Guide To Hell (2e)
Guide To Hell (2e)
Guide To Hell (2e)
Designer: Chris Pramas Special thanks to Colin McComb for leading the
Editor: Kim Mohan way with his outstanding work in the PLANESCAPE line.
Cover Artist: Brom
Interior . Artist: Hannibal King Sources: Sources for this work include the following:
Cartographer: Rob Lazzaretti. DUNGEON MASTER® GUIDE and PLAYER' s HANDBOOK® by Zeb
Typesetter: Eric Haddock Cook, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM.® VOLUME I edited by
Graphic Designer: Matt Adelsperger David WlSe, and the MONSTROUS M.ANuAL™ tome by
Creative Director: Ed Stark authors too numerous to catalogue here.
Art Director: Dawn Murin Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®
created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
~ 1.-~w
Being a Treatise on the Cosmic Serpents, the Birth of
the Outer Planes, and the the Fall of Ahriman.
w'fut o~ni1 wm.t Mortals have an unhealthy fascination with the denizens
of Hell. Despite the obvious perils involved, many mor-
Being a devil is all about getting ahead. Devils are tals continue to study things diabolic. They enact dan-
schemers and players looking for a way to claw their gerous rituals, compile dubious lists of infernal names,
way up the ladder of the diabolic hierarchy. Thinking of and, in extreme cases, summon up devils from below.
them as the planar version of yuppies is pretty accurate. Some of these mortals are just youngsters with a taste
One of the best places to gain power is the Prime Ma- for danger, while others tread the path of diabolism. All
terial Plane, since it is full of mortals who are easy to those who try to deal with devils put themselves at terri-
ble risk, but most don't realize it until it's too late.
Diabolism consists of two parts: the connection and
the bargain.
rk~ B~t-~in
Once contact with a devil has been established, the bar-
gaining can begin. Popular opinion has it that a devil
Description:Thaumaturgists are wizards who specialize
in matters diabolic. Unlike diabolists, who embrace the
evil of Baator, thaumaturgists use their knowledge to
oppose Hell. They usually have extensive libraries,
including books that may have been banned by civil or
religious authorities. Through their study of such for-
bidden tomes, they have learned much about Hell and
its denizens. They also master magical techniques that
make them a true threat to devils wherever the minions
of lawful evil are encountered.
Role:Thaumaturgists play two roles. On one hand,
they are the sagely experts who can dispense sound
advice on dealing with devils. On the other hand, they books the character copied from her mentor during her
are masters of magic who can take on devils and hold apprenticeship.
their own. Both roles require study, training, and excel- SpecialBenefits:Thaumaturgists learn special spell-
lent critical faculties. Histories written about the Lower casting techniques to make their magic more effective
Planes, while a valuable resource, are always filled with against devils. The primary aim of these techniques is to
clever deceptions and outright lies. Separating out the circumvent the magic resistance of the target. Whenever
true from the false is perhaps the most challenging a thaumaturgist casts a spell at one or more baatezu, the
aspect of being a thaumaturgist. magic resistance of the target(s) is reduced by 2% for
This kit is open to all wizards except illusionists and each level of the caster.
transmuters, who lack the ability to use the crucial At 7th level, thaumaturgists learn how to prevent
sphere of abjuration. devils from using their gate ability to bring in reinforce-
WeaponProficiencies: Thaumaturgists receive the ments from Hell. When a baatezu attempts to gatein
weapon proficiencies and choices of the wizard class. further devils, a thaumaturgist who has not acted yet in
.They tend to favor staves because they are handy for that round can attempt to disrupt the calling. By throw-
parrying when the fight gets up close and personal. ing raw magical power at the coalescing gate,the thau-
NonweaponProficiencies: Bonus:Ancient History maturgist reduces the chance of success by 15% + 1% per
(Baator), Devil Lore. Required:Read/Write, Spellcraft. level. Whether or not the gateis disrupted, the attempt
Recommended: (General) Heraldry; (Rogue) Forgery; counts as the wizard's action for the round (so he can-
(Wizard) Ancient Languages, Religion. not also cast a spell, for instance).
Equipment:In addition to their normal starting equip- Also, thaumaturgists learn how to research the tnie
ment, thaumaturgists receive ldlOxlO gp worth of names of devils, often by using their own libraries. Each
arcane tomes on a variety of topics. These are likely attempt takes 2d12 months of research time, and has a
Description:Very few mortals understand the malevo-
lent effect of devils on society. The sweet seduction of
erinyes and other diabolic agents sends thousands of
souls to Baator to provide soldiers for the Blood War.
On the Prime Material Plane, this war is nearly unde-
tectable-but humanity is not defenseless. Clerics
known as inquisitors keep watch over their flocks and Healing, Reading/Writing, Spellcraft; (Warrior)
weed out diabolic influence when it arises. Tracking (costs 2 slots only).
Both clerics and specialty priests can choose this kit, Equipment:Inquisitors make frequent use of holy
though not all priesthoods are appropriate (worshippers water; each one starts with ld3 vials. Some inquisitors
of a Goddess of Mercy, for instance, would hardly make also carry specialized kits of scalpels, restraints, and
likely inquisitors). The DM is the final arbiter, and pincers for use on the guilty. The kits cost 20 gp, but
should work with the player to create an appropriate their use may cause problems for those of good align-
rationale for the inquisitor's activities. ment (DM's discretion).
Role:An inquisitor's primary job is to protect her SpecialBenefits:Inquisitors spend hours each day in
home world from the corrupting influence of the diabol- prayer, purifying their souls and strengthening their
ic. Inquisitors ferret out devils on their home plane, wills. Such is their resilience that they are immune to
especially the wicked erinyes. When necessary, they can charmspells of all types. In addition, they gain a +2
also act as full-blown warriors of the faith. Due to their bonus on their attempts to turn devils (see the Turning
methods and demeanor, inquisitors are often feared and Fiends Table in Chapter 1).
avoided. Few people enjoy being scrutinized, especially Their most distinctive ability is a special ritual to restore
by those who are considered fanatics. the alignment of those seduced to evil by diabolic forces
WeaponProficiencies:Inquisitors use the weapons nor- (those who choose evil all on their own are out of luck).
mally available to their priesthoods. Additionally, they The ritual takes a full day, and involves the inquisitor spir-
rec~ive free proficiency in the scourge, which is often itually tearing the evil from the victim. The process is terri-
used to coerce information out of diabolists. bly painful but must be entered into with free will (i.e., no
NonweaponProficiencies: Bonus:Devil Lore. Required: knocking someone unconscious and "goodifying'' them).
Religion. Recommended:(General) Rope Use; (Priest) For each Hit Die of the victim, roll 1d8, then subtract the
.N-atiY~ lt~m.
Level: Wizard 4
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 tum/level Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 magical item Saving Throw: None
A~t~F~itk '1-t,~na..&·
Amulets offaith are found among the followers of cru- l!41t~"4)
sading deities such as St. Cuthbert. They are made of
sapphire, usually in the shape of the god's holy symbol.
These items are never given to those not of the church.
The wearer of an amuletoffaith gains a +2 bonus to
all saving throws vs. spells and spell-like abilities used
by devils. The amuletalso provides immunity to posses-
sion by a mezzikim (see Chapter 7).
An axe of bitingis a diabolic weapon forged in Hell. A
few of these weapons have made their way to the Prime
Material Plane, either as war booty or gifts for agents of
the infernal. s~~,,.s~
~ o~ligkt
These axes are made from the bones of creatures The scourgeof delightis a wicked weapon used by the
from the Lower Planes. Each axe is carved from a single forces of Hell. Made of the cured skin of tanar'ri slain in
piece of bone, engraved with dark runes, and soaked in the Blood War, it is a whip with as many as a dozen tails,
blood. The axe head bristles with razor-sharp teeth, each embedded with hooked barbs that tear the flesh.
which chew through the armor and flesh of opponents The scourgeprovides a +2 bonus to hit and to damage,
with ease. A weapon of evil, an axe of bitingcannot be but its true power is more subtle. When a target is hit
wielded by those of neutral or good alignment. with the scourgeof delight,he must save vs. spell to resist
The axeof bitingis a battleaxe +3that inflicts ld8+1/ its effects. If the save is failed, the victim suddenly feels
ldlO+ 1 damage. If it hits an opponent using a shield of invigorated, despite his horrific wounds. From then on,
any kind, the shield must make a saving throw of 15 or the victim derives pleasure from each wound inflicted
be destroyed by the axe's chewing teeth. Magical on him and actively seeks to receive more wounds (from
shields receive their plus as a bonus to the saving throw. any weapon, not just the scourge).Players of characters
hit by the scourgemust tell the DM their characters' cur-
Ct-~ff~~ ~ o~Yi!.s~ying rent hit points, and from this point forward the DM
This specially enchanted crossbow is + 1 to hit and keeps track of them in secret. The victim never has any
inflicts +4 damage vs. devils. Bolts fired from the cross- idea how wounded he is until he dies, and death is a
bow can hit any devil, regardless of how impervious sweet release. Healing spells of any kind (including
they are to other magical weapons. potions) are horribly painful, and the victim will not
submit to them if he has any choice. The magic of the
scourgelasts until the victim receives a removecurse.
Ferry Kielman (Order #22492435)
1.~y~-r- Pkl~~th.~J pit for breaking Baatoran law. However, many devils
voluntarily enter the flames, for they are said to give
Lord:Lady Fierana, Archduke Belia! (carolers) strength to those who can endure their torments. Nine
ResidentDevils:Hamatula, cornugons, spinagons companies of cornugons guard the Pit of Flame, mak-
OtherDenizens:Hell hounds, :imps ing sure that no one leaves until their time is up.
ImportantLocations:The Pit of Flame
Realms:The Jealous Heart (Inanna)
1.~y~-r- stygu
When common people think of Hell, they're really Lord:Prince Levistus
thinking of Phlegethos. This is the layer with the lakes ResidentDevils:Abishai, amnizu, erinyes, spinagons
of fire, the rivers of molten lava, and the heat antithet- Other Denizens:Planars
ical to most forms of life. Phlegethos exists to burn, ImportantLocations:Tantlin, the City of Ice; the Tomb
and the flame is nearly sentient. Those who come to of Levistus
Phlegethos uninvited find that the fire seeks them out, Realms:Ankhwugaht (Set), Sheyruushk (Sekolah), the
bending quite unnaturally and scorching without Steadfast Chill (I<riesha)
The only known city on Phlegethos is Abriymoch. Stygia is a frozen sea, churning with ice floes and gar-
Built inside an active volcano and surrounded by a gantuan icebergs. The River Styx flows through the
lake of lava, Abriymoch is a heinous mishmash of midst of Stygia and gives the layer its name. It's
magma, obsidian, and crystal. The city is ruled by a strange to think of a river running through an ocean,
pit fiend named Gazra from a castle of crystal statues. but that's exactly what happens here. The black water
He commands 5,000 hamatula and is responsible for of the Styx winds its way across the frozen white
the security of the first four levels of Hell . The hamat- landscape of Stygia like a malevolent serpent. The
ula are particularly active on the third and fourth lay- Styx flows fast enough to avoid freezing, so communi-
ers, nabbing intruders and bringing them back to ties tend to cluster near its banks. While its water is
Abriymoch and :imprisoning them under the city. No dangerous to drink, the Styx does provide easy trans-
mortal has ever escaped from the dungeons of the city, portation about Stygia.
and few last long in any case. Gazra' s hamatula also Life above the frozen sea is contained on ice floes
hunt for deserters from the baatezu armies, and watch that are large enough to support cities and castles.
for signs of corruption among its officer corps. Nearly all of these burgs are controlled by the amnizu,
Due to the hostile conditions and frequent patrols, who are charged with the defense of Stygia. While it's
few strangers come to Phlegethos. Most of those who a great boon, the River Styx also provides a handy
do are burned to death or are killed by zealous avenue of attack, and it's the job of the amnizu job to
guardsmen. Unlike the devils of the upper levels, the ensure that enemies don't use the river to mount an
hamatula are not susceptible to bribery. They do not invasion. Several cities populated by planars lie along
negotiate, nor do they show pity. the river and survive by trading.
Rules:The environment of Phlegethos is so deadly The frozen ocean itself is largely a mystery. It's as-
that those who come here without magical protection sumed that some beings live beneath its surface, but
from fire take 1d6+4 points of damage per round until no one wants to speculate in detail. It is a known fact
they succumb. No amount of hit points can save a that the realm of Sekolah, the bestial deity of the
character from endless fire, an air temperature hot sahuagin, lies beneath the ice. This in itself is reason
enough to char meat, and bubbling pools of magma. enough to stay away. Rumors of ancient tentacled
The Pit of Flame:The pit is a place of punishment gods trapped beneath the ice are common, but apoc-
and purification for devils. Sitting at the center of ryphal, at least as far as anyone can tell ... .
Phlegethos, the pit is a huge lake of boiling filth that Rules: The skies of Stygia are full of lightning. The
projects columns of searing white flame upward more constant flashes illuminate the layer, but make flying
than a hundred feet. This is not normal fire, which nearly impossible. Any flyer with a maneuverability
baatezu are immune to, but some kind of energy class poorer than B has a 50% chance of being struck
drawn from the nature of Hell itself. Osyluths can by lightning each turn it's in the sky. Those hit take
instantly deposit any devil except a pit fiend into the 5d6 damage (half if a save vs. spell is made).
Lady Fierana:AC -3; MV 18, fly 36; HD 20; hp 140; Belia!: AC --4;MV 15, fly 15; HD 20; hp 154; THACO 1;
THACO 1; #AT 2; Dmg 2d8+ 10; SA see below; SD +2 or #AT 5/2; Dmg 1d12+11; SA spell use; SD +2 or better
better weapon to hit, immune to fire and cold attacks; weapon to hit; :MR80%; SZ L (10' tall); ML fearless (19);
:MR75%; SZ M (6' tall); ML fearless (19); Int supra- Int genius (18);AL LE; XP 27,000.
genius (19);AL LE; XP 28,000. Belia! rarely engages in combat, preferring to use his
Lady Fierana has mastered the element of fire. She minions instead. When necessary, he wields a military
can createfire at will, and can cast any fire-related spell fork +4 that inflicts 1d12+11 points of damage. Those
at the 20th level of ability (in addition to her normal struck by the fork must also save vs. spell or suffer the
baatezu spell-like abilities). In combat, a blade of pure effects of a symbolof pain.
flame springs from her palm. This weapon does 2d8+ 10 Once per round Belia! can use the following spell-
damage and has a +4 enchantment. Additionally, three like powers, in addition to those normally available to
times per day she can summon 1d4 spinagons, 1d3 baatezu: beguile,detectinvisibility,geas,light, polymorph
hamatula, or 1 cornugon with an 85% chance of success. self,produceflame, pyrotechnics,raisedead,readlanguages,
Strangely enough, Fierana is also immune to cold readmagic,restoration,and wall offire. Three times per
and ice damage of all kinds (both magical and mun- day he can create a symbolof pain. Once per day Belia!
dane). This has led some to speculate that she is seeking can utter an unholywordand fulfill a wish. Three times
mastery of a second element, and perhaps looking to per day he can summon 1d4 spinagons, 1d3 hamatula,
take over Stygia or Cania. or 1 cornugon with an 85% chance of success.
M~pki1~k~t~1~ Cffl.U
L#'~ ~ tk~ E.igktk .
Mephistopheles is the lord of frigid Cania. His gelugons
guard the entrance to Nessus, the domain of the Dark
Lord. Despite this prestigious position, Mephistopheles
has always been jealous of the other lords. The greatest
expression of this jealousy was, of course, the Reckon-
ing, but Mephistopheles demonstrates this attitude
anew every day.
Although no one would ever dare to say so to
face, Mephistopheles is much like his archrival Baal-
zebul. Like the Lord of the flies, the Lord of the Eighth Mephistopheles: AC -6; MV 15, fly 18; HD 23; hp 188;
cannot seem to get enough power or prestige. When 1HAC0 1; #AT 3; Dmg ldl2+11; SA spell use; SD +2 or
Asmodeus rewards a nobl~ for valuable service, Meph- better weapon to hit; :MR 85%; SZ L (9' tall); ML fearless
istopheles wants to know where his ;eward is. As other (20); Int supra-genius (20); AL LE; XP 32,000.
devils aruund him are promoted, he cannot believe that · Mephistopheles likes to play up his diabolic image.
he is still "only" a Lord of Hell. Martinet of the court of In addition to his classic wings, claws, and horns
Asmodeus is said to have remarked that were Mephis- appearance, he favors a militaryfork +3.Each of this
topheles to become the King of Hell, it would take him weapon's three tines can cause 3d4 points of extra dam-
less than an hour to start wondering why he wa~n't also age on a melee hit from fire, cold, and electricity respec-
ruler of Mount Celestia. tively (save vs. spell applicable). Only one power can be
rk~ o~-r-k
The Dark Eight are the pit fiend generals that run the
Blood War for Asmodeus. They are considered the leaders
of the baatezu race and report directly to the Dark Lord of
Nessus. They have little interaction with the lords of the
first eight layers, although they do compete with them for
recruits. Nearly all of their times is taken up prosecuting
the Blood War, and they descend to Malsheem to confer-
'ence with Asmodeus four times a year.
Historians of Hell have marveled at the stability of
the Dark Eight. Although their founder, Cantrum, was
slain ages ago, the remaining members of the Dark
Eight have remained the same as long as anyone can
remember. The fact that the Dark Eight seem to have no
more power than the typical pit fiend has only height-
ened the curiosity of the situation. Surely in all these
years at least one of the Dark Eight should have fallen
to an assassin's blade.
In fact, many members of the Dark Eight have been
assassinated, and only Baalzephon and Furcas remain
from the original group. When one of the Dark Eight
dies, the other members act quickly and discreetly to
replace him. An underling of the slain leader is promot-
ed and takes on his former master's name. In this way,
Glasya: AC -2; MV 15, fly 30; HD 12; hp 96; TIIAC0 5; continuity in leadership is maintained, and no panic
#AT 2; Dmg 1d8+6; SA poison, spell use; SD regenera- sweeps through the infernal army. Any devil suspected
tion, +2 or better weapon to hit; MR 60%; SZ L (9' tall); of knowing the truth is slain. While this has led to the
ML fanatic (17); Int exceptional (16); AL LE; XP 17,000. loss of some talented support staffers, the security thus
Glasya prefers to avoid combat, and she usually tele- gained is considered worth the price.
portsaway from any dangerous encounter. When pressed, Each member of the Dark Eight controls an aspect of
she wields a sword+3of virulent poison. This blade does the Blood War. Their names and responsibilities are:
1d8+6 damage in Glasya's hands, and combines the prop- Furcas (mortal relations), Baalzephon (supply), Zimimar
erties of a daggerof venomand a swordof quickness. (morale), Zapan (immortal relations), Zaebos (promo-
Once per round Princess Glasya can use the follow- tions and demotions), Corin (espionage), Dagos (strate-
ing spell-like powers, in addition to those normally gy), and Pearza (research and implementation). The
available to baatezu: beguile,charmmonster,detectinvisi- members are pit fiends with maximum hit points. See
bility,dispelmagic,geas,light, polymorphself,produce the MONSTROUS MANuAL tome for details of the pit
flame,pyrotechnics,raisedead,readlanguages,readmagic, fiends' abilities. Those looking for more information on
Af-,,u-~~1'-f1f A-v~h~
As noted previously, Asril.odeus's serpentine body lies
at the bottom of the Serpent's Coil. Since his true form
is hundreds of miles long, he cannot interact with his
servants without the use of avatars. Normally, gods use
avatars to travel to the Prime Material Plane, projecting
a piece of their divine essence to take care of important
matters personally. Asmodeus uses this same ability to
control HeU. When he needs to discipline Baalzebul, he
sends an avatar. When he meets with the Dark Eight in
Nessus, the pit fiends are really dealing with an avatar.
As a greater god, Asmodeus can maintain up to ten
avatars at once. This allows him to have a piece of him-
self on ever:y layer of Hell if he needs to, with one to
spare. Because of his unique condition in Nessus, he can SpecialAttacks:The avatar of Asmodeus radiates aweup
only send one avatar to the Prime Material Plane. If he to 120 feet. Anyone seeing him must make a saving
does so, he cannot maintain any other avatars at the throw vs. spell at -4 to be able to attack him without
same As a result, he usually operates on the Prime being attacked first. The avatar can gatein one greater
Material Plane through others. or two lesser devils each round automatically. In addi-
Asmodeus's avatars take the form of giant humanoid tion to his normal spells, he can cast the following cleric
of unmistakable charisma. With a reddish cast to his spells once per day: symbolof pain, symbolof persuasion,
skin and two discrete horns jutting from his head, As- symbolof hopelessness, and unholyword.
modeus is nonetheless handsome of face and arresting The RodofAsmodeusis made of pure ruby and glows
of presence. His beard is always impeccably trimmed, with an inner light The rod can be wielded in melee com-
and he wears clothes of the finest cut. His avatars all bat, inflicting 2d8+ 13 points of damage. It also acts as a rod
carry a ruby rod, a badge of office that inspires instant of absorption that can absorb up to 25 spelllevels per day.
obedience from any devil. Finally, the rod can cast the spellsacidicblast,coneof cold,
and lightningboltat will, as if cast by a 25th-level wizar'd.
An~ (Figkt~-r- 2-5, Wiz~-r-~ zo) SpecialDefenses:The avatar is immune to all spells of
lower than 4th level, as well as poison, paralyzation,
Str: 24 Dex: 20 Con: 23 petrification, death magic, illusion/Phantasm spells,
Int 25 WIS:23 Cha: 25 and mind-controlling abilities of all kinds. He can only
Mv: 24 SZ: H (20' tall) MR: 90% be hit by weapons of +4 or better enchantment.
AC: -7 HD: 24 HP: 199
#At 3 THAC0: 1 Dmg: 2d8+ 13
Ferry Kielman (Order #22492435)
~gi~~i 1-t~"M.f E.!igdi!ity
As a general rule, magical items are affected by the Any devil with an Intelligence of 11 or higher is eligible
planes in the same ways and to the same degrees as to become a wizard. Since the study of magic is so
similar spells. For instance, if a character takes a wand of unusual for devils, however, less than 5% of the talent
fire to Stygia, its powers would be diminished in the pool actually studies magic. Like other wizards, diabolic
same way that fire spells are. Clerical items and scrolls spellcasters start at 1st level. Their maximum level of
don't suffer the level loss of their owners, but they are ability is equal to their Hit Dice. Osyluths, for example,
subject to the spell alterations by school as described for can become 5th-level wizards (due to their 5 HD). Those
wizard magic. From the notes above on spells, the DM of 8th level or higher run the risk of neglecting their
can extrapolate the effects on most magical items before physical prowess, and have a 25% chance of receiving a
the issue arises during game play. -1 penalty to hit in combat. This test is taken upon
Magical items with bonuses (magical weapons and achieving 8th level, and is only checked once.
armor, items of protection, and so forth) lose their en- Baatezu wizards can be mages or any specialty wiz-
chanted quality as they move farther from their plane of ard except a wild mage. They prefer the schools of
origin. They lose their enchantment at the rate of one Alteration, Invocation/Evocation, Necromancy, and
"plus" for each plane removed from the plane on which Illusion. Osyluths are also known for their penchant for
they were created. In Hell, two plusses are lost, so a Divination magic, which aids their work greatly. No
sword+5 is only a sword+3 in Baator. baatezu wizards need to worry about restrictions on
A weapon reduced to +Ostill registers to detectmagic their armor of weapons. They can always use whatever
spells and generally remains sturdy and finely crafted. equipment they please.
Items with additional powers, such as a swordof danc- Of the baatezu, the amnizu are the most likely to
ing, lose all those powers if the item's bonus is reduced study magic. Cornugons, hamatula, osyluths, and
to +Oor less. For items with more than one plus, such as kochrachons occasionally produce wizards, while
a sword+1,+4 vs. reptiles,apply the penalty to the high- abishai, barbazu, lemures, nupperibos, and spinagons
er of the plusses to determine loss of additional powers. never do. They simply lack the brainpower.
Cursed items are in no way affected by planar travel. The best diabolic wizards are pit fiends and gelu-
gons. The pit fiends know no limit of magical ability,
and can continue to gain experience levels indefinitely.
B~~tau. Wu~t-~f This is a truly frightening prospect when their longevity
Devils have never lacked magical powers. Their very is considered. Gelugon wizards are more rare, but they
nature gives them access to an array of powers suited to gain an extra ice- or cold-related spell for each spell
their role in the cosmos. These abilities, which require level gained. They have also researched several alter-
neither study nor understanding, are known as innate nate versions of existing spells (freezingsphererather
magic. Devils use this magic the way other mortals use than flaming sphere,for instance).
their hands and teeth, and probably with even less
thought. The spellcasting power of the wizard, howev- Tkc F~t- TypcJ
er, long eluded the brutal baatezu. There are four basic types of baatezu wizards. When
Wizard spells, acquired after years of study and generating such a spellcaster, either choose the type or
memorization of esoteric techniques, are known as roll on the following table:
learned magic. At first, few devils had the temperament
to hunker down and study magic like a mortal. Devils D100 Roll Wizard 'fype
have gleaned all they know about learned magic from 01--40 Distorted
mortal spellcasters. This knowledge has been acquired 41-50 Unenlightened
haphazardly over many years. Baatezu wizards are still 51-90 Normal
quite rare, and their existence is not widely known. 91-00 Augmented
They do, however, perform important functions in Hell,
such as the manufacture of magical items and the sup- Distorted wizards can only learn magic at a terrible
port of baatezu armies in the Blood War. cost. These devils have had theix magic resistance
burned right out of them. Only by marring themselves
1..~1ft.U.f-~ (!~Jt:~~~t:~)
AC 7; MV 3; HD 2; TIIACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld3; SA bat-
tle drive; SD regeneration, immune to mind-affecting
spells; SZ M (5' tall); ML never checked; AL LE; XP 120
Description: These mindless creatures are the lowliest
denizens of Baator. They
look like disfigured blobs
of molten flesh and have
no means of commu-
nication. They pro-
vide the
grunts of the Combat: Nupperibos attack with two claws, but they
baatezu are occasionally outfitted with weapons such as clubs.
armies in the When ordered to do so, groups of ten or more nupperi-
Blood War. bos can causefear if they all attack the same opponent.
Nupperibos regenerate 1 hit point per round while
on any of the Lower Planes. Any piece of a nupperibo,
even burnt ash, regenerates until the creature is whole
again, and only holy items (swords, water, and so forth)
can permanently destroy them.