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“The most
important words
in the world
are ‘Let go.”
Welcome to RTT®,
I am immensely proud of this
extraordinary therapy method
that took me 30 years to develop.
I am delighted at the success
my graduates are having in
creating a wonderful career for
themselves through RTT®.
I hope you find the same success
and fulfillment.

An Introduction to Rapid
Transformational Therapy® (RTT®)

Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is the culmination of Marisa’s life work.

Having brought about rapid and permanent change in her client list of Hollywood
celebrities, CEOs, royalty and sports stars, Marisa developed her foundational
method of RTT® based on a deep analysis of her most troubling cases and
stunning turnarounds. After countless requests from other therapists, she finally
agreed to teach people all about RTT®. In doing so, she shared an archive rich with
case studies of amazing client successes.

Marisa Peer developed Rapid Transformational Therapy® over a 30 year period,

whilst working with clients from diverse backgrounds, presenting with a wide
variety of issues. RTT® quickly became her go-to approach, as it effectively
provides the transformation that clients long for, but that other therapists often find
difficult to deliver. Clients see RTT® as a worthy investment as they get exactly
what they want - freedom from the painful problems of their past.

© Marisa Peer
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the team:
What is

Rapid Transformational
Therapy® is an amazing
cutting-edge therapy,
created by top therapist,
Marisa Peer.

RTT® is a hybrid, stand-alone therapy combining many well-regarded

approaches of modern psychology, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy,
healing, counselling and coaching. It has been said that Marisa’s true
talent is making what seems complex - simple and accessible.

RTT® is made up of a number of unique techniques, developed by

Marisa, based on evidence of what works with real clients in real
sessions. RTT® has proven to deliver outstanding results, often in just
one to three sessions. It works because rather than treating clients’
presenting symptoms, RTT® extracts the root cause of every client’s
issues. Marisa teaches that we are not born with negative beliefs and
habits, we acquire them. RTT® explores those beliefs and helps clients
understand and reframe them. RTT® enables clients to think differently
about their future.

© Marisa Peer
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the team:
What it means
to be an
RTT® therapist
RTT® training provides you with a
powerful set of skills, so you can make a
profound difference in your clients' lives
and your own.
As a qualified RTT® therapist, you will have the
confidence, the skills and the ability to transform
any client, with almost any issue.

Although relatively new, Rapid Transformational

Therapy® is already making waves as a practical,
revolutionary and life-changing therapy. RTT® is
known for getting fast results with even the most
complex issues. You will be taught revolutionary
methods that allow you to eliminate negative beliefs
and habits and install positive behaviors in clients.

RTT® goes deeper and gets results faster, which

gives you immense career satisfaction and
fulfillment, as clients' issues are resolved more
quickly than using traditional approaches. This level
of learning gives you the confidence you need to

Once you qualify in RTT ®, you will also learn

powerful marketing techniques and strategies,
including how to find your niche or specialist area.
You may decide to apply yourself to a particular
area, including but not limited to; Weight Issues,
Compulsive Behavior, Insomnia, Confidence, Self-
Esteem, Goal Achieving, Fears, Phobias and
Addictions, Anxiety, Depression, Skin Conditions,
PTSD, Infertility and Birth, Children’s Problems,
Unhappy Teens, Exam Nerves, Public Speaking, and
Sporting Performance.

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the team:

© Marisa Peer 04
Studying RTT®

The unique power of RTT® is that Marisa has made

the seemingly complex study of the mind, simple to
understand. The program is underpinned by a range
of theoretical approaches, but unlike other training,
the focus is hands-on, practical and experiential
learning. As Marisa says “you don’t learn to swim
by reading a book.”
Your qualification enables you to work with both individuals and
groups, dealing with a broad range of issues and conditions: anxiety,
depression, addictions, and physical health problems. As part
of the program you will receive a handbook providing detailed
guidance on each technique and everything you need to set your
clients up for success. You will also have 24/7 access to footage
of real-life sessions, analysis and a number of ready-made scripts.

You can use RTT® to run workshops to promote your business

and attract clients. You will learn how to present to groups on
issues such as weight loss, stopping smoking, public speaking,
or hypnobirthing. Some of our therapists choose to specialise
in working with children and young teens, increasing their
self-esteem and confidence at schools and in sports.

Whatever you choose, when you train in RTT® you are given
outstanding support, including your own private facebook group and
webinars each month in marketing and RTT® specialist subjects.

“If you are concerned that you might lack

experience, let me put your mind at rest.”
Many of our successful therapists had no prior therapy training at
all, just a passion to help others. Doctors, nurses, personal trainers,
coaches, beauticians, city workers, teachers, marketers, policemen,
small business owners, single parents, career changers and retirees
quickly learned to apply the tools, with confidence, and are now
generating their own success, with a growing client base.

© Marisa Peer
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the team:
“I’m so thrilled with the RTT® method. I have
such confidence with this. I’ve done around
nine sessions already. I’m getting great
feedback, happy clients and I love it!” RTT® GRADUATE

RTT® uses safe, proven and

powerful techniques
RTT® utilizes hypnosis which is used to Public Speaking, Post Traumatic
assist countless clinical and medical Stress, Passing your Driving Test,
conditions. Sexual problems, Smoking, Stuttering,
Sporting Ability, Weight control.
This is just a partial list of documented
areas in which hypnosis has been used New areas for the successful use
successfully: Agoraphobia, Addictions, of RTT® are constantly emerging.
Allergies, Anxiety and Stress, Asthma, Recent examples are: assistance in IVF
Autoimmune Disorders, Bedwetting, treatment, hypnobirthing, hypno
Blushing, Skin Conditions (Eczema, learning, immune system support, the
Dermatitis, Acne, Neurodermatitis treatment of burns, IBS, coaching and
Psoriasis) Migraines, Depression, Exam money management, to name just a
Stress, Fears and Phobias, Fear of Flying, few. RTT® is being used in the medical
Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, profession, in schools, with business
Nail Biting, Memory and Concentration, leaders and even Olympic athletes.

On day five of the RTT® Live program, students are confident enough
to begin practice sessions on each other.

© Marisa Peer
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the team:
RTT® Training for Business Qualifications
In the corporate world, RTT® uses the RTT® provides a number of awards
psychology of suggestion and human behavior to and quali ications. There is the
improve sales, trading and team building. It can opportunity for specialist training
be used to optimize invaluable business skills. once you have identi ied your niche.

RTT® Training for Sports and fitness The training integrates:

So many successful and world-class athletes • Clinical Hypnotherapy

use RTT®, hypnosis and visualisation techniques
• RTT® Hypnotherapy
to become the best in their sport. Tiger Woods,
The Chicago White Sox team, The Swiss Ski • Regression and Hypnoanalysis
team, Jimmy Connors and Jack Nicklaus to name • Neuroplasticity
just a few. • Script Hypnosis

Personal trainers are now using RTT® to help • Medical Hypnotherapy

their clients as well as weight loss clinics. RTT® • Group Hypnotherapy
is becoming a central part of many health and • Corporate Hypnotherapy
fitness approaches. • Command Hypnotherapy
• Healing Hypnotherapy

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the team:
© Marisa Peer
Undertaking this type of work is so rewarding and
becoming an RTT® therapist can be truly life-changing.

The Wall Street Journal recently more than other therapists as Marisa’s
predicted that hypnotherapy will be one training equips you to value yourself
of the top career choices for the new and the skills you have learnt.
millennium. Marisa describes RTT® as
Whatever your reason for studying RTT®,
“beyond hypnosis” - so why wait?
our graduates all say that it is an amazing
Many people waste a lifetime in experience, lots of fun, and a great
unsatisfying roles. Here’s a chance to opportunity to form strong bonds with
change your future. Training in RTT® other students. When you join the RTT®
provides you with flexible working hours community, you are not just training but
and the financial freedom many simply creating a network of support.
dream of. Graduates regularly charge

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© Marisa Peer
the team:
Program Format
What is unique about Marisa’s RTT® training program is your
ability to witness live therapy demonstrations and the remarkable,
instantaneous results she achieves from these unscripted sessions.

Imagine successfully undergoing Once the formal training is over

empowering breakthroughs and you will:
helping fellow students experience
the same, even from your first day • Be welcomed into a growing community of
of training. Understand how to like-minded people, all striving to achieve
implement lasting change and learn change in others.
powerful mind-training techniques
• Receive a full years’ support via trained
based on the latest neuroscience.
therapists, monthly masterclasses to
Receive an unrivalled opportunity consolidate and stretch your learning, and
to practice the techniques in a a bespoke marketing program to get your
supported environment and receive business off the ground.
practical feedback to help you
• Be able to join our exclusive Facebook
improve and build confidence
groups where you can be sure that your
before you leave.
questions will be answered.

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the team:

© Marisa Peer 09
What our students say....

“I found the course went beyond any

expectation I had... it’s a phenomenal
experience. Anyone who’s thinking
about doing this, just go for it.”

“I’ve done many different courses in the

past, and you sit there and take notes...
but this is definitely powerful because
of the emotional involvement, and you see
the results in your own self. It’s probably
one of the most fundamental tools you
will ever learn in your own life... It’s life

“It’s inspiring and enlightening to watch

Marisa work, and the grad assistants are
knowledgeable and approachable. I feel
ready to use the method immediately
following the course.”

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© Marisa Peer
the team:
“I regularly hear from people
who trained with me about
the success they are having
with RTT® and how much
they love what they are doing.
Nothing gives me a greater
pleasure than hearing how my
technique is changing lives.”

© Marisa Peer Speak to 11

the team:
A training program designed
with you in mind

RTT® is a comprehensive training and support Therapeutically informed

program. Students Can study at one of our live
training events, or chose the online route with
a personal mentor. All of our students benefit Due to her success and reputation, Marisa
from our extensive support package, listed attracts experts and internationally renowned
below, which is entirely free of charge, during speakers and authors to present masterclasses
their first year. exclusively for her graduates. This is an
opportunity to learn directly from highly-
regarded experts and get unprecedented access
Dedicated Access to Email Support
to their advice and guidance through Q&As.
We are here to help with any RTT® query, right
from the beginning of your training. It could be
anything with assistance on accessing the course
Annual Conference (fee applies)
to questions on any of Marisa’s techniques or These conferences enable you to reconnect
help with confidence or how to deal with specific with your fellow graduates, network with other
client’ issues. therapists, attend workshops and receive
updates and new material from Marisa.
Exclusive Facebook Group
Our Facebook groups are lively discussion forums
which enable you to interact with your peers. They To ensure you continue to develop your skills as
are an invaluable source of support and enable you an RTT® practitioner, we will partner you with
to give and receive help and advice. fellow graduates each month to give and
receive an RTT® session. This enables you to
build your confidence and learn from other
Monthly RTT® Masterclasses
RTT® practitioners. It also provides you with a
Your training does not stop once you complete
free RTT® session once a month to work on any
your course. Direct training by Marisa continues
issues which may be preventing you from being
with an online masterclass run by Marisa every
the best RTT® practitioner possible.
month. You will have the opportunity to submit
questions to Marisa for immediate feedback
during the masterclass. Marisa travels the world
Building A Busy Practice
teaching students and making presentations Gain marketing knowledge, tailored specifically
to large audiences, so these masterclasses to building an RTT® practice, from our online
are a unique way to gain access to Marisa and training course. Developed by marketing experts
continue to benefit from her expertise. who are also familiar with RTT®, this bespoke
program guides you step-by-step on how to
market your practice and attract clients at a
Speak to premium price. This is a completely free,
the team:
additional course.

© Marisa Peer 12
Monthly Marketing Masterclasses Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
As your knowledge and practice develops, Attending one of our courses with face-to-
you will have access to ongoing marketing face training will open up a route to become a
help and advice through our expert marketing certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. This will provide
masterclasses with the ability to have direct you with an enhanced qualification and allow you
feedback through Q&As. to work in a clinical setting if you wish.

Discovery Days Pathway to become an RTT® Trainer

To help you further with your marketing plan, Those who progress to the Alumni, our most
you will also have the opportunity to apply for prestigious level of membership, will have the
a Discovery Day with full support from Marisa’s opportunity to assist with future courses and
team. We will provide all the material you need events as a fully qualified RTT® Trainer.
to market RTT® and your expertise to a group
of potential clients in your local area.

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© Marisa Peer
the team:
Finding the course that’s
right for you.
Rapid Transformational Therapy®
(RTT®) Live
- 12 Day Live in person training

Our most prestigious and comprehensive

training program is delivered over a 12 day
period. It is ideally suited to those who wish to
have the full immersive experience, watching
Marisa deliver live therapy sessions and direct
teaching through group activities. Receive
immediate expert guidance and feedback as
you undertake hands-on practice with your
fellow students. The training program provides
a range of wraparound services designed to
meet your needs in the form of masterclasses,
practice partners’ resources, plus a Facebook
community of like-minded professionals. You
will also be supported by our experienced
team of graduate trainers.

“Each day
has purpose
and meaning
when you are
a therapist.”

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the team:

© Marisa Peer 14
Rapid Transformational Therapy® Rapid Transformational Therapy®
(RTT®) Virtual Classroom (RTT® ) Online with Mentoring
RTT® Virtual Classroom is a blended learning Our RTT® Online with Mentoring course
program consisting of online learning, comprises the full standard RTT® Online
mentoring support, and three days of live virtual course, with the added benefit of your own
training with Marisa and our expert training personal mentor. Your mentor is an
team. The live element will support you in experienced Graduate Trainer who has
building your confidence to effectively apply completed face-to-face training with Marisa
RTT® techniques. You will benefit from and has experience delivering and teaching
individual and group mentoring to ensure you RTT®. As you work through the course they
get the most out of the course. You will also will check in with you at specific points to
have access to live webinars with Marisa, ensure you are on track with your studies and
including the powerful ‘Rules of Your Mind’ and to make sure you get the best from the
a group hypnosis session. training.

Rapid Transformational Therapy® RTT® Practice Intensif

(RTT®) Professional RTT® Practice Intensif has been designed with
you in mind, if you begin studying online, thinking
- 5 Day Live plus Online with Mentoring that will be enough, perhaps you even begin
One of the most comprehensive hypnotherapy practising, but then want more. It has been
trainings in the marketplace, Rapid developed to provide face-to-face training for
Transformational Therapy® Professional is a graduates looking to further their practical skills
blended course combining RTT® Online and ability. Courses are run in various locations
with Mentoring with five days focused face-to- worldwide and numbers are kept low, to ensure
face tuition, personalised to meet your needs. personal feedback and support can be tailored
This approach allows you to schedule study specifically to your needs. This exclusive
needs around existing commitments; whilst experience runs over four full days and amounts
working towards the goal of attending a five to 50 hours of face-to-face practical training,
day intensive live training. You will receive a supported by our experienced Graduate Trainers
mentor whilst studying online to ensure you and including live demonstrations by Marisa.
can apply the techniques correctly, have
understood the materials and form small Building a Busy Practice (BABP)
teaching groups to ensure you feel part of a BABP is available with all programs. BABP
wider support community. The live course is a bespoke marketing product designed
element provides you with the platform to specifically for RTT® graduates to help them
apply the tools you have learned online whilst get their practice going and is full of amazing
honing your skills through practice which strategies and tips from marketing experts.
continues post course with extended support
and Reflective Practice sessions.

All RTT® training delivers a wealth of strategies you can use with clients in an
accelerated format, so you can achieve your qualifications in the shortest possible time.
That does not mean we scrimp on professionalism or quality, but rather fully support you
to achieve the results you want in the way that works best for you.

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© Marisa Peer
the team:
Our program achieves the highest educational standards, it is a program of
excellence and fulfils the standards of accreditation and membership required
by relevant associations and professional insurance bodies.

Rapid Transformational Therapy®

(RTT®) is endorsed by:

• National and International Council of


• The Australian Society of Clinical


• International Association of Complementary


• International Institute of Complementary


Please enquire regarding particular countries

as we have relationships with many smaller
internationally based organisations.

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© Marisa Peer
the team:
For further information or
to book your course please contact:
email: [email protected]


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the team:

Copyright © More Than Enough Limited 2019 All Rights Reserved

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