SUSAN MARAJ - Energetics, Q4,5,7,8,9

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SUSAN MARAJ, Chapter 6- Energetics

Questions #-4,5,7,8,9
5. Discuss the factors that affect the size of lattice energy of a substance.

Lattice Energy (▲ Hθ latt) is the enthalpy change when 1 mole of an ionic solid is formed from
its gaseous ions under standard conditions.

E.g. A2+(g) + B2-(g) → AB(s) where▲H is negative

There are two factors that influence the size of lattice energy, these are:
 The charge of the ions
 The distance between the ions
The lattice enthalpy is proportional to the product of the charge on the ions i.e. The greater
the charge of the ions, the greater is the lattice enthalpy since the ions will be more attracted
to each other.

For example: A3+ B3- > A2+ B2- >A+B- with respect to lattice energy.

Thus, it can be said that highly charged ions have the most lattice energy when joined and
give the strongest electrostatic attraction.

The lattice enthalpy is inversely proportional to the distance between the ions i.e. as the
distance between the ions increase, the lattice energy decreases as the attraction between the
ions will also decrease.

For example: LiF > LiCl > LiBr with respect to lattice energy.

This can be seen as the group 7 elements (F, Cl, Br) increase in atomic radius as you go down
the group.

7. a). State Hess’s Law

Hess’s law sates that the heat change in a reaction depends only on the nature of the reactants
and the products, no matter what reaction pathway is followed.

7.b). Use the data below to draw the Born-Haber cycle for the formation of solid potassium
7.c). Calculate the enthalpy change of formation of potassium chloride.
Using the Born-Haber cycle in 7.b). The reaction pathway has a direct path for the formation
of solid KCl i.e. A / and an indirect pathway following five steps i.e. B→C→D→E→F.
The indirect pathway is equivalent to the direct pathway, it is only an alternate route for the
reaction to happen and therefore can be represented as the following:
A = B+C+D+E+F
B – the atomization of solid potassium / ▲ Hθ at (K(s)) = +90 kJmol-1
C – the 1st ionization of potassium atoms / ▲ Hθ i 1st (K(g)) = +418 kJmol-1
D – the atomization of Chlorine gas / ▲ Hθ at (Cl(g)) = +121 kJmol-1
E – the 1st electron affinity of Chlorine atoms/ ▲ Hθ e 1st (Cl(g)) = -364 kJmol-1
F – the lattice energy of KCl/ ▲ Hθ latt (KCl(s)) = -701 kJmol-1
Re: A = B+C+D+E+F
⸫ A = (90) +(418) +(121) +(-364) +(-701)
A = -436 kJmol-1
*The formation of solid potassium chloride is -436 kJmol-1

8.a). Draw a Born-Haber cycle for the formation of solid potassium chloride.

8. b).
Using the Born-Haber cycle in 8.a). The reaction pathway has a direct path for the formation
of aqueous KCl i.e. A / and an indirect pathway following three steps i.e. B→C→D
RE: The indirect pathway is equivalent to the direct pathway, it is only an alternate route for
the reaction to happen and therefore can be represented as the following:
A = B+C+D
A- The standard enthalpy of solution/ ▲ Hθ soln (KCl(s)) = unknown
B- The reverse of lattice energy/ -▲ Hθ latt (KCl(s)) =- (-701) kJmol-1 = +701 kJmol-1
(From 7.c).)
C- The hydration of potassium ion/ ▲ Hθ hyd (K+(g)) = -322 kJmol-1
D- The hydration of chlorine ion/▲ Hθ hyd (Cl-(g)) = -364 kJmol-1
Note: The enthalpy change wrt lattice energy value is negative, therefore, the reverse would
result in a positive value. i.e. +701 kJmol-1 in this question.
Re: A = B+C+D
A = (701) +(-322) +(-364)
A = +15 kJmol-1
*The formation of aqueous potassium chloride is +15 kJmol-1

a). The enthalpy change of neutralization (▲ Hθ n) is defined as the enthalpy change when an
acid reacts with a base to form 1 mole of water under standard conditions. The enthalpy
change for the neutralization of 1mole HCl is -57 kJmol-1, the reaction can be represented by:
HCl(aq)+ NaOH(aq) →NaCl(aq) +H2O(l) The reaction has a 1:1 mole ratio
The enthalpy change for the neutralization of 1mole HCl is -114 kJmol-1,the reaction can be
represented by:
H2SO4 (aq)+ 2NaOH(aq) →Na2SO4(aq) +2H2O(l) The reaction has a 1:2 mole ratio
Therefore, there was two moles of H2O being formed in the neutralization of H2SO4, i.e. twice
the heat will be liberated.
 Proof: -57 x 2 = -114
It should be noted that the standard enthalpy of neutralization by definition is the enthalpy
change when 1 mole of water is formed, during the reaction, the heat observed will be twice
that of HCl, however, the standard enthalpy will actually be -57 kJmol-1.

b). The standard enthalpy of solution is defined as the enthalpy change when 1 mole of a
solute dissolves in a solvent to form an infinitely dilute solution under standard conditions.
When a solid dissolve in water, two process occur, they are:
1. The reverse of lattice energy, endothermic reaction
2. Hydration/ Solvation, exothermic reaction.
The reverse of lattice energy is endothermic as it involves breaking bonds and separating the
ionic solid into its ions whereas, the hydration process is exothermic as it involves forming
bonds with the solvent i.e. water.
The standard enthalpy of solution can be either a endothermic or exothermic reaction and
therefore can result in a positive or negative enthalpy value depending on which process
requires more energy.
The enthalpy change of solution of lithium chloride is negative, as it is exothermic reaction.
When LiCl dissolves in water, heat is given off since it requires more energy to become
hydrated than to break its lattice. However, the enthalpy change of solution of potassium
chloride is negative, as it is endothermic reaction. When KCl dissolves in water, heat is
absorbed since it requires less energy to break its lattice than to become hydrated.

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