Jeff Schmidt Interview (In English)
Jeff Schmidt Interview (In English)
Jeff Schmidt Interview (In English)
On the car ride home that night - I told I was recently hired by Devin Townsend
my wife, I'm done. At least for now - I'm to create 2 short fretless bass solo
not doing any more coffee shop / house compositions for his new record. I think
concert type gigs until I feel like I can he's going to produce them with more
enjoy it again. There's lots of reasons instrumentation so they won't be "solo
why I stopped enjoying it, so I really just bass" on his record.
needed to stop.
I was in the middle of recording Outre Around that time Bassist Jay Terrien and
and started to feel burnt out on the I were toying with the idea of creating a
sounds I was using. You know -the clean, dual bass project together called Jesus
audiophile, slightly new-age solo Fist.
musician sounds. Not only was I
recording those sounds - but I had been The first step was to for each of us to
listening to them for a few years straight. write 6 songs alone to bring to the table
and then write some stuff together.
I remember driving back from one of the
Outre sessions at OTR Studios in I got on a roll with my 6 songs. It turned
Belmont CA and I had just gotten a copy into 10 and I ended up writing an entire
of David Torn's new release – Prezens. I concept CD worth of material. I decided
had grown pretty tired of Jazz at that to release it on it's own as Ruiner
point, but I put it on for the ride home. Severhead - The Jesus Fist Tapes. Jay
followed up a few months later with his
I wasn't taken with it immediately - but own take called Demond Wilson - "The
there was something in it that touched Jesus Fist Studies".
me. It was dark and slightly mechanical.
And it had elements of things being I found the Ruiner Severhead project
broken. Those were the opposite of what very liberating.
Outre was shaping up to be.
Funny you ask about that now - because
So when I got home I went through my just this past weekend I started remixing
box of old CDs and found the ultimate in the Ruiner song Bound in 5.1 surround
dark, broken, mechanical music - Nine sound.
Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral. I think I'm going to release the first 6
Further digging revealed KMFDM, songs of The Jesus Fist Tapes as a new EP
Ministry, White Zombie, more NIN. I was re-mixed in surround sound.
like - wow! this is exactly what I want to
be hearing right now. There's so many layers in that music, it's
so dense and textural that mixing it in
These were all my CDs - but from a time surround really opens it up and puts in
when I was not playing music. Funny - the depth and dynamics that I just could
once I started playing bass again, all I not get into a stereo mix. Not sure when
wanted to hear was "players" - but when I'll finish that - probably early 2011. But
I wasn't playing any music - I had totally don't hold me to it. :)
different taste.