State-Of-The-Art and Future Directions For Lower Limb Robotic Exoskeletons

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Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

State-of-the-art and Future Directions for Lower Limb Robotic

Aaron J. Young and Daniel P. Ferris

Abstract—Research on robotic exoskeletons has rapidly and other neurological or musculature disorders can lead to
expanded over the previous decade. Advances in robotic difficulty walking or making arm movements. Current
hardware and energy supplies have enabled viable prototypes for estimates suggest that in the United States alone there are 11.7
human testing. This review paper describes current lower limb million individuals with difficulty walking and 8.8 million
robotic exoskeletons, with specific regard to common trends in
individuals with difficulty lifting objects [1]. Assistive robotic
the field. The preponderance of published literature lacks
rigorous quantitative evaluations of exoskeleton performance, exoskeletons can allow users to complete movements they
making it difficult to determine the disadvantages and could not complete on their own. For example, many of these
drawbacks of many of the devices. We analyzed common exoskeletons are intended to allow an individual with lower
approaches in exoskeleton design and the convergence, or lack limb paralysis to walk with the aid of crutches. The third
thereof, with certain technologies. We focused on actuators, broad category is therapeutic exoskeletons for rehabilitation.
sensors, energy sources, materials, and control strategies. One of
These devices can assist, resist, or perturb the user’s
the largest hurdles to be overcome in exoskeleton research is the
user interface and control. More intuitive and flexible user movements to achieve therapeutic exercise. They can train an
interfaces are needed to increase the success of robotic individual’s muscles and/or nervous system to help them
exoskeletons. In the last section, we discuss promising future overcome the limitations of a disability when they are not
solutions to the major hurdles in exoskeleton control. A number using the exoskeleton. There are some devices that cross over
of emerging technologies could deliver substantial advantages to between assistive exoskeletons and therapeutic exoskeletons.
existing and future exoskeleton designs. We conclude with a
listing of the advantages and disadvantages of the emerging
These bi-functional exoskeletons could eventually be helpful
technologies, and discuss possible futures for the field. for therapy as well as increasing the current physical
capabilities of the user when it is worn.
Index Terms—Gait, Rehabilitation, Human Performance
Augmentation, Powered Orthoses, Wearable Robotics II. CURRENT STATE OF ART
A. Limitations in design and performance details
Assessing the current state of the art in robotic exoskeletons
T he goal of this review is to summarize the state of the art
for lower limb robotic exoskeletons and discuss ways to
advance the field. Summarizing the current state of the art is
becomes very difficult for two reasons: the speed of
technology development and the availability of scientific
publications in the field. These issues will be addressed in the
difficult because new devices appear in media or press
last section of the review more extensively, but they deserve
releases every month. A review of devices will inevitably
mention here. As you read the following section on devices
become dated but there is still value in assessing what research
that are in development, we will try to highlight the various
groups around the world are working on. We hope to facilitate
technologies that are being incorporated into the devices and
researchers new to the field as they look for opportunities to
the lack of peer-reviewed journal articles that describe or test
make unique contributions in their own work.
the devices.
We divide robotic exoskeletons into three broad categories
based on their intended use. The first category is human
B. Human performance augmentation metrics
performance augmentation exoskeletons for increasing
strength, endurance, and other physical capabilities by able- There is no established gold standard for assessing robotic
bodied individuals. This type of exoskeleton could be used for exoskeletons for human performance augmentation. The most
lifting heavy objects, carrying heavy loads over large common metric is measuring the metabolic cost of locomotion
distances, or working with heavy tools. The likely settings for under walking or running conditions with and without the
these devices are in warehouses, construction sites, emergency exoskeletons. For devices that are focused on solely assisting
relief operations, or military bases and excursions. The second able bodied individuals with locomotion, metabolic cost is
broad category encompasses assistive devices for individuals clearly the most accepted standard. Very few studies have
with disabilities. Stroke, spinal cord injury, muscle weakness, shown a statistically significant decrease in metabolic cost
during locomotion while using the exoskeleton. As designs,
This project was supported by a contract from the U.S. Army Natick hardware, and control systems improve, the hope is that more
Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (W911NF-10-D- robotic exoskeletons will actually provide an energetic benefit
A. Young and D.P. Ferris are with the School of Kinesiology, University to the user for walking and running. It is much more difficult
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. (e-mails: [email protected], and to evaluate robotic exoskeletons that provide assistance for
[email protected]). lifting objects or performing work with tools. Energetics are

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

just one aspect of the task. Fatigue, productivity, and safety purported to be much more energy-efficient than the original
are all very relevant and important factors for these design [12]. Extensive reviews of the DARPA exoskeletons
exoskeletons. and others developed during that timeframe are available by
Another commonly used metric for exoskeleton is the Herr [13, 14].
analysis of electromyography (EMG) signals. Users respond Lockheed Martin is one of the most prominent developers
to exoskeleton assistance by modifying muscle activity of exoskeletons to augment human performance. They
patterns. Quantifying EMG data helps to understand the acquired the HULC (Human Universal Load Carrier)
underlying effect of the exoskeleton on the user’s exoskeleton technology from Berkeley Bionics (now called
biomechanics. A common goal of many exoskeletons is to Ekso Bionics). The HULC is based on the BLEEX design and
reduce muscle recruitment in the lower limb during is meant to allow soldiers to carry heavy loads over long
locomotion. This is often measured by surface distances. A test on an early prototype performed by the US
electromyography but musculoskeletal modeling [2] and army showed that the exoskeleton changed gait characteristics
ultrasound imaging techniques [3] can be used as well. and led to an increase in metabolic energy expenditure [15]
and also a decrease in functional range of mobility [16].
C. Human performance augmentation devices Advancements in the HULC design have been advertised, but
In 2000, DARPA started a large funding initiative on like many exoskeletons in development, there is a lack of
quantitative assessments of the device available to other
robotic exoskeletons that helped propel the field forward in a
researchers. A closely related exoskeleton called FORTIS was
large leap. This program, Exoskeletons for Human
recently announced in a press release by Lockheed (Fig. 1). It
Performance Augmentation (EHPA), was focused on
is intended specifically for industrial use in shipyards [17].
augmenting the capabilities of unmounted soldiers [4-6].
The FORTIS device allows the user to more easily handle and
While a number of different research groups and technologies
manipulate heavy tools using Equipois’ ZeroG arm. Unlike
were initially funded, two exoskeleton prototypes were the
HULC, FORTIS is unpowered but its ability to transfer load to
most visible. The Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton’s
(BLEEX) goal was to develop a portable robotic exoskeleton the ground may reduce fatigue and improve safety.
that allowed soldiers to carry heavy loads over long distances
[7-10]. A key feature in the design was that the weight of the
device and backpack load went to the ground through the
exoskeleton frame rather than onto the user. The BLEEX had
actuated joints at the hip, knee, and ankle for both lower
limbs. The major limitations of the BLEEX device were in its
large mass, limited joint range of motion, and control.
Although the exoskeleton weight and backpack load was
transmitted to the ground through the frame, there was still
Fig. 1. The FORTIS exoskeleton (left) was designed by Lockheed Martin for
considerable mass to the device, affecting the inertia of the industrial use. The X1 exoskeleton (middle) was developed in a joint
user’s movements. The controller used kinematic and kinetic collaboration between NASA and IHMC and may see use in the future as an
sensors to essentially get out of way of the user’s limbs during exercise trainer in space to help prevent astronauts’ muscles from degrading
in microgravity. The Wyss Institute is developing a soft exosuit (right) under
movement. Thus, there was always a noticeable lag between DARPA’s Warrior Web program.
the time the user initiated a movement and the exoskeleton’s
There are a number of other companies around the world
actuators reacted. The second exoskeleton prototype that was
developing similar human performance augmentation robotic
developed with major DARPA EHPA funding was created by
exoskeletons. No published scientific documentation exists on
Sarcos, a robotics company founded by Stephen Jacobsen. The
most of these devices but some information can be gleaned
Sarcos exoskeleton [6, 11] evolved into XOS after Sarcos was
from press releases and web sites. A South Korean company
acquired by Raytheon. The Sarcos exoskeleton was a full body
called Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering has also
suit that supported both the arms and legs with the intent of
developed a robotic exoskeleton for helping shipbuilders carry
amplifying the user’s strength. The exoskeleton powered its
heavy loads [18]. A French engineering company called
joints by rotary hydraulic actuators connected to a tethered
RB3D has been developing a robotic exoskeleton called
power source. Due to the high electrical energy demands of
Hercule for the French army with a similar design goal as
the prototype, it was not made fully portable. It was controlled
Lockheed’s HULC (i.e. offloading weight through the
with force sensors that were instrumented on both the user and
exoskeleton) [19]. An upper limb component allows users to
the exoskeleton in an attempt to minimize the amount of
carry 20 kg in each arm. The Hercule claims to be able to
contact force between the user and the exoskeleton [11] As is
operate nearly silently and allow users to walk 20 km on one
common with most robotic exoskeleton development projects,
charge. The Body Extender exoskeleton similarly has upper
the Sarcos team did not publicly provide details of their design
and lower limb capabilities with 22 actuated degrees of
or its performance. Very few quantitative results are available
freedom and the capability of handling loads up to 50 kg in
to assess the success of the device. Now under continued
one hand [20]. The B-Temia/Revision Prowler exoskeleton is
development at Raytheon, a new version has emerged that is
intended for military personnel in combat. Little substantive

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

information or publications exist on the performance of any of during the swing phase. This means that running exoskeletons
these devices. need to be incredibly lightweight to give support during stance
The X1 exoskeleton (Fig. 1) was built as a joint effort that isn’t negated by the extra work required to support the
between NASA and the Institute of Human and Machine exoskeleton in swing.
Cognition in Pensacola, FL. It was intended as a potential
means for training astronauts in space to prevent muscle D. Assistive technology devices for impaired populations
fatigue and bone thinning [21, 22]. The device can be
Many research laboratories and companies are primarily
configured in a force-control mode allowing both eccentric
working on robotic exoskeletons with the intent to assist
and concentric exercises.
individuals with disabilities. We distinguish between
One of the most recent innovative designs comes from
exoskeletons primarily intended for assistance to perform
Conor Walsh and his research team at the Wyss Institute. They
tasks and those that are primarily designed for therapeutic
have developed several soft wearable devices that can provide
purposes. This section focuses on the array of different
powered assistance to human movement [23, 24]. The suits
exoskeleton devices that have been designed to assist impaired
(Fig. 1) are different than typical rigid exoskeletons with
populations with additional locomotion function. While
heavy metal frames and motors. The project is funded by the
reducing overall metabolic cost is still a dominant goal for this
DARPA Warrior Web program and is moving the field in a
group of exoskeletons, it may not be the most important one.
novel direction. However, they have not yet been able to show
For patients who are typically wheelchair bound, the primary
substantive reductions in energetic cost using the device.
goal is simply to give them enough safety, support and balance
There have been a large number of prototype robotic ankle
to walk. An often used clinical measure in these populations is
exoskeletons developed [25-34], sometimes referred to as
a determination of preferred walking speed, usually with the
powered ankle-foot orthoses. Results from these robotic ankle
6-minute walking test. A higher preferred walking speed
exoskeletons have been encouraging but not overwhelming.
indicates a better clinical outcome as walking speed is well
For example, we have shown reductions in EMG activity and
associated with social mobility.
metabolic cost during walking by able-bodied individuals with
One of the oldest and most well-established exoskeleton
non-portable robotic ankle exoskeletons [35-37]. One of the
technologies for disabled assistance is the ReWalk [43]. This
few studies to date to show a reduction in metabolic cost using
exoskeleton was recently FDA approved for use with spinal
a portable exoskeleton (Fig. 2) came from Mooney and
cord injury patients. The ReWalk bilaterally actuates the knee
colleagues at MIT [38]. The authors developed a light-weight
and hip joints to enable walking, standing, and sit-to-stand
powered ankle-foot orthosis that delivered plantar flexion
maneuvers for patients with SCI [44]. Patients control the high
assistance at push-off of late stance. The device led to an 8%
level function of the device with a remote control and carry
average reduction in metabolic cost for users with the
the batteries and controller in a backpack. A few notable
exoskeleton compared to without the exoskeleton. Another
clinical studies have been performed with the ReWalk [43, 45,
recent ankle exoskeleton device has achieved a reduction in
46]. Some of the limitations of the device include its bulk,
metabolic energy consumption for walking without any
wrist controls, and complexity of learning how to control it.
powered assistance at all [39]. A passive ankle exoskeleton
Cyberdyne is a Japanese company that has helped to
using clutches and springs was able to lower metabolic cost by
develop and market the HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb)
7.2% compared to walking without the device (Fig. 2). There
exoskeleton technology (Fig. 3). The technology is for use by
are no robotic ankle devices that have been commercialized at
patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries, stroke and other
deficits that impair walking function [47-51]. HAL has both
Some exoskeletons have been designed for augmenting
unilateral and bilateral versions that actuate the knee and hip
running for able-bodied subjects, and have relied on passive
elastic mechanisms. The MIT design included an exoskeleton
knee that attached to the thigh and shank [40]. A clutch was
used to lock the knee at peak knee extension to provide
resistance during stance, but unlocked during swing for free
movement. The authors found a 25% metabolic increase when
using the device even though the parallel spring provided
around 18% of the sum biological and exoskeleton stiffness.
Similar results were seen for the Michigan running
exoskeleton [41]. The Michigan design (Fig. 2) was different
in that it had multiple elastic elements at the knee and ankle, Fig. 2. The ankle-foot exoskeleton (left) from Hugh Herr’s lab at MIT
but it also provided compliance in parallel to the biological actuated the ankle joint and demonstrated a reduction in metabolic cost
compared to walking without the device. Another ankle exoskeleton (middle)
lower limb. The Michigan exoskeleton was also connected all developed by Greg Sawicki and colleagues also showed a metabolic cost
the way down to the shoe, transmitting external spring load to reduction during walking but without actuation. Only a very few
the ground [42]. Some of the difficulties with running exoskeletons have been designed for human running to date. The Michigan
running exoskeleton (right) had a parallel spring component to the leg and
exoskeletons are the faster limb movements during running functioned primarily passively.
compared to walking and the need to have low resistance

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

joints. It is the only lower limb exoskeleton on the market different than other exoskeleton designs in a number of ways.
today that utilizes the remaining surface electromyography The technology completely encompasses both legs and the
(EMG) signal information its users. The EMG signal is user stands on foot platforms while the machine physically
nonlinearly related to joint torque and it can provide a greater walks for the user with minimal user interaction necessary.
level of patient interaction with the device compared to Researchers at various institutions have used REX in
kinematic and kinetic sensors alone [52]. In earlier studies, experiments to integrate brain control using EEG into the
researchers demonstrated the feasibly of using surface EMG device [60, 61]. The biggest limitations of the device at this
control for HAL [53], and even showed a reduction in muscle point are its extremely slow gait speed and very large bulk.
use for one subject when the system provided active assistance The MINDWALKER exoskeleton was developed to assist
for a variety of tasks [54]. HAL has been an innovative leader spinal cord injury patients with non-invasive brain control [62]
in exoskeleton technology for over a decade and is especially and is solely a research device at present. The exoskeleton
unique in that it has included neural signals in the control loop bilaterally actuates the knee and hip (both flexion/extension
from the beginning of its development. The limitations are and ab/adduction) and uses a state machine to switch between
hard to assess given the lack of performance data in the actuation modes while walking [63]. One study analyzed
literature and the lack of widespread use outside Japan. EMG activity in healthy and SCI subjects and found changes
Ekso Bionics has developed the Ekso exoskeleton (Fig. 3) in patterns for both upper and lower limb, but it was not
device to assist disabled individuals with walking and lower helpful for reducing overall muscle recruitment [64].
limb movement. Similar to the HAL and ReWalk
exoskeletons, the Ekso bilaterally actuates the knee and hip
E. Exoskeletons designed to provide therapeutic benefit
joints. It is currently primarily used under the guidance of a
physical therapist for gait training, and can provide the As exoskeletons have been increasingly developed for
therapist with manual controls for the device. The feasibility clinical populations, many of the devices might also provide
for using it has been demonstrated for spinal cord injury [55] therapeutic benefits to the disabled users who wear the
and larger scale clinical trials are in progress around the world. devices. Wheelchair bound individuals often experience
The main drawbacks with the device at this point appear to be secondary complications from disuse such as lower limb
the limitations in gait speed and flexibility to adapt to changes muscle and bone loss [65]. Providing individuals that are
in the gait environment or task. normally wheelchair bound with additional opportunities to
Honda has developed two walking assistive devices: one become weight bearing and physically active is a
called the stride management system and one called the fundamentally sound strategy for improving their
bodyweight support system. The stride management system physiological health [66]. Using robotic devices for
from Honda is quite different from others in that it only therapeutic gait training is not new either. Stationary
actuates at the hip joint [56]. Honda recently announced a treadmill-based robots such as the Lokomat, LOPES and
collaboration with the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago to ALEX devices have been employed by rehabilitation
perform a clinical trial on the walking assist device focused on laboratories and hospitals around the world [67]. Given the
stroke patients [57]. Few details are available on the potential for long-term benefits, some research teams are
engineering of the devices. designing mobile exoskeleton devices specifically for
The Indego exoskeleton (Fig. 3) is being marketed by therapeutic benefits in recovering patients.
Parker-Hannifin for people with spinal cord injuries. The An exoskeleton device with considerable clinical
Indego bilaterally actuates both the knee and hip joints and
attaches around the waist which stores a battery pack. Because
the Indego exoskeleton originated from a university research
laboratory, more information is available about the design than
with exoskeletons designed in an industry environment. The
Indego uses a joint-level controller that functions in either a
PD mode, which sets high gains to try to enforce a
prespecified joint angle trajectory [58], or impedance mode in
which the controller virtually emulates a spring-damper
system [59]. The higher level control consists of a finite state
machine that governs each individual controller. The state
machine is responsible for allowing the user to change Fig. 3. A number of exoskeleton have been developed for assistive purposes
for impaired populations. Cyberdyne (left) developed the Hybrid Assistive
between modes such as sitting, standing and walking [59]. An Limb (HAL) exoskeleton to aid individuals with disabilities. This includes
interesting advantage to the Indego system is that it is both arm and leg assistance that can be used separately or in tandem. HAL is
modular, allowing it to be broken down into smaller pieces for one of the few commercial devices controlled by neural signals from the
muscles (EMG). The HAL system has seen extensive use in Asia and Europe
transportation when not in use. There is not enough in clinics. The Ekso exoskeleton (middle) is used primarily for rehabilitation
performance data available yet to assess its major limitations. purposes by clinics around the world. The Ekso helps provide gait training
Rex Bionics has developed the REX Personal that is able to for patients recovering from a lower limb disability such as spinal cord
walk and navigate slopes and stairs. REX is significantly injury. The Indego exoskeleton (right) from Parker Hannafin is intended as
an assistive technology exoskeleton to aid persons with spinal cord injury.

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

experience is AlterG’s Bionic Leg. Intended exclusively as a increasing power density. Due to the relatively fast
therapeutic device, it is commercially available and primarily movements of the legs during locomotion, gear ratios cannot
targets stroke patients. As a unilateral device, it is worn on the be made too large which limits the torque assistance of electric
knee of the affected lower limb. It augments knee strength actuators. In the applications that involve military use or
with a powered joint directly in line with the knee’s center of heavy lifting for industrial applications, the hydraulic
rotation [68]. A number of small scale clinical tests [69-73] actuators are more likely to allow for a larger amount of
have demonstrated an increase in basic walking and balance assistance. Hydraulics have the highest power to mass ratio -
scores using a variety of clinical tests. The devices main 300-600 W/kg - compared to electric motors or pneumatics
limitations are its large bulk, weight, and limitation to which often have power to mass ratios between 100-200 W/kg
unilateral therapy. [77]. However, unlike electric motors and pneumatics,
hydraulic actuators power to mass ratio increases with
III. ENGINEERING DESIGN ASPECTS increasing weight – which means that they are more suitable
Many core aspects of exoskeletons have converged on for large, bulky exoskeletons that require high torques and less
common solutions, even though design goals of the so for smaller designs. While soft pneumatic actuators have
exoskeletons can be quite different. Common solutions in advantages in weight and compliance, the compressed air
exoskeleton design choices have occurred for actuators, generator needed to use them limits their potential use in
sensors, energy supplies, control strategies, and materials. portable systems. Electric actuators are likely going to
continue to play the largest roll for exoskeletons as their size,
A. Actuators weight, and output torque are sufficient for most applications.

On board actuation has been a fundamental issue B. Sensors

throughout exoskeleton development. Size, weight and power
efficiency of motors have historically limited robotic Sensors of some form are necessary for controlling robotic
exoskeletons. Vukobratovic’s foundational research went exoskeletons. Every exoskeleton in this review has at least
through multiple actuation models and demonstrated some of some form of mechanical sensor to help regulate position,
the initial difficulties with pneumatic and electric actuation force, or torque (online appendix, Table II). Most exoskeletons
[74, 75]. To provide the physiological torques required, encode joint position which helps to regulate safety and
significant amount of weight, inertia and size needs to be provides a phase variable to modulate torque output.
introduced to the exoskeleton to house the actuators, batteries, Additionally, many lower limb exoskeletons use a position
and controllers. However, technology has improved controller and try to specify a precise joint angle trajectory
significantly since exoskeletons began to be developed and that the exoskeleton cycles through each stride. Many, but not
clever new designs have taken advantage of these advances to all, exoskeletons also use force sensors. Most commonly,
produce portable and highly functional devices. Of the state of these involve a foot sensor that measures ground contact force
the art exoskeletons considered in this review where design and may even be a simple on/off switch to detect heel contact
information is available, 72% of them have used electric and toe off. This helps by providing different control states for
motors (online appendix, Table I). Hydraulic and pneumatic stance and swing phase and can sometimes be used for more
are less common. The convergence to electric motors is likely sophisticated measures and control such as calculating center
for multiple reasons. Servo motors are capable of very of pressure. Hall effect sensors have also been used to ensure
advanced position-based control that is much more difficult to proper motor torque output in some exoskeletons.
achieve with pneumatic or hydraulic systems. Almost all the Accelerometers and gyroscopes are occasionally included but
exoskeletons that work with spinal cord injury and other have not been well documented as being critical or as
disabled individuals use electrical motors to allow for some improving control schemes. While on board mechanical
form of position control and to coordinate many degrees of sensors are nearly ubiquitous in exoskeleton designs,
freedom as most designs have at least 1 degree of freedom per additional types of sensors are not as common. It is unclear
joint and even up to 22 degrees of freedom with the Body currently whether additional sensors are needed for robotic
Extender. Brushless DC motors are popular in exoskeletons exoskeletons, or at least worthwhile for improving
due to their high torque to weight ratio, reduced noise, and exoskeleton control. Mechanical sensors to monitor other parts
reliability. They have been used in many devices such as the of the body are rare, with the exception of a switch to specify
Indego, the Honda Walking Assist, and the ankle exoskeleton control states (such as initiating standing). Neural and/or
by Mooney and colleagues. Series elastic actuators are another muscular sensing have been proposed in many research papers
popular design choice in exoskeletons such as the X1 and and may have significant potential if current obstacles can be
MINDWALKER. This is due to advantages including low overcome. The only commercial lower limb system to use
output impedance, high back-drivability, high fidelity force EMG as a controller input is HAL, but there are several
control and capability of energy storage in the spring element research prototypes that have used EMG sensors. Brain and
to reduce overall power requirements [76]. Batteries used to neural signals have yet to be used in any commercial
power electric actuators have become more feasible with application, but researchers in multiple groups have proposed
lithium ion technology by reducing size and weight and using EEG sensors for high level spinal cord patients [61, 62].

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Invasive muscular, neural or brain recordings have not yet is especially useful when the user has little ability to interact
been used for commercial exoskeleton controllers to date. with or control the exoskeleton. However, it tends to give the
Rigorous studies comparing sources of information for user the least amount of control and interaction with the
exoskeleton control are rare if nonexistent. Many types of device which limits its overall applicability. State machines
mechanical and neural signals have been used for higher level can help address this problem and are employed in some of the
intent recognition to various degrees of success and are designs to incorporate a combination position and force
summarized well in a recent review by Tucker et al. [78]. control. Due to the transitional nature of the gait cycle
(particularly swing and stance phase), it is often useful to
C. Energy break up the controller into multiple different control states
depending on phase of the gait cycle. State machines can also
Power supply has traditionally been stated as one (if not the
be further extended to allow for different states for alternate
largest) issue in the development of portable exoskeletons.
terrain such as stairs or transfers between standing and sitting
More energy requires more weight which tends to decrease the
among other activities. A more detailed breakdown of
overall functionality of a given exoskeleton. Almost all
different controllers for many exoskeleton devices in the
exoskeletons use batteries to generate the necessary energy for
literature is provided in [82].
a powered system (online appendix, Table III). Thus, the
success of robotic exoskeleton technology is substantially tied The exact control algorithms of many of the exoskeleton
devices are not well documented, especially for commercial
to changes in battery technology. The expanded availability of
systems. Performance comparisons between controllers are
lithium ion batteries has allowed many exoskeleton designs to
rare in the literature, and typically a single control strategy is
function during continual movements for 1-5 hours. Many
developed for each individual design. Unlike with other
clever designs have incorporated passive mechanical elements
technologies, there is not a general convergence of solutions
such as springs and clutches to store and release energy
for exoskeleton control as a very wide variety of controls are
similar to biological tendons. The XPED2 exoskeleton was
used and their specific effects are not documented. Studies
designed to store energy in springs with a system of cables and
pulleys to transfer energy between the exoskeleton joints [79]. reporting outcome measures are really a function of both the
exoskeleton hardware and the controller. The independent
It failed to reduce metabolic cost as predicted by previous
effects of the two are not well separated. This makes it very
modeling [80], but a simpler passive exoskeleton that
augmented only the ankle joint reduced metabolic cost [39]. difficult to evaluate or compare the effectiveness from one
proposed controller to another.
Additionally, regenerative braking [81] can be included to
make use of the eccentric portions of the gait cycle and
E. Materials
recover a portion of the energy. These designs along with
improved batteries can enable portable exoskeletons to Another important property of exoskeletons is the frame
function over a significant period of time, to the extent that design. The frame design may actually have a vastly
these exoskeletons could be practical in every-day situations. underrated effect on the overall performance outcome of a
robotic exoskeleton. Most exoskeletons have metal frames
D. Control (online appendix, Table V). Indeed, often the concept of an
exoskeleton for human use is inherently associated with a rigid
Unlike actuation, sensing, and energy supplies, control
metal frame as a necessity. Most exoskeleton designs employ
strategies for exoskeletons tend to vary widely from one
design to the next (online appendix, Table IV). The two most some type of aluminum alloy to create the links between the
joints of an exoskeleton. The typical goal is to keep the design
common forms of control are direct force (or torque) based
as lightweight as possible, but allow for physiological forces
control and kinematic, or position based control. For force
to be conveyed between struts. Titanium is likely more ideal in
based control, two different strategies are commonly applied.
terms of strength and weight for metal frames, but also
One is to perform an open-loop form of control such that a
substantially more expensive. Titanium alloys have a specific
pre-specified force or torque value is applied based on the
strength (a measure of the ratio of a material’s yield strength
assumed portion of the gait cycle. This strategy may
to density) of 44-278 N*m/kg which is 67% higher than
incorporate other variables such as walking speed or step
length to the formula but is difficult to optimize across aluminum alloys which have 9-166 N*m/kg [83]. An
alternative material that is sometimes used are fiber-reinforced
multiple conditions such as jogging, slopes, and stairs. A more
plastics such as carbon fiber. These are used more often in
responsive controller is a proportionally applied force/torque
based on a specific sensor such as an EMG measurement from designs that only actuate a single degree of freedom. Carbon
fiber is lighter weight than aluminum and might be a
a relevant muscle or force sensor between the user and the
promising design choice. Soft exoskeletons are also an
exoskeleton. These are adaptable to different situations but
interesting concept to help reduce weight, such as that
difficult to implement in real-world devices. While it varies, a
demonstrated by the Wyss Institute exosuit. Overall, rigid
direct force strategy tends to be the preferred approach for
metal frames of aluminum, titanium and/or steel are the
human performance augmentation. Position-based control is
common design material for any exoskeleton that actuates
more likely to be used to assist human locomotion to apply a
multiple degrees of freedom.
set of predefined joint angle trajectories. This control strategy

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Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

IV. FUTURE SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE EXOSKELETON brain machine interfaces. A huge array of research groups
CONTROL have been working on these for a wide variety of purposes and
A. Control is a weakness in many designs can interface at the single neuron level using penetrating
electrodes. Some of the most popular options available are the
Technological improvements have enabled exoskeleton Utah array and Michigan electrodes. Less invasive options that
technology to be viable on the market. Major gains in still require surgery under the skull for placement (e.g.
electronics, actuators, batteries, and sensors have propelled the electrocorticography) are also possible. These options may
use and acceptance of exoskeletons further. One issue with provide valuable information to establish a neural link, but
exoskeletons has been a considerable calibration and setup they come at the high cost of a brain surgery. This limits users
time required to don the devices. However, many device to those with a relatively high commitment level such as
makers now report donning times of only a few minutes with spinal cord injury patients. Descending nerves at the spinal
their modern products. Comfort and the interface to the user cord or periphery are another possibility to tap into neural
are still issues, but are improving as exoskeletons are tested activity for control, and potentially stimulation for biological
more on their user base. A significant issue that still remains is feedback. A peripheral nerve interface has been implanted in
how to effectively control the exoskeletons to maximize the humans and successfully demonstrated [87] with an amputee
benefits of these robotic devices. Controllers vary widely from patient.
one exoskeleton to another, and few studies test different All of these technologies have the potential to provide a
controllers directly on the same hardware. Additionally, most feedforward neural command that could be highly beneficial
exoskeletons only employ mechanical sensors embedded in for exoskeleton control. Muscle and nerve signals are
the device. While these are useful, additional information produced prior to force generation, a concept known as
about the state of the user may prove very valuable for electromechanical delay. This small delay period could enable
strengthening the control options that a user has over the a device to react to a given neural command and generate
device. In this section, we explore some of the promising ideas appropriate torques to be in line with the user’s intentions.
in research laboratories today that may be very useful when This could greatly improve control options for exoskeletons,
applied to exoskeleton technology. but all of the invasive technologies such as intramuscular
EMG, nerve recordings and brain recordings have a significant
B. Feedforward neural commands drawback in that an electrode or electrodes must be placed in
One of the most direct ways to incorporate user input and the body long-term. This may be acceptable for a user who
feedback is through a neural (or muscular) link. The only relies on an exoskeleton every day such as an individual with
exoskeletons on the market today to incorporate this type of spinal cord injury. However, many of the potential users of
technology are HAL and Myomo [84] which both use surface exoskeleton technology may only use it for short periods of
EMG electrodes. The muscular activity gives a representation time and an invasive device would not be practical or
of what the user is attempting to do and can be used to warranted. This includes able bodied subjects who use
proportionally determine the torque generated by actuators in exoskeletons for military or industrial purposes as well as
the device. Surface EMG, such as that used by HAL, Myomo, disabled individuals who use exoskeletons for a limited time
and other exoskeletons used in research, is useful but has a for health and therapeutic benefits (i.e. physical therapy). In
number of drawbacks such as a lack of stability overtime. fact, most exoskeletons in use today are for these purposes,
Surface EMG signals change due to a variety of factors such and very few are ‘take-home’ devices that are used by the
as placement, fatigue, and sweat. This limits the practicality of same user every day.
surface EMG as frequent recalibrations might be necessary to A promising solution that may provide neural information
benefit from the EMG. An alternative solution that holds for the non-permanent users are epidermal electronics. These
promise for EMG-based technology is to use intramuscular small electronic devices attach to the skin similar to a
EMG electrodes that may have more stable properties temporary tattoo and have the capability of measuring EMG
overtime. While muscle fatigue might still change signal and EEG [88]. The EMG recordings from these may not be as
properties over time, other problems such as placement, sweat stable of a measurement as intramuscular EMG but
and electrode shift during movement will be removed. One instabilities due to placement and movement should be
example of this technology is the IMES (implantable reduced. Sweat and fatigue may still provide some changes to
myoelectric sensor) which can be powered remotely and the EMG signal over time, but this may be an acceptable
wirelessly sends out the myoelectric signal to a controller [85]. trade-off for users who do not want permanent implants. For
These sensors can be inserted with a needle and permanently users with complete SCI that cannot contract appropriate
reside within the muscle belly. Other groups are also working muscles, the epidermal electrodes can be used in lieu of a full
on intramuscular EMG technology [86]. This technology EEG cap and may be a practical of a method for providing
could be highly beneficial for the subset of exoskeleton users direct neural control. Hair can be regrown through the mesh of
who have both remaining EMG activity and permanent access the epidermal electrodes to potentially provide a very valuable
to an exoskeleton device. neural signal on the scalp without the need of invasive
Another technology that could be used to establish a neural solutions. While these still require the commitment level of a
link that has been researched heavily over the last decade are temporary tattoo, this may be a very viable trade-off to gain

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

neural control information for an exoskeleton device.

C. Machine vision
Machine vision technology has been in use and improving
in many different fields [89] but is a relatively unexplored
technology for exoskeleton control. Sensors that analyze the
visual space in front of the user such as cameras or infrared
sensors have many applications for improving control. They Fig. 4. Number of publications on robotic exoskeletons over the last 18 years
may be able to estimate the ground slope and change control as a percentage of the 2014 level. The number is expressed as a percentage of
parameters appropriately to best augment the user. the 2014 year level for the three different data base sources. For the year
2014, PubMed Central had 137 publications in its database, Web of Science
Additionally, sensors may detect whether the user is indoors had 120 publications, and Google Scholar had 2710 publications, all using
or outdoors and change controls to deal with uneven or rough the keywords “robotic exoskeleton”. The number of publications across all
terrain. For example, on rough terrain, the exoskeleton three doubled from 2004 to 2009 and doubled again between 2009 and 2013.
controller might choose to walk slower but with a more stable robust transitions between control states or provide
gait pattern than it would over flat even terrain in a building. information for a controller that incorporates ground slope into
Sensors may detect an upcoming curb or stairs to change the torque formula. Also of use would be to determine the
control states for the user. Sensors may even be able to optimal way to enable robust transitions between states within
identify objects that might cause a trip or fall and provide a state machine such as standing to walking, transitioning
appropriate control to help prevent falls. Information fusion between sitting and standing, and transition to take a step
approaches will be necessary to help incorporate information up/down a stair or curb. Overall, our recommendation is to
gathered across domains such as mechanical sensors on the have state machine logic presented and evaluated using
exoskeleton, sensors for machine vision and possibly sensors quantitative metrics such as metabolics, kinematic, kinetics,
conveying neural or myoelectric information. EMG as well as the effects on walking speed, gait symmetry,
step length, balance, and other biomechanics of gait
D. Better state machines parameters. This will help determine best practices for state
For lower limb exoskeletons, state machines are often machines that may enable exoskeleton designs to become
employed to specify different states of the controller such as more capable and viable in the future.
between stance and swing phase. Further break-downs of the
gait cycle are sometimes used such as to specify a late-stance E. Artificial neural oscillators
phase for powered plantar flexion or to break up swing into
An interesting controls approach that has been proposed for
multiple distinct states for swing flexion (early) or swing
legged robotics is to use artificial neural oscillators. These are
extension (mid/late). Not all controller designs incorporate a
based on the idea of a central pattern generator, and have been
state machine, but many have. It is a powerful tool to
proposed to provide a robust and adaptive framework for
implement different controllers such as an impedance-based
controlling multi-DOF systems in varying environmental
controller in stance and a kinematic controller for swing. For
paradigms [90, 91]. These are potentially promising for
most commercially marketed exoskeletons, state machine
cyclical tasks such as locomotion and have promising
specifics are not reported in detail including the entrance/exit
simulation results. These systems can help to exploit the
criteria and the specific control law that defines a state. It
natural resonance within a mechanical system such as an
would be valuable to report quantitative metrics that evaluate
exoskeleton to help reduce energy cost [92]. Such a system
state machine parameters to help guide the evolution of
has been applied to an upper limb exoskeleton [93] but could
controllers for exoskeletons. Many studies simply use time
also be an interesting approach for lower limb to help reduce
within stance or swing phase to determine when to apply
energetic cost [94] and improve robustness. They have been
torque and normalize to subject specific step timing. Time
successfully implemented in powered hip exoskeletons to help
specific parameters should be largely eliminated from state
relate hip joint angle to joint torque [94, 95] and predict gait
machines and replaced with phase variables such as joint
cadence [96]. Their key advantages include the ability to adapt
angles/velocities, limb segment movements, or ground
to different walking cadences, implementation using a range
reaction forces to allow for greater robustness over a variety of
of different sensors, and lack of user dependent calibration.
conditions such as changes to step length and walking speed.
Neural information can be incorporated into the state machine
architecture to provide better timing and proportionality of
torque applied to movements such as ankle plantar flexion Outside of the controllers, there is still considerable room
during late stance or hip flexion at toe off. Hybrid controllers for improvement for much of the exoskeleton hardware. The
can be developed to take advantage of useful neural components that need the most work relate to the frame
information and resort to more basic mechanical sensor (comfort and energy transmission) and the actuators.
information when the neural information is not available, Another frequent comment by users of robotic exoskeletons
useful, or clean. Machine vision may help to enable more is that the soft tissue interface between the device and the

1534-4320 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

user’s body is not particularly comfortable. Human skeletons Warrior Web program. Improved actuator designs could have
are routinely powered by muscles that attach directly into a large effect on the viability of robotic exoskeletons for
bones. This is an ideal situation for transmitting torques and human performance augmentation.
energy to the skeletal system, both for efficiency and for One approach to advancing the field would be to focus on
remaining pain-free. When humans don most robotic smaller, single joint robotic exoskeletons rather than continued
exoskeletons, they have skin, fat, and muscle in between the pursuit of large, whole body robotic exoskeletons. Past studies
exoskeleton and their own skeletal system. Compressed soft have shown that human exoskeleton users can more readily
tissues can become painful when using powered exoskeleton. adapt to a single joint exoskeleton than a multiple joint robotic
The pain of robotic exoskeleton use becomes worse when the exoskeleton. This may be due to the difficulty in adjusting the
exoskeleton does not contain enough degrees of freedom for internal model of movement dynamics on the fly if the
fluid motion. Compressed soft tissues also becomes a huge changes made are more extensive. Improving the performance
energy sink, decreasing the transmission efficiency of of single joint exoskeletons through better controllers and
mechanical energy. In some cases, as much as 50% of the actuators would then presumably lead in to further
mechanical energy of the robotic exoskeleton is lost as work development with whole limb exoskeletons.
to compress soft tissues. New designs of exoskeleton frames In the near future, the commercial success of robotic lower
that incorporate a combination of materials (such as carbon limb exoskeletons are most likely to occur in smaller niche
fiber and synthetic textiles) along with more traditional metals markets. Much of the military focus at present is for all-
may have more success in transmitting energy from the purpose robotic exoskeletons that can function in the combat
actuators to the user’s body. The DARPA Warrior Web zone. This requires a much greater mechanical performance
program has recognized this limitation in past rigid, metal level and a very flexible controller. Alternatively, when
robotic exoskeleton frames and has actively pushed exoskeleton users are in constrained settings (e.g. warehouse,
researchers into the direction of softer, more form fitting construction plant) and perform a limited number of
devices. Incorporation of 3D printers that can use multiple constrained tasks (e.g. moving boxes, ship construction), the
types of materials to create subject-specific frames may also robotic exoskeleton assistance can rely on simpler devices and
hold potential for minimizing both pain and energy loss during controllers. It seems reasonable to expect that these simpler
use. Including greater degrees of freedom into the exoskeleton devices for a limited range of tasks (like the FORTIS) will be
frame would allow the device to better match the motion able to show commercial viability before the all-purpose
patterns and complexity of the human body. In past devices battlefield devices. In addition, getting the smaller and simpler
such as BLEEX, the movement pattern during walking was devices to market would likely help jump start the field as a
considerably modified by the device, making locomotion seem whole. Once there is more widespread commercial acceptance
unnatural and forced (not to mention metabolically costly). of some robotic exoskeletons, secondary technology suppliers
Starting with a complex enough model to capture the are likely to develop and add to the number of workers and
anthropometry of the human body could facilitate the creation companies in the industry. Honda has been working towards
of a frame that does not hinder the movement patterns of the this idea with their hip assist exoskeleton [102] and Lockheed
user. Martin has shifted to focusing on FORTIS with a similar
The presence – or absence – of additional passive degrees intent.
of freedom within an exoskeleton has been largely
unaddressed in the literature, but is critical to the success of a VI. FUTURE PROJECTIONS
device. When walking in whole body exoskeletons, passive It is a great time to be in the field of robotic exoskeletons.
degrees of freedom (or the lack of them) drastically affect how Technological advancements in the hardware are making new
encumbered the user is when attempting to maneuver and turn. designs and prototypes feasible that were not realistic ten
Past biomechanics studies have found that limiting the range years ago. There is continued interest in funding exoskeleton
of movement and/or the degrees of freedom increases research. The National Robotic Initiative has pooled together
metabolic cost and decreases gait performance [97-100]. resources from NIH, NSF, NASA, DoD, and USDA to
Additional basic science research that expands beyond level provide continued stimulus on robotics research. Within the
walking on a treadmill is needed to explore the importance of NRI robotic exoskeletons have had a predominant role.
different passive degrees of freedom, especially at the hip and TALOS is another effort to accelerate the development of
pelvis [101]. robotic exoskeletons that may lead to fast gains in commercial
Although the majority of robotic exoskeletons have relied technology [103]. The TALOS program seeks to make a
on electrical motors in the past, the size and weight of current tactical exoskeleton suit that incorporates body armor, power,
actuator designs can be limiting. An alternative approach soldier monitoring, and weaponry. The program has brought
would be an investment in truly novel actuator designs that do together industry and academic experts to assess technical
not resemble current standards for autonomous robots. Going limitations and determine paths forward to develop a military-
back to how human muscles are configured, actuators that ready suit. The project is funding a number of different groups
only pull and are very lightweight can present some distinct to advance specific technologies, but only a few have been
advantages to traditional electric motors. This aspect is officially announced such as Revision’s Prowler exoskeleton
recognized by the ongoing research sponsored by the DARPA technology which includes lower limb enhancements and

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Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

armor plates [104]. The TALOS technological developments need funding agencies to value basic science projects on
are likely to help further push along the development of robotic exoskeletons. Too many times the review of grant
exoskeletons for augmenting human movement and capability. proposals prioritizes just building new devices. Understanding
However, there is the concern that by aiming only for the all- how humans interact and adapt to robotic assistance is critical
purpose superhuman robotic exoskeleton for combat zones, to creating better designs in the future for devices. We need
they will miss the opportunity to develop near term better theoretical frameworks of energetic cost, neural
commercial successes in smaller niche markets. adaptation, and biomechanical function to feed into the
Although many companies discourage scientific designers. Scientists and engineers need to work together to
publications on their devices, there is a promising trend for the these objectives if the field is to accelerate towards
field. A search of various scientific databases reveals commercially successful devices.
exponential increases in the number of peer-reviewed
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2016.2521160, IEEE
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Aaron J. Young received his B.S.

degree in biomedical engineering from
Purdue University in 2009 and his M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in biomedical
engineering at Northwestern University
in 2011 and 2014, respectively.
He is currently a post-doctoral fellow
at the University of Michigan in the
Human Neuromechanics Laboratory in the School of
Kinesiology. His research interests include intent recognition
and control of powered exoskeletons and prostheses.

Daniel P. Ferris received his B.S.

from the University of Central Florida,
his M.S. from the University of Miami,
and his Ph.D. from University of
California, Berkeley. He worked as a
post-doctoral researcher in the UCLA
Department of Neurology and the
University of Washington Department of
Electrical Engineering. He is currently a Professor at the
University of Michigan in the School of Kinesiology and
Department of Biomedical Engineering. He studies the
neuromechanical control of human locomotion in health and
disability. Specifically, he focuses on robotic lower limb
exoskeletons, bionic lower limb prostheses, and mobile brain

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Table I: Types of actuators in recent exoskeleton designs.

Table II: Categories of sensors used in recent exoskeleton designs.

*Used EEG sensors

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Table III: Types of energy supplies used by recent exoskeleton designs

Table IV: Control systems used by recent exoskeletons

*Preprogrammed timing based control from toe off and heel contact

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Table V: Material construction of recent exoskeleton designs.

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