'Robotic Exoskeleton'

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Presentation on
Robotic Exoskeleton

B Lakshmi Tanmai
IV EEE Pragati Engineering College

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department

Robotic Exoskeleton 1
Robotic Exoskeleton

• Introduction.
• Robotic Exoskeleton.
• How Does It Work?
• Applications of Exoskeletons.
• Pros and Cons.
• Growth in India.

Robotic Exoskeleton 2
Exoskeletons are ideal for use in almost every
industry, including medical, agriculture,
automobile, construction, manufacturing, and so
on. These can help people maintain fitness and
prevent health issues as well as help those who
face hardships in performing daily tasks.

Robotic Exoskeleton 3
2. Robotic Exoskeleton
The term exoskeleton literally means an external skeleton
structure wherein the skeletal system is outside an organism’s
body, as seen in arthropods like spiders, insects, and
We combine robotics and biomechatronic to create wearable
frameworks that could be worn on a specific body part, or even
on the entire body, to boost a human being’s performance.

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Unlike an autonomous robot, it does not replace the
worker altogether. Neither does it work like a
prosthetic that replaces the original amputated body
part. According to a report from MarketsandMarkets,
the exoskeleton market is predicted to grow to
2,810.5 million dollars by 2023.

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Types of Exoskeletons

Depending on the powering mechanism, there are mainly two types

1. Passive
2. Active

Powered or active exoskeletons use data from sensors to

monitor and respond to person’s movements. Different ways of
powering the exoskeletons, including pneumatics, electrical
motors, and hydraulics, can be used to improve the strength and
endurance of a person’s body.

Robotic Exoskeleton 6
Interesting FACT
From old science-fiction movies like Aliens to the new ones like
Avengers, it has been common in films to feature fascinating
robotic exoskeletons. But their availability in real life is much more
usual than one would notice.

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3. How does it Work?

Interaction of exoskeleton with the user involves

three main steps—sense, decision, and execution.
Fitted with motorised muscles usually, the suit
makes it easier to work with heavy objects as it
makes them feel much lighter, and hence easier to
lift and move.
Advancements in robotics are helping in the
creation of intelligent solutions. Predictive
algorithms and artificial intelligence allow a
faster response from exoskeletons in real time.

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Robotic Exoskeleton 9
Working Of Robotic Exoskeleton
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• The cognitive human-robot interaction part consists of
algorithms and control strategies to deal with how the user
controls the exoskeleton. Sensing and decision-making are
made possible using the information from human operators
as well as sensors in the wearables.
• The focus is on decreasing stress and strain that is usually
exerted on muscles and joints.
• For physical human-robot interaction, in case of lifting, for
example, the weight of arms is transferred to cores of the
neck, shoulder, and back for even distribution of energy.
When the body part (here, arm) comes back to its resting
position, the support is slowly taken off.

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• These wearables can be made of either rigid materials
like carbon fibre or sometimes soft materials such as
special kinds of fabric, depending on the application
• The actuators made with soft materials are also
lightweight, making them useful for such places as the
ankle and hand, which require careful movements.
• Testing of performance is done via measurement of the
interaction forces between the device and the user’s
limbs during the execution of a task.

Robotic Exoskeleton 12
Robotic Exoskeleton 13
• On-board sensors enable accurate tracking of a
patient’s progress over time; the data is valuable in
ensuring a balanced approach. This reduces the work
of therapists as assistance can be simply customised to
the needs of individual patients.
• During body movements, nerve signals are sent from
the brain to muscles via motor neurons. To give it a
more natural feel, bio-sensors are attached nowadays
so that a wearer’s intention can be understood in
advance from the bio-signals received, and response
from exoskeleton can be simultaneous. Researchers are
also working on electroencephalogram (EEG) bio-
sensors that can measure activity across the user’s
head. The suits can be mobile or fixed/suspended
according to requirements.
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• Solutions like Lokomat from Hocoma, a producer
of robotic and sensor-based devices, give
ergonomic support to the suffering people and
allow the doctors to observe the patient’s
movements easily. Other companies making
exoskeleton suits include Exo Bionics, ReWalk
Robotics, Cyberdyne, Meditouch, and Bionik

Robotic Exoskeleton 15
4. Applications of Exoskeleton
• The capabilities and benefits offered by the exoskeletons
make them ideal for use in almost every industry,
including medical, agriculture, automobile, construction,
manufacturing, and so on. These can help people
maintain fitness and prevent health issues as well as help
those who face hardships in performing daily tasks.
• Their use in industries helps workers avoid chronic
health issues. These can also prove to be highly
beneficial for first responders and firefighters in
disastrous situations. For example, NASA’s X1 robotic
exoskeleton would allow astronauts to improve their
exercises by the addition of resistance force. The data
can be recorded and sent to Earth, where doctors can
provide feedback.
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• Exosuits are designed for multiple medical conditions,
including stroke, cerebral palsy (CP), incomplete spinal cord
injury, multiple sclerosis (MS), traumatic brain injury (TBI),
and many more. These help patients in regaining limb strength
and perform day-to-day tasks that involve walking or using
their arms. Exosuits enable paraplegics to stand up and walk at
a consistent pace again. These can help in dealing with obesity
and balancing body parameters caused by increased sitting
time and decreased level of physical activity.

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As per a World Health Organization report, one billion
people or fifteen per cent of the total world population
experiences some form of disability. These people are more
vulnerable to adverse socio-economic experiences. In
healthcare, the exosuits are mainly needed in rehabilitation
and therapeutic applications to improve the quality of life
of patients.

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5. Advantages and Disadvantages
There are numerous benefits of using exoskeletons in
different fields. Several reports have findings that prove
the safety of exoskeleton training, which indicates a likely
positive growth of this field in future.
• Exoskeletons make people less prone to fatigue
resulting from performing repetitive tasks for long
durations, musculoskeletal disorders, or long-term
injuries from accidents. Complex movements become
easy with them because of jointed appendages.
• These also prevent physical damage on the
goods/materials side. Compared to previously existing
options in the market, exoskeletons offer much more
flexibility in work.

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But at the same time, there are numerous problems too.

• Their structural design needs to accommodate several

parameters and is difficult to make. Another problem is that
their sometimes bulky and rigid structure can make them
uncomfortable as a wearable. The manufacturers also need to
fulfil stringent government regulations pertaining to medical
• In older designs, powering the exoskeletons required workers to
be tied to a power source. But now, designs can be powered by
small battery units that provide sufficient charging for long
durations. Since the technology is still evolving with worldwide
prototype tests going on, the use of next-gen exoskeletons in
critical applications still has a long way to go.

Robotic Exoskeleton 20
6. Growth in India
• India has also seen an increasing number of
companies and startups in this field, especially in
the last five years. In 2015, ReWalk Robotics
announced a partnership with Saimed Innovations,
a medical technologies provider, as part of an effort
to distribute their exoskeleton systems in the
• Being manufactured with a focus on Indian
customers, the exoskeletons from Indian healthcare
startup GenElek can do all the necessary work and
are available at a low cost. Their technology works
towards strengthening limb and hand movements
for the rehabilitation of patients. It aids in reducing
the recovery time too.
Robotic Exoskeleton 21
• In February 2020, at Future Decoded tech summit,
Microsoft showcased Bionic Yantra as one of the
innovative startups on its cloud platform. The Indian
startup developed an exoskeleton for people with spinal
injuries to help them move their limbs in controlled
conditions. With the assistance of the Internet of Things
(IoT) and machine learning (ML), the data can be used for
keeping a check on progress achieved and predicting
patient recovery
• Research is ongoing to develop next-gen exosuits by both
private and government sectors, with labs of institutions
like Defence Research and Development Organisation
(DRDO)’s Defence Bioengineering and Electro-medical
Laboratory (DEBEL) at the forefront. This is not just
essential for adopting technology as a tool to address social
needs, but also for boosting the Indian economy.
Robotic Exoskeleton 22

Robotic exoskeletons involve sensors, actuators,

mechanical structures, algorithms, and control
strategies capable of acquiring information to
execute a motor function.
Human exoskeletons add the strength and
endurance of robotics to a human’s innate
intellect and adaptability to help people transport
heavy loads over rough, unpredictable terrain

Robotic Exoskeleton 23

• Robotic exoskeletons: The current pros and cons by

Ashraf S Gorgey in world Journal of Orthopedics.
• https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/exoskele
• https://www.electronicsforu.com/technology-trends/tech-

Robotic Exoskeleton 24

Thank You

Presentation by
B Lakshmi Tanmai
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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