Glossary: ... The Occitan in Cevennes

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... the Occitan in Cevennes

Adret Sunny (southern) hillside

Bastida Big farm

Bedigas One year old sheep; fig: stupid

Besal irrigation canal

Boria Farm, synonyme of mas

Boscàs (bouscas) Chestnut tree not grafted

Brasucada (brazucado) Grilled chestnuts

Calad Steep paved street

Canebièra Hemp field

Castèl Castle

Cevenas From preindo-european "Kam, kem": height

Clède Small house used to dry chestnuts

Clinton Cevennes vine

Coste Hillside

Drolle Child

Fadat A bit crazy

Fage La Fage, le Fageas, Where the beech tree grows

Faïsse, bancel Man-made terrace on the hillside

Font Fountain

Gardon Cevennes river

Gavot People from Gevaudan (pej.)

Gorg (gour) Hole in the river (where people can swim)

Gourgue Water tank

Lauze Flat schiste or calcerous stone

Mamet, papet Grand parents

Manhan (magnan) Silk worm

Mas (Say the final S) Farm

Néci Stupid

Novi Just married

Ostal House

Pacha (patcho) Oral contract, sealed by hitting the hands and then drinking at
the cafe

Pelardon Sheep cheese: an average of one liter of milk for two pelardons

Peira Stone

Puech Isolated height

Raiol Name given to the Cevennes people, often protestants

Réboussié Anti everything

Rieu Small river

Roumèque Fantastic being who frightens children

Rouvière Where the oak grows

Serre Hillside, moutain, height

Tancat Dam on torrents

Ubac Shadowed (northern) hillside

Valat River, torrent

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