A ON Seismic Evaluation and Strengthing of B&B Hospital (T2 Block)

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Prepared by
DB Multi Engineering Consultant (P) Ltd

Submitted To
DUDBC, Kathmandu
NOV, 2020
Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................5
2 BACKGROUND OF PROJECT......................................................................................6
3 OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................6
4 SCOPE OF WORK...........................................................................................................6
5 EVALUATION PROCESS...............................................................................................7
6 PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF THE EXISTING BLOCK................................9
6.1 General Parameters of Existing Block.....................................................................................................9
6.2 Architectural Plan of the existing block................................................................................................10
6.3 Configurations related Checks..............................................................................................................11
7.1 Structural Analysis and Retrofitting Design..........................................................................................12
7.1.1 Material properties..........................................................................................................................12
7.1.2 Loadings............................................................................................................................................13
7.1.3 Estimation of loads...........................................................................................................................14
7.1.4 Codes and Standard used.................................................................................................................19
7.1.5 Software Used..................................................................................................................................19
8 ANALYSIS & DESIGN OUTPUT.................................................................................21
8.1 Seismic Coefficient Method..................................................................................................................21
8.2 Structural Checks..................................................................................................................................22
8.2.1 Stiffness irregularity..........................................................................................................................22
8.2.2 Story Drift.........................................................................................................................................22
8.2.3 Modal time period and mass participation......................................................................................23
8.2.4 Mass Irregularity check....................................................................................................................24
8.2.5 Story Displacement..........................................................................................................................25
9 Force Diagram.................................................................................................................26
9.1 Axial Force Diagram..............................................................................................................................26
9.2 Shear Force Diagram.............................................................................................................................28
9.3 Moment Diagram..................................................................................................................................30
9.4 Joint Reactions......................................................................................................................................32
10 Design of Structural Members (Sample Design)...........................................................33
10.1 Design Input and Output......................................................................................................................33
10.1.1 Section Input Diagram..................................................................................................................33
10.1.2 Design Output Diagram................................................................................................................36
10.2 Design of Slab........................................................................................................................................39
10.3 Design of Beam and Column.................................................................................................................40
10.3.1 Sample Column Design................................................................................................................42
10.4 Staircase Design....................................................................................................................................44
10.5 Design of Shear Wall.............................................................................................................................44
10.6 Strong Column Weak Beam Check.......................................................................................................45
11 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................47

Figure 1 :- Evaluation Process....................................................................................................8

Figure 2 :- Frame load (Wall load) in Grid 6'-6'......................................................................16
Figure 3:- Frame load (Wall load) in Grid G-G.......................................................................17
Figure 4:- Area Load (Live load) First floor............................................................................18
Figure 5 :- 3D model of Existing Buildings.............................................................................21
Figure 6: 1.5(DL+LL) - Axial Force diagram in Grid 6'-6'......................................................26
Figure 7: 1.5(DL+LL) - Axial Force diagram in Grid G-G.....................................................27
Figure 8: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid I-I..............................................................28
Figure 9: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid 11-11.........................................................29
Figure 10: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid 11-11.................................................................30
Figure 11: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid K-K...................................................................31
Figure 12: Section Input in Frame along Grid K-K.................................................................33
Figure 13: Section Input in Frame along Grid 11-11...............................................................34
Figure 14: Section Input in First Floor.....................................................................................35
Figure 15: Design Output in Frame along Grid G-G...............................................................36
Figure 16: Design Output in Frame along Grid 7-7.................................................................37
Figure 17: Design Output in Frame on Second Floor..............................................................38
Table 1:- Load Cases................................................................................................................13
Table 2:- Load Combination....................................................................................................14
Table 3:- Unit weight of materials...........................................................................................14
Table 4:- Wall Load Calculations............................................................................................15
Table 5:- Live Load for Hospital Building...............................................................................17
Table 6:-Mass Source for Seismic Load..................................................................................18
Table 7:- Codes and Standard Used.........................................................................................19
Table 8: Auto Seismic Load.....................................................................................................21
Table 9: Story Shear/Stiffness..................................................................................................22
Table 10: Storey Drift...............................................................................................................23
Table 11: Modal Result............................................................................................................24
Table 12: Mass Irregularity......................................................................................................24
Table 13:- Storey Displacement...............................................................................................25
Table 14: Joint Reaction...........................................................................................................32

Retrofitting may be defined as an intervention or change in structures to increase the original

strength and stiffness of the RC element. It is intended to re-strengthen the structure so as to
prevent collapse in earthquake occurring in future.

Retrofitting of existing structure with insufficient seismic resistance accounts for a major
portion of the total cost of the hazard mitigation. Thus, it is of critical importance that the
structures need seismic retrofitting are identified properly and optimal retrofitting is
conducted in a cost effective manner.
Retrofitting is also done with the expectation to increase the performance of buildings.
Retrofitting reduces the vulnerability of damages of an existing building during & future
quakes. It aims to strengthen a structure to satisfy the requirement of the current codes for
seismic designs. The principle of seismic retrofit refers to goals, objectives and steps. The
steps encompass condition assessment of the structure, evaluation for seismic forces,
selection of retrofit & constructions. The benefits of retrofit include reduction in loss of lives
and damage of essential facilities and functional continuity of life line structures.

For existing structures of good condition, the cost of retrofitting tends to be smaller than the
replacement cost. Thus, the retrofitting of the structure is an essential component of long term
disaster mitigation. The main challenge is to achieve a desired performance of the structure at
the minimum cost.

Structure that needs retrofitting:-

 Structure that were constructed following old codes i.e. before their revisions.
 Structures that were designed following upgrade codes but deficiencies exist in design
and constructions.
 Essential buildings whose service is necessary immediately after earthquake. E.g.:-
Hospitals, Educational Buildings, etc.
 Buildings that have been expanded renovated or rebuilt.
 Functionality of buildings has been changes through years.
 Buildings that have resisted past earthquakes.

BNB Hospital is located at Gwarku, Lalitpur. The building is of Basement plus

ground floor plus five storey with Truss Roof.

An expert engineer team consisting of Structural Engineer and Architect visited the
building site in order to make seismic vulnerability assessment of the existing hospital

Hence, this report presents the seismic vulnerability assessment of the existing hospital
building (BNB Hospital), with proper consideration of the earthquake resistant design
criteria following the NBC 105-2019, IS 1893:2016, IS 15988:2013 and other required
design codes.

The objective of this report is to check the building whether they are technically fit for
operating as hospital building or not according to Nepal National Building Codes & other
required codes. For the purpose of seismic evaluation of the hospital building, the
structural analysis tool ETABS 2017 vs. 17.0.1 was used. To evaluate the strength of
concrete and homogeneity of concrete Non-Destructive Test, i.e. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
Test is performed. Seismic evaluation and strengthening of the building is done in
accordance with the Indian Standard (IS 15988:2013). To know about the soil
characteristic, the geotechnical investigation has been conducted.


The main objective of this structural report is to perform detail evaluation of

the existing building, whether they could resist forces generated during earthquake or
not. Retrofit design is performed as required by detail evaluation of the building.


The scope of the works for seismic vulnerability assessment and retrofitting
design is as follows:

Site visit in order to conduct a survey to determine the structural characteristics of the
existing building.

Modeling of the existing building using the provided drawing, NDT test and soil test

Structural analysis of the modeled building.

Reinforced concrete design of the structural elements considering ETABS results.

Compare the obtained & existing design of structural elements of the Building.

Recommend whether buildings are earthquake safer or not for the Hospital uses.
 Retrofit design .the members of building if found unsafe.

This existing building is checked whether it is designed in accordance with the
principles and philosophies and requirements of current seismic standards. The
evaluation procedure has followed as the steps suggested by the IS-15988:2013, as
given below.

a) Preliminary evaluation: In order to broadly assess of its physical condition,

robustness, structural integrity and strength of structure, preliminary evaluation of
building is carried out. If the results of this evaluation for strength, overall stability
and integrity are acceptable, no further action is required.

b) Detailed evaluation: It includes numerical checks on stability and integrity of the

whole structure as well as the strength of each member. Conventional design
calculations for these checks shall use modified demands and strengths. The follows
flow chart is used to further evaluation works (as per IS 15988):
Figure 1 :- Evaluation Process

6.1 General Parameters of Existing Block

The details of the buildings collected as per visual screening & Documents survey has been
tabulated below :-

Type of building : Hospital Building

Location : Lalitpur
Ground Floor Area : 1366.250 Sqm
Type of Buildings : Special RC Moment Resisting Frame Structure
Shape : Regular Shape
Plinth level : As per architectural drawing
Roof floor Type : Accessible, Terrace
Walls : Brick walls
Footing Type : Raft Footing
Depth of foundation : 2000 mm from Ground level
Dimension : 31.465 m by 18.020 m
Story Height : 1-4 floors- 3.8m and 0,5,6,7 Floors-3.5m
Total Height : 25.7 m From Base.
No of Story : Basement+ GF + 7 storey +Cover
Slab Thickness : 150 mm
230 X 450mm ,230 X 525mm, 350 X 500mm,
400 mm X 600 mm, 450 X 600mm, 500 X
Beam size :
600mm, 550 X 600mm,600 X 600mm, 650 X
450 X 450mm, 500 X 500mm, 600 X 600 mm,
Column size :
650 X 650mm, 700 X 700mm, 750 X 750mm
Concrete grade : : M25 (as per from NDT)
6.2 Architectural Plan of the existing block

Ground Floor Plan

Figure:- Plan of Existing Block

6.3 Configurations related Checks

S. No. Checks Condition Remarks

1 Load Path Good One complete load path exists which transfers the inertial
forces from the roof to the foundation.
2 Redundancy Good There are more than two frame in both directions
4 Geometry Good The building is rectangular in shape
5 Weak/Soft story Good There is no abrupt change in the column sizes from one story
to another and no significant irregularities. Thus, weak or soft
story does not exist.
6 Vertical Good Vertical elements in the lateral forces resisting system are
Discontinuities continuous to the foundation.
7 Mass Good There is no abrupt change in mass
8 Torsion Good There is no torsional effect in the building
9 Adjacent Poor There is seismic gap between the blocks
10 Short Column Good No Short Column effect.
11 Deterioration of Good No deterioration of concrete


7.1 Structural Analysis and Retrofitting Design
The Structural configuration of the building is Reinforced concrete, basement + ground
floor + Seven storey Structure. The plan (grid Lines) of the building is illustrated in
figure.The structure analysis of building was done using linear static anlalysis followed by
Dynamic analysis with the help of ETABS 2017 V 17.0.1.

7.1.1 Material properties Concrete
All components of plain and reinforced concrete unless specified in design are M25 grade.
Modulus of Elasticity [Ec]= 5000 √fck N/mm2(Cl., IS 456:2000)
= 25000 N/mm2 for M25 Grade.
Poisson’s Ratio [U] = 0.2
Unit Weight = 25 KN/m3
Characteristic Strength [ƒck] = 25 N/mm2 for M25 grade.
The structural design strength is derived from the characteristic strength multiplied by a
coefficient 0.67 and divided by the material partial safety factor. The partial factor for
concrete in flexure and axial load is 1.5. Reinforcement Steel

Characteristic strength of high yield steel is taken as TMT Fe500 for main rebar and TMT
Fe500 for shear rebar and material partial safety factor is to be1.15.
Modulus of Elasticity [Es] = 2x105 N/mm2
Poisson’s Ratio [U] = 0.3

7.1.2 Loadings
The following considerations are made during the loading on the structural model:
 The loads distributed over the area are imposed on the area element and the loads
distributed over the length are imposed on the frame elements whenever possible.
 Where such loading is not possible, equivalent conversion to different loading
distribution is carried to load the model near the real case as far as possible.
 For lateral load, necessary calculations are performed to comply with the
requirements of IS 1893-2016. Load Cases
The following load cases are used for the loading during analysis.

Table 1:- Load Cases

Load Name Description Unit Remarks
Dead Dead Self-weight of the structure KN/m2
LIVE Live Imposed Load <3 KN/m On floor slab
LIVE 2 Live Imposed Load >3 KN/m On floor slab
Roof Live Live Roof Live KN/m On floor slab
WALL LOAD Dead Partition Wall Load KN/m On floor beams
FINISHES Dead Floor Finish Load KN/m2 On floor slab
EQX Seismic Seismic Coefficient IS1893 X+0.05Y
EQY Seismic Seismic Coefficient IS1893 Y+0.05X Load Combination

The load combinations are based on IS 1893 -2016. The following load combinations are
specified as per 1893 -2016:
Static Load Combination:
1.5(DL + LL)
Seismic Load Combination:
1.2(DL + LL ± EQ)
1.5(DL ± EQ)
0.9 DL ±1.5 EQ
1.2(DL + LL + RS)
1.5(DL + RS)
0.9 DL+1.5 RS

The following load combinations are used during analysis

Table 2:- Load Combination

S.N Name Type

1 UDCon2 1.5(DL + LL)
2 UDCon3 1.2(DL + LL+ EQx)
3 UDCon4 1.2(DL + LL - EQx)
4 UDCon5 1.2(DL + LL + EQy)
5 UDCon6 1.2(DL + LL - EQy)
6 UDCon7 1.5(DL + EQx)
7 UDCon8 1.5(DL - EQx)
8 UDCon9 1.5(DL + EQy)
9 UDCon10 1.5(DL - EQy)
10 UDCon11 0.9DL + 1.5EQx
11 UDCon12 0.9DL - 1.5EQx
12 UDCon13 0.9DL + 1.5EQy
13 UDCon14 0.9DL - 1.5EQy
14 UDCon15 1.2(DL + LL + RSX)
15 UDCon16 1.2(DL + LL + RSY)
16 UDCon17 1.5(DL + RSX)
17 UDCon18 1.5(DL + RSY)
18 UDCon19 0.9DL + 1.5RSX
19 UDCon20 0.9DL + 1.5RSY

7.1.3 Estimation of loads

The main types of loads Considered for the design of building structure are Deads
load ,Imposed load & Earthquakes loads. Dead Loads

Dead loads for analysis are calculated as per indian Standard, IS 875 – 1978 (part 1).
Unit weights of different materials are given below:-

Table 3:- Unit weight of materials

S.N Type Value

1 Reinforced Concrete 25 KN/m3
2 Brick Masonry 19 KN/m3
3 Screed 21.0 KN/m3
4 Marble 26.7 KN/m3
5 Mosaic finish 23.1 KN/m3
6 Plaster 20.4 KN/m3
7 Steel Rebar 78.6 KN/m3

1 Unit Weights of materials

Brick masonry 19 kN/m3
Screed 21 kN/m3
Mosaic 23.1 kN/m3
Marble 26.7 kN/m3
Reinforced Concrete 25 kN/m3
Cement plaster 20.4 kN/m3

2 Heights of Beams, Walls & Parapet Walls

Depth of Beam 0.6 m
Height of Floor 3.5 m
Wall thickness 0.23 m

Table 4:- Wall Load Calculations

Wall Thickness Load Calculated Load Applied With 30% opening With 30%
(m) (KN/m) (KN/m) (calculated) opening

0.23 11.26 11.3 7.91 8

0.115 5.63 5.7 3.99 4
Figure 2 :- Frame load (Wall load) in Grid 6'-6'
Figure 3:- Frame load (Wall load) in Grid G-G Live Loads

The magnitude of live load depends upon the type of occupancy of the building. These are
to be chosen from code IS 875:1987(part II) for various occupancies. The live load
distribution varies with time. Hence each member is designed for worst combination of
dead load and live loads. Live loads for hospital building are given below :-

Table 5:- Live Load for Hospital Building

S.N Area type Load Unit

1 Rooms/Wards 2 KN/m2
3 Operating rooms 3 KN/m2
4 Staircase and Passage 4 KN/m2
5 Terrace (Accessible) 1.5 KN/m2
6 Terrace (Inaccessible) 0.75 KN/m2
Figure 4:- Area Load (Live load) First floor Earthquake Loads

The seismic load is applied to the building with auto lateral load pattern in ETABS 2017 as
per IS 1893-2016. This load case is assumed static linear and all the necessary data are
given as per the following conditions.
To determine the seismic load, it is considered that the country lies in the seismic zone V
according to IS 1893:2016. The soil type is considered as soft with 5% damping to
determine average response acceleration. The building is analyzed as moment resisting
frame without consideration of infill wall. Therefore the fundamental time period Ta is
obtained by using the following formula:
Ta = [Cl.7.6.1, IS 1893 -2016] OR Ta= (0.09*h)/ (square root of
perpendicular direction)
Other factors considered for seismic load calculations are as follows
Zone factor, Z = 0.36 for Zone V [Table 2, Cl6.4.2, IS 1893 -2016]
Importance factor, I = 1.5 [Table 6, Cl6.4.2, IS 1893 -2016]
Response Reduction Factor = 5 for special RC moment resisting frame (SMRF)
[Table 7, Cl6.4.2, IS 1893 -2016]
The seismic weight is determined based on the following mass source. (Table 6, Cl.7.3.1, IS
1893 (Part 1):2016.
Table 6:-Mass Source for Seismic Load

S.N Load Type Scale Factor

1 Dead Load 1
2 Live Load <3 0.25
3 Live Load >3 0.50
4 Roof Live Load Nil

7.1.4 Codes and Standard used

For the structural analysis, design & Retrofitting of RCC Buildings, the following codes and
standard are followed:

Table 7:- Codes and Standard Used

S.N. Code and Standards Description

1 IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
2 IS 875 (Part 1): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 1 Dead Loads – Unit Weights of
Building Material and Stored Materials (Second Revision)
3 IS 875 (Part 2): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 2 Imposed Loads (Second
4 IS 875 (Part 3): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 3 Wind Loads (Second Revision)
5 SP 34: 1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
6 IS 13920: 1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
seismic forces - Code of practice
7 IS 1893: 2016 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures
8 IS 1786: 1985 Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires
for concrete reinforcement (superseding IS:1139 -1966)
9 IS 800: 2007 Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel (Third
10 IS 15988:2013 Seismic Evaluation & Strengthening of Existing RCC Buildings
11 SP 16 : 1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456 : 1978

7.1.5 Software Used

The following software is used for the structural analysis and design.

ETABS 2017 - For analysis and design of the structures

For structural modeling of the present building, ETABS software was used. ETABS is a
special purpose finite element analysis and design program developed specifically for building
systems. With ETABS, models are defined logically floor-by-floor, column-by-column, bay-
by-bay and wall-by-wall and not as a stream of non-descript nodes and elements as in general
purpose programs. The software has very powerful numerical methods, design procedures and
international design codes, all working from a single comprehensive database. At its core, it
utilizes the same analysis engine as used by SAP2000.
Among others, ETABS can do model generation, seismic and wind load generation, finite
element-based linear and non-linear static and dynamic analysis, concrete frame design
(column and beam) and shear wall design.

Analysis Approaches for Building

The structure was modeled as three dimensional Rc moment resisting frame of main
structural beam and column to determine the required strength of structure. The effect of
infill brick wall is not considered .The dead load, imposed load in combination with seismic
load is applied as recommended by IS 1893:2016.The analysis of building was done
considering existing building.

The detailed evaluation procedure is based on determining the probable strength of

lateral load resisting elements and comparing them with the expected seismic demands. The
probable strengths determined are modified with appropriate knowledge factor K according
to clause 5.5 (IS15988: 2013).

The lateral force obtained from the IS 1893 (Part 1) calculation method is reduced
by useable life factor as according to the clauses 5.4 (IS15988: 2013).
U= (Trem/Tdes)

Trem = remaining life of the building = 55

Tdes = design useful life of the building = 60

U = 0.95

The usable life factor for hospital is taken 0.95


Figure 5 :- 3D model of Existing Buildings

The analysis results are discussed in this chapter. Both seismic coefficient and response
spectrum methods are used. The major discussion are focused on the Story stiffness, story
shear, inter story drift, mass participation and base shear along two orthogonal directions. The
column and beam size and reinforcement are the designed for the maximum response.
8.1 Seismic Coefficient Method
The fundamental time period of the building as per IS code 1893: 2016, clause 7.6.2, total
seismic weight and base shear in both orthogonal directions are given in Table 8. This result
will be used to compare and scale the base shear from response spectrum method.

Table 8: Auto Seismic Load

Load Soil Period Coeff Weight Base

Pattern Type Used Used Used Shear
          sec   kN kN
EQX 0.36 II 1.5 5 0.96 0.0765 49672.6434 3799.957
EQY 0.36 II 1.5 5 0.96 0.0765 49672.6434 3799.957
Based on program/software calculated seismic coefficient, base shear and storey shear are
as shown in the and to calculate these parameters, the following equation has been used as
per code.
The coefficient is given by,

And, base shear is given by,

8.2 Structural Checks

8.2.1 Stiffness irregularity

Table 9: Story Shear/Stiffness

Story Shear X Drift X Stiffness X Shear Y Drift Y Stiffness Y
    kN mm kN/m kN mm kN/m
8FL EQX 0 5.033 9.92E-06 0 0.15 0.001
7FL EQX 924.9817 5.118 180745.31 0 0.124 0
6FL EQX 1723.5378 5.369 321042.28 0 0.137 0
5FL EQX 2537.96 5.469 464031.41 0 0.213 0
4FL EQX 3123.7007 6.046 516661.85 0 0.161 0
3FL EQX 3484.4369 5.705 610807.65 0 0.305 0
2FL EQX 3685.5439 4.738 777893.68 0 0.352 0
1FL EQX 3779.7639 3.55 1064861.1 0 0.522 0
0FL EQX 3799.9569 1.521 2498134.3 0 0.283 0
8FL EQY 0 0.193 0 2.516E-06 2.389 0.001
7FL EQY 2.328E-05 0.551 0 924.9817 2.904 318475.46
6FL EQY 4.462E-05 1.112 0 1723.5378 3.554 484948.82
5FL EQY 0.0001 1.586 0 2537.9601 3.747 677329.22
4FL EQY 0.0001 2.271 0 3123.7007 4.693 665617.56
3FL EQY 0.0001 2.64 0 3484.4369 4.602 757230.91
2FL EQY 0.0001 2.6 0 3685.5441 4.178 882182.25
1FL EQY 0.0002 2.266 0 3779.7642 4.087 924726.52
0FL EQY 0.0002 1.233 0 3799.9572 2.102 1807447.4

From table 5 of IS 1893:2016, Lateral Stiffness is not less than 70% of that in storey above. So,
Stiffness irregularity does not occurs.

8.2.2 Story Drift

As per Cl. no. 7.11.1 of IS 1893-2016, the story drift in any story due to specified design
lateral force with partial load factor of 1.0, shall not exceed 0.004 times the story height.
From the analysis the displacements of the mass center of various floors are obtained and are
shown in along with story drift.
Table 10: Storey Drift

Story Load Case/Combo Direction Drift

8FL EQX X 0.0101
8FL EQX Y 0.001
8FL EQY X 0.00324
8FL EQY Y 0.01382
7FL EQX X 0.00152
7FL EQX Y 0.00099
6FL EQY X 0.0016
6FL EQY Y 0.00148
5FL EQX X 0.00157
5FL EQX Y 0.0016
4FL EQY X 0.00173
4FL EQY X 0.00119
4FL EQX Y 0.00171
3FL EQX X 0.00173
3FL EQY X 0.00139
3FL EQY Y 0.00191
2FL EQX X 0.00152
2FL EQX X 0.00136
2FL EQY Y 0.00178
1FL EQY X 0.00119
1FL EQX Y 0.00027
1FL EQX X 0.00117
1FL EQY Y 0.00175
0FL EQY X 0.00058
0FL EQX Y 0.00016
0FL EQX X 0.00069
0FL EQY Y 0.001

It is seen that drift does not exceed the code prescribed value of 0.004 .Thus the drift check
seems to comply with the safety value mentioned in the code.

8.2.3 Modal time period and mass participation

IS 1893: 2016 clause states that number of modes to be used in the analysis should be
such that the sum total of modal masses of all modes considered is at least 90 percent of the
total seismic mass of the structure.
Number of Modes Considered = 26
Modal Mass Participation along X = 99.42 %
Modal Mass Participation along Y = 99.29 %
Table 11: Modal Result
Case Mode Period UX UY Sum UX Sum UY
Modal 1 1.07 0.0566 0.3122 0.0566 0.3122
Modal 2 0.943 0.6321 0.0316 0.6887 0.3438
Modal 3 0.613 0.0003 0.3589 0.6891 0.7027
Modal 4 0.353 0.0055 0.0739 0.6946 0.7766
Modal 5 0.234 0.173 0.0056 0.8676 0.7822
Modal 6 0.222 0.0012 0.0018 0.8688 0.784
Modal 7 0.167 0.0019 0.1297 0.8707 0.9137
Modal 8 0.151 0.0014 0.0002 0.8721 0.9139
Modal 9 0.112 0.023 0.0083 0.8951 0.9222
Modal 10 0.107 0.0436 0.0004 0.9387 0.9226
Modal 11 0.09 0.0005 0.0002 0.9393 0.9228
Modal 12 0.086 0.0013 0.041 0.9405 0.9637
Modal 13 0.079 0.0011 0.0002 0.9417 0.964
Modal 14 0.069 0.0001 0.0037 0.9418 0.9677
Modal 15 0.066 0.0282 0.0016 0.9699 0.9693
Modal 16 0.056 0.0011 0.0142 0.971 0.9835
Modal 17 0.049 0.0123 0.0012 0.9833 0.9847
Modal 18 0.043 0.0037 0.0029 0.987 0.9876
Modal 19 0.042 0.0009 0.0045 0.9879 0.992
Modal 20 0.038 0.0063 0.0009 0.9942 0.9929

8.2.4 Mass Irregularity check

Table 12: Mass Irregularity

Story UX UY
  kg kg
Story6 376833.2 376833.2
Story5 826870.5 826870.5
Story4 860234.1 860234.1
Story3 899556.2 899556.2
Story2 922499.8 922499.8
Story1 986110.3 986110.3
Ground 527693.5 527693.5

From table 5 of IS 1893:2016, Seismic weight of any storey is not more than 200 % of
that of its adjacent storey. So, Mass irregularity does not exist.
8.2.5 Story Displacement

Table 13:- Storey Displacement

Story Load Case/Combo Direction Maximum Average Ratio

      mm mm  
8FL EQX X 42.8 41.555 1.03
7FL EQX X 39.979 36.777 1.087
6FL EQX X 34.644 31.66 1.094
5FL EQX X 30.746 27.097 1.135
4FL EQX X 25.25 21.626 1.168
3FL EQX X 18.737 15.608 1.201
2FL EQX X 12.241 9.919 1.234
1FL EQX X 6.54 5.071 1.29
1FL EQX Y 1.586 0.631 2.512
0FL EQX X 2.034 1.521 1.337
0FL EQX Y 0.564 0.23 2.447
8FL EQY X 11.567 4.54 2.548
8FL EQY Y 29.256 24.147 1.212
7FL EQY Y 41.754 29.218 1.429
6FL EQY X 20.818 2.647 7.866
6FL EQY Y 38.291 26.313 1.455
5FL EQY X 23.306 2.319 10.05
5FL EQY Y 33.481 22.7 1.475
4FL EQY X 20.495 2.127 9.636
4FL EQY Y 28.322 18.887 1.5
3FL EQY X 16.385 1.772 9.246
3FL EQY Y 21.814 14.307 1.525
2FL EQY X 11.572 1.305 8.865
2FL EQY Y 14.902 9.628 1.548
1FL EQY X 6.852 0.815 8.41
1FL EQY Y 10.117 6.196 1.633
0FL EQY X 2.412 0.294 8.212
0FL EQY Y 3.485 2.109 1.653
9 Force Diagram

The output of forces obtained from ETABS analysis for Envelope have presented below as a
sample only. The output forces are axial force, Shear force and Moments.

9.1 Axial Force Diagram

Figure 6: 1.5(DL+LL) - Axial Force diagram in Grid 6'-6'

Figure 7: 1.5(DL+LL) - Axial Force diagram in Grid G-G
9.2 Shear Force Diagram

Figure 8: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid I-I

Figure 9: Envelope -Shear Force diagram in Grid 11-11
9.3 Moment Diagram

Figure 10: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid 11-11

Figure 11: Envelope -Moment diagram Grid K-K
9.4 Joint Reactions
The reactions at the support of column for load combination of (DL + LL) are as follows:
Table 14: Joint Reaction

Story Joint Label Load Case/Combo FZ

Base 1 DL + LL 1476.876
Base 2 DL + LL 2810.77
Base 3 DL + LL 2124.075
Base 4 DL + LL 218.1277
Base 5 DL + LL 1384.292
Base 6 DL + LL 4478.132
Base 7 DL + LL 4471.307
Base 9 DL + LL 1645.001
Base 10 DL + LL 1196.132
Base 11 DL + LL 4914.898
Base 12 DL + LL 5228.402
Base 13 DL + LL 2173.6
Base 14 DL + LL 5315.095
Base 15 DL + LL 4270.49
Base 16 DL + LL 1230.543
Base 17 DL + LL 2945.653
Base 18 DL + LL 2315.056
Base 22 DL + LL 24.9541
Base 57 DL + LL 1659.547
Base 60 DL + LL 2099.548
Base 63 DL + LL 15.6162
Base 99 DL + LL 1540.309
Base 122 DL + LL 2106.938
Base 202 DL + LL 215.1588
Base 87 DL + LL 255.6672
Base 89 DL + LL 212.7898
Base 321 DL + LL 271.6917
Base 330 DL + LL 236.0174
Base 348 DL + LL 109.0893
Base 349 DL + LL 108.7373
10 Design of Structural Members (Sample Design)
10.1 Design Input and Output
10.1.1 Section Input Diagram

Figure 12: Section Input in Frame along Grid K-K

Figure 13: Section Input in Frame along Grid 11-11
Figure 14: Section Input in First Floor
10.1.2 Design Output Diagram

Figure 15: Design Output in Frame along Grid G-G

Figure 16: Design Output in Frame along Grid 7-7
Figure 17: Design Output in Frame on Second Floor
10.2 Design of Slab
10.3 Design of Beam and Column
Sample Beam Design ETABS Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Unique Length
Level Element Section ID Combo ID Station Loc LLRF
Name (mm)
2FL B7 799 DCON7 5940 6290 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
400 600 400 0 40 40

Material Properties
Lt.Wt Factor
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 415

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-412.1747 6.2212 351.2006 5.9291

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-412.1747 9.1488 0 -421.3235

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2
-421.3235 1958 0 1958 489
Bottom (-2
0 979 0 0 979

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
351.2006 0 376.0853 146.6775 1861.01

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
6.2212 340 540 1188.72
10.3.1 Sample Column Design
ETABS Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Unique Length
Level Element Section ID Combo ID Station Loc LLRF
Name (mm)
C 600 X
6FL C3 241 DCON20 2850 3500 0.9

Section Properties
Cover (Torsion)
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm)
600 600 49.6 30

Material Properties
Lt.Wt Factor
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m %
276.0288 -41.4376 -95.3372 7.0939 7.0939 2880 0.8

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

Initial Additional Minimum
K Factor Length
Moment Moment Moment
Unitless mm
kN-m kN-m kN-m
0.890015 2850 49.1711 0 7.0939
0.859104 2850 18.4912 0 7.0939
Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3
Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 208.323 173.2971 132.0928 208.323 665.06
Minor, Vu3 153.4742 173.2971 132.0928 153.4742 665.06

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, 148.802 826.187
0 1800 3600 0.459
Vu2 2 1
Minor Shear, 109.624 637.559
0 1800 3600 0.354
Vu3 4 7

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Minor
Ratio Ratio
1.01 0.698

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
1941.125 276.028
3600 28.8 5130 1
3 8

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Section KL/Dept KL/Dept Ma
Consider Length KL/Depth
Depth h h Moment (kN-
Ma Factor Exceeded
(mm) Ratio Limit m)
Major Bending
Yes 0.814 600 4.228 12 No 0
(M3 )
Minor Bending
Yes 0.814 600 4.081 12 No 0
(M2 )

N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed

10.4 Staircase Design

10.5 Design of Shear Wall
ETABS Shear Wall Design
IS 456:2000 Pier Design

Pier Details
Centroid X Centroid Y Length Thickness
Story ID Pier ID LLRF
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Story2 P2 0 6312.5 1975 300 0.7

Material Properties
Lt.Wt Factor
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
22360.68 20 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

MinEcc MinEcc
Major Minor
1.15 1.5 0.04 0.0025 0.8 Yes Yes

Pier Leg Location, Length and Thickness

Station Left X1 Left Y1 Right X2 Right Y2 Length Thickness
Location mm mm mm mm mm mm
Top Leg 1 0 5325 0 7300 1975 300
Bottom Leg 1 0 5325 0 7300 1975 300

Flexural Design for Pu, Mu2 and Mu3

Required Required Current
Station Flexural Pu Mu2 Mu3 Pier Ag
Rebar Area Reinf Reinf
Location Combo kN kN-m kN-m mm²
(mm²) Ratio Ratio
- - -
Top 1879 0.0032 0.0024 DWal20 592500
421.3728 18.0271 254.8672
Bottom 4215 0.0071 0.0024 DWal20 -898.042 23.0076 652.4567 592500

Shear Design
Station Rebar Pu Mu Vu Vc Vc + Vs
ID Shear Combo
Location mm²/m kN kN-m kN kN kN
Top Leg 1 750 DWal18 -86.6789 384.0182 135.962 563.5924
- 662.569 -
Bottom Leg 1 750 DWal18 194.686 622.3165
530.8418 9 342.1531

Boundary Element Check

Station Governing Pu Mu Stress Comp Stress Limit
ID Length
Location Combo kN kN-m MPa MPa
1760.148 -
Top–Left Leg 1 300 DWal18 4.39 4
7 277.6571
Top–Right Leg 1 0 DWal18 163.7079 3.81 4
2366.842 -
Bottom–Left Leg 1 300 DWal18 7.13 4
8 612.0037
Botttom– 2366.842
Leg 1 300 DWal18 662.5699 7.39 4
Right 8
10.6 Strong Column Weak Beam Check

Beam Column Moment Capacity        

Given Data        
Joint B4      
Story height, hc 3.00 m    
Concrete grade, fck 20 N/mm2    
Reinforcement Steel, fy 500 N/mm    
Axial Force, Pu 1431 KN    
take a = 0.87      
  x y    
Column Size 450 450   mm
Column Reinforcement No. f    
  8 25 3926.99  
  4 25 1963.50  
Ast,col     5890.49 mm2
pt =     2.91 %
Beam Transverse (along Y) 400   450.00 mm
deff     415.00 mm
Reinforcement bar (Top) 4 20 1256.64  
  2 16 402.12  
Ast,top y     1658.76 mm2
xu = (αfyAst)/(0.36fckb)     250.54 mm
Hogging Moment, Mh = Astαfy(d-
0.416xu)     224.24 KNm
Reinforcement bar (Bottom) 2 20 628.32  
  2 16 402.12  
Ast,bot y     1030.44 mm2
xu = (αfyAst)/(0.36fckb)     155.64 mm
Sagging Moment, Ms= Astαfy(d-
0.416xu)     157.00 KNm
Beam Longitudinal (along X) 400   450.00 mm
deff     415.00 mm
Reinforcement bar (Top) 4 20 1256.64  
  2 16 402.12  
Ast,top x     1658.76 mm2
xu = (αfyAst)/(0.36fckb)     250.54 mm
Hogging Moment, Mh = Astαfy(d-
0.416xu)     224.24 KNm
Reinforcement bar (Bottom) 2 20 628.32  
  2 16 402.12  
Ast,bot x     1030.44 mm2
xu = (αfyAst)/(0.36fckb)     155.64 mm
Sagging Moment, Ms= Astαfy(d-
0.416xu)     157.00 KNm
Check for earthquake In Y
Check for flexural strength ratio        
The hogging and sagging moment capacities of the transverse beams are  
Hogging Moment, Mh 224.24 KNm    
Sagging Moment, Ms 157.00 KNm    
Column reinforcement, p = 2.91%      
As per chart 44 of SP 16:1980 corresponding
Pu/fckbD = 0.35      
p/fck = 0.15      
and d'/D = 0.08889 we get    
from Chart 48 of
Mu/fckbD = 0.18 SP16:1980  
Mu= 328.05 KNm    
The joint is checked for strong column weak
åMc = 656.1 KN    
åMg= 381.24 KN    
The ratio of åMc/åMg 1.7 OK    
Hence requirements of strong-column-weak-beam condition is OK  
Check for earthquake In X
Check for flexural strength ratio        
The hogging and sagging moment capacities of the transverse beams are  
Hogging Moment, Mh 224.24 KNm    
Sagging Moment, Ms 157.00 KNm    
Column reinforcement, p = 2.91%      
As per chart 44 of SP 16:1980 corresponding
Pu/fckbD = 0.35      
p/fck = 0.15      
and d'/D = 0.08889 we get    
from Chart 48 of
Mu/fckbD = 0.18 SP16:1980  
Mu= 328.05 kNm    
The joint is checked for strong column weak
åMc = 656.1 KN    
åMg= 381.24 KN    
The ratio of åMc/åMg 1.7 OK    
Hence requirements of strong-column-weak-beam condition is OK  
The following conclusions could be made based on the physical site survey, ETABS
structural analysis & design of the existing buildings.

 Plan layout of structure is regular.

 Size of each of the columns is above standard size column.

 Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings is designed considering Earthquake resistant

features as per IS 1893:2016 and NBC 105:2019.

 The reinforced concrete design of member showed adequate reinforcement and cross
section of the member is found to be enough when the building is analyzed and
designed by adding shear walls as per the structural drawings.

Hence, it is concluded that the existing building could be used as Hospital Building
based on the requirements of Nepal National Building Codes after Retrofitting of
foundation, addition of shear walls as per structural drawings.


Jain, A.K. Reinforced Concrete, Limit State Design, fifth edition, Nem Chand and Bros,
Sinha, S. N.
Pillai,U.C. Roorkee, 1999
and Menon,D.
Reinforced Concrete Design, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing

Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1996

Reinforced Concrete Design, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing

Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2003

Column reinforcement detail for MAIN Block, BNB Hospital

Columns Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400      
Sixth Floor        
Fifth Floor        
Fourth Floor        
Third Floor        
Second Floor        
First Floor        
Ground Floor 12-25Ø 5280.49 1280 SAFE

Columns Given Area Required remarks        
Size 400X400              
Sixth Floor                
Fifth Floor                
Fourth Floor                
Third Floor                
Second Floor                
First Floor                
Ground Floor 12-25Ø 5280.49 1280 SAFE        
2A 2B
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                

Fifth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1784 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1311 SAFE 25Ø 2452 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE
2C 2D
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                

Fifth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
Second Floor 4-25φ + 8- 4476.77 1408 SAFE 4-25φ + 4476.77 1429 SAFE
20φ 8-20φ
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2300 SAFE 25Ø 2414 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 2382 SAFE
Columns Given Area Required remarks        
Size 400X400              
Sixth Floor                
Fifth Floor                
Fourth Floor 4-20φ + 8- 2865 1334 SAFE      
Third Floor 4-25φ + 8- 4476.77 1330 SAFE      
Second Floor 4-25φ + 8- 4476.77 1825 SAFE      
First Floor 12-25Ø 5280.49 2534 SAFE        
Ground Floor 12-25Ø 5280.49 1280 SAFE        

3A 3B
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
Fifth Floor                
Fourth Floor 4-20φ + 8- 2865 1280 SAFE 4-20φ + 2865 1280 SAFE
16φ 8-16φ
Third Floor 4-25φ + 8- 4476.77 1280 SAFE 4-25φ + 4476.77 1280 SAFE
20φ 8-20φ
Second Floor 4-25φ + 8- 4476.77 1280 SAFE 4-25φ + 4476.77 1421 SAFE
20φ 8-20φ
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 2471 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 3310 SAFE
3C 3D
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ +
Fifth Floor         8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1538 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1870 SAFE 25Ø 2280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 2884 SAFE 25Ø 3678 SAFE

3E 3F
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1420 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 2141 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2281 SAFE 25Ø 2998 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 3120 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

3G 3H
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1308 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 2317 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1665 SAFE 25Ø 1352 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1726 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

3I 3J
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1430 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2492 SAFE 25Ø 1399 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 4226 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

4A 4B
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
Fifth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1408 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1414 SAFE 25Ø 2432 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 3214 SAFE

4C 4D
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
4-20φ +
Sixth Floor         8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ +
Fifth Floor         8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1885 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1370 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2745 SAFE 25Ø 2554 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 4069 SAFE
Basement         25Ø 1280 SAFE

4E 4F
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Sixth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2298 SAFE 25Ø 2148 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 3917 SAFE 25Ø 2889 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 1280 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

4G 4H
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1356 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1638 SAFE 25Ø 2748 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 4430 SAFE 25Ø 4937 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 1385 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

4I 4J
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1349 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1674 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 2479 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 1437 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

5D 5E
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Sixth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1340 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 2293 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 3400 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 4706 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 3168 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

5F 5G
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
4-20φ + 8-
Sixth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE        
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1816 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2791 SAFE 25Ø 1906 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 3795 SAFE 25Ø 3745 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 4182 SAFE 25Ø 4662 SAFE

5H 5I
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1321 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1799 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 2646 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 1737 SAFE 25Ø 1316 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1899 SAFE 25Ø 1356 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 2729 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

Columns Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400      
Sixth Floor        
4-20φ + 8-
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8-
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8-
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8-
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1332 SAFE
First Floor 12-25Ø 5280.49 1731 SAFE
Ground Floor 12-25Ø 5280.49 2390 SAFE
Basement 12-25Ø 5280.49 1280 SAFE

6D 6E
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ +
Fifth Floor       8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ +
Fourth Floor       8-16φ 2865 1334 SAFE
4-25φ +
Third Floor       8-20φ 4476.77 1943 SAFE
4-25φ +
Second Floor       8-20φ 4476.77 2697 SAFE
First Floor     25Ø 2687 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1280 SAFE 25Ø 2607 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 1280 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

6F 6G
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fifth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-20φ + 8- 4-20φ +
Fourth Floor 16φ 2865 1280 SAFE 8-16φ 2865 1280 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Third Floor 20φ 4476.77 1372 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1376 SAFE
4-25φ + 8- 4-25φ +
Second Floor 20φ 4476.77 1794 SAFE 8-20φ 4476.77 1756 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
First Floor 2214 SAFE 25Ø 2632 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 2653 SAFE 25Ø 1529 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 1280 SAFE 25Ø 2501 SAFE

6H 6I
Columns Given Area Required remarks Given Area Required remarks
Size 400X400       400X400      
Sixth Floor                
Fifth Floor                
Fourth Floor                
Third Floor                
Second Floor                
First Floor                
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Ground Floor 1306 SAFE 25Ø 1322 SAFE
12-25Ø 5280.49 5280.49
Basement 1280 SAFE 25Ø 1280 SAFE

Project: BNB, MAIN

Works: Structural Retrofit of Beams

Locatio Face Size Reinforcement (Max top, Existing Maximum Deficit

n Max Bottom) Equivalent Required
provided Area Area on
storesy as per
        Top Botto Top Botto Top Botto
m m m
Grid I5- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 549 275 safe safe
I6 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 137 357 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 415 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
1st floor                  
Grid G1- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 491 267 safe safe
H1 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 123 301 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 484 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
Grid D3- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 649 324 safe safe
D4 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 162 401 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 504 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
Grid D3- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 700 350 safe safe
D4 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 175 400 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 514 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
Grid D3- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 735 368 safe safe
D4 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 184 410 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 520 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
Grid D3- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 631 315 safe safe
D4 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 212 346 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 463 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
Grid G4- End-I 12" x 18" (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 604 302 safe safe
G5 16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8
  Middle   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh),(3- 942.48 942.4 212 267 safe safe
20ǾTh) 8
  End-J   (2-20ǾTh+2-16ǾTh+2- 1432.5 942.4 326 267 safe safe
16ExǾ),(3-20ǾTh) 6 8

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