Business Intelligence - Paper

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Assignment 1: Business Intelligence - CVS health

Read the following articles (and others) on BI.

 CCS Technology (April 2018) Real-world examples of business intelligence Retrieved
intelligence/ (Links to an external site.)
 Colin White (2005) The (Links to an external site.)  role of Business Intelligence in
Knowledge Management    (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external
site.)Retrieved from (Links to an external
 Damian Wolf (NA) What is the connection between Business Intelligence and
Knowledge Management Retrieved
knowledge-management/ (Links to an external site.)
 InsideBigData (Jan. 2018) How Netflix uses big data to drive success Retrived
I have attached the articles in a separate file just in case you can’t access. Thanks. The
articles are very easy to find in the internet.
My paper will be for CVS health. (Consumer Value Store) , so please relate the
whole paper with this company following the instructions and after reading the
articles please.

 Detail the value add of Business Intelligence to the company you have

selected for the Integrated Paper (this will help you work towards your paper)
 Could there be any possible negative impacts of business intelligence on
decision making processes? 
 Explain the three forms of data-mining analysis and explain how your
company can use it to gain BI? (Refer to LO 8.2)
 Give examples of how the company can use tactical, operational, and
strategic BI? (Use the Figure B10.1 and chart this – don’t just copy and paste but
use appropriate words and concepts that apply to your specific case).  I need
to see either a table or flow chart format - as in the chapter
 What types of ethical and security issues could a company face while using BI
tools and data? List these in bullets to bring out the clarity and explain briefly

Please make sure (while I ask questions – to guide you) your work in an essay format
NOT Q&A.  You could use topic titles like Introduction, Negative Impacts, Data Mining
Your answers should be precise, detailed and clear.  I will be looking for your
understanding of the material in terms of content, clarity and focus.
Use Paragraphs, bullets, charts etc. to present your work professionally.  I have very
low tolerance for spelling and grammatical errors (easily corrected in a word document)
Cite all sources.  Remember that I need to see BOTH in text and end citations in APA format. 
Turnitin will show complete match of all material.
3-5 pages excluding Cover Page and Citations Page

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