Chemistry Investigatory Project

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“To compare the caffaeine content of different samples
of tea.”
Project submitted to Bhavan’s NSCB Vidyaniketan.
In partial Fulfilment Of AISSCE Examination

Guided by

Mrs Sukanya Koley

(Chemistry Teacher)






YEAR: 2018-19

Bhavan’s NSCB Vidyaniketan, Haldia

This is to certify that TITHI HAZRA of

Class XII Science(B), Roll No:_____________ .

Registration No: _____________ of Bhavan’s

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Vidyaniketan,

Haldia Township has completed this investigatory project. “ To

compare the

Caffeine content of different samples of tea.

In Chemistry under my supervision and



External Examiner’s Mrs Sukanya Koley

(Signature) (Chemistry Teacher)


Mrs Sunita Chandrashekhar(Principal)



1. Objective

2. Requirements
3. Chemical

4. Theory
5. Procedure
6. Observation
7. Graph comparing the caffeine
contents in
different tea brands
8. Conclusion
9. Procedure

10. Expected errors

11. Bibliography

12. Signature of subject teacher and

1. Tea Samples - Tata Tea Gold, Tata Tea Premium, Lipton
Green Tea.
2. Beakers
3. Measuring Cylinder
4. Funnels
5. Burner
6. Filter paper
7. Glass Rod
8. Separating Funnel
9. Distilled water

10.Petra dish

1. Calcium carbonate Fig- filtering of tea samples

2. Distilled Sulphuric acid

3. Chloroform

Fig- filtering of tea samples

Fig- Boiling of tea samples

The most important methylated alkaloid that occurs naturally is caffeine. Its molecular formula is
C8H10N402.Its IUPAC name is

1,2,7 – trimethylpurine-2,6- dione. Purely it

is white, crystalline solid in form of needles.

It is the main active principal component in

tea leaves It is present in tea leaves upto 3%.

It is central nervous system and metabolic stimulant

and is used in every purpose mainly medically to reduce physical fatigue and to restore
alertness when drowsiness occurs. It produces increased wakefulness faster and clear flow
of thoughts, increased focus and better general body coordination. The amount of caffeine
needed to produced effects varies from person to person depending on body size and
degree of tolerance. Effect begins less than an hour after

consumption. Caffeine is also used as allergic tablets as it is

belived to be pain reliever.It is beneficial in migraines

Fig-Pure Caffeine

EFFECTS: 1. Low doses of caffeine shows increased alertness and decreased fatigue.
2. Increases metabolic rate.

3. May increases blood pressure in new consumers.

4.High in take of Caffeine may contribute to stress and sleeplessness.

Fig-crystalline caffeine

Fig- Varying amt of caffeine content in different tea

1. 10g of each sample of tea leaves are weighed.
2. 100 ml distilled water was taken in a 400 ml
beaker and was boiled.
3. Then tea leaves of any three samples was
added to it and boiled for about 10 minutes.
4. The solution was cooled and filtered using
funnel and filtered paper.
5. About 2g of calcium carbonate was added to
the filtrate and it was bought to boil.
6. Tannic acid gets precipitated as calcium tannic.
The precipitate of calcium tannic was separated Fig-boiling of tea leaves
by filtration by funnel and filter paper.
7. 1ml of dilute sulphuric acid was added to
the filtrate. Lead gets separated as lead
8. The precipitate was removed by filtration.
9. The filtrate was then extracted with
chloroform 3-4 times using separating
funnel. Then chloroform was added two
layers appeared in the separating funnel.
10.The lower layer was separated and kept
aside. The upper layer was then taken
in a beaker
11.It was then heated in order to evaporate the


12.The recidue left behind was caffiane. Fig-Diff. Samples of tea

13.The recidue was weighted and the observations were recorded.
14.Similar procedure was performedwith different samples of tea leaves and
the quantity of caffiane was recorded in them.

 Chloroform should not be headed directly as it is toxic.
 Measurement of tea leaves should be exact and precise.
 Distilled water should be used.
 Apparatus should be clean and dry.
 Filtrate should be obtained fully.
 Prolonged heating should be avoided and some volatile
substance may also be evaporated along with water.

1. Measurement of tea leaves may not be exact.
2. The full filtrate may not be obtained.
3. Due to heating volatile substances may have been evaporated.
4. Chloroform may not have been fully evaporated.

2. Chemistry lab manual class XII

Fig- 3 different caffeine have been extracted from samples
I would like to express my sincere thanks and deep sense
of gratitude to Mrs Sukanya Koley of Bhavan’s N.S.C.B
Vidyaniketan; Haldia for her wise and worthy guidance,
valuable counselling and encouragement for bringing this
piece of to light.
I am extremely grateful to Mrs Subhra Chatterjee,
Director and Mrs. Sunita Chandrashekar, Principal of
Bhavan’s N.S.C.B Vidyaniketan, Haldia for her kind
cooperation, encouragement and all the facilities that she
provided for this project work.

I want to express my sincere thanks to my parents and

my classmates for their constant help and cooperation.

I would also like to express my gratitude to

Mr. Soumendranath Ari and Mr. Arun Khutia of Bhavan’s
N.S.C.B Vidyaniketan, Haldia for their constant help and
cooperation to give shape to this project work.

Finally express my sincere thanks to one and all that

have assisted me.
% of caffiane preasent




0.03% % of caffiane preasent






From the above experiment we conclude that Tata Tea Gold has the highest
caffeine percentage and Tata Tea Prenium has least .
The order of percentage of caffeine is :

Tata Tea Gold> Lipton Green Tea> Tata Tea Prenium

Since has the heighest caffiane percentage then it must have a strong flavor
but Tata Tea Prenium is better to consume.

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