Block Chain-Enabled Distributed Security Framework For Next Generation Iot: An Edge-Cloud and Software Defined Network Integrated Approach

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Block chain-enabled Distributed

Security Framework for Next

Generation IoT : An Edge-Cloud and
Software Defined Network Integrated

all et[1],they proposed the performance of devices that deliver platform for
security of iot, Block chain-enabled Distributed communication. he finally concluded the attack
Security Framework for Next Generation IoT: An discovery is executed at the SDN edge,
Edge-Cloud and Software Defined Network therefore assuring prompt detection of attacks
Integrated Approach the software defined with a fast reply. The results show that for novel
networking (SDN)-enabled gateway offers research challenges in achieving data
dynamic network traffic flow management, that confidentiality, the proposed security
contributes in the security attack recognition framework is effective. The security attacks
through determining doubtful network traffic detection at the initial stage correspondingly
flows and diminishes security attacks through allows a reduced storage requirement and
hindering doubtful flows. lesser latency, in addition to diminishing IoT
Software Defined Networks (SDN) gives facilities resources consumption and the network
to the IoT network in dealing with data bandwidth consumption. All roaming IoT
dynamically, adaptively and remotely. The main devices and SDN server share data by means of
agenda of SDN is to offer a partition amongst the blockchain technology. Ultimately, our
the data plane and the control plane [9]. On the findings recommend that, the proposed security
other hand, the notion of edge-cloud computing framework can be set up within the IoT network
has been announced recently, in which the as a data confidentiality conserving element
system archetypes accomplish the required which discovers and diminishes probable single
storage and data communication nearby the IoT or cooperative security attacks by observing and
devices. he proposed the framework like, it investigating the traffic flow data of the whole
incorporates components from three IoT system in real-time
technologies namely block chain, edge-cloud
and SDN. It contains various software
components and hardware

Using Machine Learning for Protecting

the Security and Privacy of Internet of
Things (IoT) Systems
Melody Mohand Robinson Raju a[2] proposed a in its data center to optimize cooling, and that
security for iot using ML . As we know today, cut its overall energy consumption by 15% [37].
IoT devices are ubiquitous and have occupied Using Machine Learning for Protecting the
almost every sphere of our lives, growing an Security and Privacy of IoT Systems • Roomba
era of smart things it also as the security issues. 980. This Roomba is connected to the Internet
As IoT usage grows, the amount of data and comes with a camera that captures the
uploaded to the cloud by IoT systems far images of a room and software that compares
exceeds that done by users. Because IoT data is these images to gradually build up a map of the
on the cloud and IoT devices have connectivity robot’s surroundings to determine its location
to the Internet, they become easy to attacks of .in future Usage of latest trends in AI and ML
different types. toward IoT security • ML algorithms for fog
We have different attacks like computing security focused on techniques that
Identification, Localization and Tracking, use lesser memory and can process large
Profiling, Profiling, Inventory Attack, we amount of data quickly • ML algorithms in new
propose a security measures like preventing areas of IoT sensor development in multiple
these using machine learning algorithms, in industries • ML algorithms to analyze
industrial domain we have different algorithms healthcare data – specific focus could be done
like Google Deepmind AI. Google applied on WIBSNs (wireless and implantable body
machine learning to 120+ variables from sensor sensor networks.

Research on Data Encryption

Standard Based on AES Algorithm in
Internet of Things Environment

all et [3] proposed a research on Data packet length to 128 bits, and the key length
Encryption Standard Based on AES Algorithm in can only be one of 128, 192, and 256 bits [4].
Internet of Things Environment.iot has changed The number of rounds of the AES algorithm is
all the world,as it changed it also as got issues related to the key length.
with the privacy and security,in order to AES algorithm consists and works as follows;
overcome that issues we use different The internal structure of the AES algorithm
algorithms. consists of four basic steps [5], namely
The AES algorithm is basically identical to the SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns, and
Rijndael algorithm. The difference between the AddRoundKey.
two is that the packet length and key length are Byte substitution is the only non-linear
different. The Rijndael algorithm has a variable operation in the AES algorithm, and it is also an
packet length and key length, which can be set important part of ensuring the security of the
to an integer multiple of 32 bits, ranging from AES algorithm. In byte substitution, AES uses 16
128 to 256 bits. The AES algorithm fixes the identical S-boxes, each of which is an 8-bit
input, an 8-bit output, and these S-boxes work Efficiency is a measure of the strengths and
in parallel. weaknesses of an algorithm
Line shift. The row shift is an operation of The core work of this paper is to build the data
cyclically shifting each row of the algorithm encryption standard DESI in the Internet of
state according to different displacement Things based on the AES algorithm. The results
amounts. show that DESI has higher efficiency than the
The key expansion algorithm refers to how to AES algorithm. Combined with the security
generate sub-keys of each round through the analysis of DESI, it can be concluded that DESI
initial key of the AES algorithm. combines efficiency and security, and is suitable
Round key addition is a bitwise XOR operation for providing encryption protection for data in
of a 16-byte algorithm state matrix and a 16- the IoT environment.
byte subkey

Design and Implementation of a

Customized Encryption Algorithm for
Authentication and Secure
Communication between Devices
Et all [4] encryption plays a significant role in keys.Here we need the authentication protocol
securing relevant information from and communication protocol. . An unique ID is
overcome security issues they proposed a assigned to every device to ensure
algorithms like AES. This algorithm is a variation confidentiality.we even have limitations on
of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and implementation, the private and public keys of
devises a new protocol for key establishment. the devices are determined only once.
Therefore, the devices don’t need approval
AES is the most widely used encryption from the server every time they want to
algorithm in different applications. One of its communicate. Once they have the public keys
main applications is in the SSL and TLS shared by the server, they are authorized. .
protocols. The algorithm comprises of Byte- Overall, the algorithm aims to provide a highly
Substitution Layer, Shiftrows layer, Mixcolumn secure and stable encryption. Evaluating and
layer and Key-Addition layer , RSA is a public key optimizing the computational capabilities of the
algorithm with the key sizes ranging from 512 to proposed algorithm could be one of the cases
2048-bits. Due to low computational speeds, used for further research.
they are often used to encrypt symmetric
Enhancing Cyber Security in Modern
Internet of things (IoT) Using Intrusion
Prevention Algorithm for IoT (IPAI)
Abdulaziz Aldaej proposed the ipai algortithm boolcheckNode() { int
for securing the iot , IoT is an application list[10]={ 6,9,11,41,43,47,61,64,59,93};//list of
domain integrating diverse technologies and infected nodes(R) int node, pos=0; bool
social areas, One of the major challenges faced found=false; cout<<"enter node number ";
by IoT world is not expansion but its security. , it cin>>node; for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)
is necessary for each communicating node to { if(list[i]==node) found=true; pos++; break; }
incorporate some kind of security mechanism to if(found==true) cout<<"Malicious node found at
prevent any kind of attacks. Two categories of "<<pos<<" position\n"; else cout<<"No
the nodes are assumed by in the proposed Malicious node found\n"; system("pause");
IPAM (intrusion Prevention Algorithm in IoT): return 0; }
normal IoT nodes and Intrusion detection
he proposed the simulation work results as
nodes– where the existing IoT infrastructure is
used by these IDS nodes to create the follows:
management network. attack information like After the first detected malicious group attack
type of attack, interaction category FMIDS is allowed to generate report even if the
(ActivePassive), the detected attackers list and examination of whole simulated data is not
it is easily possible to generate an APD (Active completed, active profile database can be easily
Profile Database) after statistically analyzing the updated and authorize IPAI to begin the
occurrence and behavior of the attacker nodes. blacklist update. In case IPAI procedure has
made any update to the blacklist file, then these
He proposed the code for simulation
updates are instantly forwarded to the reactive
III CODE FOR SIMULATION module that in turn can respond as per the
received recommendations.
boolcheckNode(); int phi=20; //phi being
prevention threshold, 10 is a token value He concluded that magnitude of DDoS and
usingnamespacestd; void main() { inti=0; int therefore harm as escalated with the inclusion
M=0; int k=0; bool res=false; res=checkNode(); of various different attack sources, Based on the
if(res)M+=1; else M+=0; if(M<=phi) { cout<<"\n basic structure and functions of existing IDS, we
Entered node is among Black Listed node "; } have sued results in the proposed algorithm in a
else { i+=1; if(i<=k)res=check Node(); else { manner to prevent the attacks.
//steps to be discussed (future) } //return 0; } }
Advanced AES Algorithm Using Dynamic
Key in the iot
Et all[6] proposed that There are many attackers at bay, To overcome the limitations of
proposed security methods and algorithms such the AES algorithm, and meet the increasing
as SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), MD5 demand for information security and especially
(Message-Digest Algorithm 5), AES (Advanced in the IoT system, the proposed development of
Encryption Standard) etc. The AES is one of the the AES algorithm
most common algorithms between them. the
AES algorithm was created as an improvement Developed aes: dynamic key
generation,algorithm handler.
to the security of information based on DES.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is an Results: . It takes a long time, depending on the
algorithm developed by two Belgian length of the password, but it can always
cryptographers, Joan Daemen and VinRcent succeed if there is no time limit. Governments
Rijmen [7]. The AES allows processing 128-bit and many businesses have put their trust in
input data, which uses 128-bit, 192-bit or 256- AES, which is a very secure algorithm for the
bit key length. Depending on the key length, we transmission of information with the 128-bits
have different loops.2 bit AES uses ten loops key. Here, the ability to brute-force attacks to
(round), 192-bit AES uses twelve loops and 256- find the key is very low. He concluded that the
bit AES uses fourteen loops. The biggest above method will be an encoding technique to
disadvantage with of using the AES algorithm is ensure that data is not stolen and applied in the
that Cyber-attacks are continuously developing; transmission of data on the Internet such as
therefore, security specialists must stay busy in vehicle journey, monitoring etc,
the lab, inventing new schemes to keep

Security Model of IOT-based Systems

et all[8] proposed that security of iot is using this algorithm we can overcome the issue,
important nowadays,they proposed scada, the problem of security of IoT-solutions consists
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). of three problems – availability, integrity, and
systems in various implementations from the confidentiality. The typical architecture of
control of remote equipment like oil pumpjack SCADA-systems based on IoT technologies
to logistics. The new systems are oriented for generally corresponds to the traditional
using WEB and modern information automatic process control systems, Web-based
technologies like cloud computing, they based SCADA, data exchange channels,
on mass IoT-products to collect and transmit communication and computation unit, and
data. Iot cost is low but the security risk is high sensors networks, which include standalone
sensors and sensors subnetworks. the system encryption technique,unique ip address,fog
uses various protocols and computational computing ,she used two fish method to
modules used, which leads to specific security
issues. Due to vulnerabilities of embedded
systems and basic communication and
embedded technologies, it provides an
overview of new IoT security technologies and
current trends in IoT security research. In using
REST API to securely expose connected devices
to applications on cloud and users are
described. The model with middleware as an
interface between user and sensor for expose
device data through REST and to hide
communication process details are proposed.

Thus he concluded that the resulting model is

form of a nested attribute metagraph, and
provides a convenient tool for further analysis
and optimizations, including visualization of
data flows in the system, system states over
time, etc. A prospect of further research is to
develop models for various subsystems and
tools for their visualization and analysis based
on matrix operations on metagraphs, and
model for describing security vulnerabilities
(CVSS) for each node

Designing Security
System for IoT
Nanditha a[9] proposed the security for the iot
devices ,as iot as occupied the whole world the
privacy is at risk.she proposed Security has been
Twofish, Cast-256 and Des is proposed to make
in two levels, in the first level, hybrid encryption
encryption robust. In each layer of encryption,
is proposed for encrypting data when data will
same encryption key will be used. Data will be
be in communication medium and in the second
encrypted when data leaves one device for the
level, machine learning based real time
communication channel.then she proposed the
Intrusion Detection System is proposed which
then Cast256 decryption algorithm will be
will be installed in the device level and in server
applied in the second layer of decryption and
level.she proposed techniques like hybrid
then Twofish decryption algorithm will be
applied in the third layer of decryption. Three text and 400 bit key.this algorithm uses the 400
layers of proposed encryption for Iot. bit key which is divided into 2 parts of 200-200

She then used IDS In the second phase of

security of IoT, implementation of real time IDS
is proposed which needs to be installed in cloud
server and in edge devices. IDS analyzes traffic
and after analysis if any traffic is detected as
suspicious. Before data comes out from the
device, data will be encrypted using hybrid
encryption.she concluded saying that r
classification in designing IDS which will be
installed in cloud server or edge devices.
Proposed hybrid encryption can protect data
effectively as there are three layers of
encryption. Identification of appropriate
classifier for specific type of data is
recommended for future work.

5 reviewed paper
Et a[10] they proposed the performance of the
aware of security framework to avoid the
software attacks on iot.,the viruses worms are
inserted to the iot code in the system ,thses
attacks can be rectified by the rsa and aes
techniques,aes algorithm is not only foe
security but also for great speed,the rsa is used
most for public configuration to encrypt data to
provide security .Aes can be implemented on
variety of flatforms especially in small
devices.they concluded that the encryption
algorithm of AES and RSA uses 4 different types
of files like jpeg,pdf,text doc .`to check the
memory and usage as compared to AES


Eta[11] ,they proposed that an enhanced AES Bits providing key for each rounds Thus AES will
algorithmusing cascaded suggest symmetrical omit mix column from single time it reduces the
block encryption using 200 bit sequential plain complexity AES is not based on the 3DES,IDES it
works on the arithmetic operation and
performs the 8 bit operation .hence they
concluded that the new algorithm saves
encryption time by 60%, more than the original
results of mixed column and increases the
security of future it can be implemented
on GPU using the op[en CL frame work .


Mohanta et[12] proposed that addressing

security and privacy issues of the iot using the
block chain technology ,in the last decade iot is
an emerging technology associated with the low
power and storage capacity ,smart things are
vulnerable to the attacks as existing security a
cryptography techniques are used are
suitable ,so they used block chain methods,The
autor proposed a secure framework using a
data collection for smart health care and iot
devices.the security issues like node capture
,unauthorized access sinkhole are issues,

To overcome these thwy used the total white

space ecpsa algorithm each node calculation
,key generation etc with ECDSA.they concluded
that the iot using block chain is the safest and
best method where we can use to overcome
privacy issues,thet initially reviewed and
identified the security issues using block chain

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