MR-1210R™ MR-1210T™ MR-1210T: Instruction Manual

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(Radome type)

(Open array type: 4 kW)

(Open array type: 6 kW)

MR-1210RII EX-2714 (Radome type)

MR-1210TII 12.1-inch Color LCD EX-2780 (Open array type: 4 kW)
MR-1210TIII EX-2780 (Open array type: 6 kW)

• 12.1-inch Color LCD display unit • EX-2714 (Radome type unit)
 Quantity Quantity
q Front cover ............................................................ 1 q System cable (15 m) ............................................ 1
w NMEA connector (PLT-167-P-R) .......................... 1 w Installation bolts (M10×50) ................................... 4
e NMEA connector (PLT-168-P-R)........................... 1 e Installation bolts (M10×25) ................................... 4
r Spare fuse (FGB 15 A) ........................................ 1 r Installation nuts (M10) .......................................... 4
t Spare fuse (FGB 5 A: for over 24 V power supply) t Flat washers (M10) .............................................. 4
............................................................................ 1 y Spring washers (M10) .......................................... 4
y DC power cable ................................................... 1
u Mounting bracket .................................................. 1
i Mounting knob bolts ............................................. 2 • EX-2780 (Open array type unit)
o Installation bolts (M6×30) ..................................... 5 Quantity
!0 Installation nuts (M6) ............................................. 5 q System cable (20 m)............................................. 1
!1 Spring washers (M6) .......................................... 10 w Installation bolts (M10×40) ................................... 4
!2 Flat washers (M6) .............................................. 10 e Installation nuts (M10) .......................................... 4
!3 Instruction manual ................................................ 1 r Flat washers (M10) .............................................. 4
!4 Operating guide .................................................... 1 t Spring washers (M10) .......................................... 4
!5 Display unit template ............................................. 1 y Allen wrench ........................................................ 1
!6 EX-2714 template ................................................. 1 u Cap bolts (M8×18 mm) ........................................ 4
!7 EX-2780 template ................................................. 1 i Belleville washers (8L) ......................................... 4
o Sealing washers (T) ............................................. 4
!0 Flat washers (M8) ................................................ 4
!1 Flat washers (AW) ................................................ 4
!2 Ferrite EMI filter ................................................... 1

The MR-1210RII/MR-1210TII/MR-1210TIII are supplemental aids to navigation and are not
intended to be a substitute for accurate and current nautical charts.

Thank you for choosing this Icom product. The MR-

1210RII, MR-1210TII, and MR-1210TIII marine ra- BE CAREFUL!
dars are designed and built with Icom's state of the art
technology and craftsmanship. With proper care, this SART signals may not be detected and may
product should provide you with years of trouble-free not be displayed on the screen depending
operation. on the SEA, RAIN or IR settings.

Follow the settings as below to detect the

IMPORTANT SART signals on the screen.
FULLY before attempting to operate the radar. q Select the screen range between 6 NM
to 12 NM with [+/–]. (pp. 1, 16)
SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. This w Set the [GAIN] as high as possible.
manual contains important safety and operating instruc-
(pp. 2, 16)
tions for the MR-1210RII/MR-1210TII/MR-1210TIII.
e Set the [SEA] to minimum. (pp. 2, 16)
r Set the [RAIN] to minimum. (pp. 2, 16)
FEATURES tTurn OFF the Interference Rejection
(IR) function. (p. 19)
The MR-1210RII, MR-1210TII, and MR-1210TIII ma- yTurn OFF the Echo Stretch function.
rine radars are designed especially for fishing boats. (p. 19)
It has powerful transmitting power, a 12.1-inch Color
LCD display and many other advanced features.

Personal death, serious injury or an
explosion may occur.
Personal injury, fire hazard, or elec-
tric shock may occur.
CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.
If disregarded, inconvenience only.
NOTE No risk of personal injury, fire, or
electric shock.

Icom is not responsible for the destruction, damage

to, or performance of any Icom or non-Icom equip-
ment, if the malfunction is because of:
••Force majeure, including, but not limited to, fires,
earthquakes, storms, floods, lightning, other Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trade-
natural disasters, disturbances, riots, war, or marks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the
radioactive contamination. United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France,
••The use of Icom marine radar with any equipment Spain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and/or other
that is not manufactured or approved by Icom. countries.
For Display unit: However, if it is dropped, splash resistance cannot be
RRWARNING! NEVER let metal, wire or other guaranteed because of possible damage to the case
objects contact the inside of the display unit, or make or the waterproof seals.
incorrect contact with connectors on the rear panel. The LCD display may have cosmetic imperfections
This could cause an electric shock or damage the that is displayed as small dark or light spots. This is not
display unit. a malfunction or defect, but a normal characteristic of
RRWARNING! NEVER apply AC voltage to the DC LCD display.
connector of the display unit. This could cause a fire For Scanner unit:
or damage the display unit. RRDANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE! NEVER open the
RRWARNING! NEVER apply more than 42 V DC scanner unit. The scanner unit contains high voltage
to the DC connector of the display unit. This could that could be fatal. And there are no user adjustment
cause a fire or damage the display unit. points. All repairs and adjustments MUST be made
RRWARNING! NEVER touch or operate the display by a qualified electronics technician at your Marine
unit with wet hands. This could cause an electric Navigation Dealer.
shock or damage the display unit.
RRWARNING! NEVER open the display unit. There
For qualified electronics technician only:
are no user adjustment points. This could cause an RRDANGER: HIGH VOLTAGE! High voltages of up to
electric shock and incorrect reassembly may cause a 3,500 volts are used in the scanner unit. Although
fire hazard. prudent measures for safety have been adopted,
sufficient care must be taken in the operation,
RRWARNING! NEVER operate the radar during a
maintenance and adjustment of the scanner unit.
lightning storm. It may result in an electric shock,
Electric shock of 1,000 volts or more may cause
cause a fire or damage the display unit. Always
electrocution and death, even an electric shock of
disconnect the power source and scanner unit before
only 100 volts may be fatal.
a storm.
RRWARNING! NEVER reverse the DC power cable
radar’s power and do not reach inside the scanner
polarity. This could cause a fire or damage the display
unit before you have:
••discharged the capacitors by disconnecting the
RRWARNING! NEVER remove the fuse holder on the system cable from the radar unit for 5 minutes.
DC power cable. Excessive current caused by a short ••checked that no electric charges remain inside
could cause a fire or damage the display unit. the device.
CAUTION: DO NOT use or place the display unit in Also, it is recommended to wear dry insulated
areas with temperature below ­–15˚C (+5˚F) or above rubber gloves. NEVER use both hands
+55˚C (+131˚F). simultaneously, keep one hand in your pocket.
Benzine or alcohol when cleaning, the display unit, as Radiation emitted from the scanner unit can be
they will damage the display unit surfaces. harmful, particularly to your eyes. To avoid harmful
CAUTION: DO NOT place the display unit in radiation, turn OFF the radar’s power before
excessively dusty environments. working on the scanner unit.
DO NOT place the display unit near heating DO NOT use or place the scanner unit in areas with
equipment or in direct sunlight or where hot or cold temperature below ­­
–25˚C (–13˚F) or above +70˚C
air blows directly onto it. (+158˚F).
DO NOT place the display unit in areas that could
NEVER immerse the scanner unit in the water.
block air passage or put anything around the display
The scanner unit meets IPX6* requirements for high-
unit. This will obstruct heat dissipation.
pressure water jet resistance.
KEEP the display unit out of the reach of
However, if the scanner unit is dropped, high-
unauthorized persons.
pressure water jet resistance cannot be guaranteed
KEEP the display unit away from heavy rain, and because of possible damage to the cases or the
never immerse it in the water. waterproof seals.
The display unit meets IPX4 requirements for splash * Except for the cable connectors. They meet IPX4
resistance when the supplied connection cable, requirements while connecting to the radar unit.
scanner unit are connected.

SYSTEM COMPONENTS........................................... i ■■ Plotting marks...........................................................33
SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES........................................ i ■■ Course and speed vector..........................................33
IMPORTANT................................................................ii ■■ Plots (ATA)................................................................33
FEATURES..................................................................ii 7. AIS OPERATION.......................................... 34–38
EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS.............................................ii ■■ AIS (Automatic Identification System).......................34
PRECAUTIONS..........................................................iii ■■ The AIS Display ON or OFF.....................................34
■■ AIS settings...............................................................34
1. PANEL DESCRIPTION..................................... 1–4 ■■ Related settings........................................................35
■■ Front panel..................................................................1 ■■ Description of the AIS display...................................36
■■ Screen........................................................................3 ■■ AIS operation............................................................37
2. MENU SCREEN.............................................. 5–14 ■■ Status of the vessel icon...........................................38
■■ Entering Menu screen.................................................5 ■■ Plots (AIS).................................................................38
■■ Color menu.................................................................5 8. BASIC RADAR THEORY.................................... 39
■■ Trail menu...................................................................6 ■■ Sidelobe echoes.......................................................39
■■ Display menu..............................................................6 ■■ Indirect echoes.........................................................39
■■ Target menu................................................................7 ■■ Multiple echoes.........................................................40
■■ ATA menu....................................................................7 ■■ Minimum range.........................................................40
■■ AIS menu....................................................................8 ■■ Blind and Shadow sectors........................................41
■■ Video menu...............................................................10 ■■ Target resolution.......................................................41
■■ System menu............................................................10
■■ Initial menu................................................................12 9. INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS........ 42–51
■■ AIS List menu............................................................13 ■■ Connecting the units.................................................42
■■ AIS Own menu..........................................................14 ■■ Power source requirement........................................42
■■ Status menu..............................................................14 ■■ Ground connection...................................................42
■■ Port Monitor menu....................................................14 ■■ Installing the display unit...........................................43
■■ Scanner Monitor menu..............................................14 ■■ Mounting the EX-2714 scanner unit.........................45
■■ Safety Message menu..............................................14 ■■ Wiring the EX-2714 system cable ............................46
■■ Mounting the EX-2780 scanner unit.........................47
3. BASIC OPERATION...................................... 15-24 ■■ Wiring the EX-2780 system cable ............................48
■■ Checking the installation...........................................15 ■■ Attaching the EX-2780 scanner unit.........................49
■■ Turning power ON/OFF.............................................15 ■■ Installing the UX-234 Video output unit.....................50
■■ Basic operation.........................................................16
■■ Brilliance/Color adjustment.......................................17 10. OTHER FUNCTIONS.................................... 52–28
■■ RAIN function............................................................18 ■■ TLL function..............................................................52
■■ SEA function.............................................................18 ■■ Select the language..................................................53
■■ IR function.................................................................19 ■■ Simulation screen.....................................................53
■■ Echo Stretch function................................................19 ■■ Antenna rotation speed.............................................54
■■ OFF CENTER function.............................................19 ■■ Timing adjustment....................................................54
■■ Zoom function ..........................................................20 ■■ Heading adjustment..................................................55
■■ Long pulse function...................................................20 ■■ Range selection........................................................56
■■ Trail function..............................................................21 ■■ Saving and loading settings......................................57
■■ Power save function..................................................22 ■■ Resetting...................................................................58
■■ Ship speed indication................................................23
■■ Waypoint indication...................................................23 11. ERROR MESSAGE............................................. 59
■■ Bearing setting..........................................................24 ■■ Error message list.....................................................59
■■ AIS error message list..............................................59
■■ Distance measurement.............................................25 12. MAINTENANCE.................................................. 60
■■ Bearing and Distance measurement........................27 ■■ Periodic maintenance...............................................60
■■ Advanced measurements.........................................27 ■■ Scanner unit maintenance........................................60
■■ Display unit maintenance..........................................60
5. ALARM FUNCTION...................................... 29–30
■■ Setting Alarm zone...................................................29 13. SPECIFICATIONS......................................... 61–62
■■ Setting Zone alarm type............................................30 ■■ General.....................................................................61
■■ Display unit ..............................................................61
6. ATA OPERATION.......................................... 31–33 ■■ Scanner unit..............................................................61
■■ ATA (Automatic Tracking Aid)....................................31 ■■ Options.....................................................................62
■■ The ATA function ON or OFF....................................31
■■ ATA settings..............................................................31 14. EXTERNAL DATA LIST...................................... 63
■■ Related settings........................................................32
■■ ATA operation............................................................32

■■Front panel

!9 q !9 q
SAVE w w
!8 !8
e e

SAVE !7 - !7

r r
!6 ENTER CLEAR t !6 t

!5 TLL ACQ u !5 TLL u
!4 VRM1 VRM2 o !4 o
ZOOM !0 !0
!3 BRILL ALM !1 !3 !1
HL OFF !2 !2

Control panel (English) Control panel (Chinese)

q POWER SWITCH [ ] (p. 16) t CLEAR KEY [CLEAR]/[ ]

Push to turn the radar power ON or OFF. ➥ In the Menu screen, push to cancel the Submenu
• The initial screen is displayed and a beep sounds after or Option selection mode. (p. 5)
the power has been turned ON. ➥ Hold down for 1 second to turn the activated AIS
• The magnetron inside the scanner unit warms up for 90 target into a sleeping target. (p. 38)
seconds and the warm up time is counted down on the • Hold down [ENTER]/[ ] for 1 second to change
screen. the sleeping AIS target to an activated target.
w TRANSMIT/SAVE KEY [TX (SAVE)]/ [ ] ➥ Hold down for 1 second to release the ATA target
➥ Push to toggle between the TX mode and the or delete the TLL mark. (pp. 32, 52)
standby mode. (p. 16) y TRAILS KEY [TRAILS]/[ ] (p. 21)
➥ Hold down for 1 second to turn ON the power ➥Simultaneously push [ENTER]/[ ] and
save function. The radar for TX interval scan is [CLEAR]/[ ] to turn the trail function ON or
fixed at 10 revolutions. (p. 22) OFF. This is useful for watching other vessel’s
• Select the save time in the System menu. tracks, and approximate relative speed.
e RANGE UP/ DOWN KEYS [+]/[–]/ • The Trail settings can be changed in the Trail menu.
[ ]/[ ] (p. 16) ➥ Hold down [ENTER]/[ ] and [CLEAR]/[ ]
Push [+] to increase the screen range. for 1 second to erase the plotted echoes when
Push [–] to decrease the screen range. the trail function is ON.
➥ Sets the EBLs, VRMs, alarm area, ATA target, [ • ]
AIS target, and so on. ➥ Push to select the Head-up (H-UP), Stabilized
➥ In the Menu screen, push [t] or [u] to select Head-up (SH-UP), Course-up (C-UP), North-up
the Menu group, or push [p] or [q] to select the (N-UP) or True motion (TM) screens.
menu items. • The North-up, Stabilized Head-Up, and Course-up
➥ In the normal operating mode, push a combina- screens can be selected only when a bearing data
tion of the [p]/[t], [p]/[u], [q]/[t], or [q]/[u] input is connected. (pp. 42, 63)
• The TM screen requires bearing data or position data.
to move the cross line cursor to the upper left,
(pp. 42, 63)
upper right, lower left, or lower right. • T
 he TM screen is not selectable in the 32 NM or higher range.
➥ Hold down for 1 second to acquire an ATA target
on the cursor. (p. 32)
• Hold down [CLEAR]/[ ] for 1 second to release
the ATA target.

i OFF CENTER FUNCTION [OFF CENT]/[ ] (p. 19) !4 EBL1 (VRM1) KEY [EBL1 (VRM1)]/

Simultaneously push [MENU]/[ ] and [MODE]/ [ ] (pp. 26–28)
[ ] to turn the OFF CENTER function ON or OFF. ➥ Push to display the EBL1 (Electronic Bearing
• This function is usable in the 24 NM or less ranges. Line 1) and the VRM1 (Variable Range Marker 1.)
o EBL2 (VRM2) KEY [EBL2 (VRM2)]/ • Push [t] or [u] to adjust the EBL selector, or push
[p] or [q] to adjust the VRM selector. Then push
[ ] (pp. 26–28)
[ENTER]/[ ] to set the point.
➥ Push to display the EBL2 (Electronic Bearing • The EBL1 bearing and the VRM1 distance are dis-
Line 2) and the VRM2 (Variable Range Marker 2.) played in the lower left corner of the screen.
• Push [t] or [u] to adjust the EBL selector, or push • When the EBL1 and the VRM1 are displayed, the
[p] or [q] to adjust the VRM selector. Then push beginning of the EBL2 is displayed at the intersection
[ENTER]/[ ] to set the point. point of the EBL1 and the VRM1.
• The EBL2 bearing and the VRM2 distance are dis-
➥ While holding down [EBL1(VRM1)]/[ ],
played in the lower right corner of the screen.
hold down [EBL2(VRM2)]/[ ] for 1 sec-
• When the EBL1 and the VRM1 are displayed, the
center of the VRM2 is displayed at the intersection ond to turn the PI (Parallel Index) lines ON or
point of the EBL1 and the VRM1. OFF. (p.26)
➥ W
 hile holding down [EBL1(VRM1)]/[ ], !5 MENU KEY [MENU•TLL]/[ •TLL]
hold down [EBL2(VRM2)]/[ ] for 1 sec- ➥ Push to enter or exit the Menu screen. (pp. 5–14)
ond to turn the PI (Parallel Index) lines ON or • Push [t] or [u] to select the Menu groups, or push
OFF. (p.26) [p] or [q] to select the items.
➥ Hold down for 1 second to output the position
!0 ZOOM FUNCTION [ZOOM]/[ ] (p. 20)
information where the cursor is placed, to the
Simultaneously push [EBL1(VRM1)]/[ ]
NMEA output terminals. (p. 52)
and [EBL2(VRM2)]/[ ] to turn the ZOOM
• TLL output requires bearing data and position data.
function ON or OFF. The ZOOM function enlarges the • The target mark can be displayed, depending on the
target to two times normal size. setting in the “TLL Mode” item of the System menu.
• Move the cursor to the target, then turn ON the function. (p. 11)
•T he zoomed area is displayed by the doted square.
!1 ALARM KEY [ALM]/[ ] (p. 29) ➥ Push to set the ATA, AIS, TLL, or WPT target to
➥ Push [ALM]/[ ] to select the Alarm function, the selected mode. (pp. 23, 32, 37)
ALM1, ALM2, ALM1 & ALM2, or OFF. ➥ In the Menu screen, push to enter the Submenu
➥ Hold down [ALM]/[ ] for 1 second to enter the or Option selection mode, or push to save the
alarm area setting mode. setting. (p. 5)
• Push [p], [q], [t], or [u] to move the cross cursor to
➥ Hold down for 1 second to turn the sleeping AIS
the zone starting point, then hold down [ALM]/[ ]
for 1 second. The starting ring of the zone is created. target into an activated target. (p. 38)
Then push [p], [q], [t], or [u] to fix the finish point, • Hold down [CLEAR]/[ ] for 1 second to change
and then push [ALM]/[ ]. The desired alarm zone the activated AIS target to a sleeping target.
will automatically form. !7 R
!2 HEADING LINE OFF FUNCTION [HL OFF]/ Eliminates echoes from rain, snow, fog, and so on.
[ ] (p. 16) Rotate the control fully counter clockwise to deacti-
 While holding down [BRILL]/[ ] and [ALM]/ vate the RAIN function.
[ ], the heading line is temporarily turned OFF. • The RAIN icon ( ) disappears.
• The rings or other objects can also be turned OFF when the !8 S
“HL OFF Mode” item in the System menu is set to “All.” (p. 11) Eliminates echoes from waves in close range.
!3 D
 ISPLAY BRILLIANCE KEY [BRILL]/[ ] (p. 17) Reduces the receiver gain for close objects within a
➥ Push to display the Brilliance/Color setting box. radius of approximately 8 nautical miles to eliminate
• The key backlight can be adjusted in this setting box. sea clutter.
• The brightness of the symbols, characters and illumina- Rotate the control fully clockwise to activate the au-
tions can be independently adjusted in the Color menu. tomatic SEA control function.
➥ Push to increase or decrease the brilliance of the •T  he SEA icon ( ) is displayed in the upper left of the screen.
picture on the display. • “AUTO” is displayed below the SEA icon ( ) when the
➥ Hold down for 1 second to select maximum bril- automatic control function is active.
liance. • Under normal conditions set the SEA to minimum.
• Use this control with caution when the sea is rough.
!9 GAIN CONTROL [GAIN]/[ ] (p. 16)
Adjusts the receiver amplifier gain.
• Clockwise rotation increases the gain.
•T he increased gain may increase screen noise.


e #0
r @9
y @8
u @7
o @6
!0 @5


!2 @3
This Display example is
@2 set to Wide in the “PPI
@1 Area” item of the Display
@0 menu.

!5 !8

!6 !7


Shows the heading readout. ➥ Shows the ATA, AIS and Own vector type.
• HDG: When the “Bearing Input” item in the Initial menu • T: True vector, R: Relative vector
is set to “NMEA,” “N+1,” or “AUX.” ➥ Shows the vector time. Select the vector time in
• COG: When the “Bearing Input” item in the Initial menu the “Vector Time” item of the Target menu.
is set to “GPS” or “GPS-L.”
• The HDG readout indicates the bow of the vessel’s y TRAILS INDICATOR (p. 21)
heading in a clockwise direction from north.
Shows the trail time.
• T: True Bearing, M: Magnetic bearing
• The echo remains, with gradation, during the trail time
period on the screen. (Except for the trail time; ∞)
w FIXED RING RANGE READOUT (p. 25) • Progressing time counter starts counting until the timer
Shows the interval range of the fixed ring. reaches the trail time.
• This readout is displayed when the “Ring Brill” item in • R: Relative trail
the Color menu is set to ON (1 to 3).
e SCREEN RANGE READOUT (p. 25) Displayed when the RAIN function is used.
Shows the range of the displayed screen.
• Nautical miles (NM), kilometers (km), or miles (SM) can i AUTO SEA ICON (p. 18)
be selected as the distance unit in the Initial menu.
➥➥ Displayed when the SEA control function is used.
➥➥ “AUTO” is displayed below this icon when the au-
r MODE INDICATOR tomatic SEA control function is used.
Head-up, Stabilized Head-up, Course-up, North-up
and True motion screens are selectable. o AIS ICON (p. 36)
• N-UP, SH-UP, and C-UP screens require external bear-
ing data.
Displayed when a valid VDM sentence is input from
• The TM screen requires bearing data and position data. the [NMEA1] (AIS) port.
• Move the cursor on the indicator, then push [ENTER]/ The indicator disappears if the AIS signal is not re-
[ ] to select the Head-up (H-UP), Stabilized Head-up ceived for 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
(SH-UP), Course-up (C-UP), North-up (N-UP) or True
motion (TM) screens.


!0 LONG PULSE ICON (p. 20) !9 EBL1 (pp. 26–28)

Displayed when the long pulse is used. @0 EBL2 (pp. 26–28)
Used to measure bearing.
!1 NORTH MARK When a target is selected, the EBL/VRM1 readouts
The north mark indicates the true north direction. (!5) or the EBL/VRM2 readouts (!8) display its bear-
!2 ALARM ZONE (p. 29)
Displays the alarm zone. @1 VRM1 (pp. 26–28)
• Displayed when the alarm function is used. @2 VRM2 (pp. 26–28)
Used to measure distance.
!3 CROSS LINE CURSOR When a target is selected, the EBL/VRM1 readouts
Used to measure the bearing and distance, setting (!5) or the EBL/VRM2 readouts (!8) display its dis-
the alarm zone, selecting the ATA/AIS targets, and tance.
so on.
• Push [p], [q], [t], or [u] one or more times to move the @3 OWN SHIP VECTOR INDICATOR (p. 6)
cursor. Displays the vector of your own ship.


Displays the distance at fixed intervals from the own Displays a waypoint that is received from navigation
position. The interval distance is indicated by the equipment.
ring range readout (w). • This marker is displayed when the “WPT Display” item in
• These rings are displayed when the “Ring Brill” item in the Display menu is set to ON.
the Color menu is set to ON (1 to 3). • To display the Waypoint marker, bearing data and NMEA
data in 0183 format are necessary. (p. 63)
!5 EBL/ VRM1 READOUTS (pp. 26–28)
Displays the bearing of the EBL1 (Electronic Bear- @5 HEADING LINE (p.16)
ing Line) and the distance of the VRM1 (Variable The heading line indicates the vessel bow direction.
Range Marker) when the EBL1 and the VRM1 are
used. @6 ZOOM ICON (p. 20)
• Nautical miles (NM), kilometers (km), or miles (SM) can Displayed when the zoom function is used.
be selected in the Initial menu as the distance unit. •
Simultaneously push [EBL1(VRM1)]/[ ]
and [EBL2(VRM2)]/[ ] to toggle the ZOOM
➥ Displays your own ship’s latitude and longitude
when external NMEA data in 0183 format is con- @7 ECHO STRETCH ICON (p. 19)
nected. Displayed when the echo stretch function is used.
• To display the position, NMEA 0183 data is neces- • This icon is displayed when the “Echo Stretch” item in
sary. the Video menu is set to ON.
➥ Displays the vessel’s course and speed. (p. 23)
The speed unit in nautical miles (kn), kilometers @8 IR ICON (p. 19)
(km/h), or miles (mph) can be selected as the speed  Displayed when the IR (Interference Rejection)
unit in the Initial menu. function is used.
• This icon is displayed when the “IR” item in the Video
!7 CURSOR INFORMATION menu is set to ON (1 or 2).
➥ Displays cursor latitude and longitude when ex-
ternal NMEA data in 0183 format is connected. @9 ALARM ICONS (p. 29)
➥ Displays the bearing and distance to the cursor. Displayed when the alarm function is used.
• R: Relative bearing, T: True Bearing, M: Magnetic
bearing. #0 TUNING MODE INDICATOR (p. 16)
• To display the cursor bearing, bearing data and posi-
➥ Displays the tuning mode selection.
tion data are required.
• “TUNE (AUTO)” is displayed when the “TUNE” item
in the Video menu is set to “Auto” or “TUNE (MAN)” is
!8 EBL/ VRM2 READOUTS (pp. 26–28) displayed when the “TUNE” item is set “Manual.”
Displays the bearing of the EBL2 (Electronic Bear- ➥ Shows the receiver tuning level.
ing Line) and the distance of the VRM2 (Variable
Range Marker) when the EBL2 and the VRM2 are
used. Information boxes (!6 and !7):
• Nautical miles (NM), kilometers (km), or miles (SM) can Move the cursor on the title bar, then push [ENTER]/
be selected as the distance unit in the Initial menu. [ ] to collapse or expand the information box.
• The PI indicator is displayed instead, when the PI (Paral-
lel Index) lines function is ON.(p. 26) 4

■■Entering Menu screen

DDHeading Line Brill
Sets the Heading line brilliance to 1 (dark), 2 (normal),
or 3 (bright).

DDRing Brill*
• OFF: The fixed range rings are not displayed, and
the scale is displayed in dark, the same as 1
• 1 to 3: 
The circles and scale are displayed in 1

(dark), 2 (normal) or 3 (bright).

Sets the Brilliance of the ATA or AIS symbols to 1
(dark), 2 (normal), or 3 (bright).
ATA: Automatic Tracking Aid
qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen. AIS: Automatic Identification System
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the menu.
• You can select the “Color,” “Trail,” “Display,” “Target,” “ATA,” DDEBL/VRM Brill*
“AIS,” “Video,” “System,” “Initial,” “AIS List,” “AIS Own,” Sets the Brilliance of the EBL or VRM to 1 (dark), 2
“Status,” “Port Monitor,” “Scanner Monitor,” or “Safety (normal), or 3 (bright).
Message” menus. EBL: Electronic Bearing Lines
eePush [p] or [q] to select the item. VRM: Variable Range Markers
• The selected item is highlighted.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
mode. DDOther Symbol Brill*
ttPush [p] or [q] to select an option. Sets the Brilliance of other than above symbols to 1
yyPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting and exit (dark), 2 (normal), or 3 (bright).
the option selection mode. This setting is not applied to an echo.
• Push [CLEAR]/[ ] to cancel the setting and exit the
mode, if desired. DDCharacter Brill*
uuPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen. Sets the Brilliance of the character out of the scale to
1 (dark), 2 (normal), or 3 (bright).

* When the background color is set to White, 1 is bright

■■Color menu and 3 is dark.

DDDay Color Setting

Sets the display color for day time to Green-White,
Yellow-White, Red-White, or Multi-White.
XX-White: The background color is fixed to white.

DDNight Color Setting

Sets the display color for night time to Green-Black,
Yellow-Black, Red-Black, or Multi-Black.
XX-Black: The background color is fixed to black.

DDUser Color Setting

Sets the display color for custom settings to Green,
Yellow, Red, or Multi.
DDEcho Color Steps You can also select the background color from Black,
• 8: The gradation of an echo is displayed in 8 Dark Blue, or White.
The 8 steps are 0, 1~3, 4~7, 8~11, 12~16,
17~21, 22~26, and 27~31.
• 32: The gradation of an echo is displayed in 32

■■Trail menu ■■Display menu

DDReset DDOwn Vector

q Push [ENTER]/[ ]. • OFF: Does not display your own ship’s vector.
• The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed. • ON: Displays your own ship’s vector.
w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to clear the trail. • Bearing data and ship speed data are required.

DDReference DDPPI Area

Selects the reference of trail. Selects the PPI (Plan Position Indicator) area.
• True: Regardless of the movement of your ves- • Normal: The PPI area is inside the scale.
sel, the trail of other vessels displays a • Wide: The PPI area is the whole screen.
real movement over ground. Therefore,
a stopped targetʼs trail is not displayed.
The true trail requires a heading signal and DDAuto Hide Information
Sets whether or not to hide the outside of the scale,
your own vessel’s position information.
after 10 seconds without any operation.
• Relative: The trail of other vessels is relative to your
This setting is effective only when the “PPI Area” item
vessel. In this mode, other vesselsʼ move-
is set to “Wide.”
ment and your vessel’s movement are com-
• OFF: Always displays the outside of the scale.
bined, so Relative trail is valid if you want to
• ON: Hides the outside of the scale after 10 sec-
look at the relative movement to avoid col-
onds has passed with no operation, and dis-
lisions. However, a stopped targetʼs trail is
plays it again with any operation.
also displayed. In that case, it is difficult to
see in some places such as near Islands.
Regardless of this setting, the display acts as the DDWPT Display
True trail setting when the True motion (TM) Sets whether or not to display waypoints.
screen is selected.
DDMark Display
DDTime Sets whether or not to display marks.
Selects the trail time from 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 min- • OFF: The marks are not displayed.
utes, 6 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or ∞. • Symbol: The marks are displayed with icons.
• Symbol & No.: The marks are displayed with icons
DDLevel and numbers.
Selects the level of the trail.
• Low: Leaves a trail between Low and High levels. DDCursor Information
• Middle: Leaves a trail between Mid and High levels. Selects the information in the Cursor box. The cursor
• High: Leaves a trail only at the High level. box displays the information at the point of the cursor.
• Lat/Lon:  Displays position information (latitude
DDFine Trail
and longitude).
Selects the thinness of the trail. The Fine trail function
• TTG: Displays TTG (Time To Go) information
makes the trail thin.
(TTG, Bearing and Distance).
• OFF: Normal trail.
• 1: Fine trail.
• 2: Extra fine trail.

Sets the trail color to between Blue, Yellow, Green,
Red, Orange, and White. 6

■■Target menu ■■ATA menu

DDVector Mode DDFunction

• True: Selects the true vector mode. • OFF: Turns OFF the ATA (Automatic Tracking Aid)
• Relative: Selects the relative vector mode. function.
• ON: Turns ON the ATA function.
DDVector time
Sets the vector length (time) to 30 seconds, 1 minute, DDTrack
3 minutes, 6 minutes, 15 minutes, or 30 minutes. The plot displays the target’s past positions as 5 dots,
during each specified tracking interval.
DDTrack Interval You can specify the track interval in the “Track Interval”
The track data is updated at this specified tracking in- item of the Target menu.
terval. Select the track interval from 15 seconds, 30 • OFF: Turns OFF the Track display function.
seconds, or between 1 and 15 minutes. • ON: Turns ON the Track display function.

After 5 dots are displayed, the oldest dot disappears at DDNo. Display
the time when the next dot is displayed. Selects the target identification number type that is
displayed at the right side of the mark.
DDCPA* Limit • OFF: Does not display any mark number.
Sets the CPA (Closest Point of Approach) limit to be- • Select: Displays only the selected mark number.
tween 0.1 and 12.0 NM in 0.1 NM steps. • All: Displays all mark numbers.

DDTCPA* Limit DDAll Clear Target

Sets the TCPA (Time to CPA) limit time to 30 seconds, Releases all of the ATA targets at the same time.
between 1 and 6 minutes, or 12 minutes. q Push [ENTER]/[ ].
*CPA/TCPA: Closest Point of Approach and Time to • The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
Closest Point of Approach limits are set to give a w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to release all ATA tar-
warning when a target or targets enter those limits gets.
around your own vessel.

Sets whether or not to sound the CPA/TCPA alarm.

A CPA/TCPA alarm sounds when both the CPA and

TCPA reach the limit.


■■AIS menu
DDNew Target Warning
Sets whether or not to alert when the Auto Activate
function automatically turns the sleeping AIS target
into an activated target.
• OFF: Does not give a warning when the Auto Acti-
vate function activates the target.
• ON: Gives a warning when the Auto Activate func-
tion activates the target.

DDDisplay Range
Sets the AIS targets display range to between 0.1 and
36.0 NM, or ∞.
• 0.1 to 36.0 NM: Selects the range from your vessel in
0.1 NM steps.
DDDisplay • ∞: Displays all range from your vessel.
• OFF: Turns OFF the AIS display.
• ON: Turns ON the AIS display. DDNumber of AIS
If an AIS target reaches the CPA and TCPA limits Selects the maximum number of AIS targets that can
when “OFF” is selected, this setting is automati- be displayed on the screen to between 10 and 100 in
cally turned ON. 1 target steps.

DDTrack DDSlow Warn

The plot displays the AIS target’s past positions as 5 The AIS unit calculated COG (Course Over Ground)
dots, during each specified tracking interval. data of a vessel that is at anchor or drifting is unre-
You can specify the track interval in the “Track Interval” liable, and therefore the CPA (Closest Point of Ap-
item of the Target menu. proach) and TCPA (Time to CPA) data may not be
• OFF: Turn OFF the Track display function. correctly calculated. If a vessel is anchored in your
• ON: Turn ON the Track display function. alarm zone, the unreliable data can cause the collision
alarm to sound many times, even if there is no real
DDName Display danger. To prevent this, when the anchored vessel’s
Selects the AIS target display type. SOG (Speed Over Ground) is less than this set value,
• OFF:  Does not display any name or MMSI the Slow Warn function assumes that vessel’s COG
number of the target. is fixed towards your vessel and an alarm will sound.
• Select: Displays the vessel name or MMSI num- • OFF: Turns OFF the Slow Warn function.
ber of the selected target. • ON: Turns ON the Slow Warn function.
• Active: Displays the vessel name or MMSI num-
ber of all active targets. DDSlow Warn Speed
• 0.1 to 5.0 kn: Selects the vessel’s speed in 0.1 kn
DDAuto Activate steps.
The Auto Activate function automatically turns the
sleeping AIS target into an activated target when the DDErase Lost Target
AIS target is at the specified distance and angle. Erases all of the Lost targets at the same time.
You can specify the distance and angle in the next two When there is no lost targets, this setting is grayed out.
items. q Push [ENTER]/[ ].
• OFF: Turns OFF the Auto Activate function. • The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
• ON: Turns ON the Auto Activate function. w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to clear all of the Lost
targets on the screen.
DDAuto Activate - Distance
About “Lost Target”: A vessel is regarded as a “Lost
Sets the distance to automatically turn the sleeping
target” after a specified period of time has passed
AIS target into an activated target.
since the vessel last transmitted data, as described on
• 0.1 to 10.0 NM: S
 elect the distance from your vessel.
the next page.
The “Lost target” icon disappears from the screen 6
DDAuto Activate - Angle minutes and 40 seconds after the vessel was regarded
Sets the angle to automatically turn the sleeping AIS as a “Lost target.”
target into an activated target.
• 5 to 180°: S
 elects the angle with your vessel. 8

■■ AIS menu (Continued)

The criteria to become a Lost target

• Class A/B
Nominal re- Lost target Nominal reporting Lost target maximum
Vessel type porting interval maximum interval Class B *1 interval Class B *1
Class A interval Class A CS *2 SO *3 CS *2 SO *3
Vessel is at anchor or moored and
Class A 3 min. 18 min. — — — —
not moving faster than 3 knots
Vessel is not moving faster than 2
Class B — — 3 min. 3 min. 18 min. 18 min.
Vessel is at anchor or moored and moving
2 10 sec. 60 sec. N/A N/A
faster than 3 knot
Vessel is moving between 0 and
Class A 10 sec. 60 sec. — — — —
14 knots
Vessel is moving between 2 and
Class B — — 30 sec. 30 sec. 180 sec. 180 sec.
14 knots
Vessel is moving between 0 and
Class A 3 1⁄3 sec. 60 sec. — — — —
14 knots while changing course
Vessel is moving between 2 and
Class B — — 30 sec. 30 sec. 180 sec. 180 sec.
14 knots while changing course
5 Vessel is moving between 14 and 23 knots 6 sec. 36 sec. 30 sec. 15 sec. 180 sec. 90 sec.
Vessel is moving between 14 and 23 knots
6 2 sec. 36 sec. 30 sec. 15 sec. 180 sec. 90 sec.
while changing course
7 Vessel is moving faster than 23 knots 2 sec. 30 sec. 30 sec. 5 sec. 180 sec. 30 sec.
Vessel is moving faster than 23 knots while
8 2 sec. 30 sec. 30 sec. 5 sec. 180 sec. 30 sec.
changing course
*1 AIS Class B does not provide information about the navigation status, anchored or moored.
*2 CS: Carrier-sense, *3 SO: Self organized

• Others
Nominal reporting Lost target DDSafety Message
interval maximum interval Sets whether or not to display the message when the
SAR 10 sec. 60 sec. safety message is received.
• OFF: Turns OFF the Safety Message function.
Base station 10 sec. 60 sec.
• ON: Turns ON the Safety Message function.
AtoN 3 min. 18 min.
DDFavorite AIS
Sets whether or not to alert that the specified MMSI
target gets into the specified range from your vessel.
• OFF: Turns OFF the Favorite AIS function.
• ON: Turns ON the Favorite AIS function.

DDFavorite AIS Range

Sets the Favorite AIS display range to between 0.1
and 36.0 NM, or ∞.
• 0.1 to 36.0 NM: Selects the range from your vessel in
0.1 NM steps.
• ∞: Displays all range from your vessel.

DDFavorite AIS Target1

DDFavorite AIS Target2
DDFavorite AIS Target3
Enters the MMSI number of favorite targets.


■■Video menu
DDPulse Width
• SP: Sets the pulse width to narrow.
• LP: Sets the pulse width to wide. “ ” is displayed in
the upper left corner of the screen.

• The SEA knob can be used to fine tune the sea clut-
ter of the display after one of four main levels are se-
lected, depending on the sea conditions.

DDAntenna Height
• Sets the antenna height from the surface of the sea.
5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m, or 50 m is select-
• Auto: Automatic tuning.
• “TUNE (AUTO)” is displayed in the upper right
corner of the screen. ■■System menu
• Manual: Manual tuning.
• “TUNE (MAN)” is displayed in the upper right
corner of the screen.

When “Auto” is selected in the “TUNE” item, this set-
ting is disabled.
q Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the adjustment mode.
w Push [t] or [u] to adjust the desired tuning level
(256 levels).
e Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to save and exit the ad-
justment mode.

DDDynamic Range
Selects the dynamic range of the PPI (Plan Position
Indicator). DDKey Beep
• Narrow: Narrow dynamic range. Even weak reflec- • OFF: Turns OFF* the beep tone.
tions are displayed as strong reflections. • ON: Turns ON the beep tone.
• Middle: Mid dynamic range. * Except for the alarm function.
• Wide: Wide dynamic range. You can easily distin-
guish between weak reflections and strong DDSync Backlight
reflections. Sets whether or not to synchronize the brilliance of the
display and key backlight.
DDIR • OFF: Individually sets the brilliance of the display
• OFF: Turns OFF the Interference Rejection and key backlight. (16 levels each)
function. • ON: Synchronizes the brilliance of the key back-
• 1 or 2 (ON): Turns ON the Interference Rejection light to the display. (16 levels)
function 1 (Low) or 2 (High).
• “IR1” or “IR2” is displayed in the upper DDHL OFF Mode
right corner of the screen. Selects the objects to hide temporarily in the Heading
Line OFF mode (while [BRILL]/[ ] and [ALM]/[ ]
DDEcho Stretch are simultaneously hold down).
• OFF: Turns OFF the echo stretch function. • Heading Line: Turns OFF only the Heading line.
• ON: Turns ON the echo stretch function. • All: Turns OFF the Heading line, Rings,
• “ES” is displayed in the upper right corner of the and other objects.


■■ System menu (Continued)

DDZone Alarm1 DDBearing Reference

DDZone Alarm2 Sets the direction for the EBL (Electronic Bearing Line)
Sets the Zone Alarm1 and Zone Alarm2 settings. or cursor.
• IN: An alarm sounds when the target comes into • True: True or magnetic direction
the zone. • 360°R: Relative direction
• OUT: An alarm sounds when the target goes out of • PT/SB: Bow direction
the zone.
DDSpeed Input
DDZone Alarm Level Selects the speed input of the vessel from “SOG” or
Selects the target detection parameter of zone alarm “Manual.” If you select “Manual,” enter data manually
1 and 2. into the items below, “Manual Speed”, “Manual SET”,
Selectable parameters are Low, Middle and High. and “Manual Drift.”

DDOFF Center Mode DDManual Speed

Sets the OFF Center setting when the OFF Center Sets your vessel’s speed to between 0.1 and 40.0 kn.
function is ON. (0.2 ~ 74.0km/h, 0.1 ~ 46.0 mph)
• 25, 50, 75%: The center of the display area moves
to the front of the bow, and the bow DDManual SET
view increases. Sets the Tidal current direction to between 0 and
• Cursor: The center of the display area shifts 359.9°T (or M).
to the cursor, and the opposite view
increases. DDManual Drift
Sets the Tidal current speed to between 0 and 20.0 kn.
DDSave Time (0 ~ 37.0 km/h, 0 ~ 23.0 mph)
 elects the standby time during the save mode from 1
min, 6 min, 15 min or 30 min. DDTLL Mode
• The radar for a TX interval scan is fixed at 10 revolutions.
• Output: Hold down [MENU]/[ ] for 1 second to
output the position information where the
DDBearing Mode cursor is positioned, to the NMEA output
Select the displayed bearing type, regardless of the terminals.
bearing data format (NMEA, N+1, AUX, GPS, or GPS-L). • Symbol: Hold down [MENU]/[ ] for 1 second to
• True: Select the true North bearing. mark on the screen where the cursor is po-
• Magnetic: Select the magnetic North bearing. sitioned.
• Output & Symbol:
DDVariation Hold down [MENU]/[ ] for 1 second to
Selects the difference setting between true North and output the position information and mark on
magnetic North. the screen where the cursor is positioned.
• Auto: Automatically revises the magnetic variations.
Until an effective variation is received, use DDTransparency Menu
0° for difference between true North and Sets the transparency level of the Menu screen and
magnetic North. After an effective variation Brilliance/Color dialog box to between 0% (Nontrans-
is received, use the last data for the differ- parent) and 70% (Transparent).
ence. The MR-1210 memorize the data un-
til you turn OFF the power.
DDTransparency Info.
• Manual: Manually revises the magnetic variation.
Sets the transparency level of the Information box,
Use the manual setting for the difference
Own Ship information box, Cursor information box or
between true North and magnetic North.
Range/COG/Tune tag to between 0% (Nontranspar-
Set the Manual Variation in the next item.
ent) and 70% (Transparent).

DDManual Variation DDSTBY Mode

Manually sets the difference between true North and
Sets the display information in the Standby mode to
magnetic North. Selectable angles are 180.0°W (West)
Normal or AIS.
to 180°E (East).
This setting is used when “Variation” is set to “Manual.”
Displays the revision number of the firmware.

■■Initial menu
DDTX Inhibit
Selects whether or not to use the TX inhibit.

DDTX Inhibit Start

• 0 to 359°: Enters the start point of the TX inhibit

DDTX Inhibit Angle

• 1 to 90°: Enters the TX inhibit area.

DDTiming Adjust
Adjusts the sweep timing. (p. 54)

DDHeading Adjust
DDDistance Unit Adjusts the bow compensation between –180° and
Selects the distance unit from NM (nautical miles), km +180°. (p. 55)
(kilometers), or SM (miles).
DDAntenna Rotation Speed
DDSpeed Unit Sets the antenna rotation speed to Normal or Slow.
Selects the speed unit from kn (nautical miles), km/h (p. 54)
(kilometers), or mph (miles).

DDDate Display DDRange Ring

Selects the Date format from “YYYY/MM/DD,” “MM/ Selects the type of range rings from Ring1 (normal) or
DD/YYYY,” or “DD/MM/YYYY.” Ring 2 (fine). (p. 25)
(YYYY: Year, MM: Month, DD: Day)
DDLanguage Sets the effective ranges. (p. 56)
Selects the displayed language. (p. 53) q Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the selection mode.
w Push [p] or [q] to select a desired range.
DDBearing Input
e Push [t] to set the range OFF or push [u] to set
Sets the input source of the vessel’s bow information.
the range ON.
• NMEA: NMEA0183 bearing data format.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the settings.
• N+1: N+1 data format.
• AUX: Other format.
• GPS:  Reads NMEA0183 COG format data as DDSave Settings1
HDG format. (The course may not match DDSave Settings2
with other HDG format and include errors.) DDSave Settings3
• When a vessel’s speed is less than 2 knots, the The settings can be saved. (p. 57)
direction information is not displayed until the q Push [ENTER]/[ ].
sped increases to more than 3 knots. • The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
• GPS-L: 
Reads NMEA0183 COG format data as w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to save the settings.
HDG format. (The course may not match
with other HDG format and include errors.) DDLoad Settings1
•W  hen a vessel’s speed is less than 2 knots, the
direction information is fixed.
DDLoad Settings2
The display changes only when the vessel’s DDLoad Settings3
speed increases to more than 3 knots. The setting can be loaded. (p. 57)
• This is in addition to the GPS option to display q Push [ENTER]/[ ].
the cursor latitude and longitude when the ves- • The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
sel’s speed is less than 3 knots. w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to load the settings.
NOTE: If this item is set to “GPS” or “GPS-L,” COG
(Course Over the Ground) data is used as the bearing.
However, If the vessel’s speed is less than 3
knots, direction accuracy falls. Moreover, the po-
sition accuracy or the current actual course may
vary, and therefore display an incorrect direction.

■■ Initial menu (Continued) ■■AIS List menu

DDSetting Reset
Resets the settings in the Menu screen other than the
settings in the Initial menu. You can reset only in the
Standby mode. (p. 58)
q Push [ENTER]/[ ].
• The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to reset the settings.

DDFactory Reset
Resets the settings to the factory default. You can reset
only in the Standby mode. (p. 58)
q Push [ENTER]/[ ].
• The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to load the factory de- Displays AIS information.
fault. q Push [p] or [q] to select a desired AIS target.
w Push [ENTER]/[ ] to open the detail window.

e Push [p] or [q] to scroll the window.

r Push [CLEAR]/[ ] to close the window.

• When the AIS target is selected, set it to the “Select-

ed AIS target” or register it to “Favorite AIS Target1,
2, or 3.”
q Hold down [ENTER]/[ ] for 1 second to open the
Sub menu.

w Push [p] or [q] to select the option.

Select: Set to the Selected AIS Target.
Add Favorite1, 2, or 3: Register to the Favorite AIS.


■■AIS Own menu

• The display is automatically updated by new status.

• Push [ENTER]/[ ] to pause the display update. Push
again to restart.
Displays own AIS information. • Push [p] or [q] to scroll the window.
e Push [CLEAR]/[ ] to close the window.
■■Status menu
■■Scanner Monitor menu

Displays the status of the GPS, Heading and AIS in-

puts, alarm settings, and CPA/TCPA alarm settings. Displays the scanner status.
• The CPA/TCPA Alarm Set item indicates the number of
• When the status is fail, the title and value change to
dangerous targets in the total targets.
red color.

■■Port Monitor menu ■■Safety Message menu

Displays status of the input/output ports.

Displays the AIS messages.
q Push [p] or [q] to select a desired port.
➥ Push [p] or [q] to select a desired AIS message.
w Push [ENTER]/[ ] to open the detail window.
• The message is displayed to the right window.


■■Checking the installation

Before turning ON the power, be sure all the connec- DDChecklist
tions are complete. The checklist to the right may be q The four bolts securing the scanner unit must be
helpful for necessary confirmation. firmly tightened.
w Cabling must be securely attached to a mast or
CAUTION: Connect the scanner unit before turning mounting material, and must not interfere with the
ON the power. Otherwise the magnetron inside the rigging.
scanner unit might be damaged. e Be sure waterproofing procedures are completed
on the system cable.
r The power connections to the battery must be of the
correct polarity.
t Be sure that the plugs at the rear of the display unit
have been connected correctly and securely.
(See page 42 for details.)

■■Turning power ON/OFF Warm-up time is displayed

q Push [ ] to turn ON the power.

• The opening screen is displayed.
•T  he initial screen is displayed and the magnetron warm
up time is counted down on the screen.
• The magnetron inside the scanner unit warms up for 90
w When the countdown is completed, the Standby
screen is displayed.
e Push [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] to start scanning and
select the Plan Position Indicator (PPI) screen.
• Targets and heading markers are displayed.
• The screen is displayed approximately 2 seconds after
turning ON the power, when “Auto” is selected in the
“TUNE” item of the Video menu.
r Push [ ] to turn OFF the power.

At the first turning ON the radar or after executing

Factory Reset, the Initial Setting screen (p. 58) is dis- Standby indicator

played before the opening screen is displayed.


■■Basic operation
qqTurn ON the power.
wwPush [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] on the Standby screen GAIN
after the Warm-up is completed.
• See “Turning power ON/OFF” on page 15.
eePush [+]/[ ] one or more times to select the SEA TX
maximum display range. GAIN

rrRotate [GAIN]/[ ] to adjust the gain. SEA TX


• Clockwise rotation increases the gain.


•T he increased gain may increase screen noise.

• Adjust the gain to the point where the screen noise just
disappears. ENTER


ttPush [+]/[ ] or [–]/[ ] one or more times to


select the desired display range. BRILL



• The screen range readout shows the range of the screen.

yyRotate [SEA]/[ ] to set the sensitivity time ENTER CLEAR

control to minimum. TRAILS

uuRotate [RAIN]/[ ] to set the rain clutter con- MENU


trol to minimum. OFF CENT

iiPush [MODE]/[ ] to select either the Head-

up: H-UP, Stabilized head-up: SH-UP, Course-up:
C-UP, North-up: N-UP or True Motion: TM screen.
SH-UP, C-UP, N-UP or TM can be selected only
when bearing or position data is provided. NOTE: Manual adjustment can be used.
(See page 63 for details) (See below for the Manual Tuning details.)

CAUTION: When the SEA setting is set to too high,

close targets are blanked.

DDHeading marker DDManual tuning

The heading marker is a line that indicates your ves- The receiver tuning can be manually adjusted.
sel’s bow direction. (This marker will be displayed on
the center of the screen when the Head-up screen: (MENU > Video > Tune)
H-UP is selected.) You can hide the heading marker qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
when the desired target is located under the heading wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Video menu.
marker. eePush [p] or [q] to select the “TUNE” item.
• The selected item is highlighted.
Simultaneously hold down [BRILL]/[
➥  ] and rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
[ALM]/[ ] to hide the heading marker. mode.
ttPush [q] to select “Manual,” then push [ENTER]/
DDFixed range rings [ ].
The fixed range rings can be used for rough distance • “TUNE (MAN)” is displayed at the top of the screen.
measurements. (p. 25) yyPush [q] to select the “Manual TUNE” item.
The Brilliance of the fixed range rings can be adjusted • The selected item is highlighted.
or turned OFF. uuPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
• If the “TUNE” item is set to “Auto,” the option selection
(MENU > Color > Ring Brill)
mode cannot be entered.
qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
iiPush [t] or [u] set the tuning level indicator to the
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Color menu.
maximum level. (p. 10)
eePush [p] or [q] to select the “Ring Brill” item.
• The selected item is highlighted.
ooPush [ENTER]/[ ].
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
ttPush [p] or [q] to select a desired Ring Brilliance
1, 2, 3 or OFF.
yyPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting and exit
the option selection mode.
• Push [CLEAR]/[ ] to cancel the setting and exit the
mode, if desired. 16

■■Brilliance/Color adjustment
DDAdjusting the Display Brilliance DDSelecting the Display color
The intensity of the screen can be adjusted. When you Three display colors can be memorized and selected
require continuous operation, but not constant view- between the Day, Night, and User settings.
ing, a lower setting can increase the life of the LCD.
qqPush [BRILL]/[ ] to open the Brilliance/Color box.
qqPush [BRILL]/[ ] to open the Brilliance/Color box.

wwPush [q] two times to select the “Key” item.

wwPush [t] or [u] to adjust a desired display brilliance. eePush [t] or [u] to set to a desired display color.
• If the other item is selected, push [p] or [q] to select the • You can set the display color to the Day, Night, or User.
“Display” item. rrPush [CLEAR]/[ ] to close the box.
eePush [CLEAR]/[ ] to close the box. • The display automatically closes the box if you don’t
• The display automatically closes the box if you don’t push any keys for 5 seconds.
push any keys for 5 seconds.
• Customizing the Display color
➥➥Push [BRILL]/[ ] to increase or decrease the dis- qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
play brilliance. wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Color menu.
Hold down [BRILL]/[ ] for 1 second to select eePush [p] or [q] to select the “Day Color Setting,”
maximum brilliance. “Night Color Setting,” or “User Color Setting” item.
• The selected item is highlighted.
NOTE: High intensity will shorten the life of the LCD rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
display. mode.
ttPush [p] or [q] to a desired display color, then
push [ENTER]/[ ].
DDAdjusting the Key backlight
The backlighting of the keys can be adjusted for con-
venient operation.

qqPush [BRILL]/[ ] to open the Brilliance/Color box.

wwPush [q] one time to select the “Key” item.

eePush [t] or [u] to adjust a desired Key illumination.
rrPush [CLEAR]/[ ] to close the box.
• The display automatically closes the box if you don’t
push any keys for 5 seconds.


The following are typical basic operation examples that may hinder radar reception (sea clutter, precipitation in-
terference and echoes from other radar).

■■SEA function
 his function serves to eliminate echoes from waves at
close range. Reduce the receiver gain for close objects
within a radius of approximately 8 NM to eliminate sea

➥ Rotate the [SEA]/[ ] control fully clockwise

to activate the automatic control function.
• The SEA icon ( ) is displayed in the upper left corner
of the screen.
• “AUTO” is displayed below the SEA icon ( ) when the
automatic control function is active.

R WARNING! The [SEA]/[ ] control re- Echoes from sea waves Adjust SEA control
duces the receiver sensitivity of objects within ap-
proximately 8 NM. Therefore, caution and careful
adjustment are necessary when using the [SEA]/[
] control.
Small objects may not be displayed on the screen
when strong echoes from rain or islands within 1 NM
while the automatic SEA function is activated.

■■RAIN function
This function eliminates echoes from rain, snow, fog,
and so on.

➥ Rotate the [RAIN]/[ ] control fully counter-

clockwise to deactivate the control function.
• The RAIN icon ( ) disappears.

 OTE: DO NOT reduce the echoes too much, oth-

erwise you may miss weaker targets.

Small echoes Adjust RAIN control


■■OFF CENTER function

 he scanning area can be shifted in a desired direction
and can be partially enlarged. This is useful when the
Head-up screen is selected, and you want to enlarge
the bow direction display, or the center of the screen
shifts in the direction of the intersection.
• This function is selectable in 24 NM or shorter ranges.
• This function is not selectable in the TM screen.

q Push [MENU]/[ ] and [MODE]/[ ] simulta-

neously to shift the screen.
w Push [MENU]/[ ] and [MODE]/[ ] simulta-
neously again to return to the normal screen.
Normal screen With OFF CENTER ON
The OFF center mode setting can be changed in the
“OFF Center Mode” item of the System menu.
• 25%, 50%, 75%, and Cursor are selectable.

■■IR function
Radar interference may appear when another vessel’s (MENU > Video > IR)
radar is operating on the same frequency band in close
proximity. The Interference Rejection (IR) function can
eliminate this type of interference. (p. 10)

q Push [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

w Push [t] or [u] to select the Video menu.
e Push [p] or [q] to select the “IR” item.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
t Push [p] or [q] to select the IR function 1, 2, or
y Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
uuPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.
• “IR” is displayed in the upper right of the screen,
when the function is activated.
Radar interference With IR function ON

■■Echo Stretch function

The blips can be magnified electronically for easier (MENU > Video > Echo Stretch)
viewing of small targets.

q Push [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

w Push [t] or [u] to select the Video menu.
e Push [p] or [q] to select the “Echo Stretch” item.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
t Push [p] or [q] to select the Echo Stretch ON.
y Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
u Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.
• “ES” is displayed in the upper right of the screen, when
the function is activated.

NOTE: Turn OFF this function during normal operation. Normal screen With Echo Stretch ON


■■Zoom function
The Zoom function expands the target to two times
normal size.

q Push [p], [q], [t], or [u] to move the cursor to the

desired target.
w Push [EBL1(VRM1)]/[ ] and [EBL2(VRM2)]/
[ ] simultaneously to toggle between the
Zoom function ON and OFF.
• The ZOOM icon ( ) is displayed in the upper right of
the screen.

Normal screen With Zoom function ON

■■Long pulse function

To magnify the blips for easier viewing of small targets, (MENU > Video > Pulse Width)
the long pulse and echo stretch (p. 19) functions are
usable. When the long pulse is used in the 3⁄4 to 3 NM
range, this function magnifies target echoes behind
the target.

• Pulse selection
qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the Video menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Pulse Width” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select SP (Short Pulse) or LP
(Long Pulse).
• When “LP” is selected, “ ” is displayed in the upper left
of the screen.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

NOTE: Selecting SP (Short Pulse) increases the tar-

get distance resolution. (p. 41)


■■Trail function
The trail function memorizes echoes continuously or DDCustomizing the trail settings
at constant intervals. This is useful for watching other You can customize the trail settings in the Trail menu in
vessels’ tracks, approximate relative speed, and so on. the Menu screen.

DDUsing the Trail function qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
qqSimultaneously push [ENTER]/[ ] and [CLEAR]/ wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Trail menu.
[ ] to turn ON the Trail function. eePush [p] or [q] to select the item.
• The trail icon and trail interval are displayed in the upper rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
left of the screen. mode.
• Trail interval counter starts to count up to the trail time.
ttPush [p] or [q] to select the option.
w All echoes higher than the specified level at the plot-
yyPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
ted time are memorized and displayed with a gradu-
uuPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.
ated intensity together with the current echoes.
• Echoes are displayed with minimum intensity when “∞”
is selected.
(MENU > Trail > )
• Hold down [ENTER]/[ ] and [CLEAR]/[ ] for 1
second to erase the plotted echoes.
e Simultaneously push [ENTER]/[ ] and [CLEAR]/
[ ] to cancel the Trail function and erase the plot-
ted echoes.
• The trail icon and trail interval disappear.

Trail indicator
Trail interval counter

The selectable trail settings are as follows:

Refer to the “Menu screen” section for details on each
item or option. (p. 6)
Selects the reference of trails, True for real movement
over ground, and Relative for relative movement to
your vessel.

Selects the trail time from 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 min-
utes, 6 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or ∞.

Trail time Selects the level of trail from Low, Middle, or High.

Fine Trail:
The Fine trail function makes the trail thin. Selects the
thinness of trails from OFF (normal), 1 (Fine), or 2 (Ex-
tra fine).

Sets the trail color to Blue, Yellow, Green, Red, Or-
ange, or White.


■■Power save function

The power save function conserves the boat’s bat-
tery power by pausing the transmission. The standby
(pausing) times are selectable (rotation number is
fixed to 10).

For example, when 1 minute is selected, the scanner

rotates 10 revolutions; then stops for 1 minute, and
then repeats this sequence while the power save func-
tion is activated.

DDSetting the scanning standby time (MENU > System > Save Time)
qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the System menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Save Time” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select the standby time.
• 1, 6, 15, and 30 minutes are selectable.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDUsing the power save function

qqHold down [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] for 1 second to
turn ON the power save function.
• The save indicator is displayed in the upper right of the
wwAfter the scanning rotations are finished, transmis-
sion and rotation are suspended until the selected
standby time elapses.
• “SAVE” and standby time appear in the upper right of the
screen and the standby time is counted down.
eeAfter the selected standby time elapses, transmis-
sion and rotation restart.
rrPush [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] to cancel the power
save function.
• The save indicator turns OFF.
NOTE: When you use the Power save function to-
gether with the Alarm function, the LCD display is
Count down
turned OFF until an object enters the programmed
the standby
alarm zone, therefore, more power saving is possible.
(p. 29)

Scan and Standby modes alternate


■■Ship speed indication (MENU > Initial > Speed Unit)

When the ship speed data in NMEA 0183 format is ap-

plied, the radar can display the ship speed.

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to

select the Initial menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Speed Unit” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select the desired speed unit.
• knot (kn), kilometers/hour (km/h), or miles/hour (mph)
are selectable.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

■■Waypoint indication (MENU > Display > WPT Display)

When waypoint data received from navigation equip-

ment in NMEA 0183 format is applied, the radar can
display the waypoint. To display the waypoint marker,
bearing data and position data are necessary. (p. 63)

Waypoint marker
qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the Display menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “WPT Display” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to turn the setting ON or OFF.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDWaypoint information
qqPush [t], [u], [p], or [q] to move the “+” cursor on • Waypoint information box
the waypoint mark or line.
Position Identification
wwPush [ENTER]/[ ] to display the information.
• The target identification (ID), position (POSN), Time to
go (TTG), bearing (BRG), and distance (DIST) are dis-
• To close the information box, move the cursor to the
point where no dotted mark or line is displayed. Then
push [ENTER]/[ ].

Time To Go Bearing Distance

Information box:
Move the cursor on the title bar, then push [ENTER]/
[ ] to collapse or expand the information box.

■■Bearing setting (MENU > System > Bearing Mode)

The radar bearing interface accepts NMEA, N+1, AUX,

or COG data format and the bearing can use a mag- T: True north
netic or true north type. When a true north type bear- M: Magnetic north
ing is used, the variation from magnetic north can be
adjusted on 0.1˚ steps.

DDSetting the bearing type

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the System menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Bearing Mode” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select the Bearing mode.
• True and Magnetic north type are selectable.
•A ll displayed bearing readouts show the selected bear-
ing type.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDSetting the magnetic variation (MENU > System > Variation)

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the System menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Variation” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select the bearing variation.
• “Auto”* and “Manual” are selectable.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyWhen the “Manual” option is selected in step r,
push [q] to select the “Manual Variation,” then push
[ENTER]/[ ].
uuPush [p] or [q] to set the bearing variation.
iiPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
ooPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

• NMEA data is required for the Auto variation. NEV-
ER select “Auto” without NMEA data or incorrect
variation data may be entered.
• Until an effective variation is received, use 0° for
difference between true North and magnetic North.
After an effective variation is received, use the last
data for the difference. The MR-1210 memorize
the data until you turn OFF the power.


■■Distance measurement
Various way to measure the distance are provided with this radar.
• The distance unit, nautical miles (NM), kilometers (kn), or miles (SM) is selected in the Initial menu of the Menu screen (p. 12).
Displays fixed rings.
Fixed range rings Suitable for rough estimations from your own vessel to any target.
(RING) Selectable from two types of range rings.
Parallel index lines Displays six parallel index lines.
(PI) Suitable for rough estimations from your own vessel to any target.
Variable range marker 1 Displays a variable range marker and activated by [p] or [q] for the range marker selector.
(VRM1) Suitable for accurate measurements from your own vessel to a target.
Normally functions the same as VRM1. When the VRM1 and EBL1 selects a target, the center
Variable range marker 2 of VRM2 is displayed at the intersection point.
(VRM2) Suitable for accurate measurements from target to target.

DDSetting the Fixed range rings brilliance DDSelecting the range ring type
(MENU > Color > Ring Brill) (MENU > Initial > Range Ring)
qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the Color menu. select the Initial menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Ring Brill” item. wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Range Ring” item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
mode. mode.
rrPush [p] or [q] to select the desired brilliance (1 rrPush [p] or [q] to select the type of the fixed range
to 3) to turn ON the Ring function and display the rings Ring1 or Ring2.
fixed rings. • The ring range is fixed depending on the screen range.
• 1 to 3 and OFF are selectable. (See the tables below.)
•T he ring range is fixed depending on the screen range. ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
(See the tables below.) yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen. • Fixed rings in each screen range
 o clear the fixed rings, select “OFF” in step e
T Ring range Number Ring range Number
Range (NM) of rings Range (km) of rings
above. (NM) (km)
Ring1 Ring2 Ring1 Ring2 Ring1 Ring2 Ring1 Ring2
1⁄8 0.0625 2 1⁄4 0.125 2
1⁄4 0.125 2 1⁄2 0.125 0.25 4 2
Ring range 1⁄2 0.125 4 3⁄4 0.25 3
3⁄4 0.25 3 1 0.25 4
1 0.25 4 1.5 0.5 0.25 3 6
1.5 0.5 0.25 3 6 2 0.5 4
2 0.5 4 3 1 0.5 3 6
3 1 0.5 3 6 4 1 4
4 1 4 6 2 1 3 6
6 2 1 3 6 8 2 4
8 2 4 12 3 4
12 3 2 4 6 16 4 4
16 4 4 24 6 4
24 6 4 4 6 32 8 4
32 8 4 36 12 3
36 12 3 48 12 4
48*1 12 4 64*1 16 4
Fixed 64*1 16 4 72*1 18 4
range rings 72*2 18 4 96*2 24 4
*1 Available for MR-1210TII and MR-1210TIII only.
*2 Available for MR-1210TIII only.
NOTE: When the screen is shifted, the number of rings
may differ.


DDUsing the Parallel index lines DDUsing the variable range marker
qqSimultaneously hold down [EBL1(VRM1)]/ qqPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to display the
[ ] and [EBL2(VRM2)]/[ ] VRM1 and EBL1; then push [p] or [q] to set the
for 1 second to display the Parallel index lines. marker.
• The crossed lines are displayed. • The range between the vessel and the target is indicated
wwPush [p] or [q] to increase or decrease the range in the EBL/VRM1 readout
of lines, and [t] or [u] to rotate the lines. wwPush [ENTER]/[ ] to set the EBL/VRM1 setting.
• The direction of the parallel index lines and the range of eePush [EBL2 (VRM2)]/[ ] to display the
lines are displayed on the lower right of the screen. VRM2 and EBL2; then push [p] or [q] to set the
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to set lines. marker.
rrSimultaneously hold down [EBL1(VRM1)]/ • The range between the vessel and the target is
[ ] and [EBL2(VRM2)]/[ ] indicated in the EBL/VRM2 readout.
for 1 second to clear the parallel index lines. • When VRM1 and EBL1 are displayed, the cen-
ter of VRM2 appears at the intersection point of
VRM1 and EBL1.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to set the EBL/VRM2 setting.
ttPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to clear the
EBL1 and VRM1.
yyPush [EBL2 (VRM2)]/[ ] to clear the
EBL2 and VRM2.

Index lines

Index line


■■Bearing and Distance measurement

This radar has two Electronic Bearing Lines (EBL) to
indicate the target direction from your ship or a target.

DDUsing both the EBL and VRM EBL1

qqPush [p], [q], [t], or [u] to move the cursor onto
the desired target.
wwPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to display the
EBL1 and VRM1. VRM1
• Push [t] or [u] to rotate the Electronic Bearing Line.
• Push [p] or [q] to increase or decrease the Variable
Range Marker’s ring size.
• The EBL/VRM1 readout indicates the target bearing and
• The EBL readouts indicate the target bearing. EBL/VRM1
The indication may differ, depending on the setting in the readout
“Bearing Reference” item of the System menu (p. 12).
0 to 360°R: Relative direction, when “360°R” is se-
lected in the “Bearing Reference” item.
P/S 0 to 180°: Bow direction, when “PT/SB” is selected
in the “Bearing Reference” item.
0 to 360°T*: True or magnetic bearing, when selecting
“True” in the “Bearing Reference” item.
*Bearing data is required. (p. 63)
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to set the EBL/VRM1 setting.
rrPush [p], [q], [t], or [u] to move the cursor onto EBL1
the desired target.
ttHold down [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] for 1sec-
ond to move the EBL1 and VRM1 to the cursor.
 • Hold down [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] for 1second VRM1
again to move the EBL1 and VRM1 to the original place.
yyPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to clear the
• The cursor remains on the display. readout

■■Advanced measurements
Using both Electronic Bearing Lines (EBL) and both Variable Range Markers (VRM), the following advanced mea-
surements can be made.

DDMeasuring the distance and direction between two targets

qqPush [p], [q], [t], or [u] to move the cursor onto
the desired target.
wwPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to display the
EBL1 and VRM1.
• Push [t] or [u] to rotate the Electronic Bearing Line.
•P  ush [p] or [q] to increase or decrease the Variable
Range Marker ring size. VRM1
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to set the VRM/EBL1 setting.
rrPush [EBL2 (VRM2)]/[ ] to display the
EBL2 and VRM2. EBL2
• The intersection of the EBL1 and VRM1 becomes the
center of the EBL2 and VRM2. EBL1 VRM2
ttPush [p], [q], [t], or [u] to move the cursor onto
the other target.
• Push [t] or [u] to rotate the Electronic Bearing Line.
•P  ush [p] or [q] to increase or decrease the Variable
Range Marker ring size.
yyThe VRM2 readout displays the distance between
the two targets. The EBL2 readout displays the di-
rection from one target to the other.

DDMeasuring the relative speed and course of a target

qqSimultaneously push [ENTER]/[ ] and [CLEAR]/
[ ] to turn ON the Trail function, and then the trail
extends until it reaches to the preset trail time. (pp.
6, 21)
• The trail icon and trail interval are displayed in the upper
left of the screen.
wwPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to display the
EBL1 and VRM1, and then set the VRM1 and EBL1
to a previously plotted target.
• Push [t] or [u] to rotate the Electronic Bearing Line.
•P  ush [p] or [q] to increase or decrease the Variable
Range Marker ring size.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to set the VRM1/EBL1 setting.
rrPush [EBL2 (VRM2)]/[ ] to display the
EBL2 and VRM2, and then set the VRM2 and EBL2
to the current plotted position of the same target. EBL2
• The intersection of the EBL1 and VRM1 becomes the
center of the EBL2 and VRM2.
ttThe VRM2 is a measure of target movement that
can be converted into relative target speed. EBL1
• For example, when a 6 minute trail time is selected, mul- VRM2
tiplying the distance by ten gives the relative average
speed of the target.
• If your vessel is stationary during the plotting time, the
converted speed and direction become absolute.
• The converted speed unit is knots, kilometers or miles,
depending on the Distance Unit in the Initial menu.
yyThe EBL2 displays the course direction of the target.

DDMeasuring the distance and course from a waypoint

q Display a waypoint as described on page 23.
wwPush [EBL1 (VRM1)]/[ ] to display the
EBL1 and VRM1, and then set the VRM1 and EBL1
to the waypoint.
• Push [t] or [u] to rotate the Electronic Bearing Line.
•P  ush [p] or [q] to increase or decrease the Variable
Range Marker ring size.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to set the VRM1/EBL1 setting.
rrPush [EBL2 (VRM2)]/[ ] to display the VRM1
EBL2 and VRM2, and then set the VRM2 and EBL2 EBL2
to a target point.
(Example: Set to the next waypoint.)
• The intersection of the EBL1 and VRM1 becomes the VRM2
center of the EBL2 and VRM2.
ttThe VRM2 displays the distance to the target from EBL1
the first waypoint.
• The distance unit can be selected as nautical miles (NM),
kilometers (km) or Sea miles (SM) in the Initial menu.
yyThe EBL2 readout displays the direction to the tar-
get from the first waypoint.


The unit has an alarm function to protect your vessel from collisions. If other vessels, islands or other obstructions
come into the preset alarm zone, the function alerts you with an alarm. You can set the desired range and bearing
for up to two alarm zones. While the alarm function is activated, the power save function turns OFF the LCD screen
until an alarm is given, to conserve the power.

■■Setting Alarm zone

DDSetting and using the alarm function
q Push [+]/[ ] or [–]/[ ] to select a desired
wwPush [t], [u], [p], or [q] to set the cursor to the Alarm icon is
starting point of the alarm zone. displayed
eePush [ALM]/[ ] several times to turn ON the de-
sired functions, Alarm 1 or Alarm 2.
• “ ” and the preset alarm zone(s) is displayed. (Fig. 1)
eeHold down [ALM]/[ ] for 1 second to enter the
alarm zone setting.
• The starting zone is displayed on the screen. (Fig. 1)
rrPush [t] or [u] to adjust an angle and push [p] or
[q] to set the distance of the alarm zone.
• The selected alarm zone is displayed.
ttPush [ALM]/[ ] to set the alarm zone and acti-
vate the alarm function.
• “ ” is displayed on the upper right of the screen.
•T he selected alarm zone remains.
yyIf a target comes into or goes out of the alarm zone,
an alarm sounds. Fig. 1
• Push [CLEAR]/[ ] to stop the alarm, or push [ALM]/ Push [t], [u], [p] or [q], then Push
[ ] to cancel the alarm signal and function. [ALM]/[ ]
uuTo deactivate the alarm function, push [ALM]/
[ ] several times.
• “ ” and alarm zone disappear.
iiTo activate the alarm function again with the same
programmed zone, push [ALM]/[ ].
• “ ” and the preset alarm zone are displayed. (Fig. 2)

If “ ” is displayed, the alarm function is invalid. In

that case, push [+]/[ ] until the alarm icon re-
turns to “ .”

Fig. 2

DDEntering the power save mode

To activate the power save function, hold down
[TX (SAVE)]/[ ] for 1 second while the
Alarm function is ON.
•T he power save function is activated and the display
turns OFF.
• When a target comes into the alarm zone, an alarm
sounds, the display turns ON and the power save mode
is cancelled.


■■Setting Zone alarm type

A zone alarm sounds when the target comes into the (MENU > System > Zone Alarm1)
zone, or when the target goes out of the zone. (p. 11) (MENU > System > Zone Alarm2)

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to Target (other ship, and so on)
select the System menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “Zone Alarm1” or “Zone
Alarm2” item. Alarm zone
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
Alarm sounds when the target
rrPush [p] or [q] to select IN or OUT. comes into the zone.
• IN: Alarm sounds when the target comes into the
• OUT: Alarm sounds when the target goes out of the
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.


■■ATA (Automatic Tracking Aid)

By automatically tracking the target chosen with the cursor key, the closest point of approach (CPA) and the time
to closest point of approach (TCPA) limit of your vessel and a target are calculated.
ATA function is designed to sound an alarm when the CPA and TCPA fall below a set value (the approach watch
Only targets in the 0.25 to 16 NM range that are displayed with a high luminosity (strong return signal) can be
selected as ATA targets.
• A maximum of 10 targets can be plotted on the screen.
• Plot positions are identified by an approved symbol mark (p. 33) and associated plot number.
• The target and vector line will move across the screen at the rate and direction defined by the calculated true
or relative course and speed.
• The vector line is displayed on the target.

■■The ATA function ON or OFF (MENU > ATA > Function)

q Push [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

w Push [t] or [u] to select the ATA menu.
e Push [p] or [q] to select the “Function” item.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
t Push [p] or [q] to select “ON” or “OFF” to turn the
ATA function ON or OFF.
y Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
u Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

■■ATA settings (MENU > ATA >)

Set the menu items before using the ATA function.

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the ATA menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select an option.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDTrack DDNo. Display

The plot displays the target’s past positions as 5 dots, Selects the target identification number type that is
during each specified tracking interval. displayed at the right side of the mark.
You can specify the track interval in the “Track Interval” • OFF: Does not display any mark number.
item of the Target menu. • Select: Displays only the selected mark number.
• OFF: Turns OFF the Track display function. • All: Displays all mark numbers.
• ON: Turns ON the Track display function.


■■Related settings
DDTarget menu
You can change the target settings for ATA operation.
The settings of the Target menu are commonly used
for the ATA and AIS operations. See page 7 for the
Target menu details.

These are the Target menu items and their default set-
• Vector Mode: True
• Vector Time: 6 min
• Track Interval: 1 min *CPA/TCPA: Closest Point of Approach and Time to
• CPA* Limit: 1.0 NM Closest Point of Approach limits are set to give a
• TCPA* Limit: 1 min warning when a target or targets enter those limits
• CPA/TCPA Alarm: ON around your own vessel.

■■ATA operation
Select a target on the screen that you want to track.

 Turn ON the ATA function and set its settings. (p. 31)
qqPush [p], [q], [t] or [u] to move the “+” cursor onto • ATA information box
a desired target.
wwHold down [MODE•ACQ]/[ • ] for 1 sec- Vector mode Identification No. Speed
ond to set the target for tracking. Course Position
• A dotted circle symbol is displayed on the cursor.
•A  fter 20 seconds progressing time has passed, the dot-
ted vector is displayed on the target.
• After 1 minute progressing time has passed, it changes
to a solid circle with a dotted vector line, and tracking
operation starts.

➥➥When the target disappears, red crosses blink on Bearing Time to Closest Point of Approach
the target, and then the mark disappears after 1 Closest Point of Approach Distance
➥➥When a target advances within the CPA and TCPA
Information box:
limits, the mark changes its color to red, blinks, and
Move the cursor on the title bar, then push [ENTER]/
sounds an alarm. To cancel the alarm, push any
[ ] to collapse or expand the information box.
➥➥To cancel the target setting, move the cursor onto
the target, then hold down [CLEAR]/[ ] for 1 sec-
➥➥To select the target that displays information, set the
cursor to the target, and then push [ENTER]/[ ].
• The corners of a square are displayed on the selected
• The target identification number, position (POSN), course
(CRS), speed (SPD), CPA, TCPA, bearing (BRG), and
distance (DIST) are displayed.


■■ ATA operation (Continued)

DDAll Clear Target (MENU > ATA > All Clear Target)
Releases all of the ATA targets at the same time.

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to

select the ATA menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the “All Clear Target”
eePush [ENTER]/[ ].
• The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] again to release all ATA tar-
• The “All Clear Target” item is grayed out.
ttPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

■■Plotting marks
There are 5 kinds of plotting marks.
Mark Description
Selected, uncalculated mark.
Selected, calculated mark.
Normal, calculated mark.
CPA/TCPA alarm mark.
The target is close to within a minimum range and time.
• Alarm sounds and red colored mark blinks.
Push any key to cancel the alarm.
Indicates the tracking of a target disappears.
• Alarm sounds and red crosses blink.
Push any key to cancel the alarm.

■■Course and speed vector Target’s predicted

 he vector indicates the target’s predicted, true or rela-
tive course and speed.
• The vector time may change, depending on the setting in
the “Vector Time” item of the Target menu (p. 7).
• The tip of the vector shows the target’s predicted position Vector time
after the time selected in the “Vector Time” item of the Tar-
get menu (p. 7). Current position

■■Plots (ATA)
The plot displays the target’s past positions as 5 dots,
during each specified tracking interval.
• The target track interval may change, depending on the set-
ting in the “Track Interval” item of the Target menu (p. 7)

Going straight Turning right Decelerating Accelerating

■■AIS (Automatic Identification System)
AIS is an acronym for “Automatic Identification System.”
An AIS transponder is a short range data radio unit, used primarily for collision-risk management and navigation
safety. It automatically transmits and receives vessel information such as the vessel name, MMSI code, vessel
type, position data, speed, course, destination and more. Information is exchanged among the vessels and/or
base stations on the VHF maritime mobile band. The information helps to identify other nearby vessels or stations
by displaying the received data on the radar screen.

■■The AIS Display ON or OFF (MENU > AIS > Display)

q Push [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

w Push [t] or [u] to select the AIS menu.
e Push [p] or [q] to select the “Display” item.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
t Push [p] or [q] to select “ON” or “OFF” to turn the
AIS display ON or OFF.
y Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
u Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

■■AIS settings (MENU > AIS >)

Sets the menu items before using the AIS function.

qqPush [MENU]/[ ], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the AIS menu.
wwPush [p] or [q] to select the item.
eePush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
rrPush [p] or [q] to select an option.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDTrack DDAuto Activate

The plot displays the AIS target’s past positions as 5 The Auto Activate function automatically turns the
dots, during each specified tracking interval. sleeping AIS target into an activated target when the
You can set the track interval in the “Track Interval” AIS target is at the specified distance or angle.
item in the Target menu. You can specify the distance or angle in the next two
• OFF: Turns OFF the Track display function. items.
• ON: Turns ON the Track display function. • OFF: Turns OFF the Auto Activate function.
• ON: Turns ON the Auto Activate function.
DDName Display
Selects the AIS target display type. DDAuto Activate - Distance
• OFF: Does not display any name or number Sets the distance to automatically turn the sleeping
of the target. AIS target into an activated target.
• Select: Displays the vessel name of the se- • 0.1 to 10.0 NM: S
 elect the distance from your vessel.
lected target.
• Active: Displays all active target numbers.

■■ AIS Setting (Continued)

DDAuto Activate - Angle DDSafety Message
Sets the angle to automatically turn the sleeping AIS Sets whether or not to display the message when the
target into an activated target. safety message is received.
• 5 to 180°: S
 elects the angle from your vessel. • OFF: Turns OFF the Safety Message function.
• ON: Turns ON the Safety Message function.
DDNew Target Warning
Sets whether or not to alert when the Auto Activate DDFavorite AIS
function automatically turns the sleeping AIS target Sets whether or not to alert that the specified MMSI
into an activated target. target gets into the specified range from your vessel,
• OFF: Does not give a warning when the Auto Acti- or not.
vate function activates the target. • OFF: Turns OFF the Favorite AIS function.
• ON: Gives a warning when the Auto Activate func- • ON: Turns ON the Favorite AIS function.
tion activates the target.
DDFavorite AIS Range
DDNumber of AIS Sets the Favorite AIS display range to between 0.1
Selects the maximum number of AIS targets that can and 36.0 NM.
be displayed on the screen to between 10 and 100 in • 0.1 to 36.0 NM: Selects the range from your vessel in
1 target steps. 0.1 NM steps.

DDSlow Warn DDFavorite AIS Target1

The AIS unit calculated COG (Course Over Ground) DDFavorite AIS Target2
data of a vessel that is at anchor or drifting is unre- DDFavorite AIS Target3
liable, and therefore the CPA (Closest Point of Ap- Enters the MMSI number of favorite targets.
proach) and TCPA (Time to CPA) data may not be
correctly calculated. If a vessel is anchored in your
alarm zone, the unreliable data can cause the collision
alarm to sound many times, even if there is no real
danger. To prevent this, when the anchored vessel’s
SOG (Speed Over Ground) is less than this set value, ■■Related settings
the Slow Warn function assumes that vessel’s COG is
fixed towards your vessel and an alarm will sound. DDTarget menu
• OFF: Turns OFF the Slow Warn function. You can change the target settings for AIS operation.
• ON: Turns ON the Slow Warn function. The settings of the Target menu are commonly used
for the ATA and AIS operations. See page 7 for the
Target menu details.
DDSlow Warn Speed
• 0.1 to 5.0 kn: Selects the vessel’s speed in 0.1 kn
These are the Target menu items and their default set-
• Vector Mode: True
DDErase Lost Target • Vector Time: 6 min
Erases all of the Lost targets at the same time. • Track Interval: 1 min
When there is no lost target, this setting grays out. • CPA* Limit: 1.0 NM
q Push [ENTER]/[ ]. • TCPA* Limit: 1 min
• The dialog box “Sure?” is displayed.
• CPA/TCPA Alarm: ON
w Push [ENTER]/[ ] again to clear all of the Lost
targets on the screen.
*CPA/TCPA: Closest Point of Approach and Time to
Closest Point of Approach limits are set to give a
About “Lost Target”: A vessel is regarded as a “Lost
warning when a target or targets enter those limits
target” after a specified period of time has passed
around your own vessel.
since the vessel last transmitted data, as described on
page 9.
The “Lost target” icon disappears from the screen 6
minutes and 40 seconds after the vessel was regarded
as a “Lost target.”


■■Description of the AIS display

 AIS target
The AIS targets are displayed with the icons described AIS icon AIS target

Icon Description
The tip of the target triangle automatically points in
the direction it’s heading.

Base Station

Search and Rescue (SAR)

Aids to Navigation (AtoN)

Virtual Aids to Navigation (Virtual AtoN)

Search and Rescue Transponder (SART), MAN

OVERBOARD (MOB), or Emergency Position In-
dicate Radio Beacon (EPIRB)

 Selected AIS target

The corners of a square are displayed when a target is
selected. The information of the selected AIS target is
displayed in the AIS box.

 AIS icon
Displayed when a valid VDM sentence is input from Selected AIS target AIS information
the [NMEA1] (AIS) port.
If more than the specified AIS signals are received,
The indicator disappears if the AIS signal is not re-
“R AIS Data is Full” is displayed.
ceived for 6 minutes.
The number of AIS signals are specified in the “Num-
ber of AIS” item of the AIS menu.
 Your vessel icon
Your vessel icon is displayed in the center of the stand-
by screen when a valid VDM sentence is input from the
[NMEA1] (AIS) port.
• The icon is displayed when “AIS” is selected in the
“STBY Mode” item of the System menu (p. 12).


■■AIS operation
Select a target whose information you want to display
on the screen.

 Turn ON the AIS display and set its settings. (pp. 34, • AIS information box
35) MMSI number AIS classes/Target type Speed
qqPush [p], [q], [t] or [u] to move the “+” cursor onto Vector mode Vessel name Detail
a desired target.
wwPush [ENTER]/[ ] to select the target.
• The corners of a square is displayed on the selected
• The target information is displayed in the AIS information
- AIS Class, MMSI number, Vessel name, Course
(CRS), Speed (SPD), CPA, TCPA, bearing Bearing Time to Closest Point of Approach
(BRG), and distance (DIST) are displayed. Closest Point of Approach Distance
➥ If several targets are overlapped on the screen,
push [ENTER]/[ ] to sequentially select a target.
➥ When the sleeping target is selected, hold down Information box:
[ENTER]/[ ] for 1 second to manually change the Move the cursor on the title bar, then push [ENTER]/
selected target to activated. [ ] to collapse or expand the information box.
➥ When the activated target is selected, hold down
[CLEAR]/[ ] for 1 second to change the selected
target to sleeping.
➥ When the target disappears, red crosses blink on
the target, and then the mark disappears after 6
minutes and 40 seconds.
➥ When a target advances within the CPA and TCPA
limits, mark changes its color to red, blinks, and
sounds an alarm. To cancel the alarm, push any
➥ When the cursor onto the “ ” (detail) icon, push
[ENTER]/[ ] to open the Detail window.
• Push [p], [q] to scroll the window.
• Push [CLEAR]/[ ] to close the window.


■■Status of the vessel icon

There are 5 kinds of target vessel status.
Sleeping target:
The AIS signal has been updated (received),
but the distance from your vessel is far, or you
set it as ‘sleeping.’ The target is displayed as
just a triangle without a heading or vector line.

Activated target: • Activated target

The target is displayed with the heading line,
SOG (Speed Over Ground), COG (Course SOG (Speed Over Ground) and
Over Ground) vector and ROT (Rate of Turn). COG (Course Over Ground) vector
ROT (Rate of Turn)
Dangerous target:
Even if the target’s status is sleeping or acti- Heading line
vated, when it enters your CPA and TCPA limit
settings, the target is displayed with a thick line If there is no heading data, the line points
and changes its color to red. in the direction of the COG.

Selected target:
➥ When the sleeping target is selected, hold down
The target information is displayed in the AIS
[ENTER]/[ ] for 1 second to manually change
information box.
the selected target to activated.
➥ When the activated target is selected, hold down
Lost target*: [CLEAR]/[ ] for 1 second to change the select-
When the AIS signal has not been updated ed target to sleeping.
(received) for a specific time period, the target
triangle is marked with a red cross.
If the AIS signal has still not been updated (re-
ceived) for 6 minutes and 40 seconds, the tar-
get icon disappears.

*A vessel is regarded as a “Lost target” after a specified pe-

riod of time has passed since the vessel last transmitted
data. (p. 9)

■■Plots (AIS)
The plot displays the activated target, SAR, SART,
MOB, or EPIRB’s past positions as 5 dots, during each
specified tracking interval.
• The target track may change, depending on the setting in
the “Track Interval” item of the Target menu. (p. 7)

Going straight Turning right Decelerating Accelerating


Radar uses a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be reflected off a large vessel, bridge, or other metal ob-
jects that are in proximity. Because of this property, unwanted reflections off some objects may cause false echoes
to appear on the screen where in fact no actual targets exist. Operators should be familiar with the effect of this
phenomena. In some cases, echoes can be reduced.

■■Sidelobe echoes
Radiation can escape on each side of the beam inside Sidelobe echoes usually occur at short ranges and
the sidelobes. If a target reflects this radiation, it will be as a result of large (strongly reflective) targets. They
displayed on the screen as an echo. can be reduced with proper adjustment of the [SEA]/
[ ] control.
Main beam See page 18 for details of the [SEA]/[ ] control.


False echo

■■Indirect echoes
Indirect echoes may be returned from either a passing An indirect echo from a reflective surface will appear
vessel, or returned from a reflecting surface, such as a on a different bearing from the direct (true) echo, but
mast on your own vessel. the distance will be approximately the same for both.


True echo

Scanner False echo

Mast or
similar obstruction


Your ship
True echo


Indirect echo

An echo is reflected at this point.


■■Multiple echoes
Multiple echoes may appear when a short-range Multiple echoes will appear beyond the target’s true
and strong echo is received from a vessel, bridge, or echo point on the same bearing of a large target. They
breakwater. can be reduced with proper adjustment of the [SEA]/
[ ] control.
See page 18 for the [SEA]/[ ] control.

False echoes

Your vessel Another vessel True echo

■■Minimum range
Detection at short range is very important. Minimum The ability to see targets very close to the vessel is
range is determined primarily by transmitter pulse decreased if the scanner is mounted too high off the
length, vertical beam width and height of the scanner water, because the bottom of the vertical beam of the
unit. The shorter the transmission time, the quicker the scanner overshoots nearby targets.
return echoes can be received and their distance mea-

Vertical beam width

This target cannot be detected by radar.

Pulse length
Pulse starting point The target in this area cannot be detected.


■■Blind and Shadow sectors

Blind or Shadow sectors may exist because of obstruc- When tall and massive targets such as a large island
tions such as masts, derricks or other metal objects. are located at close range also shadowed without pro-
An obstruction may throw either a complete or partial ducing any echoes. This phenomenon is called blind
shadow as shown in the diagram below. If a target is sector. It is very important to know the bearings and
in a shadow sector, target echoes may not appear on widths of all shadow sectors caused by your own ves-
the screen. sel’s obstructions.
Shadow sector Blind sector

Mast or
obstruction Your vessel Large Small
island island

■■Target resolution
Target resolution is determined by the horizontal beam
width and transmit pulse width. Sometimes it is difficult
to detect two targets that are separated by short dis-
tances or that are in the same direction.

DDDistance resolution DDDirection resolution

When two targets are separated by more than the When two targets are separated by more than the
pulse width, they appear as two echoes. horizontal beam width, they appear as two echoes.

When two targets are not separated by more than When two targets are not separated by more than
the pulse width, they appear as 1 echo. the horizontal beam width, they appear as one
Target 1 echo.
Target 1

Target 1 Target 2 Target 1

Transmit Echoes Target 2


Target 2
Target 2

Target 1
Target 1,2

Transmit Echo Target 2


Target 1, 2
Target 1, 2

■■Connecting the units
Display unit

Power supply
10.2 to 42 V DC PWR
Red: + Black: _ Supplied Scanner unit

NEVER connect anything

other than the supplied
Scanner unit.

NOTE: Use the ter mi- GND

nals as shown below for
the cable connections. Ground
Crimp NMEA1: NMEA2:
AIS data input NMEA 0183 data input/output
Bearing data input

NMEA1 connection (Rear panel view) NMEA2 connection (Rear panel view)
q AIS input (+) u AIS input (–)
q NMEA 2 y NC
w NC y N+1 input (–)
or AUX input (–); CLOCK
output (+)
e NMEA 1 input (+) w NMEA 2 t NC
t N+1(+); data input
or AUX input (+); DATA or AUX input (+); CLOCK output (–)
r NMEA 1 input (–)
e NMEA 2 r NMEA 2 input (–)
or AUX input (–); DATA input (+)

NMEA 1/2 inputs/NMEA 2 output: 4800 bps, AIS input: IEC61162-2 38400 bps

■■Power source requirement

DDDC power source
The display unit is designed for connection to any
power source if the voltage is 10.2–42 V DC, so that
a 12, 24, or 32 V DC battery can be used without a DC input Ground
DC-DC converter, or any internal modifications.

• DC power cable connection (Rear panel view)

Connect the supplied DC power cable as shown in
the diagram. CAUTION: Incorrect cable connection will dam-
age the display unit.

■■Ground connection
To prevent electrical shocks and other problems, ground the display unit through the [GND] terminal. For best re-
sults, connect a heavy gauge wire or strap to the nearest grounding point on the boat. The distance between the
[GND] terminal and the ground point should be as short as possible.


■■Installing the display unit

DDLocation DDMounting
Select a place for installation that meets the following The mounting bracket supplied with the display unit al-
important conditions: lows “dashboard” or “overhead” mounting.

➥➥The display unit should be placed near the wheel q Hold the mounting bracket up to the selected lo-
in the cabin so that an operator may easily view the cation and mark pilot holes for the five installation
radar screen while facing the bow. holes using the template.
➥➥To minimize interference, KEEP the unit AT LEAST • The template is provided on page 64.
THE COMPASS SAFE DISTANCE stated in the se- w Drill five holes, 7 mm (0.28 in.) in diameter as shown
rial number label on the rear panel away from the in the diagram. (Fig. 1)
compass and navigation receiver. e Install the bracket using the knob bolts, bolts, nuts
➥➥Select a position where there is no danger of salt or or washers with the supplied accessories. (Fig. 2)
fresh water spray or immersion. r Adjust the display unit to an adequate view angle.
➥➥Select a location where it is easy to perform mainte-
nance or adjustment after installation.
➥➥Select a location that can support the weight of the
display unit.
➥➥DO NOT select areas subject to extreme heat, cold,
vibrations or direct sunlight.

• Display unit Mounting Bracket • Mounting Bracket installation

256 (10.08)
Bolt Knob bolt
199 (7.83)
99.8 (3.93)
31 (1.22)

62 (2.44)

92 (3.62)

Ø7 (0.28) Spring washer

Ø7 (0.28)×4 Flat washer

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Nut Flat washer
Spring washer

• Display unit • Front cover attachment

300 (11.81) 119.2 (4.69)
74 (2.91)
30 (1.18)
146.5 (5.77)

293 (11.54)

323 (12.72)


146.5 (5.77)


Front cover


DDWall Mounting
The display unit can be mounted to a flat surface, such
as an instrument panel, using the M6 mounting bolts.
The screw hole depth is 14.5 mm (0.57 inches).

qqRemove the four screw hole seals from the four cor-
ners of the display unit.
• The template is supplied with the display unit.
BE CAREFUL! NEVER use your finger nail to re-
move the seal. Otherwise, you may injure your
wwCarefully cut a hole in the instrument panel, or wher-
ever you plan to mount the display unit.
eeDrill four holes for the mounting screw.
rrSlide the display unit through the hole.
ttAttach the four corners of the display unit using the Screw hole seal
flat washers, spring washers, and M6 mounting

Spring washer

M6 mounting bolt

• M6 Mounting bolt

Screw hole depth: 14.5 (0.57) 275 (10.83)

M6 mounting bolt
240 (9.45)

230 (9.06)

Screw hole Flat 10 (0.39) 10 (0.39)

12 (0.47)
Instrument panel Spring washer
6 (0.24)

Select the mounting bolts of

the length that fits the thick-
ness of the instrument panel. 246 (9.69)
Screw hole
Instrument panel R10 (0.39)
Side view
ø7 (0.28)

Unit: mm (inch) Unit: mm (inch)


■■Mounting the EX-2714 scanner unit

DDLocation DDMounting
The scanner unit is designed for high-pressure water
jet resistance (except for the cable connectors). Select R WARNING! BE SURE [ ] is OFF whenever
a place for installation that meets the following impor- you are working with the scanner unit.
tant conditions.
➥➥The scanner unit must be near the boat’s center line qqDrill four holes, 12 mm (0.47 in) in diameter using
and have a good view in every direction. Be sure the template supplied with the display unit.
there are no objects in the surrounding area that will wwIf the mounting surface or platform is metal, apply a
interfere with the scanning beam. sealing compound around the holes to prevent cor-
➥➥K eep the scanner unit away from any exhaust pipes. rosion and water infusion.
Exhaust gas can damage the unit. eeAttach the scanner unit to the selected position with
➥➥When the boat is equipped with a Radio Directional the supplied bolts (M10×50 mm or M10×25 mm; de-
Finder (RDF) system, keep the scanner unit at least pending on your installation needs), flat and spring
2 m (6.6 ft) away from any RDF antenna. washers.
•Radiation from the scanner unit can affect the measure-
ment data of RDF equipment. CAUTION: SECURE the four bolts firmly.
➥➥The unit should be placed as high as possible on
the boat to obtain best performance with maximum
➥➥If you install two or more radar in one boat, install
one above, and the other(s) below.
➥➥The mounting surface must be parallel with the
boat’s waterline.
➥➥If the height is insufficient to install the scanner unit,
build a special frame for installation.

45.5 (1.79) 150.5 (5.93)

Ship’s bow direction Ship’s bow direction

256 (10.08)

90.5 (3.56) 90.5 (3.56)

601 (23.66)

640 (25.2)

Unit: mm (in.)


■■Wiring the EX-2714 system cable

CAUTION: NEVER cut the supplied system cable.
qqUsing a hex head wrench*, loosen the four bolts on yyConnect the power cable (black and red) to the pow-
the bottom of the scanner unit, and open the unit. er connector. (t)
* A Phillips head or flat head screwdriver is also usable. uuTighten the sealing nut, then replace the radome
wwLoosen the sealing nut on the scanner unit and pass cover over the scanner unit.
the system cable through the sealing nut and seal-  DO NOT stretch the system cable too much, other-
ing tube. (q) wise a miss contact of the connector may occur.
eeInsert the black and white PA cable connector into iiTighten the four bolts on the bottom of the scan-
the PA unit connector J1. (w) ner unit. (Use a torque wrench until the scale on the
rrConnect the shielded cable ground wire to the wrench reads 5.0 N•m; 3.69 lbf•ft.)
ground plate with the screw. (e) • The four projections around the circumference of the ra-
ttClamp the system cable with the ferrite EMI filter dome cover show the positions of the bolt receptacles.
attached near the sealing connector.
Be sure to clamp it tightly. (r)

• Scanner unit assembly (cover removed)

Face the  mark in the direction
of the ship’s bow.
Ship’s bow direction


System cable
Scanner unit assembly
• Connect the system cable
PA cable (Loop the PA cable twice)

Power cable

Shielded cable
ground wire

Sealing tube

t Sealing nut


System cable
Power Ferrite EMI filter
PA cable

■■Mounting the EX-2780 scanner unit

DDLocation DDMounting
The scanner unit is designed for high-pressure water
jet resistance (except for the cable connectors). Select R WARNING! BE SURE [ ] is OFF whenever
a place for installation that meets the following impor- you are working with the scanner unit.
tant conditions.
qqDrill four holes, 12 mm (0.47 in) in diameter using
➥➥The scanner unit must be near the boat’s center line the template supplied with the display unit.
and have a good view in every direction. Be sure wwIf the mounting surface or platform is metal, apply
there are no objects in the surrounding area that will sealing compound around the holes to prevent cor-
interfere with the scanning beam. rosion and water infusion.
➥➥Keep the scanner unit away from any exhaust pipes. eeAttach the scanner unit to the selected position with
Exhaust gas can damage the unit. the supplied bolts (M10×40 mm), flat and spring
➥➥When the boat is equipped with a Radio Directional washers.
Finder (RDF) system, keep the scanner unit at least
2 m (6.6 ft) away from any RDF antenna. CAUTION: SECURE the four bolts firmly.
• Radiation from the scanner unit can affect the measure-
ment data of RDF equipment.
➥➥The unit should be placed as high as possible on

395 (15.55)
the boat to obtain best performance with maximum
➥➥If you install two or more radar in one boat, install
one above, and the other(s) below.
Ship’s bow direction
➥➥The mounting surface must be parallel with the
boat’s waterline.
➥➥If the height is insufficient to install the scanner unit,
build a special frame for installation.
190 (7.48)
400 (15.75)

11 (0.43)
262 (10.31)

20.5 (0.81)
190 (7.48)

200 (7.87)

Ship’s bow direction

4 feet model: 1192 (46.93), 6.5 feet model:1979 (77.91)
116.5 (4.59)

370 (14.57)

248 (9.76)

302 (11.89)


■■Wiring the EX-2780 system cable

CAUTION: NEVER cut the supplied system cable.
qqLoosen the four bolts on the bottom of the scanner
unit body using the supplied allen wrench (q), and
open the top cover. (w)
wwL oosen the sealing nut on the scanner unit and pass
the system cable through the sealing nut and sealing
tube. (e) w
eeConnect the power cable (black and red) connec-
tor to the power unit connector through the looped
cable tie. (r)
rrInsert the PA cable (black and white) connector into
the PA unit connector. Be sure to follow the diagram
below carefully. (t)
• Secure the looped PA cable with the looped cable tie.
(y) Scanner body
ttConnect the shielded cable ground wire to the chas- q Allen wrench
Fig. 1
sis with the screw, as shown in the diagram. (u)
yyClamp the system cable with the cable clamp metal Cable clamp
fitting using a screw near the sealing connector. Sealing tube
Be sure to clamp it tightly.
uuClamp the system cable with the ferrite EMI filter at-
tached near the sealing connector. (o)
Be sure to clamp it tightly. i
Secure the ferrite EMI filter with cable tie.
iiTighten the sealing-nut, then close the top cover.
 DO NOT stretch the system cable too much, other-
wise a miss contact of the connector may occur.
ooTighten the four bolts on the bottom of the scanner
Sealing Nut
body. (Use a torque wrench to 9.8 N•m; 7.23 lbf•ft.) Ferrite EMI filter Cable tie
Fig. 2

Shielded cable
ground wire

Power cable
System cable
Fig. 3
cable tie

PA cable


■■Attaching the EX-2780 scanner unit

qqPut the scanner unit on the stay. NOTE: When using the optional system cable.
wwAttach the antenna rotor with the supplied bolts Peel back the outer sheath of the system cable when
(M8×18 mm), flat and Belleville washers and a seal- using the optional OPC-2340 system cable.
ing washer.
Be sure to install the Belleville washer in the direc-  E CAREFUL! DO NOT cut the inner shield wire when
tion shown below. peeling back the outer sheath.
18±2 410±5
(0.71±0.08) (16.14±0.2)
To the display To the scanner

Peel back the sheath

Unit: mm (inch)

Scanner unit


Sealing washer (T)

Flat washer (AW)
Flat washer (M8)

Belleville washer (8L)

(Install in this direction)

Bolt (M8×18 mm)


■■Installing the UX-234 Video output unit

When an optional UX-234 is installed, the MR-1210
can be connected to an external display or a PC moni-
tor with a D-sub 15-pin connector (DE-15). Cable hole seal
• The monitor resolution of 800 × 600 pixels or higher Screw
is required.

 ARNING! BE SURE to disconnect the power
cable from the display unit, when you are installing
the optional unit.

qqRemove the cable hole seal to the left of the display

unit’s serial number label. (Fig. 1)
BE CAREFUL! NEVER use your finger nail to re-
move the seal. Otherwise, you may injure your
wwRemove the 12 screws from the display unit’s rear
panel. (Fig. 1)
eeSlowly open the rear case and disconnect the four
connectors from the display’s main board. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1
CAUTION: DO NOT pull the cables when open-
ing the rear case. This could damage the cables
and/or display unit.
• One connector is lock type. Hold the release on connec-
tor head to disconnect the connector.
Sealing tube
rrPass the video output cable though the hole, then Washer
screw in and tighten the sealing tube. (Fig. 2)
ttConnect the video output cable connector to the
UX-234’s connector. (Fig. 3)

Sealing nut

Video output cable

Fig. 2


Video output cable

Fig. 3

☞☞Continued on the next page


■■ Installing the UX-234 Video output unit (Continued)

yyInstall the UX-234 on the display’s main board using
the four screws supplied with the UX-234. (Fig. 4)
• Before tightening the screws, be sure to connect the UX-
234’s connector to the display unit’s connector.
uuSecure the cable to the UX-234 with a cable tie. Video output cable
(Fig. 5)
iiClamp the cable with the ferrite EMI filter attached
near the UX-234. (Fig. 5)
Be sure to clamp it tightly. Connector
ooReconnect the four connectors to the display’s main UX-234
Replace the gasket, rear case, and screws their
original position. Connector
• Make sure the gasket is properly seated.
CAUTION: DO NOT pinch the cables when clos-
Fig. 4
ing the rear case. This could damage the cables.
!1 Adjust the video output cable length and then tight-
en the sealing nut. (Fig. 6) Cable tie Ferrite EMI filter


Fig. 5

Sealing nut

Video output cable

Fig. 6

■■TLL function (MENU > System > TLL Mode)

The TLL (Target Latitude and Longitude) function

marks the target on the display or outputs its data to
an external unit.

DDTLL setting
qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the System menu.
eePush [p] or [q] to select the “TLL Mode” item.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
ttPush [p] or [q] to select an option.
• “Output,” “Symbol,” and “Output & Symbol” are select-
yyPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
uuPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

TLL Mark
Select a target on the screen that you want to mark.

qqPush [p], [q], [t] or [u] to move the “+” cursor onto
a desired place.
wwHold down [MENU•TLL]/[ •TLL] for 1 second to
mark the point.
• When the “Output” or “Output & Symbol” is selected in
the “TLL Mode” of the System menu, outputs the posi-
tion information from the NMEA output terminal.
• When the “Symbol” or “Output & Symbol” option is se-
lected in the “TLL Mode” of the System menu, displays
the target mark.
eeRepeat steps q and w until you complete marking

➥ Hold down [CLEAR]/[ ] for 1 second to delete

the selected mark.

DDTLL mark information

qqPush [t], [u], [p], or [q] to move the “+” cursor on
to the mark. • TLL mark information box
wwPush [ENTER]/[ ] to display the information.
Bearing Identification No. Position
• The target identification number, position (POSN), bear-
ing (BRG), distance (DIST), Time to go (TTG), and day/
time (Day/Time) are displayed.
• To close the information box, move the cursor to the
point where no mark is displayed. Then push [ENTER]/
[ ].

Time To Go Day/Time Distance

Information box:
Move the cursor on the title bar, then push [ENTER]/
[ ] to collapse or expand the information box.

■■Select the language (MENU > Initial > Language)

q Push [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

w Push [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
e Push [p] or [q] to select the “Language” item.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
t Push [p] or [q] to select the display language,
“English” or the other*.
y Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
u Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

* The selectable languages differ, depending on the

display unit’s version.

■■Simulation screen
The MR-1210 has a simulation screen capability.
q While holding down [BRILL]/[ ], push [ ] to
turn ON the power.
• The opening screen is displayed.
w After the opening screen disappears, the standby
screen is displayed.
e Push [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] to display the simula-
tion screen.
On the simulation screen, “Simulation Mode” is dis-
r To return to normal operating mode, turn OFF the
power, then ON again.


■■Antenna rotation speed (MENU > Initial > Antenna Rotation Speed)

The antenna rotation speed can be selected between

Normal (36 rpm) and Slow (24 rpm) in the 1/2, 1/4 or
1/8 range.

q Push [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

w Push [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
e Push [p] or [q] to select the “Antenna Rotation
Speed” item.
r Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
t Push [p] or [q] to select “Normal” or “Slow” to tog-
gle the antenna rotation speed.
y Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
u Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

■■Timing adjustment (MENU > Initial > Timing Adjust)

The system cable length affects the sweep timing.

When the cable length adjustment is not correct, a
straight target is shown as a curved echo. Thus, a ca-
ble length adjustment is necessary.

qqPosition your boat near a straight target such as

breakwater, wharf, and so on.
wwPush [–]/[ ] one or more times to select 1⁄8 or
1⁄4 NM range.

eePush [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] to display the target

on the screen.
rrPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
ttPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
yyPush [p] or [q] to select the “Timing Adjust” item.
uuPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
iiPush [t] or [u] to adjust the echo until it becomes
straight. (See below.)
ooPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
!0 Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

Proper adjustment Improper, pulling inward Improper, pushing outward


■■Heading adjustment (MENU > Initial > Heading Adjust)

If the heading marker line differs from the exact bow

direction, correct the heading marker line as follows.
This function may be helpful when the scanner has not
been mounted exactly in the line with the bow.

qqLine up the bow of the boat with an identifiable tar-

wwPush [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] to display the target
on the screen.
eePush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
rrPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
ttPush [p] or [q] to select the “Heading Adjust”
yyPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
uuPush [p] or [q] to adjust the heading until the tar-
get matches the heading marker. (The difference
can be readout on the menu screen)
iiPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
ooPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

Angle difference

Push [p] or [q] to adjust the heading


■■Range selection
You can customize the selectable range. (MENU > Initial > Range)

qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.

wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
eePush [p] or [q] to select the “Range” item.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
ttPush [p] or [q] to select the range that you want to
change the setting.
yyPush [t] to set the range OFF, or push [u] to set
it ON.
uuRepeat steps t and y until you complete the range
iiPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
• Do not push [CLEAR]/[ ] that exists the range selec-
tion screen without saving the settings.
ooPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen. • Option selection mode

Selectable ranges: 1 ⁄8, 1⁄4, 1⁄2, 3⁄4, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,

12, 16, 24, 32, 36, 48*1, 64*2, 72*2
*1 48 NM range is selectable in the MR-1210TII and the
*2 64
 and 72 NM ranges are selectable in only the


■■Saving and loading settings

The MR-1210 can save three different settings for dif-
ferent operators or different situations, and immediate-
ly change from one to another.
The save or load settings are the settings of the items
in the Color, Trail, Display, Target, ATA, AIS, Video, and
System menus. (MENU > Initial > Save Setting1, 2, or 3)
• “Save settings” and “Load settings” are selectable only in
the Standby mode.

DDSaving settings
qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
eePush [p] or [q] to select either the “Save Settings1,”
“Save Settings2,” or “Save Settings3” item.
• The setting item displayed in bold face has already been
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
• The confirmation “Sure?” is displayed.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the settings.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDLoading settings
After the setting is saved, you can recall it.
(MENU > Initial > Load Setting1, 2, or 3)
qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
eePush [p] or [q] to select either the “Load Settings1,”
“Load Settings2,” or “Load Settings3” item that you
want to recall.
• The load item is grayed out when the settings have not
been saved.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
• The confirmation “Sure?” is displayed.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to save the settings.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.


The MR-1210 has two reset types. One is ‘Setting Re-
set’ and the other is ‘Factory Reset.’
‘Setting Reset’ resets all settings other than the set-
tings in the Initial menu.
‘Factory Reset’ resets all settings including the settings
in the Initial menu. (MENU > Initial > Setting Reset)
• Resetting is made on the Standby mode.

DDSetting Reset
qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
eePush [p] or [q] to select the “Setting Reset” item.
• The Reset items gray out if the TX mode is selected.
Push [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] in this case.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
• The confirmation “Sure?” is displayed.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to reset the settings.
yyPush [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.

DDFactory Reset (MENU > Initial > Factory Reset)

qqPush [MENU]/[ ] to enter the Menu screen.
wwPush [t] or [u] to select the Initial menu.
eePush [p] or [q] to select the “Factory Reset” item.
• The Reset items are grayed out if the TX mode is se-
lected. Push [TX (SAVE)]/[ ] in this case.
rrPush [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
• The confirmation “Sure?” is displayed.
ttPush [ENTER]/[ ] to reset the settings.
After resetting, the display unit automatically restarts
and displays the Initial screen.
yyPush [p] or [q] to select language.
• Selectable language differs, depending on the dis-
play unit’s version.
uuPush [ENTER]/[ ] to display the Standby


■■Error message list

Massage Condition
Check Scanner Connection*1 The system cable may not be properly connected.
The data from the Scanner unit can be received, but it is incorrect data.
Communication error (Scanner) This is possibly a bad cable or bad connection, or a malfunction from other
equipment noise.
If the Trigger signal is interrupted for more than 15 seconds while in the TX
Trigger Signal Fail*2
mode, an alarm sounds.
If the SHM signal is interrupted for more than 15 seconds while in the TX mode,
SHM Signal Fail*3
an alarm sounds.
The Azimuth signal is interrupted. An alarm sounds within 5 seconds and the
Heading Data is not available. *2
display reverts to H-UP mode in approximately 1 minute.
Position Data is not available. *2 If the position signal is interrupted for more than 15 seconds, an alarm sounds.
*1 Turn OFF the power, then check the system cable connections.
*2 Push
 any key to cancel the error message and beep tone. Turn OFF the power, then check the external data
cable connection.
*3 An electricity failure may occur. Turn OFF the power, then consult your dealer or service person.

■■AIS error message list

An error message is displayed when a system error is received from the AIS unit.
See the AIS unit instructions for details.

(Some examples)
Message contents

Only the first 29 digits of the error message are displayed. If the message is longer than 30 digits, “...” is displayed
after the 29th digit.

Continued, reliable operation of the radar depends on how you care for it. The simple maintenance tips that follow
can help you save time and money, and avoid premature equipment failure.

■■Periodic maintenance
qqKeep the equipment as clean as possible.
 ARNING! BE SURE [ ] is OFF before • Use a soft cloth to remove dirt, dust and water.
performing any maintenance. wwCheck all hardware for loose screws, bolts, and so on.
eeCheck cables and terminal connections.

■■Scanner unit maintenance

 ARNING! BE SURE [ ] is OFF whenever qqWipe the surface of the scanner with a clean soft
you are working with the scanner unit. cloth.
• DO NOT use harsh solvents such as benzine or alco-
wwCheck that there is no dirt or caked-on salt.
• A heavy deposit of dirt or caked-on salt on the painted
surface of the upper scanner unit will cause a consider-
able drop in radar performance.
eeCheck for cracks or deterioration of the rubber pack-
ing and replace it if necessary.

Check the mounting bolts of the scanner unit and
tighten if necessary.

■■Display unit maintenance

 ARNING! BE SURE the power is OFF be- Dirt on the LCD will, in time, leave a film of contami-
fore working on the radar. nates that tend to dim the picture.

qqWipe the surface of the display unit with a clean soft

• DO NOT use harsh solvents such as benzine or alco-
wwIf the picture is still dim, clean the LCD screen.


• Minimum range: 25 m; 82 ft (when measurement range is 1⁄8 NM)
• Maximum range: 36 NM (MR-1210RII; when measurement range is 36 NM)
48 NM (MR-1210TII; when measurement range is 48 NM)
72 NM (MR-1210TIII; when measurement range is 72 NM)
• Measurement range: 1⁄8, 1⁄4, 1⁄2, 3⁄4, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 36, 48*1,
64*2, 72*2 (NM) *1only MR-1210TII/TIII, *2MR-1210TIII
• Preheat time: 90 seconds
• Connection length between display and scanner unit: 15 m; 49.2 ft (MR-1210RII),
20 m; 65.6 ft (MR-1210TII/TIII, optional for MR-1210RII),
30 m; 98.4 ft (optional)

■■Display unit
• LCD display: 12.1-inch TFT Color LCD display
• Pixels: 600×800 dot
• LCD mounting: Vertical
• Input: NMEA 0183 format (for navigation receiver),
N+1 format (fluxgate compass sensor),
IEC61162-2 format (for AIS unit)
• Output: NMEA 0183 format
• Power supply requirement: 10.2 to 42 V DC
• Power consumption (at zero wind velocity): Approximately 60 W (MR-1210RII)
Approximately 70 W (MR-1210TII #11,12)
Approximately 80 W (MR-1210TII #16,17, MR-1210TIII #21, 22)
Approximately 90 W (MR-1210TIII #31, 32)
• Usable temperature range: –15˚C to +55˚C; +5˚F to 131˚F
• Dimensions (Mounting bracket is included): 300 (W)×323 (H)×119.2 (D) mm,
(Projections are not included) 11.8 (W)×12.7 (H)×4.7 (D) in
• Weight (Mounting bracket is included): Approximately 4.6 kg; 10.1 lb

■■Scanner unit
DDEX-2714 (Radome)
• Type: 60 cm (2 ft.) Slotted Waveguide Array,
enclosed in a radome.
• Rotation speed (typical): 24 rpm, 36 rpm
• Beam width (typical): Horizontal beam 4˚
Vertical beam 22˚
• Side lobe (typical): –22 dB
• Polarization: Horizontal
• Transmission frequency: 9410 MHz ±30 MHz P0N
• Peak output power: 4 kW
• Pulse width: 80 ns/2160 Hz, 80 ns/1440 Hz, 250 ns/1440 Hz,
350 ns/1440 Hz, 900 ns/720 Hz
• Mixer and Local Oscillator: Microwave Integrated Circuit
• Transmitting Tube: Magnetron MAF1421B
• Modulator: FET switching
• Duplexer: Circulator
• Tuning system: Automatic/manual selectable
• Intermediate frequency: 60 MHz
• IF Band width: 10 MHz, 3 MHz
• Dimensions: 640 (W)×256 (H)×640 (D) mm,
25.2 (W)×10.1 (H)×25.2 (D) in
• Usable temperature range: ­–25˚C to +70˚C; –13˚F to 158˚F
• Relative Humidity: Less than 95% at 40˚C (+104˚F)
• Weight: Approximately 8 kg; 17.5 lb (without cable)

DDEX-2780 (Open array)

 4 feet model
• Type: 120 cm (4 ft.) Slotted Waveguide Array
• Rotation speed (typical): 22 rpm (MR-1210TIII only), 24 rpm, 36 rpm
• Beam width (typical: Horizontal beam 2˚
Vertical beam 23˚
• Side lobe (typical): –24 dB
• Polarization: Horizontal
• Transmission frequency: 9410 MHz ±30 MHz P0N
• Peak output power: 4 kW (MR-1210TII), 6 kW (MR-1210TIII)
• Pulse width: 80 ns/2160 Hz, 80 ns/1440 Hz, 250 ns/1440 Hz,
350 ns/1440 Hz, 900 ns/720 Hz, 900 ns/660 Hz*
*only MR-1210TIII
• Mixer and Local Oscillator: Microwave Integrated Circuit
• Transmitting Tube: Magnetron MAF1421B (MR-1210TII)
MAF1422B (MR-1210TIII)
• Modulator: FET switching
• Duplexer: Circulator
• Tuning system: Automatic/manual selectable
• Intermediate frequency: 60 MHz
• IF Band width: 10 MHz, 3 MHz
• Diameter of rotation/height: 1217/395 mm; 48/16 in
• Usable temperature range: ­–25˚C to +70˚C; –13˚F to 158˚F
• Relative Humidity: Less than 95% at 40˚C (+104˚F)
• Weight: Approximately 18 kg; 39.7 lb (without cable)

 6.5 feet model

• Type: 200 cm (6.5 ft.) Slotted Waveguide Array
• Rotation speed (typical): 22 rpm (MR-1210TIII only), 24 rpm, 36 rpm
• Beam width (typical: Horizontal beam 1.2˚
Vertical beam 23˚
• Side lobe (typical): –27 dB
• Polarization: Horizontal
• Transmission frequency: 9410 MHz ±30 MHz P0N
• Peak output power: 4 kW (MR-1210TII), 6 kW (MR-1210TIII)
• Pulse width: 80 ns/2160 Hz, 80 ns/1440 Hz, 250 ns/1440 Hz,
350 ns/1440 Hz, 900 ns/720 Hz, 900 ns/660 Hz*
*only MR-1210TIII
• Mixer and Local Oscillator: Microwave Integrated Circuit
• Transmitting Tube: Magnetron MAF1421B (MR-1210TII)
MAF1422B (MR-1210TIII)
• Modulator: FET switching
• Duplexer: Circulator
• Tuning system: Automatic/manual selectable
• Intermediate frequency: 60 MHz
• IF Band width: 10 MHz, 3 MHz
• Diameter of rotation/height: 1995/395 mm; 79/16 in
• Usable temperature range: ­–25˚C to +70˚C; –13˚F to 158˚F
• Relative Humidity: Less than 95% at 40˚C (+104˚F)
• Weight: Approximately 20 kg; 44.1 lb (without cable)

• OPC-2339 SYSTEM CABLE (for only MR-1210RII) • UX-234 VIDEO OUTPUT UNIT
Allows you to install the display unit and scanner up Allows you to connect an external display or a PC
to 20 m (65.6 ft) apart. monitor with a D-sub 15-pin connector (DE-15).
Allows you to install the display unit and scanner up
to 30 m (98.4 ft) apart.

All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. 62


The following external bearing, speed, position and waypoint data is (are) required, when you use the radar func-
[NMEA1]*1 connector [NMEA2]*1 connector
“THS,” “HDG,” “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” “GNS,”
“HDM,” “HDT” “VTG,” “WPL,” “BWC,” “BWR”
N+1, AUX
HEAD UP H-UP — — — — — — —
STABILIZED HEAD UP SH-UP Required — — — — — —
COURSE UP C-UP Required — — — — — —
NORTH UP N-UP Required — — — — — —
TRUE MOTION TM Required — — — “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” or “GNS” — —
SPEED DISPLAY SOG — — — “RMC” or “VTG” — — —
HEADING BEARING HDG Required — — — — — —
WAYPOINT WPT Required — — — “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” or “GNS” “BWC,” or —
OWN VECTOR — Required — — “RMC” or “VTG” — — —
ATA ATA Required — — “RMC” or “VTG” — — —
— — — — “RMC” or “VTG” — — —
Estimated Time of Arrival
— — “HDG” — — — — “RMC”
(AUTO) *4
TLL — Required — — — “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” or “GNS” — —
AIS (Display only) AIS Required — “VDM” — “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” or “GNS” — —
AIS (CPA/TCPA Alarm) AIS Required — “VDM” “RMC” or “VTG” “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” or “GNS” — —
AIS (OWN) MENU — — “VDO” — — — —
Alarm status*3 — — — “ALR” — — — —


— [NMEA2]*1 connector
— — — “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” “VTG,” “TTM,” “TLL,” “RSD,” “OSD”

*1 [NMEA1] and [NMEA2] connectors: See page 28.

*2 AIS input also receives “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” “VTG,” and “GNS” sentences.
If the NMEA2 input does not receive these, the sentences from the AIS input are used.
*3 The system error is displayed from the AIS unit.
*4 Either an “HDG” to [NMEA1] connector or an “RMC” to [NMEA2] connector is required.
• “THS,” “HDG,” “HDM,” “HDT,” “RMC,” “GGA,” “GLL,” “GNS,” “VTG,” “WPL,” “BWC,” “BWR,” “TTM,” “TLL,” “RSD,” and
“OSD” are sentences of NMEA0183.
• If the “Bearing Input” item in the Initial menu is set to “GPS” or “GPS-L,” “RMC” of [NMEA2] connector or COG
(Course Over the Ground) of “VTG” a bow it receives as a direction, even if there is no direction information (com-
pass etc.) in [NMEA1] connector, the screen display of the North rise etc. is possible.
However, direction accuracy falls when the speed of a vessel is set to 2 knots or less, or when exceeding 3 knots
a bow it does not receive as direction data. Moreover, the influence of measurement position accuracy or a cur-
rent an actual bow it may differ from a direction.

Display mounting bracket template

256 mm (10 3/32 inch)

199.6 mm (7 27/32 inch)

99.8 mm (3 15/16 inch)

7 mm (d)
(1/4 inch (d))
31 mm
(1 7/32 inch)
92 mm (3 5/8 inch)
62 mm (2 7/16 inch)

7 mm (d)
(1/4 inch (d))

With regards to the software components utilized in the MR-1210

The software utilized in the MR-1210 consists of two or more independent software components; one part is copy-
righted by Icom Inc., and the other is of a third party, or parties.

Regarding the open source code based on GPL, LGPL and/or any other licenses

The software components licensed based on the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the GNU Lesser General
Public License (LGPL) and/or any other licenses for which the third party provided is included in the MR-1210.
Those certain software components, and their source code if any, are distributed on an “as is” basis and follow
the GPL or LGPL and/or any other licenses guidelines regarding modification and reproduction by the purchaser
of the MR-1210.

Certain source code may be obtained by accessing the following URL address.


To receive the source code, please send your inquire to the Icom Support Center.
There will be a nominal charge for shipping and handling.
Icom Support Center
1-6-19 Kamikuratsukuri, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0004, Japan

The user acknowledges and agrees that Icom Inc. shall not be responsible for any support, details, or explanation
of the source code.

The MR-1210 equipment purchased is covered under Icom Inc.’s standard product guarantee.

However, as to the software components or any source code covered under any GPL or LGPL and/or any other
licenses, the end user acknowledges and agrees that there is no guarantee by Icom Inc., the copyright holder, or
any third party or parties.

With regards to the use of the source code

The copyright belongs to the copyright holder described in the source code, even though this software distributes
the copyright free of charge as an open source software.

Icom Inc. and any third party or parties shall not bare responsibility or be held liable for non-operation, warranty li-
ability, including the operating performance of this software, or guarantee or be held liable for any other matters.
In addition, Icom Inc. and the third party shall not be held liable for any guarantee regarding the salability of this
software or the adaptability for any specific purpose of the purchaser/user.


■■ About "e2fsprogs" scribed by RFCs (Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files (zlib format), rfc1951 (deflate for-
This package, the EXT2 filesystem utilities, are made available un- mat) and rfc1952 (gzip format).
der the GNU Public License version 2, with the exception of the lib/
ext2fs and lib/e2p libraries, which are made available under the All functions of the compression library are documented in the
GNU Library General Public License Version 2, the lib/uuid library file zlib.h (volunteer to write man pages welcome, contact zlib@
which is made available under a BSD-style license and the lib/et A usage example of the library is given in the file test/
and lib/ss libraries which are made available under an MIT-style example.c which also tests that the library is working correctly. An-
license. Please see lib/uuid/COPYING for more details for the li- other example is given in the file test/minigzip.c. The compression
cense for the files comprising the libuuid library, and the source file library itself is composed of all source files in the root directory.
headers of the libet and libss libraries for more information. To compile all files and run the test program, follow the instructions
The most recent officially distributed version can be found at http:// given at the top of In short "./configure; make test", and If you need to make a distribution, if that goes well, "make install" should work for most flavors of Unix.
that's the one you should use. If there is some reason why you'd For Windows, use one of the special makefiles in win32/ or contrib/
like a more recent version that is still in ALPHA testing (i.e., either vstudio/. For VMS, use
using the "WIP" test distributions or one from the hg or git reposi- Questions about zlib should be sent to <[email protected]>, or to
tory from the development branch, please contact me (tytso@mit. Gilles Vollant <[email protected]> for the Windows DLL ver-
edu) before you ship. The release schedules for this package are sion. The zlib home page is Before reporting a
flexible, if you give me enough lead time. problem, please check this site to verify that you have the latest
version of zlib; otherwise get the latest version and check whether
■■ About "busybox"
the problem still exists or not.
BusyBox is distributed under version 2 of the General Public Li- PLEASE read the zlib FAQ before ask-
cense (included in its entirety, below). Version 2 is the only version ing for help.
of this license which this version of BusyBox (or modified versions
derived from this one) may be distributed under. Mark Nelson <[email protected]> wrote an article about zlib for the
Jan. 1997 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal; a copy of the article is avail-
■■ About "attr" able at
Most components of the "attr" package are licensed under The changes made in version 1.2.7 are documented in the file
Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License (see COPY-
ING.LGPL). Unsupported third party contributions are provided in directory
Some components (as annotated in the source) are licensed under
Version 2 of the GNU General Public License (see below), zlib is available in Java using the package, document-
ed at
■■ About "util-linux" ming/compression/.
The project util-linux doesn't use the same license for all of the A Perl interface to zlib written by Paul Marquess <pmqs@cpan.
code. org> is available at CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)
sites, including
There is code under: Zlib/.
* GPLv3+ (GNU General Public License version 3, or any later A Python interface to zlib written by A.M. Kuchling <amk@amk.
version) ca> is available in Python 1.5 and later versions, see http://docs.
* GPLv2+ (GNU General Public License version 2, or any later
version) zlib is built into tcl:
* GPLv2 (GNU General Public License version 2) An experimental package to read and write files in .zip format, writ-
* LGPLv2+ (GNU Lesser General Public License v2 (or 2.1) or ten on top of zlib by Gilles Vollant <[email protected]>, is avail-
any later version) able in the contrib/minizip directory of zlib.
* BSD with advertising Notes for some targets:
* Public Domain - For Windows DLL versions, please see win32/DLL_FAQ.txt
Please, check the source code for more details. A license is usually - For 64-bit Irix, deflate.c must be compiled without any optimiza-
at the start of each source file. tion. With -O, one libpng test fails. The test works in 32 bit mode
(with the -n32 compiler flag). The compiler bug has been reported
The /COPYING file (GPLv2+) is the default license for code without to SGI.
an explicitly defined license.
- zlib doesn't work with gcc 2.6.3 on a DEC 3000/300LX under
■■ About "imx-lib" OSF/1 2.1 it works when compiled with cc.
Copyright 2005-2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. - On Digital Unix 4.0D (formely OSF/1) on AlphaServer, the cc op-
tion -std1 is necessary to get gzprintf working correctly. This is
The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU Lesser Gen- done by configure.
eral Public License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU Lesser
General Public License Version 2.1 or later at the following loca- - zlib doesn't work on HP-UX 9.05 with some versions of /bin/cc. It
tions: works with other compilers. Use "make test" to check your com-
- gzdopen is not supported on RISCOS or BEOS.
- For PalmOs, see
@defgroup IPU MXC Image Processing Unit (IPU) Driver
@file arch-mxc/ipu.h
The deflate format used by zlib was defined by Phil Katz. The deflate
@brief This file contains the IPU driver API declarations. and zlib specifications were written by L. Peter Deutsch. Thanks to
@ingroup IPU all the people who reported problems and suggested various im-
provements in zlib; they are too numerous to cite here.
■■ About "zlib" Copyright notice:
ZLIB DATA COMPRESSION LIBRARY (C) 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
zlib 1.2.7 is a general purpose data compression library. All the This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
code is thread safe. The data format used by the zlib library is de- warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any dam-
II ages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: are met:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copy-
documentation would be appreciated but is not required. right notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
must not be misrepresented as being the original software. distribution.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
distribution. products derived from this software without specific prior written
Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler permission.
[email protected] [email protected] THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND
If you use the zlib library in a product, we would appreciate *not* ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT
receiving lengthy legal documents to sign. The sources are pro- NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT-
vided for free but without warranty of any kind. The library has been ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE
entirely written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler; it does not in- DISCLAIMED.
If you redistribute modified sources, we would appreciate that you RECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR
include in the file ChangeLog history information documenting your CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
changes. Please read the FAQ for more information on the distribu- TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;
tion of modified source versions. LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUP-
Copyright (C) 2005, 2011 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED
Written by David Howells ([email protected]) OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ■■ About "libusb"
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the libusb is covered by the LGPL:
License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
■■ About "libcap"
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
Unless otherwise *explicitly* stated, the following text describes License, or (at your option) any later version.
the licensed conditions under which the contents of this libcap re- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH-
lease may be used and distributed: OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of libcap, with CHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
or without modification, are permitted provided that the following See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
conditions are met: You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Pub-
1. Redistributions of source code must retain any existing copyright lic License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
notice, and this entire permission notice in its entirety, including Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-
the disclaimer of warranties. 1307, USA.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce all prior and cur- Alternatively, the files and/or usb.h may be licensed under
rent copyright notices, this list of conditions, and the following the BSD license:
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Johannes Erdfelt <johannes@erdfelt.
with the distribution. com> All rights reserved.
3. The name of any author may not be used to endorse or promote Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
products derived from this software without their specific prior modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
written permission. are met:
ALTERNATIVELY, this product may be distributed under the terms 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
of the GNU General Public License (v2.0 - see below), in which notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
case the provisions of the GNU GPL are required INSTEAD OF
the above restrictions. (This clause is necessary due to a potential 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copy-
conflict between the GNU GPL and the restrictions contained in a right notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
BSD-style copyright.) in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- products derived from this software without specific prior written
Copyright 2000-2003 Niels Provos <[email protected]> All WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED

■■ About "iana-etc" ■■ About "firmware-imx & gpu-viv-bin-mx6q"

ABOUT This is a legal agreement between you, as an authorized represen-
The iana-etc package installs services(5) and protocols(5) using tative of your employer (together "you"), and Freescale Semicon-
data from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority <http://www. ductor, Inc. ("Freescale") and its Affiliates. It concerns your rights>. In future, other such files may be added. to use this software and any accompanying written documentation
(the "Licensed Software"). In consideration for Freescale allowing
Included are snapshots of the data from the IANA, scripts to you to access the Licensed Software, you are agreeing to be bound
transform that data into the needed formats, and scripts to fetch by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms
the latest data. of this Agreement, do not download the Licensed Software. If at any
Maintainer: Seth W. Klein <[email protected]> point you no longer agree to all the terms of this Agreement, stop us-
ing the Licensed Software immediately and delete all copies of the
Home Page: Licensed Software in your possession or control. Any copies of the
Bug reports and patches are welcome. Licensed Software that you have already distributed, where permit-
ted, and that have not been destroyed, will continue to be governed
by this Agreement. Your prior use of the Licensed Software will also
Please report any additional port aliases that you need. The continue to be governed by this Agreement.
port-aliases file contains the current list. To minimize cruft, it in-
cludes only aliases for which there has been reported need. Section 1. Definitions
If you need an alias that isn't included, you may see the error: 1.1 "Affiliate" means, any corporation, or entity directly or indi-
rectly controlled by, controlling, or under common control
getaddrinfo: Servname not supported for ai_socktype with Freescale.
Some useful things for finding out what alias is needed: 1.2 "Authorized Employees" means your employees or contrac-
* strace from <> tors working at your premises on your behalf under a work
* grep -r 'getaddrinfo' in the appropriate source tree for hire agreement.
The various RFCs and such usually list the number for an alias 1.3 "
Authorized System" means the hardware system(s) or
but it may be faster to just check the FreeBSD services file at software program(s) marketed by you which contains an
<>. i.MX processor and for which the Licensed Software will be
Bug reports and patches are welcome at the maintainer address adapted by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement and with
listed above. which the Licensed Software will be integrated.
DEPENDENCIES 1.4 "Essential Patent" means a patent to the limited extent that
infringement of such patent cannot be avoided in remaining
GNU Awk 3.1.0 or Later compliant with the technology standards implicated by the
Numerous GNU Awk extensions are used. Awk was chosen usage of any of the Licensed Software, including optional
over Perl for its smaller size and more flexible installation implementation of such standards, on technical but not com-
process both of which are important in a bootstrap environ- mercial grounds, taking into account normal technical prac-
ment. tice and the state of the art generally available at the time of
Version 3.1.0 or later is required for support of the third argu- standardization.
ment to match(). The workaround to support older versions 1.5 "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights under
would be less readable and slower so I'd rather not include it statute, common law or equity in and under copyrights, trade
without good reason. secrets, and patents (including utility models), and analo-
Like GNU Awk before 3.1.0, Mawk doesn't support three ar- gous rights throughout the world, including any applications
gument match() and so is not supported. It also doesn't sup- for and the right to apply for, any of the foregoing.
port network extensions. 1.6 "Licensed Software" means the software and the associated
Make documentation.
Testing is only done with GNU Make but incompatibilities 1.7 "Agreement" means this document and the following Ap-
with other make implementations are bugs. Please send pendices which are attached hereto and included herein by
patches. reference:

■■ About "freetype" - Appendix A : Other License Grants and Rights

Section 2. Licenses
The FreeType 2 font engine is copyrighted work and cannot be
used legally without a software license. In order to make this proj- 2.1 Separate license grants and rights to Third Party Software,
ect usable to a vast majority of developers, we distribute it under if different from those granted in this Section 2, are as identi-
two mutually exclusive open-source licenses. fied on Appendix A.
This means that *you* must choose *one* of the two licenses de- 2.2 For Freescale Licensed Software, Freescale grants you a
scribed below, then obey all its terms and conditions when using world-wide, personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, li-
FreeType 2 in any of your projects or products. cense, under Freescale's Intellectual Property Rights:
- The FreeType License, found in the file `FTL.TXT', which is (a) to use, only as part of, or integrated within, Authorized Sys-
similar to the original BSD license *with* an advertising clause tems and not on a stand alone basis, the Licensed Software;
that forces you to explicitly cite the FreeType project in your to reproduce, only as part of, or integrated within, Authorized Sys-
product's documentation. All details are in the license file. This tems and not on a stand alone basis, the Licensed Software;
license is suited to products which don't use the GNU General
Public License. (c) 
to directly or indirectly manufacture, demonstrate, copy,
distribute, market and sell the Licensed Software in object
 ote that this license is compatible to the GNU General Public
N code (machine readable) only as part of, or embedded
License version 3, but not version 2. within, Authorized Systems in object code form and not on
- The GNU General Public License version 2, found in `GPLv2. a stand alone basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, those
TXT' (any later version can be used also), for programs which files marked as .h files ("Header files") may be distributed in
already use the GPL. Note that the FTL is incompatible with source or object code form, but only as part of, or embedded
GPLv2 due to its advertisement clause. within Authorized Systems.
The contributed BDF and PCF drivers come with a license similar (d) to copy, use and distribute as needed, solely in connection
to that of the X Window System. It is compatible to the above two with an Authorized System, the proprietary information for
licenses (see file src/bdf/README and src/pcf/README). the purpose of developing, maintaining and supporting Au-
thorized Systems with which the Licensed Software is inte-
The gzip module uses the zlib license (see src/gzip/zlib.h) which grated.
too is compatible to the above two licenses.

2.3 For Freescale Licensed Software provided to you in source 3.2 Your modifications to the Licensed Software, and all intellec-
code form (human readable), Freescale further grants to tual property rights associated with, and title thereto, will be
you a worldwide, personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, the property of Freescale. You agree to assign all, and here-
license, under Freescale's Intellectual Property Rights: by do assign all rights, title, and interest to any such modifi-
(a) to prepare derivative works, only as part of, or integrated cations to the Licensed Software to Freescale and agree to
within, Authorized Systems and not on a stand alone basis, provide all assistance reasonably requested by Freescale to
of the Licensed Software; establish, preserve or enforce such right. Further, you agree
to waive all moral rights relating to your modifications to he
(b) to use, demonstrate, copy, distribute, market and sell deriva- Licensed Software, including, without limitation, any and all
tive works of the Licensed Software in object code (machine rights of identification of authorship and any and all rights
readable) only as part of, or integrated within, Authorized of approval, restriction, or limitation on use or subsequent
Systems and not on a stand alone basis. Notwithstanding modification.
the foregoing, those files marked as .h files ("Header files")  Notwithstanding the foregoing, you will have the license
may be distributed in source or object code form, but only as rights granted in Section 2 hereto to any such modifications
part of, or embedded within Authorized Systems. made by you or your licensor's.
2.4 You may use subcontractors on your premises to exercise Section 4. Patent Covenant not to Sue
your rights under Section 2.2 and 2.3 so long as you have an
agreement in place with the subcontractor containing confi- 4.1 As partial, material consideration for the rights granted to
dentiality restrictions no less stringent than those contained you under this Agreement, you covenant not to sue or other-
in this Agreement. You will remain liable for your subcon- wise assert your patents against Freescale, a Freescale Af-
tractors' adherence to the terms of this Agreement and for filiate or subsidiary, or a Freescale licensee of the Licensed
any and all acts and omissions of such subcontractors with Software for infringement of your Intellectual Property Rights
respect to this Agreement and the Licensed Software. by the manufacture, use, sale, offer for sale, importation or
other disposition or promotion of the Licensed Software and/
2.5 The licenses granted above in section 2.3 only extend to or any redistributed portions thereof.
Freescale intellectual property rights that would be infringed
by the Licensed Software prior to your preparation of any Section 5. Term and Termination
derivative work. 5.1 This Agreement will remain in effect unless terminated as
2.6 You are solely responsible for obtaining any necessary third provided herein.
party approvals and any licenses for any necessary Essen- 5.2 You may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written
tial Patents for their use in connection with technology that notice to Freescale at the address provided below.
you incorporate into the your Authorized System (whether as 5.3 Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party
part of the Licensed Software or not). is in default of any of the terms and conditions of this Agree-
ment, and termination is effective if the defaulting party fails
2.7 The Licensed Software is licensed to you, not sold. Title to to correct such default within 30 days after written notice
Licensed Software delivered hereunder remains vested in thereof by the non-defaulting party to the defaulting party at
Freescale or Freescale's licensor and cannot be assigned the address below.
or transferred. You are expressly forbidden from selling or 5.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, Freescale may terminate this
otherwise distributing the Licensed Software, or any portion Agreement immediately upon written notice if you:
thereof, except as expressly permitted herein. This Agree- (a) breach any of your confidentiality obligations or the license
ment does not grant to you any implied rights under any Fre- restrictions under this Agreement;
escale or third party intellectual property.
(b) become bankrupt or insolvent, or file a petition therefore;
2.8 You may not translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or dis-
assemble the Licensed Software except to the extent ap- (c) make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors;
plicable law specifically prohibits such restriction. You must (d) enter proceedings for winding up or dissolution;
prohibit your sub-licensees from translating, reverse engi-
neering, decompiling, or disassembling the Licensed Soft- (e) are dissolved; or
ware except to the extent applicable law specifically prohib- (f) are nationalized or is subject to the expropriation of all or
its such restriction. substantially all of its business or assets.
2.9 You must reproduce any and all of Freescale's (or its third Upon termination of this Agreement, all licenses granted under
party licensor's) copyright notices and other proprietary leg- Section 2 will expire, except that any licenses extended to
ends on copies of Licensed Software. end-users pursuant to Sections 2.2 (c), 2.2 (d) and 2.3 (b)
2.10 If you distribute the Licensed Software to the United States Gov- which have been granted prior to such termination will sur-
ernment, then the Licensed Software is "restricted computer vive.
software" and is subject to FAR 52.227-19 (c)(1) and (c)(2). 5.6 After termination of this Agreement by either party and upon
2.11 You grant to Freescale a non-exclusive, non-transferable, ir- Freescale's written request, you will, at your discretion, re-
revocable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, sub-licensable turn to the Freescale any confidential information including
license under your Intellectual Property Rights to use with- any and all copies thereof or furnish to Freescale at the ad-
out restriction and for any purpose any suggestion, comment dress below, a statement certifying, with respect to the Li-
or other feedback related to the Licensed Software (includ- censed Software delivered hereunder that the original and
ing, but not limited to, error corrections and bug fixes). all copies, except for archival copies to be used solely for
dispute resolution purposes, in whole or in part, in any form,
2.12 You will not take or fail to take any action that could subject of the Licensed Software have been destroyed.
the Licensed Software to an Excluded License. An Excluded
License means any license that requires as a condition of 5.7 Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement for any
use, modification and/or distribution of software subject to reason, the terms of Sections 1, 2.5 - 2.12, 3, 4, 5.6, 5.7, 7
the Excluded License, that such software or other software and 8 will survive.
combined and/or distributed with such software be (A) dis- Section 6. Warranty
closed or distributed in source code form;
6.1 Freescale warrants that for the 30 day period following your
(B) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works; or
download of the Licensed Software that the Licensed Soft-
(C) redistributable at no charge.
ware as delivered is free of material defects in materials and
Section 3. Intellectual Property Rights workmanship.
3.1 Subject to Freescale's ownership interest in the underlying 6.2 If Licensed Software is not as warranted, Freescale will, at
Licensed Software, all intellectual property rights associated its sole option, and as your exclusive remedy, either refund
with, and title to, your Authorized System will be retained by the fees associated with such Licensed Software, repair, or
or will vest in you.

replace with the same or equivalent products that meet this matter hereof, and supersedes all prior communications, ne-
warranty. This warranty does not apply to Licensed Software gotiations, understandings, agreements or representations,
that has been subjected to improper testing, assembly, mis- either written or oral, by or among the parties regarding such
handling, modification, or misuse, whether by you or by oth- subject matter.
ers. This warranty will not be expanded, and no obligation 8.6 Limitation of Liability.
or liability will arise, due to technical advice or assistance,  EXCLUDING LIABILITY FOR A BREACH OF SECTION
qualification or testing data, computerized data, facilities or 8.3 (CONFIDENTIALITY), BREACHES OF THE LICENSE
service Freescale may provide in connection with the Li- GRANTS IN SECTION 2, OR CLAIMS UNDER SECTION 7,
6.3 Freescale does not warrant that the functions contained in IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY INCI-
the Licensed Software will meet your requirements or that DENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PU-
the operation of the Licensed Software will be uninterrupted NITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,
6.4 The warranty recited in this Section 6 extends only to you. CONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, OR LOST PROFITS,
Section 7. Indemnification 8.7 Notices.
7.1 You will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Freescale All notices and communications under this Agreement will
from any and all damages claims, liabilities, and costs (in- be made in writing, and will be effective when received at the
cluding reasonable attorney's fees) related to your (including following addresses:
contractor's and licensee's) use of the Licensed Software Freescale:
and/or (2) your (including contractor's and licensee's) viola- Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
tion of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You are 6501 William Cannon Drive, West
excused from this obligation to the extent any such claim Austin, Texas 78735
arises solely from the Licensed Software as provided by Fre- ATTN: General Manager, Multimedia Applications Division
With a copy to:
Section 8. General Provisions Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
8.1 Amendments and Waivers. 6501 William Cannon West OE62
No amendment of any provision of this Agreement will be Austin, Texas 78735
valid unless stated in writing and signed by authorized rep- ATTN: Law Director, Multimedia Applications Division
resentatives of each of the parties. No waiver by any party of You: The address provided at registration will be used.
any default, misrepresentation or covenant herein, whether
intentional or not, will be deemed to extend any prior or sub- Either party may change its notice information upon notice to
sequent default, misrepresentation, or covenant hereunder the other party.
or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or 8.8 Relationship of the Parties.
subsequent occurrence.  The parties are independent contractors. Nothing in this
8.2 Choice of Law. Agreement will be construed to create any partnership, joint
This Agreement will be governed by, construed, and en- venture, or similar relationship. Neither party is authorized
forced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. to bind the other to any obligations with third parties.

8.3 Confidential Information. 8.9 Severability.

You will treat the Licensed Software as confidential infor- If any provision of this Agreement is held for any reason to
mation and you agree to retain the Licensed Software in be invalid or unenforceable the remaining provisions of this
confidence perpetually with respect to Licensed Software in Agreement will be unimpaired and, unless a modification or
source code form (human readable), or for a period of five replacement of the invalid or unenforceable provision is fur-
(5) years from the date of termination of this Agreement, with ther held to deprive a party of a material benefit, in which
respect to all other parts of the Licensed Software. During case the Agreement will immediately terminate, the invalid
this period you may not disclose any part of the Licensed or unenforceable provision will be replaced with a provision
Software to others than employees or contractors who have that is valid and enforceable and that comes closest to the
a need to know of the Licensed Software and who have ex- parties' intention underlying the invalid or unenforceable pro-
ecuted written agreements obligating them to protect such vision.
Licensed Software. You agree to use the same degree of 8.10 Succession and Assignment.
care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, with the This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit
Licensed Software as you do with your own confidential in- of the parties and their permitted successors and assigns.
formation. You may disclose Licensed Software to the extent Neither party may assign this Agreement, or any part of this
required by a court or under operation of law or order pro- Agreement, without the prior written approval of the other
vided that you notify Freescale of such requirement prior to party, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or
disclosure, that you only disclose information required, and delayed.
that the you allow Freescale the opportunity to object to such 8.11 Unauthorized Use.
court or other legal body requiring such disclosure. The Licensed Software is not intended or authorized for use
8.4 Counterparts. in anti-personnel landmines, and you agree that it will not
This Agreement may be executed in one or more original be used for this purpose. Upon request from Freescale, you
counterparts, all of which together will constitute one agree- will furnish a written certification that you do not use or per-
ment, and facsimile signatures will have the same effect as mit the use of the Licensed Software in anti-personnel land-
original signatures. mines. The Licensed Software is not intended or authorized
8.5 Entire Agreement. for use in products surgically implanted into the body, for
This Agreement, including its attachments, constitutes the life support or for other products in which a product failure
entire agreement between the parties regarding the subject could cause personal injury or death. If you permit the uses
of Licensed Software for these unintended or unauthorized

uses, you will fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Microsoft does not provide support services for the components
Freescale, its Affiliates, subsidiaries, officers and directors, provide to you through this Agreement. If you have any questions
employees, and distributors from all liability related to such or require technical assistance, please contact Freescale.
use, including attorneys' fees and costs. Microsoft Corporation is a third party beneficiary to this Agreement
8.12 Export. with the right to enforce the terms of this Agreement.
If, at the time or times of Freescale's performance hereun- TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, MICROSOFT
der, an export license is required for Freescale to lawfully AND ITS FFILIATES DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES FOR THE MI-
export Licensed Software, then the issuance of the appropri- CROSOFT UNDERLYING SOFTWARE.
ate licenses to Freescale or its subcontractor shall constitute
a condition precedent to Freescale's obligations hereunder. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, NEITHER MI-
You understand and agree that you will not by any means or CROSOFT NOR ITS AFFILIATES WILL BE LIABLE, WHETHER
method, export, re-export, resell, ship or divert or cause to IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY DIRECT, IN-
be exported, re-exported, resold, shipped, or diverted, di- CIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNI-
rectly or indirectly, the Licensed Software, or any Freescale TIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES
product or technology except as permitted by and in accor- FOR ANY LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE,
dance with the laws and regulations of the United States COMMERCIAL LOSS, OR LOST PROFITS, SAVINGS, OR REV-
and, if different than the United States, the country from ENUES, ARISING FROM THE FROM THE USE OF THE MICRO-
which the export or re-export originates. SOFT UNDERLYING SOFTWARE.
8.13 International Sale of Goods. SanDisk Corporation Software
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Interna- If the Licensed Software includes software developed by SanD-
tional Sale of Goods will not apply to this document. isk Corporation ("SanDisk"), you must separately obtain the
8.14 Audit. rights to reproduce and distribute this software in source code
You will maintain accurate and up-to-date records pertaining form from SanDisk. Please follow these easy steps to obtain the
to this Agreement and will grant Freescale or its authorized license and software:
agent access to and copies of such records and information 1. Contact your local SanDisk sales representative to obtain
as requested by Freescale that pertain to your obligations the SanDisk License Agreement.
under this Agreement. Such access will be granted upon
reasonable advance written notice, and be conducted dur- 2. Sign the license agreement. Fax the signed agreement to
ing normal business hours with minimal impact to your busi- SanDisk USA marketing department at 408-542-0403. The
ness operations, and subject to confidentiality restrictions. license will be valid when fully executed by SanDisk.
You will maintain such records for a period of at least three 3. 
If you have specific questions, please send an email to
(3) years from the date of termination of this Agreement. You [email protected]
must make prompt adjustment to compensate for any errors
You may only use the SanDisk Corporation Software on prod-
and/or omissions disclosed by such examination or audit.
ucts compatible with a SanDisk Secure Digital Card. You may
APPENDIX A not use the SanDisk Corporation Software on any memory de-
Other License Grants and Rights: vice product.
The Licensed Software may include some or all of the following SanDisk retains all rights to any modifications or derivative works
software which is not Freescale proprietary software and the rights to the SanDisk Corporation Software that you may create.
granted herein are limited to those rights provided below: Global Locate
Open Source Software. If the Licensed Software includes software and hardware devel-
Open source software is not licensed under the terms of this oped by Global Locate, Inc. ("Global Locate"), and acquired by
Agreement, but is instead licensed under the terms of applicable BroadcomCorporation, you must separately obtain rights beyond
open source license(s), such as the BSD License, Apache License evaluation and demonstration for the Global Locate software from
or the GNU Lesser General Public License. Your use of the open Broadcom Corporation.
source software is subject to the terms of each applicable license. CSR
You must agree to the terms of each such applicable license, or
If the Licensed Software includes software and hardware devel-
you should not use the open source software.
oped by Cambridge Silicon Radio, Inc. ("CSR"), you must sepa-
Vivante rately obtain rights beyond evaluation and demonstration for the
If the Licensed Software includes proprietary software developed CSR software from CSR.
by Vivante, your distribution rights are restricted to providing the
Licensed Software in object code (machine readable), and only
as part of, or embedded within, Authorized Systems that include a DD Credits
Vivante Graphics Processing Unit. ■■ zlib
Atheros This product includes “zlib” open source software, and is licensed
If the Licensed Software includes proprietary software developed according to the open source software license.
by Atheros, you must separately obtain rights beyond evaluation
and demonstration in connection with the Atheros software. ■■ libevent
Coding Technologies, acquired by Dolby Laboratories ("CTS") This product includes “libevent” open source software, and is li-
censed according to the open source software license.
If the Licensed Software includes software developed by CTS, you
must separately obtain rights beyond evaluation and demonstra- ■■ libusb
tion in connection with the CTS software from Dolby Laboratories.
This product includes “libusb” open source software, and is li-
Microsoft censed according to the open source software license.
If the Licensed Software includes software owned by the Microsoft
Corporation ("Microsoft"), it is subject to the terms of your license ■■ freetype
with Microsoft (the "Microsoft Underlying Software") and as such, This product includes “freetype” open source software, and is li-
Freescale grants no license to you, beyond evaluation and demon- censed according to the open source software license.
stration in connection with Freescale processors, in the Microsoft
Underlying Software. You must separately obtain rights beyond
evaluation and demonstration in connection with the Microsoft Un-
derlying Software from Microsoft.

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