NTSE (S-I) 2019-20 - MAT & SAT (Que & Ans) - Haryana

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DATE : 03/11/2019 HARYANA

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Questions & Answers

NTSE (Stage-I) 2019-20
Read the following instructions carefully before you open the question booklet.

1. Use blue/black ballpoint pen only. There is no negative marking.

2. Part I : MAT : 1 - 100 questions

Part II : SAT : 1 - 100 questions

3. This test booklet contains 200 questions of one mark each. All the questions are compulsory.

4. Answer each question by darkening the one correct alternative among the four choices on the OMR SHEET
with blue/black ballpoint pen.

Example :

Q. No. Alternatives
Correct way : 1 1 2 1 4
Q. No. Alternatives
Wrong way : 1 1 2 3 4

Student must darkening the right oval only after ensuring correct answer on OMR Sheet.

5. Students are not allowed to scratch / alter / change out an answer once marked on OMR Sheet, by using
white fluid / eraser / blade / tearing / wearing or in any other form.

6. Separate sheet has been provided for rough work in this test booklet.

7. Please handover the OMR Sheet to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.

8. Darken completely the ovals of your answer on OMR Sheet in the time limit allotted for that particular paper.

9. Your OMR Sheet will be evaluated through electronic scanning process. Incomplete and incorrect entries
may render your OMR Sheet invalid.

10. Use of electronic gadgets, calculator, mobile etc, is strictly prohibited.


Directions (Q.4 to Q.6) : Two positions of a block with

1 to 6 dots on its sides are shown below. Observe the dots 5.
on block.
1. If the block is resting on the side with three dots.
What will be the number of dots on the side the top?
(1) (2)

(1) 1 or 5 (2) 2 (3) (4)

(3) 4 (4) 6
Answer (1) Answer (3)

2. How many dots are contained on the face opposite

to that containing four dots?

(1) 2 (2) 5
(3) 3 (4) 6 (1) (2)
Answer (1)
3. What is the number of dots on the face opposite 2
dots ?
(3) (4)

Answer (4)

(1) 1 (2) 3 7. Which number is opposite to 3?

(3) 4 (4) 6
Answer (2)
Directions (Q.4 to Q.6) : Choose the correct water image (1) 6 (2) 4
of the figure (x) from amongst the alternatives given along
with its. (3) 2 (4) 1
Answer (2)
Direction: (Q.8 to Q.12) A cube painted red on two
adjacent faces and black on the faces opposite to the red
faces and green on the remaining faces is cut into sixty
four smaller cubes of equal size.
(1) (2) 8. How many cubes are there which have no face
painted ?
(1) 1 (2) 4
(3) (4)
(3) 8 (4) 16
Answer (1) Answer (3)

9. How many cubes have only one face painted ? (1) 18° North of East (2) 18° East of North
(1) 8 (2) 16 (3) 72° North of East (4) 82° East of North
(3) 24 (4) 32 Answer (1)
Answer (3) Direction (Q.17 to Q.21) : Each letter of alphabet from A
to Z has been given a value from 1 to 26 serially. Solve
10. How many cubes are there with three faces painted ?
the questions on the basis of value of words.
(1) 4 (2) 8 17. BUSH = 50, CAMP = 33, then LIKE = ?
(3) 16 (4) 24 (1) 40 (2) 41
Answer (2) (3) 32 (4) 37
11. How many cubes are there with two faces painted? Answer (4)
(1) 24 (2) 8 18. Which word has the maximum value?
(3) 32 (4) 12 (1) BURN (2) CURT
Answer (1) (3) DUCK (4) BUOY
12. How many cubes have one face green and one of the Answer (4)
adjacent faces black or red? 19. Which words have the equivalent value?
(1) 8 (2) 16 (1) KING : CAST (2) BURY : SURE
(3) 24 (4) 28 (3) RICH : BOAT (4) BLUE : CANT
Answer (2) Answer (3)
13. Which group of letters is different from others? 20. Which equation is correct?
(1) CBAED (2) TSRVU (1) X + Y = 50 (2) Z – T = 6
(3) KJIMN (4) WVUYX (3) B x V = 41 (4) R ÷ I = 5
Answer (3) Answer (2)
14. Find the letter to be placed in place of (?) in the 21. Which word is equivalent to 106 ?
figure given. (1) MONKEY (2) DOG JACKY
Answer (4)
22. What will come at the place of ‘?’

(1) M (2) N
(3) Q (4) R
(1) W (2) X
Answer (1)
(3) Y (4) Z
15. Identify the number in the position of (?).
Answer (3)
23. How many times in 24 hours the hands (hour &
minutes) of a clock will be at right angles?
(1) 4 (2) 5 (1) 24 (2) 30
(3) 6 (4) 7 (3) 72 (4) 48
Answer (2) Answer ( )
16. A sprinter goes off the starting block for 100 m run 24. If a train runs at a speed of 92.7 km/hr, then the
and at that instant the second hand of a stop watch distance covered in metres in 17 minutes will be:
had pointed towards North. He touches the finishing
(1) 26265 (2) 26700
line exactly after 12 second. In which direction did
the second hand point when he just crossed the (3) 30002 (4) 29365
finishing line? Answer (1)
Direction (Q.25 & Q.26) : A lady runs 12 km towards 32. In the figure, the circle represents youth, the triangle
North, then 6 km towards south and then 8 km East. represents footballers and the rectangle represents
athletes – which letter represents athletes among
25. How far is she from her starting point?
youth who are not footballers?
(1) 26 km (2) 18 km
(3) 14 km (4) 10 km
Answer (4)
26. Which direction is she from her starting point?
(1) North-East (2) North (1) c (2) g
(3) East (4) North-West (3) d (4) f
Answer (1) Answer (2)
27. Here are some words translated from an artificial 33. Statement : All clocks are Alarms. No Clocks are
language – cuckoos. All cuckoos are Alarms. Some cuckoos
are Birds.
mie pie is blue light
Conclusion :
mie tie is blue berry
(I) : Some Alarms are Birds
aie tie is rasp berry
(II) : No Clock is a Bird
Which words could possibly mean “light fly”
(III) : All Birds are Alarms
(1) pie zie (2) pie mie (1) Only conclusion I follows
(3) aie zie (4) aie mie (2) Only conclusion II follows
Answer (1) (3) Only conclusion III follows
28. If in a certain code, STUDENT is written as (4) Both conclusions II and III follows
RSTEDMS, then how would TEACHER be written in Answer (1)
the same code? 34. Find the number in the Position of ‘?’
Answer (3)
29. If CHAIR is coded as FKDLU then RAID is coded (1) 42 (2) 40
as: (3) 41 (4) 45
(1) ULGD (2) ULKG Answer (3)

(3) ULDG (4) UDLG Direction : (Q.35 to Q. 38): Find out which of the
alternatives will exactly make up the key figure (X) ?
Answer (4)
30. In a certain code HNDT has been coded as 3694. 35.
How will you code THD in the same code?
(1) 604 (2) 428
(3) 439 (4) 349
31. If the word PENCIL is coded as LICNEP then how
would the work INKPOT be coded? (1) (2)
(3) (4)
Answer (4) Answer (3)
36. Direction (Q.39 & Q.40) : Find out how will the key figure
(X) look like after rotation?


(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(3) (4)
(3) (4)
Answer (1)
Answer (2)


(1) (2) (1) (2)

(3) (4)
(3) (4)

Answer (3)
Answer (1) Direction (Q.41 to Q.43) : W hich f igure is the
rearrangement of the parts of the given figure ?


(1) (2) (1) (2)

(3) (4) (3) (4)

Answer (3) Answer (1)

42. 45.

(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(3) (4) Answer (2)

Answer (1)



(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Answer (3)
(3) (4)

Answer (1) 47.

Direction (Q.44 to Q.48) : Find out which of the figures
(1, 2, 3 and 4) can be formed from the pieces given in the
figure (X) .


(1) (2)

(3) (4) (4)

Answer (3) Answer (1)

52. Find the number of quadrilaterals.
(1) 6 (2) 7
48. (3) 9 (4) 10
Answer ()
53. Find the number of Pentagons.
(1) 2 (2) 3
(1) (2) (3) 4 (4) 6
Answer (4)
Direction: (Q. 54 & 58) Choose the mirror image of the
figure, (X) from amongst the four alternatives 1, 2, 3 and
(3) (4) 4 given along with it.

Answer (2) 54.

Direction : (Q.49 to 51) Study the following figure and
answer the questions.

(1) (2)

49. What is the minimum number of straight lines that

is needed to construct the figure ?
(1) 11 (2) 13 (3) (4)
(3) 15 (4) 21
Answer (2)
Answer (2)
50. Count the number of triangles in the figure.
(1) 22 (2) 16
(3) 20 (4) 24 55.
Answer (1)
51. How many squares does the figure contain?
(1) 5 (2) 6
(3) 7 (4) 8 (1)

Answer (3)

F E D (2)

J I (3)
Direction: (Q.52 & Q.53) Analyse the following figure and
answer the questions


Answer (4)

59. Asha’s house faces south direction. She runs ahead
56. 10 m, turns left and runs 5 m. Then she turns left
again and runs 15 m and then again turns left and
runs 10 m. Finally, she turns right and runs 5 m to
reach her friend’s house. What direction is Asha’s
friend’s house facing ?
(1) South (2) North
(3) East (4) West
(1) (2)
Answer (1)
60. Mother was asked how many gifts she had in the
bag. She replied that there were all dolls except six,
all car’s but six and all books but six. How many
(3) (4) gifts had she in all?
(1) 36 (2) 27
Answer (2) (3) 18 (4) 9
Answer (4)
61. Which of the following diagram indicate the relation
between women, mothers and parents?


(1) (2)


Answer (1)
62. In a dairy, there are 60 cows and buffalos, The
(3) (4) number of Cows is twice that of buffalos. Buffalo X
ranked seventeenth in terms of milk delivered. If there
are 9 Cows ahead of buffalo X, how many buffalos
Answer (3) are after in rank in terms of milk delivered?
(1) 10 (2) 11
(3) 12 (4) 13
Answer (3)
63. Amongst five friends, Lata, Alka, Rani, Asha and
Sadhana. Lata is older than only three of her friends.
Alka is younger to Asha and Lata. Rani is older than
(1) (2) only Sadhana. Who amongst them is the eldest?
(1) Asha (2) Lata
(3) Alka (4) Sadhana
Answer (1)
(3) (4)
Direction: (Q.64 to Q.68) There is given a figure(X)
followed by four figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 such that X is
embedded in one of them. Trace out the correct
Answer (1) alternatives.


(1) (2)


(3) (3) (4)

Answer (4)

Answer (4)


(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Answer (1)
(3) (4) Direction (Q.69 to Q.73) : Figure A, B, C and D
Constitute the problem set while figures 1, 2, 3 and 4
Constitute the answer set. There is a definite relationship
Answer (3)
between figures A and B. Establish a similar relationship
between figures C and D by choosing a suitable figure (D)
from the answer set.


(1) (2)
(1) (2)

(3) (4) (3) (4)

Answer (2) Answer (1)

70. 73.

(1) (2)

(2) (3) (4)

Answer (2)
Direction : (Q. 74 to 78) The figure (X) given in each
problem, is folded to form a box. Choose from amongst
the alternatives, the boxes that are similar to the box


Answer (3) 74.


(1) (2)
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only
(3) B and D only (4) A, B, C and D
Answer (4)
(3) (4)
Answer (2)


(1) (2)

(1) A and C only

(2) B, C and D only

(3) (4) (3) B and D only

(4) C and D only
Answer (4) Answer (3)
79. Problem Figures


Answer Figures

(1) (2)
(1) A only (2) C only
(3) A and C only (4) A and B only
Answer (2) (3) (4)

Answer (3)

80. Problem Figures


Answer Figures

(1) A and D only (2) C and D only

(3) A and B only (4) B and C only (1) (2)

Answer (1)

(3) (4)

78. Answer (4)

81. Problem Figures

Answer Figures
(1) A and B only
(2) B only
(3) B and C only (1) (2)

(4) A, B, and D only

Answer (2)
Direction (Q. 79 to 85) There are given a set of four (3) (4)
figures (A, B, C and D) forming a certain series. However,
the figure at C is missing. Choose this figure from the
given alternatives. Answer (4)

82. Problem Figures 85. Problem Figures

Answer Figures
Answer Figures

(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Answer (4)
(3) (4)
86. Problem Figures

Answer (1)

83. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(1) (2)

Answer Figures
(3) (4)

Answer (2)
(1) (2)
87. Problem Figures

(3) (4)

Answer Figures
Answer (3)

84. Problem Figures


Answer Figures

(1) (2) (3)

(3) (4) (4)

Answer (4) Answer (1)

88. Problem Figures 93. 2, 3, 6, 18, 108, ?
(1) 1944 (2) 1658
(3) 648 (4) 1008
Answer (1)
94. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, ?, ?
Answer Figures
(1) 11, 13 (2) 10, 11
(3) 8, 9 (4) 9, 11
(1) (2) Answer (1)
Direction (Q.95 to Q.98) : Find the wrong number in the
following series.
95. 24576, 6144, 1536, 386, 96, 24
(3) (4)
(1) 96 (2) 386
(3) 1536 (4) 6144
Answer (1)
Answer (2)
89. Problem Figures
96. 3, 4, 10, 32, 136, 685
(1) 685 (2) 10
(3) 136 (4) 32
Answer (4)
Answer Figures 97. 3, 8, 13, 24, 42, 70
(1) 13 (2) 24

(1) (2) (3) 42 (4) 70

Answer (3)
98. 6, 7, 9, 11, 15, 15, 28, 19, 36
(1) 15 (2) 28
(3) (4)
(3) 19 (4) 70
Answer (3) Answer (2)
90. Find the missing number in the series 2, 10, 26, 50, 99. Shitin remembers that his mother’s birthday is after
____, 122. 17th April but before twenty first April, where as his
(1) 81 (2) 82 father remembers that his wife’s birthday is after
19th April but before 24th April. Which of the
(3) 80 (4) 84 following days in April is definitely his mother’s
Answer (2) birthday?
Direction (Q.91 to Q.94) : In the questions, a series is (1) 19th April
given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative (2) 20th April
from the given ones that will complete the series.
(3) 21th April
91. 6, 24, 60, 120, ?
(4) Both statements are not sufficient
(1) 180 (2) 210
Answer (2)
(3) 240 (4) 360
100. Day after tomorrow is my birthday. On the same day
Answer (2) next week falls ‘Holi’. Today is Monday. What will be
92. 1, 9, 9, 81, 90, 810, 819, ? the day after ‘Holi’?
(1) 7371 (2) 900 (1) Thursday (2) Friday
(3) 8100 (4) 1638 (3) Wednesday (4) Saturday
Answer (1) Answer (1)

1. Headquarter of UNESCO is at ? 7. A 10 kg box is suspended from a beam in three

(1) Geneva ways as shown in figure. In which case, tension in
string is maximum ?
(2) Rome
(3) Paris
(4) London 60°

Answer (3)
2. How many valence electrons are present in Cl– ion? (ii) (iii) (iv)

(1) 5 (2) 6 (1) i (2) ii

(3) 7 (4) 8 (3) iii (4) iii & iv both

Answer (4) Answer (None of the given option is correct)
3. Blood cells are manufactured in our :
8. If  a  3b , Where a and
(1) Bone marrow (2) Liver
28  10 3  7  4 3
(3) Spleen (4) Pancreas b are integers, then the value of 5a  12b is
Answer (1)
(1) 4 (2) 3
4. If a  (sin   cos )4 , b  sin6   cos6  and
(3) 11 (4) 13
c  (sin   cos  ) , then the value of 3a  4b  6c Answer (None of the given option is correct)
lies between:
9. Element M forms a chloride with the formula MCl3.
(1) 2 and 3 (2) 3 and 4 Element M would most likely in the same group of
(3) 4 and 5 (4) 5 and 6 periodic table as :

Answer (2) (1) Si

5. Which of the following statements are correct in (2) Al
relation to liberal Nationalism in 19th C. Europe ? (3) Mg
I. Freedom for the individual and equality of all
(4) Na
before the law.
Answer (2)
II. Government by consent of all.
10. Which of the following is not a part of human hind
III. End of autocracy and the privileges of clergy.
brain ?
IV. Equal political rights for women and non -
propertied men. (1) Crura cerebri (2) Medulla oblongata

(1) I, II, IV (2) I, II III (3) Pons varoli (4) Cerebellum

(3) II, III, IV (4) I, III, IV Answer (1)

Answer (2) 11. Which of the following statement does not match
the Nazi views on women ?
6. Maintaining the proper amount of water and proper
ionic balance in the body is named as : (1) Women are radically different from men.
(1) Homeostasis (2) Women must become good mothers and rear
(2) Osmoregulation pure blooded ‘Aryan’ children.

(3) Excretion (3) Women should be entitled equal rights to men.

(4) Nutrition (4) Women must produce more children.

Answer (2) Answer (3)

12. What model of government did Montesquieu propose 16. How many numbers lie between 100 and 400 which
in his book ‘A Spirit of Laws’ ? when divided by 9 leave a remainder 6, and when
(1) To refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute divided by 21, leave a remainder 12?
rights of the monarch. (1) 3 (2) 4
(2) A government based on the social contract (3) 5 (4) 6
between people and their representatives. Answer (2)
(3) Division of powers within the government 17. What did freedom mean for the plantation workers
between the legislative, the executive and the of Assam ?
(1) Self Government
(4) Concentration of all the powers in the hands of (2) Freedom from Zamindars
a monarch and his group of loyal people.
(3) Fare labour
Answer (3)
(4) Right t o mov e f reely in and out of the
13. Read the following statements. plantations.
Statement-I : Plaster of Paris is stored in moisture Answer (4)
proof containers.
18. If a, b and c are integers such that
Statement-II : Plaster of Paris on reaction with
water changes into a hard solid gypsum. ( 3 4  3 2  2)( 3 4a  3 2b  c )  20

Select the correct answer from the options given then which one of the following is true?
below: (1) a + b – c = 10 (2) a – b + c = 10
(1) Statement-I is true. (3) a + b = 2c (4) a + b + c = 16
Statement-II is false. Answer (No option is correct)
(2) Statement-I is false. 19. W hich of the following were the famous three
demands of Lenin that are also known as ‘April
Statement-II is true.
Theses’ ?
(3) Both Statements are true and Statement-II
I. The war be brought to close.
provides explanation to Statement-I.
II. Land be transferred to the peasants.
(4) Both Statements are true but Statement-II does
not provides explanation to statement-I. III. Restrictions on public meetings be imposed

Answer (3) IV. Banks be nationalised.

14. Organs which look different and perform different (1) I, II, III (2) II, III, IV
functions but have similar basic structure and origin (3) I, III, IV (4) I, II, IV
are called : Answer (4)
(1) Analogous organs 20. Carrying the flag, holding it aloft during marches in
(2) Homologous organs Indian National movement, was a symbol of :
(3) Similar organs (1) Leadership (2) Defiance
(4) Dissimilar organs (3) Non - Violence (4) Satyagrah
Answer (2) Answer (2)

15. Two organic compounds ‘X’ and ‘Y’ react with

sodium metal and both produce same gas ‘A’. With 21.
sodium hydrogen carbonate only compound ‘Y’
Which functional groups are present in this organic
reacts to produce gas ‘B’ identify X, Y, A and B.
(1) X = C2H4 Y = C2H5OH A = CO2 B = H2 (1) Alcohol, ketone and ester
(2) X = C2H5OH Y = CH3COOH A = H2 B = CO2 (2) Alcohol, ketone and carboxylic acid
(3) X = CH3OH Y = C2H5OH A = H2 B = CO2 (3) Alcohol, ketone and aldehyde
(4) X = CH3COOH Y = HCOOH A = CO2 B = H2 (4) Alcohol, aldehyde and carboxylic acid
Answer (2) Answer (3)
22. How many subjects are given in central list ? 28. Which is the ruling party in Telangana ?
(1) 97 (2) 66 (1) T.D.P
(3) 50 (4) 47 (2) Indian National Congress
Answer (1) (3) B.J.P
23. What is the mass of 2.5 moles of CO2? (4) T.R.S.
(1) 100 g (2) 110 g Answer (4)
(3) 88 g (4) 98 g
29. Which of the following UT does not have its own
Answer (2) Assembly ?
24. Which of the following organ in human male is (1) Delhi (2) J & K
called thermoregulator ?
(3) Ladakh (4) Pondicherry
(1) Vas deferens (2) Ejaculatory ducts
Answer (3)
(3) Scrotum (4) Cowper’s gland
30. Teacher wrote following points on the blackboard
Answer (3) about a particular crop i.e. Temp. 20° - 35°C, Rainfall
25. The graphs of the equations 2x  3y  A and - not less than 200 cm Terrain -undulating, soil -
laterite, red, yellow. Which of the following crop the
x + 2y = B intersect at the point P, which also lies
teacher is discussing about ?
on the graph of the equation:
(1) Jute (2) Millet
(1) 5 x  3 y  A  B (2) 3 x  5y  A  B
(3) Coffee (4) Rubber
(3) 3 x  5y  A  B (4) 3 x  5 y  A  B
Answer (4)
Answer (4)
31. The daily wage of a person in rural area is Rs. 200
26. Radha works in an office from 9 am to 5 pm. She
and the poverty line for a person is fixed at Rs. 800
gets her salary regularly every month and also she
per month for rural areas. Following table shows the
gets provident fund, medical and other allowances
detail of employment of four families living in a
as per the rules laid down by the govt. Sunday is
village. Identify the family living below poverty line:
a paid holiday f or her. She was giv en an
appointment letter stating all the terms and Family Total days of Employment got in a months
conditions of work at the time of joining. by the family Member of family
Her cousin Ram is a daily wage labourer in a cloth Family Total days of Employment got Member
shop. He goes to shop at 8 am and works till 8 pm in a months by the family of family
in the ev ening. He does not get any type of Ram 10 2
allowances apart from his wages. He is not paid for Radha 18 3
days he does not work i.e. He does not get paid
Raju 12 4
holidays. Also, he did not get any appointment
Pooja 25 5
In which sectors, Both Radha and Ram work ? (1) Pooja (2) Ram

(1) Both are in organised sectors. (3) Radha (4) Raju

(2) Both are in unorganised sectors. Answer (4)

(3) Radha works in organised sector ‘while Ram 32. The I.U.P.A.C. name of following compound is:
works in unorganised sector.
CH3 – CH – CH2 – CH - CH3
(4) Radha works in unorganised sector while Ram
C2 H5 C2 H5
works in organised sector.
Answer (3) (1) 2,4 – Diethyl pantane
27. Who was the author of Arthashastra ? (2) 2, 4 – Diethyl butane
(1) Kautilya (2) Plato (3) 3, 5 – Dimethyl hexane
(3) Aristotle (4) Mechiavelli (4) 3, 5 – Dimethyl heptane
Answer (1) Answer (4)

33. Which one of the following is not an example of 37. The arithmetic progressions : 1, 4, 7, …… and 2,
fixed capital ? 10, 18, …..., each contains 100 terms, How many
terms are common to both the progression?
(1) Tools
(1) 10 (2) 12
(2) Raw Materials
(3) 13 (4) 14
(3) Machines Answer (3)
(4) Buildings Direction (Q.38 to Q.41) : Read the statements and
select the correct answer from the options given below.
Answer (2)
(1) Statement-I is True.
1  cos  cos ec  cot  r  1 Statement-II is false.
34. If   , then
1  cos  cos ec  cot  r  1 (2) Statement-I is false.
(1) tan   2
r 1 Statement-II is true.
(2) cos   r (3) Both statement are true and Statement-II
provides explanation to statement-I.
r2 1 (4) Both statements are true but statement-II does
(3) sin   cos  
r not provide explanation of statement-I
38. Statement-I : Three wars over seven years with
(4) cot   1  r 2
Austria, Denmark and France ended in Prussian
Answer (1) Victory and completed the process of unification of
35. Arrange the following households in ascending order
of per capita income. Statement-II : On 18th January, 1871 new German
Empire was proclaimed headed by Kaiser William I
Name of Total Income Size of the of Prussia in the Palace of Versailles.
Household of Household Household Answer (3)
Rajat 6000 5
39. Statement-I : On 5th May, 1789 Louis XVI called
Raman 5000 5
together an assembly of the Estate General to
Suman 3200 4 pass proposals for new taxes.
Priya 8400 6
Statement-II : The members of the third estate
(1) Suman < Raman < Rajat < Priya demanded that voting now be conducted by the
principle that estate had one vote.
(2) Priya < Rajat < Raman < Suman
Answer (1)
(3) Raman < Rajat < Suman < Priya 40. Statement-I : Under the shadow of the Second
(4) Suman < Rajat < Raman < Priya World War Germany had waged a genocidal war,
which resulted in the mass murder of selected
Answer (1) groups of innocent civilians of Europe.
36. India imports Chinese toy at Rs. 100, whereas the Statement-II : Germany’s conduct during the war,
same toy is manufactured and available in India for especially those actions which came to be called
Rs. 150. Now if Indian Govt. puts tax of Rs. 50 on ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ raised serious moral and
import of that toy. This practice of Indian Govt. is ethical question and invited worldwide condemnation.
known as : Answer (3)
(1) Export substitution 41. Statement-I : After the corn laws were scrapped the
condition of peasants deteriorated as they were
(2) Trade barrier unable to compete with imports.
(3) Import substitution Statement-II : Around the world in Eastern Europe,
Russia, America and Australia lands were cleared and
(4) Dumping
food production expanded to meet the British demand.
Answer (2) Answer (3)

42. Consider an infinite grid with square cells. The 46. Consider the following statements.
resistance between two adjacent joints is R. Find A. The velocity of sound in air increases due to
the net resistance Rnet of the whole grid between two presence of moisture in it.
points A & B
R. The presence of moisture in air lowers the
density of air.
In above statements :
(1) Both ‘A’ & ‘R’ are correct & ‘R’ is the correct
explanation of ‘A’
(2) Both ‘A’ & ‘R’ are correct & ‘R’ is not the correct
explanation of ‘A’
(1) R (2) R/2 (3) ‘A’ is correct, ‘R’ is incorrect
(3) R/4 (4) 4R (4) ‘A’ is incorrect, ‘R’ is correct
Answer (2) Answer (1)
43. Arrange the following in a chronological sequence: 47. When a cell is placed in strong salt solution. It
I. Second Round table conference. shrinks, because :

II. Establishment of Depressed class Association. (1) Salt solution enters in cell

III. Breaking of salt law and beginning of civil (2) Cytoplasm of the cell begins to decompose
disobedience movement. (3) W at er came out of the cel l to dev elop
IV. Lahore Congress equilibrium

(1) II, III, IV, I (4) W at er enters insi de the cel l to dev elop
(2) I, II, III, IV
Answer (3)
(3) IV, II, III, I
48. A person has a rectangular sheet of metal. He has
(4) III, I, II, IV to make cylindrical vessel whose both circular ends
Answer (3) are closed. When he minimize the wastage of the
sheet, then what is the ratio of the wasted sheet to
44. Arrange the following in a chronological sequence:
I. Abdication of Tsar. the utilised sheet? (   )
II. Bloody Sunday.
III. Formation of Comintern (1) (2) 3/11
IV. Civil War 1
(3) (4) 5/22
(1) II, I, IV, III (2) III, IV, I, II 11
(3) I, III, II, IV (4) I, IV, III, II Answer (3)
Answer (1) 49. In a two body collision, the momentum is varying
with time as shown in graph. The instantaneous
45. A uniform wire of resistance 9  having resistance
force is maximum at :
1 /m is bent in the form of a circle as shown in
figure. If the equivalent resistance between P & Q is
2 , what is the length of shorter section ?

(1) 4 m (2) 3 m (1) P (2) Q

(3) 6 m (4) 2 m (3) R (4) S
Answer (2) Answer (3)

50. Select the correct set of statements regarding 56. Match the f ollowing famous place with their
change in properties, as we move left to right in the respective states.
second period of periodic table : I II
I. Atomic size decreases (A) Pampa Sagar Lake (i) Tamil Nadu
II. Valency remains same
(B) Dibang Multipurpose (ii) Arunachal Pradesh
III. Electronegativity increases
IV. Metallic character decreases
(C) Umnanda Island (iii) Karnataka
(1) I, II and III (2) II, III and IV
(4) Anicut Canal (iv) Guwahati
(3) I, II and IV (4) I, III and IV
(1) A(ii), B(i), C(iii), D(iv)
Answer (4)
(2) A(iii), B(ii), C(iv), D(i)
51. Shivasamudram fall is found on which river?
(3) A(iii), B(iv), C(i), D(ii)
(1) Mahanadi (2) Chenab
(4) A (iv), B(ii), C(i), D(iii)
(3) Cavery (4) Krishna
Answer (2)
Answer (3)
57. Which of the following type of teeths are called as
52. Which metallic mineral is famous in the Balaghat
tearing teeth ?
district of Madhya Pradesh?
(1) Incissors (2) Canines
(1) Gold (2) Iron
(3) Copper (4) Zinc (3) Premolars (4) Molars

Answer (3) Answer (2)

53. Ram was working with his father in their farm. His 58. A body is dropped from rest. Its velocity varies with
father was small farmer. Income generated from the displacement covered as :
farm was not enough for the family. Ram got an
opportunity to get loan from the bank under a govt.
programme. He bought a rickshaw with that money
and started working as a rickshaw puller in the city. (1) (2)
Now he is able to earn good enough and their family
income is increased than earlier. Such kind of
activity done by Ram to improve his financial
condition comes under:
(1) Primary sector (2) Secondary sector (3) (4)
(3) Manufacturing sector (4) Service sector
Answer (4) Answer (3)
54. A screen bearing a real image of magnification m1, 59. In ABC, BE and CD are the perpendiculars on sides
formed by a convex lens, is moved by a distance x. AC and AB, respectively and intersect each other at
The object is then moved until a new image of O. The bisectors of OBC and OCB meet at P. If
magnification m2 is formed on screen. The focal BPC = 146°, then what is the measure of A?
length of lens is : (1) 34° (2) 68°
x m2  m1
(1) m  m (2) (3) 73° (4) 36.5°
2 1 x
Answer (2)
x m1  m2
(3) (4) 60. A normal bar magnet is 6 cm long. It's north pole will
m1  m2 x
be away from its mid point at a distance of
Answer (3)
(1) 6 cm
55. The number of integral solutions (x, y) of the system
of equations x2 – xy + 8 = 0 and x2 – 8x + y = 0 is (2) 3 cm
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) Slightly more than 3 cm
(3) 3 (4) 0 (4) Slightly less than 3 cm
Answer (1) Answer (4)

61. Choose the correct statement: (1) (a) Aonla (b) Shahjahanpur (c) Auraiya
(1) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have equal power (d) Jagdishpur
in financial bill. (2) (a) Jagdishpur (b) Aonla (c) Shahjahanpur
(2) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have equal power (d) Auraiya
on ordinary bill. (3) (a) Auraiya (b) Shahj ahanpur (c) Aonla
(3) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have equal power (d) Jagdishpur
on constitutional amendment bill. (4) (a) Shahjahanpur (b) Aonla (c) Auraiya
(4) Rajya Sabha is house of general people. (d) Jagdishpur
Answer (3) Answer (1)
62. A uniform magnetic field pointing top to bottom in a
67. When is divided by the remainder is r(x). The value
plane of paper. When an electron is allowed to move
of r(–2) + r(2) is :
perpendicular to it, it gets deflected outwards. The
electron must be moving along: (1) 0
(2) 4
(3) 6
(4) 8
Answer (2)
(1) Left to Right (2) Right to Left
68. A conical paper cup with height 16 cm and base
(3) It is stationary (4) It can’t deflect outward radius 6 cm is filled to the top with water. If 19/27
Answer (1) of the water is removed, then water level in the cup
63. Which has maximum number of atoms? will drop by (in cm):
(1) 24 g of C(12) (2) 56 g of Fe(56) 1 2
(1) 5 (2) 4
(3) 27 g of Al(27) (4) 108 g of Ag(108) 3 3
Answer (1) 1 2
(3) 4 (4) 5
3 3
64. A Pulse crop is grown in the time interval between
two cereal crops to compensate for the: Answer (1)
(1) Loss of phosphate (2) Loss of sulphur 69. Each exterior angle of a regular polygon is less than
(3) Loss of potassium (4) Loss of nitrogen 40° and the sum of its interior angles is less than
1980°. If N is the number of sides of the polygon,
Answer (4)
then the number of possible values of N is :
65. Which Indian soil is formed due to weathering of
(1) 7 (2) 5
basic igneous rock?
(1) Lignite soil (2) Alluvial soil (3) 3 (4) 2
(3) Desert soil (4) Black soil Answer (3)
Answer (4) 70. Match the following states with respect to their
66. Observe the map given below. Identify the correct highest literacy rate :
marked points of a pipeline of conventional energy State Literacy Rate %
reason with a sequence:
A Kerala (i) 91.85
B Lakshwadeep (ii) 91.33
C Mizoram (iii) 94.00
D Tripura (iv) 87.75
(1) A (ii), B (iii), C (i), D (iv)
(2) A (iii), B (iv), C (i), D (ii)
(3) A (iii), B (i), C (ii), D (iv)
(4) A (iv), B (iii), C (ii), D (i)
Answer (3)

71. D and E are the points on sides BC and AC, 78. A person of weight W jumps to ground with his legs
respectively of ABC. AD and BE intersect each fixed & comes to rest with an upward acceleration
other at T. If AT/TD = 5 and BT/ET = 7, then of 3 g. (g = acceleration due to gravity). The force
CD : BD = exerted by him during landing is :
(1) 1 : 7 (2) 5 : 7 (1) W (2) 2W
(3) 5 :17 (4) 3 : 17
(3) 3W (4) 4W
Answer (4)
Answer (4)
72. The coordinates of vertices A and B of a triangle ABC
are (0, 0) and (36, 15), respectiv ely. If the 79. Tracheal respiration is found in:
coordinates of C are integers, then what is the (1) Birds (2) Reptiles
minimum area (in sq. units) that ABC can have ?
(3) Mammals (4) Insects
(1) 1 (2)
2 Answer (4)
(3) 2 (4) 80. Choose the wrong statements in the following :
Answer (2) (1) India has unity in diversity.
73. The seasonal or periodic movement of pastoral (2) India has Parliamentary democracy.
farmer with their livestock over relatively short (3) India is Republic.
distances seeking fresh pastures between two areas
of different climatic conditions is called as : (4) India is not member of comm onwealth
(1) Lay farming (2) Crop rotation
(3) Transhumance (4) Ground farming Answer (4)
Answer (3) 81. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral in which AB = 14.4
74. On which basis, the sectors can be classified into cm, BC = 12.8 cm and CD = 9.6 cm. If AC bisects
Public and Private sector ? BD, then what is the length of AD ?
(1) Ownership of enterprises (1) 16.4 cm (2) 13.6 cm
(2) The nature of economic activity (3) 15.8 cm (4) 19.2 cm
(3) Number of workers employed in the enterprise
Answer (4)
(4) Employment conditions
82. Mark the correct reason for the following statement
Answer (1)
– Karnataka has developed as an in state for the
75. The nature of a solution obtained by dissolving growth of slik industry :
soluble metal oxide in water is :
(1) Availability of good market, skilled labour and
(1) Acidic (2) Neutral
political reasons.
(3) Basic (4) Amphoteric
(2) Availability of good market, good climate and
Answer (3)
political reasons.
76. W hich of the following does not have poison
apparatus? (3) Good climate, availability of soft water and
mulberry plants
(1) Scorpion (2) Centipede
(3) Spider (4) Crab (4) Availability of soft water, good climate and
nearness to port
Answer (4)
77. A cork is immersed in a jar of water & released. Answer (3)
How the cork will move if the jar is assumed to be 83. Which British banned sati in India ?
kept in a satellite orbiting earth :
(1) William Bentinck
(1) Sink
(2) Lord Cornwallis
(2) Rise
(3) Remain where left (3) Lord Dalhousie
(4) Depends upon the satellite velocity (4) Lansdown
Answer (3) Answer (1)
84. Which statement out of following is true ? Isobars 91. In the figure, PT = TS, PQ  QR and PQ || SR. If
have : PQ = 9 cm, QR = 8 cm, and SR = 7 cm, then
(1) Same protons (2) Same electrons what is the area (in cm2) of quad (PTVQ) ?

(3) Same neutrons (4) Same nucleons

Answer (4)
85. The %age of irrigated land in India is about ___as
per 2017 datas.
(1) 45% (2) 65% (1) 22
(3) 25% (4) 35% (2) 24
Answer (4) (3) 25
2 2
86. The equations x + rx + 64 = 0 and x – 8x + r = 0, (4) 26
where r > 0, have real roots. Then r satisfies the Answer (4)
equation :
92. The force between a hollow sphere ‘S’ and a point
(1) r2 – 15r + 8 = 0 (2) r2 – 14r – 30 = 0 mass ‘P’ inside it, as shown in figure is :
(3) r2 – 13r – 48 = 0 (4) r2 – 12r – 56 = 0 s
Answer (3)
87. Which of the following statements is incorrect about
honey bees?
(1) Queen bee is largest in size.
(2) Worker bees outnumber the others. (1) Attractive & Constt.
(3) Drone keep the hive clean. (2) Repulsive & Constt.
(4) Bees have no sense of direction. (3) Attractive & depends upon the location of P w.r.t
Answer (4) centre
(4) Zero
88. If x4 - 83x2+ 1 = 0, then a value of x 3 -x-3 is :
Answer (4)
(1) 758 (2) 756
93. Ratoon Cropping’ is gaining popularity among which
(3) 739 (4) 737
of the following crop cultivators ?
Answer (2)
(1) Sugarcane (2) Millet
89. A dice is constructed so that when it is thrown
(3) Rice (4) Wheat
each even number is twice as likely to come up as
each of the odd number. What is the probability of Answer (1)
getting 6, when it is thrown once ? 94. If Samir withdraws Rs. 25,000 from his bank account
1 1 by submitting a self cheque in bank for making
(1) (2) payments and he also gave a account Payee
6 9
2 1 cheque of Rs. 52,000 issued by his employer in his
(3) (4) favour. Now what happens to the Balance in his
9 3
Answer (3)
(1) Sam ir’s bank bal ance will increase by
90. A metal sphere is dipped in water. If at 0°C & 4°C Rs. 77,000
the buoyancies in water are 1 & 2 respectively,
then (2) Sam ir’s bank bal ance will decrease by
Rs. 77,000
(1) 1 > 2
(3) Sam ir’s bank bal ance will increase by
(2) 2 > 1 Rs. 27,000
(3) 1 = 2 (4) Sam ir’s bank bal ance will decrease by
(4) It depends upon radius of sphere Rs. 27,000
Answer (2) Answer (3)

95. The vapour density of an organic compound is 30. 98. Who among the following coined the phrase ‘Jet
This organic compound can be: Stream’?
(1) Ethanol (2) Ethanal (1) H. Seilkoph (2) Wiley Post
(3) Ethanoic acid (4) Methyl ethanoate (3) Herodotus (4) Sir Gilbert Walker
Answer (3)
Answer (1)
96. Which kind of disease is arthritis?
99. Anything we get from the physical environment to
(1) Acute disease fulfile our needs is called:
(2) Chronic disease
(1) Resource (2) Agriculture
(3) Infectious disease
(3) Domestication (4) Horticulture
(4) Communicable disease
Answer (1)
Answer (2)
100. Which atom has the smallest size?
97. Muscles involved in the movement of the arm are:
(1) Striated (2) Non striated (1) B (2) N
(3) Cardiac (4) Smooth (3) Al (4) P
Answer (1) Answer (2)

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