Lesson 4 Managing Teenage Problems

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Lesson 4 Managing Teenage

Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to
1. discuss the steps on how to arrive at a good decision; and
2. apply decision-making skills in managing teenage problems.

Getting Ready

Study the illustration below. What do you do when you find yourself
in this kind of situation? What do you do when you are troubled and

Learn and Share

Adolescent stage is the time of rapid changes. Teens change noticeably in

almost all realms of their lives. Since there are significant changes during
this stage, mature decisions are expected of them despite their young age.

While they seem to appear mature physically, they are not fully equipped
to deal with new tasks, challenges, and issues. Because of these reasons,
teens’ life can be stressful and fragile, making them more susceptible to
engage in risky behaviors.

Making Decisions
Every person faces a certain situation in his/her everyday life, when he/
she needs to come into an important decision.
Decision-making is an act of
making up one’s mind about
something. It is an important skill
a person needs to learn even at a
young age for him/her to become
an independent, responsible, and
happy adult. Teenagers need
to make more and more of the
decisions affecting them with their
parents as their guide and not as
those persons deciding for them.
A. Identify the decision.
Try to define clearly the nature of the decision you must make. This
will allow you to see a bigger picture of the factors involved in the
matter. Gather relevant information through the process of self-
assessment and research about how other people positively dealt with
a similar situation.
B. Identify the alternatives.
As you collect information, you will be able to identify several possible
paths of action or alternatives. Use your imagination in constructing
new alternatives.
C. Evaluate your alternatives.
Draw on the available information and your emotions to imagine what
it would be like if you carry out each of the alternatives to the end.
Evaluate which of the alternatives will resolve the problem better.
As you go through this difficult internal process, you will begin to favor
certain alternatives. Finally, place the alternatives in a priority order,
and choose which options have higher potential to reach your goal.
D. Make the decision and take action.
You are now ready to take positive action by implementing the
alternative you chose.
E. Review your decision and its consequences.

In this final step, consider the results of your decision and evaluate
whether or not it has resolved the need you identified in Step 1. If the
decision has not met your goal, feel free to repeat the process.

F. Monitor your solution
Implementation of your decision is not the end of the decision-making.
It is very important to look after what is/are the implication/s that
happened after the decision has been done. Look at the implemented
decision and evaluate if it satisfied your expected output.
These suggested steps would help you in proper decision-making for your
future life. Remember, in decision-making, it is very important to consult
your parents, teachers, spiritual advisers, and other people you trust who
will guide you in every step that you take.

Activity 1

A. Group Decision-Making
Form groups with five members. Recall the common issues confronting
you as teenagers and come up with steps to address them.
B. Reaction Paper
Watch the video entitled “Lucky Me: Pregnant Pause.” After watching
the video, answer these questions in a whole sheet of pad paper.
1. If you were the daughter, would you also be concerned about a
friend getting pregnant at such a young age? Why?
2. If you were the parents, what advice will you give your daughter?
How will you explain to her that teenage pregnancy may be
3. What are the effects of premarital sex and teenage preg-
4. If you were in the place of Diane, how will you solve your predi-
cament? Use the steps in decision-making.

Keep in Mind

 There are six steps in making decisions: define the problem, develop
alternatives, evaluate your alternatives, make the decision, implement

the solution, and monitor your solution.

 Remember, in making decisions it is important to have your parents,
friends, close friends, teachers, and guidance counselor at your side.


Answer the following questions.

1. What is decision-making?

2. What are the different steps in making decisions?

3. Why is it very important to decide carefully when your future is at


Values Integration

The phenomenal “Kalye Serye” segment of a popular noontime

television show has contributed valuable lessons that teenagers can live
by specifically the famous phrase “Sa tamang panahon.” Do you agree
with the famous phrase, ”Sa tamang panahon”? In which aspect of your
teenage life can you apply this phrase?

Health Think Pad

What is the most significant learning I have gained from this



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