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DC Machines

Dr.Mohamed Ansari M.Nainar

Sr.Lecturer, ME
BN-1-026, COE
UNITEN, Malaysia
Tel Ext: 2213
Email: [email protected]
Book Reference
Theodore Wildi, Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, IE,
6th Edition, Prentice Hall
Types of Motors

DC Brushless

Split Capacitor

Shaded Pole
Single Phase
Capacitor Start

AC Synchronous Split Phase

AC machines (generators and motors)

Two major classes:
Poly Phase Synchronous machines
Induction Induction machines
Two major parts of machines
Rotor 3
Classifications of electric motors
Electric Motors

Alternating Current Direct Current (DC)

(AC) Motors Motors

Synchronous Induction Separately Self Excited


Single-Phase Three-Phase Series Compound Shunt

• DC machines
– DC Generator
– DC Motor
• Electromechanical device that converts electrical energy
to mechanical energy and vice versa.
– Constructional features of DC Generators
– Principle of operation
– Commutation
– Armature reaction
– Equivalent circuit of Series, Shunt and Compound Generators
– Performance characteristics

Construction of a generator
• Permanent Magnet (with 2, 4, 6..
• Armature core with slots for coils
(2, 4, 6, …n-turns/coils)
• Slip rings, brushes
• Commutators

Figure: Cutaway view of a 4-pole shunt generator. It has 3 brushes per brush set.
Construction of a generator
• Armature core
• Laminated slotted sheet to build
the core
• Carbon brush & holder
• Commutator

Construction of a dc generator; 4
slots and 4 coils and 4 commutators
Cross-section of the armature
Armature Core with winding & Com. lamination with tapered slots 7
Courtesy of General Electric Company, USA)

• Commutator is simply a pair of plates attached

to the axle. These plates provide the two
connections for the coil of the electromagnet.
• Commutator and brushes work together to let
current flow to the electromagnet, and also to
flip the direction that the electrons are flowing
at just the right moment.
• The contacts of the commutator are attached to the
axle of the electromagnet, so they spin with the
magnet. The brushes are just two pieces of springy
metal or carbon that make contact with the contacts
of the commutator.
AC Generator (Machine)

DC Generator (Machine)

AC Vs DC Generator
•The elementary ac and dc generators are explained in the previous
two slides.
• Coil rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet.
•The machine differs only in terms of how the coil is connected to
the external circuit as shown in Fig (a-c)

The three types of armatures (a) Commutator (b) With slip ring (c) With both slip ring and commutator

Working Principle of an DC Generator
• Faraday’s law of EMI
The Faraday’s Law of EMI states that “If a flux linking a coil varies as a
function of time, then a voltage that is directly proportional to the rate of
change of flux is induced in the coil between its terminals”
E = N. ΔΦ/Δt ……………..(1)
• Lorentz force law
When a magnetic field (B) is moved rapidly or slowly across a conductor
bar/rod of length ‘l’ with speed ‘ν’, then an emf is induced in the conductor
with a voltage,
E = Blν…………….(2)
The induced voltage produces a current ‘I’ to flow in the conductor which in
turn experiences a mechanical force in the presence of magnetic field. This
force is called Lorentz force,
F = BIl……………..(3) 13
Working Principle of an DC Generator

The induced voltage in a dc generator having a lap winding is given

By the equation:

Eo = ZnΦ …………….(1)

Where, E0 = Voltage between the brushes in volts

Z = total number of conductors on the armature
n = speed of rotation in rpm
Φ= flux per pole in Weber

Improving the waveshape of the output
• Cross-sectional view of a
stator poles
• Armature Winding
• (Increase the no. of slots)

DC Machines with 4 coils and 4 commutator

Commutation process

Position of the coils when the

armature has rotated through 450
The armature has 4 slots, 4 coils, and
4 commutator bars.

Commutation process

The armature has 12 coils, 12 slots, Voltage induced in the 12 coils

and 12 commutator bars.

Commutation process

 The brush yoke is shifted by 30°

 Moving the brushes off the neutral point
reduces the output voltage and produces
 Poor commutation. 18
Neutral zones
1. Neutral Zones are those places on the surface of the armature
where the flux density is zero.
2. When the generator operates at no-load, the neutral zones are
located exactly between the poles.
3. No voltage is induced in a coil that cuts through the neutral

Magnetic field produced by the

current flowing in the armature

Example 1

The armature of a 6-pole. 600 r/min generator.

has 90slots. Each coil has 4 turns and the flux
per pole is0.04 Wb. Calculate the value of the
induced voltage.

Armature Reactions
• For ideal condition, mmf is
acting due to the field by the
excitation current.

• Practically, the current flowing

through the armature winding will
also produce mmf that distorts and
weakens the flux from the poles.
• This distortion effect is known as
Armature reactions.
•contrary to the field flux. The
armature flux is not constant hut
varies with the load.
• Compensating flux
To Improve Commutation process

Commutating poles produce an mmfc that

1.The energy conversion process.
opposes the mmfa of the armature.
2.The electromagnetic torque due to
F must be balanced by the applied
mechanical torque.

Separately excited generator

• Separately excited 2-pole generator. Flux per pole versus exciting current.
• The N, S field poles are created by the
current flowing in the field windings.

Voltage versus exciting current.
Shunt Generator Characteristics
Eo = ZnΦ

Shunt Generator

• Controlling the generator voltage with a

field rheostat. Voltage versus exciting current. (At No-load)
•A rheostat is a resistor with an adjustable
sliding contact.
Shunt Vs Compound Generator

Compound Generator 25
Shunt Generator
Differential compound generator

DC Motors
• DC motors transforms electrical
energy into mechanical energy.
• They drive devices such as hoist,
fans, pumps, calendars, punch-
presses and cars.

• The torque-speed characteristics of the motor must be

adapted to the type of the load it has to drive, and this
requirement has given rise to three basic types of motors:
• Shunt motors
• Series motors
• Compound motors
DC Motors – Speed Control
• DC motors speed control
by armature rheostat

Speed, n = 60Eo

• The torque-speed characteristics of the motors can be varied

over a wide range while retaining high efficiency.

DC Motors
• Ward –Leonard speed control system

• Variable Shunt motors

Speed, n= 60Es /ZΦ

DC Motors
• The three types of DC motors: • Compound motors

• Series motors

• Shunt motors

DC Motors – Speed Vs Torque
• Typical speed versus torque characteristics of various dc motors

1. A shunt motor rotating at l 500 r/min is fed by 120 V source (Fig. 5.9a).
The line current is 51A and the shunt-field resistance is 120 ohm. If the
armature resistance is 0.1ohm calculate the following :
a. The current in the armature
b. The counter-emf
c. The mechanical power developed by the motor

2. A separately excited dc generator produces a no-load voltage of 115V. What

happens if:
a. The speed is increased by 20 percent?
b. The direction of rotation is reversed?
c. The exciting current is increased by 10 percent
d. The polarity of the field is reversed?


3. A shunt generator has an induced voltage on open circuit of 127V. When

the machine is on load, the terminal voltage is 120V. Neglecting armature
reaction, find the load current if armature resistance is 0.2 ohm and field
circuit resistance is 15ohms.
Given, Es = 127V; Eo = 120V
Es – Eo = Ia. Ra
Ia .Ra = 127 – 120 = 7 V
Therefore, Ia = 7/0.2 = 35A
If = Eo/R = 120/15 = 8A
Load current, IL = Ia - If
= 35 – 8 = 27A

DC Generators – Tutorials
4. A 4 pole shunt generator, with a lap wound armature, has field circuit
resistance of 50ohms and armature circuit resistance of 0.1ohm. The
generator is supplying sixty(60) lamps (100V, 40W). Find the total
armature current in each armature conductor and generator emf. The
brush contact drop is 1V per brush.
Current drawn by each lamp = 40/100 = 0.4A
IL = 0.4x60 = 24A
If = 100/50 = 2A
Ia = IL + If = 24+2 = 26A
Since there are 4 parallel paths, current in each conductor is
26/4 i.e. 6.5A
Armature resistance drop = Ia. Ra= 26x0.1 = 2.6V
Brush drop = 1x2 = 2V
Generated e.m.f. = 100+2.6+2 = 104.6V 35

5. A 500V 4-pole shunt motor has an armature current of 60A.

The flux per pole is 0.04Wb. The armature resistance is 0.3Ω
and brush contact drop is 1V per brush. If the machine has
720 armature conductors and a wave winding, find the full
load speed of the machine.

6. The armature of a permanent-magnet dc generator has a resistance
of 1Ω and generates a voltage of 50V when the speed is 500r/min.
If the armature is connected to a source of 150V, calculate the
(a)The starting current [Hint: I = Es/R]
(b)The counter-e.m.f when the motor runs at (i)1000rpm.
(ii)1460r/min. [ Hint: Eo = {ZnΦ}/60]
(c)The armature current at (i)1000 r/min. (ii) 1460 r/min.
[ Hint: I = {Es – Eo}/R

7. The following details are given on a 225kW (300hp), 250V,
1200rpm dc motor as shown in Figure Below. The motor has
armature coils: 243; Turns per coil: 1; type of winding: lap;
No. of armature slots: 81; commutator segments: 243; field
poles: 6; diameter of armature: 559mm; axial length of
armature: 235mm.
(a)The rated armature current
(b)The number of conductors per slot
(c)The flux per pole (Φ)
Hints: I = P/Eo
T= 9.55 P/n
Φ = {6.28 T}/{Z.I} 38

8. A 2000 kW, 500V, variable-speed motor is driven by a

2500kW generator, using a Ward-Leonard control system
shown in Fig.5.6. The total resistance of the motor and
generator armature circuit is 10mΩ. The motor turns at
nominal speed of 300r/min, when Eo is 500V.
(a)the motor torque and speed when Es = 400V and Eo = 380V
(b)The motor torque and speed when Es = 350V and E0 = 380V

• Hints: I = (Es – Eo) /R

• P = Eo.I
• no/ns = Eo/Es
• T = 9.55P/n 39
We have discussed about DC Machines :
• Constructional features of DC Generators
• Principle of operation
• Commutation
• Armature reaction
• How to improve commutation?
• Equivalent circuit of series, Shunt and
compound Generators
• Performance characteristics


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