Ridge Waveguides and Passive Microwave Components (Book Reviews)

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Ridge waveguides and passive microwave components [Book Reviews]

Article  in  IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine · December 2001

DOI: 10.1109/MEI.2001.969948 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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J.J. Shea


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tion, spectroscopic measurements, ally helps if you are not used to desig- ficult to achieve with aging electrical
lasing, physics and chemistry of poly- nations for ridge waveguides. These delivery systems, especially in older in-
mer LEDs, organic field-effect transis- parameters are calculated for single stalled systems where demand is grow-
tors, and plastic solar cells. This book ride and double ride waveguides using ing. Ageing power delivery systems re-
is an up-to-date work on polymer elec- both the transverse resonance method sult in poor power quality and frequent
tronics, including in-depth materials for closed form solutions, and the fi- and lengthy outages. The utilities and
characterization and basic science nite element method (FEM) to avoid service providers are unwilling to mod-
background. It could enable a re- having to describe the fringing fields at ernize the present systems due to the
searcher to learn about the latest areas the edges of the ridge. Impedance, prohibitively large capital investment
of research in the exciting and promis- propagation constant, and circular po- with little short-term return. There-
ing field of plastic electronics. larization parameters, for dielectric fore, the utilities must take a new ap-
loaded ridge waveguides, are also proach to planning, designing, operat-
Ridge Waveguides and thoroughly investigated using an ing, and managing their systems. Smart
Passive Microwave FEM. Other devices covered are the choices must be made with the avail-
Components quadruple ridge waveguide, Faraday able funds to incrementally improve
J. Helszajn rotation, discontinuity effects, cross- the system through well though out
The Institution of Electrical Engineers guide directional couplers, filter de- plans that gain the most return on in-
P.O. Box 96 sign, isolators, phase-shifters, finline vestment for the utility. This reference
Stevenage, Herts SG1 2SD wave- guides, and circulators. The and tutorial book presents the prob-
UK book concludes with a nice dose of lems with ageing power systems in the
ISBN 0-85296-794-2 variational calculus and a thirteen- U.S. and methods for improving the ef-
Phone: +44 1438 313311 page bibliography. ficiencies of existing systems through
Fax: +44 1438 742792 While fairly mathematical, this book planning, engineering, operations, and
http://www.iee.org.uk is very readable and anyone familiar management.
Ordering Information—the Americas: with microwave and electromagnetics Between 1994 and 1999 the authors,
The Institution of Electrical Engineers will have no problems following the all from the ABB Power T&D group,
C/o Whitehurst & Clark derivations. The profuse illustrations studied this problem and compiled a va-
100 Newfield Ave. help to make this an excellent refer- riety of innovative and proven tech-
Edison, NJ 08837 ence book on ridge waveguides and, niques from around the world for im-
327 pp. - $98.00 (Hardback), 2000 because of the review, it is a great refer- proving power delivery with ageing sys-
Ridge waveguides are conventional ence on conventional rectangular tems. This book summarizes the best
rectangular metal waveguides with one waveguides. This book is primarily in- practices from this study. The first six
or more metal ridges running down the tended for those who work with chapters provide the tutorial back-
length of the waveguide. The primary waveguides, design waveguides, or ground. Chapters 7–9 reveal expected
advantage of the ridge guide over a build systems using waveguides, which equipment lifetimes, obsolete system
conventional rectangular waveguide is can include our readers who design the structures, and the limitations of tradi-
in the wider separation between the dielectrics for waveguides or perhaps tional reliability planning. The final
dominant mode and the first order use frequency domain techniques to seven chapters describe the current
mode. This leads to lower dispersion characterize dielectrics. methods and technology used to im-
and attenuation when compared to prove system performance/reliability
conventional rectangular waveguides. Aging Power Delivery while maintaining a competitive advan-
Another advantage includes an imped- Infrastructures tage. Some of the methods cover pri-
ance between free space (377 Ω) and H.L. Willis, G.V. Welch, and R.R. mary distribution planning, assessing
coaxial and stripline structures (50 Ω). Schrieber equipment condition and refurbish-
depending on the ridge dimensions Marcel Dekker, Inc. ing/renewing, prior- itizing and plan-
and shape. 270 Madison Ave. ning equipment replacements, and reli-
All the parameters typically associ- New York, NY 10016 ability and management strategies. The
ated with waveguides—such as wave ISBN 0-8247-8195-3 summaries, at the end of each chapter,
cut-off frequency, impedance, propa- Phone: +1-800-228-1160 help to clarify all the important topics
gation constant, attenuation, transi- Fax: +1-212-685-4540 made in the chapter.
tions, polarization, and filtering—are http://www.dekker.com Utility planners, systems engineers,
calculated. For comparison purposes 551 pp. - $165.00 (Hardback), 2001 and managers will find this an excel-
and to obtain a consistent nomencla- As utilities deregulate, they will be lent source book for generating ideas
ture, the author has calculated these forced by increasing levels of competi- and insuring that other approaches are
parameters for both conventional and tion to improve the quality of service at considered when upgrading old power
ridge rectangular waveguides. This re- a reduced cost. This becomes very dif- systems or adding new systems.

November/December 2001 — Vol. 17, No. 6 63

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