Module 1 Lesson 2 E Tech Black White No Answer Key 1 PDF

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The following are some of the reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper
in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or
facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone. It is hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful
learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know?

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you apply online safety, security, ethics,
etiquette standards, and practice in using ICTs related to your specific professional tracks. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in different learning situations.

By the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it
would relate to their specific professional tracks
Congratulations! You did great today. Have you had a challenging experience? I am
What I Know? sure that it will be easier for you this time. Let’s review your knowledge.

Direction: Arrange the rumbled letters to form a word.

Match the formed words in column A with the corresponding description on column B. Write your
answer on the blanks provide before each number.
Column A Column B
____ 1. OFMOSLYKON - ______________ A. consists of interconnected networks that uses standardized
____ 2. OCSLIA WKNEORT - ______________ communication protocols
____ 3. IISSVASTE AEDMI - ______________ B. allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information
____ 4. BMLCGRNOIOGIG - ______________ using freely chosen keywords
____ 5. TAIESMNC BWE - ______________ C. sites that allows you to connect with other people
____ 6. NNETEIRT - ______________ D. sites that focus on short updates from the user
____ 7. IAONRDD - ______________ E. device that help people with visual and reading impairments
____ 8. EAMDI HINSARG - ______________ F. understand the user’s preferences to be able to deliver web
____ 9. ONERENECVGC - ______________ content specifically targeting the user in fast manner
____ 10. ROMKNBOKAIG TSESI - ______________ G. using several technologies to accomplish a task conveniently
H. sites that allow you to store and manage links to various
websites and resources
I. an open source mobile OS developed by Google
J. sites that allow you to upload and share media content

Rules of Netiquette
What’s In?
Privacy, security, and good netizenship are essential words that you have to remember when you are on the Internet. Do you know your
limitations in social media? Do you feel responsible for what you are posting? Do you think first before you click? Let us find out!

Direction: Write YES if you agree with the statement and NO if you disagree on blank before each number.
_________ 1. My computer has an antivirus, so it is okay to open most email attachments like e-cards and video files.
_________ 2. You and your best friend play a lot of video games. One time, she asks you for your password so she can help
you level up and get in-game money. She promises to keep your password a secret. Is it okay to give away
your password?
_________ 3. You received an email stating that your mother’s bank account is going to be forfeited if you do not respond
to the email. Is it safe to reply?
_________ 4. There is a danger in posting information about a future vacation.
_________ 5. Letting people know your birthday is probably a must if you want to get as many gifts as possible. But having
it in your profile makes you vulnerable to identify theft.
_________ 6. If someone insults and uses offensive language towards you online, you should reply in the same manner.
_________ 7. Give out personal information when chatting to someone you just met online.
_________ 8. It is ok to constantly give our friends e-mail or items online which they do not need.
_________ 9. Remember your audience. If you are putting something on a web page remember that everyone in the world
will have access to it.
_________ 10. You are responsible for your actions on the internet.

What’s New? Activity 1.1: How Safe Are You?

Most of us use the Internet every day. Sometimes, we do not pay attention on how much information we share
online. Below is a questionnaire about how much information you have shared so far. Put a check () under Shared
or Not Shared. Likewise, assess if they are Risky or Not Risky to share in social media.

Types of Information Shared Not Shared Risky Not Risky

1. First name
2. Last name
3. Middle name
4. Current and previous school
5. Your cellphone number
6. The name of your mother and father
7. The name of your siblings
8. Your address
9. Your home phone number
10. Your birthday

How many checks did you have for Shared? You probably answered Shared in the first two items. If that is
the case, try using a search engine like Google then type your first and last name. Did you get links to your profile
page? Try switching to image search. Did your pictures appear? If you have a unique name, chances are, it did.
Do not feel bad if it did not appear though; in fact, it is probably for your best interest not to have pictures of yourself
in a search engine.
1. How many hours do you sped on the Internet per
day? Self-Check!
2. Can you live without the internet for a week?
3. How many aspects of your life depend on the Answer:
internet? 1. _____________
4. How many times have you complained about 2. _____________
your internet connection speed? 3. _____________
4. _____________

What Is It?


The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It can be used to promote your business, gain new friends and stay in touch
with the old ones. It is also a source of entertainment through games, online communities, and everything in between. But
like most things in the world, there is always the "other side of the coin." The Internet is one of the most dangerous places,
especially if you do not know what you are doing with it. But there is no need to worry, it is never that late. Hopefully, by the
end of this lesson, you are able to consider how you go about your use of the Internet.

The Internet is defined as the information superhighway. This means that anyone has access to this highway, can
place information, and can grab that information. Any information, even things that you have set privately, can be accessed
in one way or another. Therefore, social networking sites like Facebook continue to improve their security features. The
threats of cybercrimes are very real. While you might not experience the threat now, whatever information we share today
could affect our future.
Online Safety - also called as cyber safety or digital safety which refers to practices and precautions one should
observe when using the Internet.

Internet Security – security in relation to transactions made over the Internet. It encompasses the security of data entered
through a web form, browser security, & overall authentication and protection of data sent via Internet protocol.

Let’s us go back to the “How Safe Are You?”

test. Let us visit each item and see how risk it
is to share them by doing the Activity 1.2.
Activity 1.2. Fact or Bluff

Direction: Read the sentences carefully. Write FACT if the statement is the statement is true and BLUFF if it is
false. Then, explain what the risk is of sharing this information or why sharing this information is not risky at all.
______ 1. Sharing your first name only or last name only is riskier than sharing both your first and last name in
any social media platform.
______ 2. There is a small risk if you share your middle name alone.
______ 3. Your personal cellphone number should never be posted over the Internet.

______ 4. Mother’s maiden name when posted on your wall is not risky.
______ 5. There is nothing wrong with disclosing the name of your siblings on your social media account.
______ 6. Sharing or giving your address poses no risk at all.
______ 7. Scammers usually used your home telephone number to deceive you.
______ 8. It is okay to use your birthday as your password so that you will not forget it.
______ 9. Posting the name of your current school is not risky.
______ 10. Sharing your full name online is the riskiest information to share.

 There is a risk of sharing personal information.

 Chances are, a hacker may already know plenty of stuff about your even if you only give out your first name.
 You will be vulnerable to being searched online for using search engines, which include image search.
 Matching a name with a face is modus to several cybercrimes like identity theft.
 Some information such as current schools, cellphone number and maiden name of your mother can be use for verification
purposes or as an answer to secret question when you lose your password.
 Disclosing the name of your siblings is a huge risk. Strangers may pretend or use them identify to deceive you.
 Giving your address would make it much easier for criminals to find you.
 Scammers use your cellphone or telephone number to deceive you. They might pretend to know your parents or pretends to be
 Sharing all this information in your profile makes you vulnerable to identify theft.

Here are some of the threats that you should be aware of when using the Internet:

1. Browser Hijacking - happens when malware or spyware replaces a web user's browser homepage that redirects
the user to unwanted websites while capturing sensitive private data for personal or business gain.

2. Malware - a malicious software that is intended to damage or disable computer systems which has codes to collect
information without one's knowledge.

Types of Malware:
a. Virus - a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another either
through the Internet and local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs.
b. Worm - a malicious program that transfers from one computer to another by any type of meas. Often, it
uses a computer network to spread itself. For example, the ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug Worm) create by a
c. Trojan - a malicious that disguise as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leave your PC
unprotected and allows hackers to get your information.
Rogue Security Software - tricks a user into posing that it is security software. It asks the user to pay to
improved his/her security but in reality they are not protected at all.
d. Spyware - a program that runs in a background without you knowing it (thus called a "spy"). It has the
ability to monitory what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging.
Keyloggers - used to record the stroke done by the users. This is done to steal password or any other
sensitive information. It can record email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard.

e. Adware - a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.

3. Spam - an irrelevant, inappropriate, unwanted, or junk e-mail that comes form legitimate companies mostly bots
or advertisers which, in the long run may be used for phishing, scams, and malware.

4. Phishing - its goal is to acquire sensitive information like passwords and credit card details. This is done by sending
you an email that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, password, credit
card, or personal information.

5. Pharming - a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service) system. It is a
technique which redirects a legitimate website's traffic to an illegitimate website to gain access to a user's personal

6. Identify Theft - happens when a criminal impersonates a user by stealing his or her personal information to
withdraw money or pay goods online.

Here are some of the tools/activities that can protect you and your gadgets from all these risks:
Browser and Antivirus Installed & Updated Prepaid Credit Secure Sites Browsing
Clearing browser cache Firewalls User/Vendor Rating Systems
Reporting Online Crime E-mail encryption Filter your inbox
Check the URL Blacklist sites Updated OS
Report all suspicious e-mails Unsubscribe from unwanted mails
Avoid opening unknown files attached to email
Encryption is a process of converting data into an unreadable form to prevent unauthorized access and thus ensuring data

What’s More
Activity 1.3: Cyber Security
DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze carefully the given scenario below. Identify what risk or online threat is being portrayed in
each scenario. You also need to give at least TWO tools or activities that can protect the character/s or their computers
from these risks.

Scenario Online Threat / Risk Tools / Activities

A. Yesterday you got a credit card bill for Php 50,000 in the
mail – but you do not have a credit card! Someone used a. _____________________
your name, your address, and other personal information
1. _____________________
b. _____________________
about you to apply for a credit card in your name.
B. For the last month your computer has been getting slower
and slower, and yesterday it finally wouldn’t work at all. c. _____________________
You had your big brother look at it and he found out that it
2. _____________________
d. _____________________
was infected with dozens of viruses.
C. You bought a new skateboard online with your PayPal e. _____________________
account, but the board never came. You’ve sent e-mail to 3. _____________________
the person selling it but haven’t heard anything. f. _____________________
D. You got an e-mail from PayPal saying that there was a
problem with your account. After you e-mailed them your g. _____________________
login information, some used your PayPal account to buy
4. _____________________
h. _____________________
all kinds of stuff.
E. Yesterday you tried to log into your Facebook account but
found out that somebody had changed your password.
Then you found out your password had been changed on i. _____________________
all of you online accounts. Your big brother did a scan of 5. _____________________
your computer and found a program on it that was j. _____________________
recording everything you typed, including your login
information for all your accounts.

F. Andrew is a computer programmer who is an expert in
creating websites. He knows online threats are illegal, but k. _____________________
he still created a fake website that looks like nearly 6. _____________________
identical to a real one in order to trick users into entering l. _____________________
their login information.
G. Rose just installed a new search engine on her laptop.
Now whenever she searches the internet, she gets m. _____________________
several pop-up windows directing her to buy products.
7. _____________________
n. _____________________
What does rose have?
H. You were browsing the web on a questionable website,
and now you get a pop-up window stating that if you do o. _____________________
8. _____________________
not pay $100 within one hour, all files on your computer p. _____________________
will be destroyed. What is this an example of?
I. Rina regularly checked her Gmail account to check if the
companies she was applying already acknowledge her
applications. Upon browsing her account, she was q. _____________________
saddened to see that her e-mail account was already full
9. _____________________
r. _____________________
because of so many unsolicited e-mails containing
advertisements and sites asking for her bank accounts.
J. Ahlexie’s antivirus software was already expired. She
needs to finish her project using an application that can
only be downloaded via internet. She was already
s. _____________________
exhausted and accidentally downloaded an application 10. _____________________
from an unsecure site. She was not aware that the t. _____________________
application makes her computer unprotected and allowed
hackers to get her personal information.


Tips to Stay Safe Online:

1. Be mindful of what you share online and what site you share it to.
2. Do not just accept terms and conditions, read it.
3. Check out the privacy policy page of a website to learn how the website
handles the information you share.
4. Know the security features of the social networking sites you use. By keeping
your profile private, search engines will not be able to scan your profile.
5. Use strong and hard to guess password and to not share your password with
6. Avoid logging in to public networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in “incognito or (private
mode)”, will not protect you from hackers.
7. Do not talk to strangers whether online or face-to-face.
8. Never post about your future vacation. It is similar to posting, “Rob my house
at this date.”
9. Add friends you know in real life.
10. Avoid visiting untrusted website.
11. Install and update an antivirus software on your computer. Use only one anti-
virus software to avoid conflicts.
12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make it private network by adding a password.
13. Avoid downloading anything from untrusted websites.
14. Buy the software; do not use pirated ones.
15. Do not reply or click links from suspicious emails.

 There is no such thing as private over the Internet. There are hackers who can find a backdoor even if your profile is already
private. You have no control of whoever is looking at your friends’ screen whenever they open your profile or chat with you. You
have no control over people getting access to your friend’s account and seeing your private stuff.
 Always think before you post. Ask yourself these questions first: “Would I want my parents or grandparents to see it?” “Would I
want my future boss to see it?”
 If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as inappropriate.


Intellectual Property – creations of the mind such as invention, a form of literary and artistic works, a research, symbols,
drawings, photos, names and images used in commerce etc.

Copyright – legal right of the owner of intellectual property. The original creators have the exclusive right to make copies of
the creative work for a set period of time, and anyone who uses it without consent is punishable by law.

Copyright infringement – the use or production of copyright-protected materials without the permission of the copyright

Here are some tips that could help you avoid copyright infringement:
1. Understand. You can express something using your own words, but you should give credit to the source.
2. Be responsible. Be responsible enough to know if something has a copyright.
3. Be creative. It is important to add your own creative genius in everything that will be credited to you.
4. Know the Law. There is a provision for “fair use” which mean that an intellectual property may be used without a
consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news report, research, library
archiving, teaching and education.

Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette. It is a set of rules for behaving properly online.

Flame war is a series of flame posts or messages in a thread that
are considered derogatory in nature or are completely off-topic. Often
these flames are posted for the sole purpose of offending or upsetting
other users. The flame becomes a flame war when other users respond
to the thread with their own flame message.

Image from:

Cybercrime is a crime committed or assisted through the use of

the Internet.

What I Have Learned? You are learning a lot! The best way to improve skills and get
the proper direction to express your feelings about your
learning is to write a self- reflection. Let’s do it.

Reflect on this and write your answers in your notebook.

From all you have learned in Lesson 2, why is there a need to “think before you click?”


Note: Your output will be graded based on the following rubrics.

Rubrics: Content = 5 Organization = 3 Grammar = 2

What I Can Do?
Activity 1.5: Digital Poster Making
Now it’s time to show your creativity!

Create a poster showing the Netiquette rules with examples of how you can use them in your daily life, primarily online.
The poster should use an interactive online tool which is Canva. You may choose from any of the Core Rules of Netiquette
as you baseline idea in crafting your E-Posters.

Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your

1. What type of malicious program is designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another either
through the internet or local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs?
A. Adware
B. Spyware
C. Worms and Virus
D. Ransomware

2. What harmful online programs are designed to send you advertisements, mostly pop-up ads?
A. Adware
B. Spyware
C. Worms and Virus
D. Ransomware

3. What harmful online program is used to record keystrokes done by users to steal passwords?
A. Adware
B. Spyware
C. Worms and Virus
D. Ransomware

4. Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?

A. Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look like an email from someone

B. Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order to trick users into entering their login
C. Sending someone a text message looks like a notification that the person has won a contest.
D. Sending someone an email that records their keystroke activities while using their computers.
5. Which of the following must NOT be done if you received an embarrassing picture from your friend?
A. Tell your parents or teachers
B. Send the picture on to other friends
C. Talk to your friend about its negative outcomes.
D. Discourage your friend from sending pictures like that.
6. What is a flame in cyberspace?
A. person who follows the rules of Netiquette.
B. An expert programmer.
C. An online chain letter.
D. A post or email message that expresses a strong opinion or criticism.
7. What is considered shouting over the Internet?
A. Screaming at your computer.
B. Writing in all CAPS.
C. Putting a lot of exclamation marks at the end of a sentence.
D. Not answering a friend request on Facebook.
8. To avoid being cyber-bullied you should always...
A. Give out personal information to anyone who asks.
B. Strike first - post mean things about other people on your Wall on Facebook.
C. Observe proper netiquette rules.
D. Ignore any requests from people to be your friend online.
9. How are you judged in cyberspace?
A. No one can see you, so no one can judge you.
B. You are judged by what you do on the Internet and how it looks - by your spelling, grammar, and netiquette.
C. You are judged by your intent - if you didn't mean to hurt someone's feelings, then it's okay.
D. Nobody knows ones identity online which only means that judging someone is not possible at all.
10. You've been sent a virus warning, what should you do now?
A. Ignore it.
B. Forward it within your company.
C. Forward it to everyone in your address book.
D. Go to a security Web site to learn if it is a real virus.




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