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UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

Received: 8th July, 2016 Accepted: 14th Sept., 2016

Microbiological and Nutritional Analyses of Soybean Cake (Awara) and

Camel Milk Cheese (Chukwui) Local Snacks, Vended in Kano Metropolis-
Idris, A. and 2Dabo, N.T*p.
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Federal University Dutse, P.M.B 7156, Dutse-
Department of Microbiology, Bayero University Kano, P.M.B 3011, Kano-Nigeria.
Corresponding author: [email protected]; [email protected]

A study on the microbiological and nutritional composition of soybean cake (Awara) and camel-
milk cheese (Chukwui) vended in Kano metropolis was carried out between September 2014
and March 2015. Two hundred samples were subjected to microbiological evaluation using
standard procedures. Selective media were used to isolate some specific pathogens, and
antibiotic sensitivity profiles of the isolates were determined using the disc-diffusion method.
Proximate analyses were also carried out on 50 representative samples using the Official
Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Results obtained indicated that soybean cake had mean
aerobic mesophilic bacterial count of 1.37×10 3 cfu/g, mean fungal count of 2.37×10 4 cfu/g and
mean coliform count of 17.65 cells/g compared to camel-milk cheese which had higher aerobic
mesophilic bacterial count of 4.50×10 4 cfu/g, mean fungal count of 5.93×104 cfu/g and mean
coliform count of 42.70 cells/g. Pathogenic bacteria isolated from the samples include
Escherichia coli 13(50.00%), Staphylococcus aureus 8(30.77%) and Salmonella typhi
5(19.23%). S. aureus exhibited the highest antibiotic resistance compared to the other pathogens
isolated. Proximate analysis revealed that soybean cake had higher mean percentages for
moisture, protein, fat, fibre and ash than Camel-milk cheese. The isolation of some pathogenic
agents from these snacks point to a potentially negative implication on public health, this
suggests the need for more hygienic vigilance in the preparation and handling of these snacks.
Key words: Awara, Camel-Milk Cheese, Chukwui, Kano, proximate analysis, Soybean Cake.

INTRODUCTION microbiological safety and quality (Tamime

Cheese is essentially milk curd- substance et al., 2011). Soybean cake is made from a
formed from the coagulation of milk by legume, and legumes are known to be very
rennet, pressed or molded into a solid mass rich sources of protein (Yusuf and Ali,
(Kosikowski and Mistry, 1997). Different 2013). Soybean cake is known to have high
cheese types originate from the milks of protein content, while camel-milk cheese has
different dairy animals (LaBarbera, 2012). high fat content (Nazim et al., 2013).
Cheese contains concentrated milk solids, Studies reported in the literature on
water, rennet, salt and sometimes bacterial microbial analysis of cheese-like products
cultures and calcium chloride (Farah and made from soybean have revealed the
Fischer, 2004). Cheese can also be prepared incidences of varying microbial types and
from non dairy products such as soybean loads. For instance, Adetunji and Babalobi
(Schaeffer, 2012). Soybean cheese becomes (2011) found high aerobic microbial counts
is a healthy, rich and less expensive source of 7.43 log cfu/ml and 7.34 log cfu/ml in
of nutrient especially for the developing soybean cake when prepared using
countries (Nazim et al., 2013). Cymbopogon citratus and Calotropis
Cheese may be analyzed for quality control procera extracts respectively as the
purposes including the confirmation of coagulating agents.

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UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Similarly, Zumbes et al., (2014) observed a composition of soybean cake and camel-
high mean mesophilic bacterial count of milk cheese vended in Kano metropolis.
5.16 × 105 cfu/g in Soybean cake in Jos,
Nigeria. Falegan (2014) also isolated MATERIALS AND METHODS
Salmonella spp. and E. coli in soybean cake Study Area
from Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. In another study, The study was carried out in Kano
Ogbolu et al., (2014) isolated E. coli in metropolis located on latitude 12.000˚N and
Soybean cake. Contaminating longitude 8.517˚E. Samples were collected
microorganisms in Camel-milk cheese may from Kano Municipal, Dala, Gwale, Fagge
include pathogens such as E. coli, and Kumbotso which comprise the busiest
Staphylococcus spp., Salmonella spp. and parts of the city.
Shigella spp. which may cause health Sample Collection and Handling
problems to human beings (Yam et al., A 100 sample each of soybean cake (Awara)
2014). and camel-milk cheese (Chukwui), were
Onuorah et al., (2007) recorded a protein collected following the criteria used by
content of 8.0%, a fat content of 4.38%, and Zumbes et al., (2014) and Adeleke et al.,
an ash content of 0.79% for soycake (2014), from different points around the
produced using the traditional oriental study area between September 2014 and
method of production. While Oladipo and March 2015. The samples were collected in
Jadesimi (2013) carried out a proximate sterile polythene bags and transported
analysis on samples of soybean cake and immediately to the Biological Sciences
recorded 6.18% crude protein, 3.02% fat, research laboratory of Bayero University
2.75% ash and 69.23% moisture. Kano.
Antibiotic sensitivity test carried out on S. Microbiological Evaluation
aureus isolated from soybean cake in Osun Aerobic Mesophilic Bacterial Count
state, Nigeria by Adeleke et al., (2014) Serial dilution was carried out on the
showed that some of the isolates were homogenized samples and from the serially
resistant to Erythromycin and Amoxicillin, diluted tubes, one milliliter (1ml) of the
and may have been introduced into the dilution was transferred to each of
soybean cake due to poor hygiene during appropriately labeled Petri dishes and
processing or handling. In a similar vein, followed by pouring aseptically, molten
Falegan (2014) tested the resistance of nutrient agar. The dishes were homogenized
Salmonella spp. isolated from 20 local by swirling and then the media was allowed
cheese samples to some antibiotics and to solidify. They were then incubated at 37˚
reported that 10 (87%) isolates were C for 24 hours. Following incubation, plates
resistant to Amoxicillin, 5 (41%) isolates that yielded between 30-300 colonies were
were resistant to Augmentin and selected and colonies counted. The number
Gentamycin. obtained was multiplied by the inverse of
Soybean cake and camel-milk cheese are dilution factor to get the cfu/g.
two snack foods that are widely accepted as Fungal Count
casual cheese snacks by the Kano The same procedure as above was used for
community. However, knowledge is scarce the fungal count but Malt Extract Agar
pertaining the microbiological and (MEA) was used and the plates were
nutritional qualities, as well as the hygienic incubated at room temperature for 3-5 days.
status of these products. A study of this Coliform Count
nature would therefore add to the pre- Coliform count was carried out according to
existing information on the food safety of the method described by Atlas, (1997). This
our environment thereby improving the consists of a set up of 9 test tubes each
public health. containing 9 ml of sterilized lactose broth
The aim of this study was to determine the and an inverted Durham tube.
microbiological quality and proximate
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research 8
UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Serially diluted samples were used to with cover and the dried sample were cooled
inoculate the test tubes. The test tubes were and weighed as W3.
then incubated at 37˚ C for 24 hours to
indicate the presence or absence of gas in the % Total DM =
tubes, based on which comparisons were % moisture = 100-% Total DM
made using the MPN (most probable Ash was also determined according to the
number) table to estimate the most probable method described by Helrich (1990). The
number of coliforms present in each sample. dried and ground sample was ignited in a
Isolation of some Pathogens muffle furnace at 600˚C to oxidize all
The media used for the isolation of organic matter. An oven dried crucible was
pathogens include Eosin Methylene Blue weighed in a desiccator as W1. The crucible
(EMB) agar, Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar and 2.0g of the sample were weighed
and Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA). Isolation together as W2. The sample was then ashed
was followed by microscopic examination in a muffle furnace at 600˚C for 2 hours,
and biochemical tests on the isolates. The then the crucible and ash were cooled and
biochemical tests include citrate utilization weighed as W3.
test, indole test, methyl red test, oxidase and
triple sugar iron (T.S.I) test, catalase and % Ash = × 100
coagulase tests. Crude protein determination was achieved
Antibiogram of Isolates via three successive steps including
This was achieved using disc diffusion digestion, titration and distillation.
method as described by Hudzicki, (2013). Digestion: Fifteen (15) ml concentrated
Broth culture of the test organisms equivalent sulfuric acid was added to 2.0g of the
to 0.5 McFarland standard were used to sample contained in a digestion tube. After
inoculate plates of Mueller-Hinton agar using mixing the acid and the sample, 5.0g
sterile swabs. Antibiotic impregnated discs kjeldahl catalyst was added to the mixture to
containing the antibiotics: Gentamycin, boil for two hours. The content was allowed
Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Streptomycin, to cool and then transferred into 100ml
Septrin, Erythromycin, Streptomycin, volumetric flask and diluted with distilled
Augmentin and Nalidixic acid were then water.
placed on the inoculated Mueller-Hinton agar Distillation: Ten (10) ml of 2% boric acid
plates and incubated at 37˚ C for 24 hours. and two drops of mixed indicator were
After incubation, zones of inhibition were measured into 100 ml conical flask. Ten (10)
measured and recorded. ml of the digest was transferred into a
Proximate Analysis distillation apparatus and 15 ml of 40%
Twenty five (25) representative samples each NaOH was added into the mixture. The
of soybean cake and camel-milk cheese were resulting mixture was then distilled into the
subjected to proximate analysis for moisture, boric acid/indicator flask for 15 minutes.
crude protein, crude fat, ash and fiber. Titration: The distillate was titrated with
Moisture was determined according to the standard 0.025 N sulfuric acid to a pink end
method described by Helrich (1990). A point and the burette reading was taken (TV)
porcelain crucible was oven dried at 100˚C (Helrich, 1990).
for 12 hours, weighed as W1 and allowed to Finally, percentage crude protein of the
cool. Two grams (2.0g) of the ground samples were determined by multiplying the
sample was weighed (as W2) into a porcelain % nitrogen content of the samples by a
crucible and placed into an oven, earlier factor of 6.25.
preheated to 100˚C for 3 hours and left % Crude Protein = %N × 6.25
uncovered overnight at 100˚C. The container
0.14 ×TiterValue(TV)×Volumeof digest(100ml×) Normalitoyf acid(0.025)
%N= 100
Weighotf sample(0.2g) Volumeof aliquoutsed(10ml)
UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research 9
UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668

In crude fat determination, a Soxhlet test. Significant difference was set at p ˂

extractor which is composed of an extraction 0.05.
chamber, conical flask and a condenser was
used. A filter paper thimble was weighed as RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
W1. Two grams (2g) of the sample was Results for aerobic mesophilic, fungal and
weighed and placed into the thimble as W2. coliform counts are presented in table 1.
Two hundred and fifty milliliters (250 ml) of Mean aerobic mesophilic count for soybean
petroleum ether was added using glass cake (Awara) was 1.37×103 cfu/g and lower
funnel from the top of a condenser. After than that for camel-milk cheese which was
four hours of extraction the ether that 4.50×104 cfu/g. This observation was similar
condensed in the thimble was allowed to to that obtained for fungal and coliform
drain out of the thimble for 30 minutes at counts. They were lower in soybean cake
70˚C. The thimble was cooled in a (2.37×104 cfu/g and 17.5 cells/g respectively)
desiccator, weighed and recorded as W3 than those obtained for camel-milk cheese
(Helrich, 1990). which were (5.93×104 cfu/g and 42.70 cells/g
respectively). There were statistically
% Crude fat = ×100 significant differences in microbial counts
In crude fiber determination, two grams between the two sample types.
(2.0g) of sample was transferred to a 9cm The mean total bacterial count from soybean
hard filter paper. After fat extraction, the cake in this study (1.37×103 cfu/g) is lower
sample was transferred quantitatively by than that of a study in Kano, Nigeria by
brushing into a 600 ml beaker. Two hundred Bukar et al., (2010), who obtained a mean
milliliters (200 ml) of 1.25 % sulfuric acid aerobic mesophilic count of 5.80×105 cfu/g in
was added to the beaker and boiled for 30 soybean cake. Exposure of the food to the
minutes. The contents were then filtered open environment and the consequent contact
through a California Buchner funnel, rinsed with air, soil and dirty hands of sellers and
with 75 ml of boiling water and washed buyers, as well as the use of contaminated
through funnel, and then with three 50 ml containers and other post production
portions of water, and suck dry. The residue processes might have contributed to a high
was returned to beaker and treated with contamination level. According to the Food
NaOH solution the same way as the acid. and Agricultural Organization, FAO (1979),
The fiber mat was washed with 25 ml of the standard limit for aerobic mesophilic
boiling 1.25% sulfuric acid solution, three bacterial count in food should be less than
50 ml portions of water, and 25 ml of 105 cfu/g/ml. In this study, several samples
alcohol. The fiber mat and the residue were exceeded the FAO standard limit of bacterial
dried at 130±2˚ C for two hours. They were count. However, the total means of the
then cooled in a desiccator, weighed as W2 bacterial counts from the unit samples was
and ignited at 600˚ C to constant weight for just below the standard limit.
30 minutes, cooled again in a desiccator and The microbial load obtained from the
weighed as W3 (Holst, 1982). analysis of camel-milk cheese (4.50×10 4
cfu/g) proved to be the highest of the two
% Crude fiber = × 100 sample types. But the load is lower than the
Statistical Analysis 9.44×105 cfu/g detected by Derar and El-
Statistical analysis was performed using Zubeir (2013) from camel-milk cheese
GraphPad® InStat® software (version 3.0) samples. Dried samples were used in this
to determine means, standard deviations and study, whereas Derar and El-Zubeir (2013)
differences between means was scored by t- used samples stored in whey for 21 days prior
to examination.

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UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Table 1: Aerobic Mesophilic, Coliform and Fungal Counts for Soybean Cake and Camel-
Milk Cheese Samples Vended in Kano Metropolis.

Food Item N Aerobic Mesophilic count Fungal count (cfu/g) Coliform count (cells/g
Soybean cake 100 1.37×103±2.59a 2.37×104±2.20a 17.65±0.57a
Camel-Milk cheese 100 4.50×104±2.59b 5.93×10 ±1.964 a
p<0.05 *Means with common superscript alphabet letters are not significantly different from each other within the same columns .
Key: N= Number of samples analyzed
A total of 13(50.00%) E. coli isolates were camel-milk cheese. Moreover, eight S. aureus
found in both samples, seven were from (30.77%) isolates were found, five from
soybean cake and six were from camel-milk soybean cake and three from camel-milk
cheese. Whereas five Salmonella (19.23%) cheese (Table 2).
spp. isolates were recorded, four of these
were from soybean cake while one was from
Table 2: Occurrence of the Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Soybean Cake and Camel-milk
Cheese Samples from Kano Metropolis.
Type of sample E. coli % Occurrence S. typhi % Occurrence S. aureus % Occurrence
SBC 26.92 15.38 19.23
CMC 23.08 3.85 11.54
Total 50.00 19.23 30.77
Key: SBC = soybean cake, CMC = camel-milk cheese
The frequency of isolation for E. coli in this of handling and a lower sample size may
work was 50%. Zumbes et al., (2014) explain the higher rate of isolation in the
recorded a frequency of isolation of 40% (20 latter work. S. aureus on the other hand was
samples) for E. coli from the six food types isolated with a frequency of 30.77% from
they investigated which includes soybean the samples examined in this work, which
cake. Zumbes et al., (2014) examined an was higher than what was obtained by
assortment of ready- to-eat food items. Adeleke et al., (2014). Adeleke et al., (2014)
Falegan (2014) reported a lower rate of studied a lower sample size (30). But
occurrence of 25% (5 isolates) for E. coli in nonetheless, this suggests a contamination
local soybean cake in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State. brought about by a compromised hygienic
A higher or lower rate of isolation could be standard.
due to differences in handling practices Two isolates of S. aureus species were
among vendors, for example the use of resistant. The first was resistant to
contaminated equipment or careless attitude Erythromycin (and it was isolated from
toward hand washing (Kawo and camel-milk cheese) while the other was
Abdulmumin, 2009). This might equally resistant to Amoxicillin (and it was isolated
explain a high rate of isolation for from soybean cake). One E. coli isolate was
Salmonella spp. It is possible that microbial resistant to Gentamycin (and it came from
load increases in the stages between soybean cake). Eight isolates among the three
production and hawking (Ogbolu et al., different bacterial species were within an
2014). The number of Salmonella spp. intermediate zone of inhibition for some
positive samples from this work accounted antibiotics. All the other isolates obtained
for 19.23% of the total number of pathogens from soybean cake and camel-milk cheese
isolated. Falegan (2014) recorded the rate of samples were found to be sensitive to all the
occurrence of 60% for Salmonella spp. from antibiotic discs used (Table 3).
20 samples of soybean cake. Poor condition

UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research 11

UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
Adeleke et al., (2014) found most organisms found a Salmonella spp. isolate from a
from local cheese to be sensitive to soybean cake to be resistant to many
Gentamycin, yet showed multiple resistance antibiotics including Amoxicillin and
to Amoxicillin and Erythromycin. On the Augmentin. The difference might be as a
other hand, all the isolates of Salmonella result of differences in the two study areas,
spp. in this study were not resistant to any of since genetic basis for resistance might
the antibiotics tested, but Falegan (2014) occur at one place and not in another.

Table 3: Antibiotic Sensitivity Test for the Bacterial Isolates from Soybean Cake and Camel-Milk
Cheese Samples from Kano Metropolis.
S/No Name of Isolate Resistance Intermediate
1 E. coli CN AM, SXT,
2 S. typhi E AM, SXT, NA
3 S. aureus CN
4 S. aureus AM CN
Key: E= Erythromycin, AM= Amoxicillin, CN= Gentamycin, SXT= Septrin, NA= Nalidixic
Acid, CPX= Ciprofloxacin, S=Streptomycin, AU= Augmentin

Result of the proximate analysis showed that (p<0.05) in mean composition between
soybean cake had mean moisture content of soybean cake and Camel-milk cheese. Nazim
23.18%, mean crude protein (CP) of 35.58%, et al., (2013) recorded higher values of
mean fat of 28.42%, mean crude fiber of 65.43% for moisture and 3.52% for ash, a
2.32% and mean ash content of 2.49% (Table lower value of 3.21% for fat and 20.38% for
4). Camel-Milk cheese being a dry product protein from soybean cake. Differences in
had mean moisture content of 4.85%, mean composition between various ready-to-eat
crude protein (CP) of 18.34%, mean fat of food samples could be due to differences in
18.95%, and mean ash content of 0.97% products or processing methods used (Sanni
(Table 4). There was a significant difference et al., 1999).

Table 4: Mean Proximate Compositions of Soybean Cake and Camel-Milk Cheese from Kano
Sample Mean % Mean % Mean % Cp Mean % Cf Mean % Fat
Ash Moisture
Soybean cake 2.49a±0.15 23.18a±0.78 35.58a±0.35 2.32±0.25 28.42a±0.51
Camel-Milk cheese 0.97b±0.04 4.85b±0.32 18.34b±0.18 18.95b±4.02
p<0.05 *Means with different superscript alphabet letters are significantly different from each other within the same
columns, degrees of freedom is 8.
Key: Cp= Crude protein, Cf= Crude fiber,

CONCLUSION highest number of bacterial pathogens

From the results of this study, it can be isolated from the two snack types, including
concluded that camel-milk cheese had higher E. coli, S. aureus and S. typhi. Moreover, the
microbiological counts compared to soybean proximate constituents were higher in
cake, since it recorded higher numbers of soybean cake, than in camel-milk cheese
aerobic mesophilic, coliform and fungal suggesting the latter to have a better
counts. Camel-Milk cheese thus carries more nutritional quality than the former
microbial load while soybean cake had the

UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research
UJMR, Volume 1 Number 1 December, 2016 ISSN: 2616 - 0668
RECOMMENDATIONS foods. Finally, as data from the proximate
There is the need for food/snack vendors to analysis had proven the high nutritive quality
apply basic food hygienic practices to of soybean cake, the public should patronize
minimize the introduction of coliforms and it more since it is more readily available in
other pathogens while selling these snack our community than animal protein.

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