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Code No: RT31041 R13 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May- 2019

(Common to Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electronics
and Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Name the signals which are commonly used in pulse circuits and define any five of [3M]
b) What is synchronized clamping. [3M]
c) What are the reasons for existence of rise time and fall time? [4M]
d) Explain the application of Astable Multi Vibrator as a Voltage to Frequency Converter. [4M]
e) What is the basic principle of Bootstrap time base generator? [4M]
f) Define Relaxation circuit? Give Some examples. [4M]
2 a) Prove that an RC circuit behaves as a good integrator if RC > 15T, where T is the [8M]
period of an input signal.
b) A 10 kHz symmetrical square wave whose peak to peak amplitude is 2V is impressed [8M]
upon a high pass circuit whose lower 3dB frequency is 5Hz. Calculate and sketch the
output waveform in particular what is the peak to peak amplitude.

3 a) What is a clipper circuit? Mention the types of clippers circuits. [8M]

b) Design a diode clamper circuit to clamp the positive peaks of the input signal at zero [8M]
level. The frequency of the input signal is 500 Hz.
c) Explain the applications of voltage comparators. [8M]
4 a) Explain in detail the junction diode switching times. [8M]
b) Draw and explain the circuit diagram of ECL. [8M]
5 a) Explain the principle of operation of Bi-stable multivibrators. [8M]
b) A fixed bias Bi-stable multivibrator circuit uses a DC supply of ±12 V, RC=2kΩ, [8M]
R1=10kΩ and R2=47kΩ. NPN silicon transistor with VCE(sat) = 0.1 V, VBE (sat) = 0.7 V
and hFE (min)=30 are used.
6 a) What are the different methods of generating time-base waveforms? Explain about [8M]
each briefly.
b) Explain the working of a transistor Bootstrap sweep circuit and derive expression for [8M]
the slope sweep error.
7 a) Define the three errors that occur in a sweep circuit and obtain an expression for these [8M]
errors for an exponential sweep circuit.
b) What is the principle of synchronization? Explain the method of pulse synchronization. [8M]
of relaxation devices with examples.


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