCRT eo LEC mcrae) Cee BUCSr laa) Pare che eid) — | 2019 & 2018 Olympiad Questions CHAPTER 1; ROMAN NUMERALS, 2019 & 2018 Olympiad Questions z | Find the wrong statement from the following: (2019) Roman Numerals 1-14 (0) There are seven basic Roman numerals in which D stands for 500. Number System 15-30 (b) Symbols V, Land 6 can be used only once and cannot be repeated. 31-50 (6) Tn Roman numerals, 9 is written as 1X and 490 is written as XD. : é (4) Tn Roman numerals, 110 is written as CX and 1100 is written as MC Factors and Multiples 51-6 Which of the following statements is not correct? (2019) Fractions and Operation on Fractions 69-94 (a) Tn Roman numerals, 49 is written os XLIX Decimals 95-116 (b) In Roman numerals, 1450 is written as MLD Bodmas Application 117-132 (c) In Roman numerals, 992 is written as CMXCET Operations on Numbers Ratio 133-148 (a) In Roman numerals, 2019 is written as MMXIX Read the following statements carefully and select the correct option Temperature 149-164 ‘Statement-1 : The value of CM ~ CD + CVT + Mis MDCVIL Area and Perimeter 165-186 ‘Statement-2 : Symbol C can be added to every roman symbol, but it can not O18) be subtracted from D and M. (2012) Geometry 187-216 (a) Statement-1 is true but Statement-2 is false. bata Handling 217-236 (b) Statement-1 is false but Statement-2 is true. (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 is true. (4) Both Statement-1 and Statement~2 is false. _ Match the columns. (2018) 1. vou acess yu tes en any Windove based esto ani tletsor pads ananassae ee Calmont Column TE 2, Visit ae lnk helow arsean the QR code: (A) MCMXCIX = MDXLTX (i) MMMDEXIV 2. Mock Tests Class 5 Mathematics (B) MMXLV + MDLXIX (i) CCCIX (C) MCMLVELE » MCDXCIX (ii), CDLIX (D) MDXXXIX ~ MECXXX (iv) CbL, (a) @) ©) ) @ ® © ©) gave Mock Tests", 9 wegntration winklow pops up. eter al dts inthe fon & ck Sign UP" @® @ Gi) ® @ Gi) O WW account Seal he Mect-Yests appears inthe sid User can atteanpt the Cree Mock Tests) Ow @ G @ @ @ i) @ O 2 Online Mock Tests How to access free anine Mock Pests? Sel furan suppl 9. 5. Which of the following has the greatest value? () 30 tens more than 50 hundreds (b) 70 ones more than 300 tens (c) 20 ones less than 30 tens (d) 60 hundreds less than 8 thousands . What is the difference between the place value of 4 in the millions place and the place of 4 is the thousands place? (@) 396000 (b) 399600 (©) 3996000 (2019) (d) 999000 - When ¢ is added to 59 hundreds, the answer is 300 tens more than 11 ‘thousands. How many tens is $? (2018) (a) 180 (b) 140 () 8100 (4) 810 : Round off the sum of 3645279 and 2153467 to the nearest ten thousands (2018) (a) 5790000 (b) 5800000 (c) 5799000 (d) 5700000 Hace between the successor of 32760019 and Predecessor of mao (a) 15958979 (b) 15959981 (c) 14959981 (d) 15959979 10.From the greatest seven digit number using all the digits 9, 4, 6, 3 and 2 atleast once. (2018) (a) 9999999 (b) 9996432 (c) 9999996 (4) 9643299 11. Match the following : (2018) Column-I Column-II (Number) Place value and face value of underlined digit respectively) (A) 36124081 (i) 20000 and 2 (B) 92133302 (ii) 200000 and 2 (C) 512100842 (iii) 2 and 2 (D) 12201485 (iv) 2000000 and 2 @) @) © (©) @@) Gi) Gil) (iv) OW Wy) Gi) Gi) @) © (&) &) i) Gi) Ww) @ Wy) Gi) Gi) @ (019 & 2018 Olympiad Questions : | CHAPTER 3 OPERATIONS ON NUMBERS 2.A gardener plants 312250, 234278 and 143681 trees on three successive months. How many trees did he plant in all three months? (2019) (a) 690109 (b) 990109 (©) 900999 (a) 890109 3.13 bags of sugar cost t 2535. If each bag contains 5 kg of sugar, then find the cost of 1 kg of sugar. (2019) (@) %175 (b) 215 (© %39 () 25 ‘A. Shruti earns % 254.50 in a day. She spends % 110.25 and save the rest. How “much money will she save in 12 days? (2019) 1 @ 81975 (b) § 957.90 . Solve the following : P3 (c) & 569.70 (a) %1731 { @) Tana digit 3-digit number between 100 and 120 and a multiple of 6. The sum of my digits is 9, What number am I? _ (1) Find the difference between the fourth multiple of 9 and the third multi- ple of 6. (2018) | @ @w a a (a) 117 18 (b) 108 45 (c) 108 18 (d) 117 45 - Sahil travelled 12 km 450 m by train. 8 km 225 m by car and 3 km 450 m by scooter. Find the total distance travelled by Sahil. (2018) (@) 24h4m (b) 2444m (©) 2434 () 234m | CHAPTER-4 ; FACTOR AND MULTIPLES 7. The number 9660 is not divisible by (2019) 3 \() 5 7 @ 8 B. Which two numbers are wrongly written in the following number series: 6, 12, 18, 30, 42, 56, 76, 90 (2019) | © 12 and 76 (b) 56and 76 (c) 18 and 56d) 12 and 33 Find the correct two ‘missing numbers in the following number series: M2 94,77, 2 46, eee 19, 7 (2019) (@) 62and 32 (b) 62 and 33. (c) 61 and 32 () 6tand 33 p4 2019 & 2018 Olympiad Questio, 20. Find the sum of the common prime factors of 154 and 224. (2014 (a) 10 (b)7 (c) 12 (d) 9 21. Which of the following sets shows the multiples of 75? (201; @) | 5.1,3,15,25 (b) om 75150 BS To, © [aca sisasosis] 5484 58 006 CHAPTER-5 : FRACTIONS AND OPERATION ON FRACTION” 22. There are 50 Pessengers in a bus. 6 of them are children while the re| are adults. rf 7 Passengers in the bus are men? @s & & ox @ 2 23. Sneha had two 2000 rupee notes. She spent > of it on a dress and boug| & Pair of heels of € 945. How much money did she have left? (201) (@) % 2445 (b) = 1955 (©) % 1555 (d) % 2045 24. Which of the following is greater than 2» (201 @ tt () 30k © pt @ os | 25.Raman had some money. He spent ; of it on education and 3 of remainder on food. He saved the rest. i (A) What fraction of his money was Spent on food? (8) If Raman spent % 2400 on food, then how much did he save? (2011 ) ©) @ @) (@) 1/25 % 2400 (b) 8/25 % 3600 (c) 8/25 % 2400 (d) 1/25 23600 26.4 number is multiplied by 2, then by 4}. then by & then by 6 and finaly i > The answer is 16. Then the number is (a) Odd (b) even (©) square (d) Cube 2019 & 2018 Olympiad Questions PS _ CHAPTER-6:DECIMALS ae 27. When 182.25 is divided by 1.9 then the quotient up to one place of decimal is (ignore the remainder if any) (2019) (a) 95.9 (b) 97.5 (©) 97.2 (d) 95.7 28. Which is one of the following products is not correct? (2019) @ 0.2*05%0.4%0.25=001 (c) 0.5 0.8% 0.2«2.5= 0.02 29.In7+_ (b) 0.2*0.3%04%05= 0012 (d) 04%05%08*0.25 = 0,04 + 0.026 = 7.826, what is the missing fraction in the blank? (2018) @ } ws ©} @ + _ CHAPTER-7: BODMAS APPLICATION 30. Simplify the following expression: 33xadustegh (2019) 9°56 7 @ 92 (&) 9f © st @ s2 31. Find the missing value. 378 +3-(0an56)+ 53 =(Ler)ub (2019) (a) 0.56 (b) 0.24 (c) 170 (d) 0.56 32. Simplify the following expression: $4) (7 6) ffs 2) 1] fe}-$-(f- 4] (018) (@) 32 @) 33 (© st @ a5 CHAPTER-9 : TEMPERATURE 33. The temperature of water C. What is the difference in bucket A is 122° F and that in bucket B is 45° in the temperature of water in bucket A and that in bucket B? (2019) "@ 5c (b) o°c (©) 9¢ (d) 10° 34. The temperature of a city on Monday was 19 °C, Next day, it was decreased by 7 °C. What was the temperature on Tuesday? (2018) (@) 12°¢ (b) 26°C (c) 11°C (d) 25°¢ | 6 19 & 2018 Olympiad Questions oa 2019 & 2018 Olympiad Questions |_tn the given figure, 2BAE and (Ww): ©) > Gi: O) > “12. (a) Total number of trees planted in three months i = 312250 + 234278 + 143581 = 690109 \13. (©) Sugar in 1 bag = 5 kg ‘Sugar in 13 bags = 13 x 5 = 65 kg | Now, 65 kg of sugar costs = & 2535 | ..1kg of sugar costs = % 2535 + 65 =% 39 14, (d) Shruti earns in 1 doy = 254.50 ‘She spends in 1 day = 110.25 She saves in 1 day = % 254.50 ~ € 110.25 = % 144.25 (c) 490 is written as CDXC. (b) 1450 is written as MCDL. (@) Here CM - CD + CVIT + M = 900 - 400 + 107 + 1000 = 1607 = MDCVIT Statement-1 is true. Also, symbol C can be subtracted from D and M. Statement-2 is incorrect. (c) MCMXCIX - MDXLIX = 1999 - 1549 = 450 = CDL MMMXLV + MDLXEX = 2045 + 1569 = 3614 = MMMDCXIV MCMLVIII - MCDXCIX = 1958 - 1499 = 459 = CDLIX MDXXXIX - MCCXXX = 1539 - 1230 = 309 = CCCIX (@) 30 tens more than 50 hundreds = 5000 + 300 = 5300 70 ones more than 300 tens = 3000 + 70 = 3070 20 ones less than 30 tens = 300 - 20 = 280 60 hundreds less than 8 thousands = 8000 - 600 = 7400 (©) Difference = 4 millions - 4 thousands = 4000000 - 4000 = 3996000 () # +5900 = 3000 + 11000 += 14000 - 5900 = 8100 *. She saves in 12 days = 144,25 » 12 = % 1731 15. (©) (i) Multiple of 6 between 100 and 120 are 102, 108, 114. | =. Muliple having the sum of its digits 9 is 108. Difference = (4 « 9) - (3 * 6) = 36 - 18 = 18 i) i. (a) Distance travelled by train = 12 Km 450 m Distance travelled by car Km 255 m i Diatance travelled by scooter = 3 km 450 m f Total distance travelled = 12 km 450 m | 8 km 225m = 24 km+ 125 km= 242 km 1000 3 17. -(d) Number 9660 is not divisible by 8 because the number formed by last three digits, i. 660 is not divisible by 8. 18. (b) Here, except 56 and 76, all the remaining numbers are the multiples of 6. 19. () 112-94=18 94-77 =17 77-216 = 61-46 = 15 46-—= 14 77-16: [= 46-14 = 32 p12 20. (d) Prime factors of 154 = 2,7, 11 Prime factors of 224 = 7,2 = Sum of common prime factors =7+2=9 21. (d) Multiples of 75 are 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450, 525, 600, 22. (a) Passengers in a bus = 50 Number of adults = 50-6 = 44 Number of women = 1 x 44 = 28 Number of men = 44-28 = 16 8 ie Fraction of men 8 = 35 % 23. (€) Sneha had money = € 2000 x 2 = % 4000 ‘Money spent on dress = 2 »¥ 4000 = & 1500 ‘Money spent on pair of heels = ¢ 945 ‘Money left = € 4000 - ¥ (1500 + 945) = 1 afet 25. (b) Let the fraction of money Raman had = 1 Fraction of money spent on education = : Fraction of money left: 1-124 Ss Fraction of money spent on food= 2 of 4. on of total amount = ® 2400 > Total amount = * 2400 25 = 2 7500 119 & 2018 Olympiad Questions 2019 & 2018 OI rad Questions STSRCTRIgE. 0) Nimiee na Tent eh Number = ap dabesxba7 = 35, an odd number. 25 _ 1822 . (a) Quotient = we as . (c) 0.5 * 0.8 «0.2% 25=0.2 . (A) 7 ++ 0.026 = 7.826 = O+7.026=7.826 C= 7.826 - 7.026 = 95.9 = > fos 2 5 335th g6 2 2 0. (a) 33x33xsi068 = 2 = 84000 - & 2445 = 7 1555 1. (d) 375+3-(02x56)+ 8 1 = 125+ (L12)+ 8 = (1+2) x 8 orseeet gp 70.135 (1 ?) z 0.65 +013 = (1+?) + 0.78 x 2= (1+?) 156-1=? 2= 056 . EHH} as 25 Money saved = * 7500 - [E250 +200] = ©7500 - [% 1500 + 2400} = 87500 - & 3900 = ¢ 3600 Pld 33. (a) Temperature of water in bucket A = 122° F = [facre-aa]c = (S030)'c e 50° (0) QR= 5 of PR ‘Temperature of water in bucket B= 45°C 23 60=36m Difference in temperature = 50°C - 45°C =5°C. Then PQ= 60 m- 36 m= 24m 34. (a) Temperature on Monday = 19° Also, VU= UT= TS= 3 of PR Temperature on Tuesday = 19°C - 7° C= 12°¢ 35. (¢) Diameter = 28 cm 2019 & 2018 Olympiad Questio w= 3 *60m=20m 1. Perimeter of PQUV = PQ+PV Radius = Sees. 28 = 14 em = 24m+26m+20m+18 m= 88m identi - 2 Circumference of circle = 88 cm B. (c) Area of 8 identical squares = 392 cm 392 2 2 length of arc of 1 quadrant = ‘Area of 1 square = “= cm? = 49 cm or Side x Side = 49 cm? Side « Side = 7 « 7 = Side = 7 cm + Perimeter = 4 x side = 4x 7 = 28 cm 9. (a) Parallelogram D9 om O. (c) An isosceles triangle - ) In aBAE, Perimeter of 1 quadrant of circle = 14 cm + 14 cm +22 cm = 50 em ‘Sum of angles of triangle = 180° ZBAE + ZABE + ZBEA = 180° ZBAE + 40° + 25° = 180° ZBAE = 180° - (40° + 25°) = 115° In ABED, ‘sum of all angles = 180° ZBED + ZBDE + ZEBD = 180° ZBED + 60° + 30° = 180° => 2BED = 90° 2. (€) Let the original area and perimeter be A and P respectively le area of rectangle = ABGH = |x b= (8+ 4)x6=72 m2 ly 2! 7 area of AEHD = 3 x base xheight = 1x4 3= 6m? Now original area = A= + bh 1 Area of ABGC= 1 « base x height = $x 5x12=30me New area = ix Bx H= + x (26)x(2h)= 4 (4) ‘Area of plot ABCDE = (72 m? + 30m?) - 6 m2 = 102 m2 - 6m? = 96 mm or new area = 4A Again original perimeter = P= sum of three sides New perimeter = 2 x (sum of three sides) = 2P 420 Teresa ney bea right ng, 7228 Ode CHAPTER FOREWORD *. 8 aa aa tei 59° = 180° jare familiar with Arabic number system, but here you wil earn another way of representing Bg bers called Roman Numerals, 46. (a) 16 imgeme maneis enum chool, we usually write our class as I-A, II-C, IX-D etc, where I, IT and IX represents 47. (d) Numerals. 48. (b) Because the diameter is the longest chord. fill the blank spaces with suitable Roman numerals. 49. (b) MON is a straight line, | Xx Tt is straight angle Also, 2S0Q is acute angle. @m en ©) ) 17. Put the sign between these: a a se: (201 ® a () Uxv © «x (Lx @ > ) « © = a ee De XVIIT xv © Xxx @ Xx Directions (Qs. 18 to 21) : Choose the Roman representation for: (Mental Mathemati — v 9 18. 180 ais - x (@) evar ) ax So! (@ xvitr (b) LXV © xx @ 19. 1000 ° ( QXX Which of the following is meaningless? (Critical Thinking) @eLt () ¢ © >. @™ @ xa (b) XIX (©) xw @ xt = Which is a meaningless Roman numeral? (2012) ; ig i © bev @ om (@ xox (e) Loox ©) XK @® %voax ce@inibon Ge © Which is a meaningful Roman numeral? [ricky] ©) XL (d) DEXx. 22, OL Me folowing is the greatest? ; a ae z (b) mn (©) xe (@) UL (@ &) ix c con be written as : 23. Pick the odd one out. = eno @ vw () viv (© XW ® xv @ et () av © xxx @ x How will the number 24 be written in Roman numeral system? 24. Pick the odd one out. (@ xxrrr (b) IVxx (©) XxVE @® av (@ xXx (ob) Xxr (© xxv @ oy Thad 8 poper sheets ‘and my brother had 10 paper sheets. selectiege both 25. When pas is bar over any Roman numeral, the value of the number increase 6 (0) XVIII (b) XVI @ & (@) xix . |. I have.C candies and went to divide them between L children. How many candies {=) 500 a. & © 10 (1000 will each child get? ver + —— @ ur (b) Ir (@) xX @ Vv = io (@) 10000 (©) 13000 (14000 - There are 50 students n a class and Rehan wants to give 2 pencils to each student Direction (Qs. 27 ond 28) : Find the missing manera ae ee aut or xVe =x (2008)2. T went to market with € C. T fruits for © IX, il of © V ond 28. aan ome © wu @ x grocery of € 50, Tan left with . on ai @w @e @ vr ®)L © (® xxxvr (© XL (dM Olympiad Champs-Mathematics 43. Reema's father is 69 years old. 69 can be wriffon ae (@) Uxax oc ©) xe 44, Romans did not have a ‘symbol for: @ 0 © 45. Repetition of a Roman numeral means (@) multiplication (©) squaring 46. Roman numerals can be repeated (@) once (©) thrice @) iv © ©@O 100 (d) 1000 j | ‘ddition | twice the number twice n number of times P60, (0) Statement A is true, () @) 20 (©) Both statements are true, @) |. Roman numerals that can be repeated in Roman system are © vit (©) none () 1,Xandc (©) TVandx — (@) LEVEL 2 times. (@) Both are true. (©) (©) Only Aisrue. @ . Which of the following is true or false? (A) XXVIII» 20+8 (©) XXVE= 20+6 (0) (FFT () FETT © }. Roman numeral for 498 is (@) cocxvrrr (®) cbexrv © (203 8) in Column Ir, ) ‘What will be the outcome for the given diagram? (©) XUIr (c) 545 Roman Numerals wy (Critical Thinking) @ xv (d)_ 600 (Critical Thinking) Statement B is false. Only statement B is true. (2015) V,LandD — (d)_ None of these }. Statement A : In Roman numerals a letter can be used more than three times continuously. Statement B : A bar or a line on roman number increases its value by 1000 (Critical Thinking) Both are false, Only B is true, (Tricky) 30+ 4 = XXXVI 30 + 8 XXXIX TRF @ THT ~ (2014) CDXCVIII (d)_ None of these : Select the correct match of Roman numerals in Column T with Hindu-Arabic numerals (2012) Column-IT 318 769 wy Olympiad Champs-Mathematics 60, A cricket stadium manager counted the number ‘of matches held in each mont! ‘Matches held Number of matches XCIV DOVE ‘Months ‘August September October: XCIX November ovr In which month, the stadium had the lowest number of matches? @ August (b) September (c)_ October. (d)._ November. ~The year 2015 will be written as: (@) MMxv (6) MMMy Select the INCORRECT match. @ CHLIX-149 (b) DECX- 710 Select the INCORRECT match. (@ LIvs54 (b) XLVE= 46 (co) MMIX (6) MMXx (©) XVVIT- 108 (d)_ MCLIV- 11 (201; (d) XL=40 (©) LXxXIX = 89 A i Lid was released in MCMLV. Choose the numeral number for this @ Statement A : In Roman numerals, the digits do not have any place value. ‘Statement B : In MCMXVIT is correct? 1948 (b) 1965 (©) 1955 (@) 1960 (0) Only Ais false (b) Only Bis false (c) Bothare false (d) None of # Statement : In Roman numerals system, the symbol VC represents the num : 2009, Statement B : The ascending order of numbers X, V, VITI, IX is is Ba (2) Only Bis true (b) Only Ais true (c) Bothare true (d) None of th * Statement A : Roman numerals can be added together to represent di ‘i (Critical Thin Statement B : The successor of XVIII is XIX. Which of the statement is true?! (@ Ona (>) OnlyB © The equivalent of 2134 in Roman numerals is (@) MMLXXIV (6) MMCXXXIV The Indo Arabic numeral for CMLXXXIE is @ 482 (b) 532 Both (d) None of the (2010, Tricky) (©) LMMXXXxIV d)_ DDDLXXIV (© 982 @d) 1532 Roman Numerals (201) So ooeedocedsecias) PPIPIRPIPIPIPFIFIFIEEIFIEI) The Roman numeral for 3390 is (@) mmmecexc (©) MMMXCD The Indo-Arabic numeral for MCDXIV is (@) 1014 () 1404 IX + XV + XX = @) 45 M+ CCC + (0) XxXxIV cCM+__+ IV = 884 (@) LXXL (b) Lxxx The Roman numeral for 1296 is (@) MccxcvT (o)-mecepxcvr Select the INCORRECT match. (2017) (@) 318-CCCXVIIE (b) 523-DXXIIT (c) 694-DCXIV (4) 940-CMXL Smallest 3 digit number is subtracted from smallest 4 digit number. Write the result in Roman numeral. @) DM cM () DEM (a) Mc Garima is XIII years old. Her sister is X years old. How old will they be when their total age is LV years? (2014) (0) XXIX,XXVE_(b)_-XXV, XXIT (6) XIX, XXIT ‘MMXCCD MMMCCXCD 1400 1414 (2013) (@) (b) 35 = 1344 (b) xLIV () 44 (d) 76 (Critical Thinking) (@) XLHIT (2008) () Lxw © (©) xxc () @ ACCLXXXXVE DDCCXCVE (©) XX, XXIIT RESPONSE GRID le] eee) 6] a Be ee eeelele sejae)ejs) ANISISSRY RRR APL EEE EEEEEE) Precsneaseasas ARPA AAEaES] Heeeadeeaaadaaaal PUSSSASSSERVSS ar HEPA ARIAPPIAFAPPPIRAIEEI APPeeeeeaeeaeaal BSISRSEPRSSYRGE OH PP PFFEEAFFIEISIEIE) Sisalslalalalalslslaalsla|s| ASSSSSESSSHSTSG FRREIPEPEIEIEIEEIEIEIE) Breese FIPIPIRISIFIRIPIFIAIFIIPIEIE Geena peeesael Olympiad Champs—Mathematics LEVEL 4 CXL = 100 + 10+ 1 11 XCIV= 100-10 +5-1=90+4=94 XXIIT= 10+10+1+1+1223 5. @) 6 ©) CDXC = 400 + 90 = 490 We have 32 teeth. [50+ 20+ 10+ 6 = 86] 12. (a) L=50, C= 100, D= 500, M= 1000 ‘There is difference of one. There is difference of five. There is difference of ten. [40 is greater than 30} 19. (d) 20. (a) 21. (b) [L=50, LX =60, C= 100, XXX = 30] Tt cannot be the representation of any number. The series is with the difference of 2, so it will be 19, 21, 23 and 25. 26. (b) (15-5=10) (10 + 30 = 40) 57 + 40= 97 is greatest 10+ 20=30 20+50=70 50+10+5=65 13 +5518 XXXXIX is meaningless as no number can be repeated more than 3 times. XC is a meaningful Roman numeral V,L, D are never subtracted thus option a, b, d are meaningless, 38. @) [10 +8 = 18) . (b) (L= 50) + (XX racrrinss Ps (b) [C= 100, L= 50, 100/50 = 2] (b) [50x 2=100= C pencils are required] (@) [100 - (9 +5 + 50) = 100 - 64 = 36) @) (@)_InRoman system, there is no symbol for zero, Thus, they did nat use place value system. (b) Repetition of Roman numerals means addition but numerals like V, L and D cannot be repeated. (©) Roman numerals can be repeated thrice. . @) |. (©) V, Land D cannot be repeated. LEVEL 2 = 20)+(V=5) => 50+20+5275 . (a) Roman numerals I, X, C are used for both addition and subtraction. - © . (©) 04441215 -2= 13] - (6) [D = 500, xl . (d)_ C= 100 and M= 1000 > 100 B. (a) As1,XandC con be repeated . (0) ).V=5 so 500+ 40+5 = 545) () (©) CDXCVIEI = 498 ) A-i,B-ii,C- ili, D-iv (b) September (@)_ [M= 1000, X= 10, V= 5+ 1000 + 1000 + 10 + 5 = 2015] (©) XVVIE- 108 is the incorrect match (©) LXxIx = 89s the incorrect match - () [1000 + 900 + 50 + 5 = 1955] . (b) 66. (d) 67. © - () (CM= 900) + (Lx = 80) + T= 2) => 900+80+2 CMLXXXII = 982 Wy Olympiad Champs-Mathematics 70. (a) 3390 76, 77, © ) 080% + 300 + 90 (3000 = MMM) + (300 = ccc) + (Ce MMMCcexc me Oe) MeDXxIV (M= 1000) « (cd = 400) « V = 14) = 1000 + 400 + 14 ee) = 1414 = Mcoxry AS9+15+202 44 (M= 1000) + (cce = 300) « = = 44=XLIV pads CCM + LXxx+ Ty 800+ 80+ 4-884 1296 1000 + 200+9046 (2000 =) + (C= 200) (xe = 90) «vr « Mccxevr ) Oe $0)+ E26) 694 - DCXIV is incorrect match 78. (@) XxIX+ xxvz= 55 CHAPTER FOREWORD amber is a mathematical object used to figure, the objects which are used to represent the one is aware about it. In the above \bers by Using the combination of these numerals, For ‘example, in mbers can be written 10, 11 and 12 are the Combination of 1 and 0,1 and 1, 1 and 2 What is the difference between 1,00, 000 and 10,00, 0007 How can we write numbers greater than 10, 000, 00, ooo y ceading this chapter, you will learn about the role of place value in numbers, You will Know about factors, multiples and LOM, * Natural number start with 1 and continue till infinity but whole number start with 0 nd continue till infinity, So, we can't write ‘the largest natural number and largest Whole number,

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