Oil A Messy Resource 20's Guided Reading

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Planner for Guided Reading Plus: Phase One

Group Focus:_ Cause and Effect Date:_____________ Lesson #1

Fluent Writing, Phonological Orientation to New Book Orientation to New Book After Reading New Book
Awareness, and Phonics
Words for Fluent Writing: Title: Oil: A Messy Resource Unfamiliar Language Structures: Discussion Prompts/ Post Reading
Level: 20 Questions:
Orientation to New Book:
Oil is a very important source of energy. Relevant Vocabulary: What do we use oil for?
But the Earth only has a limited amount
Where can oil be found?
of it, and finding and collecting oil can
be very difficult and dangerous. In this How do we get oil?
New and Important Words:
book you will learn about an oil spill
that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico last Make a T chart with Cause and
Leak: to accidently allow liquid or
April. Effect as the headings.
gas to escape
Phonological/Phonemic What is the title and the author of this Model** Under Cause put: Oil rigs
book? Resource: a supply of something
Awareness: drill deep into the ground
What genre is this book? valuable or very useful
What text features does this book have Under Effect put: the oil is brought
that tell us it is a nonfiction book? Wells: deep holes that are dug into
to the surface so we can use it
What do we use oil for? the ground to get water, gas, or oil
How do we get oil?
Do you think drilling for oil in the ocean Cause: Oil rigs float on the surface
Oil tanker: a ship that carries oil
Phonics (Letter Word Work): is a good idea? Why or why not? of the water
across the ocean
Long i and Short i The author talks a lot about cause and Effect: Oil is brought to the surface
Show the picture of the oil rig
effect relationships. The cause is an through special pipes
action or event that makes something
happen. The effect is what happens as
a result of the cause. Give examples:
leaving a popsicle in the sun- the
popsicle melts
Read pages 3-7
Planner for Guided Reading Plus: Phase One

Group Focus:_ Compare and Contrast____________ Date:_____________ Lesson #2 (DAY 2 and 3)

Fluent Writing, Phonological Orientation to New Book Orientation to New Book After Reading New Book
Awareness, and Phonics
Words for Fluent Writing: Title: Oil: A Messy Resource Unfamiliar Language Structures: Discussion Prompts/ Post Reading
Level: 20 Questions:
Orientation to New Book:
Relevant Vocabulary: Why are oil spills so harmful? (kills
Predict what you are going to read animals, plants, and people)
about today based on the title being What else besides wells can cause
called Oil: A Messy Resource New and Important Words:
oil spills? (oil tankers)
What is the machine called that we Leak: to accidently allow liquid or
Continue with the Cause and Effect
use to dig for oil? gas to escape
T chart:
Read Pages 8-12 Resource: a supply of something
Awareness: Cause: Oil Rig Caught Fire
valuable or very useful
Effect: people were killed, the oil rig
burned and sank into the water, or
Wells: deep holes that are dug into
oil began to leak into the ocean
the ground to get water, gas, or oil
Cause: Oil leaked into the ocean
Effect: plants and animals were
Oil tanker: a ship that carries oil
Phonics (Letter Word Work): covered and killed, the oil floated to
across the ocean
the shore and covered everything
Long i and Short i
Show the picture of the oil rig
Planner for Guided Reading Plus: Phase One

Group Focus:_ Compare and Contrast____________ Date:_____________ Lesson #4 and 5 or 5 and 6

Fluent Writing, Phonological Orientation to New Book Orientation to New Book After Reading New Book
Awareness, and Phonics
Words for Fluent Writing: Title: Oil: A Messy Resource Unfamiliar Language Structures: Discussion Prompts/ Post Reading
Level:20 Questions:
Orientation to New Book:
Relevant Vocabulary:
Cut out the comprehension cards
and the quick check comprehension
questions. Play the “game” with the New and Important Words:
students while discussing the
answers and having the students Leak: to accidently allow liquid or
search for the answers when gas to escape
Phonological/Phonemic needed within their books.
Awareness: Resource: a supply of something
valuable or very useful

Wells: deep holes that are dug into

the ground to get water, gas, or oil

Phonics (Letter Word Work): Oil tanker: a ship that carries oil
across the ocean
Long i and Short i
Show the picture of the oil rig
Planner for Guided Reading Plan: Phase Two

Date: __________ Week #______________ Lesson #3 Day 3 and 4

As a result of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, many plants and animals were killed. Some people think we should not drill underwater for oil,
Do you think drilling for oil under the ocean is a good idea?
but others think oil we need oil too much to not drill underwater.
Why or why not? Include evidence from the text and your thinking.

As a result of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, many plants and animals were killed. Some people think we should not drill underwater for oil,
Do you think drilling for oil under the ocean is a good idea?
but others think oil we need oil too much to not drill underwater.
Why or why not? Include evidence from the text and your thinking.
Exit Slip for Oil: A Messy Resource Name:_________________________

1. What genre would this book be considered? 2. Cause: The oil rig caught on fire in the middle of the ocean.
What is one effect of this happening?
a. Short Story a. Drilling is not allowed in the ocean anymore
b. Historical Fiction b. 500 people were killed
c. Informational Text c. The rig sank into the ocean and leaked oil into the
d. Fable water

3. 4. What is another possible title for this text?

Exit Slip for Oil: A Messy Resource Name:_________________________

5. What genre would this book be considered? 6. Cause: The oil rig caught on fire in the middle of the ocean.
What is one effect of this happening?
e. Short Story d. Drilling is not allowed in the ocean anymore
f. Historical Fiction e. 500 people were killed
g. Informational Text f. The rig sank into the ocean and leaked oil into the
h. Fable water

7. 8. What is another possible title for this text?

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