Customer Satisfaction in Online Shopping: A Case Study On Bangladesh

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Customer Satisfaction in online shopping: A Case Study on Bangladesh

Conference Paper · May 2019

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3 authors:

Asma Sadia Md. Atiqul Hoq

Bangladesh University of Professionals Bangladesh University of Professionals


Shermin Akhter Jebu

University of Dhaka


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The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019)

Customer Satisfaction in online shopping: A Case Study on Bangladesh

Asma Sadia1, Md. Atiqul Hoq2, Shermin Akhter Jebu3
Student, Faculty of Business Studies, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Student, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Paper ID: ICBM-19-0301

Abstract- Online shopping is one of the fast-growing B. Significance of the study

trends in the world and number of online businesses is The research has several dimensions and by this
growing rapidly in Bangladesh. In spite the numbers of research, we have gained some potential information of
internet users is growing, the number of online shoppers the customer experience about online shopping and what
has not increased. The online shopping industry is the
are the problems and barriers and how to overcome it.
future of regular businesses and to develop this
economically potential industry, traders should satisfy Moreover, this research has also found the level of
consumers with additional benefits. The paper focused on customer expectation and behavior regarding e-
five variables to measure the customer satisfaction towards commerce stores. This report has the potentiality to help
online shopping. The population of this research is the the practitioners regarding the very topic of customer
customers of online businesses from Bangladesh. The experience. It has the clear knowledge about how the
samples are collected from four cities of Bangladesh. We survey has found the customer perceptions and executes
have gained potential information of the customer the result to convey it to the generals who need the
experience about online shopping and marked major research for their fair decision. Again based on the
problems and barriers. The study can help the practitioners
results, this study offered some recommendation for
and entrepreneurs regarding sophisticated customer online
shopping experience. Further research can be applied to retailers to take initiatives for making online shopping
examine other variables that affect customer satisfaction more admired and trustworthy. Furthermore, the paper
towards online shopping using different context-based has been focused in finding the way towards customer
products. satisfaction as their experience leads them to it.

Keywords-Complain settlement, customer satisfaction, II. LITERATURE REVIEW

product conformity, service quality, speed of delivery
Internet has made people’s life easier by decreasing the
I. INTRODUCTION time and effort to get things done. It has opened a new
dimension that helps people to look at various products
Online shopping is one of the fastest growing trends in and prices while comparing those choices with each
the world. Also online businesses are growing rapidly in other to make their purchase decision staying at their
Bangladesh. Although the number of internet users has homes.
been growing in the country but the number of online
shoppers has not grown to that extent. Online shopping A. Online Businesses in Bangladesh
has great economic prospect. Online traders should Bangladesh is a late entrant in online businesses
understand the scope of the industry and for developing compared to other countries. Yet, this sector observed
this economically potential industry in the country tremendous growth within a short time. There are around
traders should realize that determinants of success not 1000 websites and 15,000 Facebook Pages (companies)
only depend on website presence, low price and product currently operating in Bangladesh.
variety but also depend on service quality. The consumer In recent times approximately 30,000 parcels and about
should be satisfied with the additional benefits he/she 200,000 orders have been placed daily through internet.
would receive from shopping online to switch to online On an average, products worth about Tk. 3-4 crore are
shopping [1]. sold every day through online business websites [2].
A. Objective of the study
This paper is prepared primarily to fulfill the study of B. Online Shopping and Customer Satisfaction
“Customer Satisfaction in online shopping: A case study
on Bangladesh”. The paper also tried to find out the Customer satisfaction towards online shopping depends
customers satisfaction level for services provided by the on many factors. Some of them are- the reputation online
online shopping sites or businesses, to explore the store, on time delivery and service quality, trust,
reasons why despite increase in the number of internet reliability, privacy, ease of transaction and affordability,
users, online shoppers has not been increased and to put offers, web-site design and ease of access, online
forward some recommendations to the online sellers in interactivity, responsiveness, consumer risk assessment,
order to improve the current situation. compatibility and convenience etc.

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The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019)

Researches over the past two decades has demonstrated statements which have been used in previous research
that service quality influences consumption decisions, materials to measure the opinion toward online shopping.
but only recently these findings have been applied to e- Few more questions were added along with these
commerce [3]. Other studies have found that the questions considering the nature of online shopping in
satisfaction of customers depend on online store features Bangladesh. While doing so, interviews with a
when it comes to evaluating performance of e-commerce judgmental sample of online shoppers were conducted to
businesses [4]. People find it more convenient if the gather knowledge from their experiences. The
information they look for is readily available. Customer questionnaire consisted of 20 close ended questions for
satisfaction is known to be affected by the depth and ease this research. There are three main sections in the
of gathering information from a website [5]. questionnaire which is Section A, Section B and Section
A research stated that online shopping contains risks C. Section A, indicating demographic information:
such as financial, product, non-delivery, convenience respondent’s gender, age, education level, income.
etc. which can demotivate people to buy from e- Section B is about the level of understanding of online
commerce stores [6]. If the apparent uncertainty is higher shopping and Section C indicating factors affecting
there is a greater chance of people shifting to physical customer satisfaction which is product quality, service
stores and not purchase from online companies. quality and shopping experience. In this paper, some
From the above discussions we can come to a conclusion basic questions followed the simple attitude scale for
that along with other variables service quality, speed of survey. However, mostly Likert scale was used for
delivery, price, product conformity, complain settlement measuring attitude of the respondents. Respondents
are the major forces that drive customer satisfaction indicated their own perspective by checking how
towards online shopping. strongly they agree or disagree with the statement.
C. Collection of Data
III. METHODOLOGY In this research, both primary and secondary sources
were used to collect information. Relevant books,
The nature of this research is descriptive and the goal of journals, research paper and websites were used to
this research is to discover the consumer’s satisfaction collect secondary data. Personal shopping experience,
towards online shopping in Bangladesh. Descriptive observations and interaction with the customers through
research is used for describing characteristics of any the use of questionnaire played a big role for primary
population, phenomenon and organizations. A data. 225 responses were collected by hard copy of the
quantitative analysis has been used to analyze the questionnaire and with the help of Google form.
research data. All questions are close ended because all
possible answers were given to the respondents and such IV. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA
questions are easy to use, reduce interviewer bias and
reduce respondent bias. The data have been analyzed by using IBM SPSS
A. Respondents & Sampling Procedures Statistics 20 software. Some chart and tables have been
The research population constituted of urban people used to examine the collected information and give
from Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet and Khulna in visible representation of the study.
Bangladesh. Among this population who have purchased A. Demographic Characteristics Analysis
online are included in the sampling framework of the
study. However, nonprobability convenience sampling The primary data are collected from 225 respondents
method has been applied to conduct the research as there from four divisional cities of Bangladesh (Dhaka,
is no database containing the list of online shoppers in Chittagong, Sylhet and Khulna). The demographic
Bangladesh. The convenience sampling method was attributes of the sample respondents are as follows:
used for measuring the customer satisfaction towards
online shopping. The criteria for selecting the sample TABLE 1:
respondents were that they have internet connection with
some online purchase experience. This survey is carried
out in two different modes such as offline (hard copy Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent
mode) and online to distribute the questionnaires to the Percent Percent
respondents. The hard copies were handed over to the Female 95 42.2 42.2 42.2
Male 130 57.8 57.8 100.0
respondents with a brief introduction of the research Total 225 100.0 100.0
topic. The online mode of questionnaire was distributed Among the 225 respondents 130 are male and 95 are
social networks to friends and peers with the help of female respondents.
Google Form, who further relayed the questionnaire to
their peers.
B. Research Instrument/Questionnaire
A survey questionnaire was developed to conduct the
research process. An iterative process has been followed
to design the questionnaire. The questionnaire includes

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The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019)

TABLE 2 The analyzed data shows that the most of the customers
have low trust level on stores and this also indicates that
BELONG TO? the customers are not very satisfied with the behavior of
the online shops due to low trust and this is the most
Frequency Percent
Valid Cumulative faced barrier for the highest number of respondents.
Percent Percent
18-25 143 63.6 63.6 63.6
C. Customer Satisfaction
26-35 74 32.9 32.9 96.4
36-45 7 3.1 3.1 99.6 In this section of the report we tried to focus on the
46 and
1 .4 .4 100.0
factors that are straightly related to the customers’ level
above of satisfaction and being a loyal customer to the online
Total 225 100.0 100.0
stores. These factors not only say that a customer is
satisfied or not but also indicates that the customers
Online shopping is more popular among young adults repurchase and loyalty depends on them. The questions
(18-25) generation as they like using the internet more for these variables are designed in five point Likert scale
than other age groups above 18. Among 225 respondents,
where 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral,
125 bachelor degree holders is the major group.
4=agree and 5= strongly agree. This section has
designed with the factors namely service quality of the
B. Online Shopping Trends in Bangladesh
sellers, timely delivery of the products, price of the
Online shoppers in Bangladesh have been facing several products, products’ conformance and complaint
problems and barriers while shopping online. This
settlement procedure of the online stores.
section has focused on those problems and barriers that
have higher possibility to occur while customers shop In the survey for this paper people are mostly stayed
online and those which may have a relation with with the neutral position against their satisfaction in
customer satisfaction. The analyzed data shows that no terms of price.
availability of quality goods and services is the most
faced problem by the online shoppers and this has the TABLE 5
highest percentage. This is also an indicator that
Bangladeshi customers for online shops are not satisfied The Service Quality of Sellers Is Important.
Valid Cumulative
because of the lacking in availability of quality goods and Frequency Percent
Percent Percent

services and this might lead to a negative consequence Strongly

16 7.1 7.1 7.1
for the online shop owners. disagree
Disagree 5 2.2 2.2 9.3
Neutral 22 9.8 9.8 19.1
TABLE 3 Agree 80 35.6 35.6 54.7
What Kind of Problems Do You Face While Online Shopping? 102 45.3 45.3 100.0
Total 225 100.0 100.0
Responses Percent of TABLE 6
N Percent Cases
Product did not arrive at all 28 9.8% 12.4% So Far, You Are Generally Satisfied With The Service Quality
Product arrive in damage Among These Online Shops
32 11.2% 14.2%
Wrong products were sent 32 11.2% 14.2%
Not quality goods & Valid
142 49.7% 63.1% Frequency Percent tive
services Percent
Others 52 18.2% 23.1%
Total 286 100.0% 127.1% Strongly
14 6.2 6.2 6.2
Disagree 33 14.7 14.7 20.9
Neutral 92 40.9 40.9 61.8
Agree 76 33.8 33.8 95.6
TABLE 4 Strongly
10 4.4 4.4 100.0
Total 225 100.0 100.0
What Are The Barriers That Keep You Away From Online Shopping?

Responses Percent of
N Percent Cases TABLE 7
Safety of payment 55 16.3% 24.4%
150 44.5% 66.7%
VAT, Customs Duty 26 7.7% 11.6% Valid Cumulative
High shipping cost 49 14.5% 21.8% Frequency Percent Percent
Delivery too slow 39 11.6% 17.3% Strongly
Others 18 5.3% 8.0% disagree
10 4.4 4.4 4.4
Total 337 100.0% 149.8% Disagree 37 16.4 16.4 20.9
Neutral 59 26.2 26.2 47.1
Agree 108 48.0 48.0 95.1

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Strongly Agree 139 61.8 61.8 83.1

11 4.9 4.9 100.0
Total 225 100.0 100.0 agree
38 16.9 16.9 100.0
Total 225 100.0 100.0
Complaint settlement has relation to customers’
TABLE 8 satisfaction because most of the respondents agreed that
they will shop again from the same online store if they
AMONG THESE ONLINE SHOPS. handle the complaint with care. Most of the people
Valid Cumulative
agreed with the fact that they will return the product if
Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
they are not satisfied with it.
14 6.2 6.2 6.2
Disagree 57 25.3 25.3 31.6
Neutral 78 34.7 34.7 66.2
Agree 71 31.6 31.6 97.8 We have considered five common variables, namely,
5 2.2 2.2 100.0 service quality, speed of delivery, price, product
Total 225 100.0 100.0 compliance and complaint settlement of the online stores
to measure the customer satisfaction towards online
Product conformance has an influence on customer
satisfaction because most if the people agreed that the shopping in Bangladesh. We tried to identify the
difference between the customers’ expectation and the problems and barriers that are mostly faced by the
customers while shopping online along with the five
real product would influence the customers’ satisfaction.
factors. The problems included product did not arrive at
TABLE 9 all, product arrive in damage condition, wrong products
were sent, low quality goods and services and among the
THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND barriers included safety of payment low trust level of
online store, VAT, customs duty high shipping cost and
delivery too slow. The key points of the findings are
Valid Cumulative shown below:
Frequency Percent Percent
Percent a. Service quality of the online shopping sites greatly
7 3.1 3.1 3.1 influences the customer satisfaction level (Table-5
Disagree 31 13.8 13.8 16.9 and Table-6).
Neutral 55 24.4 24.4 41.3 b. Customers require on time delivery of the products.
Agree 89 39.6 39.6 80.9 They are satisfied if timely delivery is made (Table-
43 19.1 19.1 100.0 7).
Total 225 100.0 100.0 c. The price variable for identifying the customer
satisfaction level did not seem to bring enough light
to the situation and the resulted neutral (Table-8).
TABLE 10 d. Product conformance is important to the customers
and this is visible from Table-9.
e. It is also visible from this study is that complaints if
handled carefully can create greater customer
Valid Cumulative satisfaction and loyalty (Table-11).
Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
f. Customer satisfaction is a must for any traditional
Strongly business to progress and this is no different in case
5 2.2 2.2 2.2
Disagree 11 4.9 4.9 7.1 of online shopping. This study finds from table-10
Neutral 20 8.9 8.9 16.0 that satisfied customers will make repurchase from
Agree 133 59.1 59.1 75.1
the same shop which might lead to customer loyalty
56 24.9 24.9 100.0 and this will help the online stores sustain and grow.
Total 225 100.0 100.0
The paper was an overview of the factors that influence
IF AN ONLINE SHOP DEALS WITH YOUR COMPLAINTS customer satisfaction in online shopping in Bangladesh.
VERY WELL YOU WILL CONTINUE TO BUY SOMETHING Online shopping holds great potential for attracting
customers all over Bangladesh, yet it is a challenging
Valid Cumulative
task to ensure and create a great place for addressing
Frequency Percent Percent different customer needs. Retaining customers is one of
3 1.3 1.3 1.3 the most difficult jobs as the competition is very high. It
Disagree 12 5.3 5.3 6.7
is high time that we should try to find the reasons behind
Neutral 33 14.7 14.7 21.3 customer satisfaction as well as what really satisfies the

ISBN 978-984-344-3540 184

The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019)

customers and for this purpose great amount of attention of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol.20,
is required to find the factors that the customers are Issue 3. Ver. 5 (March. 2018), PP 10-15, e-ISSN:
looking for and through this research we tried to focus on 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668.
five major points: service quality, speed of delivery, [3] Yang, Z. and Jun, M. (2002), “Consumer perception
price, product compliance and complaint settlement that of e-service quality: from internet purchaser and non-
are found to be important in other studies conducted purchaser perspectives”, Journal of Business
before in different countries. Strategies, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 19-41.
In this competitive era of online business Bangladeshi [4] Pagani, M. (2004). Determinants of adoption of third
online stores and Facebook shopping pages should keep generation mobile multimedia services.
a good harmony with the modern structures. Some [5] Jin, B., & Park, J. Y. (2006). The Moderating Effect
factors that Bangladeshi online entrepreneurs need to of Online Purchase Experience on the Evaluation of
look over are mentioned below: Online Store Attributes and the Subsequent Impact on
a. Delivery of better service and focusing on Market Response Outcomes.33.
improved customer experience should be [6] Bartley, C., & Steve, W. (2003). High growth in
increased. search creates opportunities for niche players.
b. The complaints made by the customers should
be attended without any delay to increase faith
in the shopping site.
c. Plans need to be developed to identify other
factors that affect customers’ satisfaction.
d. Since online shopping is a new sector for
Bangladesh so before entering into the
competition customers requirement must be
e. The online privacy and safety rules should be
f. There should always be double checking to
ensure error free products go to customers.
g. More preference to website content should be
given so that customers have a clear idea of the
product they will be getting.


The samples employed are mostly student subjects,

which may not be the actual representative of the general
population of online shoppers. The analytical results
presented here thus may have limited generalizability.
Further research can be applied to examine other
variables that affect customer satisfaction towards online
shopping using the subjects that are regular online
shoppers, because online customer perceptions of
satisfaction are context-dependent and thus their
satisfaction variable may be related to specific products
and services. Since the sample was collected in
Bangladesh, generalizability to other countries might be
limited due to cultural differences in purchase behavior
and differences in other demographic conditions.


[1] Xiaofen, J., Yiling, Z. (2009), The Impacts of Online

Word-of-Mouth on Consumer’s Buying Intention on
Apparel: An Empirical Study. International
Symposium on Web Information Systems and
Applications. p24-28.
[2] Md. Shafiqul Islam, (2018), E-Commerce In
Bangladesh: Growth And Challenges, IOSR Journal

ISBN 978-984-344-3540 185

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