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A Novel Secure Data Aggregation in IoT Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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A Novel Secure Data Aggregation in IoT using

Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Neeraj Chandnani C N Khairnar
Research Scholar Faculty of Communication Engineering,
Devi Ahilya University, Indore(M.P.)-452001, India Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow (M.P.)-
Research Centre: Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, 453441, India
Mhow (M.P.)-453441, India Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Abstract-Internet of Things (IoT) is a network paradigm inwhich their studies. Data collection is performed by collecting
data aggregation and data security plays a vital role. Data information from devices at a certain place and certain time. The
aggregation in IoT describes collection of information from key point is to regulate network performance for data collection
different users and data security means encryption of collected data by considering application requirement [2]. Distribution
using cryptography method. The proposed work comprises of
algorithm is proposed to collect ubiquitous data. This algorithm
devices and gateway to perform data aggregation and data
encryption. Data aggregation is performed using clustering in transmits data collected by surrounding sensor nodes and
which data are clustered and securedby Particle prioritizes the transmission of most important and relevant data.
SwarmOptimization (PSO) algorithm which finds the cluster head. The proposed algorithm can support smooth collection and
After finding cluster head, nodes requests to join as cluster coordination of different users described in reference [3].To
member. PSO computes fitness function using metrics i.e. energy, collect information from physical and social layer learning-based
end-to- end delay, scoring factor, packet drops and successful method is proposed. In physical layer, Weiner process is used to
packet transformation. After completion of clustering process, data find distance between two devices and connection probability is
encryption process is held in which, cluster head collects data from defined by Kolmogorov equation. In social layer, Bayesian non-
the cluster members and encrypts it using Elliptic Curve
parametric based learning is used to collect information from
Cryptography (ECC) method. Finally, encrypted data are
dispatched to gateway device.Experimental result shows, the real world [4]. To avoid threats and attacks in data collection of
proposed work on Secure Particle Swarm Optimization (S- IoT, one must authenticate the partner’s identity. In this,collector
PSO)prompts better performance in following metrics i.e.delay, identifies the smart card owner without gateway node. Sensor
throughput and energy consumption. node transferred data to collector through a secure channel.
Collector also confirms collected dataare from valid sensor
Keywords- IoT, Data aggregation, Security, Particle Swarm nodes [5].Ensuring the security of IoT and its application is
Optimization, Elliptic Curve Cryptography. important factor which is preserved by ultra-lightweight RFID
authentication protocol. As per reference [6] a passive secrete
disclosure attack against security threats. The success probability
The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, of attack is ‘1’ while complexity of attack is overhearing one
vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with session of protocol.Information generated from the cluster
electronics, software, sensors, actuators and connectivity which devices lacks in security of transmitting and storing data in IoT.
enables these things to connect and exchange data. The concept This approach enables edge device to encrypt their data using
of IoT came into existence in the year 1999. However due to Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm before
tremendous development in wireless devices and standards the transmitting into other devices. The key of AES is encrypted by
concept of IoT has come to reality now. The number of IoT using Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) crypto systems which is
devices increased 31% year over year to 8.4 billion in the year exchanged to authenticated person via e-mail [7].To secure data
2017 and it is estimated that there will be 30 billion devices by in IoT hybrid security model is proposed. Hybrid security model
2020. There is need to look into IoT network and their developed through 2-D discrete wavelet transform 1 level (2D-
characteristics. Emerging IoT network has lot of issues related to DWT-1L) or 2-D discrete wavelet transform 2 level (2D-DWT-
data aggregation, security, clustering of IoT devices and 2L) steganography technique. The proposed hybrid model is
encryption. built using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm and
IoT is an emerging network standard in which our day-to-day Rivest–Shamir–Adleman algorithms. The proposed model starts
objects are equipped with capabilities of identifying, sensing, by encrypting the secret data; then it hides the result using 2D-
processing and networking functionalities whichallow them to DWT-1L or 2D-DWT-2L techniques [8].
communicate between one another through internet. The current Cluster resource indexing of IoT based on improved Ant Colony
state of IoT is examined by identifying current trends and Optimization (ACO) algorithm use directed graph modelsto
describing challenges that threaten IoT [1]. Data collection is construct a distribution structure model of cluster resource
significant challenge in IoT that is addressed by many authors in indexing nodes of IoT. This algorithm initialize cluster center
and target function of cluster resource indexing of IoT is
978-1-5386-5367-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: South Asian University. Downloaded on February 12,2024 at 17:23:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
constructed [9]. Fuzzy clustering method is used for intrusion improve cognitive ability of IoT, this method proposes device
detection in IoT. Two algorithmssuppress fuzzy clustering level multimodal data correlation mining model was designed.
algorithm and Principle Component Analysis algorithm are This model was designed based on Canonical Correlation
proposed. Using high frequency and low frequency data are Analysis (CCA) to transform data feature into a subspace and
classified into two specifically low risk and high risk data. Self- analyze the data correlation. The result of correlation analysis
adjustment of the detection frequency is carried out according to was used to classify a device in which Heterogeneous
the suppressed fuzzy clustering algorithm and the principal clustering model was performed. Finally, a device level
component analysis algorithm [10]. Efficient secure clustering algorithm based on multimodal data correlation was
cryptography scheme designing for IoT is challenging task, the proposedwhich combines the functions of multimodal data
work in reference [11] proposes an authentication key agreement correlation analyze with device clustering. Heterogeneous
scheme to build a secure channel in the IoT. Thescheme has clustering model selects low initial energy sensors to act as
lightweight computation and provides security properties for key cluster head which interns reduces the cluster efficiency [15].
agreement. Data communication in IoT contains personal Sensors and servers in IoT communicate with each other one to
information and sensing information collected from the one basis which increases the load, if number of sensors are
surrounding environment. Conventional cipher algorithm increased. To overcome this problem, this method uses
described in reference [12] is used for sharing and managing clustering approach for message queuing. This method
data in various circumstances. This method implements proxy proposes cluster based constrained Application Protocol for
re-encryption in order to manage data with fewer encryptions. It efficient gathering of sensing data. Cache memory was used in
also provides data sharing function to supplement the cluster head to improve the communication performance in IoT
insufficient capacity. networks. Cache memory on cluster head takes more time to
Our proposed work shows novel data clustering and data collect request from the user [16]. Cluster head in IoT
securityprocess in IoT. In this work, two algorithms are consumes more energy, to overcome this problem anUnequal
proposed namely Bio-Inspired algorithm and encryption Clustering Algorithm Concerned with Time Delay
algorithm. Key points of proposed work are listed as follows: (UCATD)was proposed. In this, K-means clustering algorithm
was used to cluster the network. In transmission phase, data
• In the proposed work two phases are performed fusion mechanism was used to improve the energy utilization
specifically phase 1 and phase 2. In phase 1, clustering rate for cluster head. Optimized data fusion tree construction
is performed to aggregate data securely. In phase 2, based algorithm was proposed to reduce the transmission delay.
data security is accomplished to secure collected data This method was only suitable for delay limited applications of
during transmission. IoT [17]. Collaboration among devices in IoT is difficult task.
• At first, clustering is performed using PSO algorithm to To overcome this problem, this proposal introduces two layer
secure data aggregation in IoT. It selects cluster head architecture frameworks for IoT which consist of sensing layer
using fitness functions computations which is based on and IoT layer. These two layers are important for
metrics such as energy, end to end delay, scoring factor, accomplishing IoT based applications. Clustering of device was
packet drops and successful packet transformation. performed at various levels and it helps in collaboration as well
• Cluster head collects data from its cluster member and as network lifetime. This proposal introduces two clustering
encrypts it using ECCalgorithm to secure transmission algorithms based on heuristic and graph respectively. To form a
and then it forwards it into gateway. cluster, these clustering algorithms are not considered distance
• The proposed work, achieves better results compared to between two nodes which was important to form a cluster [18].
existing methods in terms of the following three metrics To overwhelm the problem of energy utilization in IoT
that are delay, throughput and energy consumption. services, this proposal introduces two foldmethods. At first, it
analyzes the maximization of network lifetime by balancing the
II. RELATED WORK energy consumption among Cluster Heads (CHs) in which
cluster radius of each level has significant role in maximization
IoT devices increase the risk of security threatssuch as cyber of network lifetime. Secondly, a novel Lifetime Maximizing
attacks and viruses. To ensure, IoT trust solutions across optimal Clustering Algorithm (LiMCA) was used to maximize
various IoT node scalable trust management solution was the network life time. LiMCA includes novel stochastic
proposed. In this approach, four algorithms are proposed;First deployment scheme for Member Node (MN) and CHs. A
algorithm takes outliers of trust values, second algorithm forms training protocol was used to train CHs and MNs about their
the intelligent trust based clusters, third algorithm migrates IoT coarse grained location. This proposal allocates same amount of
node from one cluster to another cluster and Fourth algorithm time slot for all MNs which may lead to packet loss during data
examines current IoT cluster node states. This approach uses transmission [19]. To secure the transmission data in IoT, this
four algorithm which interns increases computational time [13]. proposal introduces the Dynamic Bayesian Network combined
To solve the various complex problems associated with IoT with trusted protocol. Thismethod enhances the security
devices, this method proposes IoT device classification and information exchange during data transmission. Trusted
clustering system. The classic EM (Expectation and Platform Module (TPM) was key part of the trusted computing
Maximization) algorithm was used to cluster the IoT services. platform. TPM manages many keys which are used to do the
This algorithm divides 100 IoT devices into five clusters. functions such as security storage, integrity measurement,
Convergence speed of EM algorithm was very slow [14]. To storage and reporting. Combined Private Key (CPK) based
978-1-5386-5367-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: South Asian University. Downloaded on February 12,2024 at 17:23:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
security algorithm was used to enhance the security of the phase 2. In phase1, secure data aggregation is performed using
protocol interaction. Dynamic Bayesian Network needs prior clustering of nodes using PSO algorithm. In phase 2, data
information of devices [20]. security is performed by ECC algorithm.
A terminal that runs untrusted in the IoT, may lead to severe Secure PSO
issues. To avoid this problem, this proposal introduces the algorithm for
security enhanced attestation which can achieve shielded clustering
execution for measurement and attestations problems. The
Phase 1
policybased measurement mechanism was proposed where Cluster 2
sensitive data including secrete keys and policy details are
veiled using enclave specific keys [21]. To improve the security Cluster 1 Cluster n
in IoT environment, this proposal introduces the optimal
lightweight cryptography scheme to enhance the security. This
scheme compares the CPU usage and processing time. The
lightweight cryptography method normally known as ECC
lightweight block cryptography which was characterized as that ECC
length of the key was proportional to the security. This Phase 2
lightweight block cryptography scheme has higher processing Gateway
time and CPU usage [22]. The transmitted data through IoT Data Aggregation
devices secured using encrypted method. In this proposal, data Cluster Member(IoT device)
are encrypted using instant encryption based security scheme Cluster Head (IoT device)
was introduced. This model has three phases i.e registration Internet
phase, detection phase, implementation phase. In registration
phase, Key Generation Center (KGC) generates private keys for Figure 1. Proposed Architecture
all sensors. Second phase was for encryption phase which
encrypts data using sign information which transmits data in B. Data Aggregation
short time. Implementation phase requires encrypted data and In phase 1, data aggregation is performed in whichS-PSO
identity authentication of sender was performed very short algorithm is proposed.Two processes are performed in
time. Computations are more in these phases which increase clustering phase.First process in S-PSO algorithm is cluster
computational complexity [23]. To preserve the privacy of head selection whereas second process is to form cluster. At
data, this proposal introduces the new secure channel free first, S-PSO algorithm selects cluster head using fitness
certificate less searchable public key encryption with multiple function computations. In fitness function computations, it
keywords (SCF-MCLPEKS) scheme. The proposed scheme considers metrics such as successful packet transmission,
demonstrating, its security against chosen keyword attacks in packet drops, energy, end-to-end delay and scoring factor. In
random oracle model. It has two adversaries namely Type1 and these metrics, scoring factor describes trustworthiness of node,
Type2. A Type1 adversary has the ability to choose public key so that it can collects data from its entire cluster member.
to replace the user’s public key and Type2 adversary was given Scoring factor formulated using below formulae,
the system’s master key. In this proposed scheme,
computational steps are more which interns increases the ܵ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ ൌ ൅ ܸ௜௝ ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ
computational time [24]. ‫ܩ‬௔௟௟
The proposed method increases throughput meanwhile =‫ݑ‬ଵ ×‫ܴܨܥ‬௜௝ ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ+ ‫ݑ‬ଶ ×‫ܴܨܦ‬௜௝ ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ…. (1)
decreases delay and energy consumption rates.
Scoring factor is computed using forwarding ratio where, ‫ܩ‬஼௢௥
III. PROPOSED WORK represents cumulative count of correct forwarding data, ‫ܩ‬௔௟௟
represents total count of data, ‫ܴܨܥ‬௜௝ ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ represents control
The proposed work is illustrated briefly in the following forwarding ratio and ‫ܴܨܦ‬௜௝ ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ represents data forwarding
sections: ratio in time interval ‫ݐ‬௞ .ܸ௜௝ represents trust value calculation on
A. Overview node ܸ௝ using nodeܸ௜ . ‫ݑ‬ଵ and ‫ݑ‬ଶ are constants, which addition
To overcome problems discussed in previous work, a novel
values are always equal to one (‫ݑ‬ଵ ൅ ‫ݑ‬ଶ ൌ ͳ).
design is proposed in IoT. The proposed architecture is contains
After finding scoring factor, fitness function is calculated.
IoT devices and gateway which is used to support data
Fitness function is formulated as follows,
aggregation. To secure data aggregation, our work is divides
into two major processes such as, clustering and security. ಼ ಶೝ
Clustering is performed using Bio-Inspired algorithm which is ൬ ೏ ൰ൈቆ ೗ ቇ
಼೟ ಶ೔೙೔೟
ܵሺ‫ݔ‬ሻ ൌ ൅ ܵ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬௞ ሻ…. (2)
PSO. PSO is used to provide security, so that proposed ௘௫௣ ೐೏ Τ೐೘
algorithm is called Secure-PSO (S-PSO). In security, ECC
algorithm is used which encrypts collected data given by cluster Where ‫ܭ‬ௗ represents dropped packets, ‫ܭ‬௧ represents total
head and forward it to the gateway. number of forwarded packets, ‫ܧ‬௟௥ is remaining energy in node l,
Figure 1, shows overall architecture of the proposed work. ‫ܧ‬௜௡௜௧ represents initial energy, ݁ௗ is end to end delay, ݁௠ is
Two phases are introduced in our work namely phase 1 and
978-1-5386-5367-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: South Asian University. Downloaded on February 12,2024 at 17:23:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
maximum allowable delay. Using above formula, each node
finds its fitness function and highest fitness function value node
is elected as cluster head. Cluster head sends join request to its
cluster member. By sending join request to each of its cluster
member, it can form cluster.

C. Data Security
In phase 2, data security is performedin which security of
transmitted data is achieved using ECC algorithm. Cluster head
collects data from its cluster members. In ECC algorithm both
transmitter and receiver must know the selected elliptic curve
which is represented as H (AP). In this algorithm three stages
are held namely key generation, encryption and decryption.
Key generation
Cluster head generates public key to transmit data safely. It
selects aconstant G ߳ (0 to n-1), where ‘n’ is considered as
maximum limit which is prime number. Generated public key
K is given below,
K= G×T.…. (3)
Where, T is point on the curve which is private key.
After generating public key, cluster head encrypts the collected
data. In encryption it selects a constant r ߳ (0 to n-1). The given
data is transformed into two cipher text J1 and J2.
J1= D×T.…. (4)
J2=P+ (D×K).…. (5)
The above equations represent cipher text J1 and J2which are
encrypted from the collected data D.
After encryption, decryption is performed in gateway device. G
is used for generating public key which is used in decryption.
In this process original message is retrieved from the cipher

C= J2- G×J1.…. (6)

Figure 2 describes flow of the proposed work of this paper
in which data are collected safely by cluster head and security
is preserved using ECC algorithm which first generates public Figure 2.Flowchart for proposed work
key and encrypts the collected data.
Parameters Value
Simulation Area 500×500 m
In this section we discuss about the performance achieved by Number of Nodes 50
the proposed work. This section is comprised of following sub- Number of cluster 9
sections: (A) simulation environment and (B) comparative ECC encryption time 0.62 to 0.78ms
ECC decryption time 0.44 to 0.5ms
Key size 512bits
A. Simulation Environment Transmission Range 200m
The implementation of the proposed novel IoT architecture Simulation time 100s
performed using Network Simulator 3 (NS3) which has been
installed in Ubuntu Operating System. The simulation B. Comparative Results
environment supports the proposed work characteristics.
Table I, illustrates significant parameters that are This section shows the effectiveness of the proposed novel IoT
considered for the simulation of IoT devices environment. architecture which is compared with previous research works.
Parameters are not limited up to these eight, it changes with For comparative analysis,three significant metrics namely
relative change in IoT devices. delay, throughput and energy consumption have been

978-1-5386-5367-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: South Asian University. Downloaded on February 12,2024 at 17:23:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
a) Throughput

Average delay (s)

Throughput can be defined as the amount of data that is 8
successfully delivered from one end-user to other end-user
within a given period of time. Throughput ‘THp’ is 6
mathematically formulated as follows, 4 LiMCA
୒ୈୱ 2 S-PSO
THp = (7)

‘•’represents amount of data transmitted successfully and 10 20 30 40
‘‫ ’ݐ‬is the time taken for transmitting the data packets. In Simulation time (s)
comparison to the previous research work results it is cleared
that throughput of theproposed work increases.
Graph 2.Comparison on delay
12 c) Energy consumption

10 Energy consumption is defined as amount of energy used

during data transmission in IoT devices. The energy
S-PSO consumption rate is reduced using proposed scheme.
Consumption (J) 6
Average Energy
10 20 30 40 4
Simulation time (s) UCATD
Graph 1.Comparison on throughput
In Graph 1, we compare the proposed S-PSO method with two 10 20 30 40
existing method specifically LiMCA and UCATD. The S-PSO
Simulation time(s)
method increases the throughput efficiency compared to
UCATD and LiMCA methods. Thismethod decreases the
Graph 3.Comparison on Energy Consumption
overload that caused by transmitted data from cluster head to
gateway. Overload of transmitted data are reduced by
In Graph3, energy consumption in the proposed method S-PSO
decreasing the amount of transmitted data.
is compared with the Existing method UCATD. From theGraph
weobservethat over simulation timerate of energy consumption
b) Delay
inS-PSO method reduced because amount of transmitted data is
Delay is defined as the average time taken for the data
increased. In UCATD method increase of energy consumption
transmission between cluster heads. This metric ‘S’ is
over simulation time has high rate
mathematically formulated as,

S= (8)
In this paper, secure data aggregation by S-PSO algorithm and
The S should be as low as possible,as throughput is increased encryption of data by ECC algorithm is discussed. To solve the
the delay metric decreases.‘NDs’ represents amount of data problem discussed in previous work, we have introduced two
transmitted successfully and ‘S’ represents delay during phase method. In first phase,cluster based data aggregation is
transmission. performed using S-PSO algorithm. In second phase, data are
In Graph 2, comparison of the proposed S-PSO method is safely transmitted to gateway deviceby ECC algorithm. The
carried out with LiMCA method. There is reduced delay over proposed method describes higher efficiency than LiMCA,
simulation time compared to LiMCA method. This is due to UCATD method. The simulation results indicatethat proposed
decrease in amount of transmitted data throughout the method increases throughput meanwhile decreases delay and
simulation environment. Decreasing amount of transmitted data energy consumption rates. In future work, it is planned to
makes IoT devices servicing each packet with minimum delay. reduce hazardous attacks in the proposed work.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: South Asian University. Downloaded on February 12,2024 at 17:23:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: South Asian University. Downloaded on February 12,2024 at 17:23:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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