Experimental Study On Geopolymer Concrete Using Steel Fibres

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 8 – March 2015

Experimental Study on Geopolymer Concrete using

Steel Fibres
A. Suriya prakash#1, G. Senthil kumar*2
M,tech student, Department of civil engineering, SRM university, kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India
Assistant professor, Department of civil engineering, SRM university, kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract— Geopolymer concrete (GPC) are building material by granting carbon credit, which will not

representing the most promising green and eco-friendly only reduces the production of cement and emission of carbon
alternative to Ordinary Portland cement (OPC). This paper dioxide but also promotes the consumption of the waste
presents results of an experimental program on the mechanical material fly ash which poses a major problem for disposal
properties of Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete (FRGPC) world over. In India almost all the states have thermal power
such as compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural plants and abundant availability of fly ash. The alkaline
strength. FRGPC contains flyash, alkaline liquids, fine
liquids are from soluble alkali metals that are usually sodium
aggregate, coarse aggregate and steel fibre. Alkaline liquid to fly
or potassium based. The most common alkaline liquid used in
ash ratio was fixed as 0.45 with 100% replacement of OPC. For
geopolymerisation is a combination of sodium hydroxide
alkaline liquid combination, ratio of sodium silicate to sodium
hydroxide solution was fixed as 2.5. Steel fibre was added to the
(NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sodium silicate or

mix in volume fractions of 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% by volume of potassium silicate. The alkaline solution sodium hydroxide
concrete. Specimens were subjected to 24 hours of Heat curing at and sodium silicates are cheap and locally available. This
80°C in heat curing chamber. Based on the test results, optimum paper is devoted to heat-cured low-calcium fly ash-based
% were formulated and compared it with conventional Concrete. geopolymer concrete. Low calcium (ASTM Class F) fly ash is
Keywords— Geopolymer concrete, flyash, alkaline liquids, steel preferred as a source material than high-calcium (ASTM Class
fibre. C) fly ash[2].


Geopolymer is an inorganic polymer. Joseph Davidovits A. Fly ash
(1978) proposed that an alkaline liquid could be used to react
Low calcium Class F type fly ash obtained from Ennore
with silicon (Si) and aluminum (Al) as source material of
thermal power station and it was analysed as per IS:3812-
geological origin or with by-product materials such as fly ash
1981 having specific gravity of 2.21 were used.
and rice husk ash to produce binders[1]. Since the chemical
B. Aggregates:
reaction that is taking place in this case is a polymerization
process and the precursors are of geological origin, these The coarse aggregate is choosen by shape as per IS 2386

binders were named as ‗Geopolymer‘. Geopolymer Concrete (Part I) 1963, surface texture characteritics of aggregate is

is gaining importance world over as the carbon emission and classified as in IS 383 – 1970[3]. Coarse aggregates

consequent global warming has become the major concern of comprising of different sizes 20mm, 12mm, 6mm having

the entire countries world over. One tone of cement fineness modulus of 8.04 bulk density of 1578 kg/m 3

production results in the emission of one tone of carbon specific gravity of 2.74 were used. The sand is used as fine

dioxide. Many countries are promoting the use of fly ash as aggregate and it is collected from nearby area. The sand has

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 396

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 8 – March 2015

been sieved in 4.75 mm sieve having specific gravity of 2.62 strength of 30Mpa (G30) and mix proportion of
and fineness of 3.14 were used. conventional concrete (M30) are described in Table
C. Alkaline solution: I[5],[6],[7].
Alkaline solution plays most important role in
geopolymerization process. The alkaline liquid used was a TABLE II Mix proportions of G30 and M30

combination of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide Ingredients Gpc Gpc1 Gpc2 Gpc 3 Cc
solution. The molarity used for mixing of NaOH is 8M. It Fly ash 378 378 378 378 -
means 8 part of NaOH pellets is to be added in distilled water. (kg/m3)
Cement - - - - 450
When mixed and stirred gradually an exothermic reaction (kg/m3)
takes place and extreme amount of heat is evolved. Hence for Fine 554 554 554 554 687
safety hand gloves are used. The mix solution is left for Coarse 20mm 388 388 388 388
settling down for 24 hours. The NaOH solution and sodium aggrega 12mm 543 543 543 543 1120
silicate solution were prepared separately and mixed together (kg/m3) 6mm 363 363 363 363
at the time of casting. Sodium 50 50 50 50 -
D. Super plasticizer:
Sodium 124 124 124 124 -
To improve the workability of fresh geopolymer concrete silicate(kg/m3)
water reducing Sulphonated napthalene polymer based super Super 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 -
plasticizer CONPLAST SP 430 was used in all of the water(kg/m3) 55.4 55.4 55.4 55.4 197
geopolymer mixes. Steel fibre(%) 0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% -

E. Cement:
The cement used for this study is Portland Pozzolanic
B. Mixing of geopolymer concrete:
Cement is conforming to Indian Standard IS 12269 – 1987 of
The solid constituents of geopolymer concrete mix i.e. fly
grade 53 having specific gravity of 3.10 were used[4].
ash, fine and coarse aggregates were dry mixed in pan
F. Steel fibres:
mixer for about three minutes. After dry mixing, alkaline
solution was added to the dry mix and wet mixing was
done for 3-4 minutes. Finally extra water along with
superplasticizer was added to achieve workable GPC mix.
Steel fibre was added to the wet mix in different
Fig. 1 Hooked end steel fibres proportions such as 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% by the volume

In this work, steel fibre having geometry of cylindrical with of the concrete . Prior to casting, the inner walls of moulds

hooked ends was used. The length and diameter of fibres are were coated with lubricating oil to prevent adhesion with

50mm and 1mm respectively. The aspect ratio (l/d) of the the concrete specimens. All specimens were cast

steel fibre is 50. The tensile strength is about 1100 Mpa . horizontally in three layers. Each layer was compacted
using a tamping rod. The specimens considered in this
III. METHODOLOGY study consisted of 15 numbers of 150 mm x150 mm size
A. Mix design:
The mix design of geopolymer concrete was adopted cubes, 15 numbers of 150 mm diameter and 300 mm long

from Srinivasan et al. Mix proportions for characteristic cylinders, 15 numbers of 100mm x100mm x500mm size

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 397

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 8 – March 2015

C. Curing of geopolymer concrete: GPC 31.6 0

Setting time of geopolymer concrete depend on many GPC 1 34.2 8.2
factors such as composition of alkaline solution and ratio GPC 2 39.8 25.9
of alkaline liquid to fly ash by mass. As the curing GPC 3 37.3 18.1
temperature increases, setting time of concrete decreases.
During curing process, geopolymer concrete experiences 50
38.1 39.8 37.3
polymerization process. Due to the increase of 40 34.2
temperature, polymerization process becomes more rapid. 30
The curing time may varied from 4 hours to 96 hours (4 20
days). The rate of increase in strength was rapid up to 24 10
hours of curing time; beyond 24 hours, the gain in strength 0
is only moderate. Therefore, heat curing time need not
been more than 24 hours in practical applications After COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH(N/mm2)
casting, specimens were placed inside the heat curing
chamber and cured at 80°C for 24 hours. After curing, the Fig. 2 Compressive strength chart(N/mm2)

specimens were removed from the chamber and left to air- B. Split tensile strength:
dry at room temperature for another 24 hours before The average split tensile strength of geopolymer
demoulding. The test specimens were then left in the concrete with and without fibres for heat curing of 24
laboratory ambient conditions until the day of testing. hours at 80°C was shown in Table VIIVIIIIX. Split tensile
strength of GPC and CC specimens were compared by
A. Compressive strength: plotting graphs as shown in Figure 3. The increase in split

The average compressive strength of geopolymer tensile strength was about 26.9% and 57.4% for GPC1 and

concrete with and without fibres for heat curing of 24 GPC2 respectively with respect to GPC mix and decrease

hours at 80°C and conventional concrete was shown in in split tensile strength was about 44.2% for GPC3

Table IIIIV. Compressive strength of GPC and CC respectively with respect to GPC2 mix.

specimens were compared by plotting graphs as shown in

TABLE XXIXII Tensile strength of CC and GPC mix
Figure 2. The increase in compressive strength was about
8.2% and 25.9% for GPC1 and GPC2 respectively with
Average tensile Increase in
respect to GPC mix and decrease in compressive strength
Mix ID strength tensile
was about 18.1% GPC3 respectively with respect to GPC2 2
(N/mm ) strength(%)
CC 4.34 -
TABLE VVI Compressive strength of CC and GPC mix GPC 2.89 0
GPC 1 3.67 26.9
Average Increase in GPC 2 4.55 57.4
Mix ID compressive compressive GPC 3 4.17 44.2
strength(N/mm ) strength(%)
CC 38.1 -

ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 398

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 21 Number 8 – March 2015

5 4.34 4.55
4 3.67

Tensile strength

Fig. 3 Split tensile strength chart(N/mm2)


1. Compressive strength of 1% steel fiber geopolymer

concrete has found to be 5% increase in strength,
when compared to that of conventional concrete.

2. Split tensile strength of 1% steel fiber geopolymer

concrete has found to be 5% increase in strength,
when compared to that of conventional concrete.

3. Hence 1% concentration of steel fibers is found to be

the optimum dosage for his project work.

4. For the future work, the continuation of project

research with 15 numbers of prisms to find flexural
strength of steel fibre geopolymer concrete prism and
compared with conventional concrete prism.

[1] Davidovits J., (1991), ―Geopolymers: inorganic polymeric new
materials‖, Journal of Thermal Analysis, 37, PP., 1633–1656.
[2] Harjito D., Rangan B.V., (2005), ―Development and properties of
low calcium fly- ash based geopolymer concrete‖, Research report
GC1, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.
[3] IS: 383-1970 (reaffirmed 1997) ―Specification for Coarse and Fine
Aggregates from Natural Source for Concrete‖, New Delhi.
[4] IS: 12269-1987 (reaffirmed 1999) ―Specification for 53 grade
Ordinary Portland Cement‖, New Delhi
[5] IS: 456-2000 (reaffirmed 2005) ―Plain and Reinforced Concrete –
Code of Practice‖, Fourth Revision, pp.14.
[6] M S Shetty, Concrete technology- theory and practice, New Delhi
India S Chand and Company Ltd 2006.
[7] Srinivasan et al.,(2014), ―An investigation of flexural behavior of
glass fibre reinforced GPC beams‖,IJESRT ISSN: 2277-9655

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