Sustainable Medium Strength Geopolymer With Fly Ash and GGBS As Source Materials

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Nat. Volatiles & Essent.

Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

Sustainable Medium Strength Geopolymer with Fly Ash and

GGBS as Source Materials
Prashant Sunagar1*, T Geetha Kumari2, Jyothilakshmi R3, Mahesh Kumar C L4, Shwetha K G4 and
Sumalatha J5, Naveen G M6
1, 2&5
Department of Civil Engineering, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering college, Chamarajanagara, India
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]


The properties of cement in the world are second only to water. As the interest and demand for concrete as a raw material
increases, Portland cement also sparked further interest. Concrete production is expected to increase from 1.5 billion in 1995 to 2.2
billion in 2010 (3% increase in annual production). In 1 ton of cement production, 1 ton of CO 2 is released into the atmosphere.
Among ozone depleting substances due to unnatural climate change, the contribution of carbon dioxide to global warming is about
65%. In addition, cement is the building material that requires the most energy. Immunity to OPCs has been shown in studies
because many structures are particularly damaged and begin to decline naturally after 20 and 30 years. Efforts should be made to
develop eco-friendly construction materials to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

KEYWORD: Compressive strength, tensile strength, load deflection under flexure, durability

The global use and demand of concrete as a construction material is very high, about 1.5 billion tons of
cement in 1995 and 2.2 billion tons of cement was manufactured (increasing about 3% annually). For every
one tonne cement production about one tonne CO2 is generated which contributes 65% to global warming
(Dharek et al., 2018). Even though the use of cement is so extensive due to its properties and many efforts
are being made to reduce its content by substituting it with by-product materials to reduce its effect on
global warming. The development of geopolymer concrete in which by-products like fly ash, GGBS, rice
husk ash, silica fume etc., is used as powder content and silicon and calcium as a main content are activated
in the blast furnace slag. Calcium silicate hydrate gel is produced as a main binder in hydration process. The
strength of Geopolymer concrete was studied by Jamkar et al., 2013, Vora and Dave, 2013, Shaikh and
Vimonsatit, 2015, Reddy et al., 2016 and Dao et al., 2019, Dharek et al., 2020) The durability studies on
Geopolymer concrete were also conducted by many researchers (Law et al., 2015; Ganesan et al., 2015;
Luhar et al., 2019; Cheema et al., 2009; Kabir et al., 2019).
The properties of geopolymer concrete were studied by several researchers (Xie et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019;
Jena and Panjgrahi, 2029; Amran et al., 2020; Noushini et al., 2020; Shahmansouri et al, 2020; Amran et al.,
2021; Moghaddam et al., 2021; Dharek et al., 2020; Shahmansouri et al., 2021). In this paper, geopolymer
concrete with binder content as fly ash (ASTM Class F) is used. This paste binds fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate and other materials to form concrete (Sumalatha et al., 2020). The alkaline liquid which is the

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

combination of NaOH and Na2SiO3 react with silicon and aluminium present in fly ash to produce paste
content. Guohao Fang studied mechanical properties and workability parameters of AAFS concrete
cured at ambient temperature was measured to aquire the ideal blend for production application. The
outcomes exhibited that with rise in slag content and NaOH solution molarity compressive strength of
concrete was improved but both workability and setting time of concrete got decreased. Mohammad
Soleymani Ashtiani focused on the usage of the locally available materials, a high-strength SCC mix of a
100 MPa was designed and it was discovered that with an equal w/b ratio, concrete develops higher
compressive strength. Pradip Nath trial mixes with different GPC corresponding geopolymer mortar
mixtures were designed with ground GGBS as admixture in order to improve the premature age properties.
From results the difference between the slag content, the ratio of Na2SiO3, NaOH and the total alkaline
activator solution was compared. Marios Soutsos mainly aimed to study the strength development of
fly ash based mortar with variation in activator dosage and curing procedure and adding on to this the
microstructure of the reacted mortar and strength development of concrete with partial substitution with
GGBS was determined.

This chapter presents gives details about the methodology use in the production of ASTM Class F fly-ash
based geopolymer concrete and normal concrete. There are many trial and error processes involved in the
development of GPC made from fly ash. The main objective is to examine the important parameters that
affect the dose of the mixture. When possible, follow current practices used in the manufacture and testing
of regular Portland cement. The aim of this section is to promote the use of GPC over ordinary concrete in
the construction industry to get the benefits of new material.
Following parameters is used to produce M40 grade fly ash-based GPC:
• SiO2 to (Al2O3) ratio by mass of the fly ash in the variety of 2.0 to 3.5.

• Molarity of 8 to 14 M for NaOH.

• Na2SiO3 to NaOH liquid ratio by mass.
• Curing temperature at 600 C from 24 to 72 hours.
Table 1: Mıx Proportıons For M40 Grade GPC & NC

Materials M40 M40
Cement (kg / m3) - 434.2
Fly ash (kg / m3) 382 -
GGBS (kg / m3) 42 -
Silica Fume (kg / m3) - -
Coarse Aggregate (kg / m3) 1295 1050
Fine Sand (kg / m3) 555 700.8
NaOH Solution 8 mol (kg / m3) 36 -
Na2SiO3 solution (kg / m3) 90 -
Water (lit / m3) 16.96 150
Superplasticizer (%) 3 2.5

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

Fly ash and GGBS
Fly ash is utilized for the combination of geopolymeric binder. Fly ash of Class F (ASTM) got from Raichur
Thermal Power Station. Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) is a byproduct of the steel industry.
SEM analysis of fly ash and GGBS are shown in the figure 1 and 2.

Figure 1: SEM analysis of fly ash

Figure 2: SEM analyses of GGBS

Alkaline Liquids
Na2SiO3 and NaOH solutions were used for activating fly ash. 8, 12 and 14 Molar was prepared by blending
the pellets of weight 320, 480 and 560gm with water. NaOH particles are mixed with water to form a NaOH
solution. Water changes liable on the concentration of the solution articulated in moles (M). For example,
8M contains 8x40 = 320 g NaOH particles per liter of solution (here the number of 8 moles and the
molecular weight of 40 NaOH). Prepared to mix Na2SiO3 and NaOH 24 hours before use. Superplasticizer is
used to increase workability of concrete. Conplast 430 is used as superplasticizer with is replaced by about
3% by mass of binder. Potable drinking water was used. ACC Birla super 53 cement was used for the

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

experimental work. coarse aggregate of 12.5mm down size and fine aggregate of 4.75mm down size were

Strength and Durability properties

Various strength parameters like compressive, flexural, and split tensile strength, durability properties like
acid resistance test, sulphate resistance test, and sea water resistance test were also carried out.

For Strength studies

Six cubical moulds of size 100 mm for compressive strength test, six cylindrical moulds of size 150mm
diameter and 300mm height for split tensile strength and six prisms of size 75x75x450 mm for flexural
strength test were used to prepare specimen of GPC and same of normal concrete.
For Durability studies
Six cubical moulds of size 100 mm each for acid test, sulphate attack test and sea water resistance test, six
cylindrical moulds of size 100x200 mm for corrosion test were used to prepare specimen of GPC and same
of normal concrete.

Sample Preparation for Strength Propertıes

Compressive strength
The standard cube of 150mm size confirming to IS 10086-1982 was used. The GPC and NC specimens were
subjected to compression test at 7, 14 and 28 days of curing and tested using CTM machine.
Split tensile strength
This test conducted using standard cylindrical mould of size 150 mm diameter and 300 mm confirming to IS
10086-1982.The GPC and NC cylindrical specimens were tested for 28 days strength after casting. The split
tensile strength (indirect test) was determined as per IS: 5816-1999
Flexural strength
In this test beam mould of size 75x75x450 mm confirming to IS 10086-1982 is used. Test is carried out at
the curing age of 28 days using a flexural strength testing machine of 500KN capacity. Beam is subjected to
a two-point moulding test confirming to IS: 516-1959.

Durabılıty Tests on Concrete

Acid resistance test
The standard size of 100mm cube specimen is used to conduct acid resistance test at the age of 28 days
curing. Weight of specimen is measured in water which is diluted with 2N i.e., 10% by weight of
hydrochloric acid for 6weeks. The specimen was subjected to alternate wetting and drying for every 2days,
then surface of the specimen was cleaned regularly for a week once the cube is taken out of acid. After this
procedure the loss of weight and its compressive strength is measured.
Sea water resistance test
The standard size of of 100 mm cube specimen is used to conduct sea water resistance test at the age of 28
days curing. The sample is engrossed in water with 5% by weight of NaCl for 6weeks. The specimen was
subjected to alternate wetting and drying for every 2days, then surface of the specimen was cleaned

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

regularly for a week once the cube is taken out of salt water. After this procedure the loss of weight and its
compressive strength is measured.

Sulphate resistance test

The standard size of 150 mm cube specimen is used to conduct sulphate resistance test at the age of
28days curing. The sample is immersed in water with 5% by weight of MgSO4 for 6weeks. The specimen
was subjected to alternate wetting and drying for every 2days, then surface of the specimen was cleaned
regularly for a week once the cube is taken out of salt water. After this procedure the loss of weight and its
compressive strength is measured.

Corrosion test

The difference in electric potential through reinforcement in concrete set up electrochemical cell. At
reinforcement interface 1 part becomes anode and the other turn out to be cathode which is coupled by an
electrolyte in hardened cement paste in the form of pore water.

Table 2 Trial mixes

Mass, Kg/m3
M1 M2 M3 M4
Al/Fa 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
CA 1290 1290 1290 1290
FA 544 544 544 544
Class F, Fly ash 382 366 355 342
GGBS 46 44 41 38
Na2SiO3 soln 88 99 109 118
NaOH soln 37 43 46 50
SP 3% 3% 3% 3%
water 3% 3% 3% 3%
Cube strength 40.2 44.2 49.2 50.2

Fig 3: Strength variation with respect to ratio of alkaline liquid to binders

Fig 4: Effect of molarity

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

Fig 5: Effect of water content and curing time on strength

Fig 6: Effect of GGBS on strength

Comparıson Of Strength Propertıes Between M40 GPC and NC

Compressive strength

Compression test is conducted at 7 and 28 days as per 1S:516 using cubes of size 100 x 100 x 100mm and
the average results of three samples obtained for M40 grade concrete both GPC and NC and their
comparisons are shown in figure 7.

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

Fig 7: Compressive strength of NSC and GPC

Split Tensile Strength

Tensile strength is important for slabs which are designed based on flexural strength, are subjected
to tensile stresses. For this test 100mm x 200mm cylinders are cast and tested at 28 days in a CTM
machine and the test results are presented in table 3 with figure 8 .

Table 3 Split tensile strength values for GPC and NC

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Tensile load (N)
100000 3.18 3.82
70000 2.23 3.50
70000 2.23 2.86
90000 2.86 3.18
80000 2.55 3.18
80000 2.55 3.50
Average split tensile strength 2.6 3.34

Fig 8 : Split tensile strength values of GPC and NC

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

Flexural Strength

For this test 100mm x 100mm x 500mm prisms are cast and tested at 28 days using UTM in two-point
loading arrangements. Mechanical dial gauge reading gives the central deflection at an interval of 100kg
loading. M40 grade concrete the flexural strength results of both GPC and NC are tabulated in the table 4
with figure 9.

Table 4 Flexural strength values for GPC and NC

Flexural strength (MPa)

Mix no
1 5.792 5.148
2 5.792 4.826
3 5.792 5.470
4 5.792 4.504
5 5.792 4.826
6 5.792 5.148

Average flexural strength 4.98


Fig 9: Flexural strength values of GPC and NC

Comparıson of Durabılıty Propertıes Between M40 GPC and NC

Acıd Test (2N HCl -10% by Weight)

Figure 10: Acid test values for GPC and NC


a 0
r 0 10 20 30 40 50
c -0.2
/ -0.4
l -0.6 NC
-1.2 3121
No. of Days
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

Sulphate Resıstance Test (MgSO4 - 5% by Wt)

Figure 11: Sulphate resistance test values for GPC and NC

s 0.3
c 0.2
i 0.1
ss NC
o 0
t -0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 GPC
% -0.2
Number of Days

Sea Water Resıstance Test (NaCl - 5% by Wt)

Figure 12: Sea water resistance test values for GPC and NC

Corrosıon Test Results

Figure 13: Corrosion test values for GPC and NC

Weig h t los s Vs T ime
8 8
L os s of wt (g )

6 6
6 5
4 4 NC
2 2 2
2 1

45 60 90 120 150 180

T im e (m in)

Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils, 2021; 8(4): 3114-3124

GPC is around 58% more than OPC in 7 days.. Tensile strength of GPC is 22% a lesser amount of than NC.
There was an increase in weight loss in both geopolymer and normal concrete. It has also been observed
that Compressive strength decreases with respect to time. It has also been observed that Compressive
strength decreases with respect to time in normal concrete and no much affect of sulphate attack on
compressive strength on GPC. It has been observed that there was a gradual increase in weight loss in
normal concrete and geopolymer specimens. It has also been observed that effect of sea water on
compressive strength of GPC is not very much. With similar compressive strength, the GPC has the better
resistance of steel bar corrosion than that of the conventional concrete. Fly ash-based GPC has exceptional
compressive strength, making it ideal for structured applications. Heat-cured low CFS based GPC displays
exceptional resistance to sulphate attack and respectable resistance to acid attack than normal concrete. It
is more environmental friendly and has the potential to replace OPC in various applications such as pre-cast
units. To conclude, the properties of GPC has proven to be more satisfactory than normal conventional

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